Re: [Talk-cz] Ako najst nezmapovane turisticke trasy?

2016-05-19 Thread Martin Ždila
2016-05-11 15:35 GMT+02:00 Petr Vozdecký :

> Drtiva vetsina ctvrecu je uz hotova, ale shodou okolnosti Moravsky Kras
> vubec:

Dakujem. Priradil som si ten stvorec a dufam ze nam pocasie dovoli prejst a
pofotit tam nejake trasy :-)

Ing. Martin Ždila 
OZ Freemap Slovakia
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Avenue Jean Dubrucq

2016-05-19 Thread mgwebmail

Hello all,

What am I supposed to think regarding this email ? Phishing ?

Thanks for your insight. 


Début du message transféré :

> Expéditeur: Gail Monte Nettles  >
> Date: 18 mai 2016 23:50:08 UTC+2
> Destinataire: 
> Objet: [OpenStreetMap] Avenue Jean Dubrucq
> Hi Matthieu Gaillet,
> Gail Monte Nettles  
> has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject Avenue Jean 
> Dubrucq:
> ==
> Dear Mr. Gaillet,
> I noted you did research on Avenue Jean Dubrucq; I am related to the 
> Dubrecq's of Anderlecht, Molenbeek, , Bruxelles, and I have been unable to 
> find any data on Jean, except that he may have had some connection to some 
> events in Cairo.
> Could you please enlighten me as to who he was, what he did and where I might 
> find genealogical data on him.
> And while I am asking, my relatives home in Anderlecht was at 16 Rue du Sel 
> on 4 hectares of land; Isidore Dubrucq was an industrialist and apparently 
> had his home and business on this plot of land. I tried to find it in 1970, 
> but there was nothing on the sight; I assumed that being close to the rail 
> lines, the area was heavily bombed during World War II.
> I see on current Google maps that it is now industrial with no houses. Can 
> you direct me to an information source; I have tried the Belgium archives but 
> find nothing.
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Gail Monte Nettles (Mrs.) ==
> You can also read the message at 
>  and you can reply at 
> ___
Talk-be mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd: [OSM-talk] WeeklyOSM 304

2016-05-19 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
Another weekly roundup of news from the global OSM community.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jinal Foflia 
Date: Fri, May 20, 2016 at 3:18 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] WeeklyOSM 304

The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #304, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - HOT is *activating* to map for support of the relief efforts in Sri
   Lanka. The first task is already up (
   - SotM 2016 Brüssels - Last date to submit proposals/talks and apply for
   scholarship is *21st May*
   - Read more about *DeepOSM *published by TrailBehind which helps in
   detecting features in satellite imagery
   - Geolode is a catalog to collect *open geodata* around the world
   - Read more about the *updates* of the ImproveOSM JOSM plugin


Jinal Foflia 

talk mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Keepright wieder voll aktiv

2016-05-19 Thread Friedrich Volkmann
On 19.05.2016 23:47, Borut Maricic wrote:
> Bitte um eine kurze Erklärung/Beispiel, was ist mit dem
> "multiple nodes on the same spot" und dem "deprecated tags"
> schlimm, bzw. wurde als nicht stimmig beobachtet.
> Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass ein Hinweis auf "multiple
> nodes on the same spot" eigentlich falsch war. Aus meiner
> Sicht war bei allen solchen Fällen, die ich mir angeschaut
> habe, ein Tagging-Fehler vorhanden. Vielleicht ist meine
> Sichtweise falsch?

Der Hinweis an sich ist nicht falsch, es sind bei jedem Hinweis wirklich 2
Nodes an der selben Stelle. Aber falsch ist die Darstellung als Fehler, denn
die deckungsgleichen Nodes sind oft Absicht.

Beispiel 1: auf einem Steinmann (Node 1164573741) steht ein Kreuz (1164573742)
Beispiel 2: ein Kreuz (3185386326) mit einem Namen steht auf einem Gipfel
(1328393372) mit einem anderen Namen
Beispiel 3: Auf vielen Abschnitten der 1. Hochquellenwasserleitung verläuft
genau oberhalb ein track oder path. Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren viel Mühe
investiert um die Wege vom Rohr zu trennen, da sie keinen Kontakt
miteinander haben. (Es ist das gleiche wie bei einer Straßenbrücke über
einen Bach, da macht man ja auch keinen gemeinsamen Node.) D.h. jeder Node
musste verdoppelt werden, so dass kein Node der Wasserleitung zugleich Teil
eines Weges ist. Irgendwann kam dann jemand und hat die Nodes wieder
vereinigt, wahrscheinilch angestiftet durch Keepright. Das ist um so
ärgerlicher, als das Erstellen der deckungsgleichen Nodes viel aufwendiger
war als das Hinmachen. Der einzige Vorteil von Keepright ist jetzt, dass man
es als Kontraindikator nutzen kann: Dort, wo es einen Fehler anzeigt, ist es
richtig gemappt, und umgekehrt.

Die Prüfung wäre brauchbar, wenn sie nur dann anschlüge, wenn die Nodes und
alle Wege, in denen sie vorkommen, den selben Layer haben.

> Dem "deprecated tags" habe ich oft gefolgt, meistens beim
> Taggen von Eingängen. Habe dem Keepright in diesen Fällen
> blind vertraut, muss ich sagen.

Ein grundlegendes Problem einer Prüfung auf "deprecated tags" ist, dass sie
entweder bedeutungsgleich mit neueren Tags sind - dann muss man sich aber
fragen, was an den neueren Tags überhaupt besser sein soll; oder sie sind
nicht bedeutungsgleich, dann ist jedes Umtaggen aber mit einer
Bedeutungsänderung oder sogar mit einem Informationsverlust verbunden. Das
wird klar, wenn man sich einige Tags anschaut, die Keepright für deprecated

1.) landuse=farm: Das ist in Wahrheit gar nicht deprecated, sondern völlig
gleichbedeutend und gleichwertig mit landuse=farmland. Ich benutze für neue
Objekte grundsätzlich nur landuse=farm, weil es kürzer ist (ich will nicht
unnötig viel tippen) und weil es das schon länger gibt. landuse=farmland kam
nur durch einen Editorbug in Gebrauch, und eigentlich sollte man alle
landuse=farmland auf landuse=farm korrigieren und den Editorbug endlich fixen.

2.) drinkable=*: Die neuere Alternative drinking_water=* hat genau die
gleichen Werte (yes, no) und einen zusätzlichen (conditional), von dem
keiner weiß, was er bedeuten soll. Vorgesehen waren im ursprünglichen
Proposal auch Werte wie "mineral", aber dann ist man in der Diskussion
draufgekommen, dass man keine klare Grenze ziehen kann. Am Ende wurde kein
Elefant, sondern eine Maus geboren. Das Proposal wurde von 13 Leuten
angenommen, die sie sich anscheinend nicht (mehr) bewusst waren, dass der
neue Key gleichbedeutend mit dem alten ist.

3.) building=entrance: Ich muss zugeben, dass ich entrance=* anfangs für
einen großen Fortschritt gehalten habe, aber inzwischen bin ich mir nicht
mehr so sicher. Was ist, wenn ein Tor als Eingang in zwei verschiedene
Objekte fungiert, z.B. in einen Shop und ins Gebäude, in dem sich der Shop
befindet. Dann ist der Eingang vielleicht der Haupteingang in den Shop, aber
nur ein Nebeneingang ins Gebäude. Soll man ihn dann entrance=main taggen?
Dieses Beispiel lässt den Vorteil verschiedener Werte wie ein Kartenhaus
zusammenfallen. Außer diesen Werten bringen aber weder building=entrance
noch entrance=* irgendeine zusätzliche Information zu barrier=*.

4.) highway=ford: Es gab darüber noch nicht mal eine Abstimmung, und
zumindest bei Nodes sehe ich nichts, was an ford=yes besser sein soll.

5.) wood=*: Ich will bei der von Ignoranz und Unwissenheit geprägten
Einführung von leaf_type und leaf_cycle nicht ins Detail gehen. Fest steht,
dass type=* bei Einzelbäumen nicht mal durch eine Kombination aus beiden
neuen Tags ersetzbar ist, weil die Unterscheidbarkeit zwischen Palmen und
anderen immergrünen Taxa verloren geht. Bei einem ganzen Wald sind diese
Tags noch nutzloser, weil ein Wald - von Monokulturen abgesehen - zahlreiche
Arten umfasst, die unterschiedliche Eigenschaften haben. Aus dem selben
Grund finde ich auch wood=* entbehrlich, aber es korrespondiert wenigstens
mit einer landläufigen Einteilung in Laub-/Misch-/Nadelwald. Will man mehr
ins Details gehen, dann empfehle ich, Nägel mit Köpfen zu machen und die

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass Attic Data - Extraire toutes les modifications entre deux dates

2016-05-19 Thread Pierre Béland
Merci François
J'ai trouvé une alternative. Je vérifie si des états intermédiaires sont 
manquants. Si oui, j'interroge l'API OSM, demandant l'historique pour cet 
objet.Exemple pour le chemin 
bonne soirée 

  De : François Lacombe 
 À : Pierre Béland ; Discussions sur OSM en français 
 Envoyé le : jeudi 19 mai 2016 16h47
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass Attic Data - Extraire toutes les 
modifications entre deux dates
Bonsoir Pierre,

Peut-être as-tu déjà trouvé la réponse à cette question ?

De ce que je comprend du wiki, le retour correspondant à un augmented
diff contient trois sections avec chacune la version la plus ancienne
et la version la plus récente dans la plage de temps.

"Each element only appears its state at the beginning and the state at
the end of the minute. Shorter lived versions are omitted.".

Je ne sais pas par contre si il est possible de tout récupérer.
Manuellement, il faudrait récupérer plusieurs plages de temps
correspondant à deux version consécutives.
Au mieux il faudrait proposer une évolution pour avoir la possibilité
de tout récupérer

A moins que quelqu'un ait mieux ?

Bonne soirée

François Lacombe

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

Le 7 mai 2016 à 15:54, Pierre Béland  a écrit :
> L requête Overpass ci-dessous vise à extraire toutes les modifications  a
> way(40523269) entre les 17 et 22 avril (22 modifications au total).
> [out:xml][adiff:"2016-04-17T00:00:00Z","2016-04-22T00:00:00Z"]
> [timeout:65];
> (
>  way(40523269);
> );
> out meta;
> voir
> Cependant, seules la première et dernière édition de l'objet sont fournis.
> Ma compréhension est que DIFF ne fournit que  première et dernière édition
> de l'objet. Par contre je m'attends à ce que ADIFF me fournissent les 22
> modifications de l'objet.
> Est-ce que Overpass est limité et ne fournit que première et dernier objets?
> Cela est-il possible?  et comment.
> Sinon, si possible, comment?
> Pierre
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ec] Datos del Sistema Nacional de Información

2016-05-19 Thread Daniel Orellana
Hola Zhubert.

Efectivamente, SNI lleva ya tiempo en funcionamiento. El avance que se
logró es que haya una confirmación explícita de que se puede integrar e
importar a OSM.

Como bien dices, el siguiente paso es el IGM.


Daniel Orellana V.

PhD en Geoinformación
Grupo de Investigación en Ciudades Sustentables
Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales
Universidad de Cuenca.

2016-05-19 13:33 GMT-05:00 Zhubert Carangui :

> Estimados amigos,  la información del SNI, esta disponible desde hace más
> de un año,  fue una herramienta fundamental para la elaboración de los
> Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial.  Sería bueno obtener coberturas a
> escala 5000 que si posee el IGM de la mayoría de Ecuador.  Saludos
> El may. 19, 2016 12:45 PM, "Daniel Orellana" 
> escribió:
> > Buenos días a todos!
> >
> > (Bienvenido Rafa y gracias anticipadas por el apoyo)
> >
> > Perdón, el documento se puede encontrar en el siguiente link:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > La resolución incluye toda la información del SNI, no solamente para el
> > terremoto, e incluso información futura que se integre en el portal.
> > Básicamente lo que hace es confirmar que los datos del SNI sigue la
> > política pública de datos abiertos del gobierno. Esto nos da un excelente
> > pie para ahora y el futuro.
> >
> > Creo que hay que discutir la estrategia de importación, en especial en
> > temas clave como infraestructura de Educación y Salud que son claves para
> > la emergencia por el terremoto.
> >
> > Saludos
> >
> > Daniel.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Daniel Orellana V.
> >
> > PhD en Geoinformación
> > Grupo de Investigación en Ciudades Sustentables
> > Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales
> > Universidad de Cuenca.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 2016-05-19 9:21 GMT-05:00 Manfred A. Reiter :
> >
> > > Congrats Daniel,
> > >
> > > I call herewith Rafa who is an experienced importer ;-)
> > >
> > > Saludos cordiales
> > >
> > > Manfred
> > >
> > > 2016-05-16 15:07 GMT+02:00 Daniel Orellana :
> > >
> > > > Buen inicio de semana, amigos.
> > > >
> > > > Les traigo una excelente noticia: La Secretaría Nacional de
> > Planificación
> > > > acaba de confirmar el carácter de "información pública" toda aquella
> > > > contenida en el Sistema Nacional de Información y autoriza su
> inclusión
> > > en
> > > > OpenStreetMap.
> > > >
> > > > Esto implica que podemos comenzar a discutir prioridades de
> > información y
> > > > estrategias de importación. Si alguien tiene experiencia en el tema,
> > > > podemos abrir una página en la wiki para documentar la importación
> > > >
> > > > Una primera lista de la información que se podría incluir está aquí:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Estas y otras capas también están disponibles vía servicios WMS, WFS
> y
> > > TMS,
> > > > con lo cual podemos pensar diferentes estrategias de importación.
> > > >
> > > > Les adjunto el documento de respaldo.
> > > >
> > > > Dnaiel.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Daniel Orellana V.
> > > >
> > > > PhD en Geoinformación
> > > > Grupo de Investigación en Ciudades Sustentables
> > > > Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales
> > > > Universidad de Cuenca.
> > > > ___
> > > > Talk-ec mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ## Manfred Reiter - -
> > > ##
> > > ___
> > > Talk-ec mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> > Talk-ec mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-ec mailing list
Talk-ec mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass Attic Data - Extraire toutes les modifications entre deux dates

2016-05-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Il faudrait surtout que les objets historiques sélectionnés dans "l'Attic"
référencent les autres objets membres (noeuds d'un chemin ou membres d'une
relation) avec leur numéro de version et pas seulement leur id !

Ou sinon que le changeset de l'objet sélectionné soit utilisé pour
rechercher les objets références ayant la dernière version dont le numéro
de changeset est inférieur ou égal).

Note cependant: un même changeset peut modifier un même objet plusieurs
fois avec plusieurs versions: une version le crée, la version suivante le
supprime). Cela arrive lors d'une résolution de conflits (nécessitant
parfois des fusions d'objets). Et il peut arriver deux versions diférentes
d'un même objet avec le même timestamp (mais c'est rare).

Seuls les numéros de versions sont garantis fournir l'unicité et la non
ambiguité des références d'un objet à l'autre.

Mais Overpass ne retourne les numéros de version, sauf si on lui demande
les infos détaillées, pas seulement le "skeleton". Il n'y a pas d'option
pour lui demander juste les numéros de version (qui à mon avis devraient
toujours être retournés, on peut se foutre du reste: changeset, auteur,
date, commentaire de changeset...)

Le 19 mai 2016 à 22:47, François Lacombe  a
écrit :

> Bonsoir Pierre,
> Peut-être as-tu déjà trouvé la réponse à cette question ?
> De ce que je comprend du wiki, le retour correspondant à un augmented
> diff contient trois sections avec chacune la version la plus ancienne
> et la version la plus récente dans la plage de temps.
> "Each element only appears its state at the beginning and the state at
> the end of the minute. Shorter lived versions are omitted.".
> Je ne sais pas par contre si il est possible de tout récupérer.
> Manuellement, il faudrait récupérer plusieurs plages de temps
> correspondant à deux version consécutives.
> Au mieux il faudrait proposer une évolution pour avoir la possibilité
> de tout récupérer
> A moins que quelqu'un ait mieux ?
> Bonne soirée
> François Lacombe
> fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com
> @InfosReseaux
> Le 7 mai 2016 à 15:54, Pierre Béland  a écrit :
> >
> > L requête Overpass ci-dessous vise à extraire toutes les modifications  a
> > way(40523269) entre les 17 et 22 avril (22 modifications au total).
> >
> > [out:xml][adiff:"2016-04-17T00:00:00Z","2016-04-22T00:00:00Z"]
> > [timeout:65];
> > (
> >   way(40523269);
> > );
> > out meta;
> > voir
> >
> > Cependant, seules la première et dernière édition de l'objet sont
> fournis.
> >
> > Ma compréhension est que DIFF ne fournit que  première et dernière
> édition
> > de l'objet. Par contre je m'attends à ce que ADIFF me fournissent les 22
> > modifications de l'objet.
> >
> > Est-ce que Overpass est limité et ne fournit que première et dernier
> objets?
> > Cela est-il possible?  et comment.
> >
> > Sinon, si possible, comment?
> >
> > Pierre
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass Attic Data - Extraire toutes les modifications entre deux dates

2016-05-19 Thread François Lacombe
Bonsoir Pierre,

Peut-être as-tu déjà trouvé la réponse à cette question ?

De ce que je comprend du wiki, le retour correspondant à un augmented
diff contient trois sections avec chacune la version la plus ancienne
et la version la plus récente dans la plage de temps.

"Each element only appears its state at the beginning and the state at
the end of the minute. Shorter lived versions are omitted.".

Je ne sais pas par contre si il est possible de tout récupérer.
Manuellement, il faudrait récupérer plusieurs plages de temps
correspondant à deux version consécutives.
Au mieux il faudrait proposer une évolution pour avoir la possibilité
de tout récupérer

A moins que quelqu'un ait mieux ?

Bonne soirée

François Lacombe

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

Le 7 mai 2016 à 15:54, Pierre Béland  a écrit :
> L requête Overpass ci-dessous vise à extraire toutes les modifications  a
> way(40523269) entre les 17 et 22 avril (22 modifications au total).
> [out:xml][adiff:"2016-04-17T00:00:00Z","2016-04-22T00:00:00Z"]
> [timeout:65];
> (
>   way(40523269);
> );
> out meta;
> voir
> Cependant, seules la première et dernière édition de l'objet sont fournis.
> Ma compréhension est que DIFF ne fournit que  première et dernière édition
> de l'objet. Par contre je m'attends à ce que ADIFF me fournissent les 22
> modifications de l'objet.
> Est-ce que Overpass est limité et ne fournit que première et dernier objets?
> Cela est-il possible?  et comment.
> Sinon, si possible, comment?
> Pierre
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] State of the Map deadlines this Saturday

2016-05-19 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi all,

Don't forget to:

* Submit your session proposal (talk and/or workshop)
* Apply for scholarship if needed

By *this Saturday*!


p.s. We are delighted that HOT Summit will be the day before SotM. If you
want to attend both please note they are separate sign-ups.
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] WeeklyOSM 304

2016-05-19 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #304, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - HOT is *activating* to map for support of the relief efforts in Sri
   Lanka. The first task is already up (
   - SotM 2016 Brüssels - Last date to submit proposals/talks and apply for
   scholarship is *21st May*
   - Read more about *DeepOSM *published by TrailBehind which helps in
   detecting features in satellite imagery
   - Geolode is a catalog to collect *open geodata* around the world
   - Read more about the *updates* of the ImproveOSM JOSM plugin


Jinal Foflia 
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] WeeklyOSM 304

2016-05-19 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #304, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - HOT is *activating* to map for support of the relief efforts in Sri
   Lanka. The first task is already up (
   - SotM 2016 Brüssels - Last date to submit proposals/talks and apply for
   scholarship is *21st May*
   - Read more about *DeepOSM *published by TrailBehind which helps in
   detecting features in satellite imagery
   - Geolode is a catalog to collect *open geodata* around the world
   - Read more about the *updates* of the ImproveOSM JOSM plugin


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-us] WeeklyOSM 304

2016-05-19 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #304, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - HOT is *activating* to map for support of the relief efforts in Sri
   Lanka. The first task is already up (
   - SotM 2016 Brüssels - Last date to submit proposals/talks and apply for
   scholarship is *21st May*
   - Read more about *DeepOSM *published by TrailBehind which helps in
   detecting features in satellite imagery
   - Geolode is a catalog to collect *open geodata* around the world
   - Read more about the *updates* of the ImproveOSM JOSM plugin


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Landuse mapping

2016-05-19 Thread Marc Gemis

--- English below -

Recentelijk ben ik hier en daar wat landuse beginnen corrigeren of wat
extra detail beginnen toevoegen. Ik vind het niet zo eenvoudig om
alles mooi te classificeren.
Hoe zouden jullie bv


taggen ?

Jammer dat er hier niet rechtstreeks foto's kunnen worden gezet. Ik
wel nog wel wat plekjes waar ik de landuse zou willen van aanpassen en
waar ik hulp bij nodig heb. Hebben jullie suggesties om gemakkelijker
over foto's te discussieren ? Het forum is jammer genoeg vrij doods.

-- English ---

Recently, I started mapping landuse. In the beginning some small
changes or extra detail, but now I want to make more involving
changes. But that is pretty hard. Can you help to map


I know this is not the best media to discuss photo's, but nobody is
reading the forum. Other suggestions to handle this ?

met vriendelijke groeten/regards

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Extract from OSM Planet History dump

2016-05-19 Thread Jochen Topf
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 02:32:53PM +0100, Peter Mooney wrote:
> During the summer time with some free time from teaching I want to do some
> analysis of the OSM Planet History dump data.
> Unfortunately I have ran into a few road blocks in trying to get osmium etc
> to compile on my Ubuntu 14:04 machine. I spent a while trying to get this
> working without success.
> I only want two or three regional-based extracts. OSM History for UK and
> Ireland would be my priority.
> Would someone who has these tools currently working be willing to do this
> extraction for me?

Jochen Topf  +49-351-31778688

talk mailing list

[Talk-br] Fwd: [HOT] HOT is activating to map for support of the relief efforts in Sri Lanka

2016-05-19 Thread Gerald Weber
Oi Pessoal

esta havendo uma ativação do HOT para auxiliar no mapeamento devido ás
enchentes em Sri Lanka

quem quiser contribuir entre com seu nome e usuário OSM no site do
taskmanager do HOT, leia as instruções (estão pedindo para mapear
principalmente edificações) e dê sua contribuição humanitária.



-- Forwarded message --
From: Blake Girardot HOT/OSM 
Date: 18 May 2016 at 17:52
Subject: [HOT] HOT is activating to map for support of the relief efforts
in Sri Lanka
To: HOT 

Sri Lanka has been hit in the past few days by flooding:

HOT has been asked to activate and immediately start tracing buildings
by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) of Sri Lanka, who work closely
with World Bank GFDRR. They are in urgent need of detailed housing
unit information.

There are links on the HOT Tasking Manager:

This is the earliest phase of response so we are actively working to
find other actors on the ground that the HOT Community can collect and
provide geo data for. This means that you should check the front page
of the tasking manager often, different jobs to support different
ground activities might be coming up.

HOT members Robert Banick and Mikel Maron will be leading HOT's
response to this crisis. They can be contacted at:

For more information visit the 2016 Sri Lanka Floods wiki-page:

If you’d like to help with coordination, speak up, and we’ll bring you
into the Slack channel and Trello.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

HOT mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands

2016-05-19 Thread Martijn van Exel
That makes sense. Keep it in mind for future cleanups where human mapper 
decisions are called for.


> On May 19, 2016, at 10:26 AM, Paul Norman  wrote:
> On 5/19/2016 10:24 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> There may be cases where a MapRoulette challenge may be in order?
> I don't think it'd make a good MR challenge since all those changes are the 
> same on all the objects.

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Dakota County, MN Parks

2016-05-19 Thread Joe Sapletal
The County Park boundaries for Dakota County Minnesota are available here if 
anyone wants to download the shapefile and conflate what’s already in OSM.

There are polygons that represent the overall park boundary and it some cases 
there are additional smaller polygons that lay on top of them that represent 
private property within those boundaries.  These boundaries in most areas are 
based on property data.  This data is continually being maintained as 
boundaries change.

Happy mapping,


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands

2016-05-19 Thread Martijn van Exel
Hey Paul, 

I applaud your continuing efforts to detect and try to remedy ill informed 
(even if perhaps well intended) imports!

There may be cases where a MapRoulette challenge may be in order? I am about to 
launch "New MapRoulette” or MapRoulette 2.0 which has native Overpass support 
to generate challenges with an overpass query. Let me know if you want to try 
it out. I am looking for a few interesting ‘Launching’ challenges :)

End of my hijacking this thread.. More on New MapRoulette soon!


> On May 19, 2016, at 2:27 AM, Paul Norman  wrote:
> I was debugging some MP issues and came across the NYSDEClands import[1], 
> done in 2010, consisting of natural areas. They have a number of unwanted 
> tags[2], and a couple of other problems with their tags
> Because there's a relatively small number of them, I think a mechanical edit 
> is the best cleanup option. I'm proposing the following
> - Removing NYDEC_Land:* tags
> - Removing area=yes where there are other area tags
> - Changing url=* to website=* where website does not already exist
> - Leaving source=* intact
> - Removing name=Unclassified
> [1]:
> [2]: e.g.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Tag railway=station on ways and Wiki

2016-05-19 Thread Nzara
In Europe we also have a number of quite complex stations with many 
entries and sometimes multiple levels. However a local mapper typically 
knows what is considered the "heart of the station". This might be a 
meeting area (official / unofficial), a waiting area, an information 
desk, a ticket box or something else. In most cases this differs from 
the centroid but is better to represent the station.

BTW: My biggest challenge to place a the station node is on small 
commuter stations: 2 tracks, 2 platforms, one entry on each side of the 
platform ( 4 in total), no station building, looks boring from 
everywhere, definitely not heart in this station;-).

Am 19.05.2016 um 08:40 schrieb Arun Ganesh:

The one point approach works for small stations with a single entrance,
but is a little misleading for large station complexes with multiple
entry points. We have quite a few of these in India, where both sides
are equally important like the New Delhi station:

In such cases its fair to add the marker in the centroid of the area,
and not on any particular side. The station building would then help the
user decide which entry is most convenient.

Talk-transit mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 304 10.05.2016–16.05.2016

2016-05-19 Thread Wochennotizteam

die Wochennotiz Nr. 304 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-de mailing list

[talk-latam] Semanario Nr. 304

2016-05-19 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 304, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en
el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español.


Algunos artículos destacados de esta edición # 304 son:

1. El programa de SotM de EE.UU está en línea.

2. HOT se está activando para mapear en apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en
Sri Lanka. La primera tarea ya está.

3. Missing Maps de Londres decidió poner más énfasis en el uso de JOSM.

4. Mapbox extiende su Geocoder mediante el soporte de información Wikidata

5. Johnattan Rupire informó a weeklyOSM sobre un video profesional
realizado acerca de un montón de aspectos de OSM. Los subtítulos están
disponibles en Francés e Inglés.

talk-latam mailing list

[Talk-es] Semanario Nr. 304

2016-05-19 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 304, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en
el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español.


Algunos artículos destacados de esta edición # 304 son:

1. El programa de SotM de EE.UU está en línea.

2. HOT se está activando para mapear en apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en
Sri Lanka. La primera tarea ya está.

3. Missing Maps de Londres decidió poner más énfasis en el uso de JOSM.

4. Mapbox extiende su Geocoder mediante el soporte de información Wikidata

5. Johnattan Rupire informó a weeklyOSM sobre un video profesional
realizado acerca de un montón de aspectos de OSM. Los subtítulos están
disponibles en Francés e Inglés.

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-cu] Semanario Nr. 304

2016-05-19 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 304, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en
el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español.


Algunos artículos destacados de esta edición # 304 son:

1. El programa de SotM de EE.UU está en línea.

2. HOT se está activando para mapear en apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en
Sri Lanka. La primera tarea ya está.

3. Missing Maps de Londres decidió poner más énfasis en el uso de JOSM.

4. Mapbox extiende su Geocoder mediante el soporte de información Wikidata

5. Johnattan Rupire informó a weeklyOSM sobre un video profesional
realizado acerca de un montón de aspectos de OSM. Los subtítulos están
disponibles en Francés e Inglés.

Talk-cu mailing list

[Talk-cl] Semanario Nr. 304

2016-05-19 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 304, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en
el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español.


Algunos artículos destacados de esta edición # 304 son:

1. El programa de SotM de EE.UU está en línea.

2. HOT se está activando para mapear en apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en
Sri Lanka. La primera tarea ya está.

3. Missing Maps de Londres decidió poner más énfasis en el uso de JOSM.

4. Mapbox extiende su Geocoder mediante el soporte de información Wikidata

5. Johnattan Rupire informó a weeklyOSM sobre un video profesional
realizado acerca de un montón de aspectos de OSM. Los subtítulos están
disponibles en Francés e Inglés.

Talk-cl mailing list

[OSM-co] Semanario Nr. 304

2016-05-19 Thread Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 304, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en
el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español.


Algunos artículos destacados de esta edición # 304 son:

1. El programa de SotM de EE.UU está en línea.

2. HOT se está activando para mapear en apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda en
Sri Lanka. La primera tarea ya está.

3. Missing Maps de Londres decidió poner más énfasis en el uso de JOSM.

4. Mapbox extiende su Geocoder mediante el soporte de información Wikidata

5. Johnattan Rupire informó a weeklyOSM sobre un video profesional
realizado acerca de un montón de aspectos de OSM. Los subtítulos están
disponibles en Francés e Inglés.

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands

2016-05-19 Thread Kevin Kenny

On 05/19/2016 05:27 AM, Paul Norman wrote:
I was debugging some MP issues and came across the NYSDEClands 
import[1], done in 2010, consisting of natural areas. They have a 
number of unwanted tags[2], and a couple of other problems with their 

Because there's a relatively small number of them, I think a 
mechanical edit is the best cleanup option. I'm proposing the following

- Removing NYDEC_Land:* tags
- Removing area=yes where there are other area tags
- Changing url=* to website=* where website does not already exist
- Leaving source=* intact
- Removing name=Unclassified

[2]: e.g.

Imports mailing list

You are talking about an import that is near and dear to me: this is my 
home turf!

This import needs more significant rework than what you propose, and in 
fact, I wrote to Russ privately just the other day about it.

There's no update plan, although the source shapefile is updated regularly.

Multipolygons were rather a botch in the original import (for instance, 
most of Saranac Lake Wild Forest is missing (something I just recently 
noticed). The same thing had happened to Indian Lake Wilderness and 
Overlook Mountain Wild Forest.  Some of the multipolygons have 
topological problems.

Nodes are duplicated all over the place. Whenever I touch one of these 
areas (usually to disconnnect a way) it triggers a cascade of JOSM 

Wildlife management areas are tagged merely with 'landuse=conservation', 
which is deprecated and does not render. They should be something more 
like 'leisure=nature_reserve boundary=protected_area protect_class=4', 
like the Pennsylvania State Game Lands. I would entertain an argument 
for a different protection class, maybe 14?

Wildlife management areas and multiple use areas have 'Wma' and 'Mua' in 
their names, which needs to be spelt out or at least capitalized.

The only real reason that I hadn't done it yet is that I'm trying to 
work up an update plan. I'm a good enough hand with PostGIS that I have 
a pretty good idea how to come up with the list of differences when a 
new version of the shapefile appears. But I'm ignorant of the tools for 
mechanical edits, and so it's been slow going. I'm quite meticulous 
about these things.

If you're willing, I think your time might be better spent on teaching 
me how to do the import.

That would have the pleasant side effect that I'd be able to do by myself. 
I'm going to ask for the shapefile when I ask NYCDEP for permission. 
This is done out of a superabundance of caution, since permission should 
not be needed in any case. New York City's open data policy covers this 
data set, and we've done a good many other imports relying on the 
policy. If need be, I have scripts that have successfully web-scraped 
the individual maps for all of the areas except for Devasego Park in 
Greene County, the Ashokan day use area in Ulster County, and the Cross 
River and Kensico dams in Westchester County. The PDF maps for those 
four areas are images only - there's no vector polygon in them to be 
scraped. They're tiny compared with the others - more like city parks, 
while the others are huge tracts of mountain, forest and marsh.

Learning how to do this sort of job would also let me make faster 
progress toward getting the Adirondack waterways sorted. That's a much 
harder database job - it's a multiway conflation among what's already in 
there (a quasi-mechanical import of ponds, plus satellite image tracing 
of a handful of major rivers), NHD, the Adirondack wetland database, the 
USFWS wetland database, and the NYSDOT water shapefiles. Every single 
one of these has major errors and omissions, but conflating the 
redundant coverage actually promises to yield something fairly clean.

Generally speaking, survey quality in these areas is extremely poor. I'd 
say that the first topographic maps of the Adirondacks that were made to 
even the standards of the Victorian era were the ones produced in the 
1980s for the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. And most online 
topographic map services don't even include them, because they were in 
metric units, used UTM rather than the state plane coordinate system, 
were referenced to NAD83 rather than NAD27, and were at 1:25000 rather 
than 1:24000 scale. They also were printed on rather poor paper, and 
shipped folded rather than rolled in mailing tubes. Because of that, no 
libraries have copies that really lie flat for scanning. They were huge 
sheets, since they were 7.5x15 minute double quads rather than 7.5x7.5. 
For that reason, a lot of their information simply never got digitized 
(or digitized well). A lot of the National Map stuff, NHD, and so on are 
actually based on the 1953 

[Talk-ec] Datos del Sistema Nacional de Información

2016-05-19 Thread Daniel Orellana
Buen inicio de semana, amigos.

Les traigo una excelente noticia: La Secretaría Nacional de Planificación
acaba de confirmar el carácter de "información pública" toda aquella
contenida en el Sistema Nacional de Información y autoriza su inclusión en

Esto implica que podemos comenzar a discutir prioridades de información y
estrategias de importación. Si alguien tiene experiencia en el tema,
podemos abrir una página en la wiki para documentar la importación

Una primera lista de la información que se podría incluir está aquí:

Estas y otras capas también están disponibles vía servicios WMS, WFS y TMS,
con lo cual podemos pensar diferentes estrategias de importación.

Les adjunto el documento de respaldo.


Daniel Orellana V.

PhD en Geoinformación
Grupo de Investigación en Ciudades Sustentables
Grupo de Investigación en Recursos Hídricos y Ciencias Ambientales
Universidad de Cuenca.
Talk-ec mailing list

[OSM-talk] Extract from OSM Planet History dump

2016-05-19 Thread Peter Mooney
Hello everyone,

During the summer time with some free time from teaching I want to do some
analysis of the OSM Planet History dump data.

Unfortunately I have ran into a few road blocks in trying to get osmium etc
to compile on my Ubuntu 14:04 machine. I spent a while trying to get this
working without success.

I only want two or three regional-based extracts. OSM History for UK and
Ireland would be my priority.

Would someone who has these tools currently working be willing to do this
extraction for me?

Thanks in advance,

Peter Mooney
Maynooth University,
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas
Volker mi segnala che il suo treno arriverà un pò dopo rispetto all'orario
indicato in programma; penso che comunque argomenti di discussione ce ne
siano e non ci annoieremo di certo.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread mircozorzo
D'accordo, grazie, a domani.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas
Per l'ingresso a OSMIT ho appena modificato la wiki.

Per cortesia entrate tutti da Via Tortona 56; troverete l'accoglienza e la
registrazione, dopo l'intervento d'apertura i lavori proseguiranno nelle
due sale.

Pernottamento: Siete tutti sistemati?
Alla fine io e Luca abbiamo preso una stanza al Nuovo Murillo (il primo
hotel 8 stelle al mondo :-) ).

> Ciao, grazie Alessandro, io sono già a Milano, se qualcuno vuole
> socializzare
> io ci sono.

Io ero su ieri sino alle 19, oggi respiro un pò di aria di mare e
domattina all'alba mi muovo.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread mircozorzo
Ciao, grazie Alessandro, io sono già a Milano, se qualcuno vuole socializzare
io ci sono.

Ciao, Mirco

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Data et vélos samedi à Sceaux (avec cartopartie inside)

2016-05-19 Thread Charles Nepote

Bonjour à tous,

Je sais que vous êtes nombreux ces prochains jours à voyager vers le 
massif central ;-) mais pour ceux qui ne font pas le voyage je vous 
informe de notre *journée data et vélo* à Sceaux :
samedi 21 mai, de 9h45 à 17h30 au Jardin de la Ménagerie, 70 rue Houdan 
à *Sceaux* (Hauts-de-Seine). Le programme est riche et on attend du 
monde puisque c'est la journée "vélo en ville" organisée par la commune.

Une cartopartie spéciale vélo démarre à 10h dans l'ancienne mairie à 
l'adresse ci-dessus.
OSM sera aussi à l'honneur sur notre stand avec un carte géante de 
Sceaux que les habitants vont annoter pour raconter leur usage du vélo 
dans la ville.
(Tirage A0 effectué à partir de MapOSMatic en supprimant le carroyage à 
la mano : pour 12€ en couleur et 4€ en N le résultat est magnifique ! 
Je vais le documenter)

Venez nombreux !

Charles Nepote.
06 16 72 72 37
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Proposed import cleanup: Olympic peninsula streams

2016-05-19 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 19 May 2016, Paul Norman wrote:
> - Simplifies them with JOSM, set to 2.5m threshold

That's not a good idea - incidently that is *never* a good idea for a 
meachanical edit, especially not with an absolute threshold.

I also don't see significant meaningless detail in the data so even if 
this was an original import i would not think this to be a wise 

Even if you decide to do this none the less you would have to make sure 
not to touch nodes that have been manually moved after the original 

> - Changes source=US-NPS_import_... to source=US NPS

This should be completely removed from the nodes and only retained on 

Christoph Hormann

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Tag railway=station on ways and Wiki

2016-05-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Mauro Constantini wrote:

Two hours later someone edited [4] the wiki page removing the
difference between a station and a halt, writing that the difference
is only in German speaking countries (of course it's false: English
has station/halt, Italian has stazione/fermata, French has
gare/halte, ...) That sounds like vandalism for me. (He decided we
shouldn't map reality?)

Your message is gratuitously offensive and based on a misreading.

I did _not_ remove the difference between a station and a halt.

I stated that the particular rationale used to differentiate between a 
station and a halt in German-speaking countries, in which the presence 
of points is the determining factor, was not necessarily the rationale 
used in other countries.

I would appreciate an apology for the accusation of vandalism and for 
the sarcastic comment about not mapping reality.


Talk-transit mailing list

[Talk-us] Proposed import cleanup: Olympic peninsula streams

2016-05-19 Thread Paul Norman

The Olympic peninsula has a a few imports from the US NFS and NPS

I'm proposing cleaning them up with a mechanical edit that for streams 
from the NFS

- Removes attribution=US-NFS, fixme=resurvey, import_uuid, length, 
length_unit, llid, and waterway_llid tags
- Changes 
source= to 
source=US NFS

- Removes name=No Name
- Simplifies them with JOSM, set to 2.5m threshold

For paths from the US NPS

- Removes attribution=US-NPS, fixme=resurvey, import_uuid, length, 
length_unit, NPS:*, US-NPS:* tags

- Changes source=US-NPS_import_... to source=US NPS
- Simplifies them with JOSM, set to 2.5m threshold

It's worth noting that the streams were originally imported in a 
reversed direction, but this has been fixed and downstream is now the

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 302

2016-05-19 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 302 týdeníku weeklyOSM:

Téma čísla: Mapování neznačených tras

* Import Stromy bez Bariér :-)
* Ozvěny zemětřesení v Ekvádoru.
* Údržba serverů OSM.
* OSM pro dyslektiky.
* Nulový ostrov.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Andrea Albani
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas

Il 19/05/2016 11:02, Andrea Albani ha scritto:

Ciao Alessandro,

ho visto che non è ancora stato pubblicato il link su Eventbrite per 
l'accesso al museo.

Ci sono novità in merito?

Se ti sei segnato sul google doc indicando la tua presenza al mapping 
party rientri nell'accesso al museo.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Proposed import cleanup: NYSDEClands

2016-05-19 Thread Paul Norman
I was debugging some MP issues and came across the NYSDEClands 
import[1], done in 2010, consisting of natural areas. They have a number 
of unwanted tags[2], and a couple of other problems with their tags

Because there's a relatively small number of them, I think a mechanical 
edit is the best cleanup option. I'm proposing the following

- Removing NYDEC_Land:* tags
- Removing area=yes where there are other area tags
- Changing url=* to website=* where website does not already exist
- Leaving source=* intact
- Removing name=Unclassified

[2]: e.g.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Video of "Community and Historical Mapping for All" talk

2016-05-19 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
Hi Rory, Brian, all,

Rory, thank you for sharing!
Very nice talk!!
Gongrats - Brian!!!

2016-05-19 9:17 GMT+02:00 Rory McCann :

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> Here's a video of a talk brianh gave introducing OSM to the Offaly
> Historical & Archaeological Society called "Community and Historical
> Mapping for All". It's an intro to OSM, but also focussing on the
> historical things in OSM, as well as our townlands mapping project.
> Rory


## Manfred Reiter - -
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Andrea Albani
Ciao Alessandro,

ho visto che non è ancora stato pubblicato il link su Eventbrite per
l'accesso al museo.
Ci sono novità in merito?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas

Buongiorno lista,
siamo a -1 da OSMIT

La registrazione per OSMer e spettatori (tutti tranne i relatori) è qui

Per gli accessi alle sale guardate qui (scusate la formattazione, sono 
di fretta)

in pratica, chi va alla sala 2 conviene entri dall'ingresso principale 
dalla rotonda di Via Tortona, prima scala antincendio a sinistra, 
secondo piano; chi va alla sala conferenze fa prima ad entrare da Via 
tortona 54 e prendere la prima scala antincendio che vede a destra e 
salire al primo piano.

Oltre ad OSMIT si svolgeranno altre due manifestazioni; vi pregheremmo 
di limitare al minimo gli spostamenti tra le sale.
Se qualcuno ha una prolunga o una ciabatta *buona* la porti perchè si sà 
che non bastano mai.

Scaldate i vostri GPS per il mapping party di sabato (ma non troppo 
sennò l'oscillatore locale non è preciso LOL).
Personalmente, oltre ai 3 GPS d'ordinanza, porto il modulino della 
u-blox M8T visto che c'era qualcuno interessato; in modalità dinamica 
non sono riuscito ad ottenere risultati soddisfacenti, vediamo di 
ragionarci sù.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-in] Mapping for HOT response for Sri Lanka floods

2016-05-19 Thread Arun Ganesh
HOT just activated for the floods in Sri Lanka

We can help out by mapping in the affected area:

We're seeing more extreme weather and even Chennai has reports of flooding
yesterday, which is unusual for this time of the year. Its also probably
time to think about how we can be prepared on the map front to help relief
agencies in India when help is required. The Chennai floods in November is
a reminder how vulnerable our cities are against nature.

Arun Ganesh

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Tag railway=station on ways and Wiki

2016-05-19 Thread Arun Ganesh
The one point approach works for small stations with a single entrance, but
is a little misleading for large station complexes with multiple entry
points. We have quite a few of these in India, where both sides are equally
important like the New Delhi station:

In such cases its fair to add the marker in the centroid of the area, and
not on any particular side. The station building would then help the user
decide which entry is most convenient.

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Nounours77 

> 100% agree with Nzara.
> Important to have ONE point for station, and the mapper can better decide
> where this is then an algorithm.
> nounours
> > Am 19.05.2016 um 07:28 schrieb Nzara :
> >
> > Hello Mauro,
> >
> > concerning your questions
> >
> >> Other question that came up was "why is it so important for that node
> >> to be unconnected with the railway track?"
> >>
> >
> >> Can someone help me to know exactly why it's better tagging a
> >> "railway=station" with a node only?
> >
> > I prefer the passengers view of a station or halt. If we will meet "at
> the station" where are you expecting to find me? This is the position, I
> usualy use for placing the railway=station node, definitly not on a track.
> The track carries nodes like public_transport=stop_position. Putting
> 'station' on a building or even a larger area leaves it to the renderer or
> any other data consumer to guess the center of the station from passenges
> view.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Nzara
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-transit mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-transit mailing list

Arun Ganesh

Talk-transit mailing list