[swift-evolution] [Proposal]: support disable to trailing closure syntax

2016-01-04 Thread QQ Mail via swift-evolution
Hi, All: 
trailing closure is good for most cases, but sometimes it is also make 
code unclear, for example: 

UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3, animations: { () -> Void in
// animation code here
}) { (Bool) -> Void in
// completion code here

the label been removed and the code also not aligned well. 
I would like to write like this: 


animations: { () -> Void in
// animation code here
completion: { Bool -> Void in
// completion code here

It is possible, just every time you have to write it manually. It’s a little 
So I have a thought, since we already know this function is not well suit for 
closure, can we add a attribute to disable it, for example: 

extension UIView {

public static func animateWithDuration(duration:NSTimeInterval, 
animations:()->Void, completion:()->Void) {
// implementations ...

I also found another one have issue for this too. link: 

what do you think?

Best Regards

swift-evolution mailing list

Re: [swift-evolution] Proposal: typealias support protocol constraint

2015-12-28 Thread QQ Mail via swift-evolution
It’s a little be late to bring this out, but I have some new thoughts on it ~
First of all, this proposal basic concept is for easier and clearly to write 
Protocol extension.
So this means the “PointCollection" still a protocol, So why not use protocol 
inheritance to define it. 
What about we just write it like this:

public protocol PointCollection:CollectionType where T.Generator.Element == 
CGPoint {}

extension PointCollection {

// extension methods

and for multiple protocol conformation we can still use typealias, which 
currently supported, etc: 

typealias CombinedProtocol = protocol<ProtocolA, ProtocolB, ProtocolC>

> 在 2015年12月7日,上午3:27,Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> 写道:
> Yes, the idea is that this protocol type with partially or totally bound 
> associated types would be valid anywhere you could use a type.
> I’m not a compiler developer and I’m sure there are implementation 
> complexities and a lot of subtleties to work through.  But I believe it is 
> possible as Swift’s protocols share many similarities with ML’s module system 
> and ML is able to do this.  
> Hopefully someone from the core team can chime in on feasibility, 
> desirability, and priority of a feature like this.
>> On Dec 6, 2015, at 1:22 PM, Paul Cantrell <cantr...@pobox.com 
>> <mailto:cantr...@pobox.com>> wrote:
>>> The general form of this would look like:
>>> protocol<P1, P2, P3 where *list of constraints*>
>> I’m very interested in this. Would this also extend to variables & 
>> parameters with generic types that are only constrained, or not specified at 
>> all? For example:
>> let heterogeneousCollections: protocol> Generator.Element: CollectionType> = whatever
>> …or even:
>> let heterogeneousCollections: [CollectionType] = whatever
>> …because we don’t need to know the element types to get the max count:
>> let maxSize = heterogenousCollections.map { $0.count }.maxElement()
>> If so, I’m desperate for this. The lack of it forced some ugly compromises 
>> in Siesta’s API.
>> Cheers, P
>>> On Dec 6, 2015, at 9:07 AM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> This request isn’t really about typealias at all.  It has two elements.
>>> First, it’s about the ability to bind Self and / or associated types in a 
>>> protocol and use the result as a type.  This is highly desirable and is 
>>> similar to features in the ML module system.
>>> First is the ability to use a protocol with self or associated types as a 
>>> type, not just a generic constraint:
>>> protocol
>>> I don’t think the `T:` label is necessary here as the protocol name serves 
>>> as a good identifier in this context.  Although the protocol name could 
>>> probably be omitted when there is only one protocol here as it is implicit:
>>> protocol
>>> The general form of this would look like:
>>> protocol<P1, P2, P3 where *list of constraints*>
>>> In this case the protocol name would be required, at least when more than 
>>> one protocol in the list have an associated type with the same name (and 
>>> possibly in all cases).  The list of constraints could identify associated 
>>> types, bind them to concrete types, constrain Self to a specific 
>>> superclass, etc.  The Self constraint might look like this:
>>> protocol<P1, P2, P3 where Self: UIViewController>
>>> Ideally we would not need to bind all associated types in the protocol in 
>>> order to use it at a type, but would only be allowed to use members that do 
>>> not mention the unbound associated type in their signature.
>>> Once we have the ability to bind associated types and use the result as a 
>>> type, the typealias use falls out automatically.
>>> Second, it’s about the ability to extend a typealias where some generic 
>>> constraints are specified in the typealias.  This would allow us to re-use 
>>> the binding of generic constraints, but could be confusing if the extension 
>>> is far removed in source from the typealias.  I’m not sure how I feel about 
>>> this part of the proposal.
>>> Matthew
>>>> On