September 7, 2009
Pfizer to  Pay Record Fine in Fraud Probe
In what it calls the largest health-care fraud settlement in  U.S. history, 
the Justice Department said Wednesday that pharmaceutical giant  Pfizer 
Inc. and a subsidiary have agreed to pay a $2.3 billion penalty for  illegally 
promoting certain drugs. 
Those drugs included _Bextra_ 
( , part of a 
group of  painkillers called _Cox-2 
inhibitors_ ( , 
which  Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005 after reports of potential _heart_ 
(  risks to  
The other drugs were _Geodon_ 
( , an 
( ; _Zyvox_ 
( , an 
( ; and Lyrica, 
an  anti-epileptic 
drug, the Justice Department said in a news release. 
In each case, the Justice Department accused Pfizer of marketing  the drugs 
for uses other than those approved by the U.S. _Food and Drug 
( ,  a 
practice called "off-label" use. 
According to the news release, the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act  stipulates 
that a company must "specify the intended uses of a product in its  new drug 
application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or  
promoted for so-called 'off-label' uses." 
Pfizer promoted Bextra for several uses and dosages not  sanctioned by the 
FDA due to safety concerns, the Justice Department  said. 
As part of the settlement, Pfizer also agreed to enter into a  so-called 
"expansive corporate integrity agreement" with the Department of  Health and 
Human Services' Office of Inspector General. That agreement calls for  the 
establishment of "procedures and reviews" designed to prevent a similar  
occurrence, the agency said. 
"Today's landmark settlement is an example of the Department of  Justice's 
ongoing and intensive efforts to protect the American public and  recover 
funds for the federal treasury and the public from those who seek to  earn a 
profit through fraud," Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli said in  the 
news release. 
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the _Department of Health and Human  
Services_ ( , 
said: "The Department of _Health and Human Services_ 
(   will 
continue to seek opportunities 
to work with its government partners to  prosecute fraud wherever we can 
find it. But we will also look for new ways to  prevent fraud before it 
happens. Health care is too important to let a single  dollar go to waste." 
In a statement, Pfizer general counsel Amy W. Schulman said the  agreement 
ends all "material pending matters" with the Justice Department. "This  
gives us a very important opportunity to put final closure on the universe of  
material open items involving our U.S.-based operations," she said,  
Bloomberg News reported. 
Author: HealthDay staff 
Source _ (  

The largest drug maker in the world pleaded guilty to the  U.S criminal 
charges for illegal promotion of three of its drugs. Although $2.3  billion 
fine is largest health care settlement in the U.S history, it is not the  
one-of-a-kind for Pfizer. Judges call Pfizer a “repeating corporate cheat”, for 
the company has been pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved  
conditions, and is caught doing so, for more than once. Last October, 
Arizona  and 31 other states reached a $60 million settlement with Pfizer over 
its  promotion of Bextra, Celebrex, and another anti-inflammatory drug. Sales 
and  marketing executives at Pfizer are accused of promoting Bextra for 
acute pain,  surgical pain and other unapproved uses. Bextra was later 
from the  market for the severity of its side effects, including heart 
attacks and like.  Bextra is of the same class as Merck’s Vioxx (cox-2 
inhibitor) and another  similar drug Celebrex, from Pfizer. Vioxx was withdrawn 
2005, while Celebrex  continues to be promoted and sold despite accusations in 
2009 that efficacy  results of Celebrex were fabricated and some were never 
submitted to the FDA.  Unfortunately though, current settlement and guilty 
plea is not expected to hurt  Pfizer's ability to sell drugs in the future. 
This is one more support to Dr. Rath's work. For more than a  decade, Dr. 
Rath has been fighting to expose unethical practices and motives  utilized by 
pharmaceutical companies only to increase their profits than to help  
patients. Please read more about Dr. Rath's crusade in the book “Road Map to  
Health” as well as at _ 

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