See also:
U.S. Resists Strong Summit Language on Global Warming
June 20, 2005 - By John Heilprin, Associated Press
Fury over leaked G8 document
Monday 20 June 2005
... "Every reference to the urgency of action or the need for real cuts in emissions has been deleted or challenged. Nothing in this text recognises the scale or urgency of the crisis of climate change."
Climate Change Gains Crucial Ally in US Senate
Reuters, USA: June 20, 2005,1271,-5086008,00.html
Climate change needs urgent action
Press Association
Monday June 20, 2005 11:48 AM
... "Words will not be enough. The richest countries of the world as represented by the G8 have a responsibility to help the poorest. This is not just charity but a moral obligation."
Global warming in Africa: The hottest issue of all
20 June 2005

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Chicago Tribune news : Nation/World

G-8 weakens draft on global warming
Bush administration pushed for changes

By Andrew C. Revkin
New York Times News Service
Published June 19, 2005

WASHINGTON -- Drafts of a joint statement being prepared for the leaders of the world's major industrial powers show that the Bush administration has succeeded in removing language calling for prompt action to control global warming.

The statement is being negotiated in advance of the annual Group of Eight summit, which is to be held next month in Scotland. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, president of the group this year, has sought to focus the summit on aid to Africa and climate change.

The statement, first outlined last month by British officials, is meant to reflect the eight countries' shared concerns and plans regarding climate change. Drafts have been batted back and forth since mid-May.

A newly disclosed version, the first showing specifically what changes were sought by the Bush administration, was provided to The New York Times on Friday by someone in Europe involved with shaping the British stance on the issue.

It is dated May 27, and the revisions, many of which are reflected in a June 14 version, illustrate the broad gulf that has persisted between the U.S. and the group's other members: Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia.

Several other drafts, showing changes but not indicating which countries sought them, have been released by environmental groups over the past few weeks. The June 14 draft was described in the European media earlier last week and in The Washington Post on Friday.

Among the changes reflected in the May 27 draft was the deletion of an introductory statement, "Our world is warming." The annotated U.S. copy of the document also offered comments such as "we should avoid the term `targets'" and "we should leave the definition of what constitutes `ambitious' to each leader, given their respective national circumstances."

Steve Sawyer, the climate-policy director for Greenpeace International, said the British might have erred in trying to use a forum like the G-8 to seek movement from President Bush on the issue.

"We've been telling them since last September, at least, that it's a laudable goal but don't build your strategy for the G-8 on the odds of the U.S. moving, because the odds are vanishingly small," Sawyer said.

Bush has said global warming is too uncertain a matter to justify anything more than voluntary measures to slow growth in fossil-fuel emissions.

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