Foods that Damage, Foods that Heal 
© Copyright Bee Wilder 
Your journey towards health begins by reading and learning.  
Table of Contents 
_Primary Causes of Health Problems_ 
    *   _Four Reasons Health Fails_ (http://www.   
    *   _Your Health Depends Upon You!_ 
    *   _Lack of Nutrition & Oxygen_ 
    *   _The Optimal Diet Cures Diseases_ 
    *   _Three Food Groups_ 
    *   _Most Processed Foods Are Not Real Foods!_ 
    *   _Today's Standard Diet Does Not Support Health_ 
    *   _Toxic Chemicals In Our Blood_ 
    *   _Toxic Sources & Issues That Adversely Affect  Health_ 
_Dirty Secrets of Agribusiness and the Food Processing  Industry_ 
    *   _Manipulating Governments to Pass Laws_ 
    *   _Irradiation & Microwaving Kills Foods!_ 
    *   _Agribusiness Produces Foods Unfit To Eat!_ 
    *   _Endocrine Disruptors_ 
    *   _Antibiotics as Animal Feed Additives_ 
    *   _Vaccines & Other Drugs_ 
    *   _Mass-Produced Poultry & Eggs_ 
    *   _Soil Lacks Nutrients_ 
    *   _Genetically Modified Foods_ 
_Traditional Mixed Farms Produce Healthy Foods_ 
( _Foods 
That Damage_ 
    *   _Sugar Is Poison!_ 
    *   _Fruit Is Not As Healthy As You Think_ 
    *   _Insulin Resistant Cells_ 
    *   _Unnatural Oils & Fats Damage the Entire Body_ 
    *   _Cells Not Constructed As Nature Intended_ 
    *   _Soy & Soy-Based Foods Are Extremely Damaging To  Health_ 
    *   _Soy Allergies Are Common_ 
    *   _Table Salt Is Poison!_ 
    *   _Grains, Nuts, Seeds & Legumes Are Unfit For Human  Consumption_ 
    *   _Fibers Are Damaging To Health_ 
    *   _Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Cause Disease_ 
    *   _The Cholesterol Theory Is a Total Scam!_ 
    *   _What's Wrong with Published Food Guides?_ 
    *   _Foods That Damage Summary_ 
_Foods That Heal_ 
    *   _Saturated Fats Are Vital To Your Health_ 
    *   _Good Fats Do Not Make You Fat!_ 
    *   _Protein & Fats Are Critical to Your Health_ 
    *   _Minerals, the Building Blocks of Health_ 
    *   _Fermented Foods & Drinks Are So Good For You!_ 
_Healing Naturally Diet_ 
    *   _Recommended Ratios of Proteins to Fats to Carbs_ 
    *   _How To Choose Healthy Foods_ 
    *   _Moderate Protein Intake_ 
    *   _High Intake of Natural Fats & Oils_ 
    *   _Butter_ 
    *   _Coconut Oil_ 
    *   _Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)_ 
    *   _Fat Soluble Vitamins_ 
    *   _Cod Liver Oil & Fish Oils_ 
    *   _Low Carbohydrates_ 
_Essential Supplements_ 
( _How to 
Improve & Cure Digestive Problems &  Diseases_ 
    *   _Initial Steps That Improve Digestion_ 
    *   _Foods That Improve Digestion_ 
_Improve Detoxification and Increase Oxygen_ 
    *   _Cleansing the Natural Way_ 
    *   _Fasting is Not Recommended_ 
    *   _Increase Oxygen_ 
_Nature's Antibiotics_ 
    *   _Some of Nature's Best Antibiotics_ 
    *   _Do Not Overwhelm Your Body_ 
_Healing Symptoms & Reactions_ 
    *   _Make Changes Gradually_ 
    *   _Hering's Law of Cures_ 
    *   _The Natural Healing Process_ 
    *   _Healing Reactions Means Success_ 
_Foods That Heal Summary_ 
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