Re: Re[3]: IMAP Issues

2005-12-29 Thread steverio

 On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 09:51:12 +, you wrote:

Hi all,

On Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 10:32:12 AM, you wrote:

PM Yes, although I didn't realise that you could do this. I can't
PM see any way of changing this back to public though. Is this possible?

Does anyone know whether it is possible in BT to change a bug report from 
private to public?

You could always create a support ticket through Ritlab's web site
Support page. :)


TB!v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
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Re: Application associations not holding.

2005-12-29 Thread steverio

 On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 11:32:43 -0800, you wrote:

Hello friends,

I have tbat pro running on a 3 user winxp system. It runs fine on my
user account. But on a second Im having some problems.

In Options-Preferences-Applications, the four boxes which should be
checked are not. I check them, apply the associations and click yes to
verify. Then once thebat is shut down and restarted, the boxes are
unchecked again. Seems to only be on this one user account in windows.
The other two accounts I have are fine. Anyone have some thoughts on
how to correct this?

I'm not sure what is happening here unless maybe another program is
re-associating these extensions. If all else fails, you can try this,
if you wish, using windows search function or just find the file types
in windows explorer:

1. Click Start
2. Click Search
3. Click All files and folders
4. Type in box below Search by any or all of the criteria below the
following: .msg,.eml,.vcf
5. Select your local hard drive below Look in
6. Click Search
7. As soon as the 3 file types appear, stop the search or wait until
it finishes 
8. Then separately, Shift/Right Click on one of each of the 3 file
types (.msg,.eml,.vcf)
9. Select Open With
10. Then select Choose Program and a windows dialog box opens
11. Scroll to The Bat E-Mail Client and select (highlight) or
Browse to the TB executible, if you need to
12. Then tick the box next to Always use the selected program to open
this kind of file
13. Click OK

14. Open Options-Preferences-Applications in TB and tick all 4 boxes
again plus tick the box next to Check that The Bat! is the defaut
mail client upon startup
15. Click OK

16. Close TB and reopen
17. If TB is not associated as the default mail client, a dialog
window will open asking if you want it to be then click Yes

See if that works


TB!v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
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TBV 3.64.01 loses customization upon restore from TB backup

2005-12-28 Thread steverio
I renamed a POP account in TB then decided to clean up traces of TBV
in registry and USB stick and do a fresh install. Then I restored from
a backup of TB. The restore process, upon first try, an error message
...error reading from backup file.. then a retry of restore
completed. TBV did not restore toolbar cutomizations and window
display view. Nothing major but this had not happened in a previous


TB!v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
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Re: Roguemoticons only good if others use the bat?

2005-12-26 Thread steverio
 On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 07:32:59 +, Ben wrote:

Frankly yes. But then we are the only beautiful mail users. So perhaps
you  should  be  thankful  for that.

It is so good that TB allows us to feed and pamper ourselves! :)


TB!v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
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Re: Problem with v.3.64.01 crashing

2005-12-22 Thread steverio
Hello Bob...

 On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 10:41:20 +1000, you wrote:

I have determined exactly where the error occurs and can reproduce it
on demand. Under Account Properties - Mail Management - IMAP Fine
Tune: if Automatically Disconnect after synchronisation is checked
then The Bat! crashes every time.  (As I am on dial-up I don't want
Fastmail to be continually connected so I need it to disconnect after
checking my mail.)

I have discovered a work-round that solves the problem for me: Mail
Management - When inactive, disconnect after 5 Seconds has almost
exactly the same effect as automatically disconnect but without the
crash :GRIN:

I wonder if anyone else would be good enough to try setting their IMAP
to disconnect after synchronisation to determine if it is a
reproducible bug, or just an isolated strangeness on my machine.

Not a problem here and I'm on fastmail too! 


TB!v3.64.01 Christmas Edition
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Re: Tiny problem opening PDF attachments

2005-12-15 Thread steverio
 On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 09:56:06 +0100, you wrote:

Hello steverio,

I wonder why TB is in the 'Open With List'.

 Because at some point you have selected to always use TB (
 thebat36214.exe) and others from the Open With list using the Open
 With command...example-(right-click on registered file type .pdf).

No, I can assure you I have not.

OK, It doesn't matter. Let me know if you can correct this. Last
resort is that all associations for .pdf can be cleared then
re-associate the correct pdf reader program again with the right path.


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Tiny problem opening PDF attachments

2005-12-15 Thread steverio

 On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 19:52:39 +0100, you wrote:

Hello steverio,

I wonder why TB is in the 'Open With List'.

 Because at some point you have selected to always use TB (
 thebat36214.exe) and others from the Open With list using the Open
 With command...example-(right-click on registered file type .pdf).

No, I can assure you I have not.

 OK, It doesn't matter. Let me know if you can correct this. Last
 resort is that all associations for .pdf can be cleared then
 re-associate the correct pdf reader program again with the right path.

Been there, done that and no way. TB still opens PDF with Acrobat and
not with Reader.

I dunno? I thought you said earlier that TB opened with Acrobat Reader
v4 and not the main AA program itself? My mistake then.

Not that this matters but I used to have AA full v4 and loaded AA
reader v7 but decided to dump both for upgrade cost and system
resource usage reasons. Now I have ScanSoft PDF Pro 3 and use Fox
Reader v1.3 unless I need more detail with SS. 

If you have the AA v4 reader opening with TB issue like I thought you
had, then I really don't see why AA reader v7 won't open if it is the
*only* one associated with opening pdf docs.  If your AA v4 main
program is opening with TB there might be an association of 
Acrobat.exe instead of AcroRd32.exe.


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Tiny problem opening PDF attachments

2005-12-14 Thread steverio

 On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 20:28:30 +0100, you wrote:

Hello all,

It's not a real problem, that's why I say it's tiny, but it' bothering
me not being able to understand what's happening.

I've always had Adobe Reader 6.0 and Adobe Acrobat 4.0 installed in my
system and PDF files where always opened from everywhere  with Acrobat.
I believe this was because Acrobat had been installed after Reader and
it had taken file associations.

A few days ago I replaced Adobe Reader 6.0 with 7.0. I first uninstalled
6.0 and then installed 7.0 and, since then, PDF files are opened from
everywhere (i.e. Explorer) with Adobe Reader 7.0, even when I use
Acrobat Distiller and, after printing, the printed document is
displayed. All fine up to here, I prefer to view PDFs with Reader 7.0
than with Acrobat 4.0 which is quite an old version.

The 'tiny' problem shows up when I open a PDF attachment in TB, they
always open with Acrobat 4.0. No real problem, I can view PDFs, but I
just don't understand why this is happening.

Does TB keep its own file type associations somewhere? I've searched the
Registry and tbuser.def and couldn't find anything.

Does anybody have any hint? As I have said, it's not a real problem but
I'd like to understand what happening and, if possible, be able to view
PDF attachments with Adobe Reader 7.0.


Maybe this utility can be useful to you and Chuck too along with what
Villi posted to you on Tbbeta:


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Tiny problem opening PDF attachments

2005-12-14 Thread steverio

 On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 02:54:35 +0100, you wrote:

Hello steverio,

 Maybe this utility can be useful to you and Chuck too along with what
 Villi posted to you on Tbbeta:

Is it better than ?

This is nice! Additional features is good! :)

This is what SIW says:

,- [  ]
| Property  Value
| Extension:.pdf
| Extension ID: AcroExch.Document
| Description:  Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document
| Default Action:   Open
| Command Line: D:\Archivos de programa\Adobe\Acrobat 
7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe %1
| Open with:D:\Archivos de programa\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
| Supports DDE: Yes
| Action:   print
| Supports DDE: Yes
| Action:   printto
| Supports DDE: Yes
| Open With List:   AcroRd32.exe
|   MSPaint.exe
|   Acrobat.exe
|   iexplore.exe
|   thebat.exe
|   spoolsv.exe
|   PhotoshopElements.exe
|   thebat36214.exe
|   shimgvw.dll

I wonder why TB is in the 'Open With List'.

Because at some point you have selected to always use TB (
thebat36214.exe) and others from the Open With list using the Open
With command...example-(right-click on registered file type .pdf).

That's the problem. All the file names below the AcroRd32.exe needs to

Follow this:

and choose Clean Up the Open With Option to clean up associations.


Follow this:

and use this utility to clear unwanted associations. You can check the
registry key above after using to double-check removal.


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: TB getting slow

2005-12-06 Thread steverio
Hello SD...

 On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 01:14:17 +0200, you wrote:

Off late my TB has become rather slow, as the number of emails keep
increasing. Now I have around 80,000 emails accumalted over last
several years.

I keep upgrading to new version of TB, but still slow. I don't have
virus in my PC either.
I run TB maintenance regularly also.

Any clue, how it can be improved? Is there any convenient way/format
to archive emails from TB.

I guess speed depends on what you as the user considers slow. 80,000
email is more than I have so I cannot compare to myself. I know of
someone who has many more than twice that amount on hand in TB and is
quite happy about it. I think TB can handle itself very well with
large amounts. That's good you do regular maintenance. I know that
other factors besides performing the Folder Maintenance Centre
functions regularly will have an effect such as processor speed and
the amount of ram on your system. For archiving, you could also export
messages in the available formats TB offers and read them in an
appropriate reader. 


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Default tb backup all that is needed?

2005-12-05 Thread steverio
Hello Darrin...

 On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 07:31:10 -0800, you wrote:

Hello friends,

Ive been doing regular backups using the backup option in tbat. Does this
truly backup everything needed so if and when a disaster strikes I can
safely restore everything as it was before?

Just for a fail-safe approach, as with backing up anything important,
I would also backup the TB directory structure *Program folders and
Mail folders*  along with the registry key
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT* and store somewhere safe. I f you
have both TB and TBV *Voyager*, then the key for TB would be
*HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!*. Then if the first restore
approach with TB's  internal backup function fails, you can copy back
the second backup to the appropriate locations.


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Default tb backup all that is needed?

2005-12-05 Thread steverio

 On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 07:31:10 -0800, you wrote:

Hello friends,

Ive been doing regular backups using the backup option in tbat. Does this
truly backup everything needed so if and when a disaster strikes I can
safely restore everything as it was before?

I should add to my previous reply that the transfer of backup files
from TB to TBV has been right on the mark as far as I can tell so far.
The default restore function of TBV also has been reliable. The
default restore function of TB has almost been the same except for
message pane tabs as Richard remarked on but with TBV.


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Re: With IMAP how long should it take for TB! to close?

2005-12-04 Thread steverio
Hello MFPA...

 On Sun, 4 Dec 2005 20:59:53 +, you wrote:


On Thursday 1 December 2005 at 7:28:25 PM, in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED], Dwight A Corrin wrote:

 I closely watched the shutting down pane a while ago. I have a number
 of old POP accounts where I no longer collect mail, and a large number
 of common folders where old mail continues to be archived. As the
 shutdown occurred a list of all those folders scrolled thru. That may
 have taken about 10 seconds. When it got to the IMAP part it was
 virtually done and gone.

I do not use IMAP but with 5 POP accounts and several common
folders TB! usually closes within 15-20 seconds.

For quite some time I was very well used to having TB close
immediately upon shutting down and having a few POP accounts. Even my
Outlook always had closed down the same way. The addition of an IMAP
account changed the amount of time closing TB and not Outlook so I was
curious why. But now I'm happy with the very little extra time TB
requires to do this especially compared to some other users. But this
could change when I accumulate more mail and folders, etc. Now, I just
consider IMAP a work in progress in the development of TB and am
anxious to see it mature. :)


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Macro for lableling message Important?

2005-12-03 Thread steverio
Hello Darrin...

 On Sat, 3 Dec 2005 20:14:24 -0800, you wrote:

Hello friends,

Whats the macro that I would use if I want to label a message
important in my quick template?

This has been answered.

Go here:


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Re: Automatically backing up The Bat! using batch files ·

2005-12-02 Thread steverio
Hello Mica...

 On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 14:51:32 +0100, you wrote:

As to Arj, I have discovered that if I keep such archives on a CD-RW,
after a pretty short while (perhaps 2 or 3 weeks) they will (almost all
of them) become unreadable/corrupted, and irrecoverable.

On ordinary CDs they are okay.

I don't know what is reason.

 FYI, I have been using CDRW's for archiving purposes for a few years
now and have not had any corruption related events on them. Of course,
it all makes sense to me that there are many variables such as CD
writer and firmware, BU software, quality of CD media, recording
speed, file compression format, other programs in use,etc.


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: Automatically backing up The Bat! using batch files ·

2005-12-02 Thread steverio

 On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 19:17:31 +0100, you wrote:

Another solution is to do backup on (mobile) HDDs instead. Cheaper,
faster, much more rooms for the same money, and all at one place.
Lifetime ... well, same. In general.

If you have a better suggestion, then please tell. My ears are open.

I use and prefer my external hard drive as my primary backup of TB
directories and other related important files. It is a combo choice
USB/Firewire/SATA drive and very fast compared to CDRW especially
SATA...TB files transfered in a blink of an eye! The reason for two
backup devices is to protect myself from possible TB backup file
corruption or failure. 


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2

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Re: With IMAP how long should it take for TB! to close?

2005-12-01 Thread steverio
Hello Clive...
On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 07:11:32 +, you wrote:

Hello steverio,

Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 11:28:26 PM, you wrote:

 It takes 4 seconds to close TB! when I use IMAP. It takes a split
 second to close with POP3.

 I have just responded to your other message. Some of us have to sleep
 you know :).

 This happens here but it's probably one of the least frustrating bugs
 in TB's current IMAP performance. It's probably the same phenomenon
 that makes TB so slow at fetching and displaying IMAP messages and
 part of the way the protocol is implemented in the prog.

I perhaps should wait longer for replies sometimes! :) This happens to
me when I get my mind set to follow through with a task. This relieves
me somewhat to hear that the delayed closing is not just on my side
but it also gives me *heads up* while I decide if I want to go with
IMAP. I have one other email client  that I'm trying IMAP with and it
has no delay after closing. I hope this will improve with TB. Aside
from what I read and hear the IMAP experience is new to me. 


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Re: With IMAP how long should it take for TB! to close?

2005-12-01 Thread steverio
Hello Dwight...
On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 13:28:25 -0600, you wrote:

I closely watched the shutting down pane a while ago. I have a number
of old POP accounts where I no longer collect mail, and a large number
of common folders where old mail continues to be archived. As the
shutdown occurred a list of all those folders scrolled thru. That may
have taken about 10 seconds. When it got to the IMAP part it was
virtually done and gone.

With new perspectives here I should probably not query too loud of my
measly 4 second delay on closing with IMAP!  :)

I've trimmed down on pack ratting mail and accounts. The mail I have
saved for archiving is not too large. Mailing list email goes to a
separate account in my Agent newsreader along with NG's. Including TB
folder maintenance, I guess that is the best I can do to improve speed
for now. 


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With IMAP how long should it take for TB! to close?

2005-11-30 Thread steverio
A simple retake of my previous post that had no comments. 

It takes 4 seconds to close TB! when I use IMAP. It takes a split
second to close with POP3.

Log says the IMAP session is finished before I close TB! down.

*Question to IMAP users*

How long does it take for you to close TB! with IMAP?


Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 SP2
using fastmail on cable 

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