[OSM-talk-be] Import of GPX files for marked trails in OSM / Import de traces GPX pour promenades balisées dans OSM

2020-08-19 Thread Julien Minet
Hello / Bonjour,

Thanks to an active lobbying of Jacques Fondaire, contributor in Aubange,
we had the explicit right (well, an email) to use some GPX files from the
local tourism offices from the province of Luxembourg for completing the
marked trails in South-Luxembourg in OSM. We did not receive all the tracks
yet but in total there are about 120 walking marked trails in the Parc
Naturel Haute-Sure Forêt d'Anlier.

This is not an automatic import since, to the best of my knowledge, there
is no automatic tool to convert some GPX into OSM relations. So we have to
manually add these relations based on the GPX information. From my
experience, it takes about 15 min. per relation to do so (in JOSM). I plan
to write a few lines about this import somewhere on the OSM wiki such as

If anyone wants to help to enter this information in OSM, just let me know!
If you want to know how to add some marked trails in OSM, have a look at this
page  and that one

for Belgian specificities. A nice app rendering all these routes is

// en français //

Grâce à un lobbying actif de Jacques Fondaire, collaborateur à Aubange,
nous avons eu le droit explicite (enfin, un email) d'utiliser certains
fichiers GPX des offices de tourisme locaux de la province de Luxembourg
pour compléter les sentiers balisés du Sud-Luxembourg dans OSM. Nous
n'avons pas encore reçu tous les fichiers, mais il s'agit d'environ 120
pistes balisées dans le Parc Naturel Haute-Sure Forêt d'Anlier.

Il ne s'agit pas d'une importation automatique car, à ma connaissance, il
n'existe pas d'outil automatique permettant de convertir des GPX en
relations OSM. Nous devons donc ajouter manuellement ces relations sur la
base des GPX. D'après mon expérience, il faut environ 15 minutes par
relation pour le faire (dans JOSM). J'ai l'intention d'écrire quelques
lignes sur cette importation quelque part, par exemple ici

Si quelqu'un veut aider à saisir ces informations dans OSM, faites-le moi
savoir ! Si vous voulez savoir comment ajouter quelques pistes balisées
dans OSM, jetez un coup d'oeil à cette page
 et à celle-ci

(spécificités belges). Une belle application rendant tous ces parcours est

Happy mapping,

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fwd: Espace Public Numérique d'Arlon - OpenStreetMap - Cartographie numérique - Atelier ouvert

2020-02-26 Thread Julien Minet
Salut Pierre,

Comme je te l'ai signalé, j'y serai présent!

A bientôt,

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 11:58 PM Pierre Parmentier <
pierrecparment...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bonjour,
> L'Espace Public Numérique (EPN) d'Arlon vous ouvre ses portes pour un
> atelier "OpenStreetMap" ce mercredi 4 mars de 13.00 à 17.00 heures.
> Voir : https://www.epnarlon.com/nos-ateliers/mars-2020/
> C'est ouvert à tous !
> Pas de programme prédéfini mais vous pourrez poser vos questions, recevoir
> des conseils, expérimenter en matière de cartographie numérique.
> On pourra aborder OpenStreetMap, uMap, Osmand, OSMTracker, MyOSMatic,
> Inkscape, Field Papers, overpass turbo, la création d'itinéraires, la
> réalisation de cartes "papier" ainsi que les géo-portails de nos régions.
> Pierre Parmentier
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Données routières ouvertes en France

2019-07-09 Thread Julien Minet


Un grand merci pour toutes les réponses qui nous permettent d'y voir 
beaucoup plus clair!

Nous allons télécharger un extrait de la BD Topo sur une commune et la 
comparer avec OSM, non seulement vis-à-vis de la complétude de la 
géométrie mais aussi de certains attributs (lanes, width). Probablement 
qu'OSM sera suffisant pour le besoin. Si nous allons assez loin, je ne 
manquerai pas de rapporter la comparaison à la communauté.

Pour info, le but est de relier des rues (avec leur nom et attributs) à 
des points lumineux (lampadaires) pour évaluer l'éclairage public.

Bonne journée et happy mapping,


On 08/07/2019 18:23, Christian Quest wrote:

La version vectorielle du cadastre contient des objets "voies de 
communication", qui sont des géométries qui correspondent aux routes 
et chemins.

C'est pas parfait car:
- ce sont des objets de décoration des plans cadastraux qui servent à 
porter le nom de la voie
- parfois les mots composant le nom sont dans le désordre, parfois, un 
même objet sert à porter plusieurs noms
- les voies non nommées sur le cadastre n'ont sûrement pas d'objet de 
ce type présent dans les données vecteur

- il n'y a aucun attribut pour savoir si c'est carrossable ou pas

Un gros boulot de rapprochement avec OSM est envisageable pour 
détecter ce qui manque dans OSM... mais comme beaucoup de choses j'y 
pense depuis longtemps, mais toujours pas fait :(

Il n'y a pas eu d'import du cadastre, à part l'intégration des 
bâtiments et une partie des limites de communes.

Route500... ça permet d'être sûr d'avoir tout jusqu'à un certain 
niveau dans le réseau. Il y a les ref et il me semble le nombre de 
voies, mais pas beaucoup plus de détails.

A quoi doivent servir ces données ? Du plan ? Du calcul d'itinéraire ? 
Autre chose ?

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Julien Minet
+32 496 24 17 60

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Données routières ouvertes en France

2019-07-04 Thread Julien Minet

Merci pour les réponses de marc_marc et Jérôme.

D'après ce que je comprends, la source= cadastre est effectivement la 
source des noms, et cette info a probablement été ajoutée sur base 
d'édition manuelle avec la couche WMS du cadastre. Visiblement, il n'y a 
pas eu d'import dans OSM de routes du cadastre puisque cette donnée (la 
géométrie) n'existe pas au cadastre.

En fait, j'aimerai connaitre la source originelle des rues qui sont 
affichées sur geoportail.fr. Je suspecte que ce soit la BD Topo 
<http://professionnels.ign.fr/bdtopo> de l'IGN, qui n'est 
malheureusement pas libre.

Il semble qu'on va devoir utiliser OSM pour ce projet (ben tant mieux). 
A voir si la complétude des rues sur OSM est satisfaisante en France, 
une idée sur ce point ? (vaste question, je serai incapable de répondre 
pour la Belgique!)

Bonne journée,


On 04/07/2019 03:10, Jérôme Amagat wrote:
Les tag source=cadastre c'est le plus souvent pour le name=* de la 
route voir la ref.
Le cadastre est bien vectoriel sur une bonne parti de la France mais 
on y trouve le bâti et les parcelles de terrain mais pas les routes à 
ma connaissance.
on peut quand même en déduire où sont une partie des routes : c'est là 
où il n'y a pas de parcelle :) mais une petite partie des routes sont 
sont sur des parcelles...

on peut le trouvé là :

Le mer. 3 juil. 2019 à 17:33, Julien Minet 
<mailto:julien.mi...@champs-libres.coop>> a écrit :


Je travaille à Champs-Libres.coop en Belgique où nous développons
des applications avec les données OSM.

Pour un de nos projets, on cherche des données de réseaux routiers
en Belgique et en France. Par données de réseau routier, j'entends:

  * tout type de route carrossables, de la
"residential/unclassified" à la "motorway"
  * la géométrie des routes
  * des attributs comme le nom, et si possible le "ref", "lanes",
"width", voire d'autres infos.

Bien sûr OSM est une bonne option que nous espérons proposer au
client, mais j'aimerai prospecter les sources officielles de
données existantes en France (et éventuellement comparer les 2).
Après quelques recherches, je vois que les données de l'IGN (BD
Carto et BD Topo) ne sont pas libres mais disponibles après
paiement. Il y a bien Route 500
<https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/route-500/> dispo
gratuitement mais cela ne concerne que les "grandes" routes.

Or il se trouve que sur certaines routes en France dans OSM, j'ai
trouvé plusieurs fois cette source : "cadastre-dgi-fr source :
Direction Générale des Impôts - Cadastre. Mise à jour : 20XX".

Je me suis donc renseigné sur l'import du cadastre en lisant les
pages du wiki
mais je n'ai pas trouvé qu'elle était la source originelle qui a
servi à cet import. D'où ma question: est-ce que les données
cadastrales des voiries en France sont disponibles *en vectoriel*?
Ou bien est-ce que ces données ont été digitalisées à partir d'un

Plus largement, connaissez-vous des données ouvertes de voiries en
    France disponibles?

Happy mapping,

Julien Minet aka juminet

Julien Minet

+32 496 24 17 60

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org <mailto:Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org>

Talk-fr mailing list

Julien Minet
+32 496 24 17 60

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Données routières ouvertes en France

2019-07-03 Thread Julien Minet


Je travaille à Champs-Libres.coop en Belgique où nous développons des 
applications avec les données OSM.

Pour un de nos projets, on cherche des données de réseaux routiers en 
Belgique et en France. Par données de réseau routier, j'entends:

 * tout type de route carrossables, de la "residential/unclassified" à
   la "motorway"
 * la géométrie des routes
 * des attributs comme le nom, et si possible le "ref", "lanes",
   "width", voire d'autres infos.

Bien sûr OSM est une bonne option que nous espérons proposer au client, 
mais j'aimerai prospecter les sources officielles de données existantes 
en France (et éventuellement comparer les 2). Après quelques recherches, 
je vois que les données de l'IGN (BD Carto et BD Topo) ne sont pas 
libres mais disponibles après paiement. Il y a bien Route 500 
<https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/route-500/> dispo gratuitement 
mais cela ne concerne que les "grandes" routes.

Or il se trouve que sur certaines routes en France dans OSM, j'ai trouvé 
plusieurs fois cette source : "cadastre-dgi-fr source : Direction 
Générale des Impôts - Cadastre. Mise à jour : 20XX".

Je me suis donc renseigné sur l'import du cadastre en lisant les pages 
du wiki 
mais je n'ai pas trouvé qu'elle était la source originelle qui a servi à 
cet import. D'où ma question: est-ce que les données cadastrales des 
voiries en France sont disponibles *en vectoriel*? Ou bien est-ce que 
ces données ont été digitalisées à partir d'un WMS?

Plus largement, connaissez-vous des données ouvertes de voiries en 
France disponibles?

Happy mapping,

Julien Minet aka juminet

Julien Minet
+32 496 24 17 60

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] how to create a 'ready-to-print' city map from OSM

2019-03-06 Thread Julien Minet
Hello Nadia,

>From what I know, I'd advice QGIS or Mapnik.


You can import OSM data in QGIS with many ways:

   - import data in a postgresql/postgis db with osm2pgsql or imposm and
   use the postgresql/postgis layers
   - use the quickOSM plugin
   - use the shp from geofabrik <https://download.geofabrik.de/>

Then, you may use some default styles (to not reinvent the wheel) that are
compatible with this data (it depends on the way you import the OSM data).
For instance:

QGIS styles with quickOSM/osm2pqsql




QGIS style with imposm



QGIS styles with the shp from geofabrik




Street labelling: I think you can do a lot with QGIS nowadays but I have
not experienced it a lot. If you look at the Champs-Libres/QGIS-OSM-styles,
you have an example of "word replacing" in SQL, for instance to replace
"Avenue" by "Av.". For fine tuning of the placement of the labels, there
are a lot of options in the labels dialog, but I don't know if you can
always force the labels to appear on the map for instance.

Automation: if you need to automate this for 100's of map or update
frequently, I guess using the "Atlas" features of the print composer can
help you.

Manual editing: one advantage of QGIS is that you can easily manually edit
your geographical data. You can also "post-editing" the map (eg, moving the
labels themselves, not the geometry) if you export it in SVG.

2) Mapnik

More powerful, but again, I have not experienced specifically complex
street labelling with mapnik. For importing OSM data, you can choose
between osm2pgsql or imposm. Then, there are some styles available for map
printing. It is always good to start from an existing style. I'm developing
for a while the style of OpenArdenneMap
<https://github.com/nobohan/OpenArdenneMap> which is specifically made for
map printing around the scales of 1:15000 to 1:25000. There is no street
labelling in this style but you can add it. Maybe you can start from
OSMBright (but it was not made for map printing, so you'll have to increase
the label sizes and work on the colour contrasts).

For complex street labelling, there are plenty of options in mapnik (or in
cartoCSS) to fine-tune the placement of labels: text-repeat-distance,
text-allow-overlap, text-align, text-placement, text-dx, text-dy, ... For
changing the labels, again you can use some SQL directly in the mapnik
project file, with something: "SELECT way, CASE WHEN ("highway" is not
null) THEN replace( replace( name:fr, 'Avenue','Av.'), 'Boulevard', 'Bd.')
END  AS fancy_name_fr FROM planet_osm_line"

For automation, of course with mapnik you can automate things a lot (with
Python or other).

Manual editing of the final maps is possible if you output the maps in SVG.

Finally I may work on this (city map printing) in the coming months using
Mapnik, so we can keep in contact!


Julien Minet

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 9:53 AM PONCELET Nadia (Firebru)

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to create some map from OSM that could be printed on paper at
> the approximate scale of 1:5000 and where all street names would appear on
> the map and be easy to read.
> This is quite tricky I think, especially for Brussels where street names
> usually have a french and a dutch version. I have already done this
> exercise previously using UrbIS and I had to use some tricks such as
> shortening the names by combining the french and dutch versions when
> possible (e.g. "Rue de l'Ommegangstr." or "Quai F. Demetskaai") and widen
> the streets. I don't care that the streets are no more "at scale", the
> important is that all (or most) street names are legible. The rendering is
> similar to De Rouck map guides or 'Bruxelles en poche' for those who know
> these books. In long streets, the name can also be repeated several times.
> My final result from UrbIS was more or less satisfactory (even if it still
> required some workforce to displace manually a few toponyms at the end) but
> I would like to be able to create the same kind of map from OSM for a
> larger area than the Brussels Region and also be able to update it
> periodically.
> Before I start working on this, would you have some advice or know any
> people/projects/tools/libraries/ideas that could be a source of inspiration
> (maybe from ‘OSM on paper’ wiki page)?
> Thank you very much for your answers.
> Nadia
> _

[OSM-talk-be] Next OSM Arlon meetup 4th February / Prochaine réunion OSM Arlon 4 février

2019-01-28 Thread Julien Minet

The next OpenStreetMap Arlon meetup is scheduled on Monday 4th of February,
19h30. Everyone welcome, from the perfect beginner to the experienced
mapper!  All infos and subscription here:

La prochaine rencontre des contributeurs d'OpenStreetMap d'Arlon et
d'ailleurs aura lieu le lundi 22 octobre à 19h30. Tout le monde intéressé
par OSM est le bienvenu, du parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté.
N'hésitez pas à venir si vous êtes juste intrigué par le projet
OpenStreetMap et la cartographie participative. Toutes les infos et
inscription sur
https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/257183572. Nous nous
rencontrerons au Tennis Club Garissart à Weyler.

Happy mapping/Bonne carto

juminet & foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] arlon - osm - training courses

2018-11-30 Thread Julien Minet
Hello Pierre,

Génial! I'm happy that something like that is starting in Arlon. I'll try
to join for the next trainings. There can be many different topic if we
need to be more specific. For instance:

   - OSM and local business
   - Road network, integration of mapillary traffic signs
   - OSM for cyclists
   - Rendering maps on paper
   - Humanitarian mapping
   - QA corrections
   - ...

See you at the next Arlon meeting!



On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:40 PM Pierre Parmentier <
pierrecparment...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The two planned training sessions on the contribution to OSM took place at
> EPN (Espace public numérique) in Arlon on 6 and 27 November 2018 from 9.00
> to 16.00 h.
> A dozen people attended each of them. They came from very different
> horizons, from places in the province sometimes far from Arlon, and
> included members of the Sentiers de Grande Randonnée ASBL as well as
> officials of a tourism organization in the area.
> We approached the edition with JOSM mainly. The various menus and some
> plugins were examined. Participants created an account and some nodes and
> ways were added to OSM. The GPX file creation with Graphhopper and overpass
> turbo and their import into uMap were also shown.
> Some participants have already set to work on their side, mainly in the
> localities of Aubange and Athus, in the province of Luxembourg.
> But the others, perhaps more shy, were interested in consolidating their
> knowledge and it was agreed with the EPN Arlon that a monthly OSM workshop
> would take place from January 2019.
> I hope this will help OSM grow in this part of the country.
> Pierre Parmentier
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Next OSM Arlon meetup Monday 22 October / Prochaine rencontre OSM Arlon lundi 22 octobre

2018-10-13 Thread Julien Minet

The next OpenStreetMap Arlon meetup is scheduled on Monday 22th of October,
19h30. Everyone welcome, from the perfect beginner to the experienced
mapper!  All infos and subscription here:

La prochaine rencontre des contributeurs d'OpenStreetMap d'Arlon et
d'ailleurs aura lieu le lundi 22 octobre à 19h30. Tout le monde intéressé
par OSM est le bienvenu, du parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté.
N'hésitez pas à venir si vous êtes juste intrigué par le projet
OpenStreetMap et la cartographie participative. Toutes les infos et
inscription sur
Nous nous rencontrerons cette fois au Tennis Club Garissart à Weyler.

Happy mapping/Bonne cartographie!

Julien Minet
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Next OSM meeting in Arlon - Monday 11 June 19h30 // Prochaine rencontre OSM d'Arlon lundi 11 juin, 19h30

2018-06-05 Thread Julien Minet

Rappel de la prochaine rencontre des contributeurs OpenStreetMap du pays
d'Arlon et d'ailleurs le lundi 11 juin à 19h30. Tout le monde intéressé par
OSM est le bienvenu, du parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté.
N'hésitez pas à venir si vous êtes juste intrigué par le projet
OpenStreetMap et la cartographie participative.

Infos et inscription sur:



A kind reminder for the next OSM meeting in Arlon on Monday 11th of June.
Everyone welcome, from the perfect beginner to the experienced mapper!

Infos & subscription:

See you!

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 123, Issue 1

2018-03-26 Thread Julien Minet
Bonjour à tou-te-s,

9 personnes seront présentes à Namur demain pour la rencontre OSM! Il y a
encore de la place ;-):

Où: la salle Yangtsé de Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. de la gare)
Quand: A partir de 18h30

A demain


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 7:24 PM, Pierre Parmentier <
pierrecparment...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bonsoir,
> Je serai demain soir à Namur.
> Bonne fin de journée.
> Pierre P.
> 2018-03-03 13:00 GMT+01:00 <talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org>:
>> Send Talk-be mailing list submissions to
>> talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> talk-be-ow...@openstreetmap.org
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Talk-be digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>1. Rencontre OSM à Namur 19/03/2018 OSM meeting in Namur
>>   (Julien Minet)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 15:43:26 +0100
>> From: Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com>
>> To: osm-be <talk-be@openstreetmap.org>
>> Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Rencontre OSM à Namur 19/03/2018 OSM meeting
>> in Namur
>> Message-ID:
>> <CACKdxBpFB+a9FzOftWRERBtmGinMoUBgeV5LB5fyW8qE9yy4Lg@mail.
>> gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Rencontrons-nous à Namur pour le prochain rdv OpenStreetMap wallon le
>> mardi
>> 27 mars à 18h30! Tout le monde intéressé par OSM est le bienvenu, du
>> parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté. N'hésitez pas à venir si vous
>> êtes juste intrigué par le projet OpenStreetMap et la cartographie
>> participative. Lieu: une salle de Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Rue+Nanon,+98,+Namur=gmail=g>,
>> 10 min. de
>> la gare) avec un projecteur, si bien que quiconque intéressé paut apporter
>> un PC portable et présenter quelque chose.
>> Le thème du jour: OpenStreetMap et (Grandes) Randonnées (mais d'autres
>> sujets sont possibles!)
>> Des boissons & pizzas seront offertes!
>> Let's meet in Namur for the next Wallonia OpenStreetMap meetup on the 27
>> May 2018 , 6:30 PM ! Anyone interested in OSM is welcome, from the
>> absolute
>> beginner to the most experienced mapper. Do not hesitate to come if you
>> are
>> just curious about OpenStreetMap and participatory cartography. We have
>> booked a room at Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Rue+Nanon,+98,+Namur=gmail=g>,
>> 10 min. from the station)
>> with a beamer, so anyone interested can bring a laptop and present
>> something.
>> Thema of the day: OpenStreetMap and Hiking
>> Drinks and pizzas will be offered!
>> --> https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/248338003/
>> -- next part --
>> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-be/attachment
>> s/20180302/98982ad2/attachment-0001.html>
>> --
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
>> --
>> End of Talk-be Digest, Vol 123, Issue 1
>> ***
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Reminder - Next OSM meeting in Namur - 27 March 2018

2018-03-22 Thread Julien Minet

Rencontrons-nous à Namur pour le prochain rdv OpenStreetMap wallon le mardi
27 mars à 18h30! Tout le monde intéressé par OSM est le bienvenu, du
parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté. N'hésitez pas à venir si vous
êtes juste intrigué par le projet OpenStreetMap et la cartographie
participative. Lieu: une salle de Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur
, 10
min. de la gare) avec un projecteur, si bien que quiconque intéressé paut
apporter un PC portable et présenter quelque chose.

Le thème du jour: OpenStreetMap et (Grandes) Randonnées (mais d'autres
sujets sont possibles!)

Des boissons & pizzas seront offertes!


Let's meet in Namur for the next Wallonia OpenStreetMap meetup on the 27
March 2018 , 6:30 PM ! Anyone interested in OSM is welcome, from the
absolute beginner to the most experienced mapper. Do not hesitate to come
if you are just curious about OpenStreetMap and participatory cartography.
We have booked a room at Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur
, 10
min. from the station) with a beamer, so anyone interested can bring a
laptop and present something.

Thema of the day: OpenStreetMap and Hiking

Drinks and pizzas will be offered!

--> https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/248338003/
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Rencontre OSM à Namur 27/03/2018 OSM meeting in Namur

2018-03-14 Thread Julien Minet
On m'a indiqué que j'avais fait une erreur dans la date de la prochaine
rencontre: c'est bien le mardi 27 mars et non le 19 mars.

Inscription: https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/248338003/


2018-03-02 15:43 GMT+01:00 Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com>:

> Rencontrons-nous à Namur pour le prochain rdv OpenStreetMap wallon le
> mardi 27 mars à 18h30! Tout le monde intéressé par OSM est le bienvenu, du
> parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté. N'hésitez pas à venir si vous
> êtes juste intrigué par le projet OpenStreetMap et la cartographie
> participative. Lieu: une salle de Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. de
> la gare) avec un projecteur, si bien que quiconque intéressé paut apporter
> un PC portable et présenter quelque chose.
> Le thème du jour: OpenStreetMap et (Grandes) Randonnées (mais d'autres
> sujets sont possibles!)
> Des boissons & pizzas seront offertes!
> Let's meet in Namur for the next Wallonia OpenStreetMap meetup on the 27
> May 2018 , 6:30 PM ! Anyone interested in OSM is welcome, from the absolute
> beginner to the most experienced mapper. Do not hesitate to come if you are
> just curious about OpenStreetMap and participatory cartography. We have
> booked a room at Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. from the station)
> with a beamer, so anyone interested can bring a laptop and present
> something.
> Thema of the day: OpenStreetMap and Hiking
> Drinks and pizzas will be offered!
> --> https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/248338003/
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Rencontre OSM à Namur 19/03/2018 OSM meeting in Namur

2018-03-02 Thread Julien Minet

Rencontrons-nous à Namur pour le prochain rdv OpenStreetMap wallon le mardi
27 mars à 18h30! Tout le monde intéressé par OSM est le bienvenu, du
parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté. N'hésitez pas à venir si vous
êtes juste intrigué par le projet OpenStreetMap et la cartographie
participative. Lieu: une salle de Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. de
la gare) avec un projecteur, si bien que quiconque intéressé paut apporter
un PC portable et présenter quelque chose.

Le thème du jour: OpenStreetMap et (Grandes) Randonnées (mais d'autres
sujets sont possibles!)

Des boissons & pizzas seront offertes!


Let's meet in Namur for the next Wallonia OpenStreetMap meetup on the 27
May 2018 , 6:30 PM ! Anyone interested in OSM is welcome, from the absolute
beginner to the most experienced mapper. Do not hesitate to come if you are
just curious about OpenStreetMap and participatory cartography. We have
booked a room at Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. from the station)
with a beamer, so anyone interested can bring a laptop and present

Thema of the day: OpenStreetMap and Hiking

Drinks and pizzas will be offered!

--> https://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/events/248338003/
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Open Belgium

2018-01-12 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost, Hi list,

I'll be there! And I plan to submit something about land-use in OSM. It
could be a workshop. If someone wants to join in the authors/speakers, let
me know! It would be better to have different points of view.

There is also the subject of the cooperation between Sentiers Grandes
Randonnées & OSM that could be interesting, but maybe for another


On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 9:21 AM, joost schouppe 

> Hi,
> The next Open Belgium conference is coming up, bringing together the
> entire "open community" of Belgium. It's not just about official open data
> providers and users, but also open knowledge, open source, and of course
> us, OpenStreetMap in Belgium.
> http://2018.openbelgium.be/
> Since OpenStreetMap Belgium is one of the working groups of Open Knowledge
> Belgium, we can do stuff during the conference. What we do, is up to you!
> If you've done anything with regards to OSM that you would like to share,
> now is the time. For now, the deadline for proposals is this Sunday. Early
> bird tickets also end soon (though send me a PM if ticket price is an
> issue). So time for action!
> Things we were thinking about ourselves:
> - talk about OSM Belgium, organisational as well as our projects
> - maybe some of escada's projects, like what the Fietsersbond has been up
> to
> - the GBB import
> - Trage Wegen (they always do cool stuff with OSM and open knowledge
> creation)
> - last year's Open Summer of Code students
> - have that long overdue landuse debate
> - an introduction to humanitarian mapping
> - [ your proposal here ]
> Don't be shy, don't hesitate to contact me or commun...@osm.be with
> questions. Hope to see you there!
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap  |
> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>  | Meetup
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] how to map a fr:talus?

2017-11-23 Thread Julien Minet

I use man_made=embankment for a "talus". Some "talus" were raised through
the forests to delineate former districts ("communes"). In Gaume, in the
meadows with a moderate slope, there are a lot of "talus" laying
perpendicular to the slope, often with a hedge. They correspond to former
field borders and were formed by soil erosion, especially erosion by
ploughing. To me, man_made=embankment is OK for these features.


On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 4:48 PM, André Pirard 

> Hi,
> I'm looking for how to map what is called in French a talus
>  (Google's translation).
> I would call this a 1.8m simple step running for some reason for several
> 100s meters across meadows.
> Steep slope. There are "top of slope" and "bottom of slope" lines. Rest is
> perfectly flat either side.
> It might be the remnants of a old canal's bank whose other side would have
> been eroded by the often overflowing nearby river.
> A "talus" made of plain ground is often frequent at one side of a path or
> track.
> According to the wiki, it's not a "scree" nor a "shingle". It's much less
> matter specific.
> So what?
> I'll use "scree" unless/until I hear of better for a French talus.
> Cheers
> André.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
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Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] LiDAR

2017-10-23 Thread Julien Minet
Indeed, no elevation data in OSM except the ele=* tag. However, I'm using a
lot this hillshade layer from the Région Wallonne

in JOSM, which is very nice to map streams, tracks and other features in
forested areas. I think this layer is derived from LIDAR. To me, that's a
way to use LIDAR data in OSM.


On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:54 AM, Marc Gemis  wrote:

> AFAIK we hardly have any elevation data, i.e. building heights. OSM
> does not store elevation data for landscape features (contour lines),
> although we can put ele on mountain tops.
> I've seen a few blog posts on using LiDAR for OSM, but can't remember
> where. There was a presentation at a SOTM: https://vimeo.com/115361043
> Another issue is that even buildings not available in many areas in
> Belgium.
> I am not aware of ele-data for communication towers and the like.
> m.
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 12:32 PM, Karel Adams  wrote:
> > LiDAR is apparently a technique for gathering precise elevation data.
> Such
> > data is (AFAIU) collected for most of Western Europe, and other places
> > besides; and there is a tendency to make the data publicly available,
> too.
> >
> > How relevant is this for OSM? How accurate is our elevation data at
> present,
> > for Belgium in especial? Would LiDAR data for Belgium (or parts thereof
> :)
> > be collected, and could we get it to be publicly available? Mass import
> into
> > OSM?
> >
> > Check https://rapidlasso.com/2017/01/03/first-open-lidar-in-germany/ as
> a
> > starter, more info easily found on the www
> >
> > Karel (found this mentioned on an aviation forum)
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meetup about rendering of maps

2017-10-05 Thread Julien Minet
Interesting discussion!

I'm also working on rendering maps based on OSM, I use Mapnik and cartoCSS
for that --> https://github.com/nobohan/OpenArdenneMap

With QGIS, I once found this question on gis.stackexchange:
it refers to 2 projects giving qml styles for OSM data using geofabrik shp
for the first one and a spatialite database for the second one.

I'm open to discuss that on the 26th of October at the foss4g.be!


On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Jo  wrote:

> Hey, that is great news! I will also come to FOSS4G the day after our
> Meetup. Somebody who uses Maperitive to render maps for the GR guides will
> probably also join us on Wednesday evening.
> Jo
> 2017-10-05 9:33 GMT+02:00 Pieter Brusselman  be>:
>> Hi,
>> The last year we (trage wegen vzw) made a lot of maps based on OSM-data
>> using QGIS.  On octobre 26th we give a talk about this on FOSS4G.  But I
>> like to come to the meeting to talk about this and sharing experience (and
>> stylsheets :-))
>> Grtz,
>> Pieter
>> Pieter Brusselman
>> *Cartografie ~ Projectmedewerker*
>> [image: (logo boompja)] 
>> *A* Kasteellaan 349
>>  A,
>> 9000 Gent
>> *T* 09 / 331 59 27
>> *W *www.tragewegen.be
>> [image: logo facebook] 
>> ter info: ik werk niet op vrijdag
>> Op 5/10/2017 om 9:11 schreef joost schouppe:
>> I like to use QGIS for basic stuff. E.g. use an open layers background
>> map, and some data on top of that to highlight certain details. E.g. the
>> maps in this diary were made with OSM data queried from overpass and some
>> open layers map: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/diar
>> y/38103
>> It's also relativly easy to use QGIS for rendering OSM data using a
>> sqlite database (and that's easy to make within the package, based on a
>> .pbf file). I don't have experience making a pretty map that way, but it
>> can be quite useful to make maps highlighting specific kinds of data. E.g.
>> maps like these are easy to make in QGIS: http://www.openstreetmap
>> .org/user/joost%20schouppe/diary/40267
>> (though here the data comes from the osm-history toolchain, not just from
>> a pbf file)
>> I think theoretically you could use QGIS and a stylesheet to make a
>> pretty map from scratch, but haven't seen an example yet. And someone has
>> been working for years on doing something similar in ArcGIS, and I don't
>> think he released it yet.
>> 2017-10-05 8:17 GMT+02:00 Jo :
>>> Hi,
>>> During the next Leuven Monthly OSM Meetup I would like to discuss
>>> rendering. I was using Maperitive in the past to create this:
>>> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Pad_van_
>>> Ad_op_OSM.png
>>> I know. I should update that map more regularly...
>>> Would it make sense to try and use QGIS for rendering? Are there other
>>> solutions in the mean time?
>>> Maybe somebody with more expertise in this would like to come and give a
>>> demo?
>>> Jo
>>> ___
>>> Talk-be mailing list
>>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
>> --
>> Joost Schouppe
>> OpenStreetMap  |
>> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>>  | Meetup
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing 
>> listTalk-be@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
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[OSM-talk-be] Next OSM meetup / prochaine rencontre OSM in Namur - 12/09

2017-09-08 Thread Julien Minet
Hey mappers,

A reminder for the next OSM meetup, tuesday 12 september 7 Pm in Namur.
Already 8 subscribed! See this link for the full description:


Salut à tous les cartographes,

Pour rappel, ce mardi 12 septembre, à 19h, aura lieu la prochaine rencontre
OSM à Namur. Déjà 8 inscrits! Toutes les infos ici:

Julien Minet
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Save the date - Next Walloon OSM meetup - Prochain rdv OSM @ Namur, 12 September

2017-08-15 Thread Julien Minet
Hi all / *Bonjour à tous*,

With Marc Ducobu & Julien Fastré, we'd like to set up a next OSM meeting in
Namur the 12th of September  / *Nous organisons une rencontre OSM à Namur
le 12/09.*

Here is the link to the meetup:
Here is the


Let's meet in Namur for the next Wallonia OpenStreetMap meetup on the *12
Sept. 2017 night*! Anyone interested in OSM is welcome, from the absolute
beginner to the most experienced mapper. Do not hesitate to come if you are
just curious about OpenStreetMap and participatory cartography. We can have
a room at Mundo-N (Rue Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. from the station) with a
beamer, so anyone interested can bring a laptop and present something. We
plan to bring some drinks. We may go outside for some mobile applications


*Rencontrons-nous à Namur pour le prochain rdv OpenStreetMap wallon le
mardi 12 septembre en soirée! Tout le monde intéressé par OSM est le
bienvenu, du parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté. N'hésitez pas à
venir si vous êtes juste intrigué par le projet OpenStreetMap et la
cartographie participative. Nous pouvons avoir une salle à Mundo-N (Rue
Nanon, 98, Namur, 10 min. de la gare) avec un projecteur, si bien que
quiconque intéressé peut apporter un PC portable et présenter quelque
chose. Nous prévoyons d'apporter quelques boissons. Nous pourrions
également sortir dehors pour qq démos/essais d'appli mobiles de

We just need two positive answer before it is announced to the OSM meetup

Happy mapping,

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Large multipolygons for Forêt d'Anlier

2017-05-09 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Marc (and other interested),

When trying to add a multipolygon relation into another multipolygon (MP)
relation, JOSM gives the following warning: Non-Way in multipolygon. So to
me it is clear: we should only put polygon inside MP relation, and not
other MP relation.

The Forêt d'Anlier is 7000 ha wide and it cannot be map as a single
polygon: as you said, there are meadows, scrubs, dozens of ponds inside it.
At the moment, it is mapped as several multipolygons that are separated by
highways. So I planned to do what I make for the Forêt de Rulles
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1653686#map=13/49.7498/5.5791>: put
together these polygons in a MP relation, with several outers (not only one

But I was wondering if it is really a good idea because of the large
numbers of items to put into one MP relation. And because I have heard that
huge MP makes some issues for the use of OSM data downstream in some
applications. I also had a a look at  big forests in Germany, and I did not
find huge MP encompassing the same forests: for instance, the 1's ha
Pfälzerwald <http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oWs> is mapped with several
distinct MP (so similarly to Forêt d'Anlier right now).

Thanks to your email, I decided to draw a new single polygon, and use the
tag place=forest, name=Forêt d'Anlier
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/492279158>. At least now the name "Forêt
d'Anlier" is known in OSM. But I looked at taginfo for place=forest and
there is no such value worldwide! I only found 21 place=woodland items, all
located in Norway! So in conclusion now I'm thinking about doing something
more similar to the Pfälzerwald example above: I mean putting the name tag
to each MP and single polygons belonging to Forêt d'Anlier.

As further zooming into the OSM project, further questions are coming!


On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Julien,
> As for the warnings, can you let us know the exact warning ?
> Most likely it has something to do with an impossible combination of 2
> multi polygons
> e.g. nested outer polygons or touching inner/outer polygons.
As for the mapping, it depends on whether Forêt d'Anlier can be be mapped as
> -1 polygon. This would mean that the area is without holes or gaps.
> - otherwise you have to use a multi polygon, but then it depends on
> whether all the different parts are indeed landuse=forest or whether
> to want to include grass fields scrub etc to the area. In the former
> case you can just put landuse=forest on the relation. In that latter
> case you might have to tag the relation as type=multipolygon;
> place=locality or perhaps as some protected area.
> - If it is a closed area, you could also use a multi polygon relation
> of many ways, just as we do for administrative boundaries. The rest of
> the tagging still depends on whether you have to combine multiple
> landuses or not.

> The latter case is what the Dutch community tried to solve with the
> toponym-relation. However, this is not documented and not understood
> by data consumers. I had a private conversation about this with
> dieterdreist that I will send you in a private mail.
> So there are still many choices, but I hope this information helps you
> a bit to pick a solution that suits you and the situation best.
> have a nice weekend
> m
> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > Recently, I merge several polygons together to create a multipolygon
> "Forêt
> > de Rulles", which has now a osm id for itself. I'd like now to merge
> several
> > polygons together to form the Forêt d'Anlier, 7000 ha, the biggest mostly
> > deciduous forest of Belgium. My goal is to create a unique object named
> > "Forêt d'Anlier", and eventually link this object with its wikipedia
> page.
> >
> > But to do this, I identified 7 multi-polygons and 3 simple polygons to
> > merge, accounting for a total of 49 closed ways! I plan to do it by
> taking
> > the multipolygon with the highest number of polygon and add the other
> ways
> > of the others MP, but...
> >
> > it takes time to do so, can I simply add a multipolygon to another
> > multipolygon? it seems possible in JOSM (I tried) but it gives a warning.
> > is it a good idea to create such a big MP?  If not, what can be the
> > alternative to give the name "Forêt d'Anlier" and other tags to this
> large
> > forest?
> >
> >
> > Julien
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Large multipolygons for Forêt d'Anlier

2017-05-05 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list,

Recently, I merge several polygons together to create a multipolygon "Forêt
de Rulles", which has now a osm id
itself. I'd like now to merge several polygons together to form the Forêt
d'Anlier, 7000 ha, the biggest mostly deciduous forest of Belgium. My goal
is to create a unique object named "Forêt d'Anlier", and eventually link
this object with its wikipedia page

But to do this, I identified 7 multi-polygons and 3 simple polygons to
merge, accounting for a total of 49 closed ways! I plan to do it by taking
the multipolygon with the highest number of polygon and add the other ways
of the others MP, but...

   - it takes time to do so, can I simply add a multipolygon to another
   multipolygon? it seems possible in JOSM (I tried) but it gives a warning.
   - is it a good idea to create such a big MP?  If not, what can be the
   alternative to give the name "Forêt d'Anlier" and other tags to this large

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Land-use mapping with OSM in Belgium

2017-05-02 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost,

Yes, I'm interested in your land-use analysis that you did. Did you share
or present the code somewhere? Maybe we can plan smthg for the next
FOSS4G.be event?

A discussion about a tag "forest_management_style=*"? Wow, it can be
dangerous, especially if we have hunting supporters vs timber producers vs
naturalists in the osm tagging list;-). I doubt that we can find global tag
that apply to the many different way forests can be managed. Otherwise,
certification of the forests (eg FSC, PEFC) can be less equivocal and I've
seen this tag was already proposed


On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 10:03 AM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>

> Hi Julien,
> * How would you feel about building a proposal about
> forest_management_style=* ? To my great surprise, I noticed I kind of like
> mingling in the endless discussions at the tagging mailing list. So I would
> be willing to help out.
> * Quantitative analysis of landuse mapping in Belgium: I did that. The
> idea was to generate a useful dataset of landuse at the level of the
> statistical sectors. So I made a classification of several layers
> (residential, nature, water, transport infrastructure). Then I did some GIS
> processing: to create polygons out of roads and POIs. Then I needed to
> choose in which layer to count the landuse, for example sometimes there's a
> huge residential area with everything just mapped on top of that. So then
> you need to decide if a park in a residential area is a park or a
> residential area.
> I can share method and result. We could set up a voice meeting on Riot (
> https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmbe:matrix.org) so others can join in case
> they're interested.
> * The end result should be a landuse convention, yes.
> 2017-04-27 9:51 GMT+02:00 Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com>:
>> Thanks for your reactions!
>> * About the tag natural=wood, I also think it is over-represented in
>> Belgium. Belgian forests are indeed not only managed for timber production
>> but also hunting, tourism and nature conservation, but often in an
>> integrated manner under the same areas (at least in theory!). Note that the
>> Natura 2000 program does not preclude at all that timber wood is produced!
>> See on this link how much forests in south of Wallonia are covered by
>> Natura 2000: 
>> http://geoportail.wallonie.be/walonmap#SHARE=4E2203C158780AB5E053D0AFA49D7D23.
>> <http://geoportail.wallonie.be/walonmap#SHARE=4E2203C158780AB5E053D0AFA49D7D23>
>> * I did not talk about the landcover tag in my article but it'd be worth
>> talking more about it!
>> * It would be interesting to quantitavely analyse the ways landuse is
>> mapped in Belgium. I'm thinking about it. Any ideas on how, what kind of
>> analysis are welcome...
>> * Summarizing this discussion in osm.be could be nice. But why not also
>> create a "landuse convention" page on the OSM wiki
>> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:WikiProject_Belgium/Conventions>?
>> Julien
>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 10:26 AM, joost schouppe <
>> joost.schou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> *  About forests, I tend to agree with the natural=wood not really
>>> existing in Belgium. The only exception I know of is a bit of the
>>> Zoniënwoud (Kersselaerplein) that has had "zero management" for 34 years
>>> now.
>>> But most natural=wood I've seen is wrong.
>>> Just recently, I changed the Bois de La Houssiere (
>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/50.6189/4.1948) from wood to
>>> forest. It's a bit of a special case: it's a Natura 2000 protected area,
>>> but it is also actively used as a forestry area.
>>> I agree with the comments above that landuse=forest for any kind of
>>> group of trees is annoying too.
>>> - In cases where you have residential areas in a forest, or wooded areas
>>> in gardens, maybe we should really encourage the use of the landcover tag?
>>> - In cases where forests are managed, but as some kind of nature reserve
>>> or natural area, maybe we could use a subtag to indicate the management
>>> style? That would allow to differentiate between real forestry and forests
>>> with nature-friendly management. You could use one of the many nature
>>> reserve tags of course, but I'm not sure all naturally managed forests are
>>> protected and the Bois de la Houssiere shows the opposite also exists.
>>> * On a m

[OSM-talk-be] Land-use mapping with OSM in Belgium

2017-04-25 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list,

Following some discussions about landuse=farmland|meadow some times ago in
this list, I've written an article here (
http://www.nobohan.be/2017/04/20/landuse-osm-belgium/) about land-use
mapping in Belgium: what could be the best practices adapted to the Belgian
landscape. Of course, there's matter for discussions about that topic ;-)

I think this text could be used to make a page on
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Conventions/, since
it discuss what are the local conventions for land-use mapping in Belgium.

Do you also want to put this text on osm.be, similarly to the Marc Gemis
articles? Maybe a better place for discussions...


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] heritage mapping - translation help needed

2017-04-05 Thread Julien Minet

Nice article indeed! I've started the French translation and I'll finish it

Julien Minet

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:55 PM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Marc (escada) wrote a nice article about heritage mapping, written with
> the absolute beginner in mind:
> http://www.osm.be/2017/04/01/en-project-heritage-crowd-sourced.html
> It would be nice to extend the project, with more guides on how to map
> heritage sites. I especially like the "load interesting places into Osmand
> for surveying" approach. It would be nice to see a tool that offers these
> GPX files for download.
> For now, the article is in English only. You can help by adding a
> translation here:
> https://github.com/osmbe/website/edit/master/_posts/2017-04-01-nl-project-
> heritage-crowd-sourced.md
> https://github.com/osmbe/website/edit/master/_posts/2017-04-01-fr-project-
> heritage-crowd-sourced.md
> You need a Github account. When you're ready, make sure to "commit
> directly to the master branch" and confirm you want to make a pull request.
> Of course, if you want to contribute on a regular basis, we can give you
> push powers.
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
> <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/>
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Upcoming removal of landuse=farm in the standard style

2017-03-27 Thread Julien Minet
+ 1 for a wiki page about landuse/landcover mapping in Belgium.

I once found this interesting page about mapping the environnement in OSM
in Ukraine:
I think the OSM tagging should be adapted to countries/ecoregions and
consensus about which tags to use could be summarized in regional/national
wiki page.

To me, it is not a problem to map temporary things. Think about some shops
in the most unstable commercial areas: their life expectancy is probably
about one year, just like agricultural landuse. But I must say that, around
my place in Ardenne/Gaume, many meadows are permanent: there exist for
decades simply because they cannot be ploughed easily (presence of many
trees, no drainage and/or superficial bedrocks) and because they would
anyway produce too low crop yield.

For many applications (environmental applications and detailed topographic
mapping), it is also worth tagging forest with leaf_type=*, leaf_cyle=* and
even taxon=* for monospecies forests. But this is also something that
changes over the years. Nowadays, many fir trees (PIcea abies) are being
replaced by either deciduous/broadleaved trees or Douglas (Pseudotsuga
menziesii). Most of Belgian forest (especially in Wallonia) could be
remapped in order to add these specific tags.

So would you agree to make a wiki page for landuse/landcover mapping in
Belgium, and to discuss the issues there?


On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Marc Gemis  wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 8:42 AM, joost schouppe
>  wrote:
> > That is just an example. Basically I would wish we had a wiki page as
> > detailed as the one about bicycle lane tagging for landuse and related
> > stuff.
> I agree on the need of a wiki page with lot's and lot's of photos to
> get a better understanding of the different appearances of certain
> landscape forms.
> I've been trying to understand landuse tagging for the past year or so
> and I still feel very uncertain to map it myself.
> m
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Update main carto

2017-03-01 Thread Julien Minet
What I edited one hour ago already appears at very high zoom level


On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Jakka  wrote:

> I have the impression that the main map is not updating anymore.
> Someone has read about a issue or server time out?
> https://www.openstreetmap.org
> ___
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] a new National Mapathon - call for volunteers

2017-02-03 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost,

I'm willing to help and I propose to organize a local mapathon section in
Arlon (ULg campus) ONLY IF there is sufficient volunteers for other cities.
Otherwise, I can go to Namur like last year.

I have to talk with some colleagues here in Arlon to see what's possible
(not a lot of students in the 2nd quadrimester).

I let you know,
Julien Minet

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 8:40 AM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Last year, the Interuniversity National Mapathon was a great success:
> about 200 people in seven universities participated, and we got in the 7 pm
> news issue of both VRT and VTM.
> OSM-Be volunteers supported all seven events.
> The next national mapathon is being planned right now, and they want our
> help again!
> We will need volunteers at ULB (Brussels), VUB (Brussels), UCL
> (Louvain-la-Neuve), KUL (Leuven), Ugent, ULG (Liege), UNamur. Four more
> cities might still join in the following days.
> Previous experience with humanitarian mapping, iD and the Tasking Manager
> is of course welcome, but we will give you some training too. Last year, it
> wasn't easy finding volunteers for all places, but it is important that
> there is an experienced mapper at all of these places.
> Basically we need you for any or all of these tasks:
> - give an introduction about (humanitarian) OSM, a short training
> - just being around and helping people with questions
> - validating (even from home) during the event, so we can correct newbie
> mappers before they make the same mistake a thousand times
> Just send me a mail with your preferred tasks and city (or cities) and
> we'll be in touch.
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> |
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
> <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/>
> ___
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> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Landuse mapping: farmland vs meadow/grass

2017-01-31 Thread Julien Minet
The way I did there (see the changeset:
) is to tag barrier=fence the ways delineating the meadow (so the polygon
is tagged as landuse=meadow + meadow =agricultural + barrier=fence).

To me in your picture, the ditch also delineates the meadow so I would put
it as a part of the polygon of the meadow (I mean, not drawing new nodes
for the ditch). In some cases where there is a large hedge (> 1m), I would
map it separately from the meadow limit.


On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have some additional questions regarding landuse=meadow mapping.
> You can see it as a continuation of my longer post a few weeks ago in
> Dutch on landuse/landcover.
> Where does the landuse=meadow ends ?
> Typical situation: [1]
> Is the ditch part of the meadow ?
> What if there is a fence next to the ditch (away from the street) ?
> What about ditches/streams between two meadows, are the part of the
> landuse=meadow ?
> What if there are some bushes and or trees around the ditch/stream ?
> I know it is easier to map all of it with 1 landuse and include the
> ditches into the landuse. But what would be the ideal mapping ?
> Can a landuse=meadow include a landcover=bushes ?
> m
> [1] https://xian.smugmug.com/OSM/OSM-2016/2016-12-30-Kasterlee-
> Hoge-Mouw/i-rwdQp8z/A
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK, thanks. I think I'll follow your way: landuse=meadow +
> > meadow=agricultural (+ meadow=pasture in case of grazing).
> >
> > Julien
> >
> > On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I would use landuse=meadow, which I believe is the standard way to map
> it.
> >>
> >> Furthermore there are the tags:
> >>
> >> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse%3Dmeadow>
> >> If it is known, indicate the process that protects the meadow status.
> >>
> >> If the meadow is retained by environmental factors, add
> meadow=perpetual.
> >> If the meadow is retained by cutting or using grazing, add
> >> meadow=agricultural.
> >> 
> >>
> >> taginfo also show a large number of meadow=pasture [1], which is
> >> mentioned on the Riding page [2]. So for grazing I add meadow=pasture.
> >> In case it is  cut by humans you could use agricultural. Or use
> >> agricultural for both. I use pasture, as that was the one I found
> >> first on the wiki.
> >>
> >> Recently there was a discussion on landuse=grass / crop=grass for the
> >> production of "grass" (not hay) on the tagging mailing list. It was
> >> not meant for hay but for patches of ground with grass that could be
> >> used to lay in gardens.
> >>
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >> m
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> [1] http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/meadow#values
> >> [2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Riding
> >>
> >> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Julien Minet <jumi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> > I'm starting mapping landuse in the South of Belgium and I don't know
> >> > the
> >> > proper way to tag meadows/pastures, being grazed or hay meadows. In
> >> > Ardenne,
> >> > a large part of meadows are permanents: there are there for decades,
> >> > especially for grazed meadows that can hardly be ploughed (because
> >> > non-drained, presence of trees, etc.)
> >> >
> >> > On the other side, even old pastures can sometimes be ploughed and
> sowed
> >> > with a cereal.
> >> >
> >> > So how to tag meadows in Belgium:
> >> >
> >> > landuse=farmland + crop=grass
> >> > landuse=meadow
> >> > landuse= grass?
> >> >
> >> > From this post in the osm forum
> >> >
> >> > (https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/366/should-
> pastures-be-marked-as-farm-or-grass),
> >> > the first option seems the best, but I've seen a lot of landuse=meadow
> >> > in
> >> > Belgium
> >> >
> >> > Also, any tag for differentiate hay meadow and  grazed pasture?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Julien
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ___
> >> > Talk-be mailing list
> >> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> >> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >> >
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-be mailing list
> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >
> ___
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[OSM-talk-be] Landuse mapping: farmland vs meadow/grass

2017-01-28 Thread Julien Minet
I'm starting mapping landuse in the South of Belgium and I don't know the
proper way to tag meadows/pastures, being grazed or hay meadows. In
Ardenne, a large part of meadows are permanents: there are there for
decades, especially for grazed meadows that can hardly be ploughed (because
non-drained, presence of trees, etc.)

On the other side, even old pastures can sometimes be ploughed and sowed
with a cereal.

So how to tag meadows in Belgium:

   - landuse=farmland + crop=grass
   - landuse=meadow
   - landuse= grass?

>From this post in the osm forum (
the first option seems the best, but I've seen a lot of landuse=meadow in

Also, any tag for differentiate hay meadow and  grazed pasture?

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] oxfam wereldwinkels

2017-01-25 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost,

In Wallonia, there are named as "Oxfam - Magasins du monde". See this map:

In Arlon (where I checked), there are two Oxfam shops, one focused on
selling food & craft and the second one focused on selling 2nd hand
clothes. The Oxfam shop that sells fair trade food and crafts is tagged as
a shop=convenience and the other one that sells second hand clothes is
tagged as shop=clothes & second_hand=only.

I'm OK with mapping as convenience the Oxfam shop. I don't know if we'd
better map Oxfam 2nd hand clothes as shop=clothes or shop=charity... After
a  look on the wiki, it seems OK to map Oxfam 2nd hand shops as charity
since the money goes to Oxfam for charity. Anyway, I knwo some places where
the Oxfam shops mix the second hand clothes and the fair-trade food and


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:08 PM, joost schouppe 

> Hi,
> I was looking at fair trade stores recently. I've always considered Oxfam
> Wereldwinkel (don't know what they're called in French, it's the Oxfam
> shops with fair trade products from around the world) to be something like
> a convenience store (a kruidenier, a small supermarktet), with just fair
> trade shops. Much like a bio-shop is a convenience store with organic stuff.
> So in that logic you would have:
> shop=convenience + respectively fair_trade=only or organic=only .
> In the case of organic shops, the case seems closed, but I saw a lot of
> Oxfam shops tagged as shop=charity. While Oxfam does have charity shops
> (where they sell second hand books or clothes), I don't think their
> Wereldwinkels are within the scope of that definition.
> How do you feel about this?
> (I'm in the proces of building a little mapcontrib app [1] to add
> fair_trade tags to places like this, but wanted to know your opinion on
> these shops first. Most of these shops are in the U.K. but I wanted to ask
> here first, as here I know these places myself; I don't know what they look
> like in the UK)
> 1: https://www.mapcontrib.xyz/t/7865e7-Fair_trade_shops
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap  |
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>  | Meetup
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] grb as a background in ID

2017-01-08 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost & list, 

There is some nice imagery available for Wallonia in JOSM as WMS, such as the 
PICC and orthophotoplans (2009-10, 2012-13, 2015). These layers are mentionned 
Can we (legally) put them in this editor-layer-index repo? I just started to 
edit a geojson file for orthophotoplans 2015 (see attachment), if someone else 
wants to contribute. 

Joost, how to put this file on the repository, something with a git command or 
contact someone before?
Happy mapping, 

Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 21:38:51 +0100
From: joost schouppe 
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium 
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] grb as a background in ID
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


I recently discovered that all the background layers in iD (and
theoretically in potlatch and josm too) come from this one place:


In Flanders, the AGIV aerial pictures were there (and properly marked as
best available). As a bit of an experiment, I added the GRB baselayer too,
et voila, now that's one of the layer available by default in iD.

I don't know which layers are available for mapping in Wallonia and
Brussels, but it is really quite easy for you to add them there. Give me a
shout if you like a little help.

There's a viewer too BTW:

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] introducing OSM (joost schouppe)

2016-11-09 Thread Julien Minet
Hi all, 

Here's one of mine in French, a bit outdated: 
www.nobohan.be/docs/2015_03_23_CafeNumeriqueArlon_OpenStreetMap_Minet.odp and 

Those presentations could be put on the github, and directly on the osm.be for 
the best ones. 

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Need help for a mapathon campus géo - 16th April 2016

2016-03-02 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Joost, 

I'm ready to contribute to this missing map event. I subcribed to the event in 
Namur. I might be there all day if needed. I'll check the hackpad from time to 
time to see where I can help. I already presented OSM a few times, so I can 
make a presentation if needed. 

Julien Minet
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] MOVE database: shops in Wallonia

2016-02-12 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list,   

Yesterday, I found this article 
(http://le15ejour.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_50154/en/vitalite-des-centres-villes) (in 
French) about this research group at ULg that have recorded about 35000 shops 
in Wallonia (see this page http://www.segefa.ulg.ac.be/projets.html#move). 

Does someone knows about these guys? A win-win collaboration with OSM for shops 
would be welcome! Shops information are rapidly evolving (new shops, closed 
shops), so that a continuous update is necessary, especially for this kind of 


Hier, j'ai trouvé cet article 
(http://le15ejour.ulg.ac.be/jcms/c_50154/en/vitalite-des-centres-villes) à 
propos du groupe de recherche SEGEFA à l'ULg qui a répertorié 35000 points de 
ventes en Wallonie (cfr cette page 

Est-ce que qqn connait ces personnes? Une collaboration win-win avec OSM serait 
la bienvenue! Les infos sur les points de vente évoluent extrêmement vite si 
bien qu'une mise à jour continue est indispensable pour ce type de données. 


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] highway=path versus highway=footway (julien minet)

2015-09-23 Thread Julien Minet

Just some thought about it. I map quite often some forest tracks and I usually 
map them as highway=path. To me "highway=footway" is more for small paths in 
cities and villages where 4-wheels vehicles cannot go (such as narrow streets), 
while "highway=path" is a more generic term and more dedicated to inhabited 
areas. I would definetely map as "highway=footway" a path that is explicitely 
restricted to pedestrians only for instance (with a signpost). 

The page http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features#Paths  claims similar 
stuffs. And a overpass query in the South of Belgium also show that: 1) there 
are more "path" than "footway" and 2) that "footway" are more common in 

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 17:39:12 +0200
From: joost schouppe 
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium 
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] highway=path versus highway=footway

[OSM-talk-be] La cartographie numérique @ Café Numérique d'Arlon, lundi 23/03 19h30

2015-03-19 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list!
This monday 23th of March there will be a Café Numérique (in French) in Arlon 
about OSM and Open Source softwares for Geospatial applications, presented by 
Christophe Bredel and myself. 
 Where: InforJeunes Place Didier 31, 1er étage 6700 Arlon
 When: Monday 23/03, 19h30
 More info: 
Would be happy to see you there!
 Julien Minet

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Hackathon eTourisme 2015

2015-02-05 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Jo, 

I'll go to the hackathon in Libramont. But so far I have no more info about it, 
beside what is on their website. 

  De : talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org 
 À : talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
 Envoyé le : Jeudi 5 février 2015 10h56
 Objet : Talk-be Digest, Vol 86, Issue 11
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You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Talk-be digest...

Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Mapper of the month (Marc Gemis)
  2. Fixme's in Taglocator (Marc Zoutendijk)
  3. Re: irc like chatroom (Jorieke Vyncke)
  4. Re: Fixme's in Taglocator (Glenn Plas)
  5. Fwd: [42] Hackathon eTourisme 2015 (Jo)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 13:26:08 +0100
From: Marc Gemis marc.ge...@gmail.com
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Mapper of the month
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

The English translation :

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 10:26 PM, Jorieke Vyncke jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com

 Hello OSM Belgium,

 Proud to present you our new mapper of the month: Brecht!

 NL: http://osm.be/nl/content/mapper-van-de-maand-brecht-bonne
 FR: http://osm.be/fr/content/contributeur-du-mois-brecht-bonne

 Thanks a lot to Marc and Marc for the translations

 Best greetings,


 Talk-be mailing list

-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2015 16:26:26 +0100
From: Marc Zoutendijk marczoutend...@mac.com
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Fixme's in Taglocator
Message-ID: 9e5f090d-cb33-4a9f-99de-3f809ae0b...@mac.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Goedendag allen,

Ik ben Marc Zoutendijk en mapper uit Nederland (ik woon in Vught) maar met het 
meeste mapwerk op Spaanse grond. Omdat ik daar vaak op fietsvakantie ben.
Ter introductie: http://www.marczoutendijk.nl

Sinds 2011 actief met en op OSM.

In Nederland zijn we veel actiever op het forum dan op de Mailinglist, in 
België is dat andersom merk ik, dus meld ik me nu hier met vragen en antwoorden.

Ik ben al geruime tijd bezig met de ontwikkeling van Taglocator, een op de 
overpass-turbo gebaseerde tool waarmee snel een aantal vooraf gedefinieerde 
user poi's kunnen worden gevonden.
Er zijn meer van dat soort tools, maar deze is vooral in eerste instantie 
gemaakt voor eigen gebruik (om te zien waar in mijn buurt nog mapwerk was te 
doen en of het goed was gedaan), maar al gauw bleek er ook belangstelling van 
anderen te zijn.

Wat ermee kan kun je lezen in de wiki:


Je kunt ook de hele ontwikkelingsgang lezen op het forum:

Maar nog beter is proberen.
Op onderstaande permalink kun je zien hoeveel fixme's er in Antwerpen nog 
zijn, maar net zo makkelijk is het om te zien hoeveel voetbalvelden of cafe's 
daar zijn te vinden.


Met groet,
Marc Zoutendijk.

-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 20:34:02 +0100
From: Jorieke Vyncke jorieke.vyn...@gmail.com
To: Jo Simoens winfi...@gmail.com, OpenStreetMap Belgium
Cc: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list talk...@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] irc like chatroom
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Another pretty cool communication tool is the GeoChat plugin on JOSM.
You can see and talk to the people mapping nearby you trough this.
Good to prevent conflicts ;-)

Groetjes, Jorieke

2015-01-14 1:14 GMT+01:00 Jo winfi...@gmail.com:

 Nothing wrong with it, per se. I even found you there a few days ago and
 we had a good chat.

 The JITSI conferenc call 'room' has the possibility to share screens and

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Overpass-turbo issue with Luxembourg

2015-02-02 Thread Julien Minet
OK, I thought about that but I don't know how to combine this with the tag 
Also, I wonder if there are a way to search by the id of the OSM object. For 
instance, how to search for a specific town/village if there are several places 
with the same name, which is widespread in the world. 
  De : Sander Deryckere sander...@gmail.com
 À : Julien Minet julien...@yahoo.fr; OpenStreetMap Belgium 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 2 février 2015 16h16
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-be] Overpass-turbo issue with Luxembourg
You should include the correct admin_level in the query

A region has an admin_level=4, a province has admin_level=6, an arrondissement 
has admin_level=7, a municipality has an admin_level=8, a part-municipality or 
city district has admin_level=9 (note that part-municipalities aren't mapped 
everywhere, since there's no current data about it).

I know it can be confusing with provinces and cities having the same name (it 
happens even more often with arrondissements and cities), but this is about the 
only solution (else you start losing a lot of rendering space, or have to add a 
bazilllion of other tags for all different languages).


2015-02-02 16:04 GMT+01:00 Julien Minet julien...@yahoo.fr:


I have an issue with overpass-turbo and maybe someone could help me. I want to 
make a query over the Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, but I cannot 
separate with results from the country of Luxembourg, since they have the same 

// fetch area “Luxembourg” to search in
// gather results
  // query part for: “Shop”
// print results
out geom;
An idea would be to use another tag than the name, such as a OSM id for each 
object, or another unique tag. I tried, but I could not succeed. Also, if you 
want to make a search over 'Namur', you have the data of the whole province of 
Namur, and not the city. 

Yesterday at FOSDEM, Roland Olbricht had a similar issue: he wanted to show a 
query over the whole region Brussels using the name Bruxelles, but he just 
got the results over the city of Bruxelles. 
Any ideas? 


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Overpass-turbo issue with Luxembourg

2015-02-02 Thread Julien Minet

I have an issue with overpass-turbo and maybe someone could help me. I want to 
make a query over the Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, but I cannot 
separate with results from the country of Luxembourg, since they have the same 

// fetch area “Luxembourg” to search in
// gather results
  // query part for: “Shop”
// print results
out geom;
An idea would be to use another tag than the name, such as a OSM id for each 
object, or another unique tag. I tried, but I could not succeed. Also, if you 
want to make a search over 'Namur', you have the data of the whole province of 
Namur, and not the city. 

Yesterday at FOSDEM, Roland Olbricht had a similar issue: he wanted to show a 
query over the whole region Brussels using the name Bruxelles, but he just 
got the results over the city of Bruxelles. 
Any ideas? 


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM

2015-01-23 Thread Julien Minet

I'll be at FOSDEM. Nice program for the geospatial devroom: FOSDEM 2015 - 
Geospatial devroom !

|   |
|   |   |   |   |   |
| FOSDEM 2015 - Geospatial devroomSunday   Intro geospatial devroom Johan Van 
de Wauw 09:00 09:05   Use of OSS in the Lifewatch biodiversity research project 
Julien Radoux 09:05 09:15   QGIS Tool for Landslide Hazard Assessment  |
|  |
| Afficher sur fosdem.org | Aperçu par Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Julien Minet

 De : talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org 
 À : talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 23 janvier 2015 11h32
 Objet : Talk-be Digest, Vol 85, Issue 42
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Talk-be digest...

Today's Topics:

  1. FOSDEM (Jo)
  2. Fietspad routering probleempje (Marc Gemis)
  3. Re: Fietspad routering probleempje (Maarten Deen)
  4. Re: Fietspad routering probleempje (Marc Gemis)
  5. Re: Fietspad routering probleempje (Maarten Deen)
  6. Re: Fietspad routering probleempje (Marc Gemis)
  7. Re: Fietspad routering probleempje (Jo)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:03:39 +0100
From: Jo winfi...@gmail.com
To: talk-be talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


Wie gaat er naar FOSDEM volgend weekend? We hebben er zelfs een devroom dit
jaar. Het is me niet helemaal duidelijk of we ook een stand hebben. Ik zal
wel wat proberen te helpen, maar er zijn ook wel wat presentaties waar ik
heen wil.


Who'll attend FOSDEM next weekend? We even have a devroom this year. It's
not entirely clear to me whether we'll also have a stand. I'll try to help
out, but there are also some talks I want to attend.

-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:29:32 +0100
From: Marc Gemis marc.ge...@gmail.com
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspad routering probleempje
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


ik heb een probleempje bij de volgende weg

Deze is verbonden met een stukje fietspad naar het westen.
maar als je van de Polderstraat komt, kan je er niet op.
Ook als je van het fietspad in het westen naar de Polderstraat wil, kan dat
niet door de enkelrichtingen op de fietspaden.

Hoe zouden jullie de mapping corrigeren om de navigatie in orde te krijgen ?


p.s. Ik weet dat het vreemd is om een fietspad te tekenen naast de Koning
Albert-I laan, terwijl het daar een fietsstrook betreft, maar bijna de hele
N34 langs de kust is zo gemapped. (niet door mij). Maar zelfs zonder dat
afzonderlijke fietspad, zou de van de Polderstraat naar de overkant moeten
kunnen geraken.
-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:03:17 +0100
From: Maarten Deen md...@xs4all.nl
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspad routering probleempje
Message-ID: 406fc26454f6c41fe40daab0382c1...@xs4all.nl
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On 2015-01-23 05:29, Marc Gemis wrote:
 ik heb een probleempje bij de volgende weg
 https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/88368554 [1]
 Deze is verbonden met een stukje fietspad naar het westen.
 maar als je van de Polderstraat komt, kan je er niet op.
 Ook als je van het fietspad in het westen naar de Polderstraat wil,
 kan dat niet door de enkelrichtingen op de fietspaden.
 Hoe zouden jullie de mapping corrigeren om de navigatie in orde te
 krijgen ?

De aansluitende weg van de Polderlaan [2] heeft bycicle=use_sidepath. Ik 
weet niet precies hoe dat door de routers wordt behandeld, maar het zou 
in principe betekenen dat je er met de fiets niet mag komen.
Ik krijg soms wel een route over dat stukje.

Ik merk nog wel wat vreemde dingen op in de router (ik doe dit met 
http://yournavigation.org/): Als je met het beginpunt speelt ergens op 
het fietspad of de KA-I-laan in noordelijke richting, ten zuiden van de

[OSM-talk-be] Map of local shops amenities based on OSM data

2014-09-26 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list!

I made a small map of shops and amenities in my village, Marbehan, based on OSM 
data. The map is here and the blog article (in French) about it there. Any 
suggestions and improvement are welcome!

I showed it to a local development agency (ADL Tintigny-Habay) and there were 
interested in further developments. They also started to contribute to OSM ;-).

I just had a question: what would be the advantages to put this code on github? 
I mean, is github a good place to show webmap applications or is it more 
restricted to other kind of code? 

Have a nice week-end, 

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Champs Libres OSM - cartopartie salon des mandataires (Julien Fastre)

2014-02-07 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Julien, Hi list, 

I'd to support this project!

I think many communes are also looking for an up-to-date list of the shops and 
other POI in their territory, for instance for their website or other. So OSM 
could definitely be the basis for a solution they are looking for. In that 
respect, I'm planning to contact a local developpement agency (ADL 
Habay-Tintigny, Luxembourg, BE) soon about the benefit of using OSM for them. I 
can let you know if they are interested...

Julien Minet

 De : talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org
À : talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
Envoyé le : Mardi 4 février 2014 13h00
Objet : Talk-be Digest, Vol 74, Issue 2

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Talk-be digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Champs Libres  OSM - cartopartie  salon des    mandataires
      (Julien Fastr?)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:34:22 +0100
From: Julien Fastr? jul...@fastre.info
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Champs Libres  OSM - cartopartie  salon des
Message-ID: 52efb6fe.7050...@fastre.info
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I would like to talk to you about two things: our brand new company
Champs Libres and a proposal we do to OSM contributors.

Marc Ducobu and I started slowly our company mid-2013. We are a
cooperative, with a social purpose. What's our purpose ? Support Free
Software ! We provide service and help for association, entreprise, and
public autorities around free software. Until now, we are mainly
proposing open source developments.

We have a speciality: software who use/need geographical information. We
use OpenStreetMap for our projects.

More info here : http://www.champs-libres.coop.

We are thinking about a project to make speak about us, but also about
OpenStreetMap : we are planning to propose municipalities to organize a
cartoparty and offer them a PDF map of their territory (with osm data).

We will have a stand at the salon des mandataires on February 13  14
(http://www.mandataires.be/) to convince local councils to offer help
for a cartoparty. If they do so, we will, in the following month of the
cartoparty, offer them a mapnik style to produce PDF with OSM data,
adapted to their municipality and for printing (printing screen map does
not render so well).

Our goal: promote OSM and let know the project's advantage for
municipality, and, also, offer an immediate follow-up to a cartoparty.


- are you interested in giving help to a cartoparty in Wallonia, during
a week-end in April / May / June / July ?
- do you have some ideas, positive or negative, about our project ?

Champs Libres will be very happy to help the community. In August 2013,
I was planning about offering a WMS [1] with aerial images on Brussels
Regio (10cm resolution, something like that, but the images are in
MrSid, you must compile GDAL with the MrSid SDK and uncompressed it to
have a geotiff usable in JOSM, not very easy for beginners). I delayed
this project because... life... and nobody recall me. But if you do
think this may be useful, we now have the infrastructure for doing this
pretty good.

Julien Fastr?

[1] with EPSG:3857 and 4326 for Andr? Pirard :-


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End of Talk-be Digest, Vol 74, Issue 2
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Course about OSM in ULg-Arlon

2013-12-02 Thread Julien Minet
Hi list, 

In the framework of a course entitled Représentation de l'information - 
information spatiale, I'll give about an hour of course tomorrow in Arlon just 
about OSM. Here are my slides: 
http://webmapping.scge.ulg.ac.be/docs/2013_Webmapping_ULg_OSM.odp or 

I've grab some information from presentations of the SOTM-Belgium and from 
Julien Fastré. Thanks to you! I'm in a hurry for doing this course, but I'd be 
grateful to get any comments!

Hope to increase the local mapping activities in Arlon!


Julien Minet

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Meeting 12/09 - Reunion 12/09 OpenData Wallonia

2012-09-08 Thread Julien Minet

I confirm that I will be present at that meeting on the 12/09 in Namur. 

See you there, 

Julien Minet

 De : talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org
À : talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 septembre 2012 13h00
Objet : Talk-be Digest, Vol 57, Issue 14
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To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than Re: Contents of Talk-be digest...

Today's Topics:

   1. Active Routing (Johan Degreef)
   2. Meeting 12/09 - R?union 12/09 OpenData Wallonia (Julien Fastr?)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 10:37:30 +0200
From: Johan Degreef jdg...@gmail.com
To: Belgium OpenStreetMap talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Active Routing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Ik las ergens over de nieuwe garmin funtie op kaarten Active Routing
en hoe de openstreetmap gemeenschap al een tijdje hiermee bezig was.
Houdt dit eigenlijk in dat er 1 gemeeschappelijke kaart kan komen voor
wandelen, fietsen motor auto ed... en dat de gewenste activiteit de
route bepaald?
Hoever staat het met Active Routing en OSM?
geen nevenprojecten als openfietsmap.nl meer nodig of...?



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:15:13 +0200
From: Julien Fastr? jul...@fastre.info
To: OpenStreetMap Belgium talk-be@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] Meeting 12/09 - R?union 12/09 OpenData Wallonia
Message-ID: 5049c931.1010...@fastre.info
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; Format=flowed


pour fran?ais, voir ci-dessous)

May I remind you our next week's meeting. The subject: have a discussion 
about the open data in Wallonia.

For recall: contacts have been made by Benoit Coumont (nondidju), eMerzh 
and I to Minister Philippe Henry about adding an copyleft licence on the 
(http://cartographie.wallonie.be/NewPortailCarto/index.jsp?page=ProfPICC) (See 
infos here : 

We are invited to a gathering with the Ministry's office and the 
Administration (SPW  - service de la g?omatique) to discuss those points 
(according to an email from our contact) :

 L'objet de la r?union du mois prochain est de discuter de votre 
 demande par rapport au PICC et d'?tablir un calendrier pour sa mise en 
 oeuvre concr?te en 2013.

The meeting will take place :

- on 12th September at 19.30
- at Mundo-N, rue Nanon 98, 5000 Namur 
- 10 minutes from the Namur's station.

The organisation NamurLug made some publicity amongst his cercles, and 
will participate.

See you,


Laisser moi vous rappeler notre rencontre de ce mercredi 12 septembre ? 
19h30. Le sujet: une discussion sur l'open Data en Wallonie.

Pour rappel une demande a ?t? formul?e au Ministre Philippe Henry pour 
obtenir l'ouverture de certaines donn?es g?ographiques: le PICC 
Le texte de la demande et de la r?ponse ici : 

Nous sommes donc invit?s ? une r?union au Cabinet, avec l'administration 
(SPW - service de la g?omatique) pour discuter de ceci (je cite un mail 
de notre contact au Cabinet) :
 L'objet de la r?union du mois prochain est de discuter de votre 
 demande par rapport au PICC et d'?tablir un calendrier pour sa mise en 
 oeuvre concr?te en 2013.
Le rendez-vous est donc :

- le 12 septembre ? 19h30
- au Mundo-N, rue Nanon 98 ? Namur 

NamurLug a ?t? inform? de la r?union et en a fait la publicit?. 
Plusieurs participants se joindront ? nous. Ils ont aussi demand? ? 
pouvoir faire quelque ?change de pratique lors de la r?union.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer,

-- next part --
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End of Talk-be Digest, Vol 57, Issue 14
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Just subsribed to OSM-be

2012-08-17 Thread Julien Minet
Hi all, 

I know OSM for a long time 
but so far I could not contribute to this project. As I would have more 
time from now, I'd be glad to contribute to mapping! I'm planning to get a GPS 
and make some mapping, especially in my poorly-mapped area: 
Province du Luxembourg, and other places, mainly in Wallonie.   

By the way, thanks to my last job, I know some friends who are now working in 
the new (2 years old) cellule géomatique from the Walloon 
government. I already told them many times about OSM and they could be 
helpful in the process of making free some GIS data or at least to get 
some information about the inside job of the administration... I also 
worked a lot on GIS and webmapping apps using OpenLayers, among others. 

Hope to contribute and see you soon!

Julien Minet

PS: As I'm just looking for a OSM-friendly GPS, any hints about the choice 
of the device and/or some second-hand markets are welcome!___
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Just subsribed to OSM-be

2012-08-17 Thread Julien Minet
Hi Julien, 

OK cool. I can come on the 12th in Namur. It will be nice to meet the local 
See you, 


 De : Julien Fastré jul...@fastre.info
À : Julien Minet julien...@yahoo.fr; OpenStreetMap Belgium 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 17 août 2012 12h01
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-be] Just subsribed to OSM-be

Hi Julien, 

I read your message with pleasure: we are in contact with Minister
Philippe Henry (who created the 'cellule géomatique', I guess) to
obtain some GIS data under open license. We were talking about the
PICC, for a first step. (The documents and discussions are here : 

Philippe Henry is preparing some proposals, which will be
communicated to us at the end of the month (I hope). 

We are planning a meeting about this subject on the 12th September
in Namur. You are welcome to join us ! 

At the end of September, eMerzh, Benoit Coumont and I will have a
meeting with representatives of Henry, and the SPW. The meeting of
the 12 September is an occasion to discuss the Minister's Proposal
and make some remarks. 

Will you join us on 12 September ?

Julien Fastré

Le 17/08/12 10:31, Julien Minet a écrit :

Hi all, 

I know OSM for a long time but so far I could not contribute to this project. 
As I would have more time from now, I'd be glad to contribute to mapping! I'm 
planning to get a GPS and make some mapping, especially in my poorly-mapped 
area: Province du Luxembourg, and other places, mainly in Wallonie.   

By the way, thanks to my last job, I know some friends who are now working in 
the new (2 years old) cellule géomatique from the Walloon government. I 
already told them many times about OSM and they could be helpful in the 
process of making free some GIS data or at least to get some information about 
the inside job of the administration... I also worked a lot on GIS and 
webmapping apps using OpenLayers, among others. 

Hope to contribute and see you soon!

Julien Minet

PS: As I'm just looking for a OSM-friendly GPS, any hints about the choice of 
the device and/or some second-hand markets are welcome!

Talk-be mailing list Talk-be@openstreetmap.org 
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