Documentary tells how Quebec town  launched anti-pesticide movement 
The town of Hudson, Que., glimpsed itself on screen Monday  night, depicted 
as **ground zero** in the battle against the use of lawn  herbicides and 
That*s how Paul Tukey, a U.S. television host and author, saw  the town 
that was the first to ban use of these products in its jurisdiction. 
**I knew as a journalist that there had to be a good back  story,** Tukey 
told CBC News. 
**That somebody had to go out on a limb and take on these  chemical 
companies, because the chemical companies, trust me, go to unbelievable  
lengths to 
ensure they have the right to sell these chemicals.** 
Tukey produced and directed the documentary Hudson: A  Chemical Reaction to 
tell that back story, which included fighting  chemical companies all the 
way to the Supreme Court of Canada. 
The documentary film had its premiere Monday night in a  special screening 
for environmental group Go Green Hudson and the people of  Hudson, Que. 
**What a great story, and it*s all really based around one  woman, Dr. June 
Irwin. She*s still a practising dermatologist well into her 70s  on the 
West island of Montreal,** he said. 
**June Irwin fundamentally changed the North American  landscape forever 
just by daring to speak out,** said Tukey. 
**She went to every single town meeting in Hudson from June of  1985 to 
until they passed the ban. Literally every single month she would show  up and 
she would read a document full of facts and full of anecdotes that came  in 
the news. She would read this aloud and say why aren*t we getting rid of  
these things? Why are we allowing these products to be on our properties?**  
Grassroots revolution 
The town of Hudson*s triumph at the Supreme Court in 2001 was  only the 
start of the story, Tukey said. His documentary, shot last year in  Hudson and 
across Canada, chronicles how Hudson*s decision kickstarted an  
environmental movement toward organic lawn care. 
**When June got it passed in Hudson, other folks across Canada  started to 
say, look at what Hudson has done, and that*s really depicted in our  
movie,** Tukey said. 
Quebec banned the chemicals throughout the province and  individual 
municipalities across Canada followed Hudson*s lead. 
Tukey worked with filmmaker Brett Plymale to create the film,  talking to 
the people of Hudson and researching the history at the local  newspaper. 
But the story of Hudson had been close to his heart for some  time, because 
he had worked in the lawn care industry in his home state of  Maine. 
**I started in the late 1980s, and by the late 1990s I was  coming home in 
the evening with blurred vision and nosebleeds and nausea, and I  was really 
quite a physical mess,** he said. A doctor attributed his health  problems 
to his work with lawn chemicals. 
Tukey said he then became interested in organic gardening, an  interest he 
indulged by talking to experts across the U.S. for his TV series,  People, 
Places & Plants. 
In 2007, he wrote The Organic Lawn Care Manual, which had a  single page of 
background about the story of Hudson. 
His documentary Hudson: A Chemical Reaction, produced by  PFZMedia, is 
scheduled to screen at the Toronto International Film Festival this  September. 
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