Forward FYI
Mary Lynn Schmidt

>Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:05 PM
>Subject: $20,000 vaccination offer increased to $75,000
>As of August 1, 2006, I have increased the reward from $20,000 to $75,000
>for the public drinking of the vaccine additives mixture.
>Please see the full text of the offer below, or at
>The original $20,000 Vaccine Offer was made January 29, 2001. Since that
>time, 14 doctors, or persons claiming to be doctors, have contacted me
>about publicly drinking the vaccine additives mixture.
>None have followed through.
>As of this date, the original $20,000 Vaccine Offer exists on over 300 web
>Regarding the new $75,000 Vaccine Offer, please note that I have added to
>the list of potential candidates the 14 relevant members of the CDC's 2006
>Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), as follows:
>Jon S. Abramson, M.D.  (Chair)
>Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
>Carol Baker, M.D.
>Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
>Harry Hull, M.D.
>Susan Lett, M.D.
>Tracy Lieu, M.D.
>Dale L. Morse, M.D.
>Julia Morita, M.D.
>Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
>Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
>Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
>John J. Treanor, M.D.
>Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.
>In health!
>Jock Doubleday
>Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
>A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
>* * * PRESS RELEASE * * *
>August 1, 2006
>THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical doctors who routinely
>administer childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical company CEOs
>Jock Doubleday, director of the California 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation
>Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby offers $75,000.00 to the first
>medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly drinks a mixture
>of standard vaccine additives ingredients in the same amount as a
>six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the year-2005 guidelines
>of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  (In the event that
>thimerosal has recently been removed from a particular vaccine, the
>thimerosal-containing version of that vaccine will be used.)
>The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but will
>contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in their usual forms and
>proportions. The mixture will include, but will not be limited to, the
>following ingredients:  thimerosal (a mercury derivative), ethylene glycol
>(antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant dye), benzethonium chloride (a
>disinfectant), formaldehyde (a preservative and disinfectant), and 
>The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three medical professionals
>that he names, and three medical professionals that the participant names.
>The mixture will be body weight calibrated.
>Because the participant is either a professional caregiver who routinely
>administers childhood vaccinations, or a pharmaceutical company CEO whose
>business is, in part, the sale of childhood vaccines, it is understood by
>all parties that the participant considers all vaccine additive ingredients
>to be safe and that the participant considers any mixture containing these
>ingredients to be safe.
>The participant agrees, and any and all agents and associates of the
>participant agree, to indemnify and hold harmless in perpetuity any and all
>persons, organizations, and/or entities associated with the event for any
>harm caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, to the
>participant or indirectly to the participant's heirs, relations, employers,
>employees, colleagues, associates, or other persons, organizations, or
>entities claiming association with, or representation of, the participant,
>by the participant's participation in the event.
>The event will be held within six months of the participant's written
>agreement to the above and further elaborated terms.
>To the list of potential candidates for the $75,000 Vaccine Offer, 14
>members of the CDC's 2006 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
>(ACIP) have been added, as follows:
>Jon S. Abramson, M.D.
>Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
>Carol Baker, M.D.
>Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
>Harry Hull, M.D.
>Susan Lett, M.D.
>Tracy Lieu, M.D.
>Dale L. Morse, M.D.
>Julia Morita, M.D.
>Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
>Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
>Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
>John J. Treanor, M.D.
>Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.
>In the event that any of the above ACIP members' terms expire and they are
>replaced by new members, the new members will be added automatically to the
>list of potential candidates for the Vaccine Offer.
>This offer, dated August 1, 2006, has no expiration date unless superceded
>by a similar offer of higher remuneration.
>Contact Jock Doubleday: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In health,
>Jock Doubleday
>Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
>A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
>Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
>Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK
>Vaccines -

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