Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-10-16 Per discussione Giuliano

Il 16/10/2015 16:31, Max1234Ita ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti.
Qualcuno di voi s'è accorto che ora dall'elenco dei pacchetti disponibili di
OsmAnd (nonché dalla pagina di download) è sparita la mappa con copertura
nazionale (italy_europe_2.obf)?

Cioè se uno vuole la copertura nazionale deve scaricarsi tutte le 20
regioni, altrimenti ciccia!?!

Ma che cappero sta succedendo?

Ciao Max1234Ita,
credo che non ci sia niente di nuovo Hai provato a cercare la 
Germania, gli USA o il Giappone come nazioni intere?
Il file più grande è l'Olanda con circa 820MB.

Evidentemente quando una nazione supera il GB la spezzano nelle varie 
IMHO potrebbero anche spezzarlo in macro regioni, anche se il nord 
Italia fino all'emilia compresa vale oltre 520MB, quindi la metà di 
tutta l'Italia.

Forse l'ideale sarebbe fare NordOvest, Nordest, Centro e Sud con isole...

Ma non so se faranno un'eccezione per gli italiani ;-) Bisognerebbe 
provare a suggerirglielo.


nel frattempo, ho installato la nightly di OsmAnd~... giusto in tempo per
beccarmi la versione buggata dovo non è più visibile il menu che permette
discegliere il tipo di pacchetto da scaricare (normale, solo strade, live

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-16 Per discussione Leonardo

Ciao Michele,

mi scuso in anticipo se questa mail sembrerà un "mettere il dito nella 
piaga" ma si può avere un responso definitivo sull'evento? Siamo troppo 
pochi per poter fare qualcosa?

Io sono ancora disponibile a scendere ma se il numero di persone 
interessate risultasse troppo basso, meglio rimandare a nuova data a 



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Staveformer for vejnavne

2015-10-16 Per discussione Kurt Forbech Toft
AWS'en er den officielle danske stavemåde.

> Den 16. okt. 2015 kl. 15.23 skrev Soren Johannessen 
> :
> Abbreviation (don't do it)
> If the name can be spelled without an abbreviation, then don't
> abbreviate it Computers can easily shorten words, but not the other
> way (St. could be Street or Saint). If the signs have abbreviated
> words and you don't know what the full word is, then use it
> temporarily until someone else completes it.
> /Søren
> 2015-10-16 15:09 GMT+02:00 Uffe Kousgaard :
>> Skal vejnavne indeholdende Sanct / Sct skrives fuldt ud, som på vejskiltet
>> eller som det officielle adresse-register?
>> Eksempel fra Viborg:
>> 1) "Store Sanct Peder Stræde" (OSAK i OSM)
>> 2) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Addr i OSM)
>> 3) "St Sct Peder Stræde" (OSM vejnavn)
>> 4) "St. Sankt Peder Stræde" (Google Maps)
>> 5) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Google Streetview - vejskilt)
>> Prøver man adressen her, så er det 2) der dukker op:
>> Henter man alle adresser fra AWS, så er det ret forskelligt hvor langt de
>> enkelte kommuner er med at skrive vejnavnene fuldt ud.
>> Det samme gælder en lang række forkortelser, som endnu forekommer i OSM:
>> Dr, Ll, St, Ndr, Nr, Ø, V, Sdr, Sr, Hvf m.m.
>> mvh
>> Uffe Kusgaard
>> ___
>> Talk-dk mailing list
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Staveformer for vejnavne

2015-10-16 Per discussione Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen
Stavning og forkortelser af adresser er jo et gammelkendt problem, se eller

Som jeg forstår det, anvender den løbende adresseimport rettelserne
der er registreret i Her kan man
(OSM-brugere) få problematiske ikke-korrekte data i de offentlige
systemer tryllet om "som vi vil have det" i OSM. Listen har vist også
tjent som inspiration for de dataansvarlige i kommunerne.

Der ser i øvrigt ud til at være et nyt samlet adressesystem på vej i
det offentlige;


Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-10-16 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Geofabrik ha recentemente spezzato in pbf di macroregioni. Il nordest
405Mb, cosi come definito dal poligono geofabrik é stato processato in 13h

Intel i3 @ 3.3GHz
Parametri RAM 64M - 3G

Sto testando con Osmand 2.1 e pare tutto bene, ricerca degli indirizzi
compresa. A scelta si può poi processare incrementalmente solo gli osc (osm

-- / 
Max1234Ita wrote
> Ciao Aury,
> che io sappia:
>   - I file regionali contengono solo gli indirizzi della regione cui si
> riferiscono;
>   - I file delle mappe "solo strade" non contengono alcun indirizzo
> (almeno fino alla v.2.1, con la 2.3 le

non ho mai notato le mappe solo strada...a mio avviso comunque queste ultime
sono di fatto inutili senza gli indirizzi...secondo me a lungo andare si
avranno mappe regionali e mappe solo strada entrambi con gli indirizzi...

comunque sia non ho una spiegazione allora per la situazione attuale...è
anche probabile che con tutti questi cambiamenti negli utlimi tempi tra il
programma vero e proprio e le mappe abbiano fatto un po' di
confusione/casino e si siano scordati alcuni pezzi...bho!
assolutamente d'accordo su quello che dici sugli "normal" users

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

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[OSM-talk] weekly 273 - 10/06/2015 – 10/12/2015

2015-10-16 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 273, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
openstreetmap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to
you by ...

## Manfred Reiter - -
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] weekly 273 - 10/06/2015 – 10/12/2015

2015-10-16 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 273, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
openstreetmap world: Enjoy! weeklyOSM is brought to
you by ...

## Manfred Reiter - -
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Extra wide shoulders / travel lanes in NJ

2015-10-16 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Jim McAndrew  wrote:

> Sorry for the google maps links on this, but I've found NJ's use of
> shoulders (or "curb lanes") as bike lanes kind of strange. I would tag this
> as cycleway=lane but nothing for shoulder.

Those aren't shoulders, those are bike lanes.  There's no shoulders there.
Talk-us mailing list

[OSRM-talk] Need more instructions

2015-10-16 Per discussione Martin Bang Andersen
Hi all,

I have previous written about my troubles with missing instructions when a
secondary road has the same name as the primary road, then this
turn/instruction is somehow optimized out of the instruction set.

See for example:

Here the final instruction tells me: "Left onto Haslegårdsvej" and then
after 150m it says destination reached. It does not tell me to turn right
onto the secondary part of Haslegårdsvej after about 100m.

Can anybody point me to the place in the source code where this turn is
removed from the list of instructions? I have looked a lot of places and my
best bet until now is the AnalyzeTurn function in

*// If street names stay the same and if we are certain that it is not a*
*// a segment of a roundabout, we skip it.*
*if (data1.name_id == data2.name_id && data1.travel_mode ==
*// TODO: Here we should also do a small graph exploration to check
*//  more complex situations*
*if (0 != data1.name_id || m_node_based_graph->GetOutDegree(node_v)
<= 2)*
*return TurnInstruction::NoTurn;*

but it does not seem to be called during a viaroute request.

Best regards
Martin Bang Andersen
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Extra wide shoulders / travel lanes in NJ

2015-10-16 Per discussione John Eldredge
My experience elsewhere is that shoulders are not considered legal driving 
lanes for motor vehicles, except under special circumstances, such as a 
construction zone where a normal driving lane has been shut down. People 
who try to use the shoulder as a driving lane receive traffic citations.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot 
drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On October 12, 2015 11:05:12 PM Jack Burke  wrote:

Wait, question:

Are these shoulder lanes under discussion *only* for bicycles, or for motor
vehicles as well?


On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Elliott Plack 


I have not seen the Shoulder or Lanes tags in wide use yet. I use the
cycleway tags on the highway line way to denote bike lanes that are part of
the road surface, as it seems your case is. (cycleway:right=lane). Though
in this case it is arguable if the shoulder is a lane. What is certain is
that most cyclists treat shoulders as such.

I'm interested in routing and the Open Source Routing Map project. Cycle
and ped routing is especially interesting to me as an athlete, and so I
looked on the ORSM backend for clues on how they're handling shared lanes
and such. Looks like one of these tagging combos will work:


On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 2:15 PM Mike Dupont <> wrote:

Hi there,
This road cr 546 ( and
many others here in the area has extra wide  wide shoulders that
people use for walking or biking. How do you want to tag them as such
so that we can also use that for routing?

Here is a table of the segments with lane information

I see and what are your thoughts on a
detailed tagging for this information.


James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion

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Re: [Talk-dk] Fejlagtige adresse noder

2015-10-16 Per discussione Soren Johannessen
Guldalderen 1 findes skam se Danmarksadresser

Den adresse er oprettet 5/5 2015 - Det ser ud til at der skal bygges
en vej der. Kommuner opretter ofte i lang tid før der er bygget på
område, pga at håndværkere skal kunne finde der ud eller hvis der sker
en arbejdsulykke, så er der et adressepunkt ambulancefolk kan navigere

Transformatorer, vindmøller, en dæmning, fodboldbane osv kan også godt
få adressepunkter, hvis det hjælper kommunens administration eller
politi/Falck osv.

Så derfor er det dårlig ide at slette adressepunkter


2015-10-16 22:52 GMT+02:00 Carsten Nielsen :
> Flg. adresse noder mener jeg er forkerte da de ikke findes i virkeligheden:
> men da diverse automatiserede scripts har taget magten i OSM DK har jeg brug
> for større kræfter til at få dem fjernet.
> Er der nogen der kan hjælpe ?
> mvh
> Carsten
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2015-10-14

2015-10-16 Per discussione Dave Hansen
These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

If you have questions or comments about these maps, please feel
free to ask.  However, please do not send me private mail.  The
odds are, someone else will have the same questions, and by
asking on the talk-us@ list, others can benefit.


Map to visualize what each file contains:


Why did you do this?

I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact
of doing a large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also
cut them in large longitude swaths that should fit conveniently
on removable media.

Can or should I seed the torrents?

Yes!!  If you use the .torrent files, please seed.  That web
server is in the UK, and it helps to have some peers on this
side of the Atlantic.

Why is my map missing small rectangular areas?

There have been some missing tiles from Lambertus's map (the
red rectangles),  I don't see any at the moment, so you may
want to update if you had issues with the last set.

Why can I not copy the large files to my new SD card?

If you buy a new card (especially SDHC), some are FAT16 from
the factory.  I had to reformat it to let me create a >2GB

Does your map cover Mexico/Canada?

Yes!!  I have, for the purposes of this map, annexed Ontario
in to the USA.  Some areas of North America that are close
to the US also just happen to get pulled in to these maps.
This might not happen forever, and if you would like your
non-US area to get included, let me know. 

-- Dave

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Extra wide shoulders / travel lanes in NJ

2015-10-16 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:24 AM, Mike Dupont <> wrote:

> These are used as an extra turning lane for cars, so going around
> corners can be dangerous for cyclists or joggers or walkers who all
> share them.

Is that common practice or is there legal precident?  I mean, people turn
right from straddling the curb between the bike lane and the sidewalk in
metro Portland, but it's certainly not a legal move.  And OHP just loves
giving people tickets for driving on the shoulder when you're about to turn
right in Oklahoma (particularly on SH66/Future USBR66/OKBR66)
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Missing Roads data dumps

2015-10-16 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

After two weeks almost 10% of missing road tiles have been resolved. Pretty
nice! Thanks for checking out the tool. Continue to send me your ideas for
improvement, or go to to post it there.

We decided also to release the data behind the tool - as of a few days ago
we have been posting daily dumps. See my diary entry for more info: Let me know if you
find it useful.

Happy mapping --
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neues GPS, schlechte Performance...

2015-10-16 Per discussione Florian Lohoff


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 05:41:23PM +0200, Manuel Reimer wrote:
> Hallo,
> ich nutze schon seit einiger Zeit einen GPS-Empfänger auf ublox-5
> Basis (Wintec WBT 202).
> Da nun schon länger keine neuen GPS-Logger mehr auf den Markt
> kommen, und der u-blox 5 vom Hersteller schon länger abgekündigt
> ist, dachte ich mir, dass es recht interessant sein könnte, mal zu
> sehen, was ein neuerer Chipsatz so kann.
> Bestellt habe ich:
> Dieses Modul hat netterweise auch direkt einen Micro-USB-Anschluss
> drauf. Kann also zum Testen einfach und schnell an den Rechner
> gehängt werden.

Ich suche da auch immer noch. Ich habe noch einen WBT 201 und bin
mit den features wie Akku Laufzeit etc zufrieden. Ich nutze das
Bluetooth halt viel.

Mittlerweile muss man aber einsehen das die GPS Performance eine
Smartphones aus der Generation Galaxy S4/HTC One (m8) identisch
oder teilweise sogar besser ist als die des WBT201. Meiner Meinung
nach liegt das an der kombinierten Nutzung der Glonass Satelliten.

Ich hätte auch gerne einen Bluetooth Logger a la WBT201 mit 
aktuellen ublox oder multi GNSS Chipsets.

> Was ich jetzt aber rausgekriegt habe, ist sehr ernüchternd:
> Vor dem Haus mit der verschwommenen "20" habe ich zwei GPS
> nebeneinander abgelegt. Der lilane Punkt ist mein WBT 202 und der
> Ort wo beide GPS gelegen haben. Die Position des WBT 202 hat sich
> nämlich während es Messzeitraums nicht verändert. Die ganzen Spuren
> sind vom u-blox 8.

Hinlegen ist halt schwierig. Je nachdem wie die UBlox so intern
konfiguriert sind.

> Was könnte hier das Problem sein? GPS-Modul kaputt?
> Firmware-Problem? Einstellungssache?

Einstellung. Temperatur. Das kann viele Gründe haben.

Florian Lohoff
  We need to self-defend - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Paul Johnson
Not even sure how passenger_lines=* is even a tag given route=rail

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 6:02 AM, Dave F.  wrote:

> I'm unsure of the difference between passenger_lines=* & tracks=*.
> Reading the wiki page, it appears the writer is confused as well, stating
> in the last paragraph, that the 'passenger' bit is redundant as "all kinds
> of tracks connecting the same railway stations or junction should be
> counted with no regard to the train services running on it." & it's a
> "workaround" for tracks.
> Cheers
> Dave F.
> On 07/10/2015 09:24, Richard Mann wrote:
> Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
> misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
> line separately.
> So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict.
> I only did N=1 or N>=4, though.
> I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.
> Richard
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Maarten Deen  wrote:
>> I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no answer.
>> Then I saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked him about it and
>> he too asked WJtW and received no answer.
>> On the german forum there is a thread [1] about it also indicating it is
>> a superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.
>> It borders on vandalism.
>> [1] 
>> Regards,
>> Maarten
>> On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
>>> Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
>>> "Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
>>> well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
>>> However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
>>> tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According
>>> to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example,
>>> the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two
>>> tracks (see [2] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
>>> tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there
>>> are 4 in total, which is wrong.
>>> I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
>>> review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
>>> mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
>>> same intent.
>>> Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?
>>> //colin
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> --
> [image: Avast logo] 
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-dk] Fejlagtige adresse noder

2015-10-16 Per discussione Carsten Nielsen

Flg. adresse noder mener jeg er forkerte da de ikke findes i virkeligheden:

men da diverse automatiserede scripts har taget magten i OSM DK har jeg brug for større 
kræfter til at få dem fjernet.

Er der nogen der kan hjælpe ?



Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hi Paul,

Am 2015-10-16 um 22:58 schrieb Paul Johnson:
> Not even sure how passenger_lines=* is even a tag given route=rail
> relations...

As far as I know, passenger_lines=* is intended as an tracks=*
replacement if each track is mapped. There is an ITO map which renders
passenger_lines=*. There has also been a map for tracks=* but I have ask
ITO to shut it down because of wrong usage of the tracks=* key as WJtW did.

I myself think that we do not need a passenger_lines=* tag and I do not
care about this tag. I think that such a information (number of parallel
tracks) might be extracted from existing OSM tracks without an
additional key. passenger_lines=* is fragile because not all users know
of its existence if they add a new built track.

Best regards


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I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Missing Roads data dumps

2015-10-16 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

After two weeks almost 10% of missing road tiles have been resolved. Pretty
nice! Thanks for checking out the tool. Continue to send me your ideas for
improvement, or go to to post it there.

We decided also to release the data behind the tool - as of a few days ago
we have been posting daily dumps. See my diary entry for more info: Let me know if you
find it useful.

Happy mapping --
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Warin
A local railway corridor is having a third track added specifically to 
carry freight. It can also carry passengers but that would be an 
exception.  It may have a 'lower-spec' for smoothness .. but in all 
other regards it has at least the same speck.
There is some political pressure to encourage the use of railway rather 
than road services for carriage of freight.
Most of the longer Australian railway lines carry far more freight than 
passengers, and the lines are significantly less comfortable for 
passengers due to it!
I'd not recommend any of the longer Australian railway passenger trips 
if you want some comfort.

As far as tagging goes I would not distinguish between then .. both can 
be used for the other when required.

On 16/10/2015 10:10 PM, Richard Mann wrote:
Goods-only and empty-coaching-stock lines can be markedly lower-spec 
(such that they cannot be used by passenger-carrying services), and 
are effectively a subsidiary system. There aren't all that many 
examples left in the UK.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Dave F. > wrote:

I'm unsure of the difference between passenger_lines=* & tracks=*.

Reading the wiki page, it appears the writer is confused as well,
stating in the last paragraph, that the 'passenger' bit is
redundant as "all kinds of tracks connecting the same railway
stations or junction should be counted with no regard to the train
services running on it." & it's a "workaround" for tracks.

Dave F.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Map key

2015-10-16 Per discussione Andrew Hain
I am having a look at the map key for the standard layer and I am finding a
number of loose ends.

One obvious issue is that the key is sometimes out of date: for instance it
distinguishes between forest and wood but the style sheet no longer does so.

The key talks about trunk, primary and secondary roads but this is just OSM
database keywords left exposed; these words have local meanings in some
countries that OSM differs from. It might be better to have an entry for
main roads using as many colours as are displayed at the zoom level in a
single row, which among other things saves space on mobile devices.

We also have an opportunity to add some more entries for further features
and to sort important stuff to the top.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now available

2015-10-16 Per discussione Ed Loach
Ah, yes. I had to upgrade to JOSM latest rather than JOSM tested. I would like 
to thank Simon04 for his quick response to my error report




From: Rob Nickerson [] 
Sent: 15 October 2015 23:16
To: Ed Loach
Cc: Talk-GB
Subject: RE: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now 


Thanks. Have you had any trouble getting the tiles to load in JOSM? When I 
tried I keep getting error messages popping up which made it unusable. JOSM 
does seem to suffer from bugs these days (maybe I have a bad plugin).


On 15 Oct 2015 08:49, "Ed Loach"  wrote:





From: Rob Nickerson [] 
Sent: 14 October 2015 18:04
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now 



Is it possible to add Bing aerial as a layer - it would be interesting to see 
how it compares for tracing. I'll check it out in JOSM but others may like it 
on the website.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Per discussione Simon Poole
A quick reality check: forget scraping stuff from FB or any other
commercial operator of similar services (for legal/ToS reasons).

And second: there is already the OSM forums which, depending on region,
are quite popular.

Further: none-of the above are really a replacement for a  integrated
group facility which can support very fine grained and self-organized
grouping of contributors with common interests (or whatever).


Am 16.10.2015 um 04:59 schrieb stevea:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Using custom data

2015-10-16 Per discussione Sander van Tulden
Hi Matthias, 

Perhaps a relevant Github issue about (simple) custom data with OSRM:

Best regards, 


Op 16-10-15 07:39 heeft Matthias Loeks  geschreven:

>Hi Frederik,
>thanks that's a good point indeed.
>I guess I did not mean "noding" in a strict sense which also creates nodes 
>at bridge intersections etc, but rather the "simple" noding that Daniel 
>However, probably there could also be nodes in OSM at the same coordinate 
>but on different floors which must not be handled as the same node.
>I will try to handle these cases correctly based on the topological 
>information from my input data.
>Still, the naive approach might be unstable and error-prone. It's just for 
>demonstrating a proof of concept though, so it should be fine for that.
>Thanks for pointing me to this issue and all the best,
>On 15 October 2015 20:15:28 Frederik Ramm  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 10/15/2015 05:43 PM, Matthias Loeks wrote:
>>> I though OSRM, clever as it is, would do the noding itself and not just
>>> rely on the OSM data.
>> That would be very un-clever of OSRM because in OSM the topology has a
>> meaning. In OSM, if two roads cross but don't have a common node, then
>> turning from one onto the other is not possible. Carelessly "noding"
>> such an intersection would break routing for OSM.
>> Bye
>> Frederik
>> --
>> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
>> ___
>> OSRM-talk mailing list
>OSRM-talk mailing list
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Tramos de carreteras

2015-10-16 Per discussione Victor Zamora
Buenos días,

¿Hay algún servicio de routing basado en osm aparte de OSMR?

Un saludo.

El 15 de octubre de 2015, 12:51, Alejandro S. 

> Hola!
> Tal vez lo más sencillo es que miréis si algún servicio de routing basado
> en osm permita exportar la ruta, de esa manera obtienes una carretera de un
> punto A a un punto B.
> Saludos
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015, 11:21 Victor Zamora  wrote:
>> Hola a todos,
>> Soy alumno de una universidad y estoy trabajando en un simulador de
>> conducción como parte de mi tfg. Necesitamos simular entornos reales en
>> carreteras, y para ello decidimos utilizar osm. Me preguntaba si se podrían
>> exportar las carreteras de las rutas de un lugar de inicio hasta un lugar
>> meta en algún tipo de coordenadas para la posterior traducción al lenguaje
>> del simulador.
>> Muchas gracias.
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Tramos de carreteras

2015-10-16 Per discussione María Arias de Reyna

2015-10-16 10:16 GMT+02:00 Victor Zamora :

> Buenos días,
> ¿Hay algún servicio de routing basado en osm aparte de OSMR?
> Un saludo.
> El 15 de octubre de 2015, 12:51, Alejandro S. 
> escribió:
>> Hola!
>> Tal vez lo más sencillo es que miréis si algún servicio de routing basado
>> en osm permita exportar la ruta, de esa manera obtienes una carretera de un
>> punto A a un punto B.
>> Saludos
>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015, 11:21 Victor Zamora  wrote:
>>> Hola a todos,
>>> Soy alumno de una universidad y estoy trabajando en un simulador de
>>> conducción como parte de mi tfg. Necesitamos simular entornos reales en
>>> carreteras, y para ello decidimos utilizar osm. Me preguntaba si se podrían
>>> exportar las carreteras de las rutas de un lugar de inicio hasta un lugar
>>> meta en algún tipo de coordenadas para la posterior traducción al lenguaje
>>> del simulador.
>>> Muchas gracias.
>>> ___
>>> Talk-es mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Tramos de carreteras

2015-10-16 Per discussione Victor Zamora
¿Y existe alguna librería en JAVA que pueda utilizar para obtener
directamente la ruta en coordenadas dando un punto inicial y un punto final?

El 16 de octubre de 2015, 10:46, Moises Arcos 

> Tienes un listado en la wiki
> El 16 de octubre de 2015, 10:16, Victor Zamora 
> escribió:
>> Buenos días,
>> ¿Hay algún servicio de routing basado en osm aparte de OSMR?
>> Un saludo.
>> El 15 de octubre de 2015, 12:51, Alejandro S. 
>> escribió:
>>> Hola!
>>> Tal vez lo más sencillo es que miréis si algún servicio de routing
>>> basado en osm permita exportar la ruta, de esa manera obtienes una
>>> carretera de un punto A a un punto B.
>>> Saludos
>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015, 11:21 Victor Zamora  wrote:
 Hola a todos,

 Soy alumno de una universidad y estoy trabajando en un simulador de
 conducción como parte de mi tfg. Necesitamos simular entornos reales en
 carreteras, y para ello decidimos utilizar osm. Me preguntaba si se podrían
 exportar las carreteras de las rutas de un lugar de inicio hasta un lugar
 meta en algún tipo de coordenadas para la posterior traducción al lenguaje
 del simulador.

 Muchas gracias.
 Talk-es mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-es mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Tramos de carreteras

2015-10-16 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski

Travelling Salesman parece que tiene una libreria para eso:

OsmAnd tambien usa Java, no se si lo puedes acceder como libreria
desde otro programa.

Y luego JOSM tiene algun algoritmo para bajar datos dentro de alguna
distancia de una ruta gpx.


2015-10-16 10:57 GMT+02:00 Victor Zamora :
> ¿Y existe alguna librería en JAVA que pueda utilizar para obtener
> directamente la ruta en coordenadas dando un punto inicial y un punto final?
> El 16 de octubre de 2015, 10:46, Moises Arcos 
> escribió:
>> Tienes un listado en la wiki
>> El 16 de octubre de 2015, 10:16, Victor Zamora 
>> escribió:
>>> Buenos días,
>>> ¿Hay algún servicio de routing basado en osm aparte de OSMR?
>>> Un saludo.
>>> El 15 de octubre de 2015, 12:51, Alejandro S. 
>>> escribió:

 Tal vez lo más sencillo es que miréis si algún servicio de routing
 basado en osm permita exportar la ruta, de esa manera obtienes una 
 de un punto A a un punto B.


 On Fri, Oct 9, 2015, 11:21 Victor Zamora  wrote:
> Hola a todos,
> Soy alumno de una universidad y estoy trabajando en un simulador de
> conducción como parte de mi tfg. Necesitamos simular entornos reales en
> carreteras, y para ello decidimos utilizar osm. Me preguntaba si se 
> podrían
> exportar las carreteras de las rutas de un lugar de inicio hasta un lugar
> meta en algún tipo de coordenadas para la posterior traducción al lenguaje
> del simulador.
> Muchas gracias.
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-es mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[OSM-ja] 静岡市建物外形インポートについて

2015-10-16 Per discussione 下り専門






ついでに、SotM JPへのお誘いも。
Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-it] Sabato 24 ottobre: Linux Day a Schio "ACTIVE!" con Mapping Party e Mapillary

2015-10-16 Per discussione Matteo Zaffonato

Ciao a tutti,
mail un po' lunghetta, perché c'è davvero tanta roba in pentola!

Una cosa che vi chiediamo: chi viene, si registri su Eventbrite.
Questo ci consentirà di organizzare al meglio l'evento!

Se avete domande, scrivete

Qui sotto tutti i dettagli, a presto,


== Diventa protagonista, vieni al Linux Day! Impara, condivi, divertiti! ==

Il Linux Day 2015 si terrà sabato 24 ottobre in molte città italiane,
tra cui Schio. Quest'anno il Linux Day si svolge in partnership con il
Digital Meet, il più grande evento del Triveneto dedicato
principalmente all’alfabetizzazione digitale verso cittadini e
imprese: più di 70 eventi in 4 giorni, con più di 150 speaker.

Quest'anno vogliamo dedicare le attività a chi vuole imparare passando
un pomeriggio all'insegna del divertimento e della condivisione. Per
questo l'abbiamo definito "Linux Day - ACTIVE!"

Le nostre attività saranno:
 * Mapping Party
 * Laboratorio Wikipedia
 * Coderdojo (per i più piccoli)

== Mapping Party ==

Open Street Map è la mappa mondiale creata grazie al contributo
volontario di tutti: persone, associazioni e Pubblica Amministrazione.
Mapillary Sabato 24 mapparemo il centro di Schio, raccogliendo dati e
foto per caricarli su Open Street Map e Mapillary.

Porta solo: lo smartphone con GPS e scarpe da ginnastica!

== Laboratorio Wikipedia ==

Wikipedia è l'enciclopedia universale, creata grazie al contributo
volontario di tutti. Si possono inserire ancora moltissimi nuovi
articoli, verificarne altri e integrare le informazioni già presenti,
specie se riguardano il nostro territorio. Impareremo come inserire e
aggiungere informazioni sul territorio locale, e le realtà che più

Porta solo: il tuo PC portatile e tanta voglia di fare!

== Coderdojo ==

CoderDojo è un movimento open source, guidato da volontari, che si
occupa di creare e organizzare club di programmazione gratuiti e senza
scopo di lucro per giovani. Ogni Dojo è condotto secondo il proprio
stile, ma tutti condividono la stessa etica.

Il CoderDojo si rivolge ai ragazzi tra i 7 e i 17 anni che vogliono
divertirsi imparando a programmare, costruire siti, app, giochi e
tutto quanto la fantasia gli suggerisce. Sono previsti due Coderdojo:
 * bambini dai 7 ai 12 anni (biglietto Coderdojo 1)
 * ragazzi dai 13 ai 17 anni (biglietto Coderdojo 2)

Porta con te: un adulto (genitore) e la merenda. Se ce l'hai, anche il
computer portatile con installato Scratch.

Vi aspettiamo sabato 24 Ottobre 2015, dalle 15.00 alle 18.00, presso
l'aula informatica alle Barchesse di Palazzo Fogazzaro, via Pasini 46

== Dove si svolge il Linux Day? ==

Il Linux Day si svolge a Schio, il pomeriggio dalle 15:00 alle 18.30
presso lo “Spazio Promozione Software Libero e assistenza” alle
Barchesse di Palazzo Fogazzaro in Via Pasini, 46 - Schio

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] How to Vote?

2015-10-16 Per discussione Alan Bragg
​I cannot find information on "how to vote" at the website
Can someone help me?

​Bedford MA​
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] How to Vote?

2015-10-16 Per discussione Ian Dees
Hi Alan,

You should have just received an e-mail with instructions for how to vote.
Let me know if you haven't.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Alan Bragg  wrote:

> ​I cannot find information on "how to vote" at the website
> Can someone help me?
> Alan
> ​Bedford MA​
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Per discussione Mike Dupont
On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Greg Troxel  wrote:
> Except that osm is part of the Free Sofware / Open Data world, and it
> isn't reasonable to expect contributors to have a relationship with an
> advertising company.

second that.

So, it woudl be nice to be able to invite everyone who is in some area
to a meetup, a geonotice. something that would
work with different editors.


James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Richard Mann
Goods-only and empty-coaching-stock lines can be markedly lower-spec (such
that they cannot be used by passenger-carrying services), and are
effectively a subsidiary system. There aren't all that many examples left
in the UK.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Dave F.  wrote:

> I'm unsure of the difference between passenger_lines=* & tracks=*.
> Reading the wiki page, it appears the writer is confused as well, stating
> in the last paragraph, that the 'passenger' bit is redundant as "all kinds
> of tracks connecting the same railway stations or junction should be
> counted with no regard to the train services running on it." & it's a
> "workaround" for tracks.
> Cheers
> Dave F.
> On 07/10/2015 09:24, Richard Mann wrote:
> Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
> misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
> line separately.
> So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict.
> I only did N=1 or N>=4, though.
> I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.
> Richard
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Maarten Deen  wrote:
>> I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no answer.
>> Then I saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked him about it and
>> he too asked WJtW and received no answer.
>> On the german forum there is a thread [1] about it also indicating it is
>> a superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.
>> It borders on vandalism.
>> [1] 
>> Regards,
>> Maarten
>> On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
>>> Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
>>> "Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
>>> well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
>>> However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
>>> tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According
>>> to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example,
>>> the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two
>>> tracks (see [2] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
>>> tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there
>>> are 4 in total, which is wrong.
>>> I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
>>> review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
>>> mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
>>> same intent.
>>> Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?
>>> //colin
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> --
> [image: Avast logo] 
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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Dave F.

I'm unsure of the difference between passenger_lines=* & tracks=*.

Reading the wiki page, it appears the writer is confused as well, 
stating in the last paragraph, that the 'passenger' bit is redundant as 
"all kinds of tracks connecting the same railway stations or junction 
should be counted with no regard to the train services running on it." & 
it's a "workaround" for tracks.

Dave F.

On 07/10/2015 09:24, Richard Mann wrote:
Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially 
misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing 
each line separately.

So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability 
conflict. I only did N=1 or N>=4, though.

I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Maarten Deen > wrote:

I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no
answer. Then I saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked
him about it and he too asked WJtW and received no answer.
On the german forum there is a thread [1] about it also indicating
it is a superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.

It borders on vandalism.



On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote:


User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to
railways across
Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
"Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435
which may
well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks.
to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For
the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed
of two
tracks (see [2] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting
are 4 in total, which is wrong.

I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting
that they
review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that
mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
same intent.

Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?



talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-16 Per discussione Charles P. Lamb
Looking thorough the OSM Wiki Map Features entry there didn't really 
seem to be features defined for such things as legislative districts, 
polling place districts, and land-use zoning. I don't think such 
features are peculiar to the USA. Am I missing something?


Charles P. Lamb
New Jersey

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-dk] Staveformer for vejnavne

2015-10-16 Per discussione Uffe Kousgaard
Skal vejnavne indeholdende Sanct / Sct skrives fuldt ud, som på 
vejskiltet eller som det officielle adresse-register?

Eksempel fra Viborg:
1) "Store Sanct Peder Stræde" (OSAK i OSM)
2) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Addr i OSM)
3) "St Sct Peder Stræde" (OSM vejnavn)
4) "St. Sankt Peder Stræde" (Google Maps)
5) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Google Streetview - vejskilt)

Prøver man adressen her, så er det 2) der dukker op:

Henter man alle adresser fra AWS, så er det ret forskelligt hvor langt 
de enkelte kommuner er med at skrive vejnavnene fuldt ud.

Det samme gælder en lang række forkortelser, som endnu forekommer i OSM:
Dr, Ll, St, Ndr, Nr, Ø, V, Sdr, Sr, Hvf m.m.

Uffe Kusgaard

Talk-dk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Comparing geodata results in ODbL? (was metadata)

2015-10-16 Per discussione Matthias Meißer
Hi there,

even if I (tried to) follow the metadata-guideline-discussion, I like to ask 
OSMF about a dedicated usecase that is somewhat related to the meta-topic:

We like to compare our (sadly closed source) vector building outlines, with the 
existing buildings in OSM. So we touch both (seperate) datasets and compare if 
a OSM building is covered by our buildings. We delete that existing building 
and it remains an OSM dataset with buildings that we don't have yet.

While it's not a problem to share the resulting OSM dataset, we are afraid, if 
we might need to share the original official building outlines? Our goal is to 
render the result and add it to a webmap.
Don't get me wrong, we don't try 'to rip of' OSM, but can't release the 
official building outlines of the whole state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (we 
don't own them). Instead we like to share another result of the comparison: 
where are buildings still missed in OSM (and could be traced by the community), 
so the opposite direction of the compare.

We tried to discuss this question already with the local and the german OSM 
communities and different senior mappers, but we are still a bit sceptical 
about our interpretation of the ODbL terms. It would be nice to get an answer 
by the OSMF :-)

kind regards from the city of Rostock,
Matthias Meißer

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Staveformer for vejnavne

2015-10-16 Per discussione Soren Johannessen
Abbreviation (don't do it)

If the name can be spelled without an abbreviation, then don't
abbreviate it Computers can easily shorten words, but not the other
way (St. could be Street or Saint). If the signs have abbreviated
words and you don't know what the full word is, then use it
temporarily until someone else completes it.


2015-10-16 15:09 GMT+02:00 Uffe Kousgaard :
> Skal vejnavne indeholdende Sanct / Sct skrives fuldt ud, som på vejskiltet
> eller som det officielle adresse-register?
> Eksempel fra Viborg:
> 1) "Store Sanct Peder Stræde" (OSAK i OSM)
> 2) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Addr i OSM)
> 3) "St Sct Peder Stræde" (OSM vejnavn)
> 4) "St. Sankt Peder Stræde" (Google Maps)
> 5) "St. Sct. Peder Stræde" (Google Streetview - vejskilt)
> Prøver man adressen her, så er det 2) der dukker op:
> Henter man alle adresser fra AWS, så er det ret forskelligt hvor langt de
> enkelte kommuner er med at skrive vejnavnene fuldt ud.
> Det samme gælder en lang række forkortelser, som endnu forekommer i OSM:
> Dr, Ll, St, Ndr, Nr, Ø, V, Sdr, Sr, Hvf m.m.
> mvh
> Uffe Kusgaard
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-de] PLZ-Bereich anpassen

2015-10-16 Per discussione Keine Werbung

Hallo Liste,

es gibt einige deutsche PLZ-Bereiche, die zweigeteilt sind, z.B. 14476 - 
nachzusehen bei

Es gibt in OSM aber auch fehlerhafte PLZ-Bereiche, die "Enklaven" in 
anderen PLZ-Bereichen besitzen, z.B. 01465 in 01099. Vergleicht man 
diese beiden PLZ-Bereiche mit der offiziellen Online-PLZ-Karte der 
Deutschen Post, erkennt man den "Fehler" in OSM.

Ich habe mich also mit ID, JOSM und Merkaartor auseinandergesetzt, aber 
ohne das berichtigen zu können, weil ich mit Relationen nicht so richtig 
klarzukommen scheine...

Am liebsten wäre mir in diesem Falle JOSM, aber ich kriege die 
PLZ-Relation einfach nicht "auseinander", um die 01099/01465-PLZ-Grenze 
neu zu ziehen und die Enklaven von 01465 zu löschen.

Also einerseits bräuchte ich mal 'nen kurzen Hinweis zu Relationen in 
Verbindung mit PLZ und andererseits einen zu JOSM.

Wer kann hier helfen?

Grüße sendet Lars

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] PLZ-Bereich anpassen

2015-10-16 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hallo Lars,

Am 16. Oktober 2015 15:59:26 MESZ, schrieb Keine Werbung :
> Es gibt in OSM aber auch fehlerhafte PLZ-Bereiche, die "Enklaven" in 
> anderen PLZ-Bereichen besitzen, z.B. 01465 in 01099. Vergleicht man 
> diese beiden PLZ-Bereiche mit der offiziellen Online-PLZ-Karte der 
> Deutschen Post, erkennt man den "Fehler" in OSM.
> Ich habe mich also mit ID, JOSM und Merkaartor auseinandergesetzt,
> aber 
> ohne das berichtigen zu können, weil ich mit Relationen nicht so
> richtig 
> klarzukommen scheine...

Erkennt man diese Enklaven auch durch reines Betrachten der 
addr:postcode=*-Tags an Gebäuden, POIs und Adressnodes?

Aus PLZ-Karten der Post dürfen wir keine Daten übernehmen!

Viele Grüße


PS Finger weg von Relationen, wenn du mit iD editierst und keine Ahnung von 
Relationen hast. Boundaries zu flicken macht keinen Spaß.
Diese Nachricht wurde auf einem Smartphone verfasst, ist daher nicht 
GPG-signiert und enthält Tippfejler.
This message was been written on a smartphone. That's why it is not GPG-signed 
and may contain tyops.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-16 Per discussione Toby Murray
OSM is not the ideal tool to be a dumping ground for all GIS data. It
excels at holding information that users can see, verify and update.
Boundaries like this cannot be seen or verified by anyone except the
government agency that originally made them. So the data gains no
benefit from being in OSM and in fact makes it more difficult to
update both the boundary data as well as non-boundary data in the

Yes, we do have national/state/county/city boundaries. Some people
aren't happy about this either... but they are tolerated because they
enable geocoding functionality.


On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 1:19 AM, Charles P. Lamb  wrote:
> Looking thorough the OSM Wiki Map Features entry there didn't really seem to
> be features defined for such things as legislative districts, polling place
> districts, and land-use zoning. I don't think such features are peculiar to
> the USA. Am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Charles P. Lamb
> New Jersey
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-10-16 Per discussione Lorenzo Perone
Ciao Beppe,
io ho una macchina su cloud che posso scalare molto in alto in termini di
processori e RAM (per breve tempo...).
Vorrei fare un test sul tempo di compilazione per l'intera Italia, mi
indichi i passaggi da fare?

Lorenzo Perone
twitter: @lorenzo_perone 
GEO+ geomatica in Italia * *

Il giorno 11 ottobre 2015 10:52, 
ha scritto:

> Non capisco se lentezza ed errori di conversione siano dovuti a CPU RAM o
> disco rigido... se fosse il disco basterebbe un SSD se CPU dovrei cambiare
> tutto:(
> Messaggio originale
> Da:
> Data: 11/10/2015 0.40
> A: "openstreetmap list - italiano"
> Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia
> ""  ha scritto:
> > OK ottimo per il livello update...speriamo che nuova versione di osmand
> cmq non tardi troppo
> La nightbuild segnalata sopra é già grandiosa...
> La gestione mappe, isocline, ombreggiatura, Wikipedia sono semplicissime.
> Gli stili mappa commutabili ... Nzomma un sacco di cose :-) manca ancora la
> configurazione del veicolo ed il calcolo del percorso più economico (che
> consideri anche gli srtm e la massa)
> > Ma qualcuno é riuscito a creare il file di tutta italia e allevarlo da
> qualche parte?
> Dopo il norditalia da 30 ore e 880Mb, lunedì provo a lanciare tutto lo
> stivale, ma ne dubito il PC ne esca vivo.
> Intanto geofabrik ci alleggerisce del lavoro di ritaglio, producendo pbf e
> osm in 5 macroregioni.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-10-16 Per discussione Max1234Ita
Ciao a tutti.
Qualcuno di voi s'è accorto che ora dall'elenco dei pacchetti disponibili di
OsmAnd (nonché dalla pagina di download) è sparita la mappa con copertura
nazionale (italy_europe_2.obf)?

Cioè se uno vuole la copertura nazionale deve scaricarsi tutte le 20
regioni, altrimenti ciccia!?!

Ma che cappero sta succedendo?

nel frattempo, ho installato la nightly di OsmAnd~... giusto in tempo per
beccarmi la versione buggata dovo non è più visibile il menu che permette
discegliere il tipo di pacchetto da scaricare (normale, solo strade, live

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] How to Vote?

2015-10-16 Per discussione Alan Bragg
Ian, Thank you, I received the instructions 10 minutes after I posted to
the list. I'm assuming that my problem was because I only joined yesterday
after watching the video at

It amazes me how much there is to learn about OSM. I learn the most by
reading which I receive every week by email.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Ian Dees  wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> You should have just received an e-mail with instructions for how to vote.
> Let me know if you haven't.
> -Ian
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Alan Bragg 
> wrote:
>> ​I cannot find information on "how to vote" at the website
>> Can someone help me?
>> Alan
>> ​Bedford MA​
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] PLZ-Bereich anpassen

2015-10-16 Per discussione Keine Werbung

Hallo Michael,

Am 16.10.2015 um 16:09 schrieb Michael Reichert:

Hallo Lars,

Am 16. Oktober 2015 15:59:26 MESZ, schrieb Keine Werbung :

Es gibt in OSM aber auch fehlerhafte PLZ-Bereiche, die "Enklaven" in
anderen PLZ-Bereichen besitzen, z.B. 01465 in 01099. Vergleicht man
diese beiden PLZ-Bereiche mit der offiziellen Online-PLZ-Karte der
Deutschen Post, erkennt man den "Fehler" in OSM.

Ich habe mich also mit ID, JOSM und Merkaartor auseinandergesetzt,
ohne das berichtigen zu können, weil ich mit Relationen nicht so
klarzukommen scheine...

Erkennt man diese Enklaven auch durch reines Betrachten der 
addr:postcode=*-Tags an Gebäuden, POIs und Adressnodes?
ja, in diesen beiden OSM-Enklaven von PLZ 01465 in PLZ 01099 sind auch 
Gebäude gemapt, die den addr:postcode=01465 (teilweise von mir) 
zugewiesen bekommen haben. Heißt das dann, daß die boundary=postal_code 
Enklaven-Umringe gelöscht werden könnten? Dann bleibt immer noch die 
Aufgabe, die Grenze zwischen diesen beiden PLZ-Bereichen zu verschieben...

Aus PLZ-Karten der Post dürfen wir keine Daten übernehmen!

schon klar - es geht ja auch nur um einen sehr groben visuellen Abgleich

Viele Grüße


PS Finger weg von Relationen, wenn du mit iD editierst und keine Ahnung von 
Relationen hast. Boundaries zu flicken macht keinen Spaß.
ich bevorzuge ja JOSM - aber genau deswegen frage ich ja, weil ich mich 
mit Boundery-Relationen noch nicht so gut auskenne

Grüße sendet Lars

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Neues GPS, schlechte Performance...

2015-10-16 Per discussione Manuel Reimer


ich nutze schon seit einiger Zeit einen GPS-Empfänger auf ublox-5 Basis 
(Wintec WBT 202).

Da nun schon länger keine neuen GPS-Logger mehr auf den Markt kommen, 
und der u-blox 5 vom Hersteller schon länger abgekündigt ist, dachte ich 
mir, dass es recht interessant sein könnte, mal zu sehen, was ein 
neuerer Chipsatz so kann.

Bestellt habe ich:

Dieses Modul hat netterweise auch direkt einen Micro-USB-Anschluss 
drauf. Kann also zum Testen einfach und schnell an den Rechner gehängt 

Was ich jetzt aber rausgekriegt habe, ist sehr ernüchternd:

Vor dem Haus mit der verschwommenen "20" habe ich zwei GPS nebeneinander 
abgelegt. Der lilane Punkt ist mein WBT 202 und der Ort wo beide GPS 
gelegen haben. Die Position des WBT 202 hat sich nämlich während es 
Messzeitraums nicht verändert. Die ganzen Spuren sind vom u-blox 8.

Der Ehrlichkeit halber muss man aber sagen, dass die "Warmlaufzeit" vom 
WBT 202 höher war, weil dieses durch den Akku auch diverse 
USB-Trennungen "überlebt" hat. Ich habe das ganze aber deutlich über 15 
Minuten laufen lassen.

Im XGPS habe ich für das WBT 202 die ganze Zeit diverse Satelliten 
gesehen, die für den "Fix" genutzt werden. Beim u-blox 8 war nie ein 
Satellit im Status "used". Komischerweise hat der gpsd trotzdem 
gemeldet, dass ein 3D-Fix vorliegen soll.

Was könnte hier das Problem sein? GPS-Modul kaputt? Firmware-Problem? 

Danke im Voraus



Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Mappingparty in Gent

2015-10-16 Per discussione Ruben Maes
*English below*

Tijdens de Mini-Hackathon in september, die uiteindelijk is uitgedraaid op een 
gewone meetup, hebben Joost en ik het idee opgevat om een mappingparty in Gent 
te organiseren op 4 november. Het zou zijn voor mappers die al wat ervaring 
hebben, niet gericht op nieuwe mappers.

Joost gaat het ook nog op Meetup zetten.

Later zouden we ook nog eens een mappingparty kunnen doen in Gent die dan wel 
gericht is op nieuwe mappers.

During the mini Hackathon in September Joost and I got the idea to organize a 
mapping party in Ghent on 4 November. It would be for mappers with some 
experience, not for new ones.

Joost will also put the event on Meetup.

Later we could also do a mapping party in Ghent for new mappers.

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Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Dave F.
It would be great if you'd invite the transit guys to join in this 
discussion here.

Dave F.

On 16/10/2015 23:24, Richard Mann wrote:
If someone wants to continue this discussion on the public transport 
list, feel free to start a discussion there. It's not appropriate for 
this list.

talk mailing list

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Extra wide shoulders / travel lanes in NJ

2015-10-16 Per discussione Jack Burke
Normally yes.  But just north of Atlanta we have a freeway called Georgia 400, 
and several miles of it are signed that the shoulder lanes are allowed for all 
motor vehicle traffic between certain hours, albeit with a lower spec limit 
than the regular lanes. 


On October 16, 2015 4:29:32 PM EDT, John Eldredge  wrote:
>My experience elsewhere is that shoulders are not considered legal
>lanes for motor vehicles, except under special circumstances, such as a
>construction zone where a normal driving lane has been shut down.
>who try to use the shoulder as a driving lane receive traffic
>John F. Eldredge --
>"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate
>drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
>On October 12, 2015 11:05:12 PM Jack Burke  wrote:
>> Wait, question:
>> Are these shoulder lanes under discussion *only* for bicycles, or for
>> vehicles as well?
>> --jack
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Elliott Plack
>> wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> I have not seen the Shoulder or Lanes tags in wide use yet. I use
>>> cycleway tags on the highway line way to denote bike lanes that are
>part of
>>> the road surface, as it seems your case is. (cycleway:right=lane).
>>> in this case it is arguable if the shoulder is a lane. What is
>certain is
>>> that most cyclists treat shoulders as such.
>>> I'm interested in routing and the Open Source Routing Map project.
>>> and ped routing is especially interesting to me as an athlete, and
>so I
>>> looked on the ORSM backend for clues on how they're handling shared
>>> and such. Looks like one of these tagging combos will work:
>>> Elliott
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 2:15 PM Mike Dupont <
>>>> wrote:
 Hi there,
 This road cr 546 ( and
 many others here in the area has extra wide  wide shoulders that
 people use for walking or biking. How do you want to tag them as
 so that we can also use that for routing?

 Here is a table of the segments with lane information


 I see and what are your thoughts on
 detailed tagging for this information.


 James Michael DuPont
 Kansas Linux Fest
 Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
 Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
 Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion

 Talk-us mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-us mailing list
>> --
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
>Talk-us mailing list

Typos courtesy of fancy auto-spell technology. ___
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Per discussione stevea

Simon Poole writes:
forget scraping stuff from FB or any other commercial operator of 
similar services (for legal/ToS reasons).

Fine, no scraping.  Even as the online communication world remains a 
Babel Tower of proprietary data islands, OSM can still create and 
continually improve what Simon and this thread seem to be expressing 
a serious need for us to better articulate:  "an integrated group 
facility which can support very fine grained and self-organized 
grouping of contributors with common interests (or whatever)."  That 
comes pretty close to describing what I would like to see emerge, so 
thank you for that articulation, Simon.

This is notwithstanding what Simon also mentions, that
 "there is already the OSM forums which, depending on region, are 
quite popular."

Yes, our forums are popular (and this is one of the "other places" I 
mentioned earlier), but they don't meet all our needs.  Do we keep 
them, grow them or discard them (once something better is built)?  We 
should leverage their popularity, to the extent they are (regionally).

Do we build this "integrated group facility" from scratch?  Using 
off-the-shelf (open-source) tools to get a jump-start?  How do we 
solicit input from our community to establish the feature set and 
overall design?  This is a long-term goal and has far-reaching 
consequences to grow mappers (in the US and elsewhere).  I strongly 
believe we should put serious effort into it, beginning with serious 
discussion.  This may or may not be the right forum to do so, but 
please:  let us not drop this dialog somewhere and fail to pick it up 

I'm no Mark Zuckerberg or billionaire, but in 1983-4 I started a 
tree-based forum on University of California student open-access 
minicomputers.  I saw how quickly and powerfully it became an 
extremely popular, widely-used communication medium precisely because 
of its "very fine grained and self-organized grouping of contributors 
with common interests."

OSM needs the same kind of medium.  Today, or soon.  It really WILL 
increase our number of mappers.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Need more instructions

2015-10-16 Per discussione Daniel Patterson
Hi Martin,

  You're looking at the right code, but it's not used during `viaroute`.  The 
turn instruction flags are baked into the graph structure that is generated 
during `osrm-extract`.

> On Oct 16, 2015, at 1:08 PM, Martin Bang Andersen  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have previous written about my troubles with missing instructions when a 
> secondary road has the same name as the primary road, then this 
> turn/instruction is somehow optimized out of the instruction set. 
> See for example: 
> Here the final instruction tells me: "Left onto Haslegårdsvej" and then after 
> 150m it says destination reached. It does not tell me to turn right onto the 
> secondary part of Haslegårdsvej after about 100m.
> Can anybody point me to the place in the source code where this turn is 
> removed from the list of instructions? I have looked a lot of places and my 
> best bet until now is the AnalyzeTurn function in 
> extractor/edge_based_graph_factory.cpp:
> // If street names stay the same and if we are certain that it is not a
> // a segment of a roundabout, we skip it.
> if (data1.name_id == data2.name_id && data1.travel_mode == 
> data2.travel_mode)
> {
> // TODO: Here we should also do a small graph exploration to check for
> //  more complex situations
> if (0 != data1.name_id || m_node_based_graph->GetOutDegree(node_v) <= 
> 2)
> {
> return TurnInstruction::NoTurn;
> }
> }
> but it does not seem to be called during a viaroute request.
> Best regards
> Martin Bang Andersen
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-16 Per discussione Richard Mann
If someone wants to continue this discussion on the public transport list,
feel free to start a discussion there. It's not appropriate for this list.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Per discussione Mike Dupont
On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 9:11 PM, stevea  wrote:

> OSM needs the same kind of medium.  Today, or soon.  It really WILL
> increase our number of mappers.

How about single sign on, we dont need multiple accounts for all these web

James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Extra wide shoulders / travel lanes in NJ

2015-10-16 Per discussione Mike Dupont
Here in NJ they pass you on the right on these lanes, it is totally insane.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:29 PM, John Eldredge  wrote:
> My experience elsewhere is that shoulders are not considered legal driving
> lanes for motor vehicles, except under special circumstances, such as a
> construction zone where a normal driving lane has been shut down. People who
> try to use the shoulder as a driving lane receive traffic citations.
> --
> John F. Eldredge --
> "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
> drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
> On October 12, 2015 11:05:12 PM Jack Burke  wrote:
>> Wait, question:
>> Are these shoulder lanes under discussion *only* for bicycles, or for
>> motor vehicles as well?
>> --jack
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Elliott Plack 
>> wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> I have not seen the Shoulder or Lanes tags in wide use yet. I use the
>>> cycleway tags on the highway line way to denote bike lanes that are part of
>>> the road surface, as it seems your case is. (cycleway:right=lane). Though in
>>> this case it is arguable if the shoulder is a lane. What is certain is that
>>> most cyclists treat shoulders as such.
>>> I'm interested in routing and the Open Source Routing Map project. Cycle
>>> and ped routing is especially interesting to me as an athlete, and so I
>>> looked on the ORSM backend for clues on how they're handling shared lanes
>>> and such. Looks like one of these tagging combos will work:
>>> Elliott
>>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 2:15 PM Mike Dupont
>>>  wrote:

 Hi there,
 This road cr 546 ( and
 many others here in the area has extra wide  wide shoulders that
 people use for walking or biking. How do you want to tag them as such
 so that we can also use that for routing?

 Here is a table of the segments with lane information

 I see and what are your thoughts on a
 detailed tagging for this information.


 James Michael DuPont
 Kansas Linux Fest
 Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
 Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
 Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion

 Talk-us mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Talk-us mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Increasing the number of US Mappers

2015-10-16 Per discussione stevea

Mike Dupont writes:
How about single sign on, we dont need multiple accounts for all 
these web resources.

I thought of this, but didn't mention it, as we have something 
similar going on with both OSM wiki accounts and OSM edit accounts. 
The reason is that the rights/attributions are different (wiki post 
rights/attributions differ from the ODBL which guides OSM edit 
rights/attributions).  While some harmonization of logins/signons is 
a good idea, we should do so where we can, but let's recognize that 
in some circumstances, we can't.


Talk-us mailing list