The Broken Promise of Bill Ford Jr.

By Russell Long, AlterNet
June 24, 2003

The honeymoon between environmentalists and Bill Ford Jr., the CEO of 
Ford Motor Company, just ended in a head-on collision.

It was only three years ago that Mr. Ford pledged to increase the 
fuel mileage of Ford's SUV fleet by 25 percent. He garnered praise 
across the nation for his courageous acknowledgement of the auto 
industry's role in elevating greenhouse gases, and for his commitment 
to protecting the earth's fragile ecosystem.

Not to be outdone, General Motors and the Chrysler division of 
DaimlerChrysler promised to match or exceed Ford in fuel mileage 
gains. Reduced fuel use from these voluntary pledges would have saved 
the nation three billion barrels of oil in the next few decades, 
potentially more than the extractable reserves in the Alaska National 
Wildlife Refuge.

The media attention this garnered for the Ivy-educated, 
guitar-strumming great-grandson of the inventor of the Model T was 
well deserved.

Environmentalists were dizzy with glee - it was a great start toward 
reducing the nation's oil addiction. Conservatives pointed to this as 
an example of how corporate America could solve the country's 
environmental problems without governmental regulations.

Mr. Ford celebrated the company's 100th anniversary in Detroit last 
weekend. But there wasn't much to celebrate. Like other auto 
companies, profits are poor and executives are having trouble selling 
cars even with zero interest loans. Greenhouse gas pollution and smog 
from Ford vehicles, which threatens public health, are at an all-time 
high. And environmentalists, who only recently had been laudatory of 
Mr. Ford, were hanging banners and demonstrating against his company.

How did this happen?

The eco-friendly perception of Mr. Ford began to change last summer, 
when as part of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, he 
threatened to sue California over the nation's first-ever legislation 
to reduce vehicle greenhouse gas emissions.

He damaged himself further when he personally lobbied Congress 
against increasing vehicle fuel mileage standards, and when he later 
reneged on his historic pledge to voluntarily increase the fuel 
mileage of Ford SUVs. With these actions, the environmental community 
began to see him not as a self-professed corporate steward of the 
nation's environment, but as just another swift-talking Detroit 
pitchman - one with a flair for eco-rhetoric - trumping up excuses to 
shirk his global environmental responsibilities.

Ford blamed breaking the pledge on "technological delays" and a 
failure to obtain tax credits for hybrid vehicles in Congress, and 
spokespeople refused to make any further commitments. Even worse, 
backing off removed any obligation for the world's first and third 
largest automakers, General Motors and the Chrysler division, to 
reduce their own emissions.

Industry insiders argue that Mr. Ford shouldn't have stuck his neck 
out in the first place, especially in a weak economy. But the fact is 
this - if the Big Three lobbied Congress to increase, rather than 
decrease fuel mileage, Ford, DaimlerChrysler and GM could improve 
mileage on a level field against each other and their Japanese 
counterparts without financial harm. Japanese vehicles are now almost 
as big as Detroit's, so the argument about losing jobs to Japan is 

Furthermore, a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists 
demonstrates that SUV mileage can be virtually doubled (from 16 to 29 
mpg), without increasing the lifetime cost of the vehicle. Equally 
safe, higher mileage SUVs would cost about $900 more in the showroom 
but over 10 years, would save consumers $3,100 in fuel. So even in a 
weak economy, improved fuel mileage standards shouldn't harm 
automotive profits.

Mr. Ford has long decried the traditional adversarial approach taken 
by the auto industry and the environmental community. The answer is 
this - if he is sincere about his environmental commitment, he should 
lock himself in a room with key environmental leaders, and together 
map out a creative plan that will over the long-term protect the 
health of the planet and Ford. As the study by the Union of Concerned 
Scientists shows, they're not incompatible.

Russell Long, the executive director of Bluewater Network, conceived 
and drafted the California global warming law, which his organization 
sponsored, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from passenger 
vehicles. Last week, Bluewater Network launched a national pledge 
drive to boycott Ford until the company builds cleaner vehicles. Take 
the pledge at

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