Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-07 Thread David Miller
Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
>threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
>released with insufficient testing?

Vaccinations have their own special problems.  For starters, they're all 
different and
time-sensitive.  IE, you can't test a flu vaccine for three years 
because you need a different
one every year.  For another, the profits on them are miniscule compared 
to other drugs,
which makes it harder to justify a long, expensive, trial.

Personally I'm really bothered that viox and bextra were taken off the 
market.  I understand
that it increased the potential of heart attacks and strokes by some 2-3 
times among people
taking it long term.  However, I can easily see that that's an 
acceptable proposition to some
people.  If you're crippled by arthritis but can live a nearly normal 
life with bextra it's probably
worth 3X the chance of having a heart attack.  And they were great 
inflamation reducers for those
with temporary problems that wouldn't be taking it long term.

My thoughts, worth what you paid for them:)

--- David

>On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.
>>Zeke Yewdall wrote:
>>>If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
>>>does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
>>>the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
>>>them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
>>>and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
>>>over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
>>>made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
>>>flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
>>>them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
>>>On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[Big snip]

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
But the flu also struck in many other parts of the world that didn't get 

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

>> E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>> Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>> Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 
>> nation-wide
>> vaccine campaign. ..
>> If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>> suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>> returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
>> known
>> vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 
>> drugs
>> and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>> widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the 
>> common talk
>> of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
>> than by
>> enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>> hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>> death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
>> higher
>> than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>> promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>> doggedly."
>> *
>> from my research
>> Vaccines in use during WWI
>> Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>> vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>> # 1885 Rabies
>> # 1897 Plague
>> 8.htm
>> 1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>> 1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>> died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>> were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a 
>> fatality rate
>> of 6%.
>> 1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>> But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 
>> vaccinated.
>> A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified 
>> these
>> deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>> hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>> months of the war.
>> That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>> Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
>> the US
>> Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 
>> vaccinal
>> diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>> After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>> vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>> The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>> hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>> been practised for years.
>> The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>> there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>> anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>> **
>> Tetanus
>> from the medicine, history of article
>> The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World 
>> War I
>> was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>> antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>> bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, 
>> and
>> the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its 
>> efficacy. ...
>> In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>> prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>> Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>> typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>> the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
>> inadequately
>> ***
>> ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
>> South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links
>> 'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination movement.
>> Greenberg SB.
>> Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor College of
>> Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.
>> Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
>> dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a 
>> lengthy
>> foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
>> period, a concerted effort to limit the use of smallpox vaccine grew 
>> at the

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
 From what I've read the risk to profit ratio is is so low that big 
pharma is not interested.  Vaccines apparently aren't very profitable.

Quote towards the end.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
>threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
>released with insufficient testing?
>On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

I don't know if it's higher ..

but there is Federal Funding that is being paid out to vaccine damaged and 
the damage generally happens while they are infants up to young children (a 
few in their teens but that's more unusual)

while other drugs such as vioxx are taken by older people and tend to fall 
into law suits, either group action or individually.

so really, it's coming out of different pockets and I've never heard of any 
actual comparison.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel

The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 

Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 20:07:37 -0700

Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
released with insufficient testing?

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> >If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
> >does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
> >the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
> >them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
> >and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
> >over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
> >made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
> >flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
> >them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
> >
> >
> >On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >>>
> >>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, 
> >>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 

> >>>vaccine campaign. ..
> >>>
> >>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that 
> >>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers 
> >>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
> >>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 

> >>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the 
common talk
> >>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
than by

> >>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. 
> >>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
> >>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the 
> >>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was 

> >>>doggedly."
> >>>*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>from my research
> >>
> >>
> >>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >>>
> >>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, 

> >>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>># 1885   Rabies
> >>># 1897   Plague
> >>>

> >>>8.htm
> >>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting 
> >>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 
> >>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 
> >>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a 
fatality rate

> >>>of 6%.
> >>>
> >>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >>>
> >>>

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
Yet they are already being sued over drugs like vioxx.  Are the
threats of law suits any higher for vaccines than for other drugs
released with insufficient testing?

On 12/6/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.
> Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> >If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
> >does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
> >the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
> >them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
> >and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
> >over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
> >made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
> >flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
> >them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
> >
> >
> >On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >>>
> >>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
> >>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
> >>>vaccine campaign. ..
> >>>
> >>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
> >>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
> >>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
> >>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
> >>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
> >>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
> >>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
> >>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
> >>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
> >>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
> >>>doggedly."
> >>>*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>from my research
> >>
> >>
> >>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >>>
> >>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
> >>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>># 1885   Rabies
> >>># 1897   Plague
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>8.htm
> >>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
> >>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
> >>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
> >>>of 6%.
> >>>
> >>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >>>vaccinated.
> >>>
> >>>A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
> >>>deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
> >>>hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
> >>>months of the war.
> >>>
> >>>That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >>>
> >>>Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
> >>>Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
> >>>diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >>>
> >>>After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >>>vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >>>
> >>>The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >>>hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
> >>>been practised for years.
> >>>
> >>>The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
> >>>there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
> >>>anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
> >>>
> >>>**
> >>>
> >>>  Tetanus
> >>>   from the medicine, history of article
> >>>The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
> >>>was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
> >>>antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
> >>>bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
> >>>the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
> >>>...
> >>>
> >>>In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth W

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Mike Weaver
No one wants to touch them because of fears of being sued.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

>If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
>does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
>the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
>them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
>and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
>over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
>made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
>flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
>them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...
>On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>>>Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>>>Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
>>>vaccine campaign. ..
>>>If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>>>suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>>>returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
>>>vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
>>>and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>>>widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
>>>of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
>>>enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>>>hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>>>death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
>>>than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>>>promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>>>from my research
>>>Vaccines in  use during WWI
>>>Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>>>vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>>># 1885   Rabies
>>># 1897   Plague
>>>1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>>>1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>>>died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>>>were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
>>>of 6%.
>>>1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>>>But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
>>>A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
>>>deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>>>hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>>>months of the war.
>>>That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>>>Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
>>>Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
>>>diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>>>After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>>>vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>>>The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>>>hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>>>been practised for years.
>>>The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>>>there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>>>anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>>>  Tetanus
>>>   from the medicine, history of article
>>>The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
>>>was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>>>antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>>>bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
>>>the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
>>>In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>>>prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>>>Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>>>typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>>>the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

No insurance company will insure their products.

That's the big reason behind the push to pass these laws that will hold them 

No a bad deal.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel

The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

From: Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 

Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 15:49:42 -0700

If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...

On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >
> >Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, 
> >Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive 

> >vaccine campaign. ..
> >
> >If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that 
> >suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers 
> >returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
> >vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 

> >and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common 
> >of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
than by

> >enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. 
> >death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
> >than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the 
> >promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was 

> >doggedly."
> >*
> >from my research
> >
> >Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >
> >Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, 

> >vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ># 1885   Rabies
> ># 1897   Plague
> >

> >8.htm
> >1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting 
> >1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 

> >died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality 

> >of 6%.
> >
> >1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >
> >
> >But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >vaccinated.
> >
> >A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified 
> >deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases 
> >hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only 

> >months of the war.
> >
> >That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >
> >Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
the US
> >Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 

> >diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >
> >After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >
> >The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation 

> >been practised for years.
> >
> >The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that durin

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the 
subject, as much as you may 
want it to be.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>> E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
>> Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
>> Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
>> vaccine campaign. ..
>> If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
>> suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
>> returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the 
>> known
>> vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison 
>> drugs
>> and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
>> widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common 
>> talk
>> of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots 
>> than by
>> enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
>> hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
>> death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times 
>> higher
>> than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
>> promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
>> doggedly."
>> *
>> from my research
>> Vaccines in  use during WWI
>> Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
>> vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
>> # 1885   Rabies
>> # 1897   Plague
>> 8.htm
>> 1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
>> 1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
>> died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
>> were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality 
>> rate
>> of 6%.
>> 1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
>> But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 
>> vaccinated.
>> A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
>> deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
>> hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
>> months of the war.
>> That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
>> Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in 
>> the US
>> Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other 
>> vaccinal
>> diseases increased at an alarming rate.
>> After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
>> vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
>> The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
>> hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
>> been practised for years.
>> The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
>> there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
>> anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
>> **
>> Tetanus
>>from the medicine, history of article
>> The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World 
>> War I
>> was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
>> antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
>> bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
>> the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its 
>> efficacy. ...
>> In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
>> prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
>> Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
>> typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
>> the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
>> inadequately
>> ***
>> ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
>>  South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links
>> 'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination 
>> movement.
>> Greenberg SB.
>> Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor 
>> College of
>> Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.
>> Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
>> dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a 
>> lengthy
>> foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
>> period, a concerte

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen - Vaccination Protocol and titer hype

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> cross posted from rose, moderator of blacksalveandpetswithcancer
>>From: rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: [blacksalveandpetswithcancer] Re: Vaccination Protocol and 
>>titer hype
>>Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:44:27 -0500
>>Don't get fooled by the voodoo science of titer testing. I sceptically 
>>believe it to be a procedure relied upon by vets who don't know their 
>>science and/or who need some income replacement for the lack of 
>>Read this article, and be aware that 
>>the vet who does ALL the canine vaccine testing for the drug companies in 
>>the U.S. (read that "the world") -- Ronald Schultz, chairman of 
>>pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of 
>>Veterinary Medicine at Madison -- vaccinates his dogs, his children's dogs, 
>>and his grandchildren's dogs exactly once, at 14 weeks, after the first 
>>twelve weeks when mother's immunity (which can be duplicated with colostrum 
>>if it isn't there) destroys the vaccines and their efficacy. And he 
>>vaccinates ONLY for rabies, distemper, and parvo, and not for ANYTHING 
>>else. He doesn't do any titer testing, because it is scientific malarkey. 
>>Immunity is determined by memory cells (which can't be measured), and which 
>>last a lifetime, or at least as long as the dog has the physical strength 
>>to mount an immune defense. If the dog is so sick that it can no longer 
>>mount an immune defense, no amount of vaccinating will help. Dr. Robert 
>>Schultz does NOT do titer testing to determining if he will revaccinate.
>>This from a friend who has been to one of his seminars and spoken to him 
>>Okay, I have been resisting entering this conversation b/c people REALLY 
>>need to do the research on this and make their own decisions, for their own 
>>dogs, in their own part of the country/world. Titers are tests that 
>>supposedly measure a dog's immune response to a particular disease to 
>>evaluate vaccination success.
>>I have attended several seminars in the past 3 months by Dr. Ronald 
>>Schultz, the leading canine immunologist in this country if not the world. 
>>He has been studying canine immunology at UW Madison for the past 30 yrs 
>>and was previously at Cornell. He is also the primary consultant to all the 
>>major drug companies that manufacture the vaccines. His diplomacy is 
>>something I could never aspire to but his studies are THE SINGULAR REASON 
>>the 27 vet schools in North America have changed their core vaccination 
>>protocol to 3 years. He is the only immunologist who has studies that run 
>>up to 14 years. To ever condense what I've learned in his lectures into an 
>>email would be impossible. But here's a summary to address the concerns in 
>>this thread:
>>1. In the vaccination debate you should be thinking only about core 
>>vaccines: Parvo, Distemper, Rabies. The others (Lyme, Giardia, Lepto, 
>>Corona, Bordatella) you are looking at very reactogenic vaccines, short 
>>immune duration and extremely limited efface for the wide range of strains 
>>these diseases have.
>>2. All dogs should be vaccinated for parvo/distemper/rabies at 12-14 weeks. 
>>This is at the stage where mom's immunity factors are lessening and could 
>>interfere with the vaccine. He does a "challenged" titer one week after to 
>>be sure the vaccine "took". (Long conversation here about when it's safe to 
>>expose puppies to anything from the outside world.)
>>3. There are also dogs who are "non-responders". They just don't receive 
>>any immunity from vaccinations. Their numbers are limited but my sister has 
>>one...challenged titers are the only way to ascertain this. "Challenged 
>>titers" mean a dog has been exposed to a disease and the immune response 
>>measured low or zilch. They are not protected.
>>4. Most vets will just take a blood sample and that titer reading is really 
>>insignificant. Titers only measure an exposed immune response, not memory 
>>cells. If the dog has never come in contact with the disease, the titer 
>>will be low but that does not mean the dog has not gained immunity.
>>5. I asked Dr. Schultz what vaccination protocol he follows with his own 
>>dogs. He responded that for his 7 dogs, his children's dogs and his 
>>grandchildren's dogs, all are vaccinated between the ages of 12 - 14 weeks 
>>for core vaccines and never again. My dogs, ages 2, 6 and 16 will never 
>>receive another vaccination of any sort. I'll fly under the radar on the 
>>Rabies since my dogs would never bite anyone.
>>My interest in this was sparked by a friend losing her dog to Autoimmune 
>>Hemolytic Anemia. There is no hard science to support the relationship btwn 
>>this and autoimmu

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>>this not be true for humans?
>>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>>May 4, 2005
>>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>>and protection.
>>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>>up. She would hardly eat."
>>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>>system," said Molly's owner.
>>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.
>>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>>without booster shots.
>>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>>distemper and parvovirus. In every case, those who were tested and did not
>>get boosters have remained healthy.
>>Overvaccination has been suspected in causing tumors in some cats and 
>>problems in dogs.
>>One family said their Yorkshire Terrier, Nicky, nearly died after an annual
>>series of booster shots.
>>"She couldn't breathe well, she was weak, limp," a family member said. "She
>>was going to die. They said she probably wouldn't pull through it."
>>After $6,000 in medical fees and a week in intensive care, Nicky pulled
>>through. Doctors suspect an adverse vaccine reaction.
>>"You bring your dog in because you're trying to keep her healthy, and a 
>>later you find out you almost killed her," the family member said.
>>One doctor told NBC4 that if you're getting your pet vaccinated, here's a
>>simple plan: Start with the basics, rabies, distemper and parvovirus, then
>>consult with your vet.
>>The doctor said German shepherds, rottweilers and poodles are at higher 
>>for adverse vaccine reactions, as are older pets.
>>Concerned pet owners with questions are encouraged to consult with their
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Zeke Yewdall
If vaccines are big business being forced on us for profit, then why
does no one want to actually make them.  Last year, less than half of
the people in the US who wanted to get flu vaccines couldn't even get
them, because there was only one or two companies who produced them,
and one got shut down.  Wouldn't the big drug companies be falling
over themselves to get into this business if there was any money to be
made in it?  Vaccinating someone only gets you $5, once a year for
flu, or maybe $60 once every 10 years for other stuff.  Better to sell
them fancy patented drugs for $80 a month...

On 12/6/05, Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)
> >
> >Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
> >Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
> >vaccine campaign. ..
> >
> >If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
> >suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
> >returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
> >vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
> >and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
> >widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
> >of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
> >enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
> >hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
> >death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
> >than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
> >promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
> >doggedly."
> >*
> >from my research
> >
> >Vaccines in  use during WWI
> >
> >Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
> >vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ># 1885   Rabies
> ># 1897   Plague
> >
> >
> >8.htm
> >1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
> >1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
> >died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
> >were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
> >of 6%.
> >
> >1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
> >
> >
> >But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being
> >vaccinated.
> >
> >A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
> >deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
> >hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
> >months of the war.
> >
> >That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
> >
> >Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
> >Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
> >diseases increased at an alarming rate.
> >
> >After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
> >vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.
> >
> >The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
> >hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
> >been practised for years.
> >
> >The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
> >there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
> >anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.
> >
> >**
> >
> >   Tetanus
> >from the medicine, history of article
> >The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
> >was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
> >antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
> >bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
> >the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy.
> >...
> >
> >In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
> >prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
> >Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
> >typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
> >the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was
> >inadequately
> >
> >***
> >
> >ds=10963505&dopt=Citation
> >  South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7.   Related Articles, Links

[Biofuel] Bob Allen

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
To answer your question about the rabies shots.

Rabies shots, are required by law every three years in my state.

In some states, the Vet Lobbing efforts have managed to have that law 
changed to every year even though the shots have been proven to last 7 

I need to have a current certificate to get a dog licenses issued by my 

.. I cheat .. and I lay very low in tall grass.

One of my dogs has seizures that I treat holistically that I can trace 
directly to her early rabies shots.

These seizures are now fairly mild and infrequent and I have no intention of 
harming her any more.

One file I was looking for .. and haven't found yet .. is the actual law 
suit filed by a Dr. Rogers, a Texas Veterinarian who filed a law suit 
against all other Texas Veterinarians for Theft by Fraud (and other charges) 
.. and listed each and every vaccine given and why, with full and accurate 
information, an owner would not have selected to have it administer to their 
pet ..

.. but I believe you would be able to find it if you do a google search for 
Dr. Rogers in Texas - Law Suit.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- PET VACCINATION An Institutionalised Crime by Catherine O'Driscoll

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> FYI Catherine O'Driscoll is a very well known and respected researcher in 
> the field of animal health.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Bob Allen- Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds

2005-12-06 Thread bob allen
would you please stop putting my name in the subject line- I am not the subject.

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>>This information has been taught by Dr. Jean Dodds for  about a decade.  
>>Search the archives for vaccination,  and you will find that many people 
>>have been aware of  the side affects of Vaccinosis for years.
>>Crossposted with permission.
>>NEW!!! Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>>All of the 27 Vet Universities in the US have followed  the immunization 
>>protocol as suggested by Dr. Dodds  for years. All of the Hospitals will be 
>>changing their  Vaccination Programs apparently. This is welcomed news
>>and you should print this out and take it with you to  your Vet should you 
>>need reinforcement against over- vaccination.
>>RE: J. Dodds,DVM, vaccine protocol
>>I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in North 
>>America are in the process of changing  their protocols for vaccinating 
>>dogs and cats. Some of
>>this information will present an ethical and economic  challenge to Vets, 
>>and there will be skeptics.
>>Some organizations have come up with a political compromise  suggesting 
>>vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss of income vs. 
>>those concerned about potential
>>side effects. Politics, traditions or the doctors economic  well being 
>>should not be a factor in a medical decision.
>>Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months.   If a modified live 
>>virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it produces immunity which 
>>is good for the life
>>of the pet (i.e.: canine distemper, parvo, feline  distemper) If another 
>>MLV vaccine is given a year later,  the antibodies from the first vaccine 
>>neutralize the  antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or
>>no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory  cells induced. 
>>Not only are annual boosters for parvo and  distemper unnecessary, they 
>>subject the pet to potential  risks of allergic reactions and 
>>immune-mediated hemolytic  anemia. There is no scientific documentation to 
>>back up  label claims for annual administration of mlv vaccines.
>>Puppies receive antibodies through their mother's milk.  This natural 
>>protection can last 9-14 weeks. Puppies  and kittens should NOT be 
>>vaccinated at LESS than 8
>>weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine  and little protection 
>>(0-38%) will be produced.
>>Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, DELAY the  timing of the first highly 
>>effective vaccine.   Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart SUPPRESS rather  than 
>>stimulate the immune system.
>>A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks  and given 3-4 weeks 
>>apart up to 16 weeks of age.   Another vaccination given sometime after 6 
>>months of age
>>(usually at 1 year 4 mo.) will provide LIFETIME IMMUNITY!!!
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
>Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>This information has been taught by Dr. Jean Dodds for  about a decade.  
>Search the archives for vaccination,  and you will find that many people 
>have been aware of  the side affects of Vaccinosis for years.
>Crossposted with permission.
>NEW!!! Vaccination Protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds
>All of the 27 Vet Universities in the US have followed  the immunization 
>protocol as suggested by Dr. Dodds  for years. All of the Hospitals will be 
>changing their  Vaccination Programs apparently. This is welcomed news
>and you should print this out and take it with you to  your Vet should you 
>need reinforcement against over- vaccination.
>RE: J. Dodds,DVM, vaccine protocol
>I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary  schools in North 
>America are in the process of changing  their protocols for vaccinating 
>dogs and cats. Some of
>this information will present an ethical and economic  challenge to Vets, 
>and there will be skeptics.
>Some organizations have come up with a political compromise  suggesting 
>vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who  fear loss of income vs. 
>those concerned about potential
>side effects. Politics, traditions or the doctors economic  well being 
>should not be a factor in a medical decision.
>Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months.   If a modified live 
>virus vaccine is given after 6 months  of age, it produces immunity which 
>is good for the life
>of the pet (i.e.: canine distemper, parvo, feline  distemper) If another 
>MLV vaccine is given a year later,  the antibodies from the first vaccine 
>neutralize the  antigens of the second vaccine and there is little or
>no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory  cells induced. 
>Not only are annual boosters for parvo and  distemper unnecessary, they 
>subject the pet to potential  risks of allergic reactions and 
>immune-mediated hemolytic  anemia. There is no scientific documentation to 
>back up  label claims for annual administration of mlv vaccines.
>Puppies receive antibodies through their mother's milk.  This natural 
>protection can last 9-14 weeks. Puppies  and kittens should NOT be 
>vaccinated at LESS than 8
>weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine  and little protection 
>(0-38%) will be produced.
>Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, DELAY the  timing of the first highly 
>effective vaccine.   Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart SUPPRESS rather  than 
>stimulate the immune system.
>A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks  and given 3-4 weeks 
>apart up to 16 weeks of age.   Another vaccination given sometime after 6 
>months of age
>(usually at 1 year 4 mo.) will provide LIFETIME IMMUNITY!!!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen - Vaccination Protocol and titer hype

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
cross posted from rose, moderator of blacksalveandpetswithcancer

>From: rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [blacksalveandpetswithcancer] Re: Vaccination Protocol and 
>titer hype
>Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:44:27 -0500
>Don't get fooled by the voodoo science of titer testing. I sceptically 
>believe it to be a procedure relied upon by vets who don't know their 
>science and/or who need some income replacement for the lack of 
>Read this article, and be aware that 
>the vet who does ALL the canine vaccine testing for the drug companies in 
>the U.S. (read that "the world") -- Ronald Schultz, chairman of 
>pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of 
>Veterinary Medicine at Madison -- vaccinates his dogs, his children's dogs, 
>and his grandchildren's dogs exactly once, at 14 weeks, after the first 
>twelve weeks when mother's immunity (which can be duplicated with colostrum 
>if it isn't there) destroys the vaccines and their efficacy. And he 
>vaccinates ONLY for rabies, distemper, and parvo, and not for ANYTHING 
>else. He doesn't do any titer testing, because it is scientific malarkey. 
>Immunity is determined by memory cells (which can't be measured), and which 
>last a lifetime, or at least as long as the dog has the physical strength 
>to mount an immune defense. If the dog is so sick that it can no longer 
>mount an immune defense, no amount of vaccinating will help. Dr. Robert 
>Schultz does NOT do titer testing to determining if he will revaccinate.
>This from a friend who has been to one of his seminars and spoken to him 
>Okay, I have been resisting entering this conversation b/c people REALLY 
>need to do the research on this and make their own decisions, for their own 
>dogs, in their own part of the country/world. Titers are tests that 
>supposedly measure a dog's immune response to a particular disease to 
>evaluate vaccination success.
>I have attended several seminars in the past 3 months by Dr. Ronald 
>Schultz, the leading canine immunologist in this country if not the world. 
>He has been studying canine immunology at UW Madison for the past 30 yrs 
>and was previously at Cornell. He is also the primary consultant to all the 
>major drug companies that manufacture the vaccines. His diplomacy is 
>something I could never aspire to but his studies are THE SINGULAR REASON 
>the 27 vet schools in North America have changed their core vaccination 
>protocol to 3 years. He is the only immunologist who has studies that run 
>up to 14 years. To ever condense what I've learned in his lectures into an 
>email would be impossible. But here's a summary to address the concerns in 
>this thread:
>1. In the vaccination debate you should be thinking only about core 
>vaccines: Parvo, Distemper, Rabies. The others (Lyme, Giardia, Lepto, 
>Corona, Bordatella) you are looking at very reactogenic vaccines, short 
>immune duration and extremely limited efface for the wide range of strains 
>these diseases have.
>2. All dogs should be vaccinated for parvo/distemper/rabies at 12-14 weeks. 
>This is at the stage where mom's immunity factors are lessening and could 
>interfere with the vaccine. He does a "challenged" titer one week after to 
>be sure the vaccine "took". (Long conversation here about when it's safe to 
>expose puppies to anything from the outside world.)
>3. There are also dogs who are "non-responders". They just don't receive 
>any immunity from vaccinations. Their numbers are limited but my sister has 
>one...challenged titers are the only way to ascertain this. "Challenged 
>titers" mean a dog has been exposed to a disease and the immune response 
>measured low or zilch. They are not protected.
>4. Most vets will just take a blood sample and that titer reading is really 
>insignificant. Titers only measure an exposed immune response, not memory 
>cells. If the dog has never come in contact with the disease, the titer 
>will be low but that does not mean the dog has not gained immunity.
>5. I asked Dr. Schultz what vaccination protocol he follows with his own 
>dogs. He responded that for his 7 dogs, his children's dogs and his 
>grandchildren's dogs, all are vaccinated between the ages of 12 - 14 weeks 
>for core vaccines and never again. My dogs, ages 2, 6 and 16 will never 
>receive another vaccination of any sort. I'll fly under the radar on the 
>Rabies since my dogs would never bite anyone.
>My interest in this was sparked by a friend losing her dog to Autoimmune 
>Hemolytic Anemia. There is no hard science to support the relationship btwn 
>this and autoimmune disease but it's kind of a no-brainer. If your dog is 
>having a bad reaction to vaccines, that's a good clue.
>For the sake of your dogs, please educate yourself on the science of their 
>immune system,and t

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- PET VACCINATION An Institutionalised Crime by Catherine O'Driscoll

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
FYI Catherine O'Driscoll is a very well known and respected researcher in 
the field of animal health.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Bob Allen -Other Vaccines during WWI - THE 1918 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

E. McBean (Vaccination The Silent Killer p28)

Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the
Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide
vaccine campaign. ..

If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it
suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were
returning home from overseas. That was the first war in which all the known
vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs
and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such
widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk
of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by
enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The
death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher
than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine
promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued
from my research

Vaccines in  use during WWI

Besides smallpox vaccine, there is a history of typhoid vaccines, plague
vaccines, diphtheria, rabies vaccine, tetanus antitoxin
# 1885   Rabies
# 1897   Plague
1895 Diptheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until
1907, 63,249 cases of diptheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900
died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases
were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate
of 6%.

1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.
But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being 

A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these
deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of
hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six
months of the war.

That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.

Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US
Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal
diseases increased at an alarming rate.

After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid
vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.

The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American
hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had
been practised for years.

The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917
there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from
anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.

   from the medicine, history of article
The other great hazard of war that was brought under control in World War I
was tetanus. This was achieved by the prophylactic injection of tetanus
antitoxin into all wounded men. The serum was originally prepared by the
bacteriologists Emil von Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato in 1890–92, and
the results of this first large-scale trial amply confirmed its efficacy. 

In 1897 the English bacteriologist Almroth Wright introduced a vaccine
prepared from killed typhoid bacilli as a preventive of typhoid.
Preliminary trials in the Indian army produced excellent results, and
typhoid vaccination was adopted for the use of British troops serving in
the South African War. Unfortunately, the method of administration was

 South Med J. 2000 Aug;93(8):763-7. Related Articles, Links

'Bacilli and bullets': William Osler and the antivaccination movement.

Greenberg SB.

Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.

Public discourse concerning current vaccination recommendations has
dramatically increased. The current battle is not new, having had a lengthy
foreshadowing during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Over a 30-year
period, a concerted effort to limit the use of smallpox vaccine grew at the
very time typhoid vaccines were being developed and advocated for
widespread prevention. As a long time advocate for widespread smallpox
vaccination and a supporter of the newly tested typhoid vaccine, Sir
William Osler entered the public debate at the beginning of World War I.
Osler was asked to address the officers and men in the British army on the
need for typhoid vaccination. His speech entitled "Bacilli and Bulle

[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Rabies Challenge Fund!!!

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

From: horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: silverpets 

Subject: [SilverPets] FW: [VacCease] Rabies Challenge Fund!!!
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 08:01:03 -0400

From: "Peter & Kris Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 04:39:12 -0400
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;">
Subject: [VacCease] Rabies Challenge Fund!!!

Greetings All!!!

   Important news for companion animal owners and lovers (see below and
Denise Flaim's 9/19/05 story Challenging the Rabies Vaccine in Newsday,0,1274963.column ) --
permission is granted to post and cross-post this message.  Please help to
spread the word so we can get these studies underway as soon as possible.

Regards,  Kris Christine

The Rabies Challenge Fund

   World-renown vaccine research scientist and practicing 

Dr. W. Jean Dodds of California, and pet vaccine disclosure advocate, Kris
L. Christine of Maine, have established The Rabies Challenge Fund to raise
money to fund a 7 year rabies vaccine challenge study in the United States.

In addition to the challenge study, the fund will finance a study of the
adjuvants used in veterinary rabies vaccines and establish a rabies vaccine
adverse reaction reporting system.

 Rabies vaccination is the one immunization required by law across
the country for domestic dogs and cats.  Researchers believe this vaccine
causes the most and worst adverse reactions in animals.  The Rabies
Challenge Fund has been founded to improve the safety of rabies vaccines 

to determine, by challenge, if they confer immunity for 5, 6, or 7 years.

 The Rabies Challenge Fund’s first official sponsors are Deb Odom
(Florida) and Dawn Turner (Arizona), who have committed to donating a
portion of the proceeds from the sale of their pet vaccine informed consent
posters and informational flyers.

 Donations can be sent to THE RABIES CHALLENGE FUND, c/o Hemopet,
11330 Markon Drive, Garden Grove, CA  92841.

Rabies Challenge Fund poster designed by fund sponsor Deb Odom is 



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[Biofuel] Bob Allen- Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures

2005-12-06 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

>From: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Sheri Nakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Vaccine Info] Overvaccinating Pets Kills and Injures
>Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 09:21:17 +0100
>If giving pets too many vaccines is injuring and killing them, why would
>this not be true for humans?
>Vaccinating Pets Could Do More Harm Than Good
>May 4, 2005
>LOS ANGELES -- Many people get their pets vaccinated every year for health
>and protection.
>But is it possible those same vaccinations could be harming your pet or
>worse? Some veterinarians are starting to look more closely at those 
>reported NBC4's David Cruz.
>Today, Molly is a playful 4-year-old Basenji, but at 2 years old, she was
>covered in sores and fighting for life.
>"She was dying," her owners told NBC4. "Laying in her bed, she wouldn't get
>up. She would hardly eat."
>Doctors were baffled by the dog's mystery illness until they narrowed it
>down to a most likely cause, a severe reaction to multiple vaccines, given
>at the rescue shelter where her owners adopted her.
>"What I understand now is that that can potentially overload the immune
>system," said Molly's owner.
>You do not need to vaccinate your pet every year and it may not be safe to
>do so, reported NBC4's Cruz.
>One veterinarian told NBC4 that millions of pets get booster shots every
>year, for everything from rabies and distemper to parvovirus and lyme
>disease, and most suffer no ill effects.
>But these days, many veterinarians are taking a "less is better" approach.
>People often are so hysterical, they put the animals to sleep because it's
>an acute vaccine reaction and has to be treated rapidly to have the animal
>recover, but then you don't vaccinate again because the next one could kill
>the animal, the veterinarian said.
>One Los Angeles veterinarian said vaccines can remain effective for years
>without booster shots.
>He did a survey of more than 100,000 dogs that were vaccinated once for
>distemper and parvovirus. In every case, those who were tested and did not
>get boosters have remained healthy.
>Overvaccination has been suspected in causing tumors in some cats and 
>problems in dogs.
>One family said their Yorkshire Terrier, Nicky, nearly died after an annual
>series of booster shots.
>"She couldn't breathe well, she was weak, limp," a family member said. "She
>was going to die. They said she probably wouldn't pull through it."
>After $6,000 in medical fees and a week in intensive care, Nicky pulled
>through. Doctors suspect an adverse vaccine reaction.
>"You bring your dog in because you're trying to keep her healthy, and a 
>later you find out you almost killed her," the family member said.
>One doctor told NBC4 that if you're getting your pet vaccinated, here's a
>simple plan: Start with the basics, rabies, distemper and parvovirus, then
>consult with your vet.
>The doctor said German shepherds, rottweilers and poodles are at higher 
>for adverse vaccine reactions, as are older pets.
>Concerned pet owners with questions are encouraged to consult with their

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