Filtering based on address book

2001-07-02 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

Is it possible to set up a filter that is based on whether the
sender's address is in your address book?  I can't find any mention of
something like this in the Help, but it sure could be useful.


Mark Chalkley

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Re[2]: Message sorting

2001-07-02 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

On Monday, July 02, 2001, 1:38:16 PM, you wrote:

NA On July 2, 2001, at 7:46:43 AM, Mark A. Chalkley wrote:

 Is it possible to have threads sort to the top when a new message is
 received for that thread (assuming, of course, that the overall message
 view is sorted by Received or Created date)?

NA Try View/Sort By/Received Time... and uncheck *descending order* down at
NA the bottom.

That's already the way I have mine set up.  But threaded messages are
still shown in the order of the highest (and therefore oldest) message
in the thread...

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Re[2]: Filtering based on address book

2001-07-02 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

On Monday, July 02, 2001, 1:43:16 PM, you wrote:

NA Yes. In the Filters/Advanced tab, you can select Address(es) Must
NA Be Listed in the Address Book, and even define it further as to
NA Sender, Recipient, and Groups. You can even define your filter for
NA the opposite to take place... Address(es) Must Not Be Listed in
NA the Address Book.

Um, I hadn't seen that there were additional options in the Advanced
tab of the Filters dialog.  Boy, do I feel dumb.  But thanks - that's
just what I was looking for!


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Re[2]: EOL/EOF Cursor positioning

2001-06-30 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

On Saturday, June 30, 2001, 5:55:24 AM, you wrote:

MAC Hmmm, maybe, but if so I'd have to add that the pardigms used by
MAC TB! in this case are also not those of Steve Jobs or Linus
MAC Torvalds, as the EOL/EOF cursor positioning I descrbied is also
MAC standard for Macintosh and all the GUI enhancements for Linus,
MAC and any other Unix I've seen, for that matter. TB!'s approach is
MAC not totally unique, but _extremely_ unusual, from what I've
MAC seen. And very awkward, to me, at least.

MDP Let's try to get this a bit more logical.

MDP TB uses the paradigm originally introduced by WordStar - a very early
MDP word processor - and carried forward into Borland's SideKick product
MDP and the source code editors for all Borland IDEs (and many other
MDP besides). It is known as a free or floating caret interface and is
MDP widely used, but not usually employed in bare text editors or word
MDP processors.

MDP Its primary purpose is to support point, click and type usage. There's
MDP no other way to do that. Yes, it could be made optional for those
MDP experiencing culture shock but, once you know its there and have got a
MDP little used to it *boy* would you miss it if it were removed!

Well, now you're dredging up some ancient memories!  I think you may
have hit upon the real reason this editing method, and one which I'd
totally forgotten, annoys me so much.  I used WordStar when it was the
only editor available on some of the micros I used in the early 80's
when I was primarily a mainframe programmer - and despised every
minute of it. Different strokes, as they say.  I'd still appreciate an
option to make TB!'s editing approach a little more mainstream (no
offense intended).

At any rate, there's enough stuff I really like about TB! that I can
live with the stuff I don't.  So, as I said, I'll spend a little more
time trying to get used to it - I just wish you hadn't reminded me of
WordStar...  ;)

Mark Chalkley

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Printable documentation

2001-06-30 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

Is there any printable documentation available for TB!?  Or am I
missing something really obvious...


Mark Chalkley

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Re[2]: Printable documentation

2001-06-30 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

On Saturday, June 30, 2001, 11:35:15 AM, you wrote:

TF Hello Mark,

TF On Sat, 30 Jun 2001 10:09:05 -0400 GMT (30/06/2001, 22:09 +0800 GMT),
TF Mark A. Chalkley wrote:

MAC Is there any printable documentation available for TB!?  Or am I
MAC missing something really obvious...

TF Yes; you can print out the help file. ;-)

Um, I was kinda hoping for something that would require less than a
week to accomplish and be formatted in a fashion I could use... ;)

Failing that, is there a way to purchase a manual after you've already
paid for the non-boxed version?


Mark Chalkley

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Re[2]: Some eval questions

2001-06-29 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

Thursday, June 28, 2001, 10:37:17 AM, you wrote:

MG Mark A. Chalkley wrote:

 since there doesn't seem to be any way to copy filters from one
 account to another.

MG Objection! With 1.53d, which you are using, you can copy filters! They
MG are even editable as TXT information in your clipboard.

Could someone explain this in a little more detail.  I think I'd like
to take this approach to applying a common set of filters to all of my



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EOL/EOF Cursor positioning

2001-06-29 Thread Mark A. Chalkley


Thanks for your help on the multiple accounts/filtering questions I
had.  Fantastic bunch!  FWIW, I registered TB! earlier today...

Why is it that clicking past the end of a line in the window of a new
message (whether reply or initial) causes the cursor to be positioned
at that point and spaces to be inserted on that line instead of
putting the cursor at the real EOL.  On a related note, using the
arrow keys inserts spaces to allow the cursor to be placed at the
point the arrow direction is sending it, instead of just stopping at
the end of the line/message.  Is there any setting in the editor
preferences that addresses this?  I can't fid anything about it in


Mark Chalkley

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Re[2]: EOL/EOF Cursor positioning

2001-06-29 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

On Friday, June 29, 2001, 4:35:17 PM, you wrote:


MAC Why is it that clicking past the end of a line in the window of a new
MAC message (whether reply or initial) causes the cursor to be positioned
MAC at that point and spaces to be inserted on that line instead of
MAC putting the cursor at the real EOL.  On a related note, using the
MAC arrow keys inserts spaces to allow the cursor to be placed at the
MAC point the arrow direction is sending it, instead of just stopping at
MAC the end of the line/message.

DH TB! uses paradigms that are NOT those of Bill Gates.


Hmmm, maybe, but if so I'd have to add that the pardigms used by TB!
in this case are also not those of Steve Jobs or Linus Torvalds, as
the EOL/EOF cursor positioning I descrbied is also standard for
Macintosh and all the GUI enhancements for Linus, and any other Unix
I've seen, for that matter.  TB!'s approach is not totally unique, but
_extremely_ unusual, from what I've seen.  And very awkward, to me, at

DH Remember that alt+L removes extra spaces w/in the line and that TB!
DH has stream, line and column modes. The differences provide functions
DH that Windoze customary functions don't. Once I learned what to
DH expect I have no problem. The one function I WOULD like to see
DH implemented is the crtl+up or down arrow for jumping between
DH paragraphs, but even that is easy enough as long as I'm going UP
DH (not down) - just use cntrl+L or J and it will put you at the top
DH of the paragraph.

DH A different mindset is involved. (And remember that TB! is a
DH contribution from Moldovia).

I appreciate the tips on TB!'s extra features.  I'll work with it a
while longer before I gripe about it again.  Still, the
Stream/Column/Line editing features don't require the weird EOL/EOF
behavior - check out the excellent text editor UltraEdit for an


Mark Chalkley

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Re[2]: Some eval questions

2001-06-28 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

Wednesday, June 27, 2001, 8:04:57 PM, you wrote:


G Hello Mark,

G Wednesday, June 27, 2001, 17:43:50, you wrote:

MAC Second, is there any way to convert a mailbox from the e-mail client
MAC program Calypso?  I'm evaluating The Bat! because my current

G I used Calypso for a little while and it is very easy to convert to The
G Bat!  Firstly, save to archive any files or folders you want in Calypso.
G Secondly, select Tools | Import Messages | From UNIX-mailboxes in The Bat!
G and point to the archived Calypso text file.  Done.

Thanks, Gary.  Did you find, though, that folder hierarchies aren't
preserved?  It looks like I have to recreate each of the 40 or so folders manually,
then export and import each one separately.  What a pain...

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Re[2]: Some eval questions

2001-06-28 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

Wednesday, June 27, 2001, 7:47:35 PM, you wrote:

MAC First, is it possible to have multiple POP accounts share common mail
MAC folders within a single Inbox?

ACM With the use of filters, yes. However, you'd still have to create the
ACM seven accounts you mentioned and you'll have to create filters for all the
ACM accounts to move the messages to the desired folders in the main account
ACM you wish to work. Not a very good solution if it involves so many
ACM accounts.

Thanks (to you and two others) for the suggestion.  I've been working
on implementing this, and had hoped that I could have one filter for
Incoming mail in each of the secondary accounts which would simply
move the mail to the Inbox of the primary account.  Then, I'd have
filters for the Incoming mail in the primary account that would put
the mail in the specific folders.  That way, I'd only have to put in
one set of the 15 or so filters I need, since there doesn't seem to be
any way to copy filters from one account to another.  But this doesn't
work, either.  Even if I check the continue filtering option in the
filter in the secondary accounts, the filters in the primary
account aren't activated by the appearance of the mail in the Inbox.
The only way I can get the filters to work is to manually apply them
over and over again.  Am I stuck with having to create a copy of all
those filters in each account?  Thanks again...

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Some eval questions

2001-06-27 Thread Mark A. Chalkley

I rummaged through the TBUDL archives a bit before writing this, but
didn't see the answer to my questions.  But please accept my apologies
if these questions have been answered before.

First, is it possible to have multiple POP accounts share common mail
folders within a single Inbox?  I'd also like to be able to have them share the same
Trash folder, too and, preferably, even the same Sent folder, though
this isn't as important.  Reason:  I've got 7 POP accounts, and it's a
terrible mess to have separate folders for each account, especially
since I group messages from multiple accounts within common
folders by subject.

Second, is there any way to convert a mailbox from the e-mail client
program Calypso?  I'm evaluating The Bat! because my current
program, Calypso, in no longer being supported.  I'm considering a
couple other possibilities, too, and these two issues are the main
considerations, at this point.


Mark Chalkley

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