Re: [tw] using HTML5 localStorage in forms?

2012-11-22 Thread skye riquelme
Thanks Tizianothat worked.

Em quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012 19h20min26s UTC-2, tiziano escreveu:

 Il 21/11/2012 21:43, skye riquelme ha scritto: 
  Hi All 
  I have been using localStorage extensively in my TW work, but cant 
  seem to get access to the data from within html formsfor 
  eample...why doesnt this simple bit of code set the localStorage item 
  test?? (the wikify at the end is just to check if test got set.) 

 Try this snippet, it should work: 

 form name=myform action= method=GETEnter something in the box: 
 INPUT TYPE=text NAME=inputbox VALUE= 
 INPUT TYPE=button NAME=button Value=Click 
 testResults= function(form) { 
 var TestVar = form.inputbox.value; 
 var test=localStorage.setItem(test,TestVar); 

 wikify(localStorage key test = + 
 localStorage.getItem(test)+\n,place ); 

 tiziano de togni 

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[tw] Cross-domain woes!!!

2012-11-22 Thread skye riquelme
Hi All

I have a eLearning platform running fairly well directly online, based on 
UploadPlugin and the use of some php scripts to store online data in simple 
txt files

Now I need to consider students who do not have continual online access 
(still quite a reality in Brasil) and who need to study using my platform 
in offline (USB) mode. My thinking is that when a student is connected, to 
download the server-side txt files to the USB (probably svae them in 
localStorage as well) to store offline additions in another 
localStorage and to re-integrate this new data when the student re-connects.

My problem is downloading the server-side txt files to a local TW - seems I 
am hitting cross-domain problems.

Online I use a code like - 
var out=;
  var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var discFile=/someTextFile.txt; GET,discFile, false);
xmlHttp.send( null );
var returnText =xmlHttp.responseText;
var lines=returnText.split(#\n);

to get the data from the txt filebut using this from the offline TW 
does not work.the data is not passed to the offline TW !!!

How to get around this? How to get the txt data from the server to the 
offline TW???

Thanks in Advance

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[tw] TiddlyFox 1.0alpha7: Fewer confirmation alerts

2012-11-22 Thread Jeremy Ruston
I've just uploaded a new alpha release of TiddlyFox that avoids that pesky
confirmation alert every time you open a TiddlyWiki document. It now
remembers each document that you approve and doesn't ask a second time for
the same URL.

The new version won't hit the Mozilla add-ons site for a few days, so head
over to GitHub to download it:

With many thanks to Dimitris Gardiklis, who contributed the original code.



Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: Save Changes not working

2012-11-22 Thread midpeter444
I upgraded to FF17 today (64-bit Linux) and can confirm that the older 
trick of editing your prefs.js as described earlier in this email thread no 
longer works.  That is confirmed in this long thread on the mozilla site:

So, it looks like the only way to use TiddlyWiki on Firefox as a single 
file (ie., not using TiddlySaver.jar) going forward is to use the Tiddlyfox 
plug in, so many thanks to Jeremy for providing it.

That means we get an annoying popup dialog box every time you open 
tiddlywiki from now on, but I'll learn to live with it.


On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:21:39 AM UTC-5, Theo K. wrote:


 I upgraded yesterday to Firefox 17 and am a heavy user of TiddlyWikis. 
 Surprisingly, the update broke the save operation for my mGSD - Getting 
 things done - wiki.

 Surprisingly, because I've installed the TiddlyFox extension ( which should 
 enable saving.
 Even more surprising, other wiki still were able to save using that 
 extension, but not that one. I've found a solution for that, as well, more 
 on that below.

- So in your case I would install the TiddlyFox extension and check 
then if saving works. If it does, you're done.
- If not, have a look at the pre head section in your tiddlywiki with 
a texteditor. Mine had some Google analytics code in there. Upon removing 
that code, the TiddlyFox extensions started to work with this wiki as 
- If you find code there, be sure to check the MarkupPreHead-Tiddler. 
   In my case this tiddler caused a reinsertion of the analytics code in 
   prehead section. Clearing this tiddler helped.

 On a side note, the new Firefox-version killed the FirefoxPriveledgesPlugin 
 as well. It now states Error: TypeError: is undefined when trying to view the 

 Hope that helps,

 On Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:21:24 AM UTC+1, PhilBee wrote:

 I have just experienced a similar problem with FF 17.0.
 While my TW works fine with FF Version 9 and FF Version 11, as soon as I 
 try to 'SaveChanges' with Version 17.
 I think the problem is with the latest releases of FF because I get 
 similar problems with other non-TW programs.
 Any suggestions?

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[tw] Re: TiddlyFox 1.0alpha7: Fewer confirmation alerts

2012-11-22 Thread TonyM
Appreciate your Effort Jeremy. This will smooth my every day workflow..


On Friday, November 23, 2012 9:17:54 AM UTC+11, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I've just uploaded a new alpha release of TiddlyFox that avoids that pesky 
 confirmation alert every time you open a TiddlyWiki document. It now 
 remembers each document that you approve and doesn't ask a second time for 
 the same URL.

 The new version won't hit the Mozilla add-ons site for a few days, so head 
 over to GitHub to download it:

 With many thanks to Dimitris Gardiklis, who contributed the original code.



 Jeremy Ruston javascript:

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[tw] Re: TiddlySpace RFC

2012-11-22 Thread dickon
I think that Tiddlyspace should congratulate itself on achieving 6000 users 
with really no marketing at all.

What next?

First, selfishly, *don't do anything that will break the stuff that is 
already there* - the AMBIT project now have over 30 mental health teams 
from all over the UK and possibly teams from beyond the UK (we certainly 
get plenty of hits from all over the world) trained in, and using and 
adapting their own local versions of the space 
(see for more details) and that adds 
up to a lot of workers who really like what this does... and to an extent 
rely on it to guide their practice and document their own innovation...

Second, *get clearer about a few core things that you think people can do 
with TiddlySpace* - what distinguishes it from other places in the web? 

Third* ask non-programmers what they think/want/like.*.. 

   - What got me interested (as a non-techie) in tiddlywiki first was the 
   ease with which I found I could write a fairly complex website that used 
   links and tags to organise pages of information; it was the *non-linear* 
   style of writing that fired me up.  
   - Then I liked the sense that it could function as a *self-contained 
   document*, that had edges - ie that its wiki-ness was not a kind of 
   come and graffiti on my wall free-for-all, but there could be some 
   ownership of the document as a whole.
   - Then, with the advent of tiddlySpace, it was the* inclusion* idea that 
   seemed intrinsically beautiful, this is what allows my tiddlymanuals to 
   have multiple layers of ownership, so that locally-derived 
   improvements/developments in local versions (that include our AMBIT core) 
   can gradually be drawn down into the core to be shared more widely.  This 
   allows some hierarchical editorial control, but without crushing the 
   opportunity to make multiple zany newer versions of/improvements on our 
   first shot at writing a way of working with seriously complex vulnerable 
   youth - it is very close to what Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger speak of as 
   a Community of Practice 

I am using TS in quite a specific way, but it seems to me that other bodies 
of work could be presented and developed in similar ways (and they probably 
are - I don't spend enough time looking at the ways other people are using 

*Conference?:* This leads me to suggest that one way forward would be to 
think about that old fashioned idea of getting people together to share how 
they are using TS... I am not so interested in the technical development 
(though am in awe of you who do it!) but I would like to hear narratives of* 
other people are using their spaces *and the various things that *
this-being-TS* (rather than some other blogging space) allows them to do 
this.  I suppose I would suggest a small *conference* - get 
some people together who can talk about how they are using TS - why they 
are using TS and not something else out there.  I find keeping up with the 
Google discussion groups quite hard (I really don't have a lot of spare 
time on my hands and the volume of conversation is daunting) so listening 
to edited highlights of people explaining their work would be a lot easier. 
 Invite You tube videos (one of my poor attempts is 

*Featured Spaces: *I have looked at the featured 
Spaces ( but 
often get a bit lost in their CONTENT, without working out quite how they 
are using the FUNCTIONALITY of TS to make their spaces do what they want 
them to do.  Its is helpful to have someone explain the WHY and the HOW of 
what they are doing with their site.  I think you could look hard 
at the Featured Spaces space, and revamp it:

   - a short questionnaire to people who want their spaces featured - the 
   admission fee for being featured is that you have to flesh out 
   user-friendly explanations -
   - Better still, video explanations that would show not just the content, 
   but also explain the generalisability of of how you are using TS...
   - Then you'd need to group/tag all the featured spaces in ways that 
   would help interested enquirers home in on* different functional 
   applications*, so they could zoom in on stuff that is doing stuff 
   similar to what they want to do... 
   - at the moment is is an overwhelming list and primarily focused 
   on the amazingly rich array of CONTENT in spaces, rather than on how the 
   developers of these spaces are using TS.  Result is that I don't know where 
   to start (too long to start at the beginning of the list!)

If I was going to make a suggestion to bring in non-techie users 
who want to use TS to do something unrelated to the development of TS, it 
would all be stuff about the interface - 

[tw] Re: Announcement: TiddlyWiki 2.7.0 Beta 2 includes fixes for local file import

2012-11-22 Thread skye riquelme
Hi Eric

Happy that things are progressing on this front.

Using FF 17.0 (portable) under Vista I have been able to import tiddlers 
from a local TW in the same directoryand from

However using ExternalTiddlersPlugin...trying to import a simple txt file 
from my server does not do it  No message, and no created tiddler!!!


Em sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012 05h46min05s UTC-2, Eric Shulman 

 Greetings All! 

 I am EXTREMELY pleased to announce the posting of TiddlyWiki 2.7.0 
 Beta 2, which can be downloaded by right-clicking the following link 
 and choosing save link as... from the popop menu: 

 The reason I am so pleased is that this beta update includes fixes for 
 backstageimport that I've just written (and tested) that appear to 
 successfully work around the latest file I/O security barriers imposed 
 by FireFox v15+ as well some related security changes that affected 
 Chrome, Safari, and Opera. 

 The backstageimport browse handling has been updated so that when 
 you select a local file for import, a properly-formed file:// URI is 
 automatically filled in (in the enter a URL text input).  However, 
 as before, the selected file must still be in the *same folder* as the 
 current document for it to be read in.  This is a restriction imposed 
 by almost all browsers (FF, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.)... *except* 
 for... surprisingly... InternetExplorer, which *does* permit access to 
 files outside the current folder (even a file on networked drive works 
 in IE)!! 

 Note: if you *do* try to select a file outside the current folder, the 
 result displayed in the file control text area (next to the browse 
 button) will be the path/file you selected, but the path/file actually 
 used (and displayed in the enter a URL text area) will be the 
 *current* folder, combined with the *filename.ext* of the selected 

 The bigger fix is that... after selecting the file... when you press 
 the OPEN button... the import process now detects when local 
 filesystem I/O is needed and no longer tries (and fails) to use ajax 
 I/O to read in the file... so that spurious not CORS enabled error 
 message does not appear... and the process  actually retrieves 
 tiddlers and let's you proceed with the import without further 
 issues.  HOORAY.. YIPPEE YAY! 

 I have tested on my local system using IE, FF15 (with TiddlyFox 
 installed), and Chrome.  Of course, every system setup is a little 
 different, so it's still very important for everyone to download this 
 latest build from the above link... and test it with your own OS/ 
 browser configuration, with as many use-cases as you can think of... 
 and then report back here with the results, either positive or 

 If, after field testing by the community, this fix proves to be as 
 effective and stable as I think it is, then I will quickly move 
 TW2.7.0 from beta to official release status... probably by the end of 
 next week. 

 Have a great weekend! 

 Eric Shulman 
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios 


 Professional TiddlyWiki Consulting Services... 
 Analysis, Design, and Custom Solutions: 

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[tw] Re: Cross-domain woes!!!

2012-11-22 Thread skye riquelme
Hi Again...still trying to sort this out -   I read in another thread, that 
since I am trying to read from a local file...I shouldn´t be having 
cross-domain issues. so

Im the online TW I have the code 

var out=;
  var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var discFile=/AAA/alunoParticipation.txt; GET,discFile, false);
xmlHttp.send( null );
var returnText =xmlHttp.responseText;

it works

but when I put the same code, but with an external this...
var out=;
  var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var discFile=http://my domain/AAA/alunoParticipation.txt; GET,discFile, false);
xmlHttp.send( null );
var returnText =xmlHttp.responseText;

I get the message - [Exception... Failure nsresult: 0x80004005 (
NS_ERROR_FAILURE) location: JS frame :: 
file:///X:/Documents/Dropbox/beta.htm :: _out :: line 9681 data: no]

Anyone have ideas whats happening...whay cant I read from a local file???

Thanks in Advance

Em quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2012 10h09min28s UTC-2, skye riquelme 

 Hi All

 I have a eLearning platform running fairly well directly online, based on 
 UploadPlugin and the use of some php scripts to store online data in simple 
 txt files

 Now I need to consider students who do not have continual online access 
 (still quite a reality in Brasil) and who need to study using my platform 
 in offline (USB) mode. My thinking is that when a student is connected, to 
 download the server-side txt files to the USB (probably svae them in 
 localStorage as well) to store offline additions in another 
 localStorage and to re-integrate this new data when the student re-connects.

 My problem is downloading the server-side txt files to a local TW - seems 
 I am hitting cross-domain problems.

 Online I use a code like - 
 var out=;
   var xmlHttp = null;
 xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
 var discFile=/someTextFile.txt; GET,discFile, false);
 xmlHttp.send( null );
 var returnText =xmlHttp.responseText;
 var lines=returnText.split(#\n);

 to get the data from the txt filebut using this from the offline TW 
 does not work.the data is not passed to the offline TW !!!

 How to get around this? How to get the txt data from the server to the 
 offline TW???

 Thanks in Advance

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[tw] growth-confusion

2012-11-22 Thread Kriss
Hello guys,

I am confused about the use of the different TW spin-offs.

I am organizing a large international benefit event and during the 
preparation phase, I have been using tiddlywiki as a tool to structure my 
ideas, collect all the information (background-info, lists of all kinds, 
contact-info (with *TaggedTemplateTweak*),...) and write a descriptive 
document about the different aspects of the project. 
(I have been using TW for 2 years now, on *Firefox *(most often on *Prism*) 
in combination with *Dropbox *and on *andtidwiki *for my android phone - 
the portable and off-line functionality is important to me)

Now I have reached the point where the concept is mature, I need to start 
sharing the information with other people: the volunteers that help in 
implementing the project, and later-on maybe partners and sponsors.

There are close to 700 tiddlers in this wiki, with lots of 
links/transclusions and many also with automated contents (FET-lists and 

As I understand Tiddlywiki is intended as a personal document and it was 
never really suited for collaboration with different people at the same 
time. So I think I will have to move away and towards spaces or tiddlyweb 
or ... I don't know; I am confused.

(I have experimented with the spaces concept, but it seems all the tiddlers 
can be accessed? Can I reuse my TW layout in spaces?
(I use a modified color scheme with the left and right sidebars removed and 
a small topmenu, conform to and suitable for andtidwiki)

So I want to share my tiddlers; some of them can be publicly available 
(visible, not editable), others should only be visible to certain people. 
These people would be grouped in different user profiles.
I estimate there could be up to 20 people to modify tiddlers. (with only a 
few changes per day; the tool mainly being used as a reference tool)
And for example sponsors could see more tiddlers than the general public, 
but neither should be able to make changes.
Overall, the content/structure would be mainly managed by just one or two 
people, with small contributions (only text/markup, no coding or such) from 
the other users
(f.e. change contact information or add a journal report) 

The user group will not be very large; but It is quite diverse so I would 
still need a good and flexible user-management.

What would you recommend as the best way to go?
* some plugin for TW and share it on dropbox ?
** TW5 ?
* move the content to spaces or tiddlyweb? How does user management 
function here?
**  create my own server?
* maybe do I need to move to mediawiki or some of the other platforms with 
a stronger user management !?  (I would not like this option! But if 
needed, could you recommend any?)

Saving TW in the browser seems to be a neverending concern. Does Spaces 
experience similar problems?
On the other hand, could I still (how?) access a spaces implementation 

Thanks in advance for any advice or helpful comments.

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