[Talk-dk] Ingen Geodatastyrelsen fotos?

2016-08-09 Thread Michael Andersen

Er det bare mig eller...? Siden søndag har jeg ikke kunnet zoome længere ind 
end til hvor der på skalaen i JOSM står 50 m (pr tile?) og har derfor været 
nødt til at bruge Bing i stedet. Er der tale om et uheld som de ansvarlige et 
eller andet sted ikke er opmærksomme på? Jeg vil meget gerne have adgang til 
Geodatastyrelsen fotos igen.

Mvh Hjart

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Lesotho Embassy is hosting a mapping event on Aug 13th

2016-08-09 Thread Dave Corley
Hi all,

Just a reminder about this event, this Saturday, from 10am to 4pm. There's
still 6 spaces left that I'd like to fill so if anyone else would like to
come along just let me know.

For those curious but not sure:
- You only need bring a laptop and mouse for mapping
- Its free
- Its informal
- Lunch will be provided
- Any level of mapping ability is welcome. Guidance will be given on the
day (many won't be familiar with features in African imagery)
- The event will be here - http://osm.org/go/es~R7ealk?m=


On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 8:54 PM, Rory Rudden  wrote:

> Hey Dave,
> Great to hear.  See you Saturday.
> Rory
> On 09/08/2016 12:30, Dave Corley wrote:
> Rory,
> The event is open to anyone and there are still several spaces left so you
> are more than welcome to attend. Its always great to see new people at
> these events.
> The only thing you need bring is a laptop and mouse.
> If the mailing list rejected your email it's possible you didn't complete
> the signup process correctly. We can take a look on Saturday in any case.
> Dave
> On 9 Aug 2016 08:52, "Rory Rudden"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First off apologies for emailing you direct about Saturday.  I tried
>> sending a msg to the mailing list but it is being held back for approval
>> (possibly because I only joined last week).
>> *Your mail to 'Talk-ie' with the subject*
>> *Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Lesotho Embassy is hosting a mapping event on*
>> *Aug 13th*
>> *Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.*
>> *The reason it is being held: **Post by non-member to a members-only
>> list*
>> *Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive*
>> *notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel*
>> *this posting, please visit the following URL:*
>> Essentially I would be interested in helping out on Saturday if I can. I
>> don't have any experience in
>> editing OSM but use the mapping on a day to day basis in work including shp
>> files based on OSM data within QGIS and ArcGIS.  I'm reasonably tech savvy
>> and a fast learner.  I realise space is limited and would not want to take
>> a space if more more able people arrive.  Are you expecting many?  Would
>> I need to bring anything with me?
>> Best Regards
>> Rory
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Lack of attribution to OSM by ESRI on Carlow maps

2016-08-09 Thread Dave Corley
Hi Brian,

Out of curiosity I took a look at Galway County Council and got a nice
surprise at their maps homepage. They have several links and images to
various bits of data and they are using OSM as the main map in those


However my jaw dropped when I saw the outer bypass map. they have the full
route, lanes, embankments roundabouts etc etc, all overlaid on the OSM map.
Looks great and I was dead chuffed seeing as I drew a large portion of what
they're using :)

Both Galway City & County councils are using the maps.arcgis.com solution
for their maps (its handy for them) but they do it slightly differently
between them. The City Council site is a carbon copy of your Carlow one


I went through a few of maps and did some comparisons. They are basically
the same sites but on Galway City Council one, full attribution is given.
It may be something as simple as a setting they have turned off in error in
the Carlow one as I would assume its on by defult


On 9 Aug 2016 18:40, "Brian Hollinshead"  wrote:

> Prior to a visit to Carlow yesterday I perused the council web page for
> maps, see link below:
> http://carlow.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicGallery/index.html?appid=
> 463a5f06db5040e4863a8f2bc8f452fd=c94e864d25da4f4f8e7f5e68e3ebd47b
> Of about 15 maps all powered by ESRI They have correctly attributed one to
> OSI and one to OSM (CC-BY-SA). Most of the others appear to be by OSM but
> although carrying the   Powered by ESRI logo they seem to have neglected to
> attribute them to OSM.
> I called to the Council and their IT people, who were properly upset, have
> contacted the ESRI. Today they contacted me to advise no meaningful
> response yet. They will keep in touch until the omissions are corrected.
> They are considering withdrawing the unattributed maps until matters have
> been put in order.
> Perhaps you might prowl around YOUR local Council website in case perhaps
> this is more widespread than just Carlow.
> Is there someone somewhere in OSM that I should copy this to?
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] School districts

2016-08-09 Thread Mike Dupont
I have been thinking about it and the best I can come up with is a relation
of type collection that contains either the areas, streets or houses
associated with the school district cachement area.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Mike Dupont  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Need advice on how to setup a OSM searchable school district lookup system
> using a static js driven site.
> Can we start adding the school districts for the map in the usa?
> For Lawrence Township they assign individual houses or streets.
> Here is the best map I have come up with for lawrence so far :
> https://twitter.com/h4ck3rm1k3/status/761970059430486020
> Basically the question is, can we store the school district information
> attached to a house number or street as needed or do we have to store it
> externally?
> I would like to add this information to the house or street level in osm
> or find a way to link a customer layer to osm. Basically I want to have the
> user search and find the location in osm, I have added all the house
> numbers to osm where the streets are split. So we would find a street or a
> house number, and for that number I need to return the custom data.
> I have setup and cleaned all the data for Lawrence Township, NJ.  We have
> a project page for mercer county here :
> https://github.com/codefortrenton/school-districts
> I am making progress on this topic, the way I am planning on doing it now
> is to have a geojson file with all the district areas borders for the
> township and then use a leaflet slippy map to display it on top of osm, and
> nominatim to search for house numbers, and then take the coordinates found
> at a give point to lookup the bounding parcel.
> The problem that I see is that the id might change over time, otherwise I
> would use the osm id. I guess I could take the streetname and house number
> and add it to a look up table.
> mike
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Kansas Linux Fest http://kansaslinuxfest.us
> Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
> http://openkansas.us
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://www.flossk.org
> Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.co
> m
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Kansas Linux Fest http://kansaslinuxfest.us
> Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
> http://openkansas.us
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://www.flossk.org
> Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.
> com

James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest http://kansaslinuxfest.us
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://www.flossk.org
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.com
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is tile rendering having a crisis?

2016-08-09 Thread Jon Burgess
On Tue, 2016-08-09 at 14:41 -0700, Ben Discoe wrote:
> The tile renderer, "renderd", has been heavily overloaded for quite a
> while, like 90% of the time it is dropping, and the dirty queue is
> entirely ignored.  However, in the past day, something has happened
> so
> that it is even more overloaded, even the standard request queue is
> not getting handled, and the dropped is out of control:
> http://munin.openstreetmap.org/openstreetmap/orm.openstreetmap/render
> d_processed.html
> Does anyone know what's going on?  This is a large frustration for
> me,
> and I'd happily donate money to beefing up our render server(s).

There was an update to the rendering style a couple of days ago and
this triggered all of the existing tiles on Orm to be marked as needing
a fresh render the next time someone requests them. This means there
are far more requests hitting the render daemon than normal. It
typically takes about a week for the request queues to return to normal
when this happens. If you look at the "by-year" chart you can see
spikes in the dropped counts where this has happened about a dozen
times in the past year.

The OSM operations team are aware of the increased load on the tile
servers. There was a recent jump in usage when one of the other tile
providers stopped unlimited free access to their service. There was
also a site using OSM tiles for a popular Pokemon Go map causing lots
of additional traffic, once this was identified the site was blocked.


(member of the OSM operations team)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Is tile rendering having a crisis?

2016-08-09 Thread Ben Discoe
The tile renderer, "renderd", has been heavily overloaded for quite a
while, like 90% of the time it is dropping, and the dirty queue is
entirely ignored.  However, in the past day, something has happened so
that it is even more overloaded, even the standard request queue is
not getting handled, and the dropped is out of control:


Does anyone know what's going on?  This is a large frustration for me,
and I'd happily donate money to beefing up our render server(s).


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Hubert87

Hallo Flo,

hast du da mal einen Link (zur Karte)?
Eventuell fehlen dort Verbindungswege zwischen T-Einmündungen und 
gegenüberliegende (Rad)Wege.

Ich würde mir das aber gerne einmal ansehen. (Ohne das tagging zu ändern.)

Gruß Hubert87

Am 09.08.2016 um 19:08 schrieb Florian Lohoff:

On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 06:26:07PM +0200, Hubert87 wrote:


Ich tagge bei straßen/fahrbahnbegleitenden Radwegen oneway=yes/no
immer explizit dazu.

Ich habe das an 2-3 Stellen mal gemacht und das ist wirklich gruselig.
An Kreuzungen sind dann die 4 Teilstücke in der Kreuzung nicht mehr
oneway. Aber das ganze wird routingtechnisch wirklich stilblüten treiben
weil man dann rechtsseitig 4km bis zur nächsten Kreuzungsmöglichkeit
geschickt wird bis man dann drehen kann und dann rechtsseitig zurück.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag sbagliato "bridge_name" e "tunnel_name"

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 18:40, heimlik...@mail.com ha scritto:
> ho trovato un paio di bridge_name e tunnel_name in Italia.
> Questo è sbagliato. Il tag giusto è bridge:name e "tunnel:name".

per me tutte le varianti di bridge name sono superati, non aveva mai senso, 
invece è molto meglio avere un oggetto per il ponte ed aggiungere name=* 

Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 18:43, Jakob Mühldorfer 
>  ha scritto:
> Zu denen an der der Straße:
> Ein cycleway=* bedeutet ja dass es rechts und links etwas für Radfahrer gibt, 
> was dann logischerweiße jeweils oneway ist.

das hat mit Logik wenig zu tun, da sollte man dann im Zweifel auch oneway tags 
anbringen, falls es Einschränkungen gibt

> Demnach sollte bei explizit cycleway:left und cycleway:right dann ebenfalls 
> anzunehmen sein dass diese jeweils nur in eine Richtung gehen.

-1, bitte explizit 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 17:55, Florian Lohoff  ha scritto:
> Wie handhaben das andere? 

wenn man nur in eine Richtung fahren darf, dann sollte da natürlich auch ein 
oneway=yes tag dran (ist hier eher selten, das sind meistens 2 Spuren, eine pro 
Richtung, also lanes=2 ohne oneway tag).

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Building a free/open reviews community w/ OSM support

2016-08-09 Thread Erik Moeller
Thanks all for the helpful responses. I'll explore using the Overpass
API and its "permanent ID" feature [1] for now. I do tend to agree
with Joost that it makes sense for OSM to have a policy for external
identifiers -- even if the threshold is not one that this project can
meet yet. :)

It'll be a couple of months before I have something OSM-related to
show. If you're interested in following the project in the meantime,
here's a few links:

* GitHub repo: https://github.com/eloquence/lib.reviews
* Dev diary: https://lib.reviews/team/6bfc0390-e218-4cb7-a446-2046cb886435
* Discussion list: http://www.freelists.org/list/lib.reviews
* IRC: #lib.reviews on FreeNode (my bouncer is always online, so you
can leave me messages there)

And if you want to play with the current state and need an invite
code, give me a shout off-list.

Thanks again -> re-lurking,


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Permanent_ID

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] osrm motorway

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 16:39, Mauro Costantini 
>  ha scritto:
> Sembra che osrm eviti completamente le autostrade italiane. Ho
> googlato un po' ma non riesco a trovare traccia del perché di questo
> comportamento.
> È un bug di osrm? Qualcuno sa qualcosa?  

forse evitano strade a pagamento?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Cammino del beato Enrico, tag network.

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 17:26, Luca Delucchi  
> ha scritto:
> Si ma esistono delle "regole" da seguire... Per usare una ruote bisogna che 
> questa sia segnalata in qualche modo sul terreno altrimenti non può essere 
> segnalata come ruote.

una route che si trova soltanto in un libro potrebbe probabilmente essere 
coperta da diritto d'autore. In Francia hanno addirittura il problema che le 
rotte segnalate nel territorio non sono inseribili (protetti come marchio, GR).

Per me va bene inserire dettagli da internet, se la questione copyright è 
risolta (dominio pubblico, per esempio leggi, delibere, ordinanze ecc.)

Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] wrong tag "tunnel_name""bridge_name"

2016-08-09 Thread heimlikloh

bridge_name have as status abandoned:

I think the that we should fix the Wiki and use all over OSM the tag 
"tunnel:name" and "bridge:name"


On 9 August 2016 at 20:02 Ian Caldwell wrote:
They come from 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Mappers in Idaho!

2016-08-09 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
I wanted to chime in my great enthusiasm for Greg Morgan helping or leading a 
good, chunky data effort in OSM like this.  Greg took on the USBR 90 effort in 
Arizona, hundreds and hundreds of miles of bicycle route, now very well entered 
in OSM and AASHTO-approved.  It took him weeks, but it would take anybody weeks 
or months, and he did a fantastic job.

Greg was like a co-pilot, taking his responsibilities very seriously, using 
Mapillary to super effect, asking excellent questions, taking the small amount 
of direction required very well and just being all-around a top-notch 
communicator and team member.  If you have any interest in this Idaho project, 
notice that below, Greg offers to lead the effort!  So, listen up and throw 
your shoulder in with him and watch wonderful things happen in OSM with Greg at 
the helm.  Collaborating with him is like an enjoyable adventure!


> Ha! Ha!  I looked at the data last night because I drove through the
> area on I-15 in early February...well it was near by Teton Idaho.
> Then in May of this year I drove through Wyoming...well it was near by
> Teton Wyoming.  I am familiar with both areas.  I left a Mapillary
> trail in both cases. There are only 11K addresses in the dbf file.  I
> don't know how many foot prints are in the data, yet.  What I thought
> about is that the US community could use the data as an example of how
> to process the data for an import.  There are a number of questions in
> the data and a template can be developed with a project like this. Oh!
> I won't be standing in line.  I will would be happy to lead the
> effort.  I wanted to make sure that no one else had called dibs yet.
(et cetera)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] wrong tag "tunnel_name""bridge_name"

2016-08-09 Thread Ian Caldwell
They come from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_waterways.


On 9 August 2016 at 18:25,  wrote:

> Hello OSM UK Community,
> I found a some tunnel_name  and
> bridge_name  in United Kingdom and I
> think we should use correct "tunnel:name" and "bridge:name".
> I can do this in a single edit, but only if this is OK for the local
> mapper.
> regards from South Tyrol
> luschi
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag sbagliato "bridge_name" e "tunnel_name"

2016-08-09 Thread Andrea Albani

in realtà non sono solo un paio, ma dalle query overpass che hai postato
sono fra tutti e due circa un centinaio di way.

Io non cambierei forzatamente tutti i bridge_name e tunnel_name nei
corrispondenti *:name, perchè esiste l'alternativa, che personalmente
preferisco, di utilizzare direttamente il tag name qualora la way non abbia
già un nome... quindi valuterei caso per caso.


Il giorno 9 agosto 2016 18:40,  ha scritto:

> Ciao,
> ho trovato un paio di bridge_name  e
> tunnel_name  in Italia.
> Questo è sbagliato. Il tag giusto è bridge:name
>  e "tunnel:name".
> Se va bene per voi, io correggo in un changeset solo.
> Ho già chiesto nel Forum:
> http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=55386
> Auguri
> luschi
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Lack of attribution to OSM by ESRI on Carlow maps

2016-08-09 Thread Brian Hollinshead
Prior to a visit to Carlow yesterday I perused the council web page for
maps, see link below:


Of about 15 maps all powered by ESRI They have correctly attributed one to
OSI and one to OSM (CC-BY-SA). Most of the others appear to be by OSM but
although carrying the   Powered by ESRI logo they seem to have neglected to
attribute them to OSM.

I called to the Council and their IT people, who were properly upset, have
contacted the ESRI. Today they contacted me to advise no meaningful
response yet. They will keep in touch until the omissions are corrected.
They are considering withdrawing the unattributed maps until matters have
been put in order.

Perhaps you might prowl around YOUR local Council website in case perhaps
this is more widespread than just Carlow.

Is there someone somewhere in OSM that I should copy this to?
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Servizi di segnalazione basati su OpenStreetMap

2016-08-09 Thread Marcello
Il consigliere 5stelle del mio comune ha proposto in consiglio comunale
l'utilizzo del servizio http://www.decorourbano.org/, vedendo che
utilizza Google maps gli ho mandato una mail chiedendo di valutare l'uso
di OSM, con il sito del comune di Trento come esempio. Non ho ancora
avuto risposte, speriamo sia il periodo di ferie...



On 09/08/2016 11:20, Zardetto Carlo wrote:
> Ma usa le google map.
> *From:* Giuliano 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10:35 AM
> *To:* openstreetmap list - italiano 
> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-it] Servizi di segnalazione basati su OpenStreetMap
> Questo è abbastanza diffuso:
> http://www.decorourbano.org/
> Ciao
> Giuliano
> Il 06/08/2016 14:06, Marcello ha scritto:
>> Salve,
>> tempo fa in lista era stato segnalato un comune che utilizzava OSM per
>> le segnalazioni dei cittadini riguardante i disservizi (buche, lampioni
>> non funzionanti, ecc).
>> Il link era
>> http://segnalazioni.comune.palazzolosulloglio.bs.it/index.php, ma vedo
>> che non è più attivo e sul sito di quel comune non c'è più traccia del
>> servizio, qualcuno conosce servizi attivi di quel genere?
>> Grazie
>> Ciao,
>> Marcello
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-GB] wrong tag "tunnel_name""bridge_name"

2016-08-09 Thread heimlikloh

Hello OSM UK Community,

I found a some tunnel_name  and 
bridge_name  in United Kingdom and I 
think we should use correct "tunnel:name" and "bridge:name".

I can do this in a single edit, but only if this is OK for the local mapper.

regards from South Tyrol


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Florian Lohoff
On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 06:26:07PM +0200, Hubert87 wrote:
> korrekt.
> Ich tagge bei straßen/fahrbahnbegleitenden Radwegen oneway=yes/no
> immer explizit dazu.

Ich habe das an 2-3 Stellen mal gemacht und das ist wirklich gruselig.
An Kreuzungen sind dann die 4 Teilstücke in der Kreuzung nicht mehr
oneway. Aber das ganze wird routingtechnisch wirklich stilblüten treiben
weil man dann rechtsseitig 4km bis zur nächsten Kreuzungsmöglichkeit
geschickt wird bis man dann drehen kann und dann rechtsseitig zurück.

Florian Lohoff f...@zz.de
 UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: Digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-ja] wrong tag "tunnel_name" "bridge_name"

2016-08-09 Thread heimlikloh

Hello Japan Community,

I found some tunnel_name  and 
bridge_name  in Japan and I think we 
should use correct "tunnel:name" and "bridge:name".

I can do this in a single edit, but only if this is OK for the local mapper.

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Jakob Mühldorfer

Hi Flo,

Ich sehe es genau so wie Du:
Ein highway oder path geht immer in zwei Richtungen, außer es wird 
explizit oneway angegeben.
Darüber denkt man als Mensch evtl. nur kaum nach, denn wenn man schön 
links und rechts von der Straße zwei Wege sieht, wird intuitiv vermutet 
dass sie in eine Richtung gehen:

Aber für Router ist das ja kein Unterschied zu einem Radweg mitten im 
Nirgendwo, bei dem man als Mensch wieder sofort annimmt dass er in beide 
Richtungen geht:

Zu denen an der der Straße:
Ein cycleway=* bedeutet ja dass es rechts und links etwas für Radfahrer 
gibt, was dann logischerweiße jeweils oneway ist. Demnach sollte bei 
explizit cycleway:left und cycleway:right dann ebenfalls anzunehmen sein 
dass diese jeweils nur in eine Richtung gehen.


Am 09.08.2016 um 17:55 schrieb Florian Lohoff:


Mir ist gerade so beim Mappen ein Schnipsel Radweg mit "oneway=yes"
aufgefallen. Dabei ist mir so der Gedanke gekommen das ja eigentlich
viel mehr Radwege ein oneway tragen müssten. Alle Straßenbegleitenden
Radwege die eben die gegen die Fahrtrichtung nicht freigegeben
oder angeordnet sind.

Mir geht es hier erstmal um Radwege die als separate Wege
gemapped sind - nicht welche die als cycleway=track an der Fahrbahn

Wie handhaben das andere?


Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] tag sbagliato "bridge_name" e "tunnel_name"

2016-08-09 Thread heimlikloh


ho trovato un paio di bridge_name  e 
tunnel_name  in Italia.
Questo è sbagliato. Il tag giusto è bridge:name 
 e "tunnel:name".

Se va bene per voi, io correggo in un changeset solo.

Ho già chiesto nel Forum:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Hubert87


Ich tagge bei straßen/fahrbahnbegleitenden Radwegen oneway=yes/no immer 
explizit dazu.

Gruß Sebastian/Hubert87

Am 09.08.2016 um 17:55 schrieb Florian Lohoff:


Mir ist gerade so beim Mappen ein Schnipsel Radweg mit "oneway=yes"
aufgefallen. Dabei ist mir so der Gedanke gekommen das ja eigentlich
viel mehr Radwege ein oneway tragen müssten. Alle Straßenbegleitenden
Radwege die eben die gegen die Fahrtrichtung nicht freigegeben
oder angeordnet sind.

Mir geht es hier erstmal um Radwege die als separate Wege
gemapped sind - nicht welche die als cycleway=track an der Fahrbahn

Wie handhaben das andere?


Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] *spam* osrm motorway

2016-08-09 Thread emmexx
On 08/09/2016 04:39 PM, Mauro Costantini wrote:
> Sembra che osrm eviti completamente le autostrade italiane. Ho
> googlato un po' ma non riesco a trovare traccia del perché di questo
> comportamento.
> È un bug di osrm? Qualcuno sa qualcosa?

Anche su quelle svizzere non sembra funzionare.
Ci sara' un errore nel file di configurazione. Segnalalo qui:


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-de] Linksseitiger Radweg / Straßenbegleitend als oneway?

2016-08-09 Thread Florian Lohoff


Mir ist gerade so beim Mappen ein Schnipsel Radweg mit "oneway=yes"
aufgefallen. Dabei ist mir so der Gedanke gekommen das ja eigentlich
viel mehr Radwege ein oneway tragen müssten. Alle Straßenbegleitenden
Radwege die eben die gegen die Fahrtrichtung nicht freigegeben
oder angeordnet sind.

Mir geht es hier erstmal um Radwege die als separate Wege
gemapped sind - nicht welche die als cycleway=track an der Fahrbahn

Wie handhaben das andere? 

Florian Lohoff f...@zz.de
 UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: Digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] osrm motorway

2016-08-09 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 09/08/2016 16:39, Mauro Costantini ha scritto:
> Sembra che osrm eviti completamente le autostrade italiane. Ho
> googlato un po' ma non riesco a trovare traccia del perché di questo
> comportamento.
> È un bug di osrm? Qualcuno sa qualcosa?

Dev'essere un bug di osrm, se vado sul sito principale e provo la demo
ottengo la stessa cosa.

Se dal menu seleziono mapzen, funziona regolarmente con autostrade.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Arrivée d'un itinéraire de pélerinage en Bretagne à mapper

2016-08-09 Thread Christian Rogel

> Le 8 août 2016 à 21:41, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :
> Je serais partisan d'utiliser Tro Breizh (avec un h et des majuscules).
> Ça me semble la graphie la plus classique et sans risque de brevet (puisque 
> c'est la graphie usuelle).
> Le h c'est pour inclure les Vannetais (ou plutôt le vannetais).
Personnellement, j’utilise l’orthographe moderne avec zh, mais, il sera 
difficile de ne pas employer l’orthographe du 19e, parce que c’est celle qui 
est visible sur les balises.

> S'il a le parcours en gpx, il doit pouvoir le téléverser sur OSM pour que les 
> gens puissent le reprendre le long des chemins (existants sans doute pour la 
> plupart). Mais peut-être que le tracé du site indiqué suffit.
> Il faut juste lui dire que s'il télécharge, tout le monde peut s'en servir et 
> que les données entrées seront en ODbL. S'il n'a pas réagi c'est peut-être 
> que pour lui ça semble couler de source (il est l'auteur et cite déjà OSM).
Je le lui ai demandé.
> Et si en plus il y a moyen de faire ça avec la Coop Breizh, ça peut nous 
> faire une pub sympa.
Il s’agit moins de « faire » avec le Cop Breizh que de leur montrer un chemin 
moins cher et plus flexibles our leurs rééditions.
> Tu mettrais l'association comme opérateur ?
D’après lui, le relevé et le balisage ont été entièrement son oeuvre. S’il 
verse les traces, il sera crédité dans l’historique et mentionné dans une 
future page wiki.

> Jean-Yvon, Breton, apostasié. Quant à la Cornouaille historique, je ne sais 
> (Presqu'îlien d'origine ;-)).
Je confirme que la presqu’île de Crozon est dans ma puissante « juridiction » 
qui va même jusqu’à Rostrenen et aux portes de Saint-Brieuc, mais j’abandonne 
l’autre presqu’île (Plougastel) aux Brestois

Christian R.___
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Cammino del beato Enrico, tag network.

2016-08-09 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 09/ago/2016 13:44, "Mauro Costantini"  ha
> Ohibò! Permettetemi di dissentire fermamente.
> Tra i principi guida che dovrebbero ispirarci per creare "la mappa più
> bella del mondo" di certo non c'è quello di distruggere il lavoro di
> altri mappatori, solo quello di migliorarlo (se possibile).
> Il nostro lavoro di moderni cartografi ci impone di consultare tutte
> le fonti a nostra disposizione per inserire nel database i dati nel
> modo più accurato possibile.
> Segnaletica stradale, delibere di organi amministrativi, siti web,
> pubblicazioni cartacee, libri varii, racconti delle persone del luogo,
>  sono semplicemente fonti utili per arrivare alla conoscenza più
> completa possibile del dato.
> Poi tale dato va inserito nel database in modo corretto.

Non è corretto, noi rappresentiamo ciò che si trova sul terreno, non quello
che si trova su internet, pubblicazioni ecc ecc

> Finita la precisazione filosofica un appunto sulla relation in oggetto:
> Se da un'analisi di alcune fonti (prevalentemente online) non salta
> fuori molto su questo cammino, non vuol dire che non esista.
> Da quel poco che ho capito su questa relation forse i tag
> route=foot
> pilgrimage=yes
> description=non c'è segnaletica relativa al beato Enrico
> note=la relazione descrive il percorso del beato Enrico da Bolzano a
> Treviso elencando le ways attualmente percorribili a piedi che meglio
> approssimano il percorso spirituale e materiale del beato.
> symbol=none
> descrivono la situazione meglio di quelli attuali. Però chi per primo
> l'ha inserita è probabilmente colui che ne sa di più, eventualmente si
> dovrebbe contattare quel mappatore e chiedergli maggiori informazioni.

Si ma esistono delle "regole" da seguire... Per usare una ruote bisogna che
questa sia segnalata in qualche modo sul terreno altrimenti non può essere
segnalata come ruote.

> Mauro.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe
> For benelux (which would be enough to cover a Belgian-only Tile server).
> expect around 40$.  The linode 8GB one would suffice.

And how about a worldwide server?
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe
Ben, I did see that one when looking for an answer to the question-asker,
but it didn't seem to work then. But it does, only that it stops at
place=*, it doesn't seem to do render street names.

2016-08-09 16:31 GMT+02:00 Ben Laenen :

> On Tuesday 09 August 2016 11:37:58 joost schouppe wrote:
> > Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to
> > avoid the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.
> How about this one: http://mlm.jochentopf.com/
> Fill in "nl" or "fr" in the box to get the names rendered in those
> languages
> Ben
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
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 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] osrm motorway

2016-08-09 Thread Mauro Costantini
Sembra che osrm eviti completamente le autostrade italiane. Ho
googlato un po' ma non riesco a trovare traccia del perché di questo
È un bug di osrm? Qualcuno sa qualcosa?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 09 August 2016 11:37:58 joost schouppe wrote:
> Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to
> avoid the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.

How about this one: http://mlm.jochentopf.com/

Fill in "nl" or "fr" in the box to get the names rendered in those languages


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe
I would agree with Gyrbo that only Belgium is necessary, and the
neighboring regions nice to have. Outside of Europe there is little name:nl
tagging anyway:


The cost estimate of a worldwide server is only to have an idea as to what
kind of sponsering would be required. I'm thinking of setting up a list of
things-we-would-do-if-you-give-us-your-money, and this could be one item.

That said, wasn't the wikimedia server stack going to solve this problem?
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread Dennis Bollyn
On the other hand, I don't think a full tile server and OSM database is
needed. We only really need to cover Belgium. If the same style is used as
regular OSM, the region outside of Belgium could be passed on to the main
OSM server. That should could down severaly on the required disk space for
both DB and tiles and the bandwidth.

- Gyrbo

On 9 August 2016 at 16:04, Glenn Plas  wrote:

> You'll need a beafy box to be able to cope with a few clients,  not only
> the DB size-on-disk is important, you'll want to cache those tiles as
> well. So you will need double of that atleast.
> The most important resources will be CPU and IO (and MEM).  Especially
> the rendering part will take CPU/IO, the import and database need memory.
> Importing the whole world means getting atleast 400Gigs in disks space,
> on SSD's.  You should also test providers as some really suck on IO.  to
> give you an idea, here are some basic benchmark all tested under some
> load and on production systems (real world) :
> Type(reads) Cached Non-Cached
> Laptop (2*SSD, 8GB)   10171.68 MB/sec   897.67 MB/sec
> Linode (KVM) 4GB (now 8GB) 7881.80 MB/sec   552.31 MB/sec
> Linode (KVM hypervisor) 32GB   8458.77 MB/sec   539.90 MB/sec
> Rackspace VM (general purpose) 8638.16 MB/sec   298.06 MB/sec
> Real server hardware (SATA)9567.98 MB/sec   258.36 MB/sec
> Private cloud(xen hypervisor) 10637.34 MB/sec   220.60 MB/sec
> Hetzner VM 32GB1703.88 MB/sec   153.84 MB/sec
> Rackspace VM (8GB classic) 2556.96 MB/sec   100.62 MB/sec
> Rackspace standard block store 8105.07 MB/sec42.89 MB/sec
> Hetzner for example, will not cut it with the 32GB server vs 8GB linode,
> the tiles render incredibly slow. To compensate you should add a cache
> layer. (I usually do this in nginx, it's the fastest for file serving).
>  A linode with 8GB (after free upgrade from 4GB) will cope with
> something like benelux sized data and will be about 5 times faster than
> Hetzner.
> If you use renderd, you can take advantage of getting more cores, then
> you do more rendering in parallel.
> It's a true maze.  Focus is IO + CPU, then get lots of memory, next in
> line: try to get SSD's, then finally, make sure you have enough disks
> space.
> The more memory, the more postgresql can run from memory. That speeds up
> things as well.
> I've set up a planet tile server once, and be prepared to import and
> index for weeks.  It's just huge.  And the tested machines with the
> specs are all too low for planet tile rendering.
> If you get cheap stuff, there is always a catch.  So let performance
> determine your price, don't let price determine performance.  Of course
> it depends on how deep your pockets are.
> Glenn
> On 09-08-16 13:09, joost schouppe wrote:
> > Hi Jonathan,
> >
> > That would be extremely cool. Do you have an idea of the costs involved
> > in setting this up for the area you mention and for the whole world?
> >
> > I think if we can have a demo by SOTM, we might find someone to sponsor
> > it there.
> >
> > Joost
> >
> > 2016-08-09 12:39 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Beliën  > >:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > Good point indeed.
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > It’s not very complicated to generate a custom rendering. For
> > example, I did it for BeNeLux + France + Germany using imposm 3
> > (https://imposm.org/ ) and MapServer + MapProxy for rendering. 
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > My rendering use « default » names but I could have used NL name or
> > FR names as needed.
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > It works quite well and it’s not too complicated (even with a
> > recurring update). The only problem is the disk space those
> > « tiles » use on the server. It’s already quite big for the small
> > area I cover (BeNeLux + north of France + west of Germany) ; I can’t
> > imagine the number of tiles if we want to cover the whole world.
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > I do not know how to organize that but we could have a « Belgium OSM
> > rendering FR » and a « Belgium OSM rendering NL » created, hosted
> > and maintained by « OSM.be ».
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > Jonathan Beliën
> >
> > GEO-6
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > *De :*joost schouppe [mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com
> > ]
> > *Envoyé :* mardi 9 août 2016 11:38
> > *À :* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> > *Objet :* [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch
> > *Importance :* Haute
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and
> > French to avoid the clutter of bilingual names in the standard
> > rendering.
> >
> > __ __
> >
> > https://twitter.com/iciBrussels/status/762743820358418432
> > 

Re: [Talk-cz] Nejdou nahravat rozcestniky

2016-08-09 Thread Michal Grézl
uz by to melo fungovat

2016-08-09 15:22 GMT+02:00 Michal Grézl :
> delam na novym uploadu tak sem to mozna rozbil
> zkontroluju, diky
> 2016-08-07 15:18 GMT+02:00 Miroslav Suchý :
>> Ahoj,
>> nejdou mi nahravat rozcestniky pres
>>   http://map.openstreetmap.cz/osmcz/#
>> Visi to v Uploading stavu a pise: No bbox provided.
>> Mirek
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
>> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> --
> Michal Grézl
> http://openstreetmap.cz

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Building a free/open reviews community w/ OSM support

2016-08-09 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 09 ago 2016, alle ore 10:09, Rory McCann  ha 
> scritto:
> The suggestion of looking for "a fast food restaurant named McDonalds
> near the place" will solve that problem.

yes, besides the fact McDonald's reviews are a bit pointless (presuming you get 
exactly the same food in each of their places), in an actual restaurant there 
are also other changes that might invalidate former reviews (i.e. they don't 
apply to the current situation), like changing operator/management, changing 
stuff (above all the chef), structural changes to the architecture (place 
getting bigger), etc. so even if nothing of the things we register in osm 
changes, the place can still become completely different (similarly, a hotel 
could become worse because of the surrounding area changing, etc.). I'm sure 
you 'll find a way of dealing with these (date of review, etc).

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Nejdou nahravat rozcestniky

2016-08-09 Thread Michal Grézl
delam na novym uploadu tak sem to mozna rozbil
zkontroluju, diky

2016-08-07 15:18 GMT+02:00 Miroslav Suchý :
> Ahoj,
> nejdou mi nahravat rozcestniky pres
>   http://map.openstreetmap.cz/osmcz/#
> Visi to v Uploading stavu a pise: No bbox provided.
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread Jonathan Beliën
The only cost would be the cost of the hosting server.


The cost will depend on the use of the « service » : do we want a « tile » 
server that could be used by everyone 24/7 or is it only a « test » service 
(that we may only use for testing and development) ? The first use case will 
need a more powerful server (so more expensive server) obviously.

We could begin small of course.


The volume of data is important in the cost calculation. I think full OSM is 
approximately 50 Go, right ?


Once the date is processed, the tiles are saved on the disk. These tiles also 
costs volume but it is mostly the amount of those tiles (around 
tiles for the whole world : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zoom_levels) 
that can be a problem.


I use OVH services ; the server I suggest to begin with would be :

· A could server (more flexible) : 
https://www.ovh.com/fr/cloud/instances/ram.xml = 35.00 EUR HT/month 
(+additionnal disk depending on the area covered)

· A dedicated server (more « robust ») : 
https://www.ovh.com/fr/serveurs_dedies/hosting/ = 59.99 EUR HT/month


There is of course other provider but I only worked with OVH so far and I am 
very happy with it.

On the other hand, I have absolutely NO idea if those 2 servers could handle files :D

I can ask them.



For demo purpose I could host it on one of my servers (but limited to Belgium 



Jonathan Beliën



De : joost schouppe [mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com] 
Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2016 13:09
À : Jonathan Beliën
Cc : OpenStreetMap Belgium
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch


Hi Jonathan,


That would be extremely cool. Do you have an idea of the costs involved in 
setting this up for the area you mention and for the whole world?


I think if we can have a demo by SOTM, we might find someone to sponsor it 




2016-08-09 12:39 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Beliën :

Hi everyone,


Good point indeed.


It’s not very complicated to generate a custom rendering. For example, I did it 
for BeNeLux + France + Germany using imposm 3 (https://imposm.org/ ) and 
MapServer + MapProxy for rendering. 


My rendering use « default » names but I could have used NL name or FR names as 


It works quite well and it’s not too complicated (even with a recurring 
update). The only problem is the disk space those « tiles » use on the server. 
It’s already quite big for the small area I cover (BeNeLux + north of France + 
west of Germany) ; I can’t imagine the number of tiles if we want to cover the 
whole world.


I do not know how to organize that but we could have a « Belgium OSM rendering 
FR » and a « Belgium OSM rendering NL » created, hosted and maintained by « 
OSM.be ».


Jonathan Beliën



De : joost schouppe [mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com] 
Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2016 11:38
À : OpenStreetMap Belgium
Objet : [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch
Importance : Haute




Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to avoid 
the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.




The French render is easy, OSM France provides it. But how about a Dutch 
rendering? Do you know of one?


It might be cool to create a little webmap on OSM.be with the three official 
languages. If you help me find a Dutch rendering, I can make that (I've just 
learned the basics about leaflet).


It looks rather easy to make a style with mapbox, but you need to extract the 
data through Overpass for exotic languages like Dutch, so it would be a bit of 
a job to keep that up to date.



Joost @

Openstreetmap   | Twitter 
  | LinkedIn 
  | Meetup 



Joost @

Openstreetmap   | Twitter 
  | LinkedIn 
  | Meetup 

Talk-be mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Release OSRM 5.3.2

2016-08-09 Thread Moritz Kobitzsch

we released OSRM 5.3.2 fixing an issue that occurs when removing very short
segments at the begin/end of a route.

# 5.3.2

  Changes from 5.3.1

- Bugfixes

  - fixed a bug that occurred when trimming very short segments at the
begin/end of a route (less than 1 meter)

As always the release comes with node-osrm binaries.

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Osmap.cz: Nelze přepínat vrstvy mapy v mobilním Firefoxu

2016-08-09 Thread Petr Kadlec
2016-08-08 15:06 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :

> Zadal bych to na github jako issue, ať se na to nezapomene.

Správně. Mně to dělá totéž, jelikož jsem nenašel, že by to tam zatím bylo,
tak jsem to s pár poznámkami přidal jako

-- Petr Kadlec / Mormegil
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Proposing import of sidewalk data Seattle, WA, USA

2016-08-09 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Clifford Snow 

> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:01 AM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
>>sidewalk tagging in OSM is a complex issue. The fact that sidewalks
>> are not tagged as individual geometries is not purely a shortcoming,  it
>> is a compromise that keeps OSM data editable. Having individual
>> geometries for every single sidewalk on the planet will not only
>> massively increase the data volume but also require new and better tools
>> for editing, e.g. moving the geometry of a street without having to move
>> three parallel lines manually and so on.
> Frederik, I thought you were for only add objects that can be surveyed on
> the ground? Isn't that what they are proposing?
> We tell people not to map for the renderer. In the same spirit shouldn't
> we tell people not to let the limitations of the editor stop them from
> mapping?

I tend to agree, particularly for pedestrian modes.  Sidewalks and
pedestrian crossings are pretty easy to verify even from the air and this
will be at least rational for most automated routing systems and a good
starting point (even if it means multiple ways per street, short of some
form of lanes type tagging, which I think gets messy for things like
sidewalks that have a curb (or more severe) barrier).   It does give the
most reasonable routing assumption (that is, you can't just freerun
midblock from sidewalk to sidewalk).  Most routing engines will figure it
out fairly quickly if you do this anyway, however (and any highly-tuned
routing engine should be able to make an educated guess by context anyway).
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Bike lanes tagging

2016-08-09 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Martijn van Exel 

> Let me know if MapRoulette can help here. We did a similar challenge with
> NYC bike lanes before with some success.

For this sort of thing, I really think more attention needs to be paid to
lane-tagging in general, especially since it's not a given that the bike
lane will be the outside curb lane.  Not sure how it was done in Seattle,
though in general I think it's a good idea to include these in the lane
counts with the appropriate lanes:bicycle=*designated* and
lanes:motor_vehicle=*no* tags in addition to cycleway=lane.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Cammino del beato Enrico, tag network.

2016-08-09 Thread Mauro Costantini
Ohibò! Permettetemi di dissentire fermamente.
Tra i principi guida che dovrebbero ispirarci per creare "la mappa più
bella del mondo" di certo non c'è quello di distruggere il lavoro di
altri mappatori, solo quello di migliorarlo (se possibile).
Il nostro lavoro di moderni cartografi ci impone di consultare tutte
le fonti a nostra disposizione per inserire nel database i dati nel
modo più accurato possibile.
Segnaletica stradale, delibere di organi amministrativi, siti web,
pubblicazioni cartacee, libri varii, racconti delle persone del luogo,
 sono semplicemente fonti utili per arrivare alla conoscenza più
completa possibile del dato.
Poi tale dato va inserito nel database in modo corretto.

Finita la precisazione filosofica un appunto sulla relation in oggetto:
Se da un'analisi di alcune fonti (prevalentemente online) non salta
fuori molto su questo cammino, non vuol dire che non esista.
Da quel poco che ho capito su questa relation forse i tag
description=non c'è segnaletica relativa al beato Enrico
note=la relazione descrive il percorso del beato Enrico da Bolzano a
Treviso elencando le ways attualmente percorribili a piedi che meglio
approssimano il percorso spirituale e materiale del beato.
descrivono la situazione meglio di quelli attuali. Però chi per primo
l'ha inserita è probabilmente colui che ne sa di più, eventualmente si
dovrebbe contattare quel mappatore e chiedergli maggiori informazioni.

Se il mappatore non fosse più attivo si potrebbero contattare le
diocesi interessate dal percorso stesso; di certo non proporre la
cancellazione di un dato che un altro mappatore ha inserito,
semplicemente adducendo a scusa "mancano i cartelli".


Il 1 agosto 2016 11:03, Martin Koppenhoefer  ha scritto:
> 2016-07-31 19:39 GMT+02:00 girarsi_liste :
>> Comunque sì, sono d'accordo, in mancanza di certezze, tipo wikipedia,
>> segnaletiche o siti inerenti tal cammino, che ne descriva in maniera
>> precisa il percorso, direi di eliminarla da OSM, chi ne vuole far
>> propria fonte, lo può personalizzare su un proprio sito.
> in realtà "wikipedia" oppure "sito inerente tal cammino" non sono fonti
> sufficienti per l'inserimento in OSM. Vorremmo proprio "segnaletica" oppure
> al meno qualcosa di simile, osservabile su quel percorso, e non solo in
> libri / internet.
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe
Hi Jonathan,

That would be extremely cool. Do you have an idea of the costs involved in
setting this up for the area you mention and for the whole world?

I think if we can have a demo by SOTM, we might find someone to sponsor it


2016-08-09 12:39 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Beliën :

> Hi everyone,
> Good point indeed.
> It’s not very complicated to generate a custom rendering. For example, I
> did it for BeNeLux + France + Germany using imposm 3 (https://imposm.org/
> ) and MapServer + MapProxy for rendering.
> My rendering use « default » names but I could have used NL name or FR
> names as needed.
> It works quite well and it’s not too complicated (even with a recurring
> update). The only problem is the disk space those « tiles » use on the
> server. It’s already quite big for the small area I cover (BeNeLux + north
> of France + west of Germany) ; I can’t imagine the number of tiles if we
> want to cover the whole world.
> I do not know how to organize that but we could have a « Belgium OSM
> rendering FR » and a « Belgium OSM rendering NL » created, hosted and
> maintained by « OSM.be ».
> Jonathan Beliën
> GEO-6
> *De :* joost schouppe [mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 9 août 2016 11:38
> *À :* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Objet :* [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch
> *Importance :* Haute
> Hi,
> Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to
> avoid the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.
> https://twitter.com/iciBrussels/status/762743820358418432
> The French render is easy, OSM France provides it. But how about a Dutch
> rendering? Do you know of one?
> It might be cool to create a little webmap on OSM.be with the three
> official languages. If you help me find a Dutch rendering, I can make that
> (I've just learned the basics about leaflet).
> It looks rather easy to make a style with mapbox, but you need to extract
> the data through Overpass for exotic languages like Dutch, so it would be a
> bit of a job to keep that up to date.
> --
> Joost @
> Openstreetmap  |
> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>  | Meetup

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-cz] Členská schůze OSGeo.cz 2016

2016-08-09 Thread Jachym Cepicky

v souladu se stanovami spolku Otevřená GeoInfrastruktura (článek VII [1])
svolávám  řádnou "fyzickou" Členskou schůzi našeho spolku na pátek
21.10.2016 od 16:00 hod v prostorách Katedry Geoinformatiky, Přírodovědecké
fakulty University Palackého v Olomouci (při příležitosti akce Podzimní
Olomouc 2016 [2]).

Předběžný program schůze bude aktualizován na Wiki stránkách [3]

Prosím všechny zájemce o diskusi, aby přidávali další body do programu

Rád bych do našeho středu (a orgánů) pozval zástupce komunity
OpenStreetMap.cz, abychom probrali naši další spolupráci a snad i možnost
jejich připojení.

Jáchym - Předseda

P.S. Určitě nezapomeňte, že na Podzimní Olomouci máme čas od 9 do 16 na
naši vlastní FOSS4G konferenci, hlaste se s příspěvky.
P.P.S. Připomínám, že podle stanov je členská schůze usnášeníschopná,
účastní-li se jí alespoň 1/3 členů - což znamená minimálně 8, berte prosím
svoje členství vážně a přijďte na Členskou schůzi

[1] http://osgeo.cz/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/stanovy-2015-01-30.pdf
[2] http://www.geoinformatics.upol.cz/podzimni-olomouc-2016
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.cz/index.php/2016-10-21
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread Jonathan Beliën
Hi everyone,


Good point indeed.


It’s not very complicated to generate a custom rendering. For example, I did it 
for BeNeLux + France + Germany using imposm 3 (https://imposm.org/ ) and 
MapServer + MapProxy for rendering. 


My rendering use « default » names but I could have used NL name or FR names as 


It works quite well and it’s not too complicated (even with a recurring 
update). The only problem is the disk space those « tiles » use on the server. 
It’s already quite big for the small area I cover (BeNeLux + north of France + 
west of Germany) ; I can’t imagine the number of tiles if we want to cover the 
whole world.


I do not know how to organize that but we could have a « Belgium OSM rendering 
FR » and a « Belgium OSM rendering NL » created, hosted and maintained by « 
OSM.be ».


Jonathan Beliën



De : joost schouppe [mailto:joost.schou...@gmail.com] 
Envoyé : mardi 9 août 2016 11:38
À : OpenStreetMap Belgium
Objet : [OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch
Importance : Haute




Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to avoid 
the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.




The French render is easy, OSM France provides it. But how about a Dutch 
rendering? Do you know of one?


It might be cool to create a little webmap on OSM.be with the three official 
languages. If you help me find a Dutch rendering, I can make that (I've just 
learned the basics about leaflet).


It looks rather easy to make a style with mapbox, but you need to extract the 
data through Overpass for exotic languages like Dutch, so it would be a bit of 
a job to keep that up to date.



Joost @

Openstreetmap   | Twitter 
  | LinkedIn 
  | Meetup 

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 防火水槽

2016-08-09 Thread tomoya muramoto



2016年8月9日 19:28 ribbon :

> というのがあったんですが、これは、
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:man_made%3Dreservoir_covered
> でよいですよね。
> ものは
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/436372874
> です。
> ribbon
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list
> Talk-ja@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [english 100%] Re: Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-09 Thread Luca Meloni
Poi, chiaramente, vedremo se come metodo sceglieremo quello o meno, e se ne 
avremo uno unico o no. Alla fine, la discussione è ancora aperta.

Il Martedì 9 Agosto 2016 12:17, Luca Meloni  ha 

 Ciao Enea,
per quanto riguarda la proposta il mio commento è che il metodo sc/it era 
dovuto al volersi uniformare al Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, ed al metodo che 
viene utilizzato lì (numero di lingua madre).
Per quanto riguarda le vecchie discussioni, invece, ho agito dopo che c'era una 
maggioranza a favore, fayor ha messo insieme pareri contrari espressi in 
periodi troppo distanti fra loro, e quindi falsato i numeri. Inoltre non è vero 
che ha riportato la situazione come era prima. Perfino nelle modifiche di 
Paoletto sulla wiki l'inserimento del tag name:it restava dove era, toglierlo è 
stata una scelta unicamente sua (ed immotivata).

Il Domenica 7 Agosto 2016 20:34, EneaSuper  ha 

 Buona sera gente, sono nuovo in questa mailing list, per cui perdonate
eventuali errori di scrittura o formato dei testi (per facilitare il mio
lavoro sto utilizzando il forum GIS).

Sono giunto in questa discussione dopo aver letto i changelog sulla Sardegna
ed essermi confrontato privatamente con fayor, che gentilmente mi ha
spiegato tutta la storia e portato in questa discussione appunto.
Inoltre, sono sardo e fiero sostenitore del bilinguismo, astenermi da tutto
ciò sarebbe stato una stupidaggine, sia da sardo che da mappatore!

Ritengo l'operato di l2212 ingiusto, perché ha agito di sua spontanea
volontà ben prima del termine delle discussioni del 2013 e 2014 sulla
questione, fayor ha semplicemente agito per riparare al danno fatto.
Sostengo comunque il bilinguismo del name tag principale secondo la formula
esposta da questo utente:

Damjan Gerli wrote
> Forse ci sarebbe ancora una 8. opzione, una via di mezzo: scrivere in name
> tutti e due i nomi, ma prima quello in italiano e poi il sardo...
> Ciao
> Damjan

Quindi, esponendo la mia opinione in termini più tecnici, una lista di name
tag corretta sarebbe questa:

name = nome_italiano/nome_sardo (invertiti rispetto alla formula
name:it/sc sempre presenti e, nel caso del secondo, in TUTTI i comuni della
Regione dove serve;
name:ca/co/lij specificatamente dove necessari.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-ja] 防火水槽

2016-08-09 Thread ribbon







Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [english 100%] Re: Edit war Sardegna

2016-08-09 Thread Luca Meloni
Ciao Enea,
per quanto riguarda la proposta il mio commento è che il metodo sc/it era 
dovuto al volersi uniformare al Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, ed al metodo che 
viene utilizzato lì (numero di lingua madre).
Per quanto riguarda le vecchie discussioni, invece, ho agito dopo che c'era una 
maggioranza a favore, fayor ha messo insieme pareri contrari espressi in 
periodi troppo distanti fra loro, e quindi falsato i numeri. Inoltre non è vero 
che ha riportato la situazione come era prima. Perfino nelle modifiche di 
Paoletto sulla wiki l'inserimento del tag name:it restava dove era, toglierlo è 
stata una scelta unicamente sua (ed immotivata).

Il Domenica 7 Agosto 2016 20:34, EneaSuper  ha 

 Buona sera gente, sono nuovo in questa mailing list, per cui perdonate
eventuali errori di scrittura o formato dei testi (per facilitare il mio
lavoro sto utilizzando il forum GIS).

Sono giunto in questa discussione dopo aver letto i changelog sulla Sardegna
ed essermi confrontato privatamente con fayor, che gentilmente mi ha
spiegato tutta la storia e portato in questa discussione appunto.
Inoltre, sono sardo e fiero sostenitore del bilinguismo, astenermi da tutto
ciò sarebbe stato una stupidaggine, sia da sardo che da mappatore!

Ritengo l'operato di l2212 ingiusto, perché ha agito di sua spontanea
volontà ben prima del termine delle discussioni del 2013 e 2014 sulla
questione, fayor ha semplicemente agito per riparare al danno fatto.
Sostengo comunque il bilinguismo del name tag principale secondo la formula
esposta da questo utente:

Damjan Gerli wrote
> Forse ci sarebbe ancora una 8. opzione, una via di mezzo: scrivere in name
> tutti e due i nomi, ma prima quello in italiano e poi il sardo...
> Ciao
> Damjan

Quindi, esponendo la mia opinione in termini più tecnici, una lista di name
tag corretta sarebbe questa:

name = nome_italiano/nome_sardo (invertiti rispetto alla formula
name:it/sc sempre presenti e, nel caso del secondo, in TUTTI i comuni della
Regione dove serve;
name:ca/co/lij specificatamente dove necessari.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] OSM in French and Dutch

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe

Someone asked on Twitter about a rendering of OSM in Dutch and French to
avoid the clutter of bilingual names in the standard rendering.


The French render is easy, OSM France provides it. But how about a Dutch
rendering? Do you know of one?

It might be cool to create a little webmap on OSM.be with the three
official languages. If you help me find a Dutch rendering, I can make that
(I've just learned the basics about leaflet).

It looks rather easy to make a style with mapbox, but you need to extract
the data through Overpass for exotic languages like Dutch, so it would be a
bit of a job to keep that up to date.

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-london] Strand East development and demolished buildings

2016-08-09 Thread Derick Rethans
On Mon, 8 Aug 2016, gianfranco g wrote:

> Hello,
> I live quite close to the Strand East Development in Newham
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/48654733.
> Several buildings in the area have been demolished. Neither Gmaps nor Bing
> are updated.
> The on the ground situation is that almost all the land between the three
> mills river and the Lee Navigation south of the High street has been
> cleared.
> Can someone explain which way they tagged areas and buildings that
> underwent similar transformations in the last years?
> A coherent tagging will create a useful source for people interested in
> urban studies.

I delete them, and add either a "landuse=construction" or 
"landuse=brownfield" depending on whether building has started or not.


https://derickrethans.nl | https://xdebug.org | https://dram.io
Like Xdebug? Consider a donation: https://xdebug.org/donate.php
twitter: @derickr and @xdebug

Talk-gb-london mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Servizi di segnalazione basati su OpenStreetMap

2016-08-09 Thread Zardetto Carlo
Ma usa le google map.

From: Giuliano 
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10:35 AM
To: openstreetmap list - italiano 
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Servizi di segnalazione basati su OpenStreetMap

Questo è abbastanza diffuso:


Il 06/08/2016 14:06, Marcello ha scritto:


tempo fa in lista era stato segnalato un comune che utilizzava OSM per
le segnalazioni dei cittadini riguardante i disservizi (buche, lampioni
non funzionanti, ecc).

Il link era
http://segnalazioni.comune.palazzolosulloglio.bs.it/index.php, ma vedo
che non è più attivo e sul sito di quel comune non c'è più traccia del
servizio, qualcuno conosce servizi attivi di quel genere?




Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Servizi di segnalazione basati su OpenStreetMap

2016-08-09 Thread Giuliano

Questo è abbastanza diffuso:

Il 06/08/2016 14:06, Marcello ha


tempo fa in lista era stato segnalato un comune che utilizzava OSM per
le segnalazioni dei cittadini riguardante i disservizi (buche, lampioni
non funzionanti, ecc).

Il link era
http://segnalazioni.comune.palazzolosulloglio.bs.it/index.php, ma vedo
che non è più attivo e sul sito di quel comune non c'è più traccia del
servizio, qualcuno conosce servizi attivi di quel genere?




Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Klong Toey Slums

2016-08-09 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev

Hello Mishari,

I use DJI Phantom 3 Advanced [1]. There is already Phantom 4 which has 
got slightly better camera, but a bit shorter flight range. Phantom has 
got intelligent flight modes, from which I use the Point of Interest. In 
this mode aircraft flies automatically around an object, and it is 
impossible to pilot so precisely manually (an example is on the video 

There is also DJI Inspire quad but it weighs 2.9 kg (two times more than 
Phantom's 1.2 kg). All DJI quads has got a GPS navigation and a GPS 
enabled camera, so there will be exact geographical coordinates in 
produced JPG images, and an aircraft has got a Return Home feature. 
Return Home means that if a pilot lost a quad from the LOS (line of 
sight) in the sky, or a radio control signal is lost for some reason, it 
still can return and land automatically via this feature. It is an 
useful security function.

I would recommend to fly early in the morning on a sunny and quiet day 
(see local weather forecast beforehand), as the light is better [2], the 
air is clear, but also there are less people and less vehicles on the 
streets early in the morning. I usually wait for good weather as long as 
it takes for flying in a town or a city.

Also it makes sense to check local regulations [3] (but better from an 
official source), and try to follow them as much as possible. As much as 
possible, because, for instance, it is allowed normally to fly only in 
the LOS mode, but fly-always may happen unintentionally, in this case a 
pilot may still return either via FPV (first person view), or Return 
Home feature.

[1] http://www.dji.com/product/phantom-3-adv
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_hour_(photography)


On 09/08/16 09:55, Mishari Muqbil wrote:


I'm just trying to track down a drone provider but I'm not sure if 
anyone here has ideas of the kind of specifications I should be asking 
for. I assume that it should have a GPS enabled camera and some sort 
of path following feature. Anything else?

Thank you everybody for your input so far.

Best regards

On Jul 28, 2016 12:29 PM, "Oleksiy Muzalyev" 
> wrote:

Power poles, wires, wind, trees are usual dangers for multirotor
aircraft too. There is also an issue of a large bird attack. These
risks could be mitigated via sport flying.

I usually train sport flying at a stadium very early in the
morning when there no people there. I have got a small trainer
quadcopter, several foldable Air Gates, and Air Flags. There are
also gates at an American football field with high poles, which
are good for learning to fly in narrow spaces.

I have an impression that birds being excellent fliers themselves
can immediately see the level of piloting skills of a RPAS
(Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) pilot. If they see that it is
an friendly experienced pilot they usually do not attack. In any
case I regularly train diving and other BFM

In addition to aerial images I also film aerial video. Video
provides an additional information. For example, recently I filmed
a medieval Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress [1] in Ukraine. I upload
a video to Wikimedia, add a video link to the Wikidata page, and
add wikidata tag to the OSM map for this object.

Wikimedia accepts videos only in open OGG and WEBM formats.
Unfortunately, some quality is always lost during conversion to
these formats. You can see the same HD video at youtube and
compare the quality [2]; I tried all convertors which I could find
for Mac.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi_fortress

[2] https://youtu.be/C-kQjmzlY7A

On 27/07/16 23:42, hyan...@gmail.com  wrote:

Yes, ballons and kites is a good community-engaged method; in my
particular case we face problems with the public-lab-ballon-kit
because irregular power poles/wires at a low height, plus some
wind present during the activity, so it wasn't possible (and a
little insecure).  Regarding stiching it was not so easy to deal
with 89 pictures using the MapKnitter (version 1 1/2 years ago),
so by the moment aerial orthophotomosaics software seems to be
the option. Another point regarding ballons is the cost of the

About security (and mobile apps) you should consider to create a
previous relationship with the community, so start with workshops
or other activities.  In my particualr case for the replication
in other slums in Colombia, the conclution to my proposal was
"not recommended".  If your focus is catastral, ultra-high-res
aerial imagery is 

Re: [OSM-talk] Building a free/open reviews community w/ OSM support

2016-08-09 Thread joost schouppe
Re: Erik

> Last but not least, do you have a sense how common this category of
change is for typical POIs?

I have no idea, but I would say fairly common. I analysed the evolution of
nature reserves in Belgium as a test case, and they do really evolve.
Starting their life as a node, then a way, then a relation. There is also
no real logic. For example, the way for nature reserve A can become the way
for nature reserve B upon remapping reserve A as a relation.

> Any external community-maintained database will typically at least
deal with merges or deletions. In those cases where my sync job
doesn't know what to do, my default would be to add the record to a
work log where the community can decide what to do. But of course I'd
like to keep those cases to a minimum.

Well yes, that would be a plan. However, as the example above illustrates,
not just the disappearance of an ID is a problem. The same OSM object might
have changed names to become something else. Say, I take the McDonalds
node, change it to Wendy's, move it next door, then create a way for the
McDonalds. Good luck with that :)

So the challenge isn't just finding the new way to refer to the same
object, but also deciding if the object has changed enough for you to
decide it no longer represents the same object.

Re: Marc

> It's better not to add external IDs to OSM. It would be OK if there is
> only 1 project in the world that would do this, but if every pet
> project will start doing this ...

I don't see the problem with having many tags. Considering that it would be
a bit of a special thing to do (if automated), case by case permission
would probably be necessary, thus avoiding multiplications of these tags.
It's also not much removed from the use of the ref=* tag.

> Also, in general, there is no way for contributors to verify the IDs
> added by third parties, which makes it hard to verify whether they are
> still valid.

Making verification easy could be a requirement for a project wanting to do

> Furthermore there is no guarantee that someone might remove this tag.
> So you will need a fallback method anyway.

I don't think any of the three methods I described can work with just one
method. I think you'll probably need all three for decent results.

But I've got the feeling people here believe the "generalized description
link" should work. So maybe that's the best place to start.

Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Building a free/open reviews community w/ OSM support

2016-08-09 Thread Rory McCann
On 08/08/16 22:52, Erik Moeller wrote:
> From a data consumer's point of view, when
> I look up the original node ID, do I just get a "not found", or is
> there an easy way to tell that there's a new way or relation now
> representing the same object?

Alas, no. There is no "parent objects" like this.

Another change you have to be aware of: What happens if a shop closes
down and then another shop opens up? This could be mapped by someone
just changing the name (and possibly amenity/shop) tag rather than
delete the object and create a new one. So the same node & node id would
change in your database.

The suggestion of looking for "a fast food restaurant named McDonalds
near the place" will solve that problem.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Klong Toey Slums

2016-08-09 Thread Mishari Muqbil

I'm just trying to track down a drone provider but I'm not sure if anyone
here has ideas of the kind of specifications I should be asking for. I
assume that it should have a GPS enabled camera and some sort of path
following feature. Anything else?

Thank you everybody for your input so far.

Best regards

On Jul 28, 2016 12:29 PM, "Oleksiy Muzalyev" 

> Power poles, wires, wind, trees are usual dangers for multirotor aircraft
> too. There is also an issue of a large bird attack. These risks could be
> mitigated via sport flying.
> I usually train sport flying at a stadium very early in the morning when
> there no people there. I have got a small trainer quadcopter, several
> foldable Air Gates, and Air Flags. There are also gates at an American
> football field with high poles, which are good for learning to fly in
> narrow spaces.
> I have an impression that birds being excellent fliers themselves can
> immediately see the level of piloting skills of a RPAS (Remotely Piloted
> Aircraft System) pilot. If they see that it is an friendly experienced
> pilot they usually do not attack. In any case I regularly train diving and
> other BFM  .
> In addition to aerial images I also film aerial video. Video provides an
> additional information. For example, recently I filmed a medieval
> Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress [1] in Ukraine. I upload a video to
> Wikimedia, add a video link to the Wikidata page, and add wikidata tag to
> the OSM map for this object.
> Wikimedia accepts videos only in open OGG and WEBM formats. Unfortunately,
> some quality is always lost during conversion to these formats. You can see
> the same HD video at youtube and compare the quality [2]; I tried all
> convertors which I could find for Mac.
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi_fortress
> [2] https://youtu.be/C-kQjmzlY7A
> On 27/07/16 23:42, hyan...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yes, ballons and kites is a good community-engaged method; in my
> particular case we face problems with the public-lab-ballon-kit because
> irregular power poles/wires at a low height, plus some wind present during
> the activity, so it wasn't possible (and a little insecure).  Regarding
> stiching it was not so easy to deal with 89 pictures using the MapKnitter
> (version 1 1/2 years ago), so by the moment aerial orthophotomosaics
> software seems to be the option. Another point regarding ballons is the
> cost of the helium.
> About security (and mobile apps) you should consider to create a previous
> relationship with the community, so start with workshops or other
> activities.  In my particualr case for the replication in other slums in
> Colombia, the conclution to my proposal was "not recommended".  If your
> focus is catastral, ultra-high-res aerial imagery is the better way, mobile
> apps can create ancyllary pictures, very useful indeed
> .
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list