Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Hal Murray

 For test purposes I've occassionally set the time server polling
 routine to once a day and seen 20 minute errors on delinquent PCs.
 Other PCs might stay within a minute.

1 min per day is 694 ppm
20 min per day is 13880 ppm

ntpd calls the crystal inaccuracy drift.  ntpd can't handle a clock drift of 
more than 500 ppm.  100 ppm is reasonable.  That's 8.64 seconds per day.  
(This PC is 115.755 ppm)

Long before serious time keeping software, we used to set the equivalent of 
the drift correction by hand.  That got us to a second per week or so on 
machines that were in a server room with reasonable air conditioning.

My guess on your systems that are off by 20 min would be interrupts 
disabled/busy for long enough so that clock interrupts get lost.  It's easy 
to tickle that if you do a lot of disk activity on a Linux box with DMA 
disabled on the disks.  (Or was a few years ago.  I haven't tried it 
recently.)  Were all those way-off clocks running slow?

If you can get ntp running on all/most of your systems, it's pretty easy to 
setup one system to monitor all the others.  Turn on logging (peerstats) and 
add each system you want to monitor as a server (in your config file) with 
the noselect option.  Tweak minpoll/maxpoll if you want to adjust the amount 
of data you collect.

 Our network is about 30 PCs on fiber OC12 ( 622Mbps) ATM with 100mbps
 ethernet network branches. In the near future some video conferencing
 and remote telescope users will add to the chunkiness of the network
 variable load.

I wouldn't expect network troubles unless parts of your network are seriously 

It's pretty easy to see busy DSL links.

The ntp log files will tell you the round trip time as well as the offset of 
the other system.  ntpd assumes network delays are symmetric.  If you know 
the clocks on both ends are good (say both have GPS) you can measure the 
network delays in each direction.  That is the observed offset is really an 
asymmetric delay.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread John Ackermann N8UR
Charles S. Osborne said the following on 12/19/2006 09:02 PM:
 I have a query. Does anyone have a favorite network time sync test software?
 Here's my situation. Being at a radio and optical observatory, most
 everything we do has varying degrees of time stamp criticality on the stored
 data. While I could get obsessive compulsive and try to get everything
 sync'd every few seconds with the Z3816A/GPSCon server, much of the data is
 quite usable at 100ms or less time accuracy. I'd like better of course.

Hi Charles --

I'm not aware of any PC monitoring software like that, but have you
considered running the Windows port of NTP on the machines?  That will
automatically keep them in sync to within a few milliseconds to your
server.  Actually, I'm not sure that GPSCon supports the full NTP
protocol, so you might need a software change at that end.

By the way, if you're interested in having a *really* good time server,
for less than $250 you could have a dedicated NTP server that can offer
time with low microsecond accuracy.  Check for details and for real-time
performance information about a stack of those machines running in my
basement.  I could probably be talked into putting the box together for


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Tom Van Baak
Hal writes:
 It might be possible to avoid hanging bridges by dithering
 the sawtooth. I'm thinking of something like a heater under
 the xtal for the GPS unit that gets driven by a medium
 frequency - slow relative to the normal sawtooth but fast
 relative to the PLL time constant.  This somehow feels
 not-good, but I can't see the obvious screwup.

Yes on the heater; No on the medium frequency.

Bruce writes:
 Avoidance of hanging bridges requires that the GPS receiver
 oscillator frequency not be a Hamonic of 1Hz at any time.
 Using a heater as you suggest will not solve this problem.
 Ideally it would be best if it were not a rational multiple of
 1Hz either. Its generally simpler and easier to use the PPS
 sawtooth correction, if available. Resultant residual jitter is
 closer to Gaussian.

OK, here's the real story. If you've ever spent hours or
days on the bench watching the sawtooth error, noting
that the pitch of the teeth changes over time, and even
holding your breath waiting for one of those cute little
hanging bridges to show up -- it will be obvious to you
that any sudden change in the ambient temperature,
or even supply voltage, or perhaps shock or vibration,
will stop the hang in its tracks. Then the receiver
goes back into its classical rapid sawtooth mode. And
I second PHK's comments that in most cases, like
older GPSDO, sawtooth is your friend.

I suggested in an older thread that one place a resistor
(as a heater) above the xtal on the PCB -- and when
a bridge is detected -- you pulse some power into the
resistor to disrupt the temporary harmonic between
GPS and the xtal that causes the bridges in the first

To be honest it was an obvious suggestion but one
that I hadn't proved. And like Bruce says, if you have
a receiver with sawtooth correction, and can use it,
the need to worry about the character of the sawtooth
is reduced.

But since I hate to make suggestions that I haven't
actually tried, I fired up my old SHOWTIME Oncore
VP to put my money where my mouth is.

The trick is to monitor the 1PPS phase and calculate
the delta phase each second (which is a kind of
measure of the size and pitch of the teeth). When
the sawtooth is coarse and there is cycle wrapping
every few seconds there is no problem.

But when phase moves slowly and the teeth get large
you tend to get a long ramp that is detrimental to
1PPS averaging. And if there is sign reversal during
one of these long ramps you get a hanging bridge,
even more detrimental to 1PPS averaging.

I used a 53131 TIC and wrote code to monitor this:
when the phase steps get down to just a few ns and
stay that way for a while you have the makings of
slow ramp or a bridge. It is at this point that you
blow some heat on the xtal. And, like magic, the
ramp or bridge goes away, and you go back to a
healthy sawtooth mode.

For a view of the heater experiment see:

For a basic sawtooth example see:

In this case, I used my eye to detect the beginnings
of a ramp or a bridge and used a hair dyer to make
a quick pulse of hot air over the PCB.

If you were to make this part of a sawtooth solution
you can easily see how replacing my eye with some
code and the hair dryer from a meter away with a 50R
resistor on top of the xtal would do the trick quite


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Peter Vince
 I could be talking a lot of hot air, so please forgive me, but I've
had a thought: if PCs still use a Real Time Clock chip, could a hardware
modification be done to give them an accurate clock frequency, rather
than relying on whatever cheap crystal is installed on the mother board?
Maybe one of the aforementioned TAPR Clock-Blocks configured for, I
guess, a 32768 Hz output?

 I am worried by Hals comment though, that NMIs could upset the clock
- that suggests the PC clock is not just a simple RTC, which would render
the above suggestion invalid.  Oh well, just a thought thrown into the


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread John Ackermann N8UR
Peter Vince said the following on 12/20/2006 10:11 AM:
  I could be talking a lot of hot air, so please forgive me, but I've
 had a thought: if PCs still use a Real Time Clock chip, could a hardware
 modification be done to give them an accurate clock frequency, rather
 than relying on whatever cheap crystal is installed on the mother board?
 Maybe one of the aforementioned TAPR Clock-Blocks configured for, I
 guess, a 32768 Hz output?

One sad thing is that the Clock-Block can't generate a precise 32768 Hz
given a common (1, 5, or 10 MHz) input frequency.  The available divider
ratios just don't work out.

(By the way, though, the Clock-Block might be useful for some
low-frequency clocking tasks.  The main synthesizer chip is spec'd for
output down to 2MHz, though it can go quite a bit lower than that, but
there is an additional divider chip on the board that can be used to
divide the synthesizer output by factors from 16 to 16384.)


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Peter Vince
My information could be out of date, but in the past, the realtime clock only 
set Windows on bootup. During run windows kept time off the bus crystal (hence 
the sensitivity to interupts)

No matter how cheap, only a defective real time clock will err anything close 
to 1 minute/day, normal values are around 1 sec.


 I could be talking a lot of hot air, so please forgive me, but I've
had a thought: if PCs still use a Real Time Clock chip, could a hardware
modification be done to give them an accurate clock frequency, rather
than relying on whatever cheap crystal is installed on the mother board?
Maybe one of the aforementioned TAPR Clock-Blocks configured for, I
guess, a 32768 Hz output?

 I am worried by Hals comment though, that NMIs could upset the clock
- that suggests the PC clock is not just a simple RTC, which would render
the above suggestion invalid.  Oh well, just a thought thrown into the


time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Ulrich Bangert
Hello folks,

i like to play the bad boy again: My claim is 

a) that for most of us a GPSD Rb is of little to no use compared to a
good GPSD xtal oscillator

b) that it is a myth that you may use longer loop time constants with Rb
compared to a xtal oscillator

Let us first talk about b). It is necessary to have some basic knowledge
on temperature controllers in order to understand that. Unless the
temperature controller has an active cooling element (i.e. it may heat
AND cool) there is a very simple mechanical model for an temperature
controlled oven like being used in OCXOs: 

Imagine a pot having a small hole through which a fluid can slowly pour
out of the pot. This hole represents the oven's insulation against the
surrounding world and the fluid pouring out represents the energy that
the oven looses to its surrounding due to the fact that the insulation
is not 100%.

Then there is a person with a second pot of fluid. This person can pour
out fluid from the second pot into the first pot. The second pot
represents the oven's heater by which thermal energy may be poured
inside the oven and the person is the temperature controller. The oven's
temperature is represented by the level of the fluid in the first pot.
The controller's task is to always pour just enough fluid from the
second pot into the first pot to keep the fluid level constant despite
the fluid lost through the small hole. One refinement of the model is
that we also consider that the amount of fluid pouring out of the hole
shall not only depend on the hole's size but also on the fluid level
itself inside the pot as well as the surrounding's temperature for which
there is no good counterpart in the model. While this mechanical model
is very easy it resembles everything very well what we need to
understand about oven controllers.

Now that we have this mechanical model, we can think about the
parameters that influence the model's behaviour. One parameter is the
size of the hole. The first idea that we might have is to make the hole
as small as possible = to make the insulation as good as possible. There
are lots of people who pack their HP10811 in big amounts of insulating
material in order to improve it. But is it an improvement? It is surely
an improvement in terms of energy because the fluid (=energy) pouring
out of the hole is lost and we constantly need to put an amount of fluid
(=energy) into the oven to keep the temperature constant. 

Now let us consider what the better insulation does for the control
loop: Unlike in other controller loops we cannot take fluid (=energy)
OUT of the oven. We can only put fluid (=energy) INTO the oven. Once the
controller has generated a overshot (a common effect in controller
loops) we cannot compensate for that overshot because the only way that
fluid (=energy) can leave the process is through the little hole.
Result: If a regulation overshot happens the time constant to get back
to the correct temperature depends on the size of the hole. The smaller
the hole the longer it will take to get back to the right temperature.
Because of that we need to make the loop time constant long enough to
hopefully avoid any overshots at all and near us the right temperature
very slowly from below. However, if there is now a sudden step in the
surrounding's temperature this will have change the amount of fluid
(=energy) leaving the hole per time unit and the long loop time constant
hinders the loop to react as fast as we would like. Most OCXOs are built
that way. Note that the hole (= the not 100% insulation) is the ONLY way
that the temperature inside the oven can be made smaller. People who
addionally insulate their OCXOs make the hole size smaller and that has
the effect that the loop time constant is now too fast for this oven.

In contrast to that one may have the idea to make the hole really big
compared to the situation above. Consider an oven that is not insulated
at all. Instead it has an heating element on one side and a heat sink on
the other side. Clearly, because the oven is thermically good coupled to
its surrounding it looses lots of energy to the surrounding (= big hole
size) so we need to put lots of energy (=fluid) into it permanently. Not
a good idea in terms of efficiency but note the effect on the
controller's loop time constant. Everything can be made fast compared
the small hole size. If there is overshot we can expect the heat sink to
remove the overshot quickly. 

The concept of the big hole size is what we can find with temperature
controllers in Rb oscillators. Note: We are not talking about the
temperature of the xtal oscillator within the frequency contrtol loop.
Instead we talk about the temperature controller for the Rb lamp which
is made the 'big hole size way'. Ever had an FRK-L in your hand and
wondered about the heat sink on its back? Thats the big hole. Ever
wondered why an LPRO shall be mounted on a heat sink of sufficient size:
Thats the big hole.

Whats the whole story good for 

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ulrich Bangert writes:

a) that for most of us a GPSD Rb is of little to no use compared to a
good GPSD xtal oscillator

... if your hold-over requirement is trivial.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread buehl
At 10:25 AM 12/20/2006, you wrote:
Hello folks,

The controller's task is to always pour just enough fluid from the
second pot into the first pot to keep the fluid level constant despite
the fluid lost through the small hole. One refinement of the model is
that we also consider that the amount of fluid pouring out of the hole
shall not only depend on the hole's size but also on the fluid level
itself inside the pot as well as the surrounding's temperature for which
there is no good counterpart in the model.

The model for the surounding temperature is a larger pot with a fluid level 
which is lower than the level in the oven pot.  Flow rate is dependent on 
the difference in the fluid levels, with the oven loosing less heat when 
the 'outside' pot is at a higher level. (higher temperature)

Tom Buehl

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Jack Hudler
The Timer/Clock interrupt is IRQ 0 no other interrupt has a higher priority,
therefore this interrupt is rarely missed. If it were missed then interrupts
would have to be turned off longer the 110ms (2 times the clock rate) which is
an enormous amount of time and due no doubt to an improperly written device
driver or faulty motherboard/card.

Having said this; a device driver writer would not have interrupts turned off
for long anyway, this is a bit heavy handed on a system. That's what IRQL are

99.9% of ISR routines are microsecond range. So this is not a source of lost
timer interrupts.

Time is extremely important on a telescope (which why I'm going to try the TAPR
Clock Block when I get time) and I've studied this issue of lost timer
interrupts. I can tell you that they just don't occur even when the system is
loaded to the max. We have a watchdog card in our system to detect just such an
event, it has never triggered (except when you push the test button). 


time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] Obtaining 32768Hz from 10 MHz

2006-12-20 Thread David Forbes
A discussion of driving computer clocks from accurate sources recently 
came up. While it's true that PCs generally use the CPU clock or the 
baud rate clock for the timekeeping function, the observation was made 
that it might be nice to run a standard RTC that uses a 32768 Hz crystal 
from a 10 MHz source. The TAPR Clock Block is not designed to do this, 
but it is easy to do using a non-PLL approach.

Tom Van Baak has programmed a PIC microcontroller to make all decades of 
frequencies from a 10 MHz source. In a similar way, the PIC can be 
programmed to produce any frequency desired, such as 32768 Hz, using the 
method of a dual-modulus prescaler.

If you're not familiar with this technique, read the Wikipedia entry:

Since a PIC executes 2.500 MIPS when clocked at 10 MHz, its effective 
input frequency is 2.5000 MHz. The output frequency is 32768 Hz. Thus 
the modulus M is 76, and the remainder A is 9632.

This means that you would execute 9632 loops that take 77 clock cycles, 
followed by (32768-9632) = 23136 loops that take 76 clock cycles, to 
make exactly 32768 output cycles per second given a 10 MHz CPU clock.

The code for this should fill considerably less than a page of text.

Bear in mind that you would be making a very ugly 32768 Hz signal if 
viewed in the frequency domain, so only use the above method for 

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Ulrich Bangert
Yes, agreed!

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Poul-Henning Kamp
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2006 16:43
 An: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
 Betreff: Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS 
 locking circuit
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ulrich 
 Bangert writes:
 a) that for most of us a GPSD Rb is of little to no use 
 compared to a 
 good GPSD xtal oscillator
 ... if your hold-over requirement is trivial.
 Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
 FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
 Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by 
 time-nuts mailing list bin/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Tom Van Baak
 Hello folks,

 i like to play the bad boy again: My claim is 

 a) that for most of us a GPSD Rb is of little to no
 use compared to a good GPSD xtal oscillator


That's a rather general statement, but I understand what
you mean. Consider, instead of a bold general assertion
which can be disproved with a single counter-example,
a simple list of advantages of quartz vs. rubidium. Then
let the user decide which is appropriate for their unique

There's more to a GPSDO than its ADEV. For example,

Warm-up time --
Many Rb will lock in 5 minutes, typically. Some Qz
take much longer to get on-frequency from cold start.
This can simplify the initial loop locking algorithm.

Power consumption --
Probably Qz-based GPSDO have much lower power
consumption than Rb.

Physical size --
I would guess most Qz GPSDO are smaller than Rb
GPSDO. One could argue that the Casio GPS wrist
watches are a type of miniature GPSDO!

Hold-over performance --
For mid- to long-term, Rb is vastly superior to Qz;
most Rb have daily drift rates 100x better than Qz.

Stand-along performance --
Without GPS lock, a free-running Rb can be trusted
to be orders of magnitude more accurate than Qz.

Environmental --
Is it the case that Rb is less sensitive than Qz to
extreme environments?

Cost --
As a rule, Qz-based GPSDO are cheaper than Rb.

Phase noise --
I'd guess that Qz-based GPSDO could have better
short-term stability and phase noise than Rb.

Tuning range --
Could it be that Rb will run for many more years without
coarse adjust than Qz?

Lock indicator --
Most Rb give you a signal when frequency lock has
been achieved.

Mechanical sensitivity --
Rb GPSDO are much less sensitive to movement and
shock than Qz. If you don't believe me watch what
happens if you simply take your GPSDO and bump it,
or turn it over on your desk. This is especially important
during hold-over when no external correction is present.

Lifetime --
Is the MTBF of Qz much longer than Rb due to fewer
parts and simpler design?

Surplus --
There are so many cheap telecom Rb out there it is
near irresistible to make a GPSDO out of them.

You get the idea; feel free to add the ones I missed.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Didier Juges
In the matter of lifetime (outside of MTBF issues), is it correct that 
Rb has a built-in life limiting mechanism (the lamp wears out), where Qz 
does not? If so, Rb oscillators will eventually fail but one might hope 
a Qz oscillator may not.


Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Hello folks,

 i like to play the bad boy again: My claim is 

 a) that for most of us a GPSD Rb is of little to no
 use compared to a good GPSD xtal oscillator


 That's a rather general statement, but I understand what
 you mean. Consider, instead of a bold general assertion
 which can be disproved with a single counter-example,
 a simple list of advantages of quartz vs. rubidium. Then
 let the user decide which is appropriate for their unique

 There's more to a GPSDO than its ADEV. For example,

 Warm-up time --
 Many Rb will lock in 5 minutes, typically. Some Qz
 take much longer to get on-frequency from cold start.
 This can simplify the initial loop locking algorithm.

 Power consumption --
 Probably Qz-based GPSDO have much lower power
 consumption than Rb.

 Physical size --
 I would guess most Qz GPSDO are smaller than Rb
 GPSDO. One could argue that the Casio GPS wrist
 watches are a type of miniature GPSDO!

 Hold-over performance --
 For mid- to long-term, Rb is vastly superior to Qz;
 most Rb have daily drift rates 100x better than Qz.

 Stand-along performance --
 Without GPS lock, a free-running Rb can be trusted
 to be orders of magnitude more accurate than Qz.

 Environmental --
 Is it the case that Rb is less sensitive than Qz to
 extreme environments?

 Cost --
 As a rule, Qz-based GPSDO are cheaper than Rb.

 Phase noise --
 I'd guess that Qz-based GPSDO could have better
 short-term stability and phase noise than Rb.

 Tuning range --
 Could it be that Rb will run for many more years without
 coarse adjust than Qz?

 Lock indicator --
 Most Rb give you a signal when frequency lock has
 been achieved.

 Mechanical sensitivity --
 Rb GPSDO are much less sensitive to movement and
 shock than Qz. If you don't believe me watch what
 happens if you simply take your GPSDO and bump it,
 or turn it over on your desk. This is especially important
 during hold-over when no external correction is present.

 Lifetime --
 Is the MTBF of Qz much longer than Rb due to fewer
 parts and simpler design?

 Surplus --
 There are so many cheap telecom Rb out there it is
 near irresistible to make a GPSDO out of them.

 You get the idea; feel free to add the ones I missed.


 time-nuts mailing list


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Charles S. Osborne
Lots of good info as always from this list.

I probably should mention what some of these PCs are doing.

Someone asked about the telescope control PCs. The 26m dishes have their own
dedicated GPS receivers for their local time standards. Those do the
celestial navigation and tracking via their control PCs.

Our optical telescope control PCs are almost all on XP or Win2000. So NTP
should have them covered reasonably well. Test software would confirm how

The PCs that tend to misbehave the most are Win98se Pentium 100 ~ 400 MHz.
They are doing a variety of menial tasks like: seismic data, solar flare
monitoring, meteor burst recording, VLF signal recording for Sudden
Ionospheric Disturbances, and cosmic ray montoring. They churn along at 4 ~
40 samples per second typically of constant data flow to the hard drive.
Every minute or so they may push a screen capture to our website.

Others with a somewhat higher workload are doing webcam or weather station
image pushes to our website once a minute.

For time/frequency we have two Z3816As and a Ball Efratom MRT free running
Rubidium frequency standard. I tweak it using an HP53131time interval
counter compared to the Z3816A. GPSCon V1.038 is the software running on a
Win98se box. I have a newer XP box I've been trying to move to for better
serving reasons. But it keeps turning itself off every night even though
we've tried to turn off power saving and automatic updates. Its on a UPS
with four 100AH batteries, plus four 7AH gel cells on float on the Z3816A
48vdc power side. The slightest power glitch still takes the XP computer
down even though its on the UPS. But the Win98se P166 plugged into the same
outlet strip on the same UPS weathers it all for months at a time without

The main network servers are Linux of one variety or another. Not sure what
the latest flavors are, but mostly Red Hat Linux Fedora Core I think.

The network glitches are probably power glitch related even though most
things are on UPSs. We're pretty far up in the mountains, so lightning and
AC supply side glitches are common. And the sheer size of the facility
induces surges from EMP transferred cable to cable on site too. The primary
fiber links are via 3Com ATM Core Builders with redundant fiber links. Its
mostly once things get out to the localized 8~24 port switches that latch up
occurs I think. Diagnostic code would help troubleshoot that since I could
see which branches failed when, and if they recover. Network loading is
minimal except from the main website server to the Internet via T1 ( soon
OC3, then that will be minimally loaded too except during distance learning
and video conferencing).

Charles S. Osborne, K4CSO
Technical Director

Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive, HC 73, Box 638
Rosman, NC 28772-9614
828-862-5813 direct
828-862-5554 main
828-862-5877 FAX

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tom Van Baak writes:

Warm-up time --
Many Rb will lock in 5 minutes, typically. Some Qz
take much longer to get on-frequency from cold start.
This can simplify the initial loop locking algorithm.

Initial capture is best done with a looser timeconstant in any

Note that the integrator terms initial condition is undefined in a
PLL, this can be used to achieve lock without the initial overshot:

Clamp the integrator term to zero and let the proportional term
drag the offset into range (use a high rate for this, there is
no stability issues).

Once the second derivative of the offset approaches zero, unclamp
the integrator and switch to a normal but loose set of constants
for the PLL.

With properly chosen values, you can drag any frequency source
into submission of a PPS that way in a fraction of a minute.

After this the PLL can adapt its constants based on the statistics
(remember what I said earlier about looking at the ADEV shape).

Power consumption --
Probably Qz-based GPSDO have much lower power
consumption than Rb.

Single oven: Maybe, double oven: certainly.

Hold-over performance --
For mid- to long-term, Rb is vastly superior to Qz;
most Rb have daily drift rates 100x better than Qz.

I is likely to be the difference between replacing the GPS antenna
now or after the snowstorm is over.  Given the price difference,
this may be a no-brainer advantage to the Rb.

Stand-along performance --
Without GPS lock, a free-running Rb can be trusted
to be orders of magnitude more accurate than Qz.

Also, if the qz in the rb jumps, the Rb is very likely
to tell you it lost lock.  A Qz unit will jump and you
will not know it, unless the resulting phase jitter
kills your microprocessor or similar.

Environmental --
Is it the case that Rb is less sensitive than Qz to
extreme environments?

No significant difference with proper design.  The Rb's
cooling requirements are tricker to design for than an
Qz units bolt down and forget.

Cost --
As a rule, Qz-based GPSDO are cheaper than Rb.

That's actually not a given.  For a decent Qz performance
new price approaches $1k and a PRS10 is only $1.5k.

Phase noise --
I'd guess that Qz-based GPSDO could have better
short-term stability and phase noise than Rb.

Depends on your PLL more than anything else.

Lifetime --
Is the MTBF of Qz much longer than Rb due to fewer
parts and simpler design?

Yes, no chemical stress and with proper drive levels,
no mechanical stress either.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] A Bunch Of Lucent RFTG-m-RB units on eBay This Morning!

2006-12-20 Thread Bill Hawkins
Has anyone got one of these (part number KS24019 L105A) up and running?

Is a manual available?

Bill Hawkins

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jason Rabel
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:58 AM
To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Subject: [time-nuts] A Bunch Of Lucent RFTG-m-RB units on eBay This

Just a heads up, if you search eBay for 'Lucent RFTG' you will see
someone has listed a bunch of the rubidium units today with BIN of $130.
These are not the previously listed RFG's. The RFTG have the built-in
GPS receiver (I think it's a Motorola UT+ or VP), the RFG's do not have
the GPS. There's a pinout somewhere in the archives here, it uses +24V I
think through some of the pins on the DB9 ports.

Just last night a single one auctioned by someone else went for $284...
So at the very least you can re-eBay it and probably make some cash. But
on the positive side it's about as cheap as you can get for a pre-built
GPS disciplined Rb source.


time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] LPRO-101 with Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit

2006-12-20 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
Tom Van Baak wrote:
 Hal writes:
 It might be possible to avoid hanging bridges by dithering
 the sawtooth. I'm thinking of something like a heater under
 the xtal for the GPS unit that gets driven by a medium
 frequency - slow relative to the normal sawtooth but fast
 relative to the PLL time constant.  This somehow feels
 not-good, but I can't see the obvious screwup.

 Yes on the heater; No on the medium frequency.

 Bruce writes:
 Avoidance of hanging bridges requires that the GPS receiver
 oscillator frequency not be a Hamonic of 1Hz at any time.
 Using a heater as you suggest will not solve this problem.
 Ideally it would be best if it were not a rational multiple of
 1Hz either. Its generally simpler and easier to use the PPS
 sawtooth correction, if available. Resultant residual jitter is
 closer to Gaussian.

 OK, here's the real story. If you've ever spent hours or
 days on the bench watching the sawtooth error, noting
 that the pitch of the teeth changes over time, and even
 holding your breath waiting for one of those cute little
 hanging bridges to show up -- it will be obvious to you
 that any sudden change in the ambient temperature,
 or even supply voltage, or perhaps shock or vibration,
 will stop the hang in its tracks. Then the receiver
 goes back into its classical rapid sawtooth mode. And
 I second PHK's comments that in most cases, like
 older GPSDO, sawtooth is your friend.

 I suggested in an older thread that one place a resistor
 (as a heater) above the xtal on the PCB -- and when
 a bridge is detected -- you pulse some power into the
 resistor to disrupt the temporary harmonic between
 GPS and the xtal that causes the bridges in the first

 To be honest it was an obvious suggestion but one
 that I hadn't proved. And like Bruce says, if you have
 a receiver with sawtooth correction, and can use it,
 the need to worry about the character of the sawtooth
 is reduced.

 But since I hate to make suggestions that I haven't
 actually tried, I fired up my old SHOWTIME Oncore
 VP to put my money where my mouth is.

 The trick is to monitor the 1PPS phase and calculate
 the delta phase each second (which is a kind of
 measure of the size and pitch of the teeth). When
 the sawtooth is coarse and there is cycle wrapping
 every few seconds there is no problem.

 But when phase moves slowly and the teeth get large
 you tend to get a long ramp that is detrimental to
 1PPS averaging. And if there is sign reversal during
 one of these long ramps you get a hanging bridge,
 even more detrimental to 1PPS averaging.

 I used a 53131 TIC and wrote code to monitor this:
 when the phase steps get down to just a few ns and
 stay that way for a while you have the makings of
 slow ramp or a bridge. It is at this point that you
 blow some heat on the xtal. And, like magic, the
 ramp or bridge goes away, and you go back to a
 healthy sawtooth mode.

 For a view of the heater experiment see:

 For a basic sawtooth example see:

 In this case, I used my eye to detect the beginnings
 of a ramp or a bridge and used a hair dyer to make
 a quick pulse of hot air over the PCB.

 If you were to make this part of a sawtooth solution
 you can easily see how replacing my eye with some
 code and the hair dryer from a meter away with a 50R
 resistor on top of the xtal would do the trick quite


 time-nuts mailing list


These experiments raise the obvious question.
Surely the Brooks Shera phase detector is also inherently subject, in 
itself, to the hanging bridge and other slow sawtooth measurement errors?
Has anyone checked to see if this occurs?

Surely these effects can be eliminated by phase modulating the crystal 
as done in the HP5345A (HP Journal June 1974)?


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit faults and fixes

2006-12-20 Thread Dr Bruce Griffiths
The phase detector itself in Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit has 
several problems:

1) There are no synchronisers so that the partial width pulse response 
of the counters biases the output.

2) Possible synchronism between the (24MHz) phase measurement clock and 
the time interval being measured will bias the result.

The cures are
1) use synchronisers to ensure that only full width pulses are counted.

2) Randomly phase modulate the (24MHz) clock to destroy any possible 

The necessary phase modulation amplitude can be found in

/Time Interval Averaging: Theory, Problems, and Solutions/, David Chu, 
HP Journal June 1974 pp12-15.

Of course one still has to cure the hanging bridges and slow ramp timing 
errors produced by the GPS receiver.
Of course these could be cured by random phase modulation of the GPS 
receiver PPS output pulse timing clock.
Phase modulating the GPS receiver timing clock may also be sufficient to 
eliminate the synchronous bias in the Brooks Shera phase detector, 
however synchronisers are still required. Random phase modulation of the 
receiver local oscillator frequencies may be somewhat counter-productive.


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Brooks Shera's GPS locking circuit II

2006-12-20 Thread Brian Kirby

Let me add a note.  The Shera controller also has a hold mode.  This 
mode will freeze the DAC output at its current voltage.  So when its 
engaged with a rubidium oscillator,  your rubidium becomes a normal 
unit, except it has been super tuned to UTC !  Short term specs return 
to normal, etc.

Somebody asked a question about the GPS sawtooth bridge and the 
controller.  If the controller detects a problem during the measurement 
period ( and remember it looks at the last value, the present value and 
the future value), it will throw out that solution, as it is not valid.  
It holds the last used value in the DAC. 

time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S, Q R testing By DeMaw

2006-12-20 Thread Brooke Clarke

I'm looking for  the subject article on crystal testing, or any other 
articles on testing crystals.
This is more related to knowing if a given crystal is alive than 
characterizing it, i.e. a Crystal Activity Meter type thing.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

w/o Java

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

2006-12-20 Thread Jack Hudler
Probably what to take this off list.

Eek screen capture. That's one of those heart stoppers on the Win9x platforms,
it's got nothing to do with Windows, it the device driver in some of those old
cards that CLI (Clear interrupts) for a long period. We had issues with this
causing Netware Client's to start outputting wrong time stamps IIR (It's been 12

We solve the power glitch issue with an isolation transformer. We're at the end
of a 15 miles of power line and like you, it pickups a lot of trash on the way.
I'm sure your guys have done this, but it doesn't hurt to check. Failing that
try to push through a req for a toroidal type UPS, there you get isolation with
virtually instant cutover. The only issue I have with them is making sure you
turn them on without any load; in a glitchy environment the huge current in-rush
would cause all the UPS's on that circuit to trip.

If you can setup a NTP server that Win98se box with the GPSCon on it; that would
solve your time synchronization issues.

Question: What are they using to sample data with? Some sort of National
Instruments DAC, GPIB, HPIB device, or network?


-Original Message-
Of Charles S. Osborne
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:30 PM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] PC clock comparison software?

Lots of good info as always from this list.

I probably should mention what some of these PCs are doing.

Someone asked about the telescope control PCs. The 26m dishes have their own
dedicated GPS receivers for their local time standards. Those do the
celestial navigation and tracking via their control PCs.

Our optical telescope control PCs are almost all on XP or Win2000. So NTP
should have them covered reasonably well. Test software would confirm how

The PCs that tend to misbehave the most are Win98se Pentium 100 ~ 400 MHz.
They are doing a variety of menial tasks like: seismic data, solar flare
monitoring, meteor burst recording, VLF signal recording for Sudden
Ionospheric Disturbances, and cosmic ray montoring. They churn along at 4 ~
40 samples per second typically of constant data flow to the hard drive.
Every minute or so they may push a screen capture to our website.

Others with a somewhat higher workload are doing webcam or weather station
image pushes to our website once a minute.

For time/frequency we have two Z3816As and a Ball Efratom MRT free running
Rubidium frequency standard. I tweak it using an HP53131time interval
counter compared to the Z3816A. GPSCon V1.038 is the software running on a
Win98se box. I have a newer XP box I've been trying to move to for better
serving reasons. But it keeps turning itself off every night even though
we've tried to turn off power saving and automatic updates. Its on a UPS
with four 100AH batteries, plus four 7AH gel cells on float on the Z3816A
48vdc power side. The slightest power glitch still takes the XP computer
down even though its on the UPS. But the Win98se P166 plugged into the same
outlet strip on the same UPS weathers it all for months at a time without

The main network servers are Linux of one variety or another. Not sure what
the latest flavors are, but mostly Red Hat Linux Fedora Core I think.

The network glitches are probably power glitch related even though most
things are on UPSs. We're pretty far up in the mountains, so lightning and
AC supply side glitches are common. And the sheer size of the facility
induces surges from EMP transferred cable to cable on site too. The primary
fiber links are via 3Com ATM Core Builders with redundant fiber links. Its
mostly once things get out to the localized 8~24 port switches that latch up
occurs I think. Diagnostic code would help troubleshoot that since I could
see which branches failed when, and if they recover. Network loading is
minimal except from the main website server to the Internet via T1 ( soon
OC3, then that will be minimally loaded too except during distance learning
and video conferencing).

Charles S. Osborne, K4CSO
Technical Director

Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive, HC 73, Box 638
Rosman, NC 28772-9614
828-862-5813 direct
828-862-5554 main
828-862-5877 FAX

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time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] A Bunch Of Lucent RFTG-m-RB units on eBay ThisMorning!

2006-12-20 Thread Jason Rabel
There was this post a while back for a RFG:

But I could of sworn I found a more complete pinout elsewhere. I'm about to
search through my browser history to see if I can find the other URL(s) with


 Has anyone got one of these (part number KS24019 L105A) up and running?
 Is a manual available?
 Bill Hawkins

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S, Q R testing By DeMaw

2006-12-20 Thread Mike Feher
Brooke -

In that case why do not just use a signal generator like an 8640B with the
crystal in series with the hot lead and then the other side of the crystal
terminated in 1K or so. Then you can put a scope across the 1K resistor and
watch the scope as you tune across the suspected resonant frequency. I have
done this a lot when I was not sure of the crystal frequency, or, if it was
working or not. Real simple to do. If all else fails, I am sure I have the
QST you mentioned, and could scan the relevant pages for you. I also have a
military crystal activity meter that does do a full characterization, but,
it is big and bulky, and, I hardly ever use it. 73  Merry Christmas - Mike 

Mike B. Feher, N4FS
89 Arnold Blvd.
Howell, NJ, 07731
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brooke Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:15 PM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S,Q  R
testing By DeMaw


I'm looking for  the subject article on crystal testing, or any other 
articles on testing crystals.
This is more related to knowing if a given crystal is alive than 
characterizing it, i.e. a Crystal Activity Meter type thing.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

w/o Java

time-nuts mailing list

time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] 9825a printer

2006-12-20 Thread tom
got a working hp 9825a that has a strip printer that works also.  the printer 
prints in double size instead of regular size and i have not found the command 
to reduce the double size printing.  would any one on this reflector know what 
that command would be?
time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S, Q R testing By DeMaw

2006-12-20 Thread Brooke Clarke
Hi Mike:

I've received an email asking about where to purchase a crystal activity 
meter and although I have a hand held unit, see:  don't want to part with it.
This is an older unit that uses PNP transistors.  I'm now thinking about 
how to build one using a PIC and to that end would like to see what's in 
the subject article.  So if you would email a copy to   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  that sure would help.

The final product should be a hand held battery powered easy to use device.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

w/o Java

Mike Feher wrote:

Brooke -

In that case why do not just use a signal generator like an 8640B with the
crystal in series with the hot lead and then the other side of the crystal
terminated in 1K or so. Then you can put a scope across the 1K resistor and
watch the scope as you tune across the suspected resonant frequency. I have
done this a lot when I was not sure of the crystal frequency, or, if it was
working or not. Real simple to do. If all else fails, I am sure I have the
QST you mentioned, and could scan the relevant pages for you. I also have a
military crystal activity meter that does do a full characterization, but,
it is big and bulky, and, I hardly ever use it. 73  Merry Christmas - Mike 

Mike B. Feher, N4FS
89 Arnold Blvd.
Howell, NJ, 07731
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brooke Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:15 PM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S,Q  R
testing By DeMaw


I'm looking for  the subject article on crystal testing, or any other 
articles on testing crystals.
This is more related to knowing if a given crystal is alive than 
characterizing it, i.e. a Crystal Activity Meter type thing.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke


time-nuts mailing list

[time-nuts] Looking For Brandywine GPS-4 User Manual

2006-12-20 Thread Jason Rabel
Does anyone by chance have a PDF manual for a Brandywine GPS-4 (not the PDF
spec sheet on their site)? Also, if it's not mentioned in the manual, what
is the power input for the unit?

I've tried contacting the Brandywine people a couple times, have not
received a reply. :(


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S, Q R testing By DeMaw

2006-12-20 Thread Didier Juges
I did just that to check the 50 MHz crystal in my HP 3586 and convince 
myself it was not dead. The 50 MHz VCXO did not oscillate, for some 
reason, and finding a replacement crystal would have been a long shot 
and would have probably cost more than I paid for the instrument.

Seeing the proper response (I used the spectrum analyzer instead of a 
scope, but that's the same idea, I used an HP 8656A as a source, which 
was not optimum because of the 100 Hz step size, but it worked), I 
determined the crystal was most likely OK.

I added a small cap to the VCXO circuit to increase gain a little bit 
and the oscillator came alive. It's been working for over a year now.

Didier KO4BB

Mike Feher wrote:
 Brooke -

 In that case why do not just use a signal generator like an 8640B with the
 crystal in series with the hot lead and then the other side of the crystal
 terminated in 1K or so. Then you can put a scope across the 1K resistor and
 watch the scope as you tune across the suspected resonant frequency. I have
 done this a lot when I was not sure of the crystal frequency, or, if it was
 working or not. Real simple to do. If all else fails, I am sure I have the
 QST you mentioned, and could scan the relevant pages for you. I also have a
 military crystal activity meter that does do a full characterization, but,
 it is big and bulky, and, I hardly ever use it. 73  Merry Christmas - Mike 

 Mike B. Feher, N4FS
 89 Arnold Blvd.
 Howell, NJ, 07731
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Brooke Clarke
 Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:15 PM
 To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
 Subject: [time-nuts] Looking for QST Jan 1990 Article on Crystal S,Q  R
 testing By DeMaw


 I'm looking for  the subject article on crystal testing, or any other 
 articles on testing crystals.
 This is more related to knowing if a given crystal is alive than 
 characterizing it, i.e. a Crystal Activity Meter type thing.

 Have Fun,

 Brooke Clarke


time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] A Bunch Of Lucent RFTG-m-RB units on eBay This Morning!

2006-12-20 Thread David I. Emery
On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 10:58:02AM -0600, Jason Rabel wrote:
 Just a heads up, if you search eBay for 'Lucent RFTG' you will see someone
 has listed a bunch of the rubidium units today with BIN of $130. These are
 not the previously listed RFG's. The RFTG have the built-in GPS receiver (I
 think it's a Motorola UT+ or VP), the RFG's do not have the GPS. There's a
 pinout somewhere in the archives here, it uses +24V I think through some of
 the pins on the DB9 ports.

I think you just steered me down a blind alley...

I grabbed the last two of these at the newer higher price of
$185 BIN but more careful searching shows photos of a box without any
evident GPS antenna input.

I think the part with the GPS is the RFTG-M-XO which contains a
disciplined OXCO with optional rubidium input from the RFTG-M-RB box.

I suppose there must be a EFC voltage input or, much more
useful, a 1 PPS input that syncs the Rb.   But they appear to be a pair.

I suppose that isn't too bad a price for a Rb oscillator if they
have reasonably low hours and are the long lived telco kind...

And a Rb oscillator with a PLL that expects a 1 PPS might be quite
useful at that price.

   Dave Emery N1PRE,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  DIE Consulting, Weston, Mass 02493
An empty zombie mind with a forlorn barely readable weatherbeaten
'For Rent' sign still vainly flapping outside on the weed encrusted pole - in 
celebration of what could have been, but wasn't and is not to be now either.

time-nuts mailing list

Re: [time-nuts] Looking For Brandywine GPS-4 User Manual

2006-12-20 Thread Robert E. Martinson
Tried sending it via this list, but there is a 128KB limit.  Please send me
your direct email address.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jason Rabel
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:45 PM
To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'
Subject: [time-nuts] Looking For Brandywine GPS-4 User Manual

Does anyone by chance have a PDF manual for a Brandywine GPS-4 (not the PDF
spec sheet on their site)? Also, if it's not mentioned in the manual, what
is the power input for the unit?

I've tried contacting the Brandywine people a couple times, have not
received a reply. :(


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