Re: [Talk-hr] is_in tag

2009-10-13 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 01:38:45 +0200, nixa wrote:

 Jel oznacavate bi mjesta s is_in Croatia i is_in:continent Europe?

Dosta je stranaca koji su prija mapirali/kartitali po hrvatskoj koristili 
is_in tag, i sam sam vidjevsi da drugi ga koriste poceo po istoj spranci 
te tagove koristiti.

No dobio sam poruku od iskusnijih mapera izvana da se to vise ne koristi, 
pa sam shodno tome isao i uklanjao tagove gdje sam ih bio dodao. Mozda je 
po Slavoniji i okolo jos ostao koji, ali vecinu sam ih klonio.

Njegov argument je isto bio da je to zastario nacin mapiranja te da se 
sada koriste administrativne granice od određivanje gdje je koji grad.

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] asphalt ili paved?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
da li je surface=asphalt legalan tag? Koliko vidim po ovoj stranici:
Trebao bi se koristiti paved umjesto asphalt? Ili ne?

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] is_in tag

2009-10-13 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 07:34:16 +0200, Marjan Vrban wrote:

 Mislim da su to bespotebni tagovi

Sto ih onda nisi uklonio :) Pogledao sam sire podrucje oko slavonije i 
evo koliko sam nasao is_in tagova i tko ih je postavio, ili zadnji 
editirao a da nije uklonio:

i dio POI-a koji su imali is_in tag:

JOSM je mooocan alat za masovno editiranje i ispravljanje tagova, ali 
takodjer oprez s njegovim koristenjem.

Sredio sam taj dio, pogleda cu i ostatak nase lijepe.

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] is_in tag

2009-10-13 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:05:29 +0200, Marjan Vrban wrote:

 Molim da se postojeći ne uklanjaju..

Sto sada? Ostavljamo te tagove ili ne? Ne vidim smisla ako se ne koriste 
ih ostavljati, pogotovo ako definiramo na wiki-ju da se ne stavljaju, 
samo cemo zbunjivati nove korisnike koji budu dolazili + imat cemo 
nekonzistente podatke na razini drzave.

Ako cemo ih korisitit onda to treba imati svako mjesto, samo recite pa cu 
dodati, ali ako nece, onda treba ukloniti sa svakog mjesta.

Cak da netko i koristi to nema smisla da bude nekonzistentno, zar ne?

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] is_in tag

2009-10-13 Per discussione nixa
ja glasam za uklanjanje toga.

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] mkgmap javlja greske

2009-10-13 Per discussione hbogner

Pri kreiranju garmin karti mkgmap javlja greške, popis se nalazi u privitku.

Pomozite mi da ih riješimo.
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road L67038 (OSM id 39905820) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Bikcevic trail (OSM id 17263219) contains zero 
length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 17263226) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 17263226) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog (OSM id 8139081) 
contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Anićeva (OSM id 29021061) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Andrije Kačiića Miošića (OSM id 39314720) 
contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 42141746) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 42141748) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road L67039 (OSM id 42296164) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Ukrajinska (OSM id 29022037) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 25460085) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 25460085) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Bikcevic trail (OSM id 25460088) contains zero 
length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 31002511) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road 126.brigade Hrvatske vojske (OSM id 42407183) 
contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road D1 Bana Jelačića (OSM id 42409228) contains zero 
length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road D1 Zagrebačka ulica (OSM id 42409046) contains zero 
length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 35073528) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Brače Radić (OSM id 39159525) contains zero length 
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 27245317) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Bazana (OSM id 40377403) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 37490826) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Kuparska (OSM id 37448661) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Velika cesta (OSM id 29707573) contains zero length 
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 25689794) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Žrtava Fašizma (OSM id 35836938) contains zero 
length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road Velika ulica (OSM id 6281339) contains zero length 
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):
SEVERE (RoadNetwork): Road null (OSM id 40808691) contains zero length arc
SEVERE (RoadNetwork):

Re: [Talk-hr] asphalt ili paved?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Valent Turkovic
On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:55:25 +0200, Matija Nalis wrote:

 hm, ne ? To gore sto navodis je proposal u statusu Abandoned. A i
 dok je bio aktivan namjera mu je bila samo prosiriti skup vrijednosti,
 Originalna stranica za taj tag je: koja ga uredno navodi...

Mea culpa, sada vidim da sam fulao u citanju wikija, moj fail.
 paved/unpaved su grube vrijednosti, ako ne znas precizinije (kao
 asphalt, concrete, wood, sand...)

Ok, eto jos jedan tag za koji cemo se svi sloziti kako ga koristiti, 
dakle ima tko prijedlog kako oznaciti pravilno cestu?

surface=asphalt je onda za 95% cesta koje su primary, secundary ili 
tertiray oznaka s kojom se ne moze promasiti ili?

pratite me na twitteru -
linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Kvartovi u place=town

2009-10-13 Per discussione Matija Nalis
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 07:04:32PM +, Valent Turkovic wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 18:45:49 +, Valent Turkovic wrote:
  Gradske četvrti su administrativne zone i obično jasno definirane unutar
  No mozda sam u krivu pa se gradske cetvrti drugacije oznacavaju, ima li
  tko ideju?
 Nasao sam kako se oznacavaju gradske cetvrti:

BTW, pokusavam malo to sve dokumentirati sto se dogovorimo na listi, pa sad
dodajem upute za oznacavanje gradova, kvartova itd na karti i u wikiju na imamo li nekih primjera kako su nam oznacene
cetvrti i kvartovi na karti ? koji boundary= se koristi u HR ?

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] asphalt ili paved?

2009-10-13 Per discussione nixa
Valent Turkovic wrote:
 surface=asphalt je onda za 95% cesta koje su primary, secundary ili 
 tertiray oznaka s kojom se ne moze promasiti ili?

ja inace ceste oznacim samo s highway i ne stavljam nikakav surface, 
eventualno ako je cesta makadam onda stavim highway=track, tracktype i 

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Kvartovi u place=town

2009-10-13 Per discussione Matija Nalis
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:26:03PM +0200, Marjan Vrban wrote:
 On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:13:30 +0200, Matija Nalis wrote:
  BTW, pokusavam malo to sve dokumentirati sto se dogovorimo na listi, pa sad
  dodajem upute za oznacavanje gradova, kvartova itd na karti i u wikiju na imamo li nekih primjera kako su nam oznacene
  cetvrti i kvartovi na karti ? koji boundary= se koristi u HR ?
 Jesi pogledo

nisam, tnx. Idem to ukomponirati i polinkati.

BTW, nisam imao pojma da je to toliko kompleksno :)

imamo znaci (ako sam dobro pohvatao):

Drzava Hrvatska (kom.1) == zupanije (kom.21) == gradovi(kom.127) ==
opcine(kom.429) == gradske cetvrti (kom.17 u Zg) == kvartovi (red 
velicine 100ak u Zg) 

Ima li jos nesto da fali ?

Vidim da si naveo Hrvatsku drzavnu granicu (admin_level=2), zupanije
(level=4), statisticke regije (sto god to bilo, level=5), opcine (level=8),
kvartove (level=10)

A gdje su tu gradovi ? Mozda su oni statisticke regije ? 
Ili su oni negdje izmedju (6 ? 7 ?)

gradske cetvrti bi mogle biti onda level=9 ?

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Kvartovi u place=town

2009-10-13 Per discussione Marjan Vrban
 nisam, tnx. Idem to ukomponirati i polinkati.
 BTW, nisam imao pojma da je to toliko kompleksno :)
 imamo znaci (ako sam dobro pohvatao):
 Drzava Hrvatska (kom.1) == zupanije (kom.21) == gradovi(kom.127) ==
 opcine(kom.429) == gradske cetvrti (kom.17 u Zg) == kvartovi (red 
 velicine 100ak u Zg) 
 Ima li jos nesto da fali ?
 Vidim da si naveo Hrvatsku drzavnu granicu (admin_level=2), zupanije
 (level=4), statisticke regije (sto god to bilo, level=5), opcine (level=7), 
 gradovi,sela (8)
 četvrti (9) kvartovi (level=10)
 A gdje su tu gradovi ? Mozda su oni statisticke regije ? 
 Ili su oni negdje izmedju (6 ? 7 ?)
 gradske cetvrti bi mogle biti onda level=9 ?

Ažurirano na: 
(level=4), statisticke regije (sto god to bilo, level=5), opcine (level=7),
gradovi,sela (8), četvrti (9), kvartovi (level=10)

Talk-hr mailing list

[talk-ph] efcos and flood monitoring thoughts

2009-10-13 Per discussione maning sambale
Just sharing:

My incoherent thoughts on EFCOS and the state of flood monitoring in
Metro Manila

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-si] vzdrževanje SI:Garmin_Map

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Vuk

Jaz lahko ponudim gostovanje datotek na našem strežniku (Fakulteta za
računalništvo in informatiko). Lahko ponudim tudi virtualni linux
strežnik za avtomatsko generiranje map, če je kdo pripravlje namestiti
in skonfigurirati programsko opremo.

LP Martin

2009/10/12 Igor Brejc

 Ali je kdo od vas zainteresiran, da bi prevzel vzdrževanje Garmin mape
 za Slovenijo? Sam namreč imam dosti drugih OSM-obveznosti in se redko
 spomnim, da bi updatal mapo. Poleg tega je problem, da so na OSMXAPI
 omejili količino podatkov ki jih lahko downloadaš v enem kosu in zdaj ne
 zadostuje niti razdelitev Slovenije na 4 kose.

 Idealno bi bilo, če bi ta kandidat imel dostop do kakšnega zastonj
 server hostinga, da lahko tam drži Garmin mape (cca 20-30 MB) za
 downloadat. Npr. kakšen hosting z naših fakultet, da lahko tudi mi malo
 izkoristimo (naš/javni) denar.

 Jaz lahko providam vse potrebne skripte in SW za generiranje map
 (teoretično dela tudi na Linuxu). Samega dela ni veliko, mogoče je
 največ z updatanjem SLO OSM podatkov, vendar se tudi to da
 avtomatizirati, če postavite PostGIS bazo (tukaj lahko pomagam z

 Lep pozdrav,


 Talk-si mailing list

Talk-si mailing list

Re: [Talk-si] vzdrževanje SI:Garmin_Map

2009-10-13 Per discussione Roman Maurer
Igor Brejc pravi:
 Ali je kdo od vas zainteresiran, da bi prevzel vzdrževanje Garmin mape 
 za Slovenijo? Sam namreč imam dosti drugih OSM-obveznosti in se redko 
 spomnim, da bi updatal mapo. Poleg tega je problem, da so na OSMXAPI 
 omejili količino podatkov ki jih lahko downloadaš v enem kosu in zdaj ne 
 zadostuje niti razdelitev Slovenije na 4 kose.

Javljam se za to dolžnost, a opozarjam, da sem v OSM začetnik in še niti vseh 
pojmov ne poznam.  Zaenkrat sem:

(a) reproduciral postopek po navodilih iz na manjšem delu 
osrednje Slovenije in

(b) ugotovil, da za celo Slovenijo (-b 45,13,47,17) strežnik javlja napako, ki 
potem zmede makemap: errorQuery limit of 1,000,000 elements reached/error.

Kako lahko združim posebej pobrane kose v output.osm (omenjaš 4)?

 Jaz lahko providam vse potrebne skripte in SW za generiranje map 
 (teoretično dela tudi na Linuxu). Samega dela ni veliko, mogoče je 
 največ z updatanjem SLO OSM podatkov, vendar se tudi to da 
 avtomatizirati, če postavite PostGIS bazo (tukaj lahko pomagam z 

Pri tem bi te prosil za pomoč oz. usmeritev na kakšna navodila.

Martin Vuk pravi:
 Jaz lahko ponudim gostovanje datotek na našem strežniku (Fakulteta za
 računalništvo in informatiko). Lahko ponudim tudi virtualni linux
 strežnik za avtomatsko generiranje map, če je kdo pripravlje namestiti
 in skonfigurirati programsko opremo.

Za gostovanje datotek se priporočam.  Z avtomatskim generiranjem map misliš 
nekaj takega, kar bi moral biti , če bi bil pogosteje 

Talk-si mailing list

Re: [Talk-si] vzdrževanje SI:Garmin_Map

2009-10-13 Per discussione Stefan Baebler

Če resursi niso pretirano omejujoči bi lahko:
- vzdrževali lokalno kopijo podatkov (izseka do celih stopinj v
postgres/postgis bazi)
- hosting z zemljevidom tega področja (s srtm izohipsami)
- mapnik rendering zemljevida s prioriteto name:sl variantam imen (zna
biti zanimivo v obmejnih področjih)
- arhiv izsekov osm podatkov (npr tedenski ali mesečni dump področja,
da se vidi rast)
- podatki v drugih oblikah (garmin img, navit...pač po potrebi in zmožnostih)
- izdelave raznih statistik, trendov, tagwatch ipd
- študentje bi lahko imeli to kot poligon za svoje projekte na realnih
podatkih, zanimivejše dosežke bi lahko predstavili na spletu (tudi v
živo s trenutnimi podatki)

Bi ta virtualka bila od zunaj dosegljiva prek porta 80?
Kakšne bi bile omejitve (disk, ram...) in ali bi se jih dalo po
potrebi dvigniti?


2009/10/13 Roman Maurer
 Igor Brejc pravi:
 Ali je kdo od vas zainteresiran, da bi prevzel vzdrževanje Garmin mape
 za Slovenijo? Sam namreč imam dosti drugih OSM-obveznosti in se redko
 spomnim, da bi updatal mapo. Poleg tega je problem, da so na OSMXAPI
 omejili količino podatkov ki jih lahko downloadaš v enem kosu in zdaj ne
 zadostuje niti razdelitev Slovenije na 4 kose.

 Javljam se za to dolžnost, a opozarjam, da sem v OSM začetnik in še niti vseh 
 pojmov ne poznam.  Zaenkrat sem:

 (a) reproduciral postopek po navodilih iz na manjšem delu 
 osrednje Slovenije in

 (b) ugotovil, da za celo Slovenijo (-b 45,13,47,17) strežnik javlja napako, 
 ki potem zmede makemap: errorQuery limit of 1,000,000 elements 

 Kako lahko združim posebej pobrane kose v output.osm (omenjaš 4)?

 Jaz lahko providam vse potrebne skripte in SW za generiranje map
 (teoretično dela tudi na Linuxu). Samega dela ni veliko, mogoče je
 največ z updatanjem SLO OSM podatkov, vendar se tudi to da
 avtomatizirati, če postavite PostGIS bazo (tukaj lahko pomagam z

 Pri tem bi te prosil za pomoč oz. usmeritev na kakšna navodila.

 Martin Vuk pravi:
 Jaz lahko ponudim gostovanje datotek na našem strežniku (Fakulteta za
 računalništvo in informatiko). Lahko ponudim tudi virtualni linux
 strežnik za avtomatsko generiranje map, če je kdo pripravlje namestiti
 in skonfigurirati programsko opremo.

 Za gostovanje datotek se priporočam.  Z avtomatskim generiranjem map misliš 
 nekaj takega, kar bi moral biti , če bi bil 
 pogosteje osveževan?

 Talk-si mailing list

Talk-si mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
As I suspected the OS has taken a hard line with respect to copyright and
publication date.



-Original Message-
From: Customer Services [] 
Sent: 13 October 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)


Dear Mr Robinson


Ordnance Survey reference: 72267


Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2009 requesting: seeking
clarification regarding Crown Copyright status for those Ordnance Survey map
sheets which do not carry a specific Crown Copyright (c) date.  Please
provide confirmation of the date when, for the following hard copy printed
map sheet examples, Crown Copyright expired or will expire.


Example 1:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SU93. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1948.  Reprinted with minor corrections 1960.


Example 2:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet NY21. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1956.  Reprinted with minor changes 1963.


Example 3:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SO98. Print edition B///*. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1953.  Reprinted with the addition of new major roads 1967.


We are pleased to provide you with the following information with regard to
your request.


Crown copyright is retained for 50 years from the end of the year in which
the last date of publication on, in this instance, an Ordnance Survey map is
stated.  In the examples provided this means for example 1, from 31 December
1960 until the end of 2010; example 2 from 31 December 1963 until the end of
2013; and example 3 from 31 December 1967 until the end of 2017.


Please note that your enquiry has been processed to Freedom of Information
guidelines, though technically this request does not qualify under the FOIA
as this is not information which is held.  As this is the case, we have
determined that in all the circumstances of this case the Public interest
consideration (section 17 FOIA) is not applicable in this instance.


If you are unhappy with our response, you may raise an appeal to our Appeals
Officer at:

Complaints Team

Customer Service Centre

Ordnance Survey

Romsey Road


SO16 4GU  

Please include the reference number above. The Appeals Officer will ensure
that the process has been followed correctly, questioning any decisions
taken regarding the original response and recommending disclosure of
additional information if appropriate.

Thank you for your enquiry.

Yours sincerely


Tony Gray

Information Access Manager

(Freedom of Information)

Ordnance Survey 

C454, Romsey Road, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, SO16 4GU
Phone: +44 (0)8456 05 05 05 Fax: +44 (0) 23 8079 2615




This email is only intended for the person to whom it is addressed and may
contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error,
please notify the sender and delete this email which must not be copied,
distributed or disclosed to any other person.

Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this email are personal to the
writer and do not represent the official view of Ordnance Survey. Nor can
any contract be formed on Ordnance Survey's behalf via email. We reserve the
right to monitor emails and attachments without prior notice.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road
Southampton SO16 4GU
Tel: 08456 050505

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Barnett, Phillip
Doesn't this appear to contradict the advice given to Tim SC here?


T +44 (0)20 7430 4474
P  Please consider the environment. Do you really need to print this email?
-Original Message-

[] On Behalf Of Andy Robinson 
Sent: 13 October 2009 15:33
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

As I suspected the OS has taken a hard line with respect to copyright and
publication date.



-Original Message-
From: Customer Services []
Sent: 13 October 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

Dear Mr Robinson

Ordnance Survey reference: 72267

Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2009 requesting: seeking
clarification regarding Crown Copyright status for those Ordnance Survey map
sheets which do not carry a specific Crown Copyright (c) date.  Please
provide confirmation of the date when, for the following hard copy printed
map sheet examples, Crown Copyright expired or will expire.

Example 1:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SU93. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1948.  Reprinted with minor corrections 1960.

Example 2:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet NY21. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1956.  Reprinted with minor changes 1963.

Example 3:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SO98. Print edition B///*. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1953.  Reprinted with the addition of new major roads 1967.

We are pleased to provide you with the following information with regard to
your request.

Crown copyright is retained for 50 years from the end of the year in which
the last date of publication on, in this instance, an Ordnance Survey map is
stated.  In the examples provided this means for example 1, from 31 December
1960 until the end of 2010; example 2 from 31 December 1963 until the end of
2013; and example 3 from 31 December 1967 until the end of 2017.

Please note that your enquiry has been processed to Freedom of Information
guidelines, though technically this request does not qualify under the FOIA
as this is not information which is held.  As this is the case, we have
determined that in all the circumstances of this case the Public interest
consideration (section 17 FOIA) is not applicable in this instance.

If you are unhappy with our response, you may raise an appeal to our Appeals
Officer at:

Complaints Team

Customer Service Centre

Ordnance Survey

Romsey Road


SO16 4GU

Please include the reference number above. The Appeals Officer will ensure
that the process has been followed correctly, questioning any decisions
taken regarding the original response and recommending disclosure of
additional information if appropriate.

Thank you for your enquiry.

Yours sincerely

Tony Gray

Information Access Manager

(Freedom of Information)

Ordnance Survey

C454, Romsey Road, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, SO16 4GU
Phone: +44 (0)8456 05 05 05 Fax: +44 (0) 23 8079 2615

This email is only intended for the person to whom it is addressed and may
contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error,
please notify the sender and delete this email which must not be copied,
distributed or disclosed to any other person.

Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this email are personal to the
writer and do not represent the official view of Ordnance Survey. Nor can
any contract be formed on Ordnance Survey's behalf via email. We reserve the
right to monitor emails and attachments without prior notice.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road
Southampton SO16 4GU
Tel: 08456 050505

legal-talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
I'm comfortable that the OS has spoken. A map published with a (c) date
means the (c) date applies and if no (c) date printed then the last
publication date on the sheet applies.

At least we have a basis to move on though I think we could still appeal
this latest FOIA response.



-Original Message-
From: [mailto:legal-talk-] On Behalf Of Barnett, Phillip
Sent: 13 October 2009 3:47 PM
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference

Doesn't this appear to contradict the advice given to Tim SC here?


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-Original Message-

From: [mailto:legal-talk-] On Behalf Of Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
Sent: 13 October 2009 15:33
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

As I suspected the OS has taken a hard line with respect to copyright and
publication date.



-Original Message-
From: Customer Services []
Sent: 13 October 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

Dear Mr Robinson

Ordnance Survey reference: 72267

Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2009 requesting: seeking
clarification regarding Crown Copyright status for those Ordnance Survey
sheets which do not carry a specific Crown Copyright (c) date.  Please
provide confirmation of the date when, for the following hard copy printed
map sheet examples, Crown Copyright expired or will expire.

Example 1:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SU93. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1948.  Reprinted with minor corrections 1960.

Example 2:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet NY21. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1956.  Reprinted with minor changes 1963.

Example 3:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SO98. Print edition B///*. Made
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1953.  Reprinted with the addition of new major roads 1967.

We are pleased to provide you with the following information with regard to
your request.

Crown copyright is retained for 50 years from the end of the year in which
the last date of publication on, in this instance, an Ordnance Survey map
stated.  In the examples provided this means for example 1, from 31
1960 until the end of 2010; example 2 from 31 December 1963 until the end
2013; and example 3 from 31 December 1967 until the end of 2017.

Please note that your enquiry has been processed to Freedom of Information
guidelines, though technically this request does not qualify under the FOIA
as this is not information which is held.  As this is the case, we have
determined that in all the circumstances of this case the Public interest
consideration (section 17 FOIA) is not applicable in this instance.

If you are unhappy with our response, you may raise an appeal to our
Officer at:

Complaints Team

Customer Service Centre

Ordnance Survey

Romsey Road


SO16 4GU

Please include the reference number above. The Appeals Officer will ensure
that the process has been followed correctly, questioning any decisions
taken regarding the original response and recommending disclosure of
additional information if appropriate.

Thank you for your enquiry.

Yours sincerely

Tony Gray

Information Access Manager

(Freedom of Information)

Ordnance Survey

C454, Romsey Road, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, SO16 4GU
Phone: +44 (0)8456 05 05 05 Fax: +44 (0) 23 8079 2615

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Thank you for your cooperation.

Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road
Southampton SO16 4GU
Tel: 08456 050505

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] State of the Map 2010 - Where?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Henk Hoff
State of the Map 2009 is now several months behind us. Thanks to all the 
people who where there (either in person or virtual) we can look back on 
three awesome days. It showed what a wonderfull bunch of people we are!

It's time to think about the next State of the Map, SotM10.  During the 
last conference there have been an informal vote on the location of next 
years event. Several places where mentioned including the ranch of 
former president George Bush or a Lidl supermarket. We apparently do not 
only want our data to be used in unexpected ways but also want to have 
our conference at unexpected locations!

Now it's time to work on the next location/venue of the State of the 
Map. Do you want to have this international conference in your favorite 
country/city? Let's hear it!

The call for bids is now open at


Henk Hoff
State of the Map 2010

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
Hello everybody,

I propose to add a tag boundary=military : the problem is that, with the
existing tags, it's almost impossible to mark correctly lots of data, like
(non limitative list) forest, scholl, parking lot, …

Rather than multiplying the military=* tag, I suggest to only mark the
external limit of the military area.


Comments are welcomed on



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Instead of voting

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/10/12 James Livingston

 If there is a wiki page which describes a tag in a limited way, and I
 want to document how I've used it, what should I be doing?

IMHO you should either try to find out that your definition of the tag
is the one the majority of mappers supports (and uses), or you should
invent another tag.

 * edit the main page, which could annoy the people who created the page

+1, you shouldn't do this without discussing it first if you are
changing the actual meaning of a tag, or better: you should invent
another tag to describe what you want to express.

 * add a note to the discussion page, which someone searching the wiki
 for how to tag things won't read

 * create a new page describing my version, which leads to conflicting
no, this is IMHO counterproductive, as different pages with different
content/definition for the same tag will 100% lead to chaos. IMHO you
should generally invent a new tag if possible.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Visual map for the blind

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
  What tag would you use for bus/tram stops with a i button that reads
  out the information about trams soonest to arrive, aloud?
  I have never seen those before.
  Not proposed yet, but I guess many things need explanation,
  so I would tag it like that:
  description:en:blind=There is an information button that reads out
  schedule times

 It doesn't seem like a tourism thing to me, wouldn't they be designed
 for people that live in the area?

 Well, ordinary maps and tactile maps are used by people living in that area, 
 too, but the information tag is placed in tourism.
 That does not matter, because we can display elements from any namespaces on 
 any map.

while this is true, it might still facilitate life for editor-creators
and data-consumers as for mappers to have all these kind of tag
subsummarized in one big tag like k=disabled v=* or k=accessibility,
v=* so you can easily find them in one rubrique instead of searching
all over the wiki in different tags and pages.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] Google has dual carriage way where it's not built yet

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/10/12 Ben Laenen
 I made a proposal:

 So what's the difference with highway=proposed + proposed=...?

 I can't seem to find the wiki page, but highway=proposed is already in use and
 it's rendered in the Mapnik layer.

maybe this one?
there's also an inactive duplicate here:

there's a big difference: my proposal doesn't break rendering for
renderers/routers/other consumers that don't know the tag planned,
while the linked proposal breaks it by rendering a proposed street
like an already built one in case it doesn't know the specific tag!


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Claudius
Am 12.10.2009 01:00, Dave G:

 It may be a localisation problem or semantics but it appears that
 alpine hut / regular hut / shelter / etc. definitions
 or perceptions vary between countryies as previously stated:

   This is my interpretation of an Alpine Hut -
 In the United Kingdom  and
 Ireland  the tradition is of
 unwardened climbing huts providing fairly rudimentary accommodation

 The problem with the is that these definition doesn't fit my situation
 in New Zealand and
 we have a network of over 900 back country huts

 An alpine hut in NZ might look more like this:
 or  but sorry
 not restaurants!!

 My intention with my proposal:
 was to create a generic tagging system for buildings, where features
 are tagged/listed, hopefully to avoid the
 localisation problems ie. the you say potato, I say potaaato problem ?


True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection 
hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower 
right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad 
weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have 
any facilities or even power supply.

Don't you call these shelter in English?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Shaun McDonald

On 13 Oct 2009, at 12:04, Claudius wrote:

True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection
hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in  
pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower
right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad
weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have
any facilities or even power supply.

Don't you call these shelter in English?

A shelter is a really wide ranging thing, from a shelter at a bus stop  
so that you don't get so wet when it is raining while waiting for the  
bus, through to what you are stating. How do you tag the differences?

For a bus stop there is highway=bus_stop; shelter=yes.
What about a railway station, well halt? There are some smaller  
stations that have a shelter that is a similar style to a bus stop  
shelter. How should those be tagged when you want to state the  
location of it along the length of the railway=platform?


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

 True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection 
 hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower 
 right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad 
 weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have 
 any facilities or even power supply.
 Don't you call these shelter in English?

Don't know about English but as always the US version is larger:



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] Google has dual carriage way where it's not built yet

2009-10-13 Per discussione Ben Laenen
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 2009/10/12 Ben Laenen
  I made a proposal:
  So what's the difference with highway=proposed + proposed=...?
  I can't seem to find the wiki page, but highway=proposed is already in
  use and it's rendered in the Mapnik layer.
 maybe this one?

no, not this one.

 there's also an inactive duplicate here:

More or less.

The syntax is just like your proposal, but instead of using planned, it uses 

So either
highway=proposed + proposed=primary/secondary/...
railway=proposed + proposed=rail/tram/...

Given that Mapnik is already rendering the highway=proposed syntax, it makes 
sense to just adjust your proposal to use proposed instead of planned. And 
you don't really need to go through RFC or voting or whatever, because it's 
basically documenting established use ( currently gives 200 usages 
of highway=proposed -- which is actually quite a lot for something which is 
almost unmappable...).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/13 Frederik Ramm

 True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection
 hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower
 right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad
 weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have
 any facilities or even power supply.

 Don't you call these shelter in English?

 Don't know about English but as always the US version is larger:


shelter in english is too ambiguous without knowing the context, how
about building=hut ?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Visual map for the blind

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lulu-Ann

 Datum: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:57:18 +0200
 Von: Martin Koppenhoefer
 Betreff: Re: [OSM-talk] Visual map for the blind

   What tag would you use for bus/tram stops with a i button that
   out the information about trams soonest to arrive, aloud?
   I have never seen those before.
   Not proposed yet, but I guess many things need explanation,
   so I would tag it like that:
   description:en:blind=There is an information button that reads out
   schedule times
  It doesn't seem like a tourism thing to me, wouldn't they be designed
  for people that live in the area?
  Well, ordinary maps and tactile maps are used by people living in that
 area, too, but the information tag is placed in tourism.
  That does not matter, because we can display elements from any
 namespaces on any map.
 while this is true, it might still facilitate life for editor-creators
 and data-consumers as for mappers to have all these kind of tag
 subsummarized in one big tag like k=disabled v=* or k=accessibility,
 v=* so you can easily find them in one rubrique instead of searching
 all over the wiki in different tags and pages.

I would love to agree, but the needs of disabled persons are widely spread over 
our tagging scheme anyway, and awareness of objects that refer to accessibility 
is nearly zero.
There are categories for visual, hearing and walking impariment, colletcted in 
the category accessibiliy.

The :blind in my proposal as a postfix was an idea to approach what you 


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[OSM-talk] Taggin for the blind [was: Re: Visual map for the blind]

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lulu-Ann
Lulu-Ann wrote:
  I would love to agree, but the needs of disabled persons are widely
 spread over our tagging scheme anyway, and awareness of objects that refer to
 accessibility is nearly zero.
  There are categories for visual, hearing and walking impariment,
 colletcted in the category accessibiliy.
  The :blind in my proposal as a postfix was an idea to approach what
 you recommend.

John proposed:
 accessibility:blind=* ?

This does not help. Tell me the values, and I can tell you if they might 
I guess we will reach all non graphics interfaces, if we use

description:language-abbrev.:blind = Description text in whole sentences.

so any device can read out a full sentence on the found accessibility means.

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Dave F.
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection 
 hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower 
 right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad 
 weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have 
 any facilities or even power supply.

 Don't you call these shelter in English?

 Don't know about English but as always the US version is larger:
That first one looks more like a rockery to me. :-)

I think that shelter should be used for bus/park etc.

The life  death seriousness of the high altitude shelters should be 
noted - something like survival_shelter?

The building described with restaurants  bedrooms are *not* shelters 
but hotels.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Gilles Corlobé writes:
  I propose to add a tag boundary=military

Where is this tag currently being used?  Please point to several
examples so we can see what you mean.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-323-1241
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetBugs: shared database and translations

2009-10-13 Per discussione Mitja Kleider
I am happy to announce that error reports are now stored in one single 
database, no matter whether you are using the interface at or at the Google hosted

As before, you can download all bugs in a daily dump at

There is another change in the new interface: Translation support.
Currently there is French, Japanese and German available and served if your 
browser sends the corresponding Accept-Language header.

Thanks to Nazotoko and Xav!

If you would like to translate the interface to your language, just grab, fill the empty 
strings after the colon and send it to me. Please do not forget to mention the 
ISO code of your language or rename the file accordingly.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] FOSSGIS 2010 conference: Call for Papers

2009-10-13 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

the Call for Papers for the FOSSGIS 2010 conference (2-5 March,
Osnabrueck, Germany) is out:

This conference is going to be the first major German OSM conference
(with a little bit of traditional Open Source GIS stuff at the beginning
;-). Tuesday and Wednesday will be more traditional OS GIS stuff and
Thursday and Friday will be dominated by OSM.

There will be social events on Tuesday and Thursday night.

It will be possible to extend the conference to Saturday if e.g. some
teams would like to hold a coding sprint or something, but we're
unlikely to have any talks on Saturday.

International visitors and speakers are welcome. The programme committee
has the following message for international speakers:

 FOSSGIS is a German-language conference primarily for a German
 audience. The program committee will, however, also consider
 applications for talks or workshops held in English if they are
 deeemed to add to the quality of the conference. So if you don't
 speak German, but are a FOSS/Open Data celebrity, or have a story
 that only you can tell, please do submit your talk. We are unlikely
 to be able to provide interpreters, but we'll make sure you don't get
 lost in Germany.

Submission of talks is done using the widely used Pentabarf software 
which defaults to German but can be switched to English by the 
submitting user:

For the OSM part, we're looking for all kinds of interesting talks - 
about mapping, about the use of OSM in various contexts, about cool bits 
of software you have written or why you think OSM is never going to 
work. We're planning to have 30-minute talks (including discussion) but 
if you need more time or less, just note it.

Please note that FOSSGIS is an Open Source conference. The programme 
committee will not normally consider talks that focus on proprietary 
software, although exceptions may be made when OSM is concerned (How to 
use an $5k Illustrator Plugin to create nice OSM maps would be such a 
corner case).

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, or put you in touch 
with the people who can.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Russ Nelson []
 Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 16:38
 À : Gilles Corlobé
 Cc :
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)
 Gilles Corlobé writes:
   I propose to add a tag boundary=military
 Where is this tag currently being used?  Please point to several
 examples so we can see what you mean.
This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :
Inside the miltary area, there is : a forest, a research center, a
high-school, a sport complexe with swiming pool, a parking lot, and
accomodations for all the seamen (it's a navy facility).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Anthony
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Claudius wrote:
 True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection
 hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower
 right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad
 weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have
 any facilities or even power supply.

 Don't you call these shelter in English?

I'd call it a hut.  I suppose it's technically a shelter, but from
the description you gave, before I clicked on the link, I wasn't
expecting something with four walls.  A shelter is anything with a
roof.  It might have 0 walls, or it might have more walls, but if it
has four walls I'd generally use a more descriptive name for it.

I'm williing to go with the majority though.  Right now, I'm tagging
picnic-type shelters (see as
amenity=shelter.  This looks dumb when zooming in on the map, but I
don't tag for the renderers :).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Shaun McDonald

On 13 Oct 2009, at 16:35, Gilles Corlobé wrote:

-Message d'origine-
De : Russ Nelson []
Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 16:38
À : Gilles Corlobé
Cc :
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
- RFC - (boundary=military)

Gilles Corlobé writes:

I propose to add a tag boundary=military

Where is this tag currently being used?  Please point to several
examples so we can see what you mean.

This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :
Inside the miltary area, there is : a forest, a research center, a
high-school, a sport complexe with swiming pool, a parking lot, and
accomodations for all the seamen (it's a navy facility).

Before you propose a tag, you should be using it.

Do you have any photos of this? For example signs.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Shaun McDonald []
 Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 17:46
 À : Gilles Corlobé
 Cc :
 Objet : **SPAM ENGLISH BODY** Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)
 On 13 Oct 2009, at 16:35, Gilles Corlobé wrote:
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Russ Nelson []
  Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 16:38
  À : Gilles Corlobé
  Cc :
  Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
  - RFC - (boundary=military)
  Gilles Corlobé writes:
  I propose to add a tag boundary=military
  Where is this tag currently being used?  Please point to several
  examples so we can see what you mean.
  This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :
  Inside the miltary area, there is : a forest, a research center, a
  high-school, a sport complexe with swiming pool, a parking lot, and
  accomodations for all the seamen (it's a navy facility).
 Before you propose a tag, you should be using it.
 Do you have any photos of this? For example signs.
The photo on the page commes
from there.
And before using it, I wanted to get its approval from the community. But if
it's ok, I'll do it.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Gilles Corlobé writes:
  This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :

Why wait?  Tag boldly and document what you did in the wiki.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-323-1241
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
 -Message d'origine-
 De : [mailto:talk-] De la part de Russ Nelson
 Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 17:54
 À :
 Objet : **SPAM ENGLISH BODY** Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)
 Gilles Corlobé writes:
   This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :
 Why wait?  Tag boldly and document what you did in the wiki.
I didn't know I didn't have to wait the approval.
It's now done :

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Pieren
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Russ Nelson wrote:
 Why wait?  Tag boldly and document what you did in the wiki.

No, no and no. If you are unsure or unhappy with existing tags, then
document, suggest and discuss before putting crap in OSM !


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione SteveC
Dave - super awesome.

As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I  
think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting  
people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

Another random thought - should the addressing ways be one long way  
with two nodes per block, or lots of two node ways? My immediate  
preference is for the former...?

Also - the ways will be deplaced 90 degress to the road centerline to  
push them to the edge of the road I assume - but you also need to  
'pull in' the end nodes too so they are not laying on top of the cross  
streets at each end, if you see what I mean?

Yours c.


On 3 Oct 2009, at 09:13, Dave Hansen wrote:
 Is this the most up to date way of keeping addresses?

 Well, I have some perl code that will parse the 2007/2008 TIGER data
 files.  My goal is to get the addresses imported into OSM this time
 around.  Here's some ugly sample output of what I have now.

 I don't need any suggestions on it, I just wanted to show people  
 what I
 have so far.

 * I currently have the way combination code turned off.  This means  
  OSM ways are represented 1:1 with the TIGER TLIDs.
 * Some multi-segment TIGER roads have only a single address range.
  Do we create segments for each road segment and evenly divide the
  addresses?  Or, do we draw a single address segment going from the
  first to last node?

 And, yes, I saw the 2009 data come out.  I'll make sure my code works
 with it.

 -- Dave

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 18:20, SteveC wrote:
 As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I
 think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting
 people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

dont you think we need a simple way to check-in  check-out files from
such a big effort?

something that will enable people to interact with the files.

something visual as this used in bayern for the
aerial images?

or am am I too old to be able to think about complex wiki pages?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Pieren
 2009/10/13 Gilles Corlobé
 I didn't know I didn't have to wait the approval.
 It's now done :

 Gilles, your approach was the correct one. Don't follow those stupid
 advices from guys how want the chaos in OSM. Making proposals and
 having discussions will show you if you are in the good way or not.
 And if your first idea was wrong, you don't have to revert your edits.

Or update the same thing 10 times because once you do tag and update
people will say it's wrong and you should have done it some other

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione SteveC

On 13 Oct 2009, at 09:26, Simone Cortesi wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 18:20, SteveC wrote:
 As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I
 think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting
 people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

 dont you think we need a simple way to check-in  check-out files from
 such a big effort?

maybe... but right now the blocker is dave having enough time... I  
suggest we guilt trip him by buying him things off his amazon wishlist  
or something :-)

 something that will enable people to interact with the files.

 something visual as this used in bayern for the
 aerial images?

 or am am I too old to be able to think about complex wiki pages?

yeah I get the point, but I'd prefer to cross the first hurdle, which  
is having some files to look at

Yours c.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione Apollinaris Schoell

On 13 Oct 2009, at 9:20 , SteveC wrote:

 Dave - super awesome.

 As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I
 think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting
 people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

yes this is the best way to get as many mappers as possible involved.  
check for errors ...

 Another random thought - should the addressing ways be one long way
 with two nodes per block, or lots of two node ways? My immediate
 preference is for the former...?

 Also - the ways will be deplaced 90 degress to the road centerline to
 push them to the edge of the road I assume - but you also need to
 'pull in' the end nodes too so they are not laying on top of the cross
 streets at each end, if you see what I mean?

 Yours c.


 On 3 Oct 2009, at 09:13, Dave Hansen wrote:
 Is this the most up to date way of keeping addresses?

 Well, I have some perl code that will parse the 2007/2008 TIGER data
 files.  My goal is to get the addresses imported into OSM this time
 around.  Here's some ugly sample output of what I have now.

 I don't need any suggestions on it, I just wanted to show people
 what I
 have so far.

 * I currently have the way combination code turned off.  This means
 OSM ways are represented 1:1 with the TIGER TLIDs.
 * Some multi-segment TIGER roads have only a single address range.
 Do we create segments for each road segment and evenly divide the
 addresses?  Or, do we draw a single address segment going from the
 first to last node?

 And, yes, I saw the 2009 data come out.  I'll make sure my code works
 with it.

 -- Dave

 talk mailing list

 Talk-us mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Barnett, Phillip

Crown copyright maps, and books, are reprinted all the time. Copyright dates 
stay the same, generally. 
The crux point is what triggers a new copyright date.

Guidance notes from the OPSI - 
A new edition of a published work which contains substantial revisions would 
normally qualify as a new copyright work. For example, if a department first 
published a document in 1997 and subsequently revised and reissued it in 2004, 
the notice in the revised version would indicate the copyright date of 2004, 
although it would be customary - and helpful - to state that an earlier version 
had been issued in 1997. A reprint or new impression without any substantial 
changes to the text would not constitute a new copyright work.

The last sentence is the important one - of the examples that you sent to them 
below, all explicitly claim 'minor' changes to the work, and so the OPSI 
guidelines indicate that no copyright date change would be the case, which is 
presumably why the maps were never printed with a revised copyright date in the 
first place.

'Reprinted with minor corrections 1960'
'Reprinted with minor changes 1963.'
'Reprinted with the addition of new major roads 1967.' - this one is possibly 
debateable as it contains the word 'major'  - substitute 'A roads' for 'major 
roads' and I contend it qualifies as minor changes.

So the situation should be - 
A map published with a (c) date means the (c) date applies and if no (c) date 
printed then the FIRST publication date on the sheet applies. 
And we have plenty of examples collected of where the revision date is later 
than the explicitly printed copyright date, which rather proves my point. (eg 
my copy of SO13, Talgarth, (c) 1951, major road revisions 1976)

Now, who's going to take this up with Tony Gray? (I'm happy to argue the point, 
if you don't mind my quoting your correspondence. Otherwise I'll just point him 
to the OPSI guidance)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andy Robinson 
Sent: 13 October 2009 15:59
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

I'm comfortable that the OS has spoken. A map published with a (c) date
means the (c) date applies and if no (c) date printed then the last
publication date on the sheet applies.

At least we have a basis to move on though I think we could still appeal
this latest FOIA response.



-Original Message-
From: [mailto:legal-talk-] On Behalf Of Barnett, Phillip
Sent: 13 October 2009 3:47 PM
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference

Doesn't this appear to contradict the advice given to Tim SC here?


T +44 (0)20 7430 4474
P  Please consider the environment. Do you really need to print this email?
-Original Message-

From: [mailto:legal-talk-] On Behalf Of Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
Sent: 13 October 2009 15:33
To: 'Licensing and other legal discussions.'
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] FW: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

As I suspected the OS has taken a hard line with respect to copyright and
publication date.



-Original Message-
From: Customer Services []
Sent: 13 October 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: Crown copyright dates ( OS Reference 72267)

Dear Mr Robinson

Ordnance Survey reference: 72267

Thank you for your email dated 30 September 2009 requesting: seeking
clarification regarding Crown Copyright status for those Ordnance Survey
sheets which do not carry a specific Crown Copyright (c) date.  Please
provide confirmation of the date when, for the following hard copy printed
map sheet examples, Crown Copyright expired or will expire.

Example 1:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SU93. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1948.  Reprinted with minor corrections 1960.

Example 2:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet NY21. Print edition C//. Made and
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1956.  Reprinted with minor changes 1963.

Example 3:  1:25,000 First Series. Sheet SO98. Print edition B///*. Made
published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
Surrey, 1953.  Reprinted with the addition of new major roads 1967.

We are pleased to provide you with the following information with regard to
your request.


Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Morten Kjeldgaard

On 13/10/2009, at 10.14, Gilles Corlobé wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 I propose to add a tag boundary=military : the problem is that,  
 with the existing tags, it's almost impossible to mark correctly  
 lots of data, like (non limitative list) forest, scholl, parking  
 lot, …
 Rather than multiplying the military=* tag, I suggest to only mark  
 the external limit of the military area.

 Comments are welcomed on

To be honest I don't see the point. You should use the already  
existing landuse=military. School, parking lot, etc. that you  
mentioned should be rendered on top of that, like landuse=residential.  
Using landuse also avoids certain ambiguities like: which side of  
the boundary is the military area?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione Hillsman, Edward

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 18:20, SteveC wrote:

Dave - super awesome.

As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I  
think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting  
people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

Another random thought - should the addressing ways be one long way  
with two nodes per block, or lots of two node ways? My immediate  
preference is for the former...?

Although my preference would also be for the former, people will break
the ways midblock, for very good reasons. For example, recording a small
bridge in the middle of the block would entail splitting the way into
three--one for the bridge, and one on each end of it. Most likely, each
piece will still carry the full address range, even though the bridge
should have none and the range should be split. In Tampa, we also have
instances of streets transitioning from 4-lane undivided to 4-lane
divided (dual carriageways) midblock.

Which raises another issue. The old TIGER files had a single way for
most of the dual carriageway major streets in our area. I have not
looked at the new 2009 TIGER files, but I suspect that they have similar
representations of these streets. When splitting these into two parallel
one-way routes, should both then carry the original addressing ranges,
or should one carry the odd address numbers and the other carry the even
address numbers? 

Also - the ways will be deplaced 90 degress to the road centerline to  
push them to the edge of the road I assume - but you also need to  
'pull in' the end nodes too so they are not laying on top of the cross

streets at each end, if you see what I mean?

Yours c.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione SteveC

On 13 Oct 2009, at 10:37, Hillsman, Edward wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 18:20, SteveC wrote:

 Dave - super awesome.

 As I said on IRC the other week, but I'll repeat here for all - I
 think dumping the addressing for all 3,000 counties and then letting
 people import them one by one will be the best way to do it.

 Another random thought - should the addressing ways be one long way
 with two nodes per block, or lots of two node ways? My immediate
 preference is for the former...?

 Although my preference would also be for the former, people will break
 the ways midblock, for very good reasons. For example, recording a  
 bridge in the middle of the block would entail splitting the way into
 three--one for the bridge, and one on each end of it. Most likely,  
 piece will still carry the full address range, even though the bridge
 should have none and the range should be split. In Tampa, we also have
 instances of streets transitioning from 4-lane undivided to 4-lane
 divided (dual carriageways) midblock.

 Which raises another issue. The old TIGER files had a single way for
 most of the dual carriageway major streets in our area. I have not
 looked at the new 2009 TIGER files, but I suspect that they have  
 representations of these streets. When splitting these into two  
 one-way routes, should both then carry the original addressing ranges,
 or should one carry the odd address numbers and the other carry the  
 address numbers?

no... the addressing is on entirely separate parallel ways

 Also - the ways will be deplaced 90 degress to the road centerline to
 push them to the edge of the road I assume - but you also need to
 'pull in' the end nodes too so they are not laying on top of the  

 streets at each end, if you see what I mean?

 Yours c.


 talk mailing list

Yours c.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] TIGER Addressing Import

2009-10-13 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
2009/10/13 SteveC
 Also - the ways will be deplaced 90 degress to the road centerline to
 push them to the edge of the road I assume - but you also need to
 'pull in' the end nodes too so they are not laying on top of the cross
 streets at each end, if you see what I mean?

There's some (ugly) python code to do that at [1] that you could
adapt, results in [2].  It's easy but involves reprojection to get the
90 degrees right.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Liz
On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Shaun McDonald wrote:
 Before you propose a tag, you should be using it.


Doesn't it make sense to ask around before using something - someone may come 
up with a good example they are already using, or a simple reason why your tag 
is not good.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/10/13 Pieren
 2009/10/13 Gilles Corlobé
 I didn't know I didn't have to wait the approval.
 It's now done :

 Gilles, your approach was the correct one. Don't follow those stupid
 advices from guys how want the chaos in OSM. Making proposals and
 having discussions will show you if you are in the good way or not.
 And if your first idea was wrong, you don't have to revert your edits.

+1. But you will have to change the wiki, if your proposal wasn't
good, that's why I'd recommend to first ask, than make the proposal,
unless you're very sure (I did the same mistake yesterday, btw).

actually I still think it's a duplicate that comes from a
misunderstanding of the rules, that is, you shouldn't tag 2 landuse=xy
to the same object, but of course you can have overlapping ones. I
recommend to tag landuse=military, because that's what it is, and
probably an appropriate barrier.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik shelter rendering

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/10/13 Claudius
 True. In german we say Schutzhütte (losely translates as protection
 hut) and the german wikipedia article shows good examples in pictures:ütte (ignore the one in the lower
 right corner). These shelters are only used as a protection from bad
 weather. You won't voluntarily spend a night there and they won't have
 any facilities or even power supply.

 Don't you call these shelter in English?

How do you know that OSM-shelter is Schutzhütte? It could as well
be Unterstand. - thus changing just slightly
but still it's meaning. Btw. wikipedia translates Schutzhütte to
mountain hut and has no corresponding English article for this.
WP-shelter corrisponds to WP-Unterkunft which is surely not the
intended meaning here.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Dave F.
Shaun McDonald wrote:

 On 13 Oct 2009, at 16:35, Gilles Corlobé wrote:

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Russ Nelson []
 Envoyé : mardi 13 octobre 2009 16:38
 À : Gilles Corlobé
 Cc :
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)

 Gilles Corlobé writes:
 I propose to add a tag boundary=military

 Where is this tag currently being used?  Please point to several
 examples so we can see what you mean.
 This tag is not currently used. But it could be very usefull here :
 Inside the miltary area, there is : a forest, a research center, a
 high-school, a sport complexe with swiming pool, a parking lot, and
 accomodations for all the seamen (it's a navy facility).

 Before you propose a tag, you should be using it.

He's proposing it's introduction for use!
If he's already using it then a proposal is pointless!!

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Joseph Reeves
 To be honest I don't see the point. You should use the already
 existing landuse=military. School, parking lot, etc. that you
 mentioned should be rendered on top of that, like landuse=residential.
 Using landuse also avoids certain ambiguities like: which side of
 the boundary is the military area?


Perhaps also use a relation to tie various landuses together into a
military-base=name group or something similar.

If the OP doesn't like how nested landuse is rendered in a specific
renderer should they not file a bug with the maintainers of that
renderer? Seems better than adding to the db.


2009/10/13 Morten Kjeldgaard

 On 13/10/2009, at 10.14, Gilles Corlobé wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 I propose to add a tag boundary=military : the problem is that,
 with the existing tags, it's almost impossible to mark correctly
 lots of data, like (non limitative list) forest, scholl, parking
 lot, …
 Rather than multiplying the military=* tag, I suggest to only mark
 the external limit of the military area.

 Comments are welcomed on

 To be honest I don't see the point. You should use the already
 existing landuse=military. School, parking lot, etc. that you
 mentioned should be rendered on top of that, like landuse=residential.
 Using landuse also avoids certain ambiguities like: which side of
 the boundary is the military area?


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Dave F.
Pieren wrote:
 2009/10/13 Gilles Corlobé
 I didn't know I didn't have to wait the approval.
 It's now done :

 Gilles, your approach was the correct one. Don't follow those stupid
 advices from guys how want the chaos in OSM. Making proposals and
 having discussions will show you if you are in the good way or not.
 And if your first idea was wrong, you don't have to revert your edits.


Always ask for advice  opinion if you're unsure of your suggestions.

The just go ahead  do it philosophy that some advocate just puts 
errors into OSM that may not get fully removed, especially if they've 
been around for a while  have been copied by others.

Dave F.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetBugs: shared database and translations

2009-10-13 Per discussione Dave F.
Mitja Kleider wrote:
 I am happy to announce that error reports are now stored in one single 
 database, no matter whether you are using the interface at or at the Google hosted

Please forgive me if I'm not understanding correctly, but what is the 
purpose of this site?

I looked at the a couple of problems that were listed in my area.

It seems to me, if they know the problems then they know the solutions.
It would have taken less time for the poster to fix them himself rather 
than posting to this site asking others to it for them.

Or am I missing something?

This one seems worth while because even though it doesn't pick up 
everything, it automatically searches the database.

Dave F.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetBugs: shared database and translations

2009-10-13 Per discussione Ian Dees
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Dave F. wrote:

 Mitja Kleider wrote:
  I am happy to announce that error reports are now stored in one single
  database, no matter whether you are using the interface at or at the Google hosted
 Please forgive me if I'm not understanding correctly, but what is the
 purpose of this site?

 I looked at the a couple of problems that were listed in my area.

 It seems to me, if they know the problems then they know the solutions.
 It would have taken less time for the poster to fix them himself rather
 than posting to this site asking others to it for them.

 Or am I missing something?

The point behind openstreetbugs was/is to provide an extremely easy-to-use
interface for people outside of the mapping community to bring attention to
something that needs to be fixed with the map data.

Think of it as an analogue to the Report a problem feature that appeared
in the US portion of last week.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetBugs: shared database and translations

2009-10-13 Per discussione Iván Sánchez Ortega
El Miércoles, 14 de Octubre de 2009, Shaun McDonald escribió:
 It's for people who don't know how to edit osm data, or reminders to
 go and resurvey something by mappers.

... or a reminder to edit that tomorrow, as it's 4 AM and you only think 
about fixing just one more roundabout.

Iván Sánchez Ortega

Las palabras son los clavos para fijar las ideas.- A. Godin.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] walking-papers hanging?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lukasz Stelmach

Is it only my impression or have the walking-pares stopped working over
a week ago?

Było mi bardzo miło.   Czwarta pospolita klęska, [...]
Łukasz Już nie katolicka lecz złodziejska.  (c)PP

Szukasz pracy? Chcesz lepiej zarabia�?
Sprawd� oferty na
attachment: stlman.vcf___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Dave F.
 Pieren wrote:
 2009/10/13 Gilles Corlobé

 I didn't know I didn't have to wait the approval.
 It's now done :

 Gilles, your approach was the correct one. Don't follow those stupid
 advices from guys how want the chaos in OSM. Making proposals and
 having discussions will show you if you are in the good way or not.
 And if your first idea was wrong, you don't have to revert your edits.


 Always ask for advice  opinion if you're unsure of your suggestions.

 The just go ahead  do it philosophy that some advocate just puts
 errors into OSM that may not get fully removed, especially if they've
 been around for a while  have been copied by others.

Technically they aren't errors, just inconsistent data that isn't
useful for anything unless someone cleans it up first, which takes a
lot more effort that could have been avoided in the first place with a
little planning. That's assuming you don't get people using the
same/similar tags to mean different things of course, in which case
you would have to manually clean up the data since a computer most
likely wouldn't understand the context nor how to express it to a

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Joseph Reeves []
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 octobre 2009 00:07
 À : Morten Kjeldgaard
 Cc : Gilles Corlobé;
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)
  To be honest I don't see the point. You should use the already
  existing landuse=military. School, parking lot, etc. that you
  mentioned should be rendered on top of that, like
  Using landuse also avoids certain ambiguities like: which side of
  the boundary is the military area?
 Perhaps also use a relation to tie various landuses together into a
 military-base=name group or something similar.
 If the OP doesn't like how nested landuse is rendered in a specific
 renderer should they not file a bug with the maintainers of that
 renderer? Seems better than adding to the db.
In my opinion, the tag landuse=military should only be used for specificly
military activities, like those discribed in the wiki. 
Some of you have suggested to create 2 areas, covering the same place. I
don't think this is correct. One of you said that's done every day. How can
it be? There can't be a forest inside a residential area. The residential
area stops where begins the forest (and the contrary).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Gilles Corlobé
 In my opinion, the tag landuse=military should only be used for specificly
 military activities, like those discribed in the wiki.
 Some of you have suggested to create 2 areas, covering the same place. I
 don't think this is correct. One of you said that's done every day. How can
 it be? There can't be a forest inside a residential area. The residential
 area stops where begins the forest (and the contrary).

The military have a training area near here:

imho it should have 2 areas, one for the military training area and
one for the natural=wood that makes up the majority of the area:,152.938957spn=0.058514,0.111494t=hz=14

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione Gilles Corlobé
 -Message d'origine-
 De : John Smith []
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 octobre 2009 06:55
 À : Gilles Corlobé
 Cc :
 Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal
 - RFC - (boundary=military)
 2009/10/14 Gilles Corlobé
  In my opinion, the tag landuse=military should only be used for
  military activities, like those discribed in the wiki.
  Some of you have suggested to create 2 areas, covering the same
 place. I
  don't think this is correct. One of you said that's done every day.
 How can
  it be? There can't be a forest inside a residential area. The
  area stops where begins the forest (and the contrary).
 The military have a training area near here:
 imho it should have 2 areas, one for the military training area and
 one for the natural=wood that makes up the majority of the area:
You're right : If the area is covered by a forest (or a lake, or whatever),
it should appear like this on the map. What would a user think if he finds a
forest (even if it's in a military area) that is not on the map? 
And we should remerber that all users are not forbiden to enter into
military areas! Some users needs to know the exact nature of the area (to
know the size of a forest for example). 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Gilles Corlobé
 You're right : If the area is covered by a forest (or a lake, or whatever),
 it should appear like this on the map. What would a user think if he finds a
 forest (even if it's in a military area) that is not on the map?
 And we should remerber that all users are not forbiden to enter into
 military areas! Some users needs to know the exact nature of the area (to
 know the size of a forest for example).

I was just pointing out that there is a good reason to have 2
similar/same areas due to different land uses of the same land.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Bekijk mijn foto's op Facebook

2009-10-13 Per discussione Joris Meijerink

Ik heb een Facebookprofiel gemaakt waar ik mijn foto's, video's en evenementen 
kan plaatsen en ik wil jou als vriend toevoegen zodat je het kan zien. Eerst 
moet je lid worden van Facebook! Als je lid wordt, kan je ook je eigen profiel 


Klik op de volgende link om te registreren voor Facebook:

Already have an account? Add this email address to your account
 is uitgenodigd voor Facebook door Joris Meijerink. Als je dergelijke e-mails 
van Facebook in de toekomst niet meer wilt ontvangen, klik je op onderstaande 
link om je uit te schrijven.
Het Facebook-kantoor bevindt zich op de volgende locatie: 1601 S. California 
Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.

Talk-nl mailing list

[talk-au] Get DCDB QLD Lite running on Mapserver on Windows.

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lindley Bowers

I just got the DCDB QLD Lite data running on my windows machine. (I don't
have a spare box for Linux and wouldn't have a clue how to get that all
going etc).

Should I post up what I did? I should warn that I'm a complete noobie and
have no idea if I did it right or not. But, I can read, Google info and copy
and paste. It's surprising how far that will get you, lol.

As a summary this is kinda what happened to my computer over the last few

Installed mapserver and some demos. Edited gmap demo to get it working thus
verifying mapserver worked on windows.
Downloaded the DCDB QLD Lite data. Setup a map file for the data. Got
frustrated at it not working until I renamed the data files. Realised that
the data was just t big as it ran like a sloth. Installed
PostgreSQL/Postgis. Converted the data  it all works locally nice and fast.

I'll post more details if I'm allowed (just asking before I post something a
few pages long).

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione Liz
navit files built form osm data don't show a road if there is a reuse of the 
admin boundary for the road

and so navigation around adelaide is going to be really interesting
as a lot of main roads have just disappeared

please guys 
don't reuse admin boundaries ( like ABS ) to replace perfectly good data that 
was already in the database.

Just like i used to reuse the post office node for the place name and then the 
rendering rules changed for mapnik and none of those named places showed up on 
the map.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/13 Liz
 navit files built form osm data don't show a road if there is a reuse of the
 admin boundary for the road

 and so navigation around adelaide is going to be really interesting
 as a lot of main roads have just disappeared

 please guys
 don't reuse admin boundaries ( like ABS ) to replace perfectly good data that
 was already in the database.

This is really a bug in their software, specifically the osm2navit
binary, it would be better to file a bug and get them to fix the issue
rather than trying to work around their bugs.

Have you filed a bug report for this at all?

 Just like i used to reuse the post office node for the place name and then the
 rendering rules changed for mapnik and none of those named places showed up on
 the map.

Did you file a bug report against mapnik for this?

There is no reason a single node can't be used for both.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/13 Elizabeth Dodd
 On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, John Smith wrote:
 This is really a bug in their software, specifically the osm2navit
 binary, it would be better to file a bug and get them to fix the issue
 rather than trying to work around their bugs.

 Have you filed a bug report for this at all?
 I've sat on irc for nearly a week waiting for some action to discuss it their
 irc channel first
 as i also wanted to talk about the strange computed routes i was getting

Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried to report their routing
engine was screwy too.

Alternatively there is plan B, there is a number of people on this
list that can code, and even more on the dev list, I'm sure between us
we can cook up a suitable patch. Is anyone familiar with the osm2navit
code at all?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Get DCDB QLD Lite running on Mapserver on Windows.

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lindley Bowers
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Liz wrote:

 On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Lindley Bowers wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 6:19 PM, John Smith
   2009/10/13 Lindley Bowers
I'll post more details if I'm allowed (just asking before I post
   something a
few pages long).
   Might be better to do this as a wiki page...
  Um, I don't know how to do a wiki page. But I can read, copy/paste, so
  see what happens :).
  Looks like a wiki page then. I have no idea as to the organization of the
  Wiki site. What should I call the page? Ugh, how do you create a new
  I'll do a bit of a run down on how I got the shape file data serving by
  mapserver from a PostgreSQL database in Windows.

 do you want someone to make a basic page and you put some text into it?

 Yes please.

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Update for bigtincan tile database.

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
I've just updated the update process for the map server, the previous
minutely files produced from the OSM DB had a serious flaw where long
updates would be missed which would require the entire DB to be
reloaded periodically, however now better changesets are produced
which includes changes made since the last change set, but may not be
produced each minute.

Hopefully now there will be less missing data from the database and
will eliminate the need to reload the entire database of information.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione Franc Carter
I've been looking over the navit code and have made some minor tweaks to
suite me.
My first guess is that the issue might be able to be worked around by
changing the order
that osm2navit looks at properties - e.g making ti look at decide these are
roads instead
of boundaries.

Of course this will mean boundaries will disappear in those places.

Solving it properly will probably be trickier. I'll have a look at it on the


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:25 PM, John Smith deltafoxtrot...@gmail.comwrote:

 2009/10/13 Elizabeth Dodd
  On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, John Smith wrote:
  This is really a bug in their software, specifically the osm2navit
  binary, it would be better to file a bug and get them to fix the issue
  rather than trying to work around their bugs.
  Have you filed a bug report for this at all?
  I've sat on irc for nearly a week waiting for some action to discuss it
  irc channel first
  as i also wanted to talk about the strange computed routes i was getting

 Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried to report their routing
 engine was screwy too.

 Alternatively there is plan B, there is a number of people on this
 list that can code, and even more on the dev list, I'm sure between us
 we can cook up a suitable patch. Is anyone familiar with the osm2navit
 code at all?

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione Sam Couter
John Smith wrote:
 Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried to report their routing
 engine was screwy too.

The idlers and lurkers will read the backlog when they return.
Conversations can go very slowly this way, but communication is

Bug tracker:

Forums (no idea how closely they're monitored):

There doesn't appear to be a mailing list.

 Alternatively there is plan B, there is a number of people on this
 list that can code, and even more on the dev list, I'm sure between us
 we can cook up a suitable patch. Is anyone familiar with the osm2navit
 code at all?

I've looked it over a few times and even modified it a little. It's 5500
lines of dense code with lots of global variables, nearly no comments
and a highly abstracted attribute-driven metaschema so I'll make no
claims of familiarity.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/13 Franc Carter

 I've been looking over the navit code and have made some minor tweaks to
 suite me.
 My first guess is that the issue might be able to be worked around by
 changing the order
 that osm2navit looks at properties - e.g making ti look at decide these are
 roads instead
 of boundaries.

 Of course this will mean boundaries will disappear in those places.

I wonder if it's possible to duplicate the object to break it up into
2 objects instead of one, and strip appropriate tags from the
respective objects.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Get DCDB QLD Lite running on Mapserver on Windows.

2009-10-13 Per discussione Lindley Bowers
Thanks for the page you made on the wiki Liz :). I've had a stab at putting
a guide up of what I did and it is at:

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:25 PM, wrote:

 Quoting Lindley Bowers

  I just got the DCDB QLD Lite data running on my windows machine. (I don't
  have a spare box for Linux and wouldn't have a clue how to get that all
  going etc).
  Should I post up what I did? I should warn that I'm a complete noobie and
  have no idea if I did it right or not. But, I can read, Google info and
  and paste. It's surprising how far that will get you, lol.

 If you were having fun then fine.  But you can compare your notes to mine:

 Yes I was :), even if I got a bit frustrated with mapserver until I figured
out that it doesn't like long names for files.

 I suppose I should split it off to another page.

   Realised that
  the data was just t big as it ran like a sloth. Installed

 Yes, that size shapefile (even with a so called spatial index) didn't seem
 return anything under 30 seconds

 I was getting 5 or 6 tiles a minute into JOSM but it was still incredibly


 What's with people starting with Bren starting their own DCDB servers?
 3 now (-:


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
Unless anyone has an objection I propose that we tagged non-existent
roads from DCDB Qld as:


Anything that hasn't been surveyed can be tagged as highway=road which
is consistent with current usage, these will also be rendered enough
to indicate they need to be surveyed and hopefully this will encourage
people to participate even if they don't have a GPS.

I updated the wiki as well to reflect this:

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Get DCDB QLD Lite running on Mapserver on Windows.

2009-10-13 Per discussione Liz
On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, wrote:
 If you were having fun then fine.  But you can compare your notes to mine:

 I suppose I should split it off to another page.

I made the page
with the intention that it could have different solutions on it, or links to 
other solutions

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione Ben Kelley
Thinking about it now, I realise you are quite correct :) My apologies.

- Ben.

2009/10/14 Liz

 On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Ben Kelley wrote:
  I would have thought highway=unclassified would be better if you don't
  what type of highway it is.
 the highway=road has actually the exact use (in the wiki) that John
 highway=unclassified has a use which isn't i don't know, it means it's a
 lowly road which doesn't have a MABC type (in UK, to be precise)

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Sam Vekemans
 Ok, so my big question is:
 Why are your property boundaries rendered with solid fill?
 Its not indicating land use, and should be rendered as a
 'dash-dot-dot-dash' line.
 (at least thats how i remember it from drafting class)

 So if the property boundaries arnt filled in, then there is room to go
 around and tag areas of 'landuse=residential; or farmland or
 protected_area or industrial or what ever.

 Its after the area has been tagged with an appropriate landuse tag,
 that it becomes clear where the roads 'should technically' be, and
 there is also (I think) a tag landuse=civil (to show that the city
 owns it)

 Me hopes that makes sence :)

It makes sense, but you missed the point entirely.

The property boundary landuse is unknown, between the boundaries there
are voids, these voids seem to exist where there is road ways and
water ways.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (boundary=military)

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Liz
 On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Shaun McDonald wrote:
 Before you propose a tag, you should be using it.

 how ridiculous
 prohibiting discussion before polluting the data base with even more tags

There seems to be 2 completely distinct camps within OSM.

Those that think any tag you can think of should be used and who cares
if the data is completely useless for anything later as long as it's
human readable and verifiable.

Those that want to put some thought into how to make the data as
useful as possible for all purposes by trying to achieve some kind of
consensus before tagging.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 Sam Vekemans
 But of course the landuse us 'unknown' by default. .. so what needs to be
 done is to go around and find out what the actual landuse is.
 ... of course there are voids there are voids all over the map of black
 space. :)

Swing and a miss...

The property boundary data looks like this:

The thickish white sections are actually transparent pixels because
there is no data in this data set for that area, the most common
things that fill the void that I've see so far is road ways and
water ways.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
I made another example:

It's clearer in this screen shot (using JOSM, JOSM has a black
background so the transparent pixels are black) exactly what runs down
the middle of these voids.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione John Smith
2009/10/14 John Smith

Here's the after shot:

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to tag a non-existent road

2009-10-13 Per discussione Sam Vekemans
Then the yellow must be all the landuse=residential then :)

As land use can extend past the property boundary, were there is an easment.

Strike 3,
im out.

Since were on the tagging list, the sidewalks  waterworks like sewer
lines, or underground cable lines, do we map these too, as the data is
also available?


On 10/13/09, John Smith wrote:
 I made another example:

 It's clearer in this screen shot (using JOSM, JOSM has a black
 background so the transparent pixels are black) exactly what runs down
 the middle of these voids.

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
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Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-br] Excelente artigo da Wired

2009-10-13 Per discussione Junior, Claudomiro
Comentando as recentes mudanças no Google Maps e como o modelo do OSM é melhor 
(em inglês)


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Excelente artigo da Wired

2009-10-13 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Bem bacana. Li o artigo, e fui lendo artigos relacionados, como diz a minha
namorada boiando na internet até chegar nesse site:

Ô, assim que tiver um tempinho vou passar a renderizar as linhas de ônibus
daqui do Rio...


2009/10/13 Junior, Claudomiro

 Comentando as recentes mudanças no Google Maps e como o modelo do OSM é
 melhor (em inglês)


 Talk-br mailing list

Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Jr.

Bacharelando em Sistemas de Informação - UNIRIO -
Consultor de Software Livre da Uniriotec Consultoria -

Tel.: +5521 92504072
Jabber/Google Talk:
Skype: nighto_sumomo
Chave pública: BD065DEC
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Transporte público no OSM

2009-10-13 Per discussione Maira

Olá de novo,

que bom saber que tem mais gente aqui que se interessa em criar
informações de transportes no OSM! Acho que já somos um número
suficiente para começarmos a nos organizar e vejo com muito bons olhos
a ideia de termos o nosso Öpnvkarte também!

Algumas coisas:

1) Página no Wiki

O que acham de começarmos criando uma página no Wiki do OSM para
tentarmos centralizar as recomendações de como adicionar informações
sobre transportes públicos ao OSM? Algo comoúblico.

2) Marcação das paradas de ônibus no OSM

Na página do Wiki do OSM sobre transporte público, acho que o principal
ponto de discórdia é sobre onde marcar as paradas de ônibus, como um
node na pista ou logo na lateral. O Wiki recomenda na lateral, mas tem
uma discussão sobre a marcação das paradas na via em si ser melhor para
fins de construir aplicações de planejamento de rotas. A discussão
ainda está em andamento, e está bem confuso entender o que está sendo
feito. De qualquer maneira, as páginas com as discussões mais recentes
parecem ser estas (são a elas que as mensagens da talk-transit se
referem no final de setembro/2009):

Apesar de ainda ser uma proposta, creio que o último link é o que
apresenta a solução mais bem pensada, e penso que poderíamos recomendar
que essa seja a solução adotada no Brasil. Se entendi corretamente, a
ideia é que, no caso de paradas de ônibus simples, seja usado
highway=stopping_point na via, highway=bus_stop no local onde os
passageiros esperam, e uma relation to tipo site=bus_stop para conectar
uma à outra. Confere? Acham que é uma solução viável?

3) Quantidade de informações sobre transporte público a ser incluída no

Me cadastrei na lista talk-transit que o Vitor sugeriu (obrigada pela
dica!) e dei uma lida rápida num tópico recente e bem interessante, em
especial essa mensagem aqui:
O autor discute sobre qual seria o nível de detalhe que queremos
disponibilizar no OSM: A) apenas as paradas e estações, mas sem as
rotas; B) a estrutura física e as rotas de ônibus; ou C) a estrutura
física, as rotas e os horários. Veja que isso se refere apenas às
informações que estariam no OSM em si; nada impede que nas opções A e B
as informações de rotas e de horários sejam servidas por outro serviço
construído em cima dos dados do OSM (OpenTransitMap? :) ).

Eu, pessoalmente, acredito que o ponto A que ele citou seria o mais
adequado para nós no Brasil. Não sei como é em Natal ou no Rio, mas em
Brasília é uma coisa de louco. Temos por volta de mil linhas de ônibus
[1], sem exageros. Uma aberração criada pela falta de planejamento e de
integração tarifária, que, espero, vai ser corrigida cedo ou tarde.
Como um mapa de visualização dessas rotas iria aparecer, eu não
sei... Talvez algo não muito útil para quem quer informações sobre os
ônibus. Imagino que seria muito mais fácil ter as informações de
rotas específicas, em resultados de buscas feitas pelo usuário,
mostradas como uma camada em cima de um mapa.

Mas o principal motivo que eu acho que a definição das rotas de
ônibus diretamente no OSM é dispensável é porque estou pensando na
criação de um sistema de informação de itinerários de transporte
público como aquele exemplo que eu dei (, que usa o GTFS [2]
como formato para especificar a informação relativa às rotas e aos
horários. O GTFS já está virando um de facto standard para aplicações
desse tipo. E o negócio é que a informação sobre as rotas já existe num
feed GTFS, como um conjunto de paradas de ônibus em uma determinada
ordem. As paradas de ônibus são identificadas por meio de latitude
e longitude e por um identificador único, e podem também ter um
nome por extenso. Usando um identificador único no GTFS que seja
relacionado com um identificador único na tag que identifica a parada
no GTFS fica fácil fazer a ligação entre uma coisa e outra.

Além do problema dessa redundância, tem também o de atualizar as
informações das linhas. Acredito que seria mais efetivo fazer
atualizações sobre as linhas em um arquivo GTFS do que no OSM.

4) Ainda sobre as paradas, acho que seria interessante também pensarmos
numa maneira de identificar as paradas de ônibus de maneira única, para
facilitar caso os dados sejam exportados para um arquivo GTFS, por
exemplo. A primeira coisa que me vem à cabeça é incluir a sigla do
estado + identificador para o município, seguido de uma sequência
numérica única para o município (DF-0001-1?). Dessa forma de
repente ficaria mais fácil evitar identificadores repetidos. Que acham?
Faz sentido querer ter identificadores únicos? Alguma cidade do Brasil
já adota um id único para as paradas de ônibus, vocês sabem?

Bom, já falei demais para um email só :) Aguardo opiniões e críticas.

Re: [Talk-br] Transporte público no OSM

2009-10-13 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira

2009/10/13 Maira

 Olá de novo,

 que bom saber que tem mais gente aqui que se interessa em criar
 informações de transportes no OSM! Acho que já somos um número
 suficiente para começarmos a nos organizar e vejo com muito bons olhos
 a ideia de termos o nosso Öpnvkarte também!

 Algumas coisas:

 1) Página no Wiki

 O que acham de começarmos criando uma página no Wiki do OSM para
 tentarmos centralizar as recomendações de como adicionar informações
 sobre transportes públicos ao OSM? Algo comoúblico

Pode criar a página que eu ajudo a populá-la.

 2) Marcação das paradas de ônibus no OSM

 Na página do Wiki do OSM sobre transporte público, acho que o principal
 ponto de discórdia é sobre onde marcar as paradas de ônibus, como um
 node na pista ou logo na lateral. O Wiki recomenda na lateral, mas tem
 uma discussão sobre a marcação das paradas na via em si ser melhor para
 fins de construir aplicações de planejamento de rotas. A discussão
 ainda está em andamento, e está bem confuso entender o que está sendo
 feito. De qualquer maneira, as páginas com as discussões mais recentes
 parecem ser estas (são a elas que as mensagens da talk-transit se
 referem no final de setembro/2009):

 Apesar de ainda ser uma proposta, creio que o último link é o que
 apresenta a solução mais bem pensada, e penso que poderíamos recomendar
 que essa seja a solução adotada no Brasil. Se entendi corretamente, a
 ideia é que, no caso de paradas de ônibus simples, seja usado
 highway=stopping_point na via, highway=bus_stop no local onde os
 passageiros esperam, e uma relation to tipo site=bus_stop para conectar
 uma à outra. Confere? Acham que é uma solução viável?

Pois é. Eu gosto da simplicidade do highway=bus_stop no node da via quando a
via é de mão-única (maioria absoluta aqui no Rio) e do lado quando é de
mão-dupla. Vou ler com calma a proposta antes de opinar sobre ela, depois
mando outro email sobre.

 3) Quantidade de informações sobre transporte público a ser incluída no

 Me cadastrei na lista talk-transit que o Vitor sugeriu (obrigada pela
 dica!) e dei uma lida rápida num tópico recente e bem interessante, em
 especial essa mensagem aqui:
 O autor discute sobre qual seria o nível de detalhe que queremos
 disponibilizar no OSM: A) apenas as paradas e estações, mas sem as
 rotas; B) a estrutura física e as rotas de ônibus; ou C) a estrutura
 física, as rotas e os horários. Veja que isso se refere apenas às
 informações que estariam no OSM em si; nada impede que nas opções A e B
 as informações de rotas e de horários sejam servidas por outro serviço
 construído em cima dos dados do OSM (OpenTransitMap? :) ).

 Eu, pessoalmente, acredito que o ponto A que ele citou seria o mais
 adequado para nós no Brasil. Não sei como é em Natal ou no Rio, mas em
 Brasília é uma coisa de louco. Temos por volta de mil linhas de ônibus
 [1], sem exageros. Uma aberração criada pela falta de planejamento e de
 integração tarifária, que, espero, vai ser corrigida cedo ou tarde.
 Como um mapa de visualização dessas rotas iria aparecer, eu não
 sei... Talvez algo não muito útil para quem quer informações sobre os
 ônibus. Imagino que seria muito mais fácil ter as informações de
 rotas específicas, em resultados de buscas feitas pelo usuário,
 mostradas como uma camada em cima de um mapa.

Faz sentido. Aqui no Rio, também é assim. [3]

 Mas o principal motivo que eu acho que a definição das rotas de
 ônibus diretamente no OSM é dispensável é porque estou pensando na
 criação de um sistema de informação de itinerários de transporte
 público como aquele exemplo que eu dei (, que usa o GTFS [2]
 como formato para especificar a informação relativa às rotas e aos
 horários. O GTFS já está virando um de facto standard para aplicações
 desse tipo. E o negócio é que a informação sobre as rotas já existe num
 feed GTFS, como um conjunto de paradas de ônibus em uma determinada
 ordem. As paradas de ônibus são identificadas por meio de latitude
 e longitude e por um identificador único, e podem também ter um
 nome por extenso. Usando um identificador único no GTFS que seja
 relacionado com um identificador único na tag que identifica a parada
 no GTFS fica fácil fazer a ligação entre uma coisa e outra.

 Além do problema dessa redundância, tem também o de atualizar as
 informações das linhas. Acredito que seria mais efetivo fazer
 atualizações sobre as linhas em um arquivo GTFS do que no OSM.

Pode ser, mas também não vejo problema em inserir os dados diretamente no
OSM. Digo, eles não são renderizados por padrão, então seria o 

Re: [Talk-br] Transporte público no OSM

2009-10-13 Per discussione Samuel Vale
Em Ter, 2009-10-13 às 22:43 +0300, Maira escreveu:
 Olá de novo,
 3) Quantidade de informações sobre transporte público a ser incluída no
 Me cadastrei na lista talk-transit que o Vitor sugeriu (obrigada pela
 dica!) e dei uma lida rápida num tópico recente e bem interessante, em
 especial essa mensagem aqui:
 O autor discute sobre qual seria o nível de detalhe que queremos
 disponibilizar no OSM: A) apenas as paradas e estações, mas sem as
 rotas; B) a estrutura física e as rotas de ônibus; ou C) a estrutura
 física, as rotas e os horários. Veja que isso se refere apenas às
 informações que estariam no OSM em si; nada impede que nas opções A e B
 as informações de rotas e de horários sejam servidas por outro serviço
 construído em cima dos dados do OSM (OpenTransitMap? :) ).


Será viável incluir os horários também? Aqui na Grande BH isso muda
muito, e provavelmente sem a ajuda direta de uma entidade de trânsito,
ficaria difícil manter isso atualizado com uma pequena equipe de
voluntários. Acho que ligar as rotas a outro serviço com os horários
mais apropriado.

 4) Ainda sobre as paradas, acho que seria interessante também pensarmos
 numa maneira de identificar as paradas de ônibus de maneira única, para
 facilitar caso os dados sejam exportados para um arquivo GTFS, por
 exemplo. A primeira coisa que me vem à cabeça é incluir a sigla do
 estado + identificador para o município, seguido de uma sequência
 numérica única para o município (DF-0001-1?). Dessa forma de
 repente ficaria mais fácil evitar identificadores repetidos. Que acham?
 Faz sentido querer ter identificadores únicos? Alguma cidade do Brasil
 já adota um id único para as paradas de ônibus, vocês sabem?

Em Belo Horizonte os pontos tem um número (se não me engano de 4
algarismos) que identifica cada ponto de ônibus, com um nome de fácil
identificação, como Praça da Liberdade - 1. Cada cidade tem uma
entidade própria para cuidar desse tipo de detalhe (ao menos acho que
deveria :)).


Samuel Vale

Description: Esta é uma parte de mensagem assinada digitalmente
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM case sensitiv?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Bernd Wurst

Am Montag, 12. Oktober 2009 schrieb Stephan Knauss:
 Ich bin dafür, dass die keys nur aus Kleinbuchstaben bestehen. Hier zu
 viele Sonderzeichen zu erlauben erzeugt doch nur Verwirrung.
 Brauchen wir diese Freiheit wirklich?

Ich bin dafür, dass jeder, der die Daten nutzt (und folglich weiß, ob er 
case-sensitive Infos erwartet) einfach ggf. ein lower() [je nach Sprache] 
aufruft. Das schränkt niemanden ein und löst das Problem auch.

Es gibt sicherlich viele gute Gründe warum man das eine oder andere in den key 
packen will und technisch ist es kein Problem. Warum also irgendwas 
einschränken nur weil der Tellerrand des einzelnen vielleicht zu hoch ist?

Gruß, Bernd

Ein Huhn ist weiter nichts
als die Methode eines Eis,
ein weiteres Ei zu machen.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Strato sponsort 3 Server für OSM

2009-10-13 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Tirkon wrote:

 OSM gestellt. Im konkreten Fall denke ich schon, dass sich so mancher
 fragt, warum der Aufbau einer Seite beim Navigieren in Potlatch
 mitunter Minuten dauert. Manchmal befördert dieses lange Andauern
 sogar den Firefox ins Jenseits. 

Vielleicht solltest Du Dir mal den josm anschaun.

 Und das nicht nur an meinem Computer und meinem DSL Anschluss.

Mit den unteren 6 Netzwerklayern hat OSM eigentlich nichts am Hut. Wir
bewegen uns auf Layer7, der Anwendungsebene.


Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly
(Henry Spencer)

/me is gig...@ircnet, on the Web

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Re: [Talk-de] Strato sponsort 3 Server für OSM

2009-10-13 Per discussione qbert biker

 Datum: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:59:26 +0200
 Von: Frederik Ramm
 An: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch
 Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Strato sponsort 3 Server für OSM

 Ja. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass wir fuer sehr viele Anwendungen diese 
 Informationen im topologisch sauberen OSM-Modell ausliefern wollen und 
 *nicht* in Form von Standardgeometrien. Das heisst, wir wollen schoen 
 ordentlich alle betroffenen Nodes, Ways und Relations haben und nicht 
 einfach eine in die Landschaft gezeichnete Linie.

Und warum sollen die klassischen Ansaetze nicht 'topologisch
sauber' sein?
 Auf letzteres sind die einschlaegigen Geodatenbanken aber in der Regel 

Und das hat auch seine technischen Gruende und Vorteile.
 In der API sieht eine typische gib mir alles in diesem Bereich-Anfrage 
 so aus:
 1. Suche alle Nodes in diesem Bereich. Geht schnell, kann aber schon mal
 einige zigtausend Nodes ergeben.
 2. Suche alle Ways, in denen irgendwo einer von diesen Nodes vorkommt.

Hier liegt die Krux, denn das ist sehr ineffizient. Polygone
und Flaechen kann ich als Toplevel-Objekte ueber Bounding boxes
sehr effizient verwalten und dann komme ich top down auch
schnell an die verwendeten Nodes. Es braucht nur eine Abfrage, 
welches Rechteck (bounding box) sich mit anderen Rechtecken 

Ich wuerde mich stark wundern, wenn die DB intern keine 
Bounding boxes (oder andere Tricks) zur internen Beschleunigung
verwendet, denn sonst darf man fuer jede Abfrage immer alle 
Nodes in Betracht ziehen. 
 Insgesamt ist das halt eine nicht ganz primitive Operation.

Man bekommts hin, wenn man ein paar uebergeordnete Indices
mitfuehrt, aber der wirkliche Vorteil erschliesst sich wohl
nur wenigen. Klar ist ein Modell erst einmal komplexer, das
zwischen Stuetzpunkten, POIs und Verbindungsknoten 
unterscheidet, aber im taeglichen Gebrauch werden schon 
Vorteile sichtbar.
Gruesse Hubert
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Re: [Talk-de] OSM case sensitiv?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Hartmut Holzgraefe
Bernd Wurst wrote:
 Am Montag, 12. Oktober 2009 schrieb Stephan Knauss:
 Ich bin dafür, dass die keys nur aus Kleinbuchstaben bestehen. Hier zu
 viele Sonderzeichen zu erlauben erzeugt doch nur Verwirrung.
 Brauchen wir diese Freiheit wirklich?
 Ich bin dafür, dass jeder, der die Daten nutzt (und folglich weiß, ob er 
 case-sensitive Infos erwartet) einfach ggf. ein lower() [je nach Sprache] 
 aufruft. Das schränkt niemanden ein und löst das Problem auch.

Dann stell mal dein locale auf Türkisch und versuch ein lower(I).

Das Ergebnis ist dann nicht i sondern (soweit ich mich erinnere) ÿ.

D.h. selbst wenn die Eingangsdaten nur reine 7bit ASCII Zeichen
benutzen und keinerlei nationale Sonderzeichen ist nicht garantiert
das das Ergebnis von lower() auch nur aus ASCII Zeichen besteht ...

Case insensitive Benamsung in Zusammenhang mit Internationalisierung/
Lokalisierung geht wegen solcher nicht eindeutigen Groß/Klein
Abbildungen immer irgendwann nach hinten los.

PS: das hat damals einige Zeit gedauert im PHP Land bis mal
irgendwem aufgefallen ist das die meisten der Die Image-
Funktionen sind nicht verfügbar obwohl die entsprechende
Extension geladen ist von türkischen Benutzern stammten
und da ein kausaler Zusammenhang besteht ...

PHP ist leider ein gutes Beispiel für die Fallstricke
von Case Insensitve Identifiern im internationalen Umfeld.
Mittlerweile benutzt die Zend Engine intern nur noch
das US ASCII Mapping für Case Insesitive Vergleiche und
wird damit für alle nationalen Sonderzeichen wieder
Case Sensitive, was neben der eh schon inkonsistenten
Funktionen sind case insensitve, Variablen case sensitive
und Konstanten je nach Deklaration das eine oder das andere
die Identifier Vergleichsregeln noch undurchschaubarer
macht ... leider gibt es keine Möglichkeit das gerade
zu ziehen und dabei gleichzeitig rückwärtskompatibel
zu bleiben. Diese spezielle Büchse der Pandora lässt
sich nun nicht mehr einfach schließen :(

Hartmut Holzgraefe, MySQL Regional Support Manager, EMEA

Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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Re: [Talk-de] Gebäude über Straße

2009-10-13 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 13. Oktober 2009 02:01 schrieb Thomas Ineichen

dann schreibe ich hier halt doch nochmal was:

 aha? Du findest, das sieht so aus, als hätte jemand was aus dem
 Gebäude herausgenommen? Abgesehen davon, dass ich schon einen
 Unterschied sehe zwischen Erde und einem Gebäude, finde ich pers. auch
 nicht, dass es so aussieht. Ich finde es sieht so aus, als hätte
 jemand das Gebäude so gebaut, dass es einen Durchgang gibt.

 Wieder  verkürzt.  Das Gebäude wurde nicht über die Passage geplant,
 sondern  als  Quader  und  dann hat der Architekt ein Loch ins Modell
 gesägt und gesagt: Hier führt die Passage durch.

wir wollen wohl das Tagging nicht vom Entwurfsprozess abhaengig
machen, oder? Es ist zwar nicht ausgeschlossen, dass ein Architekt so
arbeitet (subtraktiv), es kann aber genauso auch anders sein, und ist
im Einzelfall sicher aufwendig zu ermitteln. Dasselbe Objekt
(Ladenpassage) sollte m.E. unabhaengig vom Entwurfsprozess getaggt
werden koennen.
 (allerdings ist das Teil z.B. ein Hindernis,
 das mal nicht so ohne weiteres queren kann, während ein Tunnel in
 Querrichtung normalerweise kein Hindernis darstellt.

 Guter Einwand!

 Aber  auch wenn auf beiden Seiten Erde aufgeschüttet wird, so dass man
 über  den  Tunnel  hinweg  spazieren  kann,  liegt der Tunnel für mich
 gefühlt nicht unter der Erdoberfläche.

m.E. schon. Wenn Erde druebergeschuettet wurde, ist es unter der Erde.
Nach dt. Norm gilt das zwar erst ab 80 m Laenge, aber das wuerde ich
auch im Zweifel nicht so streng sehen.

 Was  ist  eigentlich eine Unterführung für Dich? Laut Wikipedia zählen
 Unterführungen nicht zu den Tunnels..

gute Frage, i.d.R. wuerde ich dafuer Tunnel nehmen, vor allem wenn
entsprechend lang, und sie sind ja auch unter der Erde.

 Hm,  ja..  eine  gedeckte Einfahrt zum Innenhof würde ich nicht Tunnel
 nennen.. Passagen aber irgendwie schon..
 tunnel  steht für mich sinnbildlich für es geht nur nach vorne oder
 hinten  raus,  links/rechts/oben  ist's  zu,  darum  würde ich solche
 Stellen auch allgemein mit tunnel=yes tagen.

gerade Passagen haben doch meistens zig Moeglichkeiten, eben nicht nur
nach vorne und hinten rauszukommen, sondern seitlich, oben und sonst
in alle Richtungen in Laeden und Ausgaenge abzubiegen (und dann weiter
ins Freie), sie weiten sich auf fuer Plaetze, etc.

Gruss Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM case sensitiv?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Stephan Knauss
Bernd Wurst wrote:
 Ich bin dafür, dass die keys nur aus Kleinbuchstaben bestehen. Hier zu
 viele Sonderzeichen zu erlauben erzeugt doch nur Verwirrung.
 Brauchen wir diese Freiheit wirklich?
 Ich bin dafür, dass jeder, der die Daten nutzt (und folglich weiß, ob er 
 case-sensitive Infos erwartet) einfach ggf. ein lower() [je nach Sprache] 
 aufruft. Das schränkt niemanden ein und löst das Problem auch.

Du entwickelst keine Software, oder?

Das Problem ist, dass die Schnittstellen definiert sein müssen, bzw. das 
genaue Format der Daten. Die Semantik muss klar sein.

Wenn ein Programm building=yes verarbeiten kann, dann kann nicht 
einfach ein Building=yes gleich behandelt werden. Das Programm (bzw. 
der Autor) kann nicht wissen was Building bedeutet. Es könnte sein, 
dass dieser Key dazu verwendet wird um öffentliche Gebäude zu 
kennzeichnen, damit diese in einer Spezialkarte farblich anders gezeigt 

Wenn Building bekannt ist, dass es eine andere Bedeutung hat als 
building, das der Autor weiß und es nur gleich behandeln will, dann 
wird er auch genau nach diesen beiden Strings suchen. Es könnte ja mal 
jemand auf die Idee kommen den Key BUilding zu erfinden, der dann noch 
eine ganz andere Bedeutung hat.

Ein Lösungsvorschlag war so eine Art Alias-Tabelle.

Meine Idee wäre es Namespaces einzuführen. Diese können einen Satz von 
Schlüsselwörtern definieren denen auch eine eindeutige Bedeutung 
zugeordnet werden kann.

Das würde auch die MapFeatures-Problematik beenden.

Alle die einen Starken Führer wollen einigen sich auf einen Namespace 
der von diesem spezifiziert wird, andere verwenden einen Namespace 
dessen Bedeutung sie in demokratischen Gremien definieren. Und andere 
verwenden einfach keinen Namespace weil es ihnen nicht frei genug ist.

Die API müsste dazu jedem Element einen/mehrere Namespace(-Identifier) 
zuordnen können.
Auf Tag-Ebene könnte das ein weiteres Attribut sein (n für namespace).
Ein Node könnte dann solche tags haben
  tag n=osmf-namespace k=name v=eine Bedeutung für name /
  tag n=fossgis-namespace k=name v=andere Bedeutung für name /
  tag n=incubation k=neuerKey v=exotischer Schlüssel /

Editoren/Renderer blenden die Namespaces aus, die sie nicht 
anzeigen/editieren wollen, bzw. wählen die Namespaces deren Semantik sie 

Ein Renderer mit der Intelligenz eines HAL 9000 kann auch einfach alles 
nehmen und erkennen was der Nutzer gemeint hat als er einen neuen Key 
erfunden hat ;)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM case sensitiv?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Bernd Wurst

Am Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009 schrieb Stephan Knauss:
 Wenn ein Programm building=yes verarbeiten kann, dann kann nicht
 einfach ein Building=yes gleich behandelt werden. Das Programm (bzw.
 der Autor) kann nicht wissen was Building bedeutet. Es könnte sein,
 dass dieser Key dazu verwendet wird um öffentliche Gebäude zu
 kennzeichnen, damit diese in einer Spezialkarte farblich anders gezeigt

Man könnte auch einen Way einzeichnen und damit einen Node meinen.
Ich würde sagen du machst dir mit dieser Meinung das Leben unnötig schwer.

Großschreibung bei diesen allgemein bekannten Tags sind (meine Schätzung) zu 
99,9% unerfahrene User die ohne Nachzudenken beim Tippen den ersten 
Buchstaben groß machen.
Diese von mir gemeinten Tags bestehen zu 100% aus us-ascii-Zeichen, die mit 
einer us-ascii-locale in Kleinbuchstaben konvertiert werden können. 

Großschreibung deshalb für alles und jede Verwendung gleich abzuschaffen ist 
trotzdem zu viel des Guten, eben weil die Konversion eine triviale ist und 
man nichts einschränken muss um dasselbe Ergebnis zu bekommen.

Gruß, Bernd

Geld verdirbt nicht den Charakter eines Menschen, es entlarvt ihn!
  -  Max Frisch

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[Talk-de] Darstellung von Gebäuden

2009-10-13 Per discussione Markus
Bisher hatte ich immer ganz stolz auf unsere Detailtreue verwiesen:

Aber das finde ich noch genauer:

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM case sensitiv?

2009-10-13 Per discussione Thomas Ineichen
Hallo Chris,

 sehe ich das richtig dass OSM generell case sensitiv
 ist, sowohl für Tags als auch für Werte ?

Ja  und  nein.  Grundsätzlich  speichert  OSM die Daten so, wie Du sie
eingibst (also mit entsprechender Gross-Klein-Schreibung).

 Also oneway=yes ist was anderes als Oneway=yes
 und oneway=YES, etc. ?

Hier  ist  der  Fall  insofern  klar,  als  dass  alle  vom  Sinn  her
gleichbedeutend  sind. Empfolen (und am häufigsten verwendet) wird die
Kleinschreibung.   AFAIK  verstehen  die  Routing-Programm  aber  alle
Kombinationen von Gross- und Kleinschreibung.

 Ich stolpere nämlich gerade über die verschiedenen
 Schreibweisen von maxspeed=DE:urban
 (de:urban, DE:Urban, De:urban, De:Urban)...

Etwas  komplizierter,  da  es  die von Tobias erwähnte Konvention gibt
Länder  gross  und  Sprachen  klein  zu schreiben. In den allermeisten
Fällen gibt es keine Überschneidung, d. h. de:* und DE:* werden (fast)
nie*  gleichzeitig  benutzt  und  es  ist  aus  dem Schlüssel klar, ob
Deutschland  oder  deutschsprachig gemeint ist.

Um  den Auswertern aber das Leben nicht unnötig kompliziert zu machen,
sollte man sich an die Konventionen halten.


* Kennt  jemand  ein  Beispiel, wo Sprach- und Landesabkürzung gleich-
  zeitig benutzt werden?

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