[talk-ph] HOT-Ph Activation for the recent Mindanao earthquakes - Task 7147

2019-10-31 Thread Nick Brown
Dear OSM-Ph community,

The Philippines' Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT-Ph) kindly requests
your assistance with the emergency mapping response to the recent
earthquakes in Mindanao. Task 7147  (
https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/7147) has been created so that we can
rapidly map the building footprints of three highly affected communities
the PRC is assisting. This mapping will feed into their response planning
and will be shared with stakeholders, especially the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) via the Office of Civil Defense

The Philippines Red Cross has identified to the HOT Philippines team three
priority communities affected by this situation for emergency mapping. They

1. Tulanan, North Cotobato;

2. Magsaysay, Davao Del Sur; and,

3. Kidapawan, North Cotobato.

HOT-Ph kindly requests your support mapping these areas using the task
linked above. The total prioritized area is approximately 970km² and we
have used Facebook's Settlement Data to significantly reduce task manager
assignment footprint, ensuring time is not spent scanning areas with no
evidence of buildings. The population in the priority area is approximately
250k people. According to Thinking Machines' AI & ML data there are
approximately 18,300 buildings to be mapped.


On 31 October at 9:11 a.m. Philippine time a 6.5 magnitude earthquake
struck in Tulunan, Cotabato in Mindanao, which followed a 6.6-magnatitude
earthquake just two days earlier in the same location. The NDRRMC reports
there have been more than 1,000 aftershocks, with 14 deaths and 403
injured. This follows a recent 6.3-magnitude earthquake that occurred in
the same area, causing seven deaths and 215 injured. Widespread building
damage has been reported due to the multiple significant tremors

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), the 6.6 magnitude earthquake was tectonic in origin with a
depth of 7 km and was felt in Cotabato and neighboring municipalities and
provinces of five regions of Mindanao, including the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).



You can reach us on Slack on the HOTOSM channel #disaster-mapping (
https://hotosm.slack.com/messages/C4MMB6PD4), on Telegram at the OSM-Ph
channel (http://t.me/OSMph) and on the official OSM-Ph Email List (

Thanks for your support,

HOT Philippines Team

*Nick Brown*
Country Manager for HOT Philippines

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Disaster Risk Reduction, Response & Development*
web  | twitter  |
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] お尋ね:水路と農道にかかる橋など

2019-10-31 Thread OKADA Tsuneo



2019年11月1日(金) 0:13 :

> 皆様
> たびたびすみません。
> URGENT指定された長野(#6980 - Typhoon Hagibis, 2019 Building Mapping. Nagano
> city, Nagano, Japan)のvalidationをしているのですが、regional/unclassified
> roadからpathや田畑などにつながる橋の事で、不明な点が多いので、おたずねします。
> とりあえずhttps://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:bridge を読みました。
> 盛り土(これは扱いが難しすぎて、他の方にお願いした方がいいのかもしれませんが、できれば挑戦したいです)でない小さな橋(人工物)は、とりあえず「Bridge」を選択して「Layer」1で処理しています。
> 橋っぽく周囲を囲むにはどうしたらいいんだろうと思って、スクエアのQタブでお尋ねしたところ、「highway」を選択して前後をsnitchしなさいとアドバイスいただいたんですが、農道にいきなり「highway」なんて使ってもいいんだろうかと悩んでいます。
> 先程「橋のマッピングの簡単なチュートリアル」(
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Bridge_mapping_1.png
> )を見つけましたが、この方法を農道の橋にも適用して良いんでしょうか?
> また、ある受け持ったスクエアの外から来た北の水路の端が「canal」、その続きに当たる南の側外のスクエアの水路が「ditch」となっており、とりあえず「drain」でつなぎました。
> 全部一続きの同じ水路なんですけど、名称が実にバラエティに富んでいて、最終的にチェックされる方にお知らせしたほうが良いのではと思われました(canalというほど舟等の通れる幅はなく、ditchというには人の手が結構入っている気がしますが…)。
> また、今回の災害の性格上、河川工作物 river
> structureと判断されるものにはそのように一時的に「building」「name」で処理していますが、違う手順が確立されていましたらご教示ください。
> 特に「堰」ですが、1件「name」に「weir」と入力したものは、実は「sluice」が正しかったかもしれません(水門付きのものはこっちになるようです)。m(_
> _;)m (大汗)
> 「dam」だと大げさかなとか、世界各国のボランティアの方々が参加していらっしゃるのでとりあえず英語表記が要るのかなとか、頭を悩ませています。
> いろいろお手数をお掛けして申し訳ありませんが、よろしくいお願いいたします。
> 経験値が高くないvalidator のMeg_W (ウォーターズめぐみ)
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list
> Talk-ja@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ja

岡田常雄(OKADA Tsuneo)
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 31 ott 2019, alle ore 14:03, Nuno Caldeira 
>  ha scritto:
> it's their client responsibility for the lack of attribution not mapbox

indeed whoever publicly uses OpenStreetMap data has to attribute, it doesn’t 
matter whether they get the data directly from the OpenStreetMap-Foundation or 
from a third party. Mapbox also does clearly point out that you have to 
attribute OpenStreetMap when using data obtained through them. Where they could 
improve is the attribution in their templates on small screens, when 
OpenStreetMap hides behind an anonymous button while the big mapbox logo is 
kept visible.

Cheers Martin 
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare sede associazione Esperantista

2019-10-31 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 31 ott 2019, alle ore 13:56, Marco Ciampa  ha 
> scritto:
> Ok capito
> allora potete suggerire una "formula" di dicitura che ne sconsigli l'uso?

c’è un template per il wiki, ma se il tag viene usato fuori dall’Italia 
dovresti chiedere in lista tagging cosa ne pensano gli altri utilizzatori di 
questo tag, oppure nel wiki sulla pagina talk del tag. Poi aspetti un po’, 
direi 3-4 settimane, e metti il template. Intanto si potrebbe aggiungere una 
sezione con il ragionamento perché ci sono altri tag che potrebbero essere 
meglio, e quali sono.

Ciao Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
So technically, i can extract frames of a movie at any ammount i want 
and then mix then to recreate a movie. doesn't make sense.

Às 17:56 de 31/10/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:
Nuno, this isn't about what the license allows, it's about the law. 
You can't re-write the law. What the law allows it would allow even if 
there was no license at all.
And I would also note that, frankly, the EU is the outlier in this 
respect in having database protections at all (and I would not say 
that even EU database protections would prohibit as small an excerpt 
as a screenshot, though "substantial" is undefined in the Directive). 
The majority of the world does not have database protections, so if 
any analogy is fair, it's a bit of the reverse, with the EU being a 
"database haven".

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM Nuno Caldeira 

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 17:29 Kathleen Lu, mailto:kathleen...@mapbox.com>> wrote:

I'm curious as to the reason for your doubts, Nuno. Are you
aware of case law to the contrary?

I'm just surprised we adopted a license that seems to be useless
in USA, according to corporate interpretation of the license even
if it's for commercial purposes. Seems like we have a public
domain license after all.
Thank god these companies are not Corporate members of OSMF, don't
need to give a good example and neither provide worldwide services.
Reminds me of cruise ship registrations or tax heavens. Seem we
also have license heavens.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira

Às 13:54 de 31/10/2019, Robert Kaiser escreveu:

That "fair use" argument is actually pretty interesting and something 
that people often may not think about. IANAL, but I would guess, for 
example, that taking a screenshot of your app or website, which 
includes a map and also does include attribution, and then crop it and 
cut away the attribution incidentally, and use the result as a 
promotional image on social media, may be a case where it would be 
considered "fair use" and therefore attribution claims may never be 
successful due to this exception from copyright law. The specific case 
is just a guess, but things like that should be taken into account 
when we go out and demand attribution on every little tidbit of 
OSM-based imagery we see floating around...
There's not one screenshot in that article and certainly more than one 
in all that profile. So let's be reasonable and not point exceptions 
from common practice by a Corporate Member of OSMF, that should be the 
first to give the example.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] canaux de communication

2019-10-31 Thread osm . sanspourriel


Suite à une modification avec iD j'ai eu l'"info" suivante.

Outre les doublons et plus l'ordre me choque.

Peut-être que quelqu'un de l'association peut proposer une liste plus
réaliste et mieux triée (voir lien tout en bas).


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Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] OSMGeoWeek - Mapathon a Padova

2019-10-31 Thread Rachele Amerini
Ciao lista,

vi segnalo questo mapathon promosso di Geograficamente, con il supporto
degli UN Mappers, che si terrà a Padova in occasione della OSMGeoWeek e del
GeoNovember organizzato dal Master in GIS Science e droni dell'Università
di Padova:

- #SomaliMaps, mapathon umanitario per le Nazioni Unite: cartografare da
remoto la Somalia su OpenStreetMap
15 novembre | 19.00 – 21.00
Laboratorio D4G, DICEA, via Ognissanti 39, Padova
> Materiale necessario per partecipare al Mapathon: computer portatile e

Vi aspettiamo per un venerdì sera alternativo!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
Nuno, this isn't about what the license allows, it's about the law. You
can't re-write the law. What the law allows it would allow even if there
was no license at all.
And I would also note that, frankly, the EU is the outlier in this respect
in having database protections at all (and I would not say that even EU
database protections would prohibit as small an excerpt as a screenshot,
though "substantial" is undefined in the Directive). The majority of the
world does not have database protections, so if any analogy is fair, it's a
bit of the reverse, with the EU being a "database haven".

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM Nuno Caldeira 

> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 17:29 Kathleen Lu,  wrote:
>> I'm curious as to the reason for your doubts, Nuno. Are you aware of case
>> law to the contrary?
> I'm just surprised we adopted a license that seems to be useless in USA,
> according to corporate interpretation of the license even if it's for
> commercial purposes. Seems like we have a public domain license after all.
> Thank god these companies are not Corporate members of OSMF, don't need to
> give a good example and neither provide worldwide services.
> Reminds me of cruise ship registrations or tax heavens. Seem we also have
> license heavens.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 17:29 Kathleen Lu,  wrote:

> I'm curious as to the reason for your doubts, Nuno. Are you aware of case
> law to the contrary?

I'm just surprised we adopted a license that seems to be useless in USA,
according to corporate interpretation of the license even if it's for
commercial purposes. Seems like we have a public domain license after all.
Thank god these companies are not Corporate members of OSMF, don't need to
give a good example and neither provide worldwide services.
Reminds me of cruise ship registrations or tax heavens. Seem we also have
license heavens.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Kathleen Lu via talk
I concur with KaiRo that screenshots are likely fair uses under US law (and
IAAL). They are small excerpts of the larger work (the map, or if you are
comparing to the database, even less is copied), the underlying work is
factual, the purpose is to provide an example and there is a good argument
the screenshot is noncommercial, and there is no impact on the market for
the original.

Even before you get to a fair use analysis, I would note that with a
screenshot, there would also be the question of whether the screenshot
contained enough copyrightable subject matter from OSM to be considered
more than *de minimus*. Remember that the US does not have protections for
databases, outside of thin copyright protection for the selection and
arrangement of the database as a whole.

I would also note that I do not think a *screenshot* from a map created
from a geodatabase would be considered "derivative work" under US copyright
law (note that "derivative work" is a defined statutory term, so I'm not
talking about the definition in ODbL). Rather, it would appear to be a
small excerpt.

I'm curious as to the reason for your doubts, Nuno. Are you aware of case
law to the contrary?

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:13 AM Nuno Caldeira 

> highly doubt that a derivated work from a database that has a notice
> (attribution) required, which was then chopped to be considered under fair
> use. Especially when this is repeated thousand of times.
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 13:56 Robert Kaiser,  wrote:
>> Simon Poole schrieb:
>> > It is however important to realize that their are limits to copyright
>> > and that for example lots of the "non-attribution" in the states is
>> > likely permissible fair use under US laws. It would still be good form
>> > to provide attribution, but it isn't something we can enforce and
>> > getting upset about such use is really just a tremendous waste of time.
>> That "fair use" argument is actually pretty interesting and something
>> that people often may not think about. IANAL, but I would guess, for
>> example, that taking a screenshot of your app or website, which includes
>> a map and also does include attribution, and then crop it and cut away
>> the attribution incidentally, and use the result as a promotional image
>> on social media, may be a case where it would be considered "fair use"
>> and therefore attribution claims may never be successful due to this
>> exception from copyright law. The specific case is just a guess, but
>> things like that should be taken into account when we go out and demand
>> attribution on every little tidbit of OSM-based imagery we see floating
>> around...
>> KaiRo
>> ___
>> osmf-talk mailing list
>> osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osmf-talk
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
highly doubt that a derivated work from a database that has a notice
(attribution) required, which was then chopped to be considered under fair
use. Especially when this is repeated thousand of times.

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 13:56 Robert Kaiser,  wrote:

> Simon Poole schrieb:
> > It is however important to realize that their are limits to copyright
> > and that for example lots of the "non-attribution" in the states is
> > likely permissible fair use under US laws. It would still be good form
> > to provide attribution, but it isn't something we can enforce and
> > getting upset about such use is really just a tremendous waste of time.
> That "fair use" argument is actually pretty interesting and something
> that people often may not think about. IANAL, but I would guess, for
> example, that taking a screenshot of your app or website, which includes
> a map and also does include attribution, and then crop it and cut away
> the attribution incidentally, and use the result as a promotional image
> on social media, may be a case where it would be considered "fair use"
> and therefore attribution claims may never be successful due to this
> exception from copyright law. The specific case is just a guess, but
> things like that should be taken into account when we go out and demand
> attribution on every little tidbit of OSM-based imagery we see floating
> around...
> KaiRo
> ___
> osmf-talk mailing list
> osmf-t...@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osmf-talk
talk mailing list

[Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US Newsletter #1

2019-10-31 Thread Maggie Cawley
Happy to announce Issue #1

of a brand new newsletter to share OpenStreetMap US activities and news
from around the US and the world! I hope that it not only keeps you
informed and excited about OpenStreetMap, but connects you to the amazing
OpenStreetMap network. Sign up via MailChimp to get the next Issue!

Find it here!
*Maggie Cawley*
Executive Director
OpenStreetMap US
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] お尋ね:水路と農道にかかる橋など

2019-10-31 Thread info
Ras and Roadです。



** Ras and Road **
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare sede associazione Esperantista

2019-10-31 Thread Marco Ciampa
Aggiungo alla mail precedente...

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 01:56:16PM +0100, Lorenzo Beltrami wrote:
> Come sopra solo ne caso in cui il nome ad una cosa sia stato dato in
> memoria di Zamenhof. Ad esempio "Via Zamenhof", "Piazza Zamenhof", "Palazzo
> Zamenhof", o anche una nave ancorata in un porto chiamata "Zamenhof", per
> dire...


1) comincio a capire e 

2) penso che già con queste due trovo il 90% dei tag che sono marcati
anche con "esperanto=yes" 

per cui si potrebbe togliere l'etichetta esperanto=yes ma ... posso farlo
vero? ... e soprattutto è _giusto_ farlo se un'etichetta è deprecata?

poi ...

quello che dicevo prima sarebbe, fare una query a wikidata, per esempio questa:

SELECT ?esperantista ?esperantistaLabel WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 
  ?esperantista wdt:P106 wd:Q860918.

e poi darla in pasto ad overpass...

ma non ho idea come si possa fare...


Marco Ciampa

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] SotM-Nachlese: Straßenkarten von Hauptstädten

2019-10-31 Thread Robert Kaiser


Ich möchte euch heute über eine nette Aktion informieren, die auf der 
SotM in Heidelberg gemacht wurde:
Beim Abend-Event waren auf einer Wand A4-Blätter aufgehängt, auf denen 
das Straßennetz diverser Hauptstädte abgebildet war, beschriftet nur mit 
einer Nummer, sodass man raten konnte, welche Stadt das sein könnte. 
Eine Liste mit den Namen zu den Nummern war so aufgehängt, dass man um 
eine Ecke gehen musste und sie nicht sofort sah.

Das war ein ganz nettes "OSM-Ratespiel", das viele in Gruppen 
durchgingen - und jetzt sind die PDFs dazu auch im Wiki verfügbar, 
allerdings gleich mit den Namen der Städte im Dateinamen: 

So weit ich weiß, wurden diese Karten aus OSM-Daten in QGIS erstellt.

Viel Spaß damit!


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare sede associazione Esperantista

2019-10-31 Thread Marco Ciampa
Perdonate se vi sto "torronando" con 'sto Esperanto...

On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 01:56:16PM +0100, Lorenzo Beltrami wrote:
> Ciao Marco,
> provo a risponderti (sempre in linea), ma in generale approvo quello che ti
> ha scritto anche Martin.
> Il giorno mar 29 ott 2019 alle ore 10:33 Marco Ciampa 
> ha scritto:
> > > > - gli oggetti che hanno a che fare con l'Esperanto (Q143 ok)
> > >
> > > Anzi, se ho ben capito la sintassi giusta è: name:etymology:wikidata=Q143
> >
> Questo è vero solo nel caso in cui il valore contenuto in "name" sia
> relativa alla parola "Esperanto".

Ok bene allora comincio a capire ... forse :-P

Per esempio mi è oscuro da dove venga il termine etymology anche se ne
capisco l'uso, come si fa a sapere se ce ne sono altri con la stessa funzione?
Cioè etymology è solo relativo a name 

> > >
> > > > - gli oggetti che hanno a che fare con Zamenhof (Q11758 ok)
> > >
> > > e di conseguenza: name:etymology:wikidata=Q11758
> >
> Come sopra solo ne caso in cui il nome ad una cosa sia stato dato in
> memoria di Zamenhof. Ad esempio "Via Zamenhof", "Piazza Zamenhof", "Palazzo
> Zamenhof", o anche una nave ancorata in un porto chiamata "Zamenhof", per
> dire...


> > >
> > > > - gli oggetti che hanno a che fare con un qualsiasi esperantista
> > famoso (Q860918)
> > >
> > > E quindi: subject:wikidata=Q860918
> >
> Questo è vero solo nel caso in cui il soggetto di un dato elemento OSM
> (spesso "subject" si usa con le statue) sia un generico esperantista
> ("Statua all'esperantista ignoto").
> Altrimenti se la statua è una rappresentazione di Zamenhof sarà
> subject:wikidata=Q1175, se è di Peterlongo subject:wikidata=Q3767924 e via
> dicendo.

Ah ok ho "vagamente" capito ...

Allora _servirebbe_ un tag per indicare qualcosa relativo ad un
esperantista... _senza_ dover fare una query apposta...

ma forse non si può evitare... insomma per generare una mappa solo con
overpass ma forse non è possibile e bisogna per forza interrogare
wikidata per poi fare la query con overpass...

> > Mi rimane comunque il dubbio che ha generato questo thread: come mappare
> > la sede di un'associazione esperantista?
> >
> > office=association
> >
> Sì e se c'è proprio una scuola di lingua io sarei quasi quasi per
> aggiungere anche:
> amenity=language_school + language:eo=main[1]
> per far capire che si insegna Esperanto.

Ok capito

> va bene secondo voi aggiungere:
> >
> > subject:wikidata=Q860918
> >
> Secondo me no, preferirei segnare che si insegna esperanto con
> language:eo=main

Ok e questo?


Esperanto club?

> Per quanto riguarda l'elenco di eventuali elementi OSM legati agli
> esperantisti ti dico come procederei io:
> 1. Query su Wikidata[2]
> SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
> {
>   ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q860918.
>   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language
> "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
> }

ok anche se non conosco il linguaggio, capisco lo scopo...

> 2. Con l'elenco di tutte le proprietà faccio una query su Overpass. Su
> questo non sono bravissimo, ma qualcosa del tipo:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Nx2 (qua ho usato solo Q11758, ma andrebbe fatto
> su tutti gli elementi di cui al punto 1.)

Ok ma come faccio ad ottenerli dinamicamente? Si può fare in modo che
overpass interroghi wikidata?

> In questo modo la parte più "relazionale" la gestisce giustamente Wikidata
> e OSM si occupa più della parte "geografica".
> Questo è quello che farei io. :-)
> Lorenzo
> [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dlanguage_school
> [2]
> https://query.wikidata.org/#%23%20Esperantisti%0ASELECT%20%3Fitem%20%3FitemLabel%20%0AWHERE%20%0A%7B%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP106%20wd%3AQ860918.%0A%20%20SERVICE%20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%20bd%3AserviceParam%20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22%5BAUTO_LANGUAGE%5D%2Cen%22.%20%7D%0A%7D

... scusate, sto imparando un sacco di cose tutte insieme...


Marco Ciampa

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Hrvatske podloge od sad dostupne kao standardni slojevi u editorima

2019-10-31 Thread Janko Mihelić

Još bih nadodao da možemo smatrati da su pomaci pozadine na ovim snimcima
zanemarivi, tako da više nije potrebno pomicati pozadine po GPS tragovima.
Ako ima neko područje koje ima pomak, ispravite me.

Mene zanima, tko odlučuje koja pozadina je najbolja za neko područje? Zašto
nisu DOF 2018 i DOF 2017 odabrani kao najbolje pozadine za ostatak Hrvatske?

čet, 31. lis 2019. u 10:04 hbogner  napisao je:

> https://osm-hr.org/2019/10/31/hrvatske-podloge-od-sad-dostupne-kao-standardni-slojevi-u-editorima/
> Podloge o kojima je prethodno pisano su od sad dostupne kao standardni
> slojevi koje je potrebno samo odabrati među ponuđenima u iD, Vespucci,
> Go Map!!, Potlatch 2 i JOSM editorima. Više nema potrebe za ručnim
> unošenjem adrese servera i slojeva.
> JOSM slojevi
> To će olakšati korištenje tih podataka, što korisnicima početnicima, što
> iskusnim korisnicima iz drugih krajeva koji uređuju ovo područje. U
> JOSM-u je potrebno aktivirati dostupne slojeve sa liste, dok se U iD-u
> automatski učitaju slojevi dostupni za to područje.
> iD slojevi u Zagrebu
> Ortofoto Grada Zagreba je označen kao najbolji za to područje tako da se
> on automatski učitava u iD-u kad se odabere opcija edit, što je vidljivo
> po * uz taj sloj.
> iD slojevi u Kninu
> Obratite pažnju na to da su svi ortofoto materijali cenzurirani tako da
> su objekti od interesa zamaskirani kao okolno zelenilo. To je vidljivo
> promjenom na neku od standardnih satelitskih podloga, ali čak i
> promjenom između različitih ortofoto podloga jer su snimane različitih
> godina, a tokom godina su se mjenjale zone cenzure.
> Obratite pažnju i na različite godine snimanja, te ih uspoređujte. Na
> nekim starijim snimkama objekti se mogu lakše razaznati nego na novijim,
> naprimjer radi boljeg kontrasta snimke. Položaji objekata također mogu
> odstupati jer su snimani pod određenim kutom u različitim godinama, tako
> da i njih usporedite na više snimaka.
> Sretno mapiranje!
> ___
> Talk-hr mailing list
> Talk-hr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-hr
Talk-hr mailing list

[OSM-ja] お尋ね:水路と農道にかかる橋など

2019-10-31 Thread info



URGENT指定された長野(#6980 - Typhoon Hagibis, 2019 Building Mapping. Nagano 
city, Nagano, Japan)のvalidationをしているのですが、regional/unclassified 

とりあえずhttps://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Key:bridge を読みました。





また、今回の災害の性格上、河川工作物 river 

_;)m (大汗)



経験値が高くないvalidator のMeg_W (ウォーターズめぐみ)

Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-GB] Additional NLS map layers

2019-10-31 Thread Michael Booth


Just to let everyone know there are now additional NLS maps available 
for use - some detailed ones mostly covering Scotland, but there's also 
the 1940-60s National Grid maps covering all of Great Britain.

I got in touch with the NLS after noticing they were available on their 
website, they updated the wiki page, and I recently added them to the 
editor-layer-index on github.

They are available to select in JOSM but not iD (since they are more 
than 20 years old), though the custom imagery urls are available from: 


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Wikidata + OpenStreetMap = ?

2019-10-31 Thread Rihards
On 31.10.19 11:30, Mārtiņš Bruņenieks wrote:
> Starp citu, jautājums par Wikidata principiem.
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16349305 - tas ir par vēsturisko
> kinoteātri vai par ēku?  
> Pēc Vikidatu principiem - pareizi sadalīt divos ierakstos, viens  par
> ēku, otrs par iestādi. Tāpat būtu jādara ar muzejiem, kas atrodas
> ievērojamās ēkās. 

Paldies, vai no Vikipēdijas kopienas kādam būtu iespēja sadalīt Pionieri
(ha)? Tad es pieliktu pareizo Wikidatu pie ēkas OSM.

Vēl tāds interesants un ar maz info ir
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30046770 , bet tas jau vairāk
Vikipēdijas/Wikidatu kopienas komunikācijas kanāliem :)

>  Mārtiņš

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le futur des boutiques "Thomas Cook" ?

2019-10-31 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Je vois qu'il y a des office=travel_agent
On laisse ? On homogénéise avec shop=travel_agency ?

Sinon j'ai entré/fusionné ces 60 entrées, ça n'a résolu qu'une
demie-douzaine d'agences Thomas Cook.

J'ai traité les agences Jet Tours. Seules 2 ont disparu (j'ai considéré
que celle de Bois-Colombes qui n'apparaît qu'indirectement sans doute un
cache des Pages Jaunes était fermée, son site internet indiquant
"Serveur Apache OK"), les autres appartiennent à d'autres réseaux.

Je passe la main pour les autres agences TC.

Sites d'agences de voyages ayant repris des agences TC et Jet Tours :

Si vous connaissez le numéro de département :


Si un Cannois peut vérifier : l'adresse ici n'est pas celle dans OSM.

Il "suffit" de récupérer les adresses et de faire comme j'ai fait pour


Le 30/10/2019 à 21:39, Jean-Yvon Landrac a écrit :

Attention !

Jet tours est une marque de Thomas Cook donc :

- ne pas laisser Jet tours en brand.

- chercher aussi les boutiques Jet tours !

Cf. https://www.jettours.com/ ou

Le 30/10/2019 à 21:33, Jean-Yvon Landrac a écrit :

Florian ça complète ce que j'avais dit en MP.

Pour changer de couche on appréciera les raccourcis claviers de JOSM^^.

Voici pour la recette de cuisine :

- d'abord ci-joint deux ingrédients les fichiers :

  * *geocoded.csv, le même qu'avant mais sans espaces en début ou fin
de nom
  * *geocoded.simplified.csv, le même mais sans colonnes en trop. Je
n'ai pas retenu addr:full, ça serait sans doute pertinent (pas de
conflit avec des éventuels points adresse).

- la recette proprement dite :

  * démarrer JOSM (mode expert) avec le greffon todolist
  * charger l'imagerie OpenStreetMap (ça évite de faire des conneries
en voyant ce qui est en base, j'ai ainsi trouvé un magasin de
fringues et une agence de voyage à la même adresse).

  * charger la couche des agences de voyage par requête SQL :




     nwr["name"="Thomas Cook"](area.searchArea);


   out body;


   out skel qt;

C'est notre couche de travail, nommée Calque de données 1.

  * charger le fichier Univarmer2.geocoded.simplified.csv

C'est notre couche de référence

  * charger le fichier Univarmer2.geocoded.csv, c'est juste pour
pouvoir voir l'adresse en cas de doute.
  * sélectionner la couche Univarmer2.geocoded.simplified.csv
  * sélectionner toutes les agences
  * dans la Liste des tâches, cliquer /Ajouter/
  * c'est parti, sélectionner le premier, différents cas :
  o l'agence n'est pas en base
  + sélectionner la couche Univarmer2.geocoded.simplified.csv
  + copier l'objet
  + sélectionner la couche Calque de données 1
  + coller au bon endroit (environ le même)
  o l'agence est en base avec un autre nom
  + sélectionner la couche Univarmer2.geocoded.simplified.csv
  + copier les attributs
  + sélectionner la couche Calque de données 1
  + sélectionnez l'agence existante
  + renommer name en old_name
  + coller les attributs. Attention : en cas de conflit il y
a écrasement des anciennes valeurs.
  + là il est vivement conseillé de faire une recherche
(pages jaunes, journaux, ...) pour savoir le nom actuel
qui peut être différent... des deux. J'ai trouvé une
agence anciennement Jet Tours nommée Univairmer selon
Univairmer mais ripolinée Jet tours & Univairmer (oui
Donat, un nom pour toi !) dans les couleurs Univairmer.
Du coup j'ai ajouté Jet Tours en brand. Oui j'avoue avec
deux majuscules. Souvent la presse locale (PQR, France
3)  a relaté les différents cas des agences TC du coin.
  * contempler son travail, satisfait (sinon changer ce qu'il faut).
  * expédier en mettant en commentaire

Passe agences de voyages Univairmer/Asia/Visiteurs/Kuomi/Thomas Cook

  * cliquer /Marquer /dans la Liste des tâches
  * on recommence.

Pour le suivi

à condition de bien mettre comme commentaire :

Passe agences de voyages Univairmer/Asia/Visiteurs/Kuomi/Thomas Cook

Bon hormis à découper le fichier en 

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
in theory yes, I have reached mapbox several times of clients of theirs
that are not complying with ODbL or to their terms of service. they either
stop replying, doesn't get fixed (Strava example) or gets fix after sending
9 emails during two months. this last example was regarding Livestream, a
Vimeo company that even replied to me stating they weren't using OSM (when
they were using Mapbox Street tiles without the reasonable calculated
Mapbox logo, so I assume they were premium clients or whatever they call it
at mapbox. had to explain that that doesn't not entitle them not to
attribute OSM. his has been shared on other threads on mailing lists.

As Kathleen mentioned on other topics, including this one, it's their
client responsibility for the lack of attribution not mapbox. end result of
all this, no ones fault and everything remains the same.

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 11:43 Jeffrey Friedl,  wrote:

> > do a search for Strava on social media images, on twitter as examples:
> >
> > https://twitter.com/MissJKirby/status/1189164486252515333?s=09
> Ah, I see, I thought you were referencing a screenshot from the app, but
> that
> seems to be an image made explicitly for posting on Twitter. One imagines
> that
> Strava hasn't built a map renderer just to make Twitter images, so
> probably the
> images are sourced from somewhere (Mapbox, Google, etc.).  If the
> underlying
> data originates from OSM, someone indeed should be putting the attribution.
> > following your mindset, we should blame the map provider (Mapbox) and
> not the company that uses the maps.
> I don't know that it's a "mindset". The person using OSM data has the
> responsibility to attribute, no?
> If Mapbox is not putting attributions, it would be a surprise.  Can you
> show a specific example where
>  Mapbox is providing OSM-derived maps without attribution? (If it's not
> apparent from the example
> that it's Mapbox providing OSM-derived maps, please be sure to cite your
> evidence that that's what
> we're seeing).
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mappare sede associazione Esperantista

2019-10-31 Thread Marco Ciampa
On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 03:00:07PM +0100, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
> > Il giorno 29 ott 2019, alle ore 10:02, Marco Ciampa  ha 
> > scritto:
> > 
> > Quando questa
> > non esisterà più da nessuna parte si potrebbe eliminare anche dal wiki,
> > no?
> si dovrebbe indicare come sconsigliato e puntare ad un‘alternativa. La
> documentazione per un tag che è stato in uso non deve essere rimossa,
> perché i dati OpenStreetMap non sono solo quelli attuali ma anche quelli
> storici.

Ok capito
allora potete suggerire una "formula" di dicitura che ne sconsigli l'uso?



Marco Ciampa

Talk-it mailing list

[talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 482

2019-10-31 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 482 týdeníku WeeklyOSM:


* SotM CZ+SK v Brně.
* Přírodní katastrofy v Nízkých Tatrách.
* Označníky produktovodů.
* Mikrogranty Nadace OSM.
* První Missing Maps v Rusku.
* Kurz prostorové analýzy.
* Parkování pro motorky.
* Deklarace pro OSM u Facebooku.
* Microkosmy na osm.org.
* Generátor cest po hospodách.
* Skenování Země LiDARem.
* Recenze Garmin Overlander.

Pěkné počtení ...

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OpenStreetMap Serbia] Prvo okupljanje domaće OSM zajednice

2019-10-31 Thread Predrag Supurovic


Прво окупљање OSM Srbija екипе биће 7. децембра 2019. у Београду. 
Окупљање је у 11 часова у просторијама Microsoft-а у улици Шпанских 
бораца 3а (Blue Centar, зграда Б, поред кафића Headquarter)

Идеја је да се скупе сви људи који воле ОСМ, који га мењају и допуњују и 
да необавезно проћаскамо, да се упознамо и представимо. Биће сигурно 
представника Microsoft-а који раде на ОСМ-у, као и ОСМ Србија пројекта, 
па можемо од њих да чујемо понешто.


Упознавање, успостављање контаката, дружење

Представљање актуелних пројеката (пријавите нам ако желите да 
представите свој пројекат)

  Прилагођени рендеринг сервер за приказ мапе региона на српском језику

  Подршка компаније Microsoft у уређивању OSM карте Србије. (Немања 
Брачко, OSM Lead)

   (пријавите нам ако желите да представите свој пројекат)

Планирање образовања активне и организоване ОСМ заједнице

Сви су добродошли!



Talk-rs mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Simon Poole
The problem with this thread is that it is conflating different (but a
bit related) things.

- missing or less than perfect attribution,

- corporate messaging about OpenStreetMap (or more the lack of it).

As to the first point in general we are just arguing about the form, not
the principle. We have only one case that I'm aware of, in which a
publisher is claiming that they do not need to provide attribution, and
we are pursing that with legal means.

It is however important to realize that their are limits to copyright
and that for example lots of the "non-attribution" in the states is
likely permissible fair use under US laws. It would still be good form
to provide attribution, but it isn't something we can enforce and
getting upset about such use is really just a tremendous waste of time.

As to the 2nd point, yes it might be annoying that we don't get more
positive corporate messaging around the use of OpenStreetMap,
particularly when the companies in question wouldn't actually exist
without OSM, but it isn't a legal or attribution question and should be
kept separate.  Relying on third parties that are mainly beholden to
money to do messaging on our behalf is a very bad idea in any case, the
responsibility for positive messaging is clearly part of the remit of
the OSMF.


Am 31.10.2019 um 10:41 schrieb Nuno Caldeira:
> do a search for Strava on social media images, on twitter as examples:
> https://twitter.com/MissJKirby/status/1189164486252515333?s=09
> https://twitter.com/boorapong88/status/1188767309357142016?s=09
> https://twitter.com/dai_walters/status/1188488659089141760?s=09
> só either everyone crops the image or there's something wrong. 
> following your mindset, we should blame the map provider (Mapbox) and
> not the company that uses the maos. Does this apply to Facebook too?
> As Mapbox is a corporate member of OSMF and several employees of
> theirs are members of board or working groups, that shouldn't be to
> hard to fix the lack of attribution, right? 
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 09:28 Jeffrey Friedl,  > wrote:
> > > And the hypocrisy goes on. "Strava launches gorgeous new
> outdoor maps"
> https://blog.mapbox.com/strava-launches-gorgeous-new-outdoor-maps-977c74cf37f9
> >
> >    I'm not sure what you're reporting, but the maps all have "©
> Mapbox © OpenStreetMap" in the lower-left
> >    corner.  (Perhaps they were cut off in some of the
> screenshots in news coverage, but the actual maps in
> >    the Strava app and on their web site all have this
> attribution.)  I suppose that they could use a slightly
> >    stronger background shadow, to create more contrast when the
> map behind the attribution is light.
> >
> >
> > that is not true.
> WHAT is not true? Why can't you be specific?
> > https://twitter.com/mastermen/status/1127672128797663239?s=09
> That's a half year ago, showing an edited screen capture. What
> relevence is to this discussion?
> > from the moment they use OSM they agreed with it's terms
> "They" being Strava?  I don't beleve that Strava uses, or has ever
> used, OSM data.
> I'm pretty sure that Strava is a customer of Mapbox, and it's
> *Mapbox* that uses OSM data
> and generates images that Strava displays.  If Mapbox is not
> putting attributions properly,
> complain to/about them.
>     Jeffrey
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 10:25 Jeffrey Friedl,  wrote:

> This thread started with "the hypocrocy continues",
> but I can't figure out what, exactly, anyone is complaining about.

no attribution and a barely readable attribution by a corporate member of
OSMF. that's what the hypocrocy is all about.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] name:suffix & name:prefix (de)

2019-10-31 Thread Robert Kaiser

Friedrich Volkmann schrieb:
Kann mir schwer vorstellen, dass die Selbstbeweihräucherung als Markt 
in einem Unfallbericht Platz hat. Aber "in der Gemeinde Münster" oder 
"im Gemeindegebiet von Münster" ist in einem Unfallbericht ganz 
normal. Auch wenn es irgendwo im Niemandsland passiert ist (Wald, 
Freilandstraße), gehört jeder Unfallort zu einem Gemeindegebiet, und 
das gehört zu den Eckdaten einer Unfallerfassung.

Dann sollten wir aber laut dir auch "Gemeindegebiet Münster" ins 
"name"-Tag schreiben, oder nicht?


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Reference numbers for UK admin areas?

2019-10-31 Thread Andy G Wood
Great work Roland.
I am beginning to understand what an amazing tool Overpass is.


On Wednesday, 30 October 2019 19:17:31 GMT Roland Olbricht wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm at the moment writing a documentation for the Overpass API.
> > The challenge was to get Overpass to return grit bins in /this /Sutton,
> > and not in all places called Sutton.
> Coincidentially, I just have translated a section about that type of
> question:
> https://dev.overpass-api.de/overpass-doc/en/full_data/area.html#per_tag
> I'm grateful for the oppurtunity to place this appetizer.
> Please feel free to ask any questions. The audience of this
> documentation are average mappers, thus all feedback can help to expand
> or clarify sections that are incomprehensible.
> As this is work in progress, I'm sorry that not yet all cross references
> within the documentation work, usually because the referenced content is
> not yet translated.
> I'm confident to have it complete before the end of the year. I will
> make an annoucement when the documentation is referentially complete and
> again when it is content complete.
> Best regards,
> Roland

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
do a search for Strava on social media images, on twitter as examples:




só either everyone crops the image or there's something wrong.

following your mindset, we should blame the map provider (Mapbox) and not
the company that uses the maos. Does this apply to Facebook too? As Mapbox
is a corporate member of OSMF and several employees of theirs are members
of board or working groups, that shouldn't be to hard to fix the lack of
attribution, right?

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 09:28 Jeffrey Friedl,  wrote:

> > > And the hypocrisy goes on. "Strava launches gorgeous new outdoor maps"
> https://blog.mapbox.com/strava-launches-gorgeous-new-outdoor-maps-977c74cf37f9
> >
> >I'm not sure what you're reporting, but the maps all have "© Mapbox ©
> OpenStreetMap" in the lower-left
> >corner.  (Perhaps they were cut off in some of the screenshots in
> news coverage, but the actual maps in
> >the Strava app and on their web site all have this attribution.)  I
> suppose that they could use a slightly
> >stronger background shadow, to create more contrast when the map
> behind the attribution is light.
> >
> >
> > that is not true.
> WHAT is not true? Why can't you be specific?
> > https://twitter.com/mastermen/status/1127672128797663239?s=09
> That's a half year ago, showing an edited screen capture. What relevence
> is to this discussion?
> > from the moment they use OSM they agreed with it's terms
> "They" being Strava?  I don't beleve that Strava uses, or has ever used,
> OSM data.
> I'm pretty sure that Strava is a customer of Mapbox, and it's *Mapbox*
> that uses OSM data
> and generates images that Strava displays.  If Mapbox is not putting
> attributions properly,
> complain to/about them.
> Jeffrey
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importaciones catastro

2019-10-31 Thread Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso

Tienes que leer las propias instrucciones que has añadido en el Gestor de
Tareas. Te pone "Descarga el archivo de la tarea o Editar con Control
Remoto de JOSM." Desde ahí te descarga lo que hay que importar. Le estas
dando al botón anterior de "Editar con JOSM" al cual no hay que darle.

Te archivado el proyecto que habías creado en blanco y he publicado el que
tenias para que lo vea todo el mundo.


El jue., 31 oct. 2019 a las 10:28, Joaquim () escribió:

> Hola,
> Tengo problemas con el Gestor de Tareas. He creado un proyecto para
> importar la zona centro de Menorca uniendo 4 municipios. He creado el
> proyecto y luego he subido los datos de cada municipio a Github. Cuando
> intento abrir una tarea lo que se carga en JOSM son los datos ya
> existentes en OpenStreetMap, no los nuevos del Catastro. Algo habré
> hecho mal pero no se qué y por lo tanto no le encuentro solución.
> Pampoco se como eliminar un proyecto para empezarlo de nuevo.
> ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?
> Gracias
> Joaquim
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
Blog http://jorgesanzs.es/
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Wikidata + OpenStreetMap = ?

2019-10-31 Thread Mārtiņš Bruņenieks
> Starp citu, jautājums par Wikidata principiem.
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16349305 - tas ir par vēsturisko
> kinoteātri vai par ēku?

Pēc Vikidatu principiem - pareizi sadalīt divos ierakstos, viens  par ēku,
otrs par iestādi. Tāpat būtu jādara ar muzejiem, kas atrodas ievērojamās


Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importaciones catastro

2019-10-31 Thread Joaquim


Tengo problemas con el Gestor de Tareas. He creado un proyecto para 
importar la zona centro de Menorca uniendo 4 municipios. He creado el 
proyecto y luego he subido los datos de cada municipio a Github. Cuando 
intento abrir una tarea lo que se carga en JOSM son los datos ya 
existentes en OpenStreetMap, no los nuevos del Catastro. Algo habré 
hecho mal pero no se qué y por lo tanto no le encuentro solución. 
Pampoco se como eliminar un proyecto para empezarlo de nuevo.

¿Alguien puede ayudarme?


Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bridge=simple_brunnel

2019-10-31 Thread allegre . guillaume

Le 30/10/2019 10:41, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :

S'ils partagent géométriquement une zone commune (assimilable à un 
point), on met un point en commun et un tag dessus.
C'est le cas d'un gué : il existe physiquement une zone qu'on peut 
passer à pied (en se mouillant les chaussures éventuellement), et où 
l'eau passe aussi.

Pour les ruisseaux busés, les deux flux sont bien séparés. La buse 
canalise l'eau, pas le passage humain/véhicules, donc c'est 
inapproprié de mettre un tag tunnel sur la voie.

J'avoue ne pas comprendre cette "logique" : dans les deux cas la 
largeur de la route traversée est la même. Et assimilable à un point 
puisqu'on a modélisé le réseau routier en linéaire.

Pour la longueur traversée, elle est plus petite quand le ruisseau est 
busé que quand il peut s'étaler sur la route.

Et là tu dis :
large = représentation ponctuelle possible
étroit = représentation linéaire obligatoire (mais dans l'autre sens 
qui n'a pourtant pas changé).

Comme tu dis il y a un problème de topologie... mais dans ta logique !

J'ai l'impression que tu fais la différence entre frontière floue (gué 
le long de la route) et nette (route, busage). Avec cette logique tu 
devrais refuser de taguer les routes en filaire puisque leur largeur 
est nette.

Ton argument tient peut-être... mais je ne vois pas comment^^.

Je ne vois pas le rapport qu'il y a avec large / étroit. Dans le cas
du gué les deux objets physiques routes / rivières passent au même
niveau et en suivant l'un on passe forcément par l'autre. Dans le cas
du ruisseau busé il passe en-dessous de la route et on n'est pas censé
mettre les pieds dans l'eau quand on emprunte la route. Donc aucune
raison topologique de mettre un point commun entre les deux. Je
rajoute d'ailleurs systématiquement layer=-1 sur le tronçon
tunnel=culvert pour bien indiquer qu'il est en-dessous.

Oui, exactement. Le tag layer=-1 explicite parfaitement le problème.

Si on sait qui passe en-dessous, on doit pouvoir le mettre (même si on 
ne le fait pas toujours).
Et si on le met, ce ne peut PAS être sur un point partagé entre cours 
d'eau et voie.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Wikidata + OpenStreetMap = ?

2019-10-31 Thread Rihards
On 31.10.19 09:33, Rihards wrote:
> On 28.10.19 14:52, Mārtiņš Bruņenieks wrote:
>> Sveicināti!
>> Video no WikidataCon 2019 par Wikidata + OpenStreetMap
>> https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-13-openstreetmap_and_wikidata  
> Paldies par linku, interesanta prezentācija - vismaz pirmās 11 minūtes,
> pēc tam kaut kā video apraujas.
> Vai citiem rāda normāli visu?

Laikam kaut kas bija lēns, beigās izdevās noskatīties.

https://osm.wikidata.link/ ir interesants rīks, daudz vieglāk pielikt
Wikidata tagus. Nedaudz ielipu :)

Starp citu, jautājums par Wikidata principiem.
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q16349305 - tas ir par vēsturisko
kinoteātri vai par ēku?

>> Šķiet, ka šī bija vienīgā konferences sesija par sadarbību starp šiem
>> projektiem.
>>  Mārtiņš-- 
>  Rihards

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Attribution guideline status update

2019-10-31 Thread Nuno Caldeira
On Thu, 31 Oct 2019, 02:15 Jeffrey Friedl,  wrote:

> > And the hypocrisy goes on. "Strava launches gorgeous new outdoor maps"
> https://blog.mapbox.com/strava-launches-gorgeous-new-outdoor-maps-977c74cf37f9
> I'm not sure what you're reporting, but the maps all have "© Mapbox ©
> OpenStreetMap" in the lower-left
> corner.  (Perhaps they were cut off in some of the screenshots in news
> coverage, but the actual maps in
> the Strava app and on their web site all have this attribution.)  I
> suppose that they could use a slightly
> stronger background shadow, to create more contrast when the map behind
> the attribution is light.

*that is not
true. https://twitter.com/mastermen/status/1127672128797663239?s=09
*I have reported that to them and obviously didn't get a reply from their
side. *
*from the moment they use OSM they agreed with it's terms and the
reasonable calculated notice (which they don't have on the example of the
Medium article 8 shared). a corporate member of OSMF not knowing and not
complying with the attribution is a bad example. *
talk mailing list

[Talk-hr] Hrvatske podloge od sad dostupne kao standardni slojevi u editorima

2019-10-31 Thread hbogner


Podloge o kojima je prethodno pisano su od sad dostupne kao standardni 
slojevi koje je potrebno samo odabrati među ponuđenima u iD, Vespucci, 
Go Map!!, Potlatch 2 i JOSM editorima. Više nema potrebe za ručnim 
unošenjem adrese servera i slojeva.

JOSM slojevi

To će olakšati korištenje tih podataka, što korisnicima početnicima, što 
iskusnim korisnicima iz drugih krajeva koji uređuju ovo područje. U 
JOSM-u je potrebno aktivirati dostupne slojeve sa liste, dok se U iD-u 
automatski učitaju slojevi dostupni za to područje.

iD slojevi u Zagrebu

Ortofoto Grada Zagreba je označen kao najbolji za to područje tako da se 
on automatski učitava u iD-u kad se odabere opcija edit, što je vidljivo 
po * uz taj sloj.

iD slojevi u Kninu

Obratite pažnju na to da su svi ortofoto materijali cenzurirani tako da 
su objekti od interesa zamaskirani kao okolno zelenilo. To je vidljivo 
promjenom na neku od standardnih satelitskih podloga, ali čak i 
promjenom između različitih ortofoto podloga jer su snimane različitih 
godina, a tokom godina su se mjenjale zone cenzure.

Obratite pažnju i na različite godine snimanja, te ih uspoređujte. Na 
nekim starijim snimkama objekti se mogu lakše razaznati nego na novijim, 
naprimjer radi boljeg kontrasta snimke. Položaji objekata također mogu 
odstupati jer su snimani pod određenim kutom u različitim godinama, tako 
da i njih usporedite na više snimaka.

Sretno mapiranje!

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Wikidata + OpenStreetMap = ?

2019-10-31 Thread Mārtiņš Bruņenieks

Pamēģināju, nemanīju problēmas.
Tur lejā ir download linki, var novilkt video un skatīties lokāli.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 9:33 AM Rihards  wrote:

> On 28.10.19 14:52, Mārtiņš Bruņenieks wrote:
> > Sveicināti!
> >
> > Video no WikidataCon 2019 par Wikidata + OpenStreetMap
> > https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-13-openstreetmap_and_wikidata
> Paldies par linku, interesanta prezentācija - vismaz pirmās 11 minūtes,
> pēc tam kaut kā video apraujas.
> Vai citiem rāda normāli visu?
> > Šķiet, ka šī bija vienīgā konferences sesija par sadarbību starp šiem
> > projektiem.
> >
> >  Mārtiņš--
>  Rihards
Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Wikidata + OpenStreetMap = ?

2019-10-31 Thread Rihards
On 28.10.19 14:52, Mārtiņš Bruņenieks wrote:
> Sveicināti!
> Video no WikidataCon 2019 par Wikidata + OpenStreetMap
> https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-13-openstreetmap_and_wikidata  

Paldies par linku, interesanta prezentācija - vismaz pirmās 11 minūtes,
pēc tam kaut kā video apraujas.
Vai citiem rāda normāli visu?

> Šķiet, ka šī bija vienīgā konferences sesija par sadarbību starp šiem
> projektiem.
>  Mārtiņš-- 

Talk-lv mailing list