"NBC anchor Brian Williams interviewed President Bush. He asked him 
about his poll numbers and President Bush said, 'The key for me is to 
keep expectations low.' I think you can accurately say, 'Mission 
Accomplished.'" --Jay Leno

"The one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans was 
marked by President Bush with a moment of silence. A little different 
than a year ago, when President Bush marked the occasion by a week and a 
half of silence." --Jay Leno

"NBC News was also marking the anniversary [of Hurricane Katrina], but 
they had to settle for lesser celebrity guests, like this guy who took 
some time from a tour of New Orleans to tell Brian Williams about all 
the reading he's been doing this summer [on screen: President Bush 
saying he's read 'three Shakespeare's' this summer]. The point is that 
he read three Shakespeare's this summer and that's a great way to kick 
off eight grade" --Jimmy Kimmel

"I think President Bush gets confused. He said progress is being made in 
New Orleans and he hopes one day New Orleans will be a democracy. You 
know hurricanes, they hate freedom." --Jay Leno

"Germany has offered to send troops to the Lebanon border. I bet 
Israel's breathing a sigh of relief there. Nothing makes Jewish people 
feel safer and more secure than the German Army marching on their 
border." --Jay Leno

"President Bush is on television giving a speech and Kyra Phillips, an 
anchorwoman from CNN, gets up to go to the bathroom. She's wearing a 
microphone. She leaves the microphone on. Everyone was outraged. What's 
the big deal? She gets up to go the bathroom in the middle of a George 
W. Bush speech -- who hasn't done that?" --David Letterman

"Yesterday the president of Iran challenged President Bush to a 
televised debate. President Bush turned down the debate, but did 
challenge the Iranian president to a game of 'Hungry Hungry Hippos.'" 
--Conan O'Brien

"According to a national organization that studies obesity, nine of the 
fattest states in America are in the lower third of the country. In 
other words, geographically, America has a fat ass." --Conan O'Brien


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