Re: Why so many undeleted bat-tmp files in the temp-directory?

2001-04-11 Thread Käö§

Yeah I get up to 500 or so each week, even though they are mostly
0-Byte in size they take up heaps of space on your HDD cause EVERY
file is allocated a "Minimum" size on the HDD and collectively a few
hundred can add up to a lot of wasted space,
this is known as "Slack Space" and your defrag prog may give you stats
of the amout of this space you have, check it before and after you
delete the files and you'll get a BIG surprise ;)

As well as that when you run a defrag, it takes ages, because it's got
so many more File-Entries on the HDD to process, also same if you
delete heaps of them at once, your machine may seem to "Hang" as the
HDD re-writes hundreds or thousands of FAT-entries...
...just wait for it to finish gracefully!

If you panic or are impatient and hit the "Off" button while it is in
this state then you risk causing errors which will require fixing
(Scandisk ect)yuk.

== Wednesday, April 11, 2001, you wrote:
   AS Hello,
AS there are dozents of temp files in the temp-dir.
AS They are still there when I close TB.
AS Is that usual?

~Kb‹š.n+‰jrz6› versus TheBat!

2001-03-13 Thread Käö§

Hello people,

Got a prob here which is causing some grief,
a few weeks ago I started using "" as my mail host, in fact
I got two seperate accounts with them.

All was well up to yesterday, when suddenly BOTH accounts stopped
sending mail, I send a post, I get "logging onto server" then "sending
message header" then immediately "logging off server".
Looks ok but the message isn't sent,
on viewing the log-file I get (example):

!14/03/2001, 00:35:42: SEND  - Message has not been sent. Server reply - relaying to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] prohibited by administrator

Bear in mind this happens no matter what addy I am sending to.
So after being patient for many hours I start pokin' with settings and
things trying to find the problem, eventually I mail Runbox, after
relating the problem to them much as I have done here I get this
reply (and promply I might add):
 You are using POP and SMTP, I gather?
 There are several possible reasons for the errors you get. Firstly,
 you need to check for mail in your Runbox account before trying to
 send (in order to authenticate yourself to the POP and thus also to
 the SMTP server). In for example Outlook, you should check the option
 box for "My outgoing server requires authentication". If you're
 already doing this, you might have an ISP conflict. If you've used for
 instance Earthlink, AOL or MSN while trying to send, try switching
 ports from 25 to 26 for the SMTP server. This is because they block
 port 25 for third party servers.
 Runbox support

OK? So I tried these tricks and they failed, I mail them back and tell
them, I also tell them it was ok up to yesterday,they reply again
within an hour:
 Alright, if it used to work up until today, I think you can be sure
 that it is temporary. Also, try clicking send multiple times, that
 often does the trick!
 RB Support

Still with me? Well after another 12Hrs I consider that it should be
out of the "Temporary" window.
I mail back again, pointing out the fact that I can send mail to them
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but nowhere else. Also that I am on a mail-list
where there are other users of Runbox that are not having this problem
at all.
Promtly again they reply:
 Hi again,
  Okay, so it still will not send anything, anywhere, no matter what?
 Hmm... Would you consider trying another email client, just to test
 if that works? Also, did we establish which ISP you use (even though
 port 26 didn't work, either)?
 RB Support

And this is where I am at now, I have not responded yet to this last
mail, thought I might bounce it off you people and see what you make
of it.
As far as their last question about the ISP, well no I haven't hassled
them about it at all, at this stage I am reckoning that it is not an
ISP problem, I base this on the fact that all other accounts are
sending and recieving POP mail just fine.

I don't want to install another mail-client if I can help it, even for
a test...
Could not be TB! at fault here could it???

And I don't want to stop using Runbox, I really like the 100Mb limit,
it suits me when I have to go away for days and the total mail from
lists grows into the thousands...
(not mentioning any names of course, heheh).

Should also add that I have tried every option/combination on the
"Transport" Tab within TB!.

Hope this info is not too much or too little for anyone to work from,
and that I have formatted in a legible way for ya'll.
I got an idea someone here will see this and know exactly what's
happening, and how to save my Bat!
And if you do you shall immediately assume a status not unlike a God...

Keep flappin',

Re[2]: versus TheBat!

2001-03-13 Thread Käö§

Well Marck I knew this would happen, and although the basic problem
has not been solved, some basic education certainly has, and I thank

The problem has been solved by using my ISP's SMTP server as you
described, I had no idea that could be done, I dunno how I missed
that, been usin email for a few years and never came across it before,
is it something that I should have known?
Don't know weather to feel like a gooseor a Bat!

Absolutely INVALUABLE group of people here, all of you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2001, you wrote:
MDP In case you didn't find this in TB, it's in Account Properties ..
MDP Transport .. SMTP Server .. Authentication .. Use "POP before SMTP
MDP authentication".

Yup, it has always worked without this, but I had also checked this
box to no avail.

K If you're already doing this, you might have an ISP conflict. If
K you've used for instance Earthlink, AOL or MSN while trying to
K send, try switching ports from 25 to 26 for the SMTP server. This
K is because they block port 25 for third party servers.

MDP (Interesting!).

Which? Switching from Port 25 to 26 or the blocking of third parties?
And if you don't mind me asking why? (Now that you have me

MDP So, let me get this straight: Runbox provide you with POP and SMTP
MDP services while your ISP provides you with a PPP VPOP to access the
MDP other services.

Well the reason that I use a mail-host instead of my ISP is that the
mail-server they have is unreliable at times, and only takes 5Mb. This
is no good to me because if I'm away workin' for a few days and come
back the thing has filled.

MDP Okay - there's a terminological mistake in this para which might
MDP indicate some of the problem (or it might just be a typing slip). POP3
MDP is the Post Office Protocol (v3), used to collect incoming mail for a
MDP user. You will collect your incoming messages from the RunBox POP3
MDP servers using this protocol. SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
MDP used to route outbound messages.

My mistake yes POP3 not POP, type lazyness :(

MDP Does your main ISP have an SMTP server? If RunBox have messed up the
MDP configuration of their SMTP server (which is what it seems to me has
MDP happened here), can't you use your ISP's SMTP server instead? It
MDP doesn't matter which server you use as long as you have authorization
MDP to do so. You don't have to use RunBox's SMTP server for outbound
MDP traffic just because you want your inbound messages to come through
MDP that route.

Wow, I can't get over that, never knew it.

MDP Well, see if there are any shreds of aid in the above.

Yeah well you can throw me some "shreds" anytime.

MDP - --
MDP Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH

Thank you again Marck,
and Thomas,
and cheers to you all.