Re: [swinog] Swiss ISPs and IPv6 --- 2016 edition

2016-09-20 Diskussionsfäden Jim Romaguera

Well the point wasn't a personal purchase point.

But taking the viewpoint of "someone" who may be deploying / deciding on 
the deployment of IPv6 in the enterprise, BYOD, etc environments.

With one in two SmartPhones in CH Android, the advice of telling 50% of 
your customers / users to "go Apple" may not be the best approach for 
convincing such a "someone".

Seriously, any proposed solutions / approaches (besides requesting 
google to change their mind), that have actually been used somewhere, 
would be welcomed?

Cheers JIm

On 20.09.2016 16:24, Jeroen Massar wrote:

On 2016-09-20 15:58, Jim Romaguera wrote:

On 20.09.2016 15:40, Jeroen Massar wrote:

Anybody has a proper excuse? :)

No I don't have an excuse but interested in the communities (& your)
opinion re your challenge...

o DHCPv6 re Android re enterprise, BYOD, PWLAN, etc environments

Is a problem or was a problem / no problem at all?

One person at Google decided that they do not want to properly want to
support IPv6 even though people have been asking for it...
etc etc

And even if they finally change their mind:
you will never get the correct version on the devices

I am still waiting for the new 7.x to pop up on that chart ;)
I mean, it is only out for a month now...

Hey look, IOS 10.x is at 25% already:
while that was released, what, a week ago? :)

Hence, just buy a different device, Android is hopeless...


 well CyanogenMod might be useful, but they do not have DHCPv6
either afaik...

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Re: [swinog] Swiss ISPs and IPv6 --- 2016 edition

2016-09-20 Diskussionsfäden Jim Romaguera

On 20.09.2016 15:40, Jeroen Massar wrote:

Anybody has a proper excuse? :)

No I don't have an excuse but interested in the communities (& your) 
opinion re your challenge...

o DHCPv6 re Android re enterprise, BYOD, PWLAN, etc environments

Is a problem or was a problem / no problem at all?

Cheers JIm

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Re: [swinog] Switzerland judged "Cleanest Country"

2012-08-12 Diskussionsfäden Jim Romaguera
indeed... well stated Andre. This SWITCH / "legal process" needs still 
*alot* of fine-tuning.

Cheers JIm

On 12.08.2012 19:12, Andre Oppermann wrote:

On 10.08.2012 16:27, Serge Droz wrote:

Hello Swinogers,

you may have read our press release yesterday:

In the latest "PandaLabs Quarterly Report" Switzerland is judged as the
"Least infected" country. While one always has to read such number with
care, we still feel it indicates that Swiss ISPs do a good job.
We've been sending out reports about infected systems since about a
year, and the response was positive. Most people did put in the
additional effort to support their customers fixing the problems.

Thus a big "Thank you" to all who take security serious..

Despite the results in cleaning up *websites* I still feel uneasy about
this completely extra-judicial domain takedown process.  A domain is at
least as important as a specially assigned phone number.  When BAKOM
want's to deactivate such a phone number because of alleged abuse it
has to issue an official order (Verfügung) which can be appealed in legal
court.  Then court then may, or may not, issue a stay on the order until
things are further analysed or sorted out.

Here SWITCH is the accuser and executioner in union.  On top of that it
will only re-establish the domain when SWITCH is satisfied that its demands
are fulfilled.  There is no appeals process, no legal court, no 3rd party
review, simply nothing.  And ".ch" Domains are a Swiss federal resource
in law.

It seems we haven't hit the edge cases yet where there is disagreement on
whether something actually is malware or malicious enough between SWITCH
and a domain holder.

I'm waiting for the day "" (made that up) is considered
illicit for the purpose of a domain disable procedure.  What then?  IFPI
throwing a party?

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Re: [swinog] Blocking Malware distribution sites

2010-11-11 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera

Hi Serge,

Gotta agree with Olivier, Andre & Mike. This is a strange decision and a 
strange process (2 weeks to react to this new world order???). Makes me 
wonder why such a strange strategy couldn't be extrapolated to where .ch 
is disconnected unless some subdomain spreading "malware" stops within 

I seem to recall 15 or more years ago (details are obviously a bit hazy) ...
a) Milo decided to disconnect Finland from the then Internet (for some 
reason he thought was important).

b) SWITCH decided to ban distributing any newsgoup dealing with sex 
(SWITCH was the main way for the vast majority of Internet users to 
receive their newsgroups).

Both decisions were very arbitary (agree that no malice was intended 
except for Milo's case ;-( ). No chance to discuss the "how to achieve 
the goal" and "how to implement the goal".

Seriously, cert authorities have often delayed "outing" security holes 
from buggy software/hardware manufacturers until they have time to patch 
the bug. This has taken sometimes a very long time.

How come then that a "maybe" malware infected site (read the previous 
poster's comments - one man's malware is another man's security 
protection service) has no real time to react and is effectively "nuked".

One could argue that all sites that use known buggy software and 
hardware must fix within 24hrs or else be disconnected.

One thing is for the police to ask an ISP do something (at least they 
are following laws where a particular process is involved where debate, 
enhancements, etc occur AND as Andre correctly states the ISP can shield 
himself from legal liabilty by stating "I did what the police told me to 
do."). But for SWITCH to "decide" to do something to an even lower level 
entity, such as a domain, and in this manner is truely abit scary and a 
bad decision as a "process" - SWITCH also makes mistakes from time to 
time (see above).

SWITCH should raise suspect sites to the police who would "decide" and 
then instruct SWITCH what it should do.

Lastly, law or no law, would you really treat the same as and disconnect them within 24hrs if their cisco ios was 
buggy - such a bug ain't gonna be fixed within 24hrs?

Also my 2cents worth...Cheers JIm

On 11/11/2010 10:28, Mike Kellenberger wrote:

Hi all (again)

The more I think about it, the less I think SWITCH thought about it, before 
publishing such nonsense.

"On 25 November 2010 SWITCH will launch an new initiative to maintain the high 
security standards of Swiss websites."

Hello? Since when does SWITCH have anything to say about the security of 
websites? Security of Domains: ok, but websites? Remember: Internet != 

Deleting the name server delegation of a domain not only shuts down access to 
one website, but to ALL Internet services depending on DNS in that domain.

"From different third parties we receive a fairly large number of URLs in .ch/.li 
ccTLDs which distribute malware."

Exactly - specific URLs (or the websites behind those URLs) may spread malware, 
but not the domain itself, but again - since SWITCH cannot block access to 
specifiec URLs, there is no reason to block access to the whole domain.

So I absolutely second Andre Oppermanns opinion: "This delegation suspension plan is 
entirely broken by design and should be immediately stopped."



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Re: [swinog] The ISP Association: one for all, all for one

2010-10-28 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera

Hi Pascal & Jens,

If you expand my definition to include an obligation to register (or be 
registered whether you like it or not) by BAKOM, BUPF or any other 
government mnemonic *because* of your offering of public Internet 
services (which is a general term for access, service providers, etc) 
then I think you've got the membership defintion pretty tight.

But yes I agree - one should participate and then see what plays out in 
the process.

Cheers JIm

On 28/10/2010 21:51, Pascal Gloor wrote:

Hi Jim,

I'm not saying I'm against your below list - haven't thought about it enough yet - but an "ISP association" 
seems to imply ISPs - Internet Service Providers. Your list might be tending to an "Internet association" (it 
depends on what "so on" means I guess). It would be good to have an "ISP association" to stand up 
for ISPs.

An ISP to me means being obligated to register at BAKOM as a telecommunications provider 
("Registrierung als gemeldete Fernmeldedienstanbieterin") *because* one is 
offering some sort of public Internet services. Such an obligation certainly covers a few 
points on your list. My 2cents worth...

Indeed "and so on.." is open. My point was more to say its not restricted (as 
Per Jessen said) to _ACCESS_ providers. You say it should (maybe) be limited to BAKOM 
registered providers, don't forget that the new BÜPF law draft includes non-BAKOM 
registered _SERVICE_ providers (like mail hosting) and I think such an assoc. should also 
protect them.

Participate is the preparation process and you'll have your word to say. If you 
wish to be founding member, you will also be able to amend the Statutes and get 
a vote during the foundation assembly.

See you!

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] The ISP Association: one for all, all for one

2010-10-28 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera

Hi Pascal,

I'm not saying I'm against your below list - haven't thought about it 
enough yet - but an "ISP association" seems to imply ISPs - Internet 
Service Providers. Your list might be tending to an "Internet 
association" (it depends on what "so on" means I guess). It would be 
good to have an "ISP association" to stand up for ISPs.

An ISP to me means being obligated to register at BAKOM as a 
telecommunications provider ("Registrierung als gemeldete 
Fernmeldedienstanbieterin") *because* one is offering some sort of 
public Internet services. Such an obligation certainly covers a few 
points on your list. My 2cents worth...

Cheers JIm

On 28/10/2010 19:35, Pascal Gloor wrote:

... the creation of an ISP association (umbrella organisation) representing 
them ...

Because I was asked by several hosting companies and ISPs, I'd like to make 
this point clear.

The idea of the umbrella assoc./union is to represent ANY company that is 
offering public internet services in Switzerland.

This includes, but is not limited to:

internet access
vpn tunnel brokers
web/mail/dns/whatever hosting
social networks
I would even say marketing companies that send mass mail (newsletters, 
not spam)
and so on...

Hope this clarification helps.

Have a nice evening ;-)

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Re: [swinog] Vorratsdatenspeicherung

2009-07-16 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera
Referencing WoZ...funny that UMTS & GSM Online surfing is excluded - 
reasons almost certainly being the untold gazillions (financial impact) 
needed to technically achieve that goal - whilst the financial impact 
for small/middle ISPs seems to carry no weight (according to Mr Piatti 
of EJPD)

Cheers JIm

Fredy Kuenzler wrote:
> ueli heuer schrieb:
>>> Der Entwurf wurde gar nie öffentlich gemacht. Zudem war keine
>>> Gesetzesänderung nötig. Es basiert vollständig auf dem bisherigen BÜPF.
>>> Über eine neue Verordnung zum Gesetz wird die technische Umsetzung
>>> erweitert.
>> Die Wochenzeitung (WOZ) wird in der Ausgabe von morgen dieses Thema
>> aufgreifen. Der Artikel kann auch Online gelesen werden [1]
>> Wer die Dokumente - um die es hier geht - lesen will kann sie am ende des
>> WOZ-Artikel runterladen.
>> [1]
> Zum Glück gibts die WOZ. Ich habe darüber gebloggt:
> Es ist IMHO wichtig, dass auf breite Front gegen die neuen Richtlinien
> opponiert wird. Auch 20min hat berichtet:
> F.
> ___
> swinog mailing list

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Re: [swinog] DSL problems today morning

2007-09-05 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera
ack from us...our sdsl/adsl lines monitored as down (then eventually 
up). down started around 5:00.

cheers jim

Xaver Aerni wrote:

Some of our Costumer says that the DSL Line was down. At 1:15  UTC is 
the Line going down. The Most Router don't restart automaticly. Did 
anyone about this problem... Was this a Softwareupdate from Swisscom?

X. Aerni

Xaver Aerni
Zürichstrasse 10a
8340 Hinwil
Tel. 001 707 361 68 39

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[swinog] ULL presentation

2007-05-02 Diskussionsfäden JIm Romaguera


I saw that the upcoming Swinog agenda has a free slot at 11:15-12:00 (at 
least I guess it's free - stated "reserved"). It would be interesting 
for me, and I think the provider community as well, to see Swisscom give 
a presentation on ULL. Something like "Technical Aspects of Provider's 
implementing the current Swisscom defined ULL". The timing of Swinog and 
the current Swisscom deadlines for ULL make the theme very actual. BTW: 
I don't expect Swisscom to come and defend the commercial aspect - just 
elaborate upon the technical aspects.

If the Swinog Core Team agrees and can find space in the agenda, plus 
some of our Swisscom colleagues on the list can coordinate internally 
within Swisscom, maybe someone suitable within Swisscom could be found 
to give such a presentation?

Cheers JIm
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Cisco parts for sale..

2006-03-03 Diskussionsfäden Jim Romaguera
On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 09:27:55 +0100, Peter Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 14:27 +0100, Pascal Gloor wrote:
> > I dont see anything to discussion here. We use the list to help each
> > other (Swiss ISPs), this may include buying/selling hardware.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> So what are the rules now?
> If the list "knows" someone he can sell stuff, if he's "unknown" he
> can't?
> Peter

maybe something like...

If someone is a member of the swinog mailing list (i.e. a member of the
swinog community) then it's ok. 

Cheers JIm
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] THANK YOU!

2005-10-21 Diskussionsfäden Jim Romaguera

mi culpa...

from previous swinog the signal was good but shaping made the speed too
slow. we said we would raise the shape speed. this event the speed was good
(at least quite a few guys told me) but the signal was not so great
everywhere in the room (even though we checked it the day before). we took
the feedback yesterday onboard about the signal and will install an AP in
the room by next meeting.

Cheers JIm

On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 11:03:16 +0200, Fredy Kuenzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Michel Renfer wrote:
> >> Except for the lousy WLAN. Down in the big hall it was no problem 
> >> using it, but up in our room there was almost no signal. Loading up
> >> the register website took forever, connections timed out. You would
> >> not expect that at a meeting of network experts. Was it too 
> >> expensive to install a second AP up there?
> > 
> > I already get yesterday feedback from Jim that he would install an
> > separate AP in the meeting room for us @ SwiNOG-12
> I would like to express our gratitude to Jim and all of TheNet for their 
> continous support of our community, and as already mentioned, TheNet 
> will improve the WLAN in the meeting room.
> BTW:
> F.
> ___
> swinog mailing list
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