Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Je comprend pas le problème

2016-01-16 Thread Francescu GAROBY
À première vue, je dirais que les nodes d'une voie n'ont pas à avoir de
"highway=*", ni de "name=*" : c'est sur une way qu'on met ce genre de


2016-01-16 12:50 GMT+01:00 Ludovic Hirlimann :

> Salut,
> osmose indique un pb à au
> niveau de tous les nœuds du rond point. Je comprend pas la nature du pb.
> Quelqu'un m'explique que je corrige ?
> Merci
> Ludo
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Je comprend pas le problème

2016-01-16 Thread Ludovic Hirlimann

osmose indique un pb à au
niveau de tous les nœuds du rond point. Je comprend pas la nature du pb.
Quelqu'un m'explique que je corrige ?


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Nieuwe Agiv-beelden!

2016-01-16 Thread Ruben Maes
[en] Agiv released new aerial imagery of Flanders.

[nl] Ik heb net (toevallig tijdens het mappen) gemerkt dat Agiv gisteren de 
nieuwe winterorthomozaïek van 2015 heeft uitgegeven. Ga dus maar allemaal in je 
editor naar die plaatsen waar je dacht 'allez, wanneer gaan ze hier nieuwe 
fotootjes van tonen'! ;)

Dit bericht is ondertekend met OpenPGP.

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Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] (sans objet)

2016-01-16 Thread Laurent Combe

suite a un message de julien thevenon (le 20 nov) sur cette liste, j'ai
essayé magic earth (logiciel de navigation routière sur android qui utilise
les données OSM)
effectivement l'appli mérite d'être connue

du coup, je me suis interessé à l'aide directionnelle que le logiciel peut
donner à l'approche d'un carrefour
il y a les tags
et continuant à chercher
je suis tombé sur ça :

avec un mode opératoire bien détaillé

ma question c'est du spécifique mapbox où la méthodo proposée est
acceptable ?
je pose la question avant que j'en mette un peu partout sur les
intersections de mon secteur

je suis preneur de vos avis.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Fwd: [Talk-it-trentino] Le mappe collaborativeche salvano migliaia di vite - Corriere Innovazione

2016-01-16 Thread Cristian Consonni
(cross-posting da taik-it trentino)

-- Messaggio inoltrato --
Da: Jaqen 
Date: 16 gennaio 2016 10:13
Oggetto: [Talk-it-trentino] Le mappe collaborativeche salvano migliaia
di vite - Corriere Innovazione



Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] DB-Bahnhöfe und OSM

2016-01-16 Thread Sven Anders
Am Fri, 15 Jan 2016 21:12:20 +0100
schrieb Roland Olbricht :

> Hallo zusammen,
> die Bahn hat, wie hier ja schon angekündigt, eine Liste aller ihrer 
> Aufzüge in ihr Open-Data-Portal gestellt
> und dazu eine experimentelle API aufgesetzt, die zu einigen Aufzügen 
> ihren Betriebsstatus anzeigt:
> Viele der Aufzüge, wenn auch nicht alle, haben Geokoordinaten.
> Der (mit oder ohne OSM) nützlichste Anwendungszweck ist sicher, dass
> man als Rollstuhlfahrer weiß, bevor es zu spät ist, ob man an einem
> Bahnhof aussteigen kann. Ein solches Routing sollte natürlich auf
> OSM-Daten stattfinden (und sonst hat auch keiner genug Geodaten).
> Also habe ich ein Tool gebastelt, mit dem man pro Bahnhof
> nachvollziehen kann, wie gut die DB- und OSM-Daten zusammenspielen
> oder wie gut unsere Daten überhaupt sind:
Super spannendes Tool. Für große Haltestellen, wie Hamburg-Harburg mit
ich  ca. 5  Ebenen:

Brücke über Fernbahn, 
S-Bahn Zwischenebene beim Phönix Center, 
zweite Zwischenebene
S-Bahn Gleis

würde ich mir eine Landkarte auf Level-Ebene wünschen. Gibt es da evtl.
etwas? An besten was, was sich per Overpass automatisch aktualisieren

Gibt es eine Seite, wo man den Update-Stand sehen kann?


Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Use of data from the EU GMES/Copernicus programme

2016-01-16 Thread Christoph Hormann


I thought I'd bring this up here since sooner or later use of this data 
is likely going to be of interest for OSM.

Short background: The EU Copernicus programme ( 
is an EU publicly financed earth observation program that produces 
various types of geodata and makes some of this, primarily satellite 
imagery (Sentinel satellites) but also secondary data resulting from 
further processing and other sources, available to the public.

Conditions of use are based on an EU regulation[1] which is the basis of 
the terms and conditions for data use like in case of Sentinel 
satellite data[2].

It is my understanding that by listing Copernicus data sources on the 
contributors wiki page OSM would satisfy the requirements of the EU 
regulation to inform the public about the data source.  Note in 
contrast to the various attribution licenses this regulation 
specifically does not require you to make sure downstream data users 
also do the same (this was part of the terms earlier[3] but it seems to 
have been specifically removed).  None the less i wanted to put this up 
for discussion here before adding this to the contributors page and 
thereby implying use of this data is OK.


Christoph Hormann

legal-talk mailing list

[talk-ph] error dashboard

2016-01-16 Thread maning sambale

I made this simple dashboard to view  and fix errors.


I have 678 errors. Fixing my edits now. ;)

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Duplicate railway station objects

2016-01-16 Thread Andy Mabbett
Yes. but my question was about the best way to resolve this,.

For instance, I could draw a polygon around the footprint of the
station, including the buildings, platforms and so on, and move the
name to that - but that would remove the named nodes from the actual
lines, and I don't know whether or not that would harm routing

Can you point to an example of a properly-mapped, two-line, two
platform station, like the example given, whose style can be copied?

On 14 January 2016 at 10:56, Andy Robinson  wrote:
> It’s a common problem where mappers have added the station stop to each 
> track. When a station is properly mapped out it normally gets fixed
> Cheers
> Andy
> -Original Message-
> From: Andy Mabbett []
> Sent: 14 January 2016 10:47
> To: talk-gb-westmidlands
> Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Duplicate railway station objects
> We have a number of duplicate objects for railway stations in our region. For 
> example, there are two Cannock Station nodes:
> What's the best way to resolve these?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Precisione GPS cellulare e idea dall'incontro a Bologna 2015

2016-01-16 Thread Max1234Ita
michele iw1gfv-2 wrote
> Il 15 Gennaio 2016 21:12:34 CET, Stefano Fabi 

> stefano.fabi@

>  ha scritto:
>>Ciao scusate se vado un po' off topic rispetto al post supertecnico,
>>Nonostante sia un appassionato di GPS per outdoor e ne possiedo un paio
>>Garmin, ritengo che osmand+ sia imbattibile in termini di funzionalità.
>>rilevato tuttavia che il ricevitore del cellulare è veramente scarso
>>(lasciamo perdere poi la bussola).
>>Mi ha interessato come prodotto commerciale il ricevitore bluetooth
>>Glo ed ero interessato ad acquistarne uno, Ho visto anche la procedura
>>bypassare l'acquisizione del ricevitore interno ed è abbastanza
>>almeno su Android.
>>Avete esperienze di utilizzo di ricevitori esterni bluetooth ed avete
>>potuto verificare se ne esistono in commercio di elevata qualità,
>>a quelli integrati?
>>Ciao a tutti
> Ciao
> io ho il garmin glo, non posso che consigliartelo, veloce
> nell'acquisizione, e sensibile.
> Confrontandolo con il gps60csx va decisamente meglio.
> Quello che mi mi capita è che android non acquisisce tutti i 10 punti al
> secondo, ma ogni tanto ne perde 1.
> Peccato che non ha il logger integrato ed il connettore per l'antenna
> esterna.
> -- 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

> Talk-it@


Ho anch'io un GLO da circa 8 mesi e ne sono più che soddisfatto: ottima
autonomia, veloce l'acquisizione (anche il primo fix, non intendo solo i 10
Hz di campionamento), dimensioni compatte.

So che lo vendono in diverse confezioni, io ho preferito quello "liscio"
(ricevitore + car charger), comprando a parte la "belt clip". Del tappetino
di gomma posso fare tranquillamente a meno (vedi sotto)

Punti positivi:
Sensibilità: Non so rispetto ad altri ricevitori, ma di certo è molto
migliore di quella del cellulare: io sono rimasto impressionato quando l'ho
visto agganciare il punto mentre mi trovavo all'interno di un treno, chiuso,
lontano dal finestrino... fermo sotto la volta della stazione di Milano

Autonomia: Con "sortite" di un'oretta al giorno, puoi anche "dimenticare" di
caricarlo per tutta la settimana!

Dimensioni: é grande più o meno come un accendino, a piedi ed in bici
praticamente non te lo senti addosso (ogni tanto allungo la mano per sentire
se c'è ancora :) ), se hai uno zainetto, lo infili lì dentro e non hai più

Se invece viaggio in auto, non mi faccio problemi nel farlo viaggiare
sprofondato nel portaoggetti della portiera: forse non avrà una ricezione
ottimale ma i satelliti li vede ugualmente ed il navigatore funziona
comunque alla grande.

Se poi viaggi in gruppo, oppure hai più telefoni/tablet, il GLO può
"servire" fino a 4 utenti contemporaneamente, il che può anche essere

Punti negativi (non così tanto, però):

Non ha il logger. In realtà per me questo non è un punto negativo, l'ho
scelto apposta così. Personalmente mi trovo meglio loggando con Osmand:
posso vedere le tracce in tempo reale, caricarle direttamente sul server
OSM, oppure, a casa, ci vuole un momento per spedirle via bluetooth
direttamente al mio PC.
A proposito di OsmAnd: visti i 10 Hz del campionamento e la potenza di
calcolo del mio cellulare (un "non propriamente nuovo" Galaxy S Advance), ho
provato ad impostare la frequenza di salvataggio in OsmAnd su "Continuous".
Risultato: cellulare in crash con reboot spontaneo. 
Tutto sommato, posso anche accontentarmi di un campione al secondo nel mio
file .gpx. Qualcuno ha avuto esperienze simili?

Usandolo molto ho potuto notare che in presenza di folta vegetazione (bosco
abbastanza fitto) il fix tende un po' a "sbandare", ma forse lo fanno anche
altri ricevitori; In ogni caso, se passo e ripasso 2-3 volte sullo stesso
sentiero, sul file gpx non vedo 2 punti nella stessa posizione (e questo
anche in spazi aperti). Poco male, comunque, basta interpolare, la strada si
trova comunque :-)

Powersave: se per qualunque motivo la connessione bluetooth s'interrompe e
tu non te ne accorgi per 5 minuti, si spegne e lo devi riavviare premendo il
pulsante d'accensione. Ottimo per risparmiare la batteria, un po' scomodo in
certe situazioni: nel caso, nessun problema se lo hai in tasca o alla
cintura, se invece è nello zaino ti tocca fermarti, aprire la zip, ecc. 

Coibentazione: non mi sembra molto schermato contro il freddo... Io non lo
lascerei nella tasca esterna dello zaino durante una passeggiata invernale,

Altre note:
Per quanto riguarda l'app per utilizzarlo:
-  Con *Apple *non dovresti aver problemi: lo associ e sei pronto ad usarlo.
- Con *Windows*, ti vengono riconosciute 4 porte seriali virtuali: su una di
esse riesci a vedere i messaggi NMEA. Io non l'ho mai usato con questo
sistema, credo però sia lasciato alle applicazioni il compito di
decodificare i suddetti
- Con *Android*, devi abilitare 

Re: [talk-au] Osmose in Australia

2016-01-16 Thread Sam Wilson
Ah, yes! Good point, I'll fix that. :) But I think Osmose would still 
complain, because landuse and waterway shouldn't go together. I think.


On 17/01/16 07:40, Ross wrote:

Probably because landuse=commercial is for office buildings etc.

I'd suggest that it should be landuse=industrial


On 17/01/16 08:54, Sam Wilson wrote:

This is a very groovy tool. :-)

Can anyone help me with this error ?

I thought waterway=boatyard and landuse=commercial would be a 
reasonable combination. ("Boatyard - a place for constructing, 
repairing and storing vessels out of the water" says the wiki 
.) But 
then, it doesn't really make sense for that to be a 'waterway'...


On 17/01/16 05:43, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:


This is not fully setup, yet.
We switch from check the country in one piece to do by states.*=

If "approximate waterway" (or other) is not appropriate for 
Australia we can switch off.


As Prof. Farnsworth would say: Good news people.

It seems that some time in mid-December Australia was added to the
countries being analysed by Osmose:

The map is here:

It's interesting that the most common error is "approximate waterway",
I'm guessing that the algorithm may be tuned for European conditions
and our quickly sketched river look bad.

Talk-au mailing list

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Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Osmose in Australia

2016-01-16 Thread Ross

Be interesting to see if it does.

I think it's one of those that may need a human to check and say yes 
this is correct or not.


On 17/01/16 09:47, Sam Wilson wrote:
Ah, yes! Good point, I'll fix that. :) But I think Osmose would still 
complain, because landuse and waterway shouldn't go together. I think.


On 17/01/16 07:40, Ross wrote:

Probably because landuse=commercial is for office buildings etc.

I'd suggest that it should be landuse=industrial


On 17/01/16 08:54, Sam Wilson wrote:

This is a very groovy tool. :-)

Can anyone help me with this error ?

I thought waterway=boatyard and landuse=commercial would be a 
reasonable combination. ("Boatyard - a place for constructing, 
repairing and storing vessels out of the water" says the wiki 
.) But 
then, it doesn't really make sense for that to be a 'waterway'...


On 17/01/16 05:43, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:


This is not fully setup, yet.
We switch from check the country in one piece to do by states.*= 

If "approximate waterway" (or other) is not appropriate for 
Australia we can switch off.


As Prof. Farnsworth would say: Good news people.

It seems that some time in mid-December Australia was added to the
countries being analysed by Osmose:

The map is here:

It's interesting that the most common error is "approximate 

I'm guessing that the algorithm may be tuned for European conditions
and our quickly sketched river look bad.

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-GB] Quarterly Project : Schools - Multiple Schools on one site

2016-01-16 Thread alasdair

I'd like some advice please on how to tag 2 Schools that use the one

I'm looking at Blairgowrie where they have a new site "Blairgowrie
Community Campus" and 2 Primary Schools are located there. Each School
has its own seedcode. I can't see any information on the websites of the
campus, either school or the Council to suggest how the building is
divided between the 2 schools or even if it is entirely shared.

I'm aware Stuart Reynolds asked a similar question but I don't think it
was ever answered.

I've used 
name=Blairgowrie Community Campus
alt_name= St Stephen's RC Primary 
alt_name_1= Newhill Primary School 

but I can only add one ref:seedcode

Does anyone have a suggestion?

As a relatively inexperienced mapper, can I just say that I like the
quarterly projects and thanks for the wiki page that answered a lot of



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project : Schools - Multiple Schools on one site

2016-01-16 Thread Lester Caine
On 17/01/16 00:08, wrote:
> I'd like some advice please on how to tag 2 Schools that use the one site.

Having just had a 3 hour session working my way across Worcestershire,
I've hit the same problem in a number of sites. Either the Nursery or
Middle School has an independent EduBase reference, or two or three
schools share a single set of playing field and parking facilities.

What I've done initially is tagged the buildings of each part with the
correct name and ref:edubase tag, and not put a tag on the site
boundary. This I think will throw errors on the progress page, but in
some cases the sites have a public name ... such as Abbey Park Schools, but the sites in
Evesham I don't think make the distinction, with in one case 5 separate
edubase establishments across two sites. Not sure what to do there, but
tagging the building has to be correct, and the lack of a site name is
not a problem! So should not be flagged as an error.

Another little niggle ... Morton Fire Service College :) Not on the
edubase list, but definitely a training centre, so again should it just
be ignored on the verifier?

One thing that IS obvious is that we should be messaging some of the
schools to get them to add local details. Something that would encourage
new mappers with an interesting local target. I've put in the outline
and key detail for but
it has a LOT of detail that could be added and if students get the bug,
then the surrounding area is a little bare as well.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Osmose in Australia

2016-01-16 Thread Warin

On 17/01/2016 10:57 AM, Ross wrote:

Be interesting to see if it does.

I think it's one of those that may need a human to check and say yes 
this is correct or not.


On 17/01/16 09:47, Sam Wilson wrote:
Ah, yes! Good point, I'll fix that. :) But I think Osmose would still 
complain, because landuse and waterway shouldn't go together. I 

wateruse=? :-)

Picking nits; As boat yard would be on land ... perhaps boatyard should 
not be part of the waterway tag!

landuse=industrial, industrial=boatyard?


On 17/01/16 07:40, Ross wrote:

Probably because landuse=commercial is for office buildings etc.

I'd suggest that it should be landuse=industrial


On 17/01/16 08:54, Sam Wilson wrote:

This is a very groovy tool. :-)

Can anyone help me with this error ?

I thought waterway=boatyard and landuse=commercial would be a 
reasonable combination. ("Boatyard - a place for constructing, 
repairing and storing vessels out of the water" says the wiki 
.) But 
then, it doesn't really make sense for that to be a 'waterway'...


On 17/01/16 05:43, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:


This is not fully setup, yet.
We switch from check the country in one piece to do by states.*= 

If "approximate waterway" (or other) is not appropriate for 
Australia we can switch off.


As Prof. Farnsworth would say: Good news people.

It seems that some time in mid-December Australia was added to the
countries being analysed by Osmose: 

The map is here:

It's interesting that the most common error is "approximate 

I'm guessing that the algorithm may be tuned for European conditions
and our quickly sketched river look bad.

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] LPI Base Map - green areas ?

2016-01-16 Thread Nev Wedding
On 17 Jan 2016, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Davidson  wrote:
> On 16/01/16 11:47, Nev Wedding wrote:
>> Though I don’t know the area you refer to, I feel landuse=water_catchment is 
>> an excellent choice and is the correct tag for an area that has a capture of 
>> water as specific defined use as already stated on 
>> …says ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’
> The problem is that the area we are talking about is not the area in the map 
> you've linked to. What we are talking about is a sub-section of that area 
> that has been protected for the purposes of drinking water supply.
I don’t see any problem with tagging a sub-section of the water catchment in a 
special way, with added tag restrictions if considered appropriate. 
The landuse=water_catchment does not imply that you have encompassed the entire 
If naming as ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’ would imply the entire area. 

I see that individually mapped rural private properties may have portions of 
each property reserved as protected water_catchment in the future as the 
country becomes more over populated.
>> Another I like is reservoir_watershed
> Three problems:
> 1. OSM tags are traditionally based on UK English so that'd have to be
>   reservoir_catchment
> 2. This tag has already been used in a bulk import of data for
>   Massachusetts where I assume it means something in Massachusettsan law
> 3. Implies that this represents the entire catchment of a reservoir but
>   we're only talking about a sub-section here.
Yes, I agree that reservoir_watershed and reservoir_catchment implies the 
entire catchment representation.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] nom du périph ceanneais

2016-01-16 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Étant Caennais, je confirme ceux que certains ont déjà dit : ici, personne
ne parle de périphérique intérieur ou extérieur.
Par contre, il existe plusieurs panneaux parlant de "périphérique est" : à
la fin de la route de Ouistreham (Nord -> Sud), à l'approche de la Porte
d'Angleterre (3A)
ou encore à l'approche de la Porte d'Espagne (13)
Ce sont là 2 entrées de périphérique que j'ai en tête, mais il y en a
peut-être d'autres...


Le 15 janvier 2016 à 20:48,  a écrit :

> Bonjour
> Sur openstreetmap, le périph ceannais [1] s'appelle
> - Périphérique Sud
> - Périphérique Ouest
> - Périphérique Nord
> (on ne parle pas de périphérique est)
> or, un périphérique, ce sont deux anneaux, l'un intérieur, l'autre
> extérieur.
> Ne serait-il pas inintéressant d'ajouter l'indication « intérieur » et
> l'indication « extérieur » pour donner plus d'information réelle bien que
> ces deux termes ne soient pas écrit sur les panneaux de signalisation ?
> Je me pose la question.
> Cordialement
> [1]
> --
> David Crochet
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Znakové klíče

2016-01-16 Thread Mikoláš Štrajt

už delší dobu se na internetu pátrám po značkovém klíči Topo-IV-4 k českým 
vojenským topografickým mapám. Nakonec to vypadá, že pro něj budu muset 
zajít do kamenné knihovny -

Nevíte někdo, zda se nevyskytuje i někde na netu?

* * *

Jinak při tom hledání jsem objevil i jiné pozoruhodné věci:

- kompletní archiv časopisu Vojenský geografický obzor (
cz/archiv-cisel) - to je občas celkem zajímavé čtení, zvlášť zajímavé je 
číst o používání počítačů pro tyto účely v 80tých letech :-)

- diplomku nazvanou "Znakové systémy na evropských kartografických dílech s 
topografickým obsahem" - autorka srovnává znakové klíče evropských statních 
mapových děl a navrhuje pak vlastní, vzniklý metodou kočičky a pejska 
(vyberu co se mi líbí)

(ŠAFRÁNKOVÁ, Tereza. Znakové systémy na evropských kartografických dílech
s topografickým obsahem. Brno, 2014. 74s. Diplomová práce. Vysoké učení 
technické v
Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav geodézie. Vedoucí práce RNDr. Ladislav Plánka,

* * *

Jinak nevíte někdo, jak je to s copyrightem na mapové znakové klíče? Tj. 
když si implementuju styl mapy napodobující např. Základní mapu ČUZK (ta se 
nabízí, její klič je zveřejněn), jak moc legální/nelegální  to bude?

Mikoláš Štrajt
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Nieuwe Agiv-beelden!

2016-01-16 Thread Marc Gemis
bij mij in de buurt (Rupelstreek -prov. Antwerpen) zijn de foto's in
december al eens aangepast


2016-01-16 15:50 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere :
> Voor de volledigheid, enkel Vlaams-Brabant, Oost-Vlaanderen en
> West-Vlaanderen zijn momenteel geupdated.
> Antwerpen en Limburg moeten nog even wachten denk ik.
> Op 16 januari 2016 15:23 schreef Ruben Maes :
>> [en] Agiv released new aerial imagery of Flanders.
>> [nl] Ik heb net (toevallig tijdens het mappen) gemerkt dat Agiv gisteren
>> de nieuwe winterorthomozaïek van 2015 heeft uitgegeven. Ga dus maar allemaal
>> in je editor naar die plaatsen waar je dacht 'allez, wanneer gaan ze hier
>> nieuwe fotootjes van tonen'! ;)
>> --
>> Dit bericht is ondertekend met OpenPGP.
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-16 Thread Steve Doerr

On 08/01/2016 22:34, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 08.01.2016 um 23:25 schrieb tony wroblewski:

Silly question, why would you trace from Mapnik, since it's OSM anyway?

There are many reasons why you might want to use a non-imagery
background (or overlay which essentially all have gone too), for example
large scale orientation or highlighting specific features, editing in
areas without useful areial imagery and so on.


Yes, indeed.

So, could we have our background layers back, please?


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

talk mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Fwd: Duplicate railway station objects

2016-01-16 Thread Brian Prangle
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brian Prangle 
Date: Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Duplicate railway station objects
To: Andy Mabbett 

I would (and do)  put  the station node on one (arbitrary) way and then a
public_transport=stop_position on all the other ways

Rgds Brian

On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 12:28 PM, Andy Mabbett 

> Yes. but my question was about the best way to resolve this,.
> For instance, I could draw a polygon around the footprint of the
> station, including the buildings, platforms and so on, and move the
> name to that - but that would remove the named nodes from the actual
> lines, and I don't know whether or not that would harm routing
> calculations.
> Can you point to an example of a properly-mapped, two-line, two
> platform station, like the example given, whose style can be copied?
> On 14 January 2016 at 10:56, Andy Robinson  wrote:
> > It’s a common problem where mappers have added the station stop to each
> track. When a station is properly mapped out it normally gets fixed
> >
> > Cheers
> > Andy
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Andy Mabbett []
> > Sent: 14 January 2016 10:47
> > To: talk-gb-westmidlands
> > Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Duplicate railway station objects
> >
> > We have a number of duplicate objects for railway stations in our
> region. For example, there are two Cannock Station nodes:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > What's the best way to resolve these?
> >
> > --
> > Andy Mabbett
> > @pigsonthewing
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> ___
> Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Grote werken voorzien stations omgeving Kortrijk

2016-01-16 Thread Jakka

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Fwd: Duplicate railway station objects

2016-01-16 Thread Andy Mabbett
On 16 January 2016 at 15:49, Brian Prangle  wrote:

> I would (and do)  put  the station node on one (arbitrary) way and then a
> public_transport=stop_position on all the other ways

Thank you. Like this: ?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] DB-Bahnhöfe und OSM

2016-01-16 Thread Sven Anders
Am Sat, 16 Jan 2016 15:52:48 +0100
schrieb Tom Pfeifer :

> Sven Anders wrote on 2016/01/16 09:34:
> >
> > Super spannendes Tool. Für große Haltestellen, wie Hamburg-Harburg
> > mit ich  ca. 5  Ebenen:
> >
> > Brücke über Fernbahn,
> > Fernbahn,
> > S-Bahn Zwischenebene beim Phönix Center,
> > zweite Zwischenebene
> > S-Bahn Gleis
> >
> > würde ich mir eine Landkarte auf Level-Ebene wünschen. Gibt es da
> > evtl. etwas?
> Daran baut ja Roland Wagner von der Beuth-Hochschule Berlin:
> Das hatte er auf dem Wherecamp und dem DB-Hackaton vorgestellt, hier
> einige Links: Barcamp: Vorstellung DB AG OSM Pilot Railway Station
> Indoor Mapping:

Cool! Danke


> tom
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Nieuwe Agiv-beelden!

2016-01-16 Thread Sander Deryckere
Voor de volledigheid, enkel Vlaams-Brabant, Oost-Vlaanderen en
West-Vlaanderen zijn momenteel geupdated.

Antwerpen en Limburg moeten nog even wachten denk ik.

Op 16 januari 2016 15:23 schreef Ruben Maes :

> [en] Agiv released new aerial imagery of Flanders.
> [nl] Ik heb net (toevallig tijdens het mappen) gemerkt dat Agiv gisteren
> de nieuwe winterorthomozaïek van 2015 heeft uitgegeven. Ga dus maar
> allemaal in je editor naar die plaatsen waar je dacht 'allez, wanneer gaan
> ze hier nieuwe fotootjes van tonen'! ;)
> --
> Dit bericht is ondertekend met OpenPGP.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] DB-Bahnhöfe und OSM

2016-01-16 Thread Tom Pfeifer

Sven Anders wrote on 2016/01/16 09:34:

Super spannendes Tool. Für große Haltestellen, wie Hamburg-Harburg mit
ich  ca. 5  Ebenen:

Brücke über Fernbahn,
S-Bahn Zwischenebene beim Phönix Center,
zweite Zwischenebene
S-Bahn Gleis

würde ich mir eine Landkarte auf Level-Ebene wünschen. Gibt es da evtl.

Daran baut ja Roland Wagner von der Beuth-Hochschule Berlin:

Das hatte er auf dem Wherecamp und dem DB-Hackaton vorgestellt, hier einige 
Barcamp: Vorstellung DB AG OSM Pilot Railway Station Indoor Mapping:

Ich weiss nicht ob er hier auf der DE-Liste mitliest, dort finden sich seine 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] nom du périph ceanneais

2016-01-16 Thread David Crochet


Le 16/01/2016 12:27, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

2 entrées de périphérique que j'ai en tête, mais il y en a peut-être

J'ai jamais fait attention, amis sur cette section, il y en a qui sont 
passé avec mapillary, donc on peut voir sur le terrain à distance 
comment sont écrit les panneaux.


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Precisione GPS cellulare e idea dall'incontro a Bologna 2015

2016-01-16 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-01-15 23:29 GMT+01:00 Alessandro :

> continuo a consigliare il BT747a+ (o il 747pro) che sebbene di costo
> relativamente basso (dai 65 agli 80€) ha memoria interna per circa 22
> punti + la trasmissione via bluetooth e trasmette in nmea anche via usb.
> Lo uso quotidianamente con OsmAnd al posto del gps integrato utilizzando
> la app Bluetooth GPS che funge da Mock provider

è sempre lo stesso che esisteva già nel 2008? Oppure hanno fatto una nuova
versione con lo stesso nome? Io mi ricordo al suo tempo avevo provato il
BT747+ insieme ad un Garmin GPSMap60Csx e le tracce di quest'ultimo erano
molto meglio. Non esiste nel frattempo un Garmin (o altro) con Bluetooth e
precisione simile o migliore al vecchio GPSMap (il modello di cui sopra è
uscito nel 2005, ma la precisione è abbastanza buona, benchè non
paragonabile a quello che ti sei costruito tu).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (sans objet)

2016-01-16 Thread didier2020
c'est dans le wiki (kidiwikidivrai?)
mais peu utilisé:

le modele d'attribut dans josm n'aide pas ...
donc je n'ai pas utilisé

Le samedi 16 janvier 2016 à 11:30 +0100, Laurent Combe a écrit : 
> Bonjour,
> suite a un message de julien thevenon (le 20 nov) sur cette liste,
> j'ai essayé magic earth (logiciel de navigation routière sur android
> qui utilise les données OSM)
> effectivement l'appli mérite d'être connue
> du coup, je me suis interessé à l'aide directionnelle que le logiciel
> peut donner à l'approche d'un carrefour
> il y a les tags
> lanes
> direction
> ...
> et continuant à chercher
> je suis tombé sur ça :
> avec un mode opératoire bien détaillé
> ma question c'est du spécifique mapbox où la méthodo proposée est
> acceptable ?
> je pose la question avant que j'en mette un peu partout sur les
> intersections de mon secteur
> je suis preneur de vos avis.
> Laurent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Precisione GPS cellulare e idea dall'incontro a Bologna 2015

2016-01-16 Thread Francesco Pelullo
Il 14/gen/2016 05:07 PM, "Alessandro Palmas" 
ha scritto:
> Al momento sono ancora in fase di test, diciamo che attualmente se devo
prendere la posizione di un punto rimanendo fermo circa 30' ottengo una
precisione inferiore ai 10cm, quando sono in movimento non ho ancora
trovato un setting soddisfacente.

Perdona la diffidenza, ma hai verificato se la precisione dichiarata dal
software è verosimile? Voglio dire, se fai stazione due volte nello stesso
punto ti indica le stesse coordinate a meno di 10 cm?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] DB-Bahnhöfe und OSM

2016-01-16 Thread Michael Reichert

Am 2016-01-16 um 15:52 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:
> Sven Anders wrote on 2016/01/16 09:34:
>> Super spannendes Tool. Für große Haltestellen, wie Hamburg-Harburg mit
>> ich  ca. 5  Ebenen:
>> Brücke über Fernbahn,
>> Fernbahn,
>> S-Bahn Zwischenebene beim Phönix Center,
>> zweite Zwischenebene
>> S-Bahn Gleis
>> würde ich mir eine Landkarte auf Level-Ebene wünschen. Gibt es da evtl.
>> etwas?
> Daran baut ja Roland Wagner von der Beuth-Hochschule Berlin:

Außerdem gibt es noch

Viele Grüße


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Importacion de IDENA para Pamplona

2016-01-16 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Un apunte más:

La licencia CC-By 4.0 sí es admitida como compatible por el Legal
Working Group. Probablemente, los responsables de los datos no tendrían
problemas en actualizar la licencia de CC-by 3.0 a CC-by 4.0. Creo que
esta solución sería más fácil de asumir que tener que dar un permiso
expreso a OSM. Sería cuestión de preguntar.

Ni que decir tiene que el purismo de decir que la CC-by 3.0 no es
compatible con la ODbL (porque pone unas condiciones demasiado
restrictivas en cuanto a la atribución) me parece una pijada mayúscula,
pero es lo que hay.

Un saludo,


On 10/12/15 01:41, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> Hola:
> Así es. Si fuese posible hablar con los responsables del IDENA y que te
> diesen permiso específico para importarlos a OSM, eso resolvería el
> problema.
> Un saludo,
> Rafael.
> On 09/12/15 14:52, Alejandro S. wrote:
>> Hola,
>> Me suena que para esas importaciones que tienen cc-by se suele pedir
>> permiso específico a la fuente antes de importarlas, si ya lo han
>> liberado con cc no suele haber problema en que lo cedan para osm dejando
>> la atribución en la wiki.
>> Saludos
>> PD: Lo que para ti es una pijada, puede ser una demanda para OSM, mejor
>> no meter datos sin permiso...
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015, 11:19 k1wi > > wrote:
>> Viendo cómo está el panorama, de momento no voy a importar nada. A
>> ver si se aclara si cc-by se puede usar o no.
>> k1wi
>> > El 7 dic 2015, a las 16:19, Rafael Avila Coya
>> > escribió:
>> >
>> > Hola:
>> >
>> > Durante la crisis del terremoto del Nepal en Mayo de este año, quise
>> > importar los límites administrativos de distrito y VDC's (Village
>> > Development Commities - equivalente a municipio, más o menos) del
>> Nepal
>> > [1]. La licencia era la CC-by 3.0, pero como puedes ver en la lista de
>> > importaciones [2] la rechazaron por no ser compatible con la ODbL.
>> > Aunque pueda parecer mentira.
>> >
>> > Ni que decir tiene que yo no voy a ponerte ningún problema, por la
>> > sencilla razón de que creo que es una auténtica pijada. Según esa
>> visión
>> > super restrictiva, OSM no puede garantizar la correcta atribución
>> de la
>> > autoría de los datos.
>> >
>> > También me sorprende ver que, efectivamente, hubo importaciones de
>> datos
>> > con CC-by 3.0. Un día de estos preguntaré por qué algunas
>> importaciones
>> > (como es el caso de Great Smoky Mountains National Park), sí fueron
>> > aceptadas.
>> >
>> > Un saludo,
>> >
>> > Rafael.
>> >
>> > [1]
>> > [2]
>> >
>> >> On 07/12/15 15:46, k1wi . wrote:
>> >> Hola a todos!
>> >>
>> >> He estado mirando el tema de las importaciones y he descubierto que
>> >> los datos del IDENA en Navarra están disponibles bajo licencia CC-BY
>> >> 3.0. [1] Revisando las importaciones que se han hecho en OSM [2], he
>> >> visto que hay unas cuantas importaciones de datos CC-BY 3.0 así que
>> >> supongo que se pueden importar sin problemas.
>> >>
>> >> Me gustaría poder importar los números de los portales de las calles
>> >> en Pamplona. He creado una página en la wiki para recoger la
>> >> importación. [3] Comentad que os parece, sugerencias...
>> >>
>> >> k1wi
>> >>
>> >> [1]
>> >>
>> >> [2]
>> >>
>> >> [3]
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Talk-es mailing list
>> >> 
>> >>
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-es mailing list
>> > 
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (sans objet)

2016-01-16 Thread Jérôme Amagat
Le 16 janvier 2016 à 19:14, didier2020  a écrit :

> c'est dans le wiki (kidiwikidivrai?)

Sont dans le wiki et ont été voté et accepté.

> mais peu utilisé:

c'est vrai que 43 c'est pas beaucoup :)
mais il faut ajouter turn:lanes=* qui sert a indiqué la direction pour
chaque voie d'une route à sens unique. (alors turn c'est pour un voie a
sens unique a une voie)
Et turn:lanes:forward=* et turn:lanes:backward=* qui sert a indiqué la
direction pour chaque voie d'une route à double sens.
ça ajoute 4 ou 5000 utilisation de plus. (c'est pas énorme non plus)

le modele d'attribut dans josm n'aide pas ...
> donc je n'ai pas utilisé
> j'ai essayé sur quelque intersection il y a quelque temps mais j'ai
arrêté: trop compliqué. il y a un coloriage et un modele d'attibut qui aide
un peu dans josm.

Par contre je connaissais pas les relations type

avec le plugin
mais c'est dans le wiki comme proposition qui date de 2011 et pas encore

> Le samedi 16 janvier 2016 à 11:30 +0100, Laurent Combe a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> >
> > suite a un message de julien thevenon (le 20 nov) sur cette liste,
> > j'ai essayé magic earth (logiciel de navigation routière sur android
> > qui utilise les données OSM)
> >
> > effectivement l'appli mérite d'être connue
> >
> >
> >
> > du coup, je me suis interessé à l'aide directionnelle que le logiciel
> > peut donner à l'approche d'un carrefour
> >
> > il y a les tags
> >
> > lanes
> >
> > direction
> > ...
> >
> > et continuant à chercher
> >
> > je suis tombé sur ça :
> >
> >
> >
> > avec un mode opératoire bien détaillé
> >
> >
> > ma question c'est du spécifique mapbox où la méthodo proposée est
> > acceptable ?
> >
> > je pose la question avant que j'en mette un peu partout sur les
> > intersections de mon secteur
> >
> >
> > je suis preneur de vos avis.
> >
> >
> > Laurent
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] DB-Bahnhöfe und OSM

2016-01-16 Thread Christian Pietzsch
Die Daten am Hbf Chemnitz sind bei der DB auch sehr unvollständig. Alles 5
vorhanden (4 davon schon seit Jahren) Aufzüge sind noch nicht in deren
Aber die Daten als Vergleich zu haben ist trotzdem gut.
Zu den Verbindungen zwischen den Haltestellen, wäre noch etwas mehr
Erklärung und Übersichtlichkeit gut. So ganz was was bedeutet, konnte ich
da noch nicht nachvollziehen.

Am 16. Januar 2016 um 19:31 schrieb Michael Reichert :

> Hallo,
> Am 2016-01-16 um 15:52 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:
> > Sven Anders wrote on 2016/01/16 09:34:
> >>
> >> Super spannendes Tool. Für große Haltestellen, wie Hamburg-Harburg mit
> >> ich  ca. 5  Ebenen:
> >>
> >> Brücke über Fernbahn,
> >> Fernbahn,
> >> S-Bahn Zwischenebene beim Phönix Center,
> >> zweite Zwischenebene
> >> S-Bahn Gleis
> >>
> >> würde ich mir eine Landkarte auf Level-Ebene wünschen. Gibt es da evtl.
> >> etwas?
> >
> > Daran baut ja Roland Wagner von der Beuth-Hochschule Berlin:
> >
> Außerdem gibt es noch
> Viele Grüße
> Michael
> --
> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
> ausgenommen)
> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (sans objet)

2016-01-16 Thread THEVENON Julien

En date de : Sam 16.1.16, Laurent Combe  a écrit :

 Objet: [OSM-talk-fr] (sans objet)
 À: "Discussions sur OSM en français" 
 Date: Samedi 16 janvier 2016, 11h30
 > Bonjour,
> suite a un message de julien thevenon (le 20 nov) sur cette
 liste, j'ai
> essayé magic earth (logiciel de navigation routière sur
 android qui utilise
> les données OSM)
> effectivement l'appli mérite d'être connue
> du coup, je me suis interessé à l'aide directionnelle que
> le logiciel peut
> donner à l'approche d'un carrefour
> il y a les tags
> lanes
> direction
> ...
> et continuant à chercher
> je suis tombé sur ça :
> avec un mode opératoire bien détaillé
> ma question c'est du spécifique mapbox où la méthodo
> proposée est
> acceptable ?
> je pose la question avant que j'en mette un peu partout sur
> les
> intersections de mon secteur

Merci pour le lien

Je n utilise que ce qui a ete vote sur le wiki (turn:lanes direction etc ).je 
ne connaissais pas la relation inidquee sur le lien.
Depuis peu je commence a utiliser la relation destination_sign pour certains 
cas mais je ne sais pas si l appli la gere deja.
D apres ce que j ai vu il semble que magic earth arrive a faire du guidage par 
ligne dans certains cas meme sans les tags correspondants.par exemple si l 
autoroute a 3 voies avant un echangeur 2 apres et qu une voie se detache alors 
l appli indique que 2 voies continuent et une se detache.
Par contre faut que je leur rapporte une limitation (bug ?) que j ai remarque: 
on dirait que l appli ne tient pas compte des maxspeed:backward et 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-lazio] confini amministrativi comunali OSM - Istat

2016-01-16 Thread Fabrizio
Il 16/gen/2016 17:34, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

> 2016-01-16 16:14 GMT+01:00 Rallysta74 :
>> Segnalo che dal portale OpenData della Regione Lazio è scaricabile il WMS
>> dei
>> confini comunali della regione, con licenza CC BY 4.0. E' utilizzabile?
> Non ne sono sicuro, penso che lo potrebbero essere, ho chiesto parere in
> lista OSMF. Potresti dire qualcosa sulla bontà dei dati? (Sono semplificati
> oppure no? Di quando sono? etc.)
> Ciao,
> Martin
> PS: Ho fatto passare la tua mail "a mano", devi scrivere dall'indirizzo
> con il quale ti sei iscritto alla mailing list.
> ___
> Talk-it-lazio mailing list
Talk-it-lazio mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Missing Background Layers

2016-01-16 Thread Warin

On 17/01/2016 3:41 AM, Steve Doerr wrote:

On 08/01/2016 22:34, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 08.01.2016 um 23:25 schrieb tony wroblewski:

Silly question, why would you trace from Mapnik, since it's OSM anyway?
I use it to check the OSM data relative to another image without down 
loading the data ...

So I am not tracing but visual error/accuracy/missing checks.

There are many reasons why you might want to use a non-imagery
background (or overlay which essentially all have gone too), for example
large scale orientation or highlighting specific features, editing in
areas without useful areial imagery and so on.


Yes, indeed.

So, could we have our background layers back, please?

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Osmose in Australia

2016-01-16 Thread Sam Wilson

This is a very groovy tool. :-)

Can anyone help me with this error ?

I thought waterway=boatyard and landuse=commercial would be a reasonable 
combination. ("Boatyard - a place for constructing, repairing and 
storing vessels out of the water" says the wiki 
.) But then, 
it doesn't really make sense for that to be a 'waterway'...


On 17/01/16 05:43, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote:


This is not fully setup, yet.
We switch from check the country in one piece to do by states.*=

If "approximate waterway" (or other) is not appropriate for Australia 
we can switch off.


As Prof. Farnsworth would say: Good news people.

It seems that some time in mid-December Australia was added to the
countries being analysed by Osmose:

The map is here:

It's interesting that the most common error is "approximate waterway",
I'm guessing that the algorithm may be tuned for European conditions
and our quickly sketched river look bad.

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] LPI Base Map - green areas ?

2016-01-16 Thread Warin

On 17/01/2016 1:12 PM, Nev Wedding wrote:

On 17 Jan 2016, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Davidson  wrote:

On 16/01/16 11:47, Nev Wedding wrote:

Though I don’t know the area you refer to, I feel landuse=water_catchment is an 
excellent choice and is the correct tag for an area that has a capture of water 
as specific defined use as already stated on
…says ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’

The problem is that the area we are talking about is not the area in the map 
you've linked to.

It is at least a substantial proportion of it.
Note that the map also has the 'Mangrove Creek Weir Catchment' area that has a 
similar colour, abuts one boundary
and some others areas (those are better differentiated colour wise) too.

  What we are talking about is a sub-section of that area that has been 
protected for the purposes of drinking water supply.

I don’t see any problem with tagging a sub-section of the water catchment in a 
special way, with added tag restrictions if considered appropriate.
The landuse=water_catchment does not imply that you have encompassed the entire 
If naming as ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’ would imply the entire area.

A roadway can be tagged in subsections. Even if a subsection is omitted .. the 
remainder are valid entries and each sub section carries the name.
I don't agree with the asserted 'implication'.

I see that individually mapped rural private properties may have portions of 
each property reserved as protected water_catchment in the future as the 
country becomes more over populated.

In the UK many farms are in 'water catchment' areas.
This is a problem for tagging 'landuse' .. many areas are used for more than 
one thing.
A solution may come out of development of other tags by the tag tagging group 
(ref RFC - Discourage amenity=public_building).

If you want to explore what is going on in the UK .. a starting point is

A possibly shorter start would be
Basically  they want any run off or sub soil water to be up to a certain 
standard, not carrying too much pollution within the water catchment area.


Another I like is reservoir_watershed

Three problems:

1. OSM tags are traditionally based on UK English so that'd have to be

Some don't have a reservoir but simply use the local river/s (e.g. see

So reservoir_catchment does not 'work' for all.

"Water Catchment" is used in the UK

watershed? One definition; and area or ridge of land that separates water 
flowing into different rivers. So that definitely does not fit.

2. This tag has already been used in a bulk import of data for
   Massachusetts where I assume it means something in Massachusettsan law
3. Implies that this represents the entire catchment of a reservoir but
   we're only talking about a sub-section here.

Yes, I agree that reservoir_watershed and reservoir_catchment implies the 
entire catchment representation.

highway=motorway ... implies the entire motorway?

I don't think so.

Some are tagging individual farm fields ... that are not the entire farm.
I don't 'see' the implication that any tagged area or way has to be the entire 
thing even if named.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Osmose in Australia

2016-01-16 Thread Sam Wilson

On 17/01/16 09:09, Warin wrote:

wateruse=? :-)

Picking nits; As boat yard would be on land ... perhaps boatyard 
should not be part of the waterway tag!

landuse=industrial, industrial=boatyard?

Yeah, that makes sense. :) I reckon probably waterway=boatyard should be 
reserved for the areas of water in e.g. slipways etc., adjacent to 
industrial=boatyard land.

And thanks for adding your thoughts to the wiki too. :)
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] LPI Base Map - green areas ?

2016-01-16 Thread Nev Wedding

> On 17 Jan 2016, at 1:50 PM, Warin <> wrote:
> On 17/01/2016 1:12 PM, Nev Wedding wrote:
>> On 17 Jan 2016, at 11:28 AM, Andrew Davidson  wrote:
>>> On 16/01/16 11:47, Nev Wedding wrote:
 Though I don’t know the area you refer to, I feel landuse=water_catchment 
 is an excellent choice and is the correct tag for an area that has a 
 capture of water as specific defined use as already stated on
 …says ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’
>>> The problem is that the area we are talking about is not the area in the 
>>> map you've linked to.
> It is at least a substantial proportion of it.
> Note that the map also has the 'Mangrove Creek Weir Catchment' area that has 
> a similar colour, abuts one boundary
> and some others areas (those are better differentiated colour wise) too.
>>> What we are talking about is a sub-section of that area that has been 
>>> protected for the purposes of drinking water supply.
>> I don’t see any problem with tagging a sub-section of the water catchment in 
>> a special way, with added tag restrictions if considered appropriate.
>> The landuse=water_catchment does not imply that you have encompassed the 
>> entire catchment.
>> If naming as ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’ would imply the entire area.
> A roadway can be tagged in subsections. Even if a subsection is omitted .. 
> the remainder are valid entries and each sub section carries the name.
> I don’t agree with the asserted 'implication'.

Yes, I think you are correct
>> I see that individually mapped rural private properties may have portions of 
>> each property reserved as protected water_catchment in the future as the 
>> country becomes more over populated.
> In the UK many farms are in 'water catchment' areas.
> This is a problem for tagging 'landuse' .. many areas are used for more than 
> one thing.
> A solution may come out of development of other tags by the tag tagging group 
> (ref RFC - Discourage amenity=public_building).
> If you want to explore what is going on in the UK .. a starting point is 
> A possibly shorter start would be 
> Basically  they want any run off or sub soil water to be up to a certain 
> standard, not carrying too much pollution within the water catchment area.
 Another I like is reservoir_watershed
>>> Three problems:
>>> 1. OSM tags are traditionally based on UK English so that'd have to be
>>>  reservoir_catchment
> Some don't have a reservoir but simply use the local river/s (e.g. see 
> So reservoir_catchment does not 'work' for all.
> "Water Catchment" is used in the UK 
> watershed? One definition; and area or ridge of land that separates water 
> flowing into different rivers. So that definitely does not fit.
>>> 2. This tag has already been used in a bulk import of data for
>>>  Massachusetts where I assume it means something in Massachusettsan law
>>> 3. Implies that this represents the entire catchment of a reservoir but
>>>  we're only talking about a sub-section here.
>> Yes, I agree that reservoir_watershed and reservoir_catchment implies the 
>> entire catchment representation.
> highway=motorway ... implies the entire motorway?
> I don't think so.
> Some are tagging individual farm fields ... that are not the entire farm.
> I don’t 'see' the implication that any tagged area or way has to be the 
> entire thing even if named.

Agreed :)

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