Re[2]: The Bat with Netscape

2002-10-24 Thread Anne
Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 9:39:38 AM, Roelof wrote in message

RO> Providing you filter each list into it's own folder, you could create
RO> a specific reply-template for each of those folders. In each
RO> reply-template you set the list-address hard-coded in the template.
RO> This would mean that all replies you make in such a specific folder
RO> will go to the matching list. Since you keep only list-messages in
RO> those folders this is without danger that you reply to a non list
RO> message.
RO> (This can be done with something like:
RO> %To=""%To="""%OFromName on list"" "%-
RO> the first %to is to make the addressfield empty, the %- is to put the
RO> command on it's own line in the template, without creating an empty
RO> line.)

Thanks Roelof,

I had a play with this is the reply folder for one of the lists (they
are all filtered to their own folder) and found that the line you
quoted included the name of the person who had made the post plus the
listname which I didn't ewant to include, but if I edit it to read

%To=""%To="" "%-

then it simply puts the list address in the reply field and does
exactly what I want it to do.

Your help and advice is much appreciated :-)


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Re[2]: The Bat with Netscape

2002-10-24 Thread Anne
Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 4:18:37 AM, Thomas wrote in message

TF> Now I see what you mean. "Reply quoting only marked text" works with
TF> "Reply" but not with "Reply to all". That is unfortunately correct,
TF> until such time that the wish to use "Reply to all quoting only marked
TF> text" is implemented. Personally, I have no idea whether this will be
TF> in the next version or not.

Thanks Thomas, maybe I can add it to the wishlist then?


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

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Re[2]: The Bat with Netscape

2002-10-22 Thread Anne
Tuesday, October 22, 2002, 6:19:01 PM, Roelof wrote in message

RO> In that case you're probably using the wrong key to reply to the
RO> message or you've somehow managed to create a faulty reply-template.
RO> If the Reply-To header in the message is set to a list address, F4
RO> should create a message to the list address with the selected text as
RO> quotation.
RO> If it's not set to the list address, than you've create a
RO> reply-template (on folder or account base) that overrules the address
RO> you're writing to.

Hi Roelof,

I've been and rechecked and find I explained wrongly what was
happening earlier. (Probably not enough coffee intake!!! )

Some of the lists have the reply to list option set (by the listowner)
as default and where that is the case using the F4 quoting reply to
option works fine and replies to the list as it should do with just
the bit I want to quote.

Where I have a problem is where the listowner has not opted to have
replies go back to the list by default (this is entirely the
listowners choice). In this case I have to use the reply all option to
have the list address in the reply to fields at all, and then I have
to delete the address of the original sender so that my reply goes
solely to the list. It's in this case that I have the problem with F4
and the reply all option not being usable together.


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

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Re[2]: The Bat with Netscape

2002-10-22 Thread Anne
Tuesday, October 22, 2002, 10:46:47 AM, Roelof wrote in message

RO> You're using different functions for your replies:
RO> Ctrl-Enter:reply (this is the one I use most of the time)
RO> Ctrl-F5:   reply
RO> F4:quoting selected text only
RO> Ctrl-F4:   reply to sender
RO> Shift-F4:  reply without quotes
RO> Ctrl-Sfift-F5: reply to all

Is there any way of combining the F4 quoting selected text reply with
the reply to all option, as on many of the genealogy lists I sub to
the reply to is set to go to list by default (done by their listserver
software), but TB's reply to option actually sends back to the sender
not the list. Reply all is really useful in those cases - but I also
like the F4 quoted text reply.

Am I asking to be able to have my cake and eat it here? 


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build    A 

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