Re[2]: External filter kludge?

2000-09-03 Thread ztrader

On Sunday, September 03, 2000, 6:15:10 PM, you wrote:

t> Is this bouncing spam back with all the correct headers like the
t> address is wrong so they remove you off the list

Nope - I have mine set to not bounce anything. But, you can set it up
to bounce, to bounce with a nasty message, to report spam to
abuse-whatever, and a whole host of other options if you want to get
really detailed about what to do. (You could even have it send an
email to your local congressman, with the offending post attached :-).
It's quite flexible...


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Re: External filter kludge?

2000-09-03 Thread tracer

Hello ztrader,
On Sun, 3 Sep 2000 11:43:26 -0700 GMT your local time,
which was Monday, September 04, 2000, 1:43:26 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
ztrader wrote:

> On Saturday, September 02, 2000, 6:27:26 PM, you wrote:

JA>>  You want TB to fetch your mail from the server, export it, have an
JA>>  external program process it and then import it back into TB?

> Yes. The sticking point is to get TB to process the import as though
> it were coming from my ISP via POP3.

JA>>  If that's the case, do you already have the external program, or are
JA>>  you planning on writing one for this task?

> I was going to write one. I'm using Spam Bouncer now and it is VERY
> good at classifying spam. If any of you run with a shell account or on
> *nix, you might check this out.

Is this bouncing spam back with all the correct headers like the
address is wrong so they remove you off the list

(Snipped the rest)

Best regards,


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Re[2]: External filter kludge?

2000-09-03 Thread ztrader

On Saturday, September 02, 2000, 6:27:26 PM, you wrote:

JA>  You want TB to fetch your mail from the server, export it, have an
JA>  external program process it and then import it back into TB?

Yes. The sticking point is to get TB to process the import as though
it were coming from my ISP via POP3.

JA>  If that's the case, do you already have the external program, or are
JA>  you planning on writing one for this task?

I was going to write one. I'm using Spam Bouncer now and it is VERY
good at classifying spam. If any of you run with a shell account or on
*nix, you might check this out.

It does so by using a numeric weighting of many different rules and
detection techniques. Unfortunately, this is a procmail script, and I
have not been able to find a way to run it under Windoze. I was
considering using the same techniques in a pgm I could run in Win.

JA> Either way, there may be
JA>  a less complicated solution for what you want.

I'm all ears :-)...

JA>  My suggestion would be, get a program that will act like a local mail
JA>  server (Hamster springs to mind, but I'm sure there are lots of other
JA>  ones).  Hopefully you can find one that will store the messages in a
JA>  plain text file format.

This is a bit of a problem. I have not seen one in my search that
looks like it produces text files. M$ seems pervasive :-((.

JA> Once you do that, have your filtering program
JA>  run on this server file.  When that's complete, TB could just
JA>  download the mail like normal, except it would get it from your local
JA>  server instead of your ISP.

Would I have a conflict with other proxies? I now run Proxomitron (and
like it a lot) on localhost. How would I run both?

JA>  If this is not acceptable, then how about creating a second account
JA>  (account B)in TB.  SNIP  Also, under
JA>  Networking and Administration, select "Allow Local Delivery."  This
JA>  just bypasses your ISP's mail server.

I was thinking of using the 2-account technique in my original post;
one to download and send to the external pgm, and the second to be my
'real' account that would get the processed mail as an *input*.

>From Help:
When "Allow Local Delivery" is on, the outgoing messages addressed to
local users, are dispatched directly and put into appropriate message
bases instead of sending them to SMTP server.

Is a "message base" another account folder? If so, could I make a rule
that just 'puts' it in the other account folder, or do I actually have
to 'forward' the message to the other account?

JA> In fact, you can make it so
JA>  Account B can not access your ISP's mail server, and this should
JA>  work.

This would be a good idea.

JA>  Run a manual filter on this subfolder.  This
JA>  manual folder should redirect your messages to the address specified
JA>  in account A (eg [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and delete them from the
JA>  subfolder.

I'm a bit confused - why do I have to run the filter manually?

JA> Now your messages will be processed as though you were
JA>  downloading them off of your mail server.

This is what I was looking for! If so, all the many rules will still

JA> Hope this  helped.
This helped a LOT

Thanks VERY much!!!

Ever closer to the spam filter...


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Re: External filter kludge? CORRECTION

2000-09-02 Thread Januk Aggarwal


On  Saturday, September 02, 2000  at  18:27:26 GMT -0700 (which was 6:27 PM
where I live) I typed:

> In fact, you can make it so Account B can not access your ISP's mail
> server, and this should work.

 Er, that should be, make it so that Account B can not access your
 ISP's *outgoing* mail server.

 I really should get someone else to proof read my messages for me.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: External filter kludge?

2000-09-02 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello ztrader,

On  Saturday, September 02, 2000  at  15:03:51 GMT -0700 (which was 3:03 PM
where I live) witnesses say ztrader typed:

> 1. External pgm writes a batch file for TB.

> 2. TB sees this file and executes:
>  /check dummy (this gets the POP3 mail)
>  'dummy' filter puts all mail in a Unix file
>  /export flag file (this tells the external pgm it is done)

> 3. External pgm process the Unix email file, then
>  writes another batch file for TB

> 4. TB sees this file and executes:
>  /import processed file to 'real' mail account inbox

> Any way to get TB to run this folder through the filters?
> OR - is there a better way to do this? As a beginner, I'm still
> learning about TB :-).

 I'm not sure I'm following you completely, so please let me know if
 this is applicable.

 You want TB to fetch your mail from the server, export it, have an
 external program process it and then import it back into TB?

 If that's the case, do you already have the external program, or are
 you planning on writing one for this task?  Either way, there may be
 a less complicated solution for what you want.

 My suggestion would be, get a program that will act like a local mail
 server (Hamster springs to mind, but I'm sure there are lots of other
 ones).  Hopefully you can find one that will store the messages in a
 plain text file format.  Once you do that, have your filtering program
 run on this server file.  When that's complete, TB could just
 download the mail like normal, except it would get it from your local
 server instead of your ISP.

 If this is not acceptable, then how about creating a second account
 (account B)in TB.  So now you'd have account A and B in TB.  Change
 account A so it never checks your mail server for new messages.  In
 account B, change your e-mail address slightly (eg [EMAIL PROTECTED]),
 and set account B so it can check your mail for you.  Also, under
 Networking and Administration, select "Allow Local Delivery."  This
 just bypasses your ISP's mail server.  In fact, you can make it so
 Account B can not access your ISP's mail server, and this should

 Now for the rest of this, you'll have to play around to find the best
 solution. You can export using filters, or using command line
 parameters in a batch file.  See the help file for use of the /Export
 command line parameter (it's under the contents tab, not the index).
 Have your batch file call your external program, then use the command
 line /Import function to import your processed file back into a
 subfolder in Account B.  Run a manual filter on this subfolder.  This
 manual folder should redirect your messages to the address specified
 in account A (eg [EMAIL PROTECTED]), and delete them from the
 subfolder.  Now your messages will be processed as though you were
 downloading them off of your mail server.

 This second method may prove to be effective, you'll just need to
 play around to see what will work best for your purposes.  Hope this

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.46 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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External filter kludge?

2000-09-02 Thread ztrader

I was trying to find a way to get TB to work with an external
mail filtering pgm. What I was considering was:

1. External pgm writes a batch file for TB.

2. TB sees this file and executes:
 /check dummy (this gets the POP3 mail)
 'dummy' filter puts all mail in a Unix file
 /export flag file (this tells the external pgm it is done)

3. External pgm process the Unix email file, then
 writes another batch file for TB

4. TB sees this file and executes:
 /import processed file to 'real' mail account inbox

But - at this point, I can't think of a way to get TB to run the new
mail through the 'real' account filters, and thus sort everything into
the right folders. I'm trying to do this as automatically as possible.

I realize I could repeat the kludge for each folder, but this gets
eaaallly kludgy :-).

Any way to get TB to run this folder through the filters?
OR - is there a better way to do this? As a beginner, I'm still
learning about TB :-).

Any ideas/solutions much appreciated.


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