Re: [Biofuel] Helping Israel Die

2007-02-10 Thread Keith Addison
>Israel has a LOT of nukes. The official numbers are crap.
>I place Israel as the number 3 nuclear power - ahead of Britain or France.
>And of all the people on earth likely to use them - they have this 
>psychobabbel about 1000 goyem not worth one of their hangnails. If 
>anyone has the us - them psychosis working overtime it is Israel.
>Then we have our resident psychotic giving them the green light.
>Very very bad my friends.
>Perhaps some iodine tabs in the medicine cabinet are a good idea.
> If anyone will turn the desert to glass it is the narcisstic twits 
>we have as a ruling class.

Can't argue with that Kirk.

Maybe we need a different term. If we want to talk about your twits 
without insulting the rest of you we can say "Washington" instead of 
America or Americans. We don't mean to insult Israelis (and certainly 
not Jews) when we're discussing colonial Zionist Israel.



>Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -
>Helping Israel Die
>Ray McGovern
>February 09, 2007
>Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the
>ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. He was a CIA
>analyst for 27 years and is on the Steering Group of Veteran
>Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).
>President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are
>unwittingly playing Dr. Jack Kevorkian in helping the state of Israel
>commit suicide. For this is the inevitable consequence of the planned
>air and missile attack on Iran. The pockmarked, littered landscape in
>Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan and the endless applicant queues at
>al-Qaeda and other terrorist recruiting stations testify eloquently
>to the unintended consequences of myopic policymakers in Washington
>and Tel Aviv.
>Mesmerized. Sadly, this is the best word to describe those of us
>awake to the inexorable march of folly to war with Iran and the
>growing danger to Israel's security, especially over the medium and
>long term. An American and/or Israeli attack on Iran will let slip
>the dogs of war. Those dogs never went to obedience school. They will
>not be denied their chance to bite, and Israel's arsenal of nuclear
>weapons will be powerless to muzzle them.
>In my view, not since 1948 has the very existence of Israel hung so
>much in the balance. Can Bush/Cheney and the Israeli leaders not see
>it? Pity that no one seems to have read our first president's warning
>on the noxious effects of entangling alliances. The supreme irony is
>that in their fervor to help, as well as use, Israel, Bush and Cheney
>seem blissfully unaware that they are leading it down a garden path
>and off a cliff.
>Provoke and Pre-empt
>Whether it is putting the kibosh on direct talks with Iran or between
>Israel and Syria, the influence and motives of the vice president are
>more transparent than those of Bush. Sure, Cheney told CNN's Wolf
>Blitzer recently that the administration's Iraq policy would be "an
>enormous success story," but do not believe those who dismiss Cheney
>as "delusional." He and his neoconservative friends are crazy like a
>fox. They have been pushing for confrontation with Iran for many
>years, and saw the invasion of Iraq in that context. Alluding to
>recent U.S. military moves, Robert Dreyfuss rightly describes the
>neocons as "crossing their fingers in the hope that Iran will respond
>provocatively, making what is now a low-grade cold war inexorably
>heat up."
>But what about the president? How to explain his fixation with fixing
>Iran's wagon? Cheney's influence over Bush has been shown to be
>considerable ever since the one-man search committee for the 2000
>vice presidential candidate picked Cheney. The vice president can
>play Bush like a violin. But what strings is he using here? Where is
>the resonance?
>Experience has shown the president to be an impressionable sort with
>a roulette penchant for putting great premium on initial impressions
>and latching onto people believed to be kindred souls-be it Russian
>President Vladimir Putin (trust at first sight), hail-fellow-well-met
>CIA director George Tenet or oozing-testosterone-from-every-pore
>former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Of particular concern was
>his relationship with Sharon. Retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, a master
>of discretion with the media, saw fit to tell London's Financial
>Times two and a half years ago that Sharon had Bush "mesmerized" and
>"wrapped around his little finger."
>As chair of the prestigious President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
>Board under George W. Bush and national security adviser to his
>father, Scowcroft was uniquely positioned to know-and to draw
>comparisons. He was summarily fired after making the comments about
>Sharon and is now persona non grata at the White House.
>Compassion Deficit Disorder
>George W. Bush 

Re: [Biofuel] Helping Israel Die

2007-02-09 Thread Kirk McLoren
Israel has a LOT of nukes. The official numbers are crap.
  I place Israel as the number 3 nuclear power - ahead of Britain or France.
  And of all the people on earth likely to use them - they have this 
psychobabbel about 1000 goyem not worth one of their hangnails. If anyone has 
the us - them psychosis working overtime it is Israel.
  Then we have our resident psychotic giving them the green light.
  Very very bad my friends.
  Perhaps some iodine tabs in the medicine cabinet are a good idea.
   If anyone will turn the desert to glass it is the narcisstic twits we have 
as a ruling class.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: -
Helping Israel Die

Ray McGovern

February 09, 2007

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the 
ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. He was a CIA 
analyst for 27 years and is on the Steering Group of Veteran 
Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are 
unwittingly playing Dr. Jack Kevorkian in helping the state of Israel 
commit suicide. For this is the inevitable consequence of the planned 
air and missile attack on Iran. The pockmarked, littered landscape in 
Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan and the endless applicant queues at 
al-Qaeda and other terrorist recruiting stations testify eloquently 
to the unintended consequences of myopic policymakers in Washington 
and Tel Aviv.

Mesmerized. Sadly, this is the best word to describe those of us 
awake to the inexorable march of folly to war with Iran and the 
growing danger to Israel's security, especially over the medium and 
long term. An American and/or Israeli attack on Iran will let slip 
the dogs of war. Those dogs never went to obedience school. They will 
not be denied their chance to bite, and Israel's arsenal of nuclear 
weapons will be powerless to muzzle them.

In my view, not since 1948 has the very existence of Israel hung so 
much in the balance. Can Bush/Cheney and the Israeli leaders not see 
it? Pity that no one seems to have read our first president's warning 
on the noxious effects of entangling alliances. The supreme irony is 
that in their fervor to help, as well as use, Israel, Bush and Cheney 
seem blissfully unaware that they are leading it down a garden path 
and off a cliff.

Provoke and Pre-empt

Whether it is putting the kibosh on direct talks with Iran or between 
Israel and Syria, the influence and motives of the vice president are 
more transparent than those of Bush. Sure, Cheney told CNN's Wolf 
Blitzer recently that the administration's Iraq policy would be "an 
enormous success story," but do not believe those who dismiss Cheney 
as "delusional." He and his neoconservative friends are crazy like a 
fox. They have been pushing for confrontation with Iran for many 
years, and saw the invasion of Iraq in that context. Alluding to 
recent U.S. military moves, Robert Dreyfuss rightly describes the 
neocons as "crossing their fingers in the hope that Iran will respond 
provocatively, making what is now a low-grade cold war inexorably 
heat up."

But what about the president? How to explain his fixation with fixing 
Iran's wagon? Cheney's influence over Bush has been shown to be 
considerable ever since the one-man search committee for the 2000 
vice presidential candidate picked Cheney. The vice president can 
play Bush like a violin. But what strings is he using here? Where is 
the resonance?

Experience has shown the president to be an impressionable sort with 
a roulette penchant for putting great premium on initial impressions 
and latching onto people believed to be kindred souls-be it Russian 
President Vladimir Putin (trust at first sight), hail-fellow-well-met 
CIA director George Tenet or oozing-testosterone-from-every-pore 
former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Of particular concern was 
his relationship with Sharon. Retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, a master 
of discretion with the media, saw fit to tell London's Financial 
Times two and a half years ago that Sharon had Bush "mesmerized" and 
"wrapped around his little finger."

As chair of the prestigious President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory 
Board under George W. Bush and national security adviser to his 
father, Scowcroft was uniquely positioned to know-and to draw 
comparisons. He was summarily fired after making the comments about 
Sharon and is now persona non grata at the White House.

Compassion Deficit Disorder

George W. Bush first met Sharon in 1998, when the Texas governor was 
taken on a tour of the Middle East by Matthew Brooks, then executive 
director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Sharon was foreign 
minister and took Bush on a helicopter tour over the Israeli occupied 
territories. An Aug. 3, 2006 McClatchy wire story by Ron Hutcheson 
quotes Mat

[Biofuel] Helping Israel Die

2007-02-09 Thread Keith Addison -
Helping Israel Die

Ray McGovern

February 09, 2007

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, the publishing arm of the 
ecumenical Church of the Saviour in Washington, D.C. He was a CIA 
analyst for 27 years and is on the Steering Group of Veteran 
Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are 
unwittingly playing Dr. Jack Kevorkian in helping the state of Israel 
commit suicide. For this is the inevitable consequence of the planned 
air and missile attack on Iran. The pockmarked, littered landscape in 
Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan and the endless applicant queues at 
al-Qaeda and other terrorist recruiting stations testify eloquently 
to the unintended consequences of myopic policymakers in Washington 
and Tel Aviv.

Mesmerized. Sadly, this is the best word to describe those of us 
awake to the inexorable march of folly to war with Iran and the 
growing danger to Israel's security, especially over the medium and 
long term. An American and/or Israeli attack on Iran will let slip 
the dogs of war. Those dogs never went to obedience school. They will 
not be denied their chance to bite, and Israel's arsenal of nuclear 
weapons will be powerless to muzzle them.

In my view, not since 1948 has the very existence of Israel hung so 
much in the balance. Can Bush/Cheney and the Israeli leaders not see 
it? Pity that no one seems to have read our first president's warning 
on the noxious effects of entangling alliances. The supreme irony is 
that in their fervor to help, as well as use, Israel, Bush and Cheney 
seem blissfully unaware that they are leading it down a garden path 
and off a cliff.

Provoke and Pre-empt

Whether it is putting the kibosh on direct talks with Iran or between 
Israel and Syria, the influence and motives of the vice president are 
more transparent than those of Bush. Sure, Cheney told CNN's Wolf 
Blitzer recently that the administration's Iraq policy would be "an 
enormous success story," but do not believe those who dismiss Cheney 
as "delusional." He and his neoconservative friends are crazy like a 
fox. They have been pushing for confrontation with Iran for many 
years, and saw the invasion of Iraq in that context. Alluding to 
recent U.S. military moves, Robert Dreyfuss rightly describes  the 
neocons as "crossing their fingers in the hope that Iran will respond 
provocatively, making what is now a low-grade cold war inexorably 
heat up."

But what about the president? How to explain his fixation with fixing 
Iran's wagon? Cheney's influence over Bush has been shown to be 
considerable ever since the one-man search committee for the 2000 
vice presidential candidate picked Cheney. The vice president can 
play Bush like a violin. But what strings is he using here? Where is 
the resonance?

Experience has shown the president to be an impressionable sort with 
a roulette penchant for putting great premium on initial impressions 
and latching onto people believed to be kindred souls-be it Russian 
President Vladimir Putin (trust at first sight), hail-fellow-well-met 
CIA director George Tenet or oozing-testosterone-from-every-pore 
former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Of particular concern was 
his relationship with Sharon. Retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, a master 
of discretion with the media, saw fit to tell London's Financial 
Times two and a half years ago that Sharon had Bush "mesmerized" and 
"wrapped around his little finger."

As chair of the prestigious President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory 
Board under George W. Bush and national security adviser to his 
father, Scowcroft was uniquely positioned to know-and to draw 
comparisons. He was summarily fired after making the comments about 
Sharon and is now persona non grata at the White House.

Compassion Deficit Disorder

George W. Bush first met Sharon in 1998, when the Texas governor was 
taken on a tour of the Middle East by Matthew Brooks, then executive 
director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Sharon was foreign 
minister and took Bush on a helicopter tour over the Israeli occupied 
territories. An Aug. 3, 2006 McClatchy wire story by Ron Hutcheson 
quotes Matthew Brooks:

>If there's a starting point for George W. Bush's attachment to 
>Israel, it's the day in late 1998, when he stood on a hilltop where 
>Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and, with eyes brimming 
>with tears, read aloud from his favorite hymn, 'Amazing Grace.' He 
>was very emotional. It was a tear-filled experience. He brought 
>Israel back home with him in his heart. I think he came away 
>profoundly moved.

Bush made gratuitous but revealing reference to that trip at the 
first meeting of his National Security Council (NSC) on Jan. 30, 
2001. After announcing he would abandon the decades-long role of 
honest broker betw