April 21, 2009...9:19 am 
Canadian zombie legislation — Bills C51,  C52 rise from the dead as C6, C10 
to threaten our constitutional  rights 
We’ve been foaming at the mouth for a while here about HR875,  NAIS, and 
Premises ID down south in the States, and how they’re threatening to  give 
control of agriculture to industry and undermine organic small farms.  
Meanwhile, closer to home, the much-reviled food-supplement “regulation” bills  
C-51 and C-52 are being re-incarnated under new numbers and re-introduced into  
Parliament. In spite of the greatest citizen outrage in Canadian history 
(over  C-51 and C-52), someone in Ottawa seems to still have not gotten the 
message.  Here’s a summary of the situation from David Rowland, of the 
Canadian Coalition  for Health Freedom. Hat tip to Judith for sending this our 
“We need your help to stop the Canadian federal government  persisting in 
classifying our Dietary Food Supplements and other plant based  medicinal 
concentrates, extracts and other products as Drugs. 
Do you realize that since January 1st 2004 the federal  government has been 
forcing all healthy foods such as carrot juice, greens  powders, vitamins, 
minerals, herbs, etc. to be regulated as drugs? 
April 2009 
Safer than Foods 
Dietary food supplements are among the safest substances on  the planet. 
There have been exactly zero fatalities caused by the Canadian  health food 
industry during its entire 50-year history. In 2004, an independent  study of 
the causes of death was conducted (by R. Law), using Canadian  Government 
data, quasi government and NGO websites, documents, databases and  research 
This study assigned units of risk for 59 documented causes of  death, such 
as the following: 
- Adverse reactions to pharmaceuticals 756
 - Food 19 
- Lightning 0.25 
- Bee/wasp/hornet sting 0.06 
- Natural healthcare/therapeutic products 0.014 
Compared to your risk of dying from taking a food supplement,  you are thus 

- 54,000 times more likely to die from taking  pharmaceutical drugs 
- 1,357 times more likely to be killed by food  (poisoning/allergy) 
- 18 times more likely to be killed by lightning, and  
- 4 times more likely to die from an insect bite. 
Drug Raids 
Under the guise of protecting the public from harm, Health  Canada is 
systematically destroying businesses which provide eminently safe (and  
necessary) dietary food supplements. Aided by the RCMP (with guns drawn), 
Canada officials have staged four raids so far this year on supplement 
– breaking doors in, keeping families hostage in their own  homes for up to 
10 hours 
– and confiscating products, records, computers, and personal  property 
unrelated to their supplement businesses. 
Costs of Compliance 
Five years ago there were an estimated 60,000 dietary food  supplements on 
the market. Now there are only about 20,000. Two thirds of these  entirely 
safe products have disappeared because Health Canada either refuses to  grant 
licences for them, and/or because suppliers cannot afford the exorbitant  
costs of complying with oppressive regulations (which have never been  
sanctioned by Parliament). 
We have had to discontinue the following seven safe (and  effective) 
products because their suppliers cannot afford the costs of complying  with 
Canada’s insane dictates: 
Fish Oil & Garlic, Caisse, Lymco, Purseng, Prana, KPH-1,  and Electra. 
We have also had to discontinue the following products because  we don’t 
sell enough of them to pay for the costs of keeping them on the market: 
Proanthocyanidins, Niacin, Estro-Mend, Progesto-Mend, Male-X  Booster. 
We intend to keep all of our best selling products on the  market; however, 
their prices will increase to the extent that we are forced to  comply with 
Health Canada’s bureaucratic dictates. 
It now costs us an average of $2,000 per product to prepare  the 
documentation to apply for an NPN product “licence” (even for products that  we 
sold for many years with approved DIN registrations). That means a total  of 
$70,000 in product applications, with no guarantee that all of the licences 
 will be granted. [Fortunately, we have thus far received “licences” for 
most of  our best selling products.] 
It also will now cost us approximately $90,000 per year to do  the drug 
testing that Health Canada insists be performed on all of our dietary  food 
supplements. None of this testing does anything to protect the public from  
harm. Our industry has an impeccable safety record (zero deaths in 50+ years).  
Vitamost® products themselves also have an impeccable safety record: zero  
reports of adverse effects over our entire 25+ year history. Clearly, safety 
is  only a smoke screen and not the real issue. Health Canada has a hidden 
Constitutional Bypass 
Having lost a number of cases in court, Health Canada wishes  to place 
itself above the law. Bill C-6 (introduced by the Health Minister) is  in 
apparent violation of the Constitution Act, 1867, the U.N. Declaration of  
Rights, the Canadian Bill of Rights, and the Charter of Rights and  Freedoms 
(included in the Constitution Act, 1982). The freedom and security of  every 
Canadian is in jeopardy. 
Specifically, C-6 would: · 
-- Criminalize those who do not comply with bureaucratic  edicts. 
-- Deny Canadians protection and recourse from illegal or  unwarranted 
actions by government agencies 
-- Enable these agencies to seize property and bank accounts -  without 
warning – and without a warrant. 
-- Deny our right to have a judge review and approve actions  taken against 
us, before we have been charged with any offence or wrongdoing. 
-- Empower bureaucrats to pronounce us guilty without  evidence, without 
proof, without courtroom hearing, and with no defence allowed. 
-- Subject us to fines in the millions of dollars. 
-- Allow bureaucracies to bypass Parliamentary approval to  create new laws 
of their own. 
-- Deny Parliament the ability to protect Canadians’ rights  and freedoms. 
-- Pre-supposes that the January 1st 2004 drug class change  Natural Health 
Product Regulations are lawful and will stay in place. 
Parliament does not have the mandate or jurisdiction to deny  our innate 
rights and charter freedoms. Bill C-6 should never have been  presented and 
the drug class Natural Health Product Regulations have become  another Gun 
Registry Scandal and need to be cancelled immediately. The proper  role of 
government is to protect our rights, not violate them. That’s why we  have a 
Written and Unwritten Constitution including the Bill of Rights. 
If neither the Prime Minister nor the Health Minister withdraw  Bill C-6, 
then it is the moral and fiduciary responsibility of every Member of  
Parliament to vote against C-6 and all similar bills. [Note: Bill C-6 is a  
re-incarnation of Bill C-52 from the last parliament, just as C-10 is a  
reintroduction of C-51. C-51 and C-52 were the most protested pieces of  
in the entire history of Canada.] 
Don’t assume that your MP has even read Bill C-6. Each of the  established 
political parties has a Party Whip who tells its MPs how to vote on  various 
issues. Few dare to go against the Whip, for fear of committing career  
Now is the Time 
For over 22 years I have been doing everything I could to  encourage 
constructive change to the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations  (including suing 
Health Minister Allan Rock, in 1997). During all those years,  Health 
Ministers have come and gone; and we have never had one who was willing  to 
to us. Now we do. 
The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq is a politician from a culture  in which 
there are no political parties. She is used to making decisions by  consensus, 
and wishes to continue to do so in her new office. Now is the time  for all 
of us (individually) to write to the Health Minister to tell her what  our 
concerns are. Just tell her, in your own words, what the Health Ministry she  
has inherited is doing to the availability of products that you depend on 
for  your health (and/or income). If you can, give examples of how you and 
your  family may have been adversely affected (or are about to be). Give 
Minister  Aglukkaq any suggestions you may have as to how she can restore 
freedom  to Canadians. 
It is important that we all write individual, personal letters  to the 
Health Minister. These are the ones that receive the most attention. Send  a 
copy of your letter to your own MP. Also arrange for a meeting with your MP in  
his/her constituency office, if you feel so moved. 
Send your letters to: Hon. Leona Aglukkaq, House of Commons,  Ottawa, ON 
K1A 0A6. 
For every personal letter received, politicians are aware that  over 100 
others feel the same way but didn’t take the time to write. You can  also fax 
your letter to Minister Aglukkaq at (613) 996-9764 – or email to 
ALSO go to our website – _www.canadiancoalitionforhealthfreedom.ca_ 
(http://www.canadiancoalitionforhealthfreedom.ca)  and  click on the STOP SIGN 
you can in a few seconds send over 400 e-mails to all  Canadian MPs and 
Dr. David Rowland, PhD. MBA, BCom 
Canadian Coalition for Health Freedom 
Office & Mailing Address: 
c/o Tucks Business Center, 444 Dundas Street East, Suites H  & I, 
Belleville, Ontario, Canada, K8N 1E9 
Phone: (613) 771-1797 
Fax: (613) 771-1435 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Website: _www.canadiancoalitionforhealthfreedom.ca_ 
Be sure to visit our affiliated websites: 
(http://www.allianceofnaturalhealthsuppliers.com)  | 
_www.healthcanadaabuse.ca_ (http://www.healthcanadaabuse.ca)  | 
(http://www.friendsoffreedominternational.org)  | 
(http://www.freedomofchoiceinhealthcare.ca)  |
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) 
    *   _Bill C-51 all over again?_ 
    *   _Natural Health Coalition opposes Bill  C-51_ 
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