[tw] Text modules for a simple tiddler

2012-11-14 Thread Uwe Hoffmeister
Hi there,
i want to create a document which will be completed by using text modules. 
For this i would like to select these text modules (simple tiddlers)  bei 
using a checkbox. If the checkbox for the selected tiddler  is activated, 
the tiddler appears in my main document
for example:
I have to write an offer:
An offer contains of different services, delivery conditions, terms of 
payment etc.
For each of this issues I define separate tiddlers containing different or 
modified content.
maybe there are 5 different tiddlers for terms of payment, for example: 
Payment within 5 days, Payment within 30 days, etc.
If the offer has date of payment within 30 days I select the tiddler 
Payment within 30 days by using the checkbox 
The result is a finished offer/ document with is composed of all selected 
tiddlers in the selected order.
Do you have any idea?

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpace RFC

2012-11-14 Thread chris . dent

On Mon, 22 Oct 2012, chris.d...@gmail.com wrote:

This is just a short list to get things started. I hope that people
will add their own. After there has been some discussion I'll
summarize the results and make a roadmap.

This is now in place at http://tsroadmap.tiddlyspace.com

I hope it captures the highlights of what has been discussed in
these threads (and elsewhere). If you feel something is missing or
wrong, please shout out.

Chris Dent   http://burningchrome.com/

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[tw] x-tagger/Delicious Tagging Konfiguration.

2012-11-14 Thread Jan Johannpeter

Hello everyone, Hello Tobias in particular...
I have tried to adapt the very nice looking Delicious Tagging Plugin in 
tbGTD [[http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com/#DeliciousTagging]] but I don#t get 
it to work as nice as it works on your/Tobias Site.

Is there a documantation anywhere?
I encountered the following problems
1)The List to choose Tags form contains all Tags and thus is about 
twenty rows long. The dropdownmenus have the correct categories marked 
in the x-tagger display also tags tagged by the subcategories.

I already put
config.macros.deliciousTagging.catList = x-tagger Konfiguration##Tags;
config.macros.deliciousTagging.displayNonGTDTags=false; in the zzConfig

2)The x-Tagger-dropDown displays the correct tags but it is styled very 
clumpsy and can't display all my Tags because it take to much space.  I 
do not know how to include the elegant stylesheet which seems to be 
implemented in x-tagger? Should this be automatic?

Thanks for Help!

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[tw] x-tagger/Delicious Tagging Konfiguration. 2. Issue solved and new issue

2012-11-14 Thread Jan Johannpeter

I was able to solve No.2 myself by creating a new stylesheet tiddler. It 
comes to my mind it could habe even been easier by just adding 
[[StyleSheetxTagger]]to the main style..
2)The x-Tagger-dropDown displays the correct tags but it is styled 
very clumpsy and can't display all my Tags because it take to much 
space.  I do not know how to include the elegant stylesheet which 
seems to be implemented in x-tagger? Should this be automatic?

Remains No1.
1)The List to choose Tags form contains all Tags and thus is about 
twenty rows long. The dropdownmenus have the correct categories marked 
in the x-tagger display also tags tagged by the subcategories.

I already put
config.macros.deliciousTagging.catList = x-tagger Konfiguration##Tags;
config.macros.deliciousTagging.displayNonGTDTags=false; in the zzConfig

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[tw] The all keyword of GridPlugin, working?

2012-11-14 Thread G.J.Robert
Dearest TW folks,

The all keyword of the GridPlugin macro is said to render all tiddlers 
even if a tiddler does not contain the tags/slices/fields/sections 
specified as columns. In my usage, I found that this behavior is already in 
effect even when all is not included in the macro call. Meanwhile, I'd 
like to use the default behavior w/o the all keyword, i.e. only 
displaying tiddlers with non-null values in those columns, but never 

Have I mistaken the meaning of the keyword and the default behavior? I have 
tried to check the code and find in the getRowsAndCols() where all seems 
to be processed there, and tried to include processing of 
tags/fields/sections there without success. Has anyone seen the default 
behavior working? (non-greedy list?)

I also see that on TiddlyTools.com, all tiddlers match the filter seem to 
be listed no matter any one tiddler has the values or not.


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[tw] Text modules for a simple tiddler

2012-11-14 Thread Richard Niolon
I'll take a stab a this.  I do something like that with the toggletag plugin 
and the foreachtiddler plugin

Make the tiddlers that include the standard language, and tag them SectionOne 
or SectionTwo for example if you have sections in your document.  So you would 
make one named ServiceA tagged SectionOne, another named ServiceB tagged 
SectionOne, and a third one named ServiceC tagged SectionTwo.  Make these 
tiddler names single words.

You would next make a tiddler to start with (MainDocOptions) that listed all 
the options for your document using the toggletag plugin
!!Section 1
toggleTag MainDocInclude ServiceA 'Service A - Include Thing 1'
toggleTag MainDocInclude ServiceB 'Service B - Include Thing 1 with Option 
for 2'
!!Section 2
toggleTag MainDocInclude ServiceC 'Service C - Include Thing 1 and 2 with 
Option for 3'

That says to call the toggletag plugin, and add the tag MainDocInclude to the 
tiddler ServiceA if the checkbox is checked.  The instructions in the single 
quotes can remind you what that option includes.  

You check the ones you want.  So you check the first and third one, and the 
plugin adds the tag MainDocInclude to tiddlers ServiceA and ServiceC.

At the bottom of the MainDocOptions tiddler, link to the MainDoc tiddler for 

In your MainDoc tiddler, use the foreachtiddler plugin
(see http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#ForEachTiddlerPlugin for syntax 

!!Section One
 where 'tiddler.tags.containsAll([MainDocInclude,SectionOne])'
 sortBy 'tiddler.title'
 write '+tiddler.text+\n\n' 

(this creates a header named Section One and then inserts the text in tiddler 
ServiceA, which you checked above, and a blank line... but not the text from 
the tiddler ServiceB)
!!Section Two
 where 'tiddler.tags.containsAll([MainDocInclude,SectionTwo])'
 sortBy 'tiddler.title'
 write '[[+tiddler.title+]]\n\n' 

(this creates a header named Section Two and then inserts the text in tiddler 
ServiceC, which you checked above, and a blank line).

There may be an easier way to do this... But this is a start.  

Read the foreachtiddler examples, as you can do some cool stuff, for example, 
using the (index  1) ? code you can use the foreachtiddler to write the 
Section Two heading -only- if you checked one of the section two options...

The foreachtiddler plugin is probably my favorite one :)
Hope this helps

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