Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Marco Thorek
Freddie Bingham schrieb:
> You could stick me on that list. If I see something with a buy-it-now of $5
> (that I don't need) and I know I can relist it and sell it for $60, I'll do
> it.  Just another way to fund this ludicrous obsession of cardboard box
> collecting.

There is nothing wrong with that. You do it to finance your hobby.
Others would as well buy and sell can openers, if there was a lucrative

I think that takes the heart out of collecting.


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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Dan Chisarick
Most people on this list are probably collecting for reasons other than 
financial gain (though nothing wrong with collecting to sell for profit 
or a mix, especially if the profit goes to buying more games).  While 
I'm no economic theorist, I think prices will settle down after a bit.  
Why?  As we've said, games are worth what people are willing to pay.  
Why are they willing to pay?  For most/all people here, they are 
passionate about vintage games and all that comes with that, and are 
willing to pay a few bucks.  Sometimes something truly rare comes 
along, and we go a little crazy (or a lot).  Sometimes you have 
"dueling newbies" who will bid three digits on everything.  But unless 
you have generous resources, experienced collectors will pass on 
something too expensive, even if they're like to add it to their 

Now we have a "situation" where all of a sudden people are bidding vast 
sums on some reasonably desirable stuff (but the prices are 
consistently high).  If the prices continue to soar, eventually the 
passionate collectors, the folks who provided the "spark" that got this 
whole thing going, will take a back seat.  The prices will continue to 
escalate as "investors" keep kicking up the price (with the intention 
of selling, not keeping).  Finally as the investors have had about 
enough, and the collectors are shaking their heads, no one is willing 
to pay the exorbitant price anymore.  They investors may hold out, 
praying for a resurgence, but its not likely it will come.  The prices 
will then not so gently make their way back to sane levels (for "Road 
Runner" fans, think "Wile E. Coyote" going 100MPH and suddenly running 
out of ledge.  Momentum only carries you so far...)

Forces that can perpetuate this cycle is the collector/investor who 
shifts a little more to the "investor" side.  There is no shortage of 
people (again, nothing wrong) who buy anything they can get only to 
resell, or buy lots and resell what they don't need.  At a sizable sum 
given the current climate.  They would require less capital to keep 
abreast with someone with greater means.  But, no problem if things 
don't pan out, they can always trade, as they are in it for the games 
as well, not purely profit.

My concern (obligatory "save the media" plug, hold your ears if you 
must) is the aging disks/tapes/whatever.  While I doubt this cycle will 
last years, the repercussions will exist in pockets long after the 
frenzy has died down, possibly holding captive a few desirable.  And 
the longer they sit on a shelf instead of a disk drive, blah blah blah 
yougethteidea.  Final comment: This surge in value should expose more 
titles to the open market than would have been had the prices stayed 
where they were (when's the last time you saw so many gems)?  People 
will know not to toss that shoe box of disks or that crate of Infocom 
games.  Overall its a good thing, but for the moment it does sort of 
suck for the average collector.  If prices are exploding all around, at 
least kick back and enjoy the fireworks.

On May 10, 2004, at 1:00 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

BL wrote:

Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were 
going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to 
I have never collected purely as an investment.  I collect titles that 
mean a lot to me personally, or titles that I respect very highly due 
to what they did/meant to the industry.  But never for money; it's too 
volatile.  There are people out there who just want to play the games 
and think downloading Abandonware is "collecting", for example -- 
there will always be people like that, so the industry will shift all 
the time.  Until we get to be a bigger industry, we won't have the 
same common-sense "protection" that, for example, the comic book 
industry has against reprints being considered as worth a lot.
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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread C.E. Forman
> > In any case though, I propose we start an investigation, and over time,
> > formulate a ever-growing list of these people and "black list" them so
> That's a bad idea.  Many of them simply collect this way, or do so
> intentionally so that they can raise money to buy the software they've
> always wanted for their collection.

Agreed.  The only people we should blacklist are those who try to pass off
their self-printed crap as genuine originals.

I snatch up and resell bargains all the time, but I'm also willing to drop
money for the big ticket items when they show up.

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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread C.E. Forman
> When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
> will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
> gather everything they can get, even multiple times?

I think once the high rollers are out of the way the prices will come down.
Depends on the bidders though...  I know Peter seems to stop once he has his
personal copy (sorry to single you out, bud, but you've spent a LOT lately
B-).  On the other hand, for Starcross saucers, Suspended masks, just about
anything Apple II, you see Bryron bidding on it even if he already has

Personally, I've still had some luck.  One of the members on this list
outbid me on a lot that had one rare game that I really wanted.  There was
an auction for a loose one which I got for about 75% of my max bid
(apologies to the other list member who got outsniped).

> The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
> out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).

I've seen that day ever since Eyal reared his ugly head.  It may have
already begun, if he's started selling stuff privately.  Need to finish that
column on who & where he is now.

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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread AvatarTom
In a message dated 05/10/2004 12:17:17 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You could stick me on that list If I see something with a buy-it-now of $5
(that I don't need) and I know I can relist it and sell it for $60, I'll do
it.  Just another way to fund this ludicrous obsession of cardboard box

I hear ya Freddie :) I can't afford to pay the prices some of this stuff goes for now so I try to hunt down "bargains" to use to finance games for my own collection or trade for stuff I need. You could call it work couldn't you?


RE: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Per-Olof Karlsson
Oh, indeed! I didn't mean it that way. What I meant (but between the lines I
realize now) is that it kind of kills the market at times. In the end all
the bargains are gone, and all we're stuck with is some resellers who are
only in it for a huge lift-up. That is what I dislike. As long as we have a
living market, they don't damage anything except perhaps fool somebody now
and then. 

But when the supply runs dry, they can and will inflate prices for no
apparent reason other than greed, and that tends to kill off prospective
buyers, forcing them to move elsewhere. 

This is very common here in Sweden and also throughout Europe, especially in
the record collecting and comic book business (which I'm also part of). For
some stuff, we often end up with some big collectors having most things they
need, and a couple of resellers who charge way too much for the good stuff,
so for anybody to really get "into" the collecting trade, they'll have to
spend a bloody fortune. That's not good for our hobby, not at all.

- Peo

Jim Leonard wrote:

There will always be people who want to make some money; I don't have a
problem with that at all.  Most hobbies have support business on the side,
(scrapbooking, coin collection, comics, etc.) so this is to be expected with
our hobby as well as it gets larger.
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RE: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Freddie Bingham
You could stick me on that list. If I see something with a buy-it-now of $5
(that I don't need) and I know I can relist it and sell it for $60, I'll do
it.  Just another way to fund this ludicrous obsession of cardboard box

Lucasarts Museum -

> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...
> BL wrote:
> > In any case though, I propose we start an investigation, and over 
> > time, formulate a ever-growing list of these people and 
> "black list" 
> > them so
> That's a bad idea.  Many of them simply collect this way, or 
> do so intentionally so that they can raise money to buy the 
> software they've always wanted for their collection.
> There are many very respectful veterans of this hobby on this 
> list and I wouldn't want any of them blacklisted just because 
> they have or had practiced this a few times.
> > someone is paying for it, which makes me wonder - is 
> something worth 
> > what it's "supposed to be" worth, or is it worth what even 
> 1 person is 
> > willing to pay, even if it's a lot more than that?
> Things are "worth" whatever someone is willing to pay for them.
> --
> Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> World's largest electronic gaming project:
> A delicious slice of the demoscene:
> Various oldskool PC rants and ramblings:   
> --
> This message was sent to you because you are currently subscribed to
> the swcollect mailing list.  To unsubscribe, send mail to 
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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Jim Leonard
BL wrote:

In any case though, I propose we start an investigation, and over time, 
formulate a ever-growing list of these people and "black list" them so 
That's a bad idea.  Many of them simply collect this way, or do so 
intentionally so that they can raise money to buy the software they've 
always wanted for their collection.

There are many very respectful veterans of this hobby on this list and I 
wouldn't want any of them blacklisted just because they have or had 
practiced this a few times.

someone is paying for it, which makes me wonder - is something worth 
what it's "supposed to be" worth, or is it worth what even 1 person is 
willing to pay, even if it's a lot more than that?
Things are "worth" whatever someone is willing to pay for them.
World's largest electronic gaming project:
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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Jim Leonard
Per-Olof Karlsson wrote:

I agree. There are already quite a few people on eBay who sweep up as 
many bargains as they can, only to list them a week or two later for a 
much higher price. Kind of destroys the hobby, methinks.
There will always be people who want to make some money; I don't have a 
problem with that at all.  Most hobbies have support business on the 
side,  (scrapbooking, coin collection, comics, etc.) so this is to be 
expected with our hobby as well as it gets larger.
World's largest electronic gaming project:
A delicious slice of the demoscene:
Various oldskool PC rants and ramblings:

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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread BL

I understand your point Steph completely - but 
that's the nature of collecting, isn't it?  I'm not sure what you percieve 
my perspective to be, but I started collecting just because I thought it would 
be really cool to have sealed copies of all the games I played growing up.  
I still only really collect games that I have some personal attachment too - or 
other historically significant games for a variety of reasons, that I may not 
have played.  But, with ANYTHING, as time goes on, the prices go up.  
Of course there's going to be people who have no other motivation but to make 
money; I'm not one of them - I rarely sell any of my games, but I still consider 
it an investment in history and my childhood if nothing less - yet, I don't 
cringe at the fact that some day they'll be worth A LOT more than they are 
In any case though, I propose we start an 
investigation, and over time, formulate a ever-growing list of these people and 
"black list" them so to speak.  Of course it would take a lot of 
cooperation to make it work, and make it not worth it for these people to do 
what they do; after all, they might be making money by buying and selling much 
higher, but someone is paying for it, which makes me wonder - is something worth 
what it's "supposed to be" worth, or is it worth what even 1 person is willing 
to pay, even if it's a lot more than that?

  - Original Message - 
  Stephane Racle 
  Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like 
  this at all...
  While I'm appreciative of the fact that my collection is 
  increasing in value, I don't see high prices as a good thing. I know I don't 
  collect for money... I wonder how many of us share your perspective? I'd much 
  rather be able to add new items to my collection for reasonable prices. If 
  the prices stay too high, then we may start seeing people who have no interest 
  in the games, but are rather just there to make money - buy high, sell 
  higher.StephaneBL wrote: 
  Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to collect.
Sure it's certainly happened suddenly - and that is a little puzzling.  I
was thinking - perhaps this extreme surge has something to do with that
history of gaming special on the Game Show Network.  They did do what I
would consider to be a fairly indepth piece on Sierra in it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jukka Eronen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

Yeah this is crazy. And concerning.
First the prices doubled and now there's been over
500% rise _from that_ in many titles recently.

Is it perhaps something to do with the Drash-appearings?
Anyways public awareness of these games and collecting urge
has rised significantly lately for some reason, like
has been pointed out.
And maybe some investors are joining too.

Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
Any predictions what will happen?
Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
even more insane or stay where they are?

When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
gather everything they can get, even multiple times?

The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).
So get absolutely sure what you're bidding on
(if one can even afford anymore).

- Jukka

--  -  Synchronic Web

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Josh Lulewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

  What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???

I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?

What the heck is going on here?

The economy isn't that good...

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This mes

Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Jim Leonard
BL wrote:

Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to collect.
I have never collected purely as an investment.  I collect titles that 
mean a lot to me personally, or titles that I respect very highly due to 
what they did/meant to the industry.  But never for money; it's too 
volatile.  There are people out there who just want to play the games 
and think downloading Abandonware is "collecting", for example -- there 
will always be people like that, so the industry will shift all the 
time.  Until we get to be a bigger industry, we won't have the same 
common-sense "protection" that, for example, the comic book industry has 
against reprints being considered as worth a lot.
World's largest electronic gaming project:
A delicious slice of the demoscene:
Various oldskool PC rants and ramblings:

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RE: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Per-Olof Karlsson

I agree. There are already quite a few people on eBay who 
sweep up as many bargains as they can, only to list them a week or two later for 
a much higher price. Kind of destroys the hobby, methinks.
- Peo

From: Stephane Racle 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: den 10 maj 2004 
18:28To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I 
don't like this at all...
While I'm appreciative of the fact that my collection is increasing 
in value, I don't see high prices as a good thing. I know I don't collect for 
money... I wonder how many of us share your perspective? I'd much rather be able 
to add new items to my collection for reasonable prices. If the prices stay 
too high, then we may start seeing people who have no interest in the games, but 
are rather just there to make money - buy high, sell 
higher.StephaneBL wrote: 
Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to collect.
Sure it's certainly happened suddenly - and that is a little puzzling.  I
was thinking - perhaps this extreme surge has something to do with that
history of gaming special on the Game Show Network.  They did do what I
would consider to be a fairly indepth piece on Sierra in it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jukka Eronen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

  Yeah this is crazy. And concerning.
First the prices doubled and now there's been over
500% rise _from that_ in many titles recently.

Is it perhaps something to do with the Drash-appearings?
Anyways public awareness of these games and collecting urge
has rised significantly lately for some reason, like
has been pointed out.
And maybe some investors are joining too.

Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
Any predictions what will happen?
Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
even more insane or stay where they are?

When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
gather everything they can get, even multiple times?

The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).
So get absolutely sure what you're bidding on
(if one can even afford anymore).

- Jukka

--  -  Synchronic Web

- Original Message - 
From: Josh Lulewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???

I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?

What the heck is going on here?

The economy isn't that good...

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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Stephane Racle

While I'm appreciative of the fact that my collection is increasing in
value, I don't see high prices as a good thing. I know I don't collect
for money... I wonder how many of us share your perspective? I'd much
rather be able to add new items to my collection for reasonable prices.

If the prices stay too high, then we may start seeing people who have
no interest in the games, but are rather just there to make money - buy
high, sell higher.


BL wrote:

  Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to collect.
Sure it's certainly happened suddenly - and that is a little puzzling.  I
was thinking - perhaps this extreme surge has something to do with that
history of gaming special on the Game Show Network.  They did do what I
would consider to be a fairly indepth piece on Sierra in it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jukka Eronen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

Yeah this is crazy. And concerning.
First the prices doubled and now there's been over
500% rise _from that_ in many titles recently.

Is it perhaps something to do with the Drash-appearings?
Anyways public awareness of these games and collecting urge
has rised significantly lately for some reason, like
has been pointed out.
And maybe some investors are joining too.

Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
Any predictions what will happen?
Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
even more insane or stay where they are?

When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
gather everything they can get, even multiple times?

The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).
So get absolutely sure what you're bidding on
(if one can even afford anymore).

- Jukka

--  -  Synchronic Web

- Original Message - 
From: Josh Lulewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

  What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???

I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?

What the heck is going on here?

The economy isn't that good...


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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread BL
> Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
> Any predictions what will happen?
> Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
> even more insane or stay where they are?

Why would you hope it fades back to normal?  I think it's great - if I
thought that 50 years from now all the games I've collected were going to be
worth the same amount of money, I wouldn't feel any urgency to collect.
Sure it's certainly happened suddenly - and that is a little puzzling.  I
was thinking - perhaps this extreme surge has something to do with that
history of gaming special on the Game Show Network.  They did do what I
would consider to be a fairly indepth piece on Sierra in it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jukka Eronen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

> Yeah this is crazy. And concerning.
> First the prices doubled and now there's been over
> 500% rise _from that_ in many titles recently.
> Is it perhaps something to do with the Drash-appearings?
> Anyways public awareness of these games and collecting urge
> has rised significantly lately for some reason, like
> has been pointed out.
> And maybe some investors are joining too.
> Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
> Any predictions what will happen?
> Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
> even more insane or stay where they are?
> When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
> will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
> gather everything they can get, even multiple times?
> The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
> out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).
> So get absolutely sure what you're bidding on
> (if one can even afford anymore).
> - Jukka
> -- 
>  -  Synchronic Web
> - Original Message - 
> From: Josh Lulewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:15 AM
> Subject: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...
> > What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???
> >
> >
> > 315&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1
> >
> >
> > 315&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1
> >
> > I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?
> >
> > What the heck is going on here?
> >
> > The economy isn't that good...
> >
> > -josh
> --
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> the swcollect mailing list.  To unsubscribe, send mail to
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Re: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Jukka Eronen
Yeah this is crazy. And concerning.
First the prices doubled and now there's been over
500% rise _from that_ in many titles recently.

Is it perhaps something to do with the Drash-appearings?
Anyways public awareness of these games and collecting urge
has rised significantly lately for some reason, like
has been pointed out.
And maybe some investors are joining too.

Surely hope this will fade away back to normal soon.
Any predictions what will happen?
Is this temporary or will the prices continue to go
even more insane or stay where they are?

When the high-enders get their own copies of given titles
will they leave those alone in next time appearings or do they
gather everything they can get, even multiple times?

The prices will probably begin to tempt forgers to come
out too at any time now (not to sound pessimistic ;).
So get absolutely sure what you're bidding on
(if one can even afford anymore).

- Jukka

--  -  Synchronic Web

- Original Message - 
From: Josh Lulewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:15 AM
Subject: [SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

> What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???
> 315&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1
> 315&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT&rd=1
> I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?
> What the heck is going on here?
> The economy isn't that good...
> -josh

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[SWCollect] I don't like this at all...

2004-05-10 Thread Josh Lulewicz
What is with the sudden surge outrageous prices on Sierra stuff???

I mean Cranston I might understand...but Threshold!?!?

What the heck is going on here?

The economy isn't that good...


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