[OSM-talk-be] OpenStreetMap Belgium - Mapper of the Month - Diseret

2020-11-29 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Our Mapper of the Month is on

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] mapper of the month - Thierry Hancart

2020-10-30 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Our Mapper of the Month is on

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] waymarked or not?

2020-10-14 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
A few comments from our experience here in the south of the province of

Users jfonda, juminet, some others and myself have been very busy creating
relationships for the waymarked paths in different municipalities. The work
is not easy because there is always a lack of details to properly tag the
route and it is very difficult to get to the end!

Some of them are not maintained. Names and local references may differ
depending on the source. Some GPX files are not available. The signs are
not well defined. It is not specified if the trail is one-way. Etc.

You may be aware that the CGT (Commissariat Général au Tourisme pour la
Wallonie) has a list of about 2900 'official' marked trails.

In view of this, it seems unrealistic to me to start with 'virtual' routes
when we have not yet mapped the 'waymarked' paths.

Moreover, there is still a lot of work to be done with the tags linked to
the characteristics of the highways (surface, grade, incline, etc.).

I also think that with the increasingly developed routers, in the future,
we will be able to define our routes by ourselves without having to refer
to 'waymarked paths'.

Pierre aka foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] administrative boundaries - municipalities - gemeenten - communes

2020-07-03 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Is anyone still in a position to give the references of the sources
available at the time of the introduction into OSM of the communal
boundaries in Belgium?

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 148, Issue 10

2020-04-25 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
As an answer to Jo, I can suggest to search on Cartesius by the pre-1977
name of the 'gemeente/commune' and then going through the results. Then you
come to maps of the entire municipality or, sometime, to maps of a section
of the municipality.

It is sure that an 'advanced search' may give more precise results but the
'search tool' of Cartesius is still a mystery to me!

Pierre P.

How does one search for a specific map of a river in the region of interest?
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] archives - streams and rivers

2020-04-25 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

The Belgian State Archives have put the following archives online:
'Ministère de l'Intérieur. Plans généraux des cours d'eau non navigables ni
flottables' (1877-1890).

You can find them via Cartesius.be. They can be useful for
finding/veryfying the correct names of small streams and rivers. But be
careful: it appears that in some cases the actual current names (hydronyms)
are slightly different from what they were at the end of the nineteenth
century! These maps cover the entire Belgian territory they said but I did
not check it really ;-)

Two samples:


Pierre P.
aka foxanddpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: Espace Public Numérique d'Arlon - OpenStreetMap - Cartographie numérique - Atelier ouvert

2020-02-24 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

L'Espace Public Numérique (EPN) d'Arlon vous ouvre ses portes pour un
atelier "OpenStreetMap" ce mercredi 4 mars de 13.00 à 17.00 heures.

Voir : https://www.epnarlon.com/nos-ateliers/mars-2020/

C'est ouvert à tous !

Pas de programme prédéfini mais vous pourrez poser vos questions, recevoir
des conseils, expérimenter en matière de cartographie numérique.

On pourra aborder OpenStreetMap, uMap, Osmand, OSMTracker, MyOSMatic,
Inkscape, Field Papers, overpass turbo, la création d'itinéraires, la
réalisation de cartes "papier" ainsi que les géo-portails de nos régions.

Pierre Parmentier
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Réunion des contributeurs - Arlon - 13 janvier 2020

2019-12-23 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
À vos agendas !

Ci-après l'invitation à la prochaine réunion des contributeurs
OpenStreetMap à Arlon. Chacun est le bienvenu : curieux, acharné ou
dilettante. Le but est d'échanger et de s'informer !

Date : lundi 13 janvier 2020 à 19.30 h.
Lieu : club house du Tennis Club Garisart dit L'Espelette, Parc d'activités
économiques de Weyler 30, 6700 Arlon,  tél. +32 63 22 74 40,

Au programme : bilan de l'année écoulée, dernières réalisations des
contributeurs, activités OSM dans les diverses communes de la région,
échanges d'idées, projets personnels et collectifs, bavardages.


Mark your calendars!

Below is the invitation to the next OpenStreetMap contributors meeting in
Arlon. Everyone is welcome: curious, relentless or dilettante. The goal is
to exchange and learn!

Date: Monday 13 January 2020 at 19.30.
Location: Club house of the Tennis Club Garisart dit L'Espelette, Parc
d'activités économiques de Weyler 30, 6700 Arlon, phone +32 63 22 74 40,

On the program: review of the past year, latest achievements of
contributors, OSM activities in the various municipalities of the region,
exchange of ideas, personal and collective projects, chatter.


Web: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Pays_d%27Arlon


Pierre Parmentier
aka foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Next 'OSM Arlon' meetup 16 September 2019 in Habay-la-Neuve / Prochaine réunion "OSM Arlon" le 16 septembre 2019 à Habay-la-Neuve

2019-09-02 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Bonjour !

The next *OpenStreetMap Pays d'Arlon* meetup is scheduled on Monday 16
September 2019 at 19:30. Everyone is welcome, from the perfect beginner to
the experienced

La prochaine rencontre des contributeurs d'*OpenStreetMap Pays d'Arlon*
aura lieu le lundi 16 septembre 2019 à 19.30 h. Tout qui est intéressé par
OSM est le bienvenu, du parfait débutant au cartographe expérimenté.
N'hésitez pas à venir si vous êtes juste intrigué par le projet
OpenStreetMap et la cartographie participative.

Au programme : accueil des nouveaux contributeurs, préparation de la
journée de formation du 23 octobre 2019 *Itinéraires balisés et
OpenStreetMap*, avancement du bâti dans la région, dernières réalisations
des contributeurs, activités OSM à Aubange, etc.

Nous nous rencontrerons cette fois-ci à Habay. Adresse : Syndicat
d'Initiative de Habay, Rue de Luxembourg 3, 6720 Habay-la-Neuve (Place
Pierre Nothomb).

Happy mapping!

Bonne carto !

juminet & foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Importing polygons of administrative boundaries for Belgium into OSM

2019-06-07 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

I just read this "L’Administration Générale de la Documentation
Patrimoniale du SPF Finances a été désignée par les autres institutions
comme étant la source authentique de ces limites administratives belges et
les gère donc en tant que telle." or "De Algemene Administratie van de
Patrimoniumdocumentatie (AAPD) van de FOD financiën is door de andere
instellingen aangeduid als authentieke bron van de Belgische
administratieve grenzen en beheert ze daarom als zodanig." on

The available files with .shp data allow everybody to check the
administrative limits of our municipalities. See

Caution : the import of the data are subject to the license!


Pierre Parmentier (aka foxandpotatoes)
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Importing polygons of administrative boundaries for Belgium into OSM

2019-05-22 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Dear all,

A tedious job but - when there is a doubt - the best way is to refer to the
'original': the Processen-verbaal van de Afpalingen van Gemeenten /
Procès-verbaux de Délimitation des Communes.

See for example here

on www.arch.be. All boundaries refers to limits of plots of land.

Need to be be checked all the successive fusion of municipalities.

Don't forget that a boundary marker is not always on the boundary;
sometimes the accompanying text (procès verbal) explains that a boundary or
its change of direction is a point on the line between marker A and marker
B at x metres from marker A (e.g. if the boundary is in the mid of a
stream). Sometimes there are three markers to define an angle of the


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] arlon - osm - training courses

2018-11-28 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
 Hello Joost,

Why such assistance at the EPN Arlon? Some people came because it was 'La
Semaine numérique' of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the head of the
EPN in Arlon, Martine Delbrouck, was very quickly convinced of the interest
of the subject. I also informed some Luxembourg members of SGR about the
existence of this training.

About iD. Yes, we talked about this editor. But I tried to convince the
participants to use a more complete tool. I hope that three or four of them
will contribute in the long run. We will see if they attend our quarterly
meeting around Arlon!

We didn't ad a look at MapContrib. Nor to HOT! Time flies when you want to
make sure everyone is doing all the work with their computer!

Next step is on 15 January 2019.

Thank you Joost for your interest in this case.


Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] osm - arlon - training course / evangelism (Lionel Giard)

2018-11-10 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Hello Lionel,

Thanks for your message.

It is my intention:

   1. to follow all the edits of the new mappers
   2. to validate them
   3. to send the comments to the contributors


   1. I still have to check - and correct if necessary! - all the
   information uploaded by the new mappers. Give me some time ;-)

It is my intention to follow them
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] osm - arlon - training course / evangelism

2018-10-29 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
As suggested by Joost Schouppe, I give you here more info about

On Monday 23 October 2018, I delivered my first hours of evangelism on

Regular visitors to the Espace public numérique (EPN) of Arlon as well as
people particularly interested in the subject, such as members of the
Association Les Sentiers de Grande Randonnée, were present.

For three hours in the morning and again three hours in the afternoon, I
talked and showed screens about the 'use' of OpenStreetMap in everyday
life. The means of 'contributing' and participating in the database will be
explained on 6 and 27 November.

Let me say that it was difficult for me to speak of all the elements that I
had promised myself to explain. Time is short with OpenStreetMap! The
audience had a very varied computer experience. For some people, the use of
the mouse was still unclear in all situations. But many interesting and
constructive questions have been raised. And at the end of each session, we
did not reach half of the program! But all visitors received a brief
program (paper and PDF) as well as a clear list of all the websites I
planned to visit.

Very, very beautiful experience! More details after the next two steps.

All with the support of some contributors of the Pays d'Arlon
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Pays_d%27Arlon> and the manager of
the EPN.


Pierre Parmentier
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] osm - arlon - training course / evangelization

2018-10-04 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
For your information.

I shall deliver some information at the Espace public numérique (EPN)
d'Arlon  about OpenStreetMap. In

   - 23 October 2018 at 9.00*: Consulter OpenStreetMap*
   - 23 October 2018, at 13.00: *Consulter OpenStreetMap* (same subject)
   - 6 November 2018 at 9.00: *Contribuer à OpenStreetMap*
   - *27 *November 2018 at 9.00: *Contribuer à OpenStreetMap*

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] CORRECTION - Re: Réunion OSM à Arlon - OSM Meeting in Arlon - 8 May 2018 at 19.30

2018-03-29 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
 Salut à tous les cartographes OSM de la province de Luxembourg et alentours

Mardi 8 mai 2018, à 19.30 h, réunion à Arlon.
WiFi disponible.
Rendez-vous à la taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.


To the OSM Mappers of the Luxembourg province and around

We shall meet on Tuesday 8 May 2018 at 19.30 in Arlon.
WiFi available.
Meeting at the taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

Pierre P. /// foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Réunion OSM à Arlon - OSM Meeting in Arlon - 16 May 2018 at 19.30

2018-03-29 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Salut à tous les cartographes OSM de la province de Luxembourg et alentours

Mardi 8 mai 2018, à 19.30 h, réunion à Arlon.
WiFi disponible.
Rendez-vous à la taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.


To the OSM Mappers of the Luxembourg province and around

We shall meet on Tuesday 8 May 2018 at 19.30 in Arlon.
WiFi available.
Meeting at the taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

Pierre P. /// foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] ​Réunion OSM à Arlon - OSM Meeting in Arlon - 16 January 2018 at 19.30

2018-01-15 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
To the OSM Mappers of
​the Pays d'Arlon, ​
the Luxembourg province and around,

We shall meet on Tuesday 16 January 2018 at 19.30 in Arlon.

Meeting at the taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

À tous les cartographes OSM du Pays d'Arlon, de la province de
Luxembourg et alentour,

Mardi 16 janvier 2018, à 19.30 h, réunion à Arlon.

Rendez-vous à la taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

Pierre P. /// foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Réunion OSM à Arlon - OSM Meeting in Arlon - 16 January 2018 at 19.30

2018-01-15 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
To the OSM Mappers of the PLuxembourg province and around,

We shall meet on Tuesday 24 October 2017 at 19.30 in Arlon.
Already 4 subscribed! WiFi available.
Meeting at the taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.


Salut à tous les cartographes OSM de la province de Luxembourg et alentour,

Mardi 24 octobre 2017, à 19.30 h, réunion à Arlon.
Déjà 4 inscrits ! WiFi disponible.
Rendez-vous à la taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

Pierre P. /// foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Réunion OSM à Arlon - OSM Meeting in Arlon - 24 October 2017 at 19.30

2017-10-13 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
To the OSM Mappers of the Luxembourg province and around,

We shall meet on Tuesday 24 October 2017 at 19.30 in Arlon.
Already 4 subscribed! WiFi available.
Meeting at the taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.


Salut à tous les cartographes OSM de la province de Luxembourg et alentour,

Mardi 24 octobre 2017, à 19.30 h, réunion à Arlon.
Déjà 4 inscrits ! WiFi disponible.
Rendez-vous à la taverne Les Arcades, place Léopold 5.

Pierre P. /// foxandpotatoes
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] wallonia - picc - import - buildings

2017-02-06 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
What about the possibilities to import the buildings (and other data) from
the PIC to OSM?

Any further developments?

Any additional details for the page

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] BeGeo

2015-12-03 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
FYI : http://www.begeo.be/

An opportunity for OSM.be?

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Brussels - expansion of the pedestrian zone in the Pentagon of Brussels

2015-06-25 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Some work for OSM mappers.

For info, have a look at:

   - http://www.brussels.be/artdet.cfm?id=8659

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] osm - use by communes/gemeenten

2015-04-30 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Two questions:

   1. Does anybody have an experience of the use of OSM by a
   2. Are there synthetic presentations of OSM specifically dedicated to
   responsible persons at a communal/gemeentelijk level?

I am aware of the experiences in Brest and around. Anything similar for

Ben, two years ago we were working on a small flyer. Was it finally
translated in French? Don't remember ...

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] UCL - Marathon de cartographie - HOT - 24 avril 2015 - 9.00-18.00 - Louvain-la-Neuve

2015-04-07 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
From Facebook :

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Mapper of the month (cont'd)

2015-03-04 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
 Could you please Pierre let us know why you think that the current setup
of OSM-be being under the umbrella of OpenKnowledge.be is not suitable ?

Hello Nicolas,

I explained why. I am not sure that the visibility of our organisation is
optimal. Press releases in the name of an dedicated ASBL/VZW could give us
more weight. Contacts with institutions could be more formal. For the
contributors also, it could have some importance to have 'their' own
circle. I refer also to the French example.

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Osmose QA - problem detection with tags name, name:nl and name:fr

2015-03-02 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
OSM Inspector is useful - in Brussels region - with the adresses.

For example in the view Adresses, connection lines of nearest roads,
errors in names are detected when the addr:street tag of the buildings
(UrbIS import) differs from the name tag of the highway.

Changing a dash - or a iota - in the bilingual name will definitely not

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] vivaqua

2015-02-12 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Just for info: Vivaqua has - among others - the OSM data as background in
their Origine des eaux - VIVAQUA - Herkomst van het water map.


Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-08 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
How to update the outdated data?

   2. http://osm.bmaron.net/urbis_img/tiles/

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2015-01-07 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Could somebody remind me the location of the comparative maps of imported
vs not imported buildings in Brussels region?

More precisely: where are the areas not yet imported?

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] UrbIS import

2014-10-17 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Is there a place with:

   - up to date stats about UrbIS import? (% imported vs total building
   - not yet imported areas?

Did UrbIS produce new data?

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Newbie : Huis vatten - adressen - UrbIS

2013-10-21 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Je reviens sur le message de Jo et sur la situation avec l'import UrbIS.

Nous avons différentes situations :

   1. contour (way) avec une adresse unique (c'est à dire un numéro) :
   l'adresse est sur le contour (way)
   2. contour (way) avec plusieurs adresses dans l'import : plusieurs nodes
   qui ont chacun une adresse qui est sur les nodes et les nodes sont à
   l'intérieur du way
   3. building à l'angle de deux rues avec dans l'import plusieurs numéros
   sur des nodes : un ou plusieurs numéro + adresse dans chaque rue ;
voir Proposed
   avec, par exemple *addr:1*:street=Foo Street, *addr:1*:housenumber=1, *
   addr:2*:street=Bar Road, *addr:2*:housenumber=5. Les nodes sont aussi à
   l'intérieur du way.
   4. building à l'angle de deux rues avec lors de l'import un seul numéro
   sur le contour mais sur le terrain (in situ) on observe des adresses dans
   les deux rues : le schéma ci-dessus reste applicable (numéro et adresse sur
   le way).

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] OSM Belgian chapter as a Belgian asbl/vzw (again ...)

2013-10-12 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Here are a few comments about the future of OSM-BE.

It is a fact that during our 3 October 2013 meeting, we were a bit short of
time to discuss the creation of an OSM-BE association.

An OSM-BE association under the umbrella of another vzw/asbl does not mean
that we do not have to organise ourselves as a de facto association with
statutes, members, an annual general meeting, an executive committee, etc.

Just the registration at the Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad (and the
consequential costs of it) may not be necessary. But the association has to
operate according to her statutes.

The executive committee will have tasks like:

   - designation of his representative to the umbrella organisation
   - designation of responsible persons for:
  - public relations,
  - external relations with other OSM organisations
  - treasury/membership administration,
  - sponsors management,
  - Web site,
  - printed matters preparation (such as leaflets, banners),
  - translations,
  - propaganda techniques, buzz creation, map parties
  - regional representations (people who are the reference persons for
  all regions/towns in Belgium)
   - organisation of regular meetings according to a six months calendar at
   various places in Belgium including the annual general meeting

We must not forget people:

   - not IT-friendly,
   - who do not speak/understand English
   - not sensitive to the open data aspects but only interested in
   geographic data

King regards,

Pierre Parmentier
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Meeting at ESI and after

2013-10-04 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

The balance of our account at the Bier Circus was EUR 7,00 in our favour.

This amount will be transfered by me to the account of OpenStreetMap
Belgium asbl/vzw as soon at it is known ;-)

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] transfer of osm.be / osm.be meeting

2013-09-13 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

I agree with the idea of Nicolas P.. It is far enough to organise ourselves
and to adjust a detailed agenda of the meeting.

Pierre P. / Foxandpotatoes

Here is a proposal :

 Hold a meeting at ?cole sup?rieure d'informatique (
 http://osm.org/go/0EoTiW96D--?m= , rue Royale 67 ? 1000 Bruxelles, very
 close to Brussels Central Station and cheap restaurants ) on Thursday 3
 october from 19h till 21 or 22h then go for a dinner nearby for those who
 want. The drinks will be offered by the school.

 I would propose that we discuss and compose the schedule of the meeting on
 and list there who would come.[...]

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] CIRB Orthophoto through WMS

2013-07-18 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

I followed the procedure received from Julien F.

It works quite well!

Many thanks.

Pierre P.

Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 17:07:15 +0200
 From: Julien Fastr? jul...@fastre.info
 To: talk-be@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: [OSM-talk-be] CIRB Orthophoto through WMS
 Message-ID: 51e804a3.8010...@fastre.info
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


 With the help of eMerzh, yesterday, we converted the raster image
 downloaded from Urbis to a geotiff (georeferenced tiff).
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] wallonie - vélo - point-noeuds

2013-07-05 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Some mapping work for the future!

From the newspaper *Le Soir*, dd 2013-07-05, p. 18: Par ailleurs, la
commission préconise le développement des « points nœuds », calqués sur les
célèbres « knooppunten » flamands. « La mise en place d’un tel réseau
devrait concerner au minimum 300 km de voiries et couvrir un territoire
d’environ 350 km2 », écrit une note qui a été remise au gouvernement
[wallon] par le ministre de la mobilité Philippe Henry.

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Onderwerp: Re: historic=battlefield

2013-07-01 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
May I suggest that we adapt the subject/sujet/onderwerp of our messages
to their contents!

Since a few days the a.m. subject does not fit with the involved matter.
Specially the one about the planned meeting in Leuven ...

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] UrbIS OSM integration workshop in Brussels (Jo)

2013-06-10 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Good idea to have such a meeting one of those next evenings.

Pierre P.


 Are there people who would be interested in doing a workshop about the
 integration of UrbIS data into OSM, somewhere in Brussels?


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] URBis, Open! - relation 2966021 (suite)

2013-06-03 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

   1. Relation http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2966021 updated.
   Please check.
   2. Did we agree to include the node with the street number in the
   3. Street number : do we add a node with the number or do we tag it in
   the way building/house?
   4. What to do with a street located in more than one city (e.g. from
   one commune/gemeente to another commune/gemeente?
   5. What do we do with a building way located at the junction of two
   highways; quite often there is a steet num
   6. The wiki page is not helpful with this. Do we plan to add some

Thanks for your help.


Oui d?sol? j'aurais pu ?tre plus pr?cis,

 donc en gros tu as une relation (id :
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2966021 )
 tu as 1 seul tag sur ta relation :

- associatedStreet = Rue Fran?ois Stroobant - Fran?ois Stroobantstraat

 alors qu'il faudrait :

- type = associatedStreet
- name = Rue Fran?ois Stroobant - Fran?ois Stroobantstraat

 Apr?s le reste est optionnel mais peut aider les outils a mieux comprendre
 le tout :

- addr:postcode = *
- addr:country = *
- addr:city = *
- name:fr = *
- name:nl = *

 Voil?, en esp?rant que j'ai ?t? claire ...


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] URBis, Open! (suite)

2013-05-30 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Tu me dis : sur la rue François Stroobant la relation est pas correct.

Quelques précisions pour bien comprendre ? Je vois qu'elle n'a pas de vrai
nom. Mais encore ?

Thanks a lot.

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Montmédy, Meuse (55) - Limites communales (bis)

2010-06-30 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Je lis par ailleurs que l'import des limites communales progresse en Meuse

Y a-t-il un contributeur actif de ce côté-là ? Quand prévoit-on d'avoir sur
OSM les limites des communes du canton de Montmédy ?

Accessoirement, cela devrait avoir une incidence sur le tracé de la
frontière franco-belge, un peu grossière ici et là.


Pierre P.

(rappel message du 24 juin)
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Montmédy, Meuse (55) - Limites communales

2010-06-24 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Je lis par ailleurs que l'import des limites communales progresse en Meuse
(55). Y a-t-il un contributeur actif de ce côté-là ? Quand prévoit-on
d'avoir sur OSM les limites des communes du canton de Montmédy ?
Accessoirement, cela devrait avoir une incidence sur le tracé de la
frontière franco-belge, un peu grossière ici et là. Merci.

Pierre P.
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Rendez-vous sur les sentiers / Dag van de trage weg - 23 en 24 October 2010

2010-04-28 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
I just heard and read about the projects 'Rendez-vous sur les sentiers' en
'Dag van de trage weg' on 23 en 24 October 2010.

Isn't it the opportunity to join our efforts with such organisations and
collect data for OSM? Does anyone have contact with them?

Je viens d'apprendre l'existence des projets Rendez-vous sur les sentiers
et Dag van de trage weg en date des 23 et 24 octobre 2010.

N'est-ce pas une opportunité de collecter des tracés en vue de compléter OSM
? Quelqu'un a-t-il des contacts avec ces associations ?

Links/liens : http://www.sentiers.be/spip.php?rubrique94 et

Pierre P.
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] limites communales - canton de montm édy - import

2010-03-18 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
Pas trop au fait de l'import des limites communales, je fais appel à une
compétence pour importer celles des 25 communes du canton de Montmédy.

D'avance merci.

Pierre P;
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] tags - map features - communes

2010-03-01 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

Certaines informations présentes dans *FR:Map Features*, celles qui
apparaissent dans *Talk-fr mailing list* ou dans les remarques de
*Osmose*me paraissent parfois discordantes.

Serait-il possible de trancher en ajustant *FR:Map Features* dans les cas
suivants :

(1) is_in

(1.1) Toponymie (place, city) Tagging standard pour city,town,village,hamlet
défini par Alban [...] : is_in=Europe,France,nom du département (FR:Map
(1.2) Je te conseil de laisser tomber les is_in, c'est une relique osm du
temps où les relations boundary n'existaient pas. (sly,
D'accord pour laisser tomber. Mais les enclaves, exclaves, etc. sont-elles
bien prises en compte ?

(2.1) code_INSEE=x à 5 chiffres (FR:Map Features)
(2.2) ref:INSEE = (Osmose)


Pierre Parmentier
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Chaos in regio Peer-Bree

2009-10-30 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier

I am the responsible person for the 'Chaos in regio Peer-Bree' and very
sorry for that.

I have received a message from Lewosh and asked him to help and return to
the previous situation.

I am not aware of the exact cause of the disturbance. I was working with

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] OSM Forêt de Soignes / Zoniënwo ud

2009-08-09 Per discussione Pierre Parmentier
I would like to join my efforts to complete the map of the Forêt de Soignes
/ Zoniënwoud.

Is there a Belgian standard for the various highway tags applicable for
wooden areas, forests, etc.?

I see track, pedestrian, footway, cycleway and the rendering shows
different symbols for the same type of highway!

May I suggest for this particular case:

   1. stick to the following keys:
   1. **unclassified + surface values (asphalt or concrete or
  2. tracktype + grade 1 or grade 2 values (3 or 4 values in
  some cases, most tracks have a high grade for forestry engines!)
  3. path + restrictions values (*bicycle=no* or *horse=no*)**
  4. bridleway (a few specific cases)
  5. cycleway (a few specific cases)
  2. remove pedestrian tags as it is more appropriate in urban areas
   3. suppress cycleway when highway key is activated
   4. suppress footway and replace it by path

Any opinion?

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