[Therion] Diving data, limit 8 lines for lox?

2011-03-23 Thread Andrew Atkinson
hi all (again)

This has been puzzling me for hours

For the diving data attached (now very simplified as I tried to work out 
what was going on)

Uncommenting any consecutive lines up to 8 and the lox output works, any 
more than 8 and an output is produced but it does not open, the loch 
flashes on the screen then vanishes. one of the none working Lox file 
also attached. pdf and 3d files are produced from the full set of data

I am on Ubuntu 10.04
therion 5.3.5
loch 5.2.8

I am now giving up for the night, it has not been a good session

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[Therion] data style problem

2011-03-23 Thread Andrew Atkinson
okay, I got the fix context wrong, so it just behaves different to survex.

I personally think the survex version is what is more useful, as vocal 
connections etc are not normally between 2 points that are fixed. Would 
that functionality be possible?

working th file attached


On 23/03/11 20:14, Andrew Atkinson wrote:
> The Therion book p20 has this
> data 

[Therion] data style problem

2011-03-23 Thread Andrew Atkinson
The Therion book p20 has this


[Therion] How to generate a projected elevation Wiki

2011-03-23 Thread Bruce
>One of the things I struggle with as a new user of Therion is the
documentation. In this case I found nothing about projected elevations in
any examples of on the wiki. 

I also learned how to do elevations (and many other things) based on answers
from this forum.  For better or worse I have figured it is up to the
beginners who are struggling (me quite a lot of the time) and the users who
have some insight (me sometimes) to write the instructions and make
corrections in the wiki.  They are likely to better know the needs of those
who are trying to learn.  I'd rather the therion authors continue to put
their time into therion authoring!  There are still many features that need
fixing and implementing before therion could be called a mature project
(even if it is leading the pack in my opinion).  Agree the therion book is
lacking a bit of clarity on projected elevations.

>I am happy to write a general introduction/walk through and provide an
example project for the wiki if someone can set me up with an account to
allow me to edit wiki pages.

Excellent. See the contacts on
http://mailman.speleo.sk/mailman/listinfo/therion for access.
http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=tbe and
http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=tfc would be a good place to
insert such and example if I can invite you to edit someone elses page :-)
(You are welcome to edit my pages if you think it's better there
I have the wiki open and refer directly to it most times when I'm drawing
more than just a small amount.

>I do wonder why if I am declaring everything in the map / endmap block in
the th file, and I give that map a name there, then why is it not possible
to specify that map by name in the thconfig file export, rather than have to
repeat the map type information and have therion try to work out what map
from my th file to use to generate that pdf? Just a suggestion.

Good question.  The sort where I learn by researching the answer. I guess
the answer is that the 'source', 'select' and 'export' statements are
distinct from each other.
When it comes to exporting you are really just saying what type of output
you want, and what its name will be, and which layout options to use.  As
far as which maps to export goes, that is chosen with the select statement.
A mistake that I often made was to think that 'elevation' was a single
projection, when in fact it could be any of 360 or so projections (if we
think in degrees).

Your example is a simple one where you have specified a source file that
only has a few maps and sources (one each possibly) and you have selected no
maps (so by default all maps are selected).
I have a cave system with three caves and lots of surface features, and so
except at the bottom of the hierarchy my thconfig will have a source for the
caves, a source for the surface dem and a source for the surface features
and minor caves.  Then I will have multiple selects that have all of the
commonly chosen maps that I may create at this level.  These may have all
sorts of projections, not necessarily the same for each cave or part cave.

Now come the exports.  Those that are exporting to map or atlas only need to
choose the projection and all the 'map objects' previously selected will be
included in the output.  One export statement can therefore produce a
combination of many maps (with each map having it's own layer in the pdf -

So I think the answer to your question might be. for the simple case, yes
you have to specify the projection three times, but for the more realistic
case of a larger cave, you can select many maps, and filter what you get by
using the export statement without having to get too carried away with
commenting/uncommenting select statements.

This might have confused more than helped.  Maybe soon I'll add my thconfig
template to http://therion.speleo.sk/wiki/doku.php?id=templates and that
might help some.  I still have no idea if I am setting out my therion data
in a sensible way, but it does seem to work out OK.  I'm still on the
lookout for other ways to do it.


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[Therion] How to generate a projected elevation along aspecificbearing?

2011-03-23 Thread Bruce
I could have clarified a bit more.

The problem that Footleg described when he tried to amend the example he
sent (define the scraps as looking 090 deg) was because the scraps were
looking to the east, but therion was trying to export non-existent scraps
looking to the north. (By default therion will export just a centerline in
this case, if there are no other errors).

The differentiation of elevation directions is necessary because often you
may draw elevations of the cave from multiple directions (of course!).


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[Therion] How to generate a projected elevation along aspecificbearing?

2011-03-23 Thread Bruce
near vertical in the elevation PDF and the chamber. Can anyone help me

Screenshot of scrap, and pdfs with default elevation map and elevation 90
settings attached.


Therion mailing list
Therion at speleo.sk

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[Therion] How to generate a projected elevation along aspecificbearing?

2011-03-23 Thread Martin Sluka

On 22.3.2011, at 23:09, Footleg wrote:

> I am happy to write a general introduction/walk through and provide  
> an example project for the wiki if someone can set me up with an  
> account to allow me to edit wiki pages.

Contact Lada Blazek, he is administrator of web.

Thanks in advance for elevation section on wiki!

Martin S.