[tw5] Re: MathML (MathJax) Support

2020-01-01 Thread andrewg_oz
Thanks, but I was just sharing my solution to getting the MathJax plugin 
working with the latest TiddlyWiki. In any case, that TeXZilla plugin 
doesn't work with Chrome.

IMO, one of the most important parts of wikis is the simplified markup and 
anything LaTeX related seems to me to be doing the opposite.

I'm not using MathJax so much for its MathML support, I'm using it for its 
AsciiMath support - specifically, the markup syntax. If there was some sort 
of "AsciiMath" to HTML/CSS or SVG renderer that would be ideal.

The online requirement for the MathJax plugin is a negative, but when I'm 
using my TiddlyWiki I'm never offline.

My web-dev skills are years old, but I might have a look sometime to see 
how hard an offline MathJax would be to set up.

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[tw5] [[TW5]] New journal date format

2020-01-01 Thread Jon

DD/MM/YY for the new journal date setting in control panel gives 1/1/20.

What's needed to give 01/01/20?


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[tw5] Re: Recents tab out of order

2020-01-01 Thread Dave

> Hi, my problem is back. I somehow got it fixed (see above) on one 
> computer, but the same "solution" didn't work on other instances. Here's a 
> screenshot of a section of my Recent tab (yes, I changed the date format to 
> see if that would make a difference, but no luck there). I assume the 
> slight offset in the modified dates vs the timeline dates is due to the UTC 
> thing TW does.
> in timeline:
>- Nov 29
>   - AgendaTweaking 
>- Dec 30
>   - other tiddlers including another thing 
>- Nov28
>   - datePicker2 
> in the files:
>- AgendaTweaking 
>   - modified: 2019113655910
>- another thing 
>   - modified: 20191230154836798
>- datePicker2 
>   - modified: 20191129013329823
> file system modified dates:
>- AgendaTweaking 
>   - Dec 6
>- another thing 
>   - Dec 30
>- datePicker2 
>   - Dec 6
> Could it be interference from a plugin? maybe $:/plugins/telmiger/MyStory 
>  ?

p.s., sorry for the weird formatting, I prewrote this in a tiddler and 
that's the color theme on my TW 

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[tw5] Re: Update fields on multiple tiddlers

2020-01-01 Thread Scott Kingery
Thanks, Eric. Worked as advertised and gave me some examples for the future.

On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 12:11:30 PM UTC-8, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 11:34:51 AM UTC-8, Scott Kingery wrote:
>> In a current project, I have tiddlers that use a couple of fields that 
>> keep running totals. We'll call them time_total and grand_total. I'd like 
>> to create a button that sets the value to 0 in all tiddlers containing 
>> those fields. Basically, a reset button. Has anyone crafted such a thing? I 
>> know there are tools like Mohammad's Commander Plugin and that might be the 
>> safer route but I thought I'd ask.
> There are filters for finding tiddlers with specific fields.  Thus:
> <$list filter="[has[time_total]] [has[grand_total]]">
><> time_total={{!!time_total}} 
> grand_total={{!!grand_total}}
> <$button> reset totals
><$list filter="[has[time_total]] [has[grand_total]]">
>   <$action-setfield time_total="0" grand_total="0" />
> note: the filter tests for any tiddler that has *non-blank* values for 
> time_total OR grand_total.  If you want to test for tiddlers that have 
> either of those fields, even if blank, use:
> <$list filter="[has:field[time_total]] [has:field[grand_total]]">
> enjoy,
> -e

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[tw5] Re: nested tables?

2020-01-01 Thread Dave
Thanks Mohammed, yeah that sounds quite useful!

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[tw5] Re: nested tables?

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
 tiddlytables  read its data from tiddlers! Each row is a tiddler and each 
column is a field!
So if you have Tid01 with fl01 and fl02 with values bla and bla yes It 
makes the table for you on the fly!
There is example for table in table and you can simply makes any number of 

It really worth to put an hour and learn it.


On Thursday, January 2, 2020 at 2:10:04 AM UTC+3:30, Dave wrote:
> Mohammed, tiddlytables ( http://tiddlytables.tiddlyspot.com/ ) looks like 
> something I should really learn.
> It looks a bit overkill for my use case, but maybe I'm wrong.  Is there a 
> quick way to use it that's equivalent to 
> | bla bla |
> ?
> Thanks,
> - Dave

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Re: [tw5] Anyone good with bookmarklets? QUick config of tiddlywikis

2020-01-01 Thread TonyM
Observations on Bookmarklets

I use my config bookmarklet daily now. I am working on a generic tool and a 
config management one that captures manually set configs and toggles.

In another area I am looking at bundles and plugins and realised the plugin 
build in the browser see tiddlywiki.com/dev uses the javaconsole and looks as 
if it could also be triggered by bookmarklet. 

It seems to me automating the build of bookmarklets from tiddlywiki that can 
perform JavaScript functions on any wiki or further browser utilities is a 
whole new mechanisium even ecosystem tiddlywiki can also play in.

There are so many directions in which tiddlywiki can extend almost to infinity 
we have not yet explored yet.


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[tw5] Re: nested tables?

2020-01-01 Thread Dave

thanks, merely putting "bla bla" does preserve table 
formatting past one level. :)

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[tw5] Re: How to change border color (in search bar for example)? Not given in pallette options.

2020-01-01 Thread Matthew Phelps
Thank you for that comment. It helped me in narrowing down the tiddler 
associated with the search  bar itself. However, I am not sure how to 
incorporate the properties of the class (i.e. the border settings). I 
presume this is due to my lack of understanding CSS, but this is the 
relevant code under $:/core/ui/SideBarSegments/search

<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/search" type="search" tag="input" 
focus={{$:/config/Search/AutoFocus}} focusPopup=<> class="tc-popup-handle"/>

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 12:16:23 PM UTC-5, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 5:05:05 PM UTC+1, Matthew Phelps wrote:
>> I've tried adjusting all available parameters in the Control Panel > 
>> Appearance > Pallette > my-custom-pallete but did not find a variable to 
>> adjust the color of common borders within the tiddlywiki, particularly the 
>> search border in the sidebar. I've also tried inspecting the html (both via 
>> chrome inspector and navigating through the raw html looking for keyword 
>> border), but no adjustments seem to affect the search border.
>> Any ideas? Would also be nice to adjust border around the RGB color 
>> picker itself, found for example when adjusting Control Panel > Appearance 
>> > Pallette.
> Try something like:
> .tc-popup-handle {
>  border: 5px blue;
>  border-style: dotted;
> }
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Ton

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[tw5] Re: nested tables?

2020-01-01 Thread Dave
Mohammed, tiddlytables ( http://tiddlytables.tiddlyspot.com/ ) looks like 
something I should really learn.

It looks a bit overkill for my use case, but maybe I'm wrong.  Is there a 
quick way to use it that's equivalent to 
| bla bla |

- Dave

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[tw5] Re: Shiraz plugin: dynamic table gets search ui

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
Hi Eric,
 Many thanks!
As you note, I have used a similar approach for TiddlerCommander! 

The problem arises when I do some actions like title manipulation (add 
remove prefix, ...)
a tiddler selected already will be remained in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers

The same is true for other operation! You may search and filter some 
tiddlers by tags or field value and then you do operation on such fields
The selected tiddlers still are in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers while the do 
not meet the search criteria any more!

Right now after each bulk operation I remove all selections and user has to 
reselect them.


On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 7:48:26 PM UTC+3:30, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 7:27:43 AM UTC-8, Mohammad wrote:
>>  I am wondering how we can use a kind of power search you developed with 
>> Tiddler Commander.
>> As I described in separate email, there we use two step search
>>1. filter search
>>2. select among the search by step 1
> As I illustrated in a previous post, you can override the 
> doSearch_showresults() macro to produce whatever kind of output you like by 
> using the generated <> variable as input to further code.
> Thus, step 2 could be something like:
> <$list filter=<>>
><$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" index=<> 
> checked=" "
> checkactions="""<$action-setfield 
> $tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" $index=<> $value=" " 
> />"""
>   uncheckactions="""<$action-setfield 
> $tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" $index=<> />""">
>  <$text text=<>/>
> <$button> DO STUFF!
><$list filter="[title[$:/temp/selectedTiddlers]indexes[]>
>   <$action... tiddler=<> ... />
> The first part uses the generated <> to render checkboxes for each 
> tiddler that matches the search.
> Selecting a checkbox adds the name of the corresponding tiddler as an 
> index in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers.
> Then, the second part provides a button that invokes some action widget(s) 
> for each item listed in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers
> Of course, the actions performed can be based on whatever is specified by 
> the TiddlerCommander interface.
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Best option for TiddlyWiki on Android?

2020-01-01 Thread si
Thank you Tony for the suggestion. I'm assuming a wiki running on nodejs 
would be a bit faster than the single file version?

Would this method involve loading Termus and typing tiddlywiki wikiname 
--listen every time I want to access the wiki?

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 3:15:41 AM UTC, TonyM wrote:
> Another approach is installing Termux and hosting the wiki on node from 
> your phone. The phone becomes the source of truth and you enable access 
> from your PC on the LAN when home so no sync needed. 
> There are some google drive and dropbox possibilities and any server 
> hosted wiki on the internet such as using tw-receiver that enables saving 
> can also work for you if you always have data.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 9:10:52 AM UTC+11, si wrote:
>> I am aware of Quinoid , Tiddloid 
>> , Tiddloid Lite 
>>  and AndTidWiki 
>> .
>> I need to be able to sync my task list between my PC and phone via Google 
>> Drive or something similar. The only one I have tried is Tiddloid on my 
>> sister's 4gb Huawei, and it was probably a bit too slow to be usable. (I 
>> can't try the others until my new phone arrives)
>> Is there any reason to use one of these over the other? Are any of these 
>> the 'official' option? Are there any other solutions out there?
>> Thanks for your help!

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[tw5] Re: How to change border color (in search bar for example)? Not given in pallette options.

2020-01-01 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Matthew,

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 5:05:05 PM UTC+1, Matthew Phelps wrote:
> I've tried adjusting all available parameters in the Control Panel > 
> Appearance > Pallette > my-custom-pallete but did not find a variable to 
> adjust the color of common borders within the tiddlywiki, particularly the 
> search border in the sidebar. I've also tried inspecting the html (both via 
> chrome inspector and navigating through the raw html looking for keyword 
> border), but no adjustments seem to affect the search border.
> Any ideas? Would also be nice to adjust border around the RGB color picker 
> itself, found for example when adjusting Control Panel > Appearance > 
> Pallette.

Try something like:

.tc-popup-handle {
 border: 5px blue;
 border-style: dotted;

Hope that helps.



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[tw5] Re: Shiraz plugin: dynamic table gets search ui

2020-01-01 Thread Eric Shulman
On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 7:27:43 AM UTC-8, Mohammad wrote:
>  I am wondering how we can use a kind of power search you developed with 
> Tiddler Commander.
> As I described in separate email, there we use two step search
>1. filter search
>2. select among the search by step 1
As I illustrated in a previous post, you can override the 
doSearch_showresults() macro to produce whatever kind of output you like by 
using the generated <> variable as input to further code.

Thus, step 2 could be something like:
<$list filter=<>>
   <$checkbox tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" index=<> 
checked=" "
$tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" $index=<> $value=" " 
$tiddler="$:/temp/selectedTiddlers" $index=<> />""">
 <$text text=<>/>

<$button> DO STUFF!
   <$list filter="[title[$:/temp/selectedTiddlers]indexes[]>
  <$action... tiddler=<> ... />

The first part uses the generated <> to render checkboxes for each 
tiddler that matches the search.
Selecting a checkbox adds the name of the corresponding tiddler as an index 
in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers.

Then, the second part provides a button that invokes some action widget(s) 
for each item listed in $:/temp/selectedTiddlers
Of course, the actions performed can be based on whatever is specified by 
the TiddlerCommander interface.


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[tw5] How to change border color (in search bar for example)? Not given in pallette options.

2020-01-01 Thread Matthew Phelps
I've tried adjusting all available parameters in the Control Panel > 
Appearance > Pallette > my-custom-pallete but did not find a variable to 
adjust the color of common borders within the tiddlywiki, particularly the 
search border in the sidebar. I've also tried inspecting the html (both via 
chrome inspector and navigating through the raw html looking for keyword 
border), but no adjustments seem to affect the search border.

Any ideas? Would also be nice to adjust border around the RGB color picker 
itself, found for example when adjusting Control Panel > Appearance > 

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[tw5] Re: Shiraz plugin: dynamic table gets search ui

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
Hi Eric,
 I am wondering how we can use a kind of power search you developed with 
Tiddler Commander.
As I described in separate email, there we use two step search

   1. filter search
   2. select among the search by step 1


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[tw5] Re: Tiddler Commander 2.0: Proposal

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
More notes

The old version can be found here: https://kookma.github.io/TW-Commander/

The improved version which has a litter different behaviour on filter 
search can be found :https://github.com/kookma/TW-Commander
You need to download the source folder. It is a Node.js version


On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 6:41:29 PM UTC+3:30, Mohammad wrote:
> Happy New Year!
> *Commander 2: A rewrite of Commander 1*
> Tiddler Commander is a powerful and unique tool and can do many bulk 
> operation! Yet it suffers some design issues and needs to be improved
> In last three months *Flibbles *has contributed alot to address some 
> issues among them are
>1. Use relink plugin if available (already installed)
>2. Remove most global variable and limit them to minimum number of 
>really required ones
>3. Improve the filter search and selective operation [Not totally 
>solved yet]
>- The problem in item 2 is Commander unlike other filter search in 
>Tiddlywiki does not dynamically display search results and needs to press 
>a  button called "applied filter search" the reason is to put the result 
> in 
>a selective component from there you can selectively which tiddler shall 
> be 
>included in bulk operation! The idea here was taken from Windows explorer.
>- Each operation reset the selection, this is because some operation 
>changes the tiddler and affects on the search criteria, so you need to 
>re-select tiddlers for next bulk operation! Some users reported this 
>annoying and not inline with TW vanilla 
> I appreciate your comments contribution.  I hope I can receive your 
> feedback on Commander features and if there are other features in your wish 
> list.
> Some features planned now
>1. add *field rename*
>2. possible use of dynamic tables
>3. possible use of trashbin
>4. repeated operation without re-selecting where possible
> --Mohammad

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[tw5] Tiddler Commander 2.0: Proposal

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
Happy New Year!

*Commander 2: A rewrite of Commander 1*

Tiddler Commander is a powerful and unique tool and can do many bulk 
operation! Yet it suffers some design issues and needs to be improved

In last three months *Flibbles *has contributed alot to address some issues 
among them are

   1. Use relink plugin if available (already installed)
   2. Remove most global variable and limit them to minimum number of 
   really required ones
   3. Improve the filter search and selective operation [Not totally solved 

   - The problem in item 2 is Commander unlike other filter search in 
   Tiddlywiki does not dynamically display search results and needs to press 
   a  button called "applied filter search" the reason is to put the result in 
   a selective component from there you can selectively which tiddler shall be 
   included in bulk operation! The idea here was taken from Windows explorer.
   - Each operation reset the selection, this is because some operation 
   changes the tiddler and affects on the search criteria, so you need to 
   re-select tiddlers for next bulk operation! Some users reported this 
   annoying and not inline with TW vanilla 

I appreciate your comments contribution.  I hope I can receive your 
feedback on Commander features and if there are other features in your wish 

Some features planned now

   1. add *field rename*
   2. possible use of dynamic tables
   3. possible use of trashbin
   4. repeated operation without re-selecting where possible


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[tw5] Re: *** It is the time to be Generous ***

2020-01-01 Thread Eric Shulman
On Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 3:32:29 PM UTC-8, TonyM wrote:
> *This Topic to be Pinned until 31st December*

Happy New Year!

As per Tony's original post, this topic has now been unpinned.


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[tw5] Re: Can I Steal Your Work?

2020-01-01 Thread PMario

With TW we have the possibility to basically add a license-link to every 
tiddler, using a license-field. I think this is overkill, but it's 

I personally _only_ use 3rd party libraries, if the license is open enough. 
eg: MIT, BSD or CC-BY ... 

This allows me to license my own content in a more restricted way, if I 
want, without violating the underlying licenses.

If the license used, doesn't fit or is not there at all, there is no 
problem to ask the creator, if s/he wants to add one. Most of them do, if 
you ask politely. If they don't add a license, use a different library. I'm 
pretty sure there is one, which fits.

It think, it's important, that you exactly know, which licenses are 
applied, to the content, that you want to re-publish. 

eg: CC-BY is very open BUT CC-BY-NC-ND is probably the most closed down 
license you can create. 

As Tony pointed out: If you create an edition ... _you_ have to support and 
maintain it. 

If you change "prose content" just make clear, that you changed it. 

If you change "code content" it would be better to rename it, if allowed. 
If renaming isn't possible, please make clear, that you changed something 
and _what_ you changed.  

Useful links: 

Creative Commons (CC) license creator 
CC-BY-SA example 
Be aware the example shows a human readable summary! 
The legal code is 

Open Source Initiative: license overview  
(MIT, BSD and others)


TiddlyWiki code license 
BSD-3-clause, which is also available as a shadow tiddler: 

*Contributing* to TiddlyWiki is defined by 2 CLAs 
(Contributor License Agreement). 
If you signed one of them you also agreed to paragraph 2.3 Outbound License 
which defines tiddlywiki.com prose and media content to be CC-BY 3.0 

A link to my uni-link plugin 
which contains all elements as discussed above. ... see "license" and 
"readme" tab
The markdown-it plugin 

also contains a 3rd party lib. see: license tab


If you crate an edition, that uses existing plugins, you should be good to 
go if you provide a link to ControlsPanel: Plugins tiddler 
somewhere in your GettingStarted or HelloThere page. It makes all plugin 
license tabs available to the user. 

IMO prose content may be listed in a *Credits *tiddler, with some links to 
the original prose content. That should be OK. 

have fun!

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[tw5] Re: Happy new year as it rolls around the globe

2020-01-01 Thread PMario
A Happy New year!


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Re: [tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki Download

2020-01-01 Thread Tom Essen
Thanks for the advices Eric!
I´m on my way in to an, as it seems, exiting World. At least I think it is
the answer to some of my challenges regarding managing my notes and


ti 31. jouluk. 2019 klo 22.57 Eric Shulman (elsdes...@gmail.com) kirjoitti:

> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 7:29:49 AM UTC-8, Tom Essen wrote:
>> When I try to download TiddlyWiki I receive a file with the name of just
>> a numebr in parantesis. What is the format of this file? How can I go on to
>> install the software?
> Hi Tom,
> As noted in responses by others, the file you received appears to be OK,
> even though the *filename* is just a number in parentheses.
> Also note: you don't actually "install the software".
> TiddlyWiki is completely self-contained, delivering both program and data
> in a single file.
> There's nothing to unpack or install.  Just open the downloaded file in
> your browser and you should be all set.
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> InsideTiddlyWiki - http://www.TiddlyTools.com/InsideTW
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/1273b780-d666-416e-b077-c1d83568f73d%40googlegroups.com
> .

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Re: [tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki Download

2020-01-01 Thread Tom Essen
Thanks - it worked!

ti 31. jouluk. 2019 klo 21.55 Scott Kingery (techlifeblog...@gmail.com)

> That is weird. Seems to happen in Edge (not the new Chromium Edge). It
> does appear that you can just rename the file to empty.html (or what ever)
> and it works.
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 8:11:08 AM UTC-8, Tom Essen wrote:
>> Yes I clicked on "Download Empty"
>> ti 31. jouluk. 2019 klo 18.03 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki (
>> tiddl...@googlegroups.com) kirjoitti:
>>> But how? Are you clicking on "Download Empty" ?
>>> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 7:45:29 AM UTC-8, Tom Essen wrote:

 From the Tiddlywiki website using the MS Edge browser.

 tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2019 17.40.02 UTC+2 Mark S. kirjoitti:
> How are you downloading the file?
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 7:29:49 AM UTC-8, Tom Essen wrote:
>> When I try to download TiddlyWiki I receive a file with the name of
>> just a numebr in parantesis. What is the format of this file? How can I 
>> go
>> on to install the software?
> --
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[tw5] Favorites Plugin New Update with custom icon color

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
*Announcement: Favorites plugin*
*Date: Jan 1st,  2020*
*Release: 4.0.6 *
*Status: **stable*

A new stable update is available.

*Code*: https://github.com/kookma/Favorites
*Tutorial*: https://kookma.github.io/TW-Favorites/#Favorites%20Tutorial

Star it if you like it and send your feedback!
Documentation proof reading for English is welcome!

To address Thomas comments on the icon color on view toolbar, a new update 
is pushed. Now you can simply set the color of heart icon on viewtoolbar 
using the Settings tab
from $:/ControlPanel

[image: settings-favorites.png]

Favorites Plugin
30th December 2019 at 12:59pm



A favorite item also called a bookmark is a shortcut, you are creating for 
quick access to it. You can access that bookmark at any time and view that 
as many times as you want without having to search and find it again.

Favorites plugin is a set of tool for creating favorites (bookmarks) in 
Tiddlywiki. Each favorite item is a shortcut to a tiddler.

The Favorites plugin contains three modes

   - flat mode: one favorite list, no folder
   - structured mode: use folder, search tool, export and delete tool
   - frozen list: read only, simple table of content style


To see how favorites plugin works and what is its unique features have a 
look at Favorites Tutorial . 
There are some more specific examples in Favorites More Examples 


Packaged plugin
   1. Drag and drop $:/plugins/kookma/favorites 
    into your 
   2. Save and reload your wiki

Client-Server installation (separate files)
   - For Node.js (server version) download the favorites folder from source 
    folder and paste in your 
   Tiddlywiki plugins folder
   - For local installation put the favorites folder into your local 
   plugins folder under your wiki folder
   - Demo: https://kookma.github.io/TW-Favorites/
   - Code: https://github.com/kookma/TW-Favorites

*It is highly recommended to backup your data before trying any new plugin! 
Do it before installing Favorites*


For latest change and new features have a loo at plugin history 
   1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmark_(digital)

   - Andrew Harrison
   - Eric Shulman
   - Thomas Elmiger

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[tw5] Re: suggest examples for tiddliwiki.com?

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
Hi Dave

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 8:15:31 AM UTC+3:30, Dave wrote:
> oooh Github... that's another mysterious area of the internet I have yet 
> to delve into (that and "ssh"-ing - seems arcane to me).
I agree with you! I also recommend to accept this kind of improvement 
through simple mechanism.

> But maybe this will motivate me to look into it
> Thanks!

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[tw5] Re: nested tables?

2020-01-01 Thread Mohammad
Use Tiddly-Tables

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 10:06:05 AM UTC+3:30, Dave wrote:
> if tiddler A is 
> | bla bla |
> and in tiddler B I have
> {{||A}}
> the original table formatting is maintained
> but if I do this:
> | {{||A}} |
> the outer table is formatted properly, but the inner "|" in tiddler A gets 
> rendered as just the character "|"
> is there a way to have the table formatting maintain through nesting like 
> this?
> thanks,
> - Dave

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