[CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6522: Missing code + functionality in /libs/controller/controller.php
Reporter:  euromark   |  Type:  Enhancement
  Status:  new|  Priority:  Low
   Milestone:  1.3.x.x| Component:  Core Libs  
 Version:  1.2 Final  |  Severity:  Minor  
Keywords: |   Php_version:  n/a
Cake_version: |  
 code 505 was missing - i added it manually
 $codes = array(
 100 = 'Continue',
 101 = 'Switching Protocols',
 200 = 'OK',
 201 = 'Created',
 202 = 'Accepted',
 203 = 'Non-Authoritative Information',
 204 = 'No Content',
 205 = 'Reset Content',
 206 = 'Partial Content',
 300 = 'Multiple Choices',
 301 = 'Moved Permanently',
 302 = 'Found',
 303 = 'See Other',
 304 = 'Not Modified',
 305 = 'Use Proxy',
 307 = 'Temporary Redirect',
 400 = 'Bad Request',
 401 = 'Unauthorized',
 402 = 'Payment Required',
 403 = 'Forbidden',
 404 = 'Not Found',
 405 = 'Method Not Allowed',
 406 = 'Not Acceptable',
 407 = 'Proxy Authentication Required',
 408 = 'Request Time-out',
 409 = 'Conflict',
 410 = 'Gone',
 411 = 'Length Required',
 412 = 'Precondition Failed',
 413 = 'Request Entity Too Large',
 414 = 'Request-URI Too Large',
 415 = 'Unsupported Media Type',
 416 = 'Requested range not satisfiable',
 417 = 'Expectation Failed',
 500 = 'Internal Server Error',
 501 = 'Not Implemented',
 502 = 'Bad Gateway',
 503 = 'Service Unavailable',
 504 = 'Gateway Time-out',
 505 = 'HTTP Version not supported' # MOD
 2009-07-21 ms: 505 added!!!
 2. [[BR]]
 RFC 2616 states that all unknown HTTP codes must be treated the same as
 the base code in their class
 if (!isset($responses[$code])) {
 $code = floor($code / 100) * 100;
 3. [[BR]]
 it would be nice if the codes are stored separately from the functionality
 so we can use them in other places (like components) as well with[[BR]]


 or even[[BR]]



 witch would then both return the $codes array

 right now i have to hardcopy them into my custom component...


 this happens in other classes as well[[BR]]

 maybe we could do the same there (maybe even transform those method scoped
 arrays to object variables - beeing able to use them with $this-codes

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6522
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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[CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6523: Result set of find() method different depending on conditions sepcifed on MySQL views

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6523: Result set of find() method different depending on conditions sepcifed on
MySQL views
Reporter:  rb5894  |  Type:  Bug   
  Status:  new |  Priority:  High  
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x | Component:  Model 
 Version:  1.2 Final   |  Severity:  Major 
Keywords:  |   Php_version:  PHP 4 = 4.3.2
Cake_version:  |  

 When using find() method on views the array returns splits into three
 different indexes right after I add one condition to the query
 'viewname.column' = $passedValue, if I remove this conidtion I get one
 index to reach columns.  That's how the returned record looks like with
 the condtion
 While without the contion I get

 This bug coused me to move my application from one server to another. I
 was using PHP5 before and couldn't narrow it down so I though it was PHP
 or server configuration.  Before moving the application the behaving was
 different as it wasn't based on the condition - just indexes were
 differnet.  On my local machine the results coming back were
 $rec['viewName']['colName'] on the hosted server it was
 $rec['0']['colName'].  I tough it was the hosting server that was the
 issues until I added this condition now, it became clear to me that it was
 the cake causing this weird behavior.

 I noticed that the names of the indexes are first part of the
 two/three/four word made of underscores. If I have two tables 1) cars with
 a column name and 2) roads with a column name and create a things view out
 of them with c_name and r_name for car and road names.  The record
 returned, after adding the condition, would be $rec['r']['rame'] and
 $rec['c']['c_name'] instead of $rec['Thing']['c_name'] and

 I'm sorry for confusing people with as I conbined two bugs into one, sort
 of.  To summarize two months ago I moved my application because indexes
 were different on my local machine then hosting server.  At that time it
 wasn't split into 3 different ones like I get one just one was different
 name instead of 'viewName' I had '0'.  Now the behavior was different as
 there is three different indexes for one view but I believe these two are
 connected somehow as it always happenes on the views and not tables.

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6523
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6523: Result set of find() method different depending on conditions sepcifed on MySQL views

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6523: Result set of find() method different depending on conditions sepcifed on
MySQL views
Reporter:  rb5894  | Owner:
Type:  Bug |Status:  new   
Priority:  High| Milestone:  1.2.x.x   
   Component:  Model   |   Version:  1.2 Final 
Severity:  Major   |Resolution:
Keywords:  |   Php_version:  PHP 4 = 4.3.2
Cake_version:  |  
Old description:


 When using find() method on views the array returns splits into three
 different indexes right after I add one condition to the query
 'viewname.column' = $passedValue, if I remove this conidtion I get one
 index to reach columns.  That's how the returned record looks like with
 the condtion
 While without the contion I get

 This bug coused me to move my application from one server to another. I
 was using PHP5 before and couldn't narrow it down so I though it was PHP
 or server configuration.  Before moving the application the behaving was
 different as it wasn't based on the condition - just indexes were
 differnet.  On my local machine the results coming back were
 $rec['viewName']['colName'] on the hosted server it was
 $rec['0']['colName'].  I tough it was the hosting server that was the
 issues until I added this condition now, it became clear to me that it
 was the cake causing this weird behavior.

 I noticed that the names of the indexes are first part of the
 two/three/four word made of underscores. If I have two tables 1) cars
 with a column name and 2) roads with a column name and create a things
 view out of them with c_name and r_name for car and road names.  The
 record returned, after adding the condition, would be $rec['r']['rame']
 and $rec['c']['c_name'] instead of $rec['Thing']['c_name'] and

 I'm sorry for confusing people with as I conbined two bugs into one, sort
 of.  To summarize two months ago I moved my application because indexes
 were different on my local machine then hosting server.  At that time it
 wasn't split into 3 different ones like I get one just one was different
 name instead of 'viewName' I had '0'.  Now the behavior was different as
 there is three different indexes for one view but I believe these two are
 connected somehow as it always happenes on the views and not tables.

New description:


 When using find() method on views the array returns splits into three
 different indexes right after I add one condition to the query
 {{{'viewname.column' = $passedValue}}}, if I remove this conidtion I get
 one index to reach columns.  That's how the returned record looks like
 with the condtion
 While without the contion I get
 This bug coused me to move my application from one server to another. I
 was using PHP5 before and couldn't narrow it down so I though it was PHP
 or server configuration.  Before moving the application the behaving was
 different as it wasn't based on the condition - just indexes were
 differnet.  On my local machine the results coming back were
 {{{$rec['viewName']['colName']}}} on the hosted server it was
 {{{$rec['0']['colName'].}}}  I tough it was the hosting server that was
 the issues until I added this condition now, it became clear to me that it
 was the cake causing this weird behavior.
 I noticed that the names of the indexes are first part of the
 two/three/four word made of underscores. If I have two tables 1) cars with
 a column name and 2) roads with a column name and create a things view out
 of them with c_name and r_name for car and road names.  The record
 returned, after adding the condition, would be {{{$rec['r']['rame']}}} and
 {{{$rec['c']['c_name']}}} instead of {{{$rec['Thing']['c_name']}}} and


 I'm sorry for confusing people with as I conbined two bugs into one, sort
 of.  To summarize two months ago I moved my application because indexes
 were different on my local machine then hosting server.  At that time it
 wasn't split into 3 different ones like I get one just one was different
 name instead of 'viewName' I had '0'.  Now the behavior was different as
 there is three different indexes for one view but I believe these two 

Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6512: afterfind() not called when recursive=2 (using polymorphic behavior)

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6512: afterfind() not called when recursive=2 (using polymorphic behavior)
Reporter:  bmilesp  | Owner:   
Type:  Enhancement  |Status:  new  
Priority:  Medium   | Milestone:  1.2.x.x  
   Component:  General  |   Version:  1.2 Final
Severity:  Normal   |Resolution:   
Keywords:   |   Php_version:  PHP 5
Cake_version:   |  
Comment (by bmilesp):

 I think it would make sense to have behaviors 'behave' the way you define
 them regardless of how deep down the recursion trail. Perhaps an option to
 enable behavior callbacks in the Model-find $params:

 'behaviorCallbacks' = false (by default)

 if this can be a definitive way to implement this enhancement, or if we
 can decide another way, i'd be willing to write the patch/update with
 tests -b

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6512#comment:2
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6524: isSSL does not allways return true on apache, even if going over https

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6524: isSSL does not allways return true on apache, even if going over https
Reporter:  d_sturm | Owner:  mark_story
Type:  Bug |Status:  assigned  
Priority:  Medium  | Milestone:  1.2.x.x   
   Component:  Components  |   Version:  1.2 Final 
Severity:  Normal  |Resolution:
Keywords:  ssl, isSSL, requestHandler  |   Php_version:  n/a   
Cake_version:  |  
Changes (by mark_story):

  * owner:  = mark_story
  * status:  new = assigned

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6524#comment:1
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6513: When updating rows with Model::saveAll(), it is filling in missing fields with possibly invalid MySQL default values

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6513: When updating rows with Model::saveAll(), it is filling in missing fields
with possibly invalid MySQL default values
Reporter:  mattalexx   | Owner:  
Type:  Bug |Status:  closed  
Priority:  Medium  | Milestone:  1.2.x.x 
   Component:  Model   |   Version:  1.2 Final   
Severity:  Normal  |Resolution:  needmoreinfo
Keywords:  |   Php_version:  PHP 5   
Cake_version:  |  
Changes (by gwoo):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = needmoreinfo

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6513#comment:2
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6397: EmailComponent: Sending fails when sendAs === 'both'

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6397: EmailComponent: Sending fails when sendAs === 'both'
Reporter:  dom111| Owner:  
Type:  Bug   |Status:  assigned 
Priority:  Medium| Milestone:  1.2.x.x  
   Component:  Components|   Version:  1.2 
Severity:  Major |Resolution:   
Keywords:  EmailComponent, injection, multipart  |   Php_version:  PHP 5
Cake_version:  8004 2009-01-16 20:15:21Z gwoo|  
Changes (by DarkAngelBGE):

  * owner:  jperras = DarkAngelBGE
  * status:  new = assigned

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6397#comment:5
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()
Reporter:  michaelc| Owner:   
Type:  Bug |Status:  new  
Priority:  Low | Milestone:  1.3.x.x  
   Component:  Core Libs   |   Version:  1.2 Final
Severity:  Minor   |Resolution:   
Keywords:  deprecate ife am a r up low echo e  |   Php_version:  PHP 5
Cake_version:  |  
Comment (by michaelc):

 Note that none of these suggestions will break compatibility with PHP 4 -
 all but ife() and aa() directly wrap language level functions, while ife()
 implements poorly the ternary operator - a language construct since before
 PHP 4.

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6525#comment:1
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()
Reporter:  michaelc| Owner:   
Type:  Enhancement |Status:  new  
Priority:  Low | Milestone:  1.3.x.x  
   Component:  Core Libs   |   Version:  1.2 Final
Severity:  Minor   |Resolution:   
Keywords:  deprecate ife am a r up low echo e  |   Php_version:  PHP 5
Cake_version:  |  
Changes (by gwoo):

  * type:  Bug = Enhancement


 this is not a bug. Also, these functions are not used in the core. They
 are there for your convenience.

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6525#comment:2
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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Re: [CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP] #6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()

2009-07-21 Thread CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP
#6525: Deprecate ife(), a(), am(), r(), up(), low(), and e()
Reporter:  michaelc| Owner:   
Type:  Enhancement |Status:  new  
Priority:  Low | Milestone:  1.3.x.x  
   Component:  Core Libs   |   Version:  1.2 Final
Severity:  Minor   |Resolution:   
Keywords:  deprecate ife am a r up low echo e  |   Php_version:  PHP 5
Cake_version:  |  
Comment (by michaelc):

 Sorry, thanks for fixing the ticket type for me.  I agree that they aren't
 used in the core anymore (excepting bake, of course), but am requesting
 the deprecated warning messages so as to encourage less inefficient
 programming.  It also permits for their removal in a later version.  My
 suggestion is that, even though they are provided merely as convenience
 functions, their use adds a negative value to the framework.  As the
 functions are better implemented at the language level, and I have only
 requested to be deprecated those already in PHP 4.

Ticket URL: https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6525#comment:3
CakePHP : The Rapid Development Framework for PHP https://trac.cakephp.org/
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design 
patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. 
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at 
all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to 
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