[time-nuts] Symmetricom/Datum FTS-1050A Disciplined Frequency Standard (long time constant loops)

2022-04-19 Thread cdelect
Speaking of long time constant analog loops for oscillator disciplining,
see the attached  PIX of the loop filter module from an FE AN/URQ-23.

Also a PIX of the schematic.

It is switch selectable for 1 or 100 Second time constants.

I is also hermetically sealed to prevent leakage effects as it uses a
2500 MegOhm resistor!

The Op Amp used is an AD515K.

I've played with it in the loop of an HP5065A.


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[time-nuts] Regarding HP 5065A upgrade to 10811-oscillators

2022-02-12 Thread cdelect

The -60109 usually does have the very good short term stability at short
Tau but to actually use it you need to go open loop on the 5065A or

In closed loop the instrument actually drives the stability and pretty
much any 10811 variant will work.

HP knew this and recommended going open loop to test stabilities at the
shorter Tau.


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[time-nuts] HP 5065A, no 2nd harmonic.

2021-11-28 Thread cdelect
With that offset either the oven set point has changed or there has een a
component value shift in the oscillator circuit. 

The easiest way to test is to stick in another 10811 if available.

You could also install one of the original  105 style oscillators if you
have one.


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[time-nuts] Re: HP 5065A, no 2nd harmonic.

2021-11-27 Thread cdelect

You have to be within .25Hz so yes I'd say that's most likely your


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[time-nuts] HP 5065A, no 2nd harmonic.

2021-11-20 Thread cdelect

There is a non-hermetic electrolytic cap in the A7 (100uf C3) that if it
leaks can "eat" the lead or trace off killing the gain..

Pull the A7 and take a look at that.


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[time-nuts] Fw: HP 5065A, no 2nd harmonic.

2021-11-19 Thread cdelect


A few things to try.

On the bottom of the chassis Connect a scope to A8 pin 9. You should have
a 137Hz (approx) sine wave of around 200mv P-P.

If OK on the bottom of the chassis then connect the scope to A7 TP2 AC

In open loop and with the 5Mhz within .1Hz you should see a signal that
will vary from fundamental on each side to a 2nd harmonic when exactly on
frequency. (between .5 and 6VP-P.)

If you see it then switch to operate and see if the control voltage
reading will follow if you move the fine Quartz adjust back and forth.

If yes then the A7 2nd harmonic channel is most likely bad.

If you don't see it then measure the DC voltage at A3 TP2, it should be >

If not make sure the 5Mhz into A3 is correct (1VRMS).

What is the serial number of the mainframe?

Good Luck,

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[time-nuts] Passive Maser teardown

2021-10-20 Thread cdelect

Subject: Passive Maser teardown

Just added "update 5" to http://www.leapsecond.com/maser/

It gives details on "digging down" to the cavity of the Maser.


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[time-nuts] HP 5061 mini tube retrofit into 5071A part 2!

2021-07-08 Thread cdelect

Here is part 2 of the notes for installing HP 5061A/B "mini" tubes into 
the 5071A.



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[time-nuts] Noise floor test of my homemade DMTD

2021-04-26 Thread cdelect

To get accurate noise floor at the lower Tau you need to make sure your
delay between each channel is set to as close to zero as possible. 

A variable phase shifter or various lengths of cables/connectors will


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[time-nuts] Primary frequency standard

2021-03-26 Thread cdelect
In reference to:

"It would be cool to say one has a "primary standard",  So, I think
we should be careful with the term, it's get thrown around too lightly."

Any of the hobby grade used Cesium standards is actually a Primary
frequency standard as it does meet the definition of:

A frequency source that meets national standards for accuracy and
operates without the need for calibration against an external standard.

They ARE able to meet their accuracy specs without calibration against an
external standard.

The definition does not exclude them.

I realize that Metrology usage may be different but the definition makes
no judgement as to how performance levels!


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[time-nuts] Need wires from scrap HP cesium tubes

2021-03-22 Thread cdelect
Working on a project and need the following.
The HP high stability tubes have a pair of violet and violet/white wires
exiting the potting that have the nylon push on connections. These were
for the degaussing connection.
I'm looking for 3 more sets of these wires.
I do have a big pile of dead tubes but only managed to find a few of
Anyone have some dud tubes laying around they could cut them from?
I'd pay $5.00 + the shipping for each pair.
Thanks for your help!
Corby Dawson
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[time-nuts] Better than average Rb oscillator

2021-02-16 Thread cdelect
Skips data is very nice!

But speaking of dropping into the -14ths, the HP 5065A is hard to beat.
(Unless you are fortunate enough to have an 8607 option 8 sitting in your

The Yellow trace on the attached comparison plot is my 5065A, it's a
really excellent performer and drops into the -14ths between 64 and 100
Seconds. A simply good performer will usually reach that level by 128 to
256 Seconds. This of course if the unit has been aligned and optimized

One thing this means is unless you have a good Maser or another good
5065A it's really hard to test the 5065A performance!


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[time-nuts] Interesting widget for 5MHz standard fans

2021-02-14 Thread cdelect

The widget is a module from the FTS 4050 series of Cesium standards.

I have a couple of these modules.

Schematics are in the manuals.



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2021-01-01 Thread cdelect
For some DMTD stuff  on EEVBlogForum:



And lastly,


Many Thanks to Tom Van Baak for his help with this project!

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

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[time-nuts] Happy 20th Year

2021-01-01 Thread cdelect
Thanks for the work in keeping this valuable resource up and running!

Much appreciated.

Corby Dawson

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[time-nuts] Holiday Hydrogen Glow!

2020-12-25 Thread cdelect
And here is an EFOS2 Maser glow.

Happy holidays, and Merry Christmas!

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[time-nuts] HP5061 Cesium ion pump question

2020-12-02 Thread cdelect
The gettering in the tube is only for capturing any stray Cesium atoms
that don't get caught in the main gettering patch. If the gettering fails
or gets too loaded up then the Cesium background level will get too high
causing poor SN.

The ion pump is for any gases.

When a tube is off for extended times any gas atoms lingering or leaking
slowly into the tube than happen to impinge on either the mass
Spectrometer filament or the Cs oven filaments get capture by the
filaments. They function as excellent getters!  (this even if the ion
pump is on) 

Now this is not by design but results in the filaments being "loaded"
with the gas atoms.

Then when you turn the tube on the filaments light up and expell a burst
of gas.

This of coarse causes the ion pump current to rise and trips off the

Once the ion pump removes the burst the cycle repeats until the filaments
have expelled the trapped gases.

Then the ion pump can handle the load and pump the tube down completely.



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[time-nuts] HP5065a cfield issue

2020-12-02 Thread cdelect

One other thing to check.

Put a DC coupled scope on the C-field pot wiper and rotate the pot back
and forth.

Make sure there are no jumps or noise.

Sometimes the pot gets noisy in a section.

Rotating it back and forth across the bad sections will usually clean it



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[time-nuts] HP5065a cfield issue

2020-12-01 Thread cdelect

C-field current is adjustable from 2.5 to 6ma.

I use a clip on milliammeter.

Also you can kludge in an HP 3325A/B in place of the A1 synthesizer to
see if that's the problem.



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[time-nuts] Early Christmas - DMTD up and running

2020-12-01 Thread cdelect

Nice! Now you can go down another rabbit hole!!!

Nothing fancy is needed for noise floor DMTD tests!

Here is a PIX of what I use.
- A passive SMA power splitter 
- a couple short SMA cables
- an assortment of sma M to SMA F adaptors (elbows work nice)
- A variable phase shifter from an HP 8405A (You can manage without it!)

Feed a good oscillator into the passive power splitter.
Connect the two outputs to the inputs of the DMTD unit.
Observe the count from your counter:
-If it's near full scale switch the start and stop cables 
at the counter and or switch the RF input cables.

Once you have a count that is in the low end of the count
insert a very short cable or SMA connector into one or the other
RF input channel of the dual mixer.
Inserting the short delay into one of the channels will cause
the count to drop.
Continue adding small delays to that channel until the count
underflows to the full scale region.
Then remove the last delay added.
Then make sure all SMA junctions are tight
Now go ahead and take data to get your noise floor.
Take data for an hour and avoid drafts and movement around the 


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[time-nuts] "When you google word ..."

2020-10-29 Thread cdelect
Also when you google  "alien deviation" you get:

 About 11,800,000 results (0.50 seconds) 

Cheers! :>)

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[time-nuts] Query about insulated coax panel connectors

2020-10-26 Thread cdelect
The 106D DMTD unit was designed by NBS (now NIST), and the BNC connectors
I mentioned were also isolated from the chassis.
The shield side was  bypassed to the chassis ground inside via a 50 Ohm
resistor and a .1uf capacitor.
I retained those when I converted to isolated SMA.
The center pin and shield were then sent via coax to the various points.

Cheers,  Corby

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[time-nuts] Query about insulated coax panel connectors

2020-10-25 Thread cdelect

My NBS 106D DMTD originally had all BNC connectors but after finding out
BNCs are not the best for DMTD units I retrofitted it with insulated SMA
I used nylon washers on both sides. See PIX.


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[time-nuts] 5065A Rb Cavity RX - Varactor repair

2020-10-23 Thread cdelect
If the unit fails again just diconnect the 60Mhz output jack from A3 and
Ohm from the center pin to shield on the cables connector with a
semiconductor setting on the DVM. 
Try both directions as the diode can be installed either way.
If you can "see" the diode that way it is most certainly good.
If not the there are 3 SMC connectors in the route inside the cavity end.
Check those for tightness.
The diode is NOT easily accessible although the whole cell assy screws
out easily.



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[time-nuts] 5065A Rb Cavity RX - Varactor repair?

2020-10-22 Thread cdelect

I have never had a 5065A with a bad or malfunctioning step  recovery
diode in the physics package.

MANY other problems are more likely the cause.



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[time-nuts] Help getting 53131A to talk over RS232

2020-09-30 Thread cdelect
I have done this before (years ago) but now I can't seem to get a count
out over the RS232 port.

I scoped pin 2 (pin  ground) and can't see any data no matter what I try.

I seem to remember a "secret" trick from back then but can't recall it.

I'm counting time difference between two 1PPS signals.

Please Help!!!



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[time-nuts] BVA 8600 Available for sale: Link to Dropbox photos/ADEV plot.

2020-09-23 Thread cdelect

The longer Tau (BLUE) was measured against an excellent HP5065A Rubidium.

The shorter Tau (Red) was measured against an excellent FTS 1200 Quartz.

Hope that helps.



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[time-nuts] FE-5680A Comm question!

2020-08-28 Thread cdelect
Thanks for the inputs!

I downloaded RealTerm and I could (eventually) get the unit send a
response but could not get it to change frequency.

Then I noticed you have to send an XOR checksum byte at the end of that
command! Duh.

Worked fine then.

Anyway I can now program the frequency in an alternate way if the VX4XV
program can't be found!

(Anyone know a current link to a copy?)

It's a little tedious but you should not need to calibrate the unit very


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[time-nuts] FE-5680A Comm question!

2020-08-28 Thread cdelect

I have a few FE-5680A, one version with two labels and another version B
with one label.

The version B can be talked to with Hyperterminal or Ruby4 and does not
work with VK4XV's program.

The two label version I can only get to talk with VK4XV's
FE-5680Calibrator program.

I found info for that version saying you can send Hex to the device
directly such as 2D 04 00 29 which should readout the current offset
value but I can't seem to make it talk! I tried Hyperterminal and
SerialCom but no response. Is there a trick to sending HEX?

Since it does talk with the VX4XV's program I know I'm connected OK.

I can't find VX4VX's program online for download so need another option.

Any help or ideas as how to communicate via Hyperterminal would be VERY



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[time-nuts] 5065A A3 (Series 2644A) Schematic

2020-08-27 Thread cdelect

Here is the schematic of the late version A3.

For some reason when I rotate it won't save rotated so it's upside down!

When I get the parts lists and theory/alignment pages scanned I'll send
them to you off list.

A friend dug up a copy of my Gerber file

What I think I might do is get 10 or 20 boards made and then if anyone is
interested I'll sell them.

That would be more convenient I think?



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[time-nuts] Nice FE5680A on ebay!

2020-08-25 Thread cdelect

I just listed a nice tested FE5680A on eBay

I have several more in testing that will be listed also.


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[time-nuts] Dead 5065A - Regarding A3 (Series 2644A)

2020-08-25 Thread cdelect

I can scan the 2644A schematic and parts list. It might be a day or so.

I also have an ExpressPCB file of a 2644A board I made.

I have retrofitted that board into several (8 or so) A3 modules.

I'll also add a PIX of a partially populated one.

You have the boards made with a 2MM thickness if I remember correctly.

You need the frame from the old module as well as taking two of the can
transformers and L13 from the old unit.



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[time-nuts] Dead 5065A - Some comments - Some questions...

2020-08-24 Thread cdelect

The A1 modules are most likely OK.

They do not need stellar performance for the 5065A to easily beat spec.

The A3 modules are another matter!

If you are indeed feeding them with 1VRMS and can't get a good output at
J8 then something is not right!

HP made several versions of the A3, the series 2644A was the last and was
completely redesigned. It is much more reliable!

I've mentioned this before, the ceramic tuning caps seize up and you MUST
break the rotors free before aligning the module!

If you don't you will most likely break the rotor connection!

If they don't turn with MODERATE pressure they need attention.

If the rotor slotted shaft turns but the rotor does not it broken!
Replacing them is a pain so again break them free first.

Using a stiff plastic shaft lever or push horizontally at two spots 90
degrees apart listening for the rotor to "snap" free.

Once you can get the proper A8 RF level the bias pot and matching network
needs to be tuned.

I usually just put the variable inductor slug 1/8" down from the top of
the form and just leave it there.



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[time-nuts] FE5680A comparator question

2020-08-16 Thread cdelect
I see by searching around I see that the FE5680A uses a MAX913 comparator
to square up the signal. 

Has anyone drawn out the schematic of how that is implemented? 

I want to try one for a project but the data sheet does not show



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[time-nuts] Isolated +20V for lamp supply

2020-08-13 Thread cdelect

You should "Ohm out" the lamp connector shield to the chassis with
nothing connected to the connector.
Depending on how your optical unit is mounted there is a good chance the
lamp assy is grounded to the chassis through the threaded stud!
Especially so if the optical is the newer unpainted one.
If so isolating it as you detailed does not change anything!


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[time-nuts] Wanted: Some FE5650 or 5680A (rev B) synthesizer modules

2020-08-07 Thread cdelect

Thought I'd see if anyone has some "dead" FE 5650A or FE 5680A 
(the rev B). I'm looking for a few of the synthesizer modules 
for some experiments. I don't need the rest of the unit.
It's the board with the two tiny pushbuttons on it. See PIX.
Willing to pay, but not too much!


Corby (In the USA)___
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[time-nuts] "The Penultimate HP5065 A15"

2020-08-05 Thread cdelect

I agree entirely!

I like the motto "do no harm"!

When I try a mod such as replacing the dead op amp on the A9 board. I
make before and after tests to make sure no degradation has occurred.
Since this means parts in 10 -14th AD at 128 Seconds most don't have the
capability. However a lot of Time-nuts can test in mid parts in 10-13th
from 1 to 100 Seconds so can at least compare that part of the

Mods like HP made to move the bridge rectifier from A15 to the chassis
can be made without such testing.

That said a replacement A15 card to replace a  'Crispy crittered" or
badly damaged one would be welcome.



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[time-nuts] "The Penultimate HP5065 A15"

2020-08-04 Thread cdelect
>>  C-field polarity switch.  An experiment.  If nothing else
>>  I will be able to measure the residual magnetic field.

There is no requirement to do any thing other than switch the C-field
No optical stuff needed.

The PRS10 switches the C-field polarity at a 5HZ rate to reduce magnetic
effects and does not do any optical tricks!

Back in Nov 2017 I detailed my A15 mods:

Set Zener current to minimum TC (I achieved < 1PPM/C at the +20V output)
This involved disconnecting the C-field circuit and replacing it with a
dual (in series ) LM299AH and 1PPM resistors.  Jumperable settings and a
low TC pot for adjustment. I would have liked to use 3 LM299AH to give me
21 Volts but would need to switch the input to the unregulated supply to
give enough overhead. The higher the voltage into the C-field string the
lower the TC contribution from the C-field coil itself.

The posts have the details and schematic.


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[time-nuts] Double balanced mixer question

2020-07-23 Thread cdelect

I'm feeding 5.0 MHZ and 5.01MHz into an HP10514A mixer.

A buffer and a 12dB attenuator feed each input and a 50 Ohm buffer amp
(10Mhz) is on the output.

I get a nice sine output but get the 1Hz as amplitude variations.

Playing with input levels I can minimize the variations but the best I
can get is a 3.2 V P-P with a .4 V P-P amplitude modulation.

Are there mixer schemes I can use that will eliminate the amplitude


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[time-nuts] HP 10811 versions for 5065A

2020-07-20 Thread cdelect
Magnus and Tom,


I'm not (and don't want to be!) a phase noise nut!

However I am an Allan Deviation nut and have documented many 5065A with
the 10811 retrofit that drop into the -14ths between 64 and 128 Sec and
the best show 4.5X10-14th at 1000 Sec.

So I'd say the original circuit does not degrade performance that much!

Unfortunately I can't play around with that 7474 stage and see if I can
help performance as I not longer have access to an active Maser. :(



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[time-nuts] HP 10811 versions for 5065A

2020-07-20 Thread cdelect
Magnus, You mentioned:

 "The produced noise is at least 10 dB worse than you
would expect. This impacts long term stability response as I have
reported earlier."

Can you refer me to the info you posted earlier or elaborate?


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[time-nuts] HP 5065A Nifty A9 repair with pinout

2020-07-17 Thread cdelect
Hi all,

Attached is a PIX showing the opamp pinout!


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Re: [time-nuts] time-nuts Digest, Vol 192, Issue 25

2020-07-16 Thread cdelect

Hi I understand your A9 is the older version like the one in my post but
with the original opamp module.

I tested the 5065A with an unmodified and then one with the LH156H
mounted and the 24 Hour phase plots were both clean and the AD were the

My lab is not climate controlled so it was a good environment to do the

There would be no advantage to install the LH156H unless the original
opamp fails.



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[time-nuts] f-multipliers from VHF to 10 GHz

2020-05-16 Thread cdelect
This NLTL is cheaper @ $2436.56!



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[time-nuts] Need a couple pages from the HP 5062C manual

2020-05-11 Thread cdelect

I have a manual but it does only goes up to serial prefix 1836A and
therefore does not have the manual changes for the 1844A series.

Actually I have one page I photocopied years ago.

The top of the page reads:

MANUAL CHANGES MODEL 5062C and 5062C OPT. 010 Page 3

It shows steps 10 thru 23 of an alignment procedure.

Bottom of the page reads:

Figure 1. Troubleshooting Adjustments

I need a copy of pages 2 and 4 that have the rest of the steps.

Can anyone help?



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[time-nuts] Any spare HP 5065A A3 and HP5062C A10 modules?

2020-05-08 Thread cdelect

Doing some experiments and need HP 5065A A3 and/or HP5062C A10 modules.

They are the 5 to 60 MHz and 5 to 90 MHz multiplier modules.

Anyone have some laying around?


Corby Dawson

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[time-nuts] Modern HP5065A adjustment ideas

2020-05-08 Thread cdelect


I never use the XY method in the manual.

It's much easier just to use the scope in the normal mode.

I don't try to synch the scope, just use the fine horizontal control to
give me a few cycles on the trace with it close to stationary (slow

The splitting is easy to adjust out.

One trick if you run out of range on the phase pot:

Insert a 137Hz signal thru a 10Meg resistor (see test cable described in
the manual) into A7.

Monitor the input pin to the phase detector and manually adjust the
signal generator for a peak amplitude.

This measures where the A7 bandpass filter is centered.

Now adjust the A8 modulation frequency to match the measured frequency.

This sometimes makes it much easier to adjust the phase.

I very seldom measure the SN since it's met if you have >500mV at A7TP2.

Also if you run an AD plot and you meet or exceed specs the SN is OK.

I have seen some units with a SN of 6000!



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[time-nuts] Crystal filters in test equipment

2020-03-29 Thread cdelect
The hp 00105-6013 and its variants used in the older 105A, 5061A, 5065A,
and a couple counters also has a crystal filter (5Mhz). I believe it's
the last HP oscillator to do so. If your output amplitude seems low try
tweaking the filter adjustment!



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[time-nuts] HP 106B on Ebay

2020-03-21 Thread cdelect
If whoever bought it needs advice I have repaired a couple of them.

It does not have a dewar.

Both the units I worked on had low to mid parts in 10 -13th from 1 to 100

They do take 3 to 4 hours to warm up so don't be impatient.

Aging wont slow down for several weeks.



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[time-nuts] Used HP 5061A cesium tube

2020-03-14 Thread cdelect

When shopping for a used tube look for a standard "mini" tube like the
one in the ebay listing.


Don't trust any option 4 high stability tubes to have much life.

The "mini" has the black plastic inserts to boost the diameter up to that
of the original tube.

Also FTS 4050 and 4060 tubes can be installed in the 5061A/B without too
much work.

Just remember you don't know how much life you will get from a used tube.



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[time-nuts] Pressure sensitivity of Rb vapor cell standards

2020-02-19 Thread cdelect

I believe your original question was how to compensate for atmospheric
pressure changes on the cell.

It is the cell that is affected by pressure NOT the lamp!

This post gives some info.




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[time-nuts] Symmetricom 023-63008-07 5MHz Crystal Oscillators

2020-01-23 Thread cdelect

I just might play at the mixing to see if it will work!

Hmmm, 16 oscillators give a cold current of  12.8 Amps!

The direct sellers you find with Google sell them for <$20.00 each.

One of them:


This seller (can't quite figure out where they are located) Seems to
indicate Canadian dollars?

If you buy 4 or more at $13.16 CA shipping is free.



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[time-nuts] 5065 photo/lamp problem

2020-01-06 Thread cdelect

If you apply a +20V supply to the lamp connector you should see 125-150ma
unlit and it drops  bit when it lights.

Also measure from the lamp connector center pin to the outside conductor
with an Ohmmeter.

You should have around 3.33K. The 1.33K resistor (in series with a 2.0K)
is a common problem. it can open up or rise in value.

I usually replace this resistor in units I service even if it measures

I use a 1.3K 2% MOX resistor.

Also check the approx. 12 Ohm resistor on the standoffs to see if it
opened up.

If  you pull the lamp assy. you can place a spec-A lead and see the RF.
Should be approx 88Mhz. (not critical)

Once power is applied the lamp  should start (cold) within a minute or
so, warm it starts fast.

If you place a scope on A7 TP2 and with the lamp assy removed allow some
florescent lighting to fall into the interior you should see a large 50
or 60Hz signal from the light falling on the photocell.

That is a quick check of the A7!





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[time-nuts] HP 5065A "known unit" update

2020-01-03 Thread cdelect

They keep coming out of hiding!

Currently my list shows 246 total units of which 26 are the latest prefix
2816A units.

Anyone that has one that hasn't send me their Serial number please do!


Corby Dawson

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[time-nuts] Need info from a very old HP 5065A manual!!!

2019-12-18 Thread cdelect

The oldest manual I have for the 5065A is for a prefix 1220A and the
oldest change it lists is for the prefix 820 units.

Does anyone have an older manual that is for or lists the changes for a
prefix 808 unit?

Need the info for the front panel adj mag field/loop open/operate switch.

All the more recent units don't have the adjust mag field position on the



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[time-nuts] Dead 5061B

2019-11-08 Thread cdelect

The filament is a hot wire ionizer that functions to ionize the atoms in
the beam so that the mass spectrometer will be able to steer them to the
electron multiplier. It is a thin ribbon and not likely to be reattached
once it burns open.



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[time-nuts] Cold Rubidium over hyped?

2019-11-08 Thread cdelect
The pressure sensitivity for a classic design can easily be eliminated.
I'm pretty sure that the old Varian R20 cell was mostly immune.
Either using the R20 design or stiffer convex ends in a modern design
would work.
Also a sealed optical unit has been used to get rid of the pressure
Any of these methods would be trivial in a new design.
The Rb/glass absorption is mostly in the lamp, when using the proper
glasses in the cell and using similar lasers to what the cold standard
uses eliminates that.

Newer RF architecture would also help, NLDL multiplier, low noise
synthesis, etc.
My main gripe was that either they were either intentionally reducing the
performance of their masers or using a setup that did not do justice to

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[time-nuts] Cold Rubidium over hyped?

2019-11-08 Thread cdelect
Well I have been looking at the data in the 


link and find that maybe they are overstating their performance!

In the plot of figure 5 my HP 5065A almost perfectly matches the Allan
out to 1000 Sec.! (Although mine does have VERY good performance)

Also if you look at figure 7 all the Maser data shown seems to be from
operating Masers so any judgement of better clock performance versus the
is a bit much!

The figure 5 data looks much better but still is not beating a good
active Maser.

The EFOS2 a 1982 vintage Maser as well as the MHM 2010 and several other
modern Masers
I could find data for show between 2 and 5X10-15th at 1000 Sec.
The MHM 2010 specs at 5X10-15th at 100Sec and 2.0X10-15th at 1000Sec
All the Masers shown are worse than that spec!
Also my old Kvarz passive maser has  2x10-13th at 100 Sec just shy of 
matching the top two Masers at 100Sec, which I don't believe!

Something does not add up in their data!

So I'm not really that impressed and would take an Active or Passive
Maser anyday.

Just wonder if some  5065A can get so impressive that they don't just
make a modern large/cool cell classic Rubidium with modern electronics
technology! Certainly would be cheaper and more long lived also.

Just my thoughts!


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[time-nuts] Dead 5061B

2019-11-04 Thread cdelect

The ion pump supply is fine if the Cs oven reading is OK. A zero reading
is fine on the Ion pump current.

Yes do check the ionizer filament continuity and if its OK check the
voltage across it. Should be around 1 VDC.

If all that looks good pull J1 off A7 and feed it into  a high impedance
voltmeter and redo the low freq. test.

If it looks good You might have a bad A7.



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[time-nuts] Rubidium cell or lamp rejuvenation.

2019-10-27 Thread cdelect

The following references describe the main failure mode of Rubidium lamps
which is Rubidium depletion.
If the thermal design is correct and the oven and supporting circuitry
are working properly any 
condensed Rubidium will be redistributed (back into the tip-off region)
during operation.
On the 5065A I have seen two completely dead bulbs that were caused by
Rubidium depletion.
Dana, as far as why the liquid Rubidium does not appear to be moved by
gravity I can only assume
that surface tension holds it in place. On the two lamps I have seen with
Rubidium on the surface of
the bulb the Rubidium definitely melts when using the heat gun. You can
see it wiggle if shaken but
it will not run down into the tip by gravity. You have to heat the
envelope hot enough to vaporize
the Rubidium and "chase" it back down into the tip.
Also I have operated several 5065A for years with the optical unit
sitting vertically on the bench.
This position puts the tip-off at the top and did not cause the Rubidium
to migrate down into
the envelope! 
I suspect any observed Rubidium on the bulb envelope to be caused by
excessive storage temperature
or oven problems. The older blue optical units are particularly prone to
oven problems.





The lamp network presents a range of loads as a function of lamp mode,
and the
circuit has been characterized under these various conditions to
ensure proper operation. Starting may require the exciter to redistribute
condensed rubidium inside the lamp by rf induction heating.


page 11

The excess metal charge is constrained by thermal gradients in
the tip-off region. The tip-off is formed when the lamp is "pulled" off
vacuum manifold. The lamp envelope is mounted in a metal base with a
potting material. The thermal potting material facilitates the transfer
heat from the base, which is the point of temperature control, to the
envelope. The metal atoms in the vapor are due to the saturated vapor
above the metal charge, which is determined by the temperature of the
metal, and thus good temperature control is essential for stable lamp


page 5

The classic problem with Rb lamps has been life and reliability
due to rubidium depletion as the excess Rb diffuses into
the glass envelope.

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[time-nuts] Rubidium cell or lamp rejuvenation. WAS-HP 5065A owners, a question!

2019-10-26 Thread cdelect
JF, Reference your statement:

"Sorry, but I don't agree with your first statement about the 5065A :
after long use, the rubidium plates on the inner envelope of the lamp
(like silver on a mirror) and years after years the Rb light and photo I

After working on the 5065A for over 40 years and across the full range of
Serial numbers and ages of instruments (somewhere over 70 units) I have
only seen Rubidium plated on the inside of the bulb twice. All the other
lamps provided performance that met the HP specifications. The design of
the lamp assy causes the tip of the lamp to be cold compared to the bulb
causing the majority of the Rubidium to condense into the tip.

The two bulbs were in units where the lamp oven winding shorted and
"cooked" the lamp Assy.
Those two bulbs were recovered using a heat gun.
I suppose if the unit was stored for years in a very hot environment the
Rubidium could get out of the tip but as long as the lamps starts you can
just let it run for a week or so and it will condense back into the tip.

If a you have a bulb that exhibits the plating I would recommend that you
measure the lamp oven temperature to make sure it is not too hot. Also
the two nuts on the lamp assy. rod that protrudes out of the cover should
clamp the outer cover firmly between them. The outer cover is a heat sink
for the lamp assy. and maintains the Rubidium in the tip. Operating for
years without this clamping might cause what you saw.

Other units specifically the Efratom FRS were poorly designed and are
known for this problem.


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[time-nuts] Cesium shipping exemption. (was) HP5071A with bad tube.... can I get one used?

2019-10-26 Thread cdelect
Well I can't figure out how to attach the link but if you search for "hp
5071a shipping exemption" in google you will find :

"PDF] Shipping Instruction - Cesium & Rubidium ... - Microsemi how to" 

Click on it and it will open a PDF of the form.
You will see that it exempts most requirements, the training mentioned is
reading the instructions in the form.

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[time-nuts] Rubidium cell or lamp rejuvenation. WAS-HP 5065A owners, a question!

2019-10-25 Thread cdelect
There are two separate Rubidium migration problems.

The first is Lamp flooding which occurs when too much Rubidium enters the
main bulb and plates onto the bulb envelope. (usually after long storage
or storage at high temperatures) This mainly in the small telecomm
Rubidiums due to design flaws. The 5065A is immune to this problem and I
believe the PRS10 is also.

The second is cell flooding where too much Rubidium enters the resonance
cell and blocks the light.
This is mainly a 5065A problem although older Varian V4700 and R20 units
also can be effected.
The procedure in the manual cools the tip of the stem and collects the
Rubidium back where it belongs!
This takes about a week and then after reconfiguring the TED back to
normal cooling levels another week to stabilize the Rubidium level in the
cell. Telecomm units have "starved" cells and don't exhibit this effect.



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[time-nuts] HP 5065A owners, a question!

2019-10-23 Thread cdelect

How many of you leave your 5065A on all the time?

Approximately how many years have you had it running without major

My current "gold standard" 5065A has been running for over 5 years.



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[time-nuts] Ancient HP 5065A on ebay

2019-10-21 Thread cdelect
There is an 5065A on Ebay that has the earliest SN I have ever seen.

808-00031 or maybe 00051?

Maybe the first one sold?

If the lamp oven has not fried it might be a fun project.

It has the Patek analog clock.



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[time-nuts] HP OCXO's 10544A and 10811A

2019-08-05 Thread cdelect

The 10811 uses an SC cut crystal and a more modern oven control circuit.

Much better short term stability and warmup than the 10544 it replaced!





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[time-nuts] It is possible to "recharge" a hydrogen maser?

2019-07-23 Thread cdelect

Found some more info on replenishing the Hydrogen in the Kvarz CH1-76 and

Anders had the procedure pretty close for a fully charged canister from
the vendor.

However recharging the original is a bit more challenging!

Use care and protective gear from the high and low temperatures involved!

Here are added steps somewhat paraphrased:

- open up (HFO, mag-shield etc.) enough to have access to the H-canister
- open the insulation around the canister and remove it from its oven.
- disconnect the canister from the Maser. (Threaded connector)
- connect canister to a manifold and vacuum pump and pump it down for 24
- make an oven and heat the canister to 300 Degrees C for another 24
hours while still
 running the vacuum system
- Close off valves to isolate the evacuated canister and remove vacuum
- Attach a hydrogen regulator set to 240PSI to the manfold and purge the
lines up to the
 isolating valve.
- Open the isolating valve and leave the hydrogen connected to the
- the canister should get warm as it charges, you can blow cold air on it
to help.
- Once the cannister no longer heats and has cooled down close off the
Hydrogen valve.
- Also close the isolation valve to the canister.
Now here I'm not sure as I would think there is a step to purge the air
from the Maser lines.
Not sure how that would be done?

- with the canister still connected and the isolation valve closed
immerse the canister in liguid
 Nitrogen until it stops boiling off, then wait 5 more minutes.
- now while the canister is still cold remove it from the manifold and
reconnect it to the Maser.
 (Gloves Please)

At this point once the canister comes back up to room temperature you
would be ready to leak 
test and reassemble the Maser.

I'm actually working with a friend to install a new Hydrogen system into
a CH1-76.
NO LN2 or 300 Degree temperature involved!
The new system will be outside the shield and use a commercial hydride
A Solid-H BL-18.
Here is the rough outline for it's installation.

- open up (HFO, mag-shield etc.) enough to have access to the H-canister
- open the insulation around the canister and remove it from its oven.
- disconnect the canister from the Maser. (Threaded connector)
- mount the new fully charged canister with its attached valves on the
bottom right underside of the Maser
 (charging the new canister is similar to that detailed above)
- run the new hydrogen line to where one of the slots in the shield will
- Screw the Maser hydrogen line onto the new lines fitting.
- Attach a vacuum pump to the 1/4" hose barb on the purge valve 
- Run the pump and open the purge valve. Wait 20 minutes to purge the
- close the purge valve and remove the vacuum pump
- Open the canister valve to allow Hydrogen into the Maser.
- leak test the lines and reassemble the Maser.

Pictures and more details will be showing up in the EEVBlog Metrology

Keep in mind that since you have more room in the CH1-75 you could
probably install a small
compressed Hydrogen bottle and regulator instead of the Hydride storage


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[time-nuts] Is the lifetime of a Rb standard dependent on operating orientations

2019-07-23 Thread cdelect

At operating temperature the lamp, filter cell (if used) and the
resonance cell only have gaseous Rubidium in them.

Only exception is early designs that have a "stem" on the resonance cell
that exits the cavity.

There is a small amount of liquid Rubidium in the stem and in the 5065A a
thermoelectric cooler is used to set the amount of Rubidium that
eventually enters the cell.

No orientation problems an any Rubidium standards due to "puddling".

However if a 5065A is stored for MANY years or stored at an extended
period at high temperatures more Rubidium than desired can "flood" the
cell. At operating temp it's still pretty much a gas but too much in the
cell makes it opaque to the required light from the lamp. HP describes a
routine to deflood the cell if that happens.



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[time-nuts] EFOS Maser prototype display

2019-07-17 Thread cdelect
Check the picture out here:




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[time-nuts] Used Hydrogen Maser

2019-07-10 Thread cdelect


Depends on the type and model, Active or Passive Maser etc.

I believe new active Masers run in the 1/4 million dollar range.

T4 science offers some nice Passive Masers but I don't know the cost.

pH Maser 1008 https://www.t4science.com/products/phmaser-1008/

On the basis of just a few examples (they are very rare) a used active
Maser can be found for 30-40 Thousand dollars. This for a demonstrated
working unit less transport costs which won't be cheap!

Expect to pay $1000.00 every 4-5 years on ion pump repair, electricity
costs for 24/7 operation, air-con costs to keep it happy, cost of a
vacuum turbopump station and ion pump controller for the ion pump
repairs. (and don't forget a place to park a small refrigerator sized

The older Masers are more serviceable than some newer vintages, however
getting some specialized parts may be impossible.

Some newer Masers use getter packages as the main Hydrogen waste pump and
make it very difficult  to service the vacuum system. Also some do not
make provision for easy field replacement of the ion pumps.

Hope this helps and good luck on the lottery!

If you do win I would suggest the MHM 2010



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[time-nuts] It is possible to "recharge" a hydrogen maser?

2019-07-09 Thread cdelect
Ch1-75 Hydrogen storage details.
 “The compound LaNi5H, is used for storing molecular hydrogen. 
The LaHi5H, is characterized by high hydrogen partial pressure (2 to 5
atmospheres) at +(20-50) degrees C. 
250 grams of the compound contains 18 liters of hydrogen at normal
It is sufficient for maser continuous operation for more than 40 000
 I believe that the container holding the LaHi5H is heated and
thermostatically controlled to maintain the proper pressure into the
 First you should be able to power up the maser just far enough so that
the ion pumps can operate. Monitor their current and it should drop down
to almost zero within a few hours. If not you may need to get the ion
pumps rebuilt.
There are commercial outfits that can rebuild them but if there are not
isolation valves to close and isolate the Maser when you remove the ion
pumps you will not be able to proceed! Since the Russian Masers also use
a getter pump in concert with the ion pumps, opening up the vacuum system
will contaminate the getter pump. The process of clearing the getter is
very detailed and involves temperatures of up to 800 degrees C, and
without careful instructions on how to do it you risk damaging other
portions of the Maser!
 If the pressure does drop down, then you need to determine if there is
any Hydrogen left. I know that some Russian Masers will give you an alarm
that tells you if you are out, and some have a mechanical pressure gage,
but I’m not sure about the CH1-75. You will need to check the manuals. If
it does not provide an alarm or have a gage then see if the HFO
oscillator is working and if the discharge bulb is lighting up. If it
lights up you are not out of Hydrogen!
If it does not light and you have determined that the  lack of Hydrogen
is indeed the problem you will need to locate the LaHi5H container. After
you locate it make sure it is being heated, this could cause an apparent
lack of Hydrogen!   Then see how it is connected to the discharge bulb.
Hopefully it will be a threaded connection. This connection is on the
high pressure side of the purifier and can be removed without
compromising the vacuum. You will need to remove the container and
recharge it.  I would instead replace it with a small compressed hydrogen
cylinder and regulators.
 Use ultra-high purity dry Hydrogen and make sure you purge the line
going to the purifier. The purifier will block other gases from getting
into the Maser but in the process too much “foreign” gas can contaminate
and damage the purifier!
 Once you manage to locate the container some pictures on where it’s 
hiding would be nice!
 Good luck with your efforts!
 Corby Dawson
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[time-nuts] Are there any company selling refurbished/reconditioned Cesium tubes?

2019-07-06 Thread cdelect
When evaluating an instrument with a used tube the beam current is not
the best indicator to look at!
For an HP instrument If the tube label has the EM voltage listed then
with the beam current set to it's proper level check the current EM
As the tube ages you will require more and more EM voltage to bring the
gain back to nominal.
Also performing a SN test on the tube or even a quick look at the
peak/valley/background levels
is helpful.



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[time-nuts] It is possible to "recharge" a hydrogen maser?

2019-07-06 Thread cdelect

Once I know the model number of the Maser I can give some advice.

I recharged the Hydrogen bottle of the EFOS2 Maser 4 times in the past
with no problem.

Really depends on the method of Hydrogen storage and if they made
provision for field repair, I.E. threaded fittings vice welded joints.



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[time-nuts] Frequency Standard in personal lab

2019-06-06 Thread cdelect

I'm assuming you meant an HP 53132A?

Anyway to make meaningful measurements you need a DMTD setup or some
other resolution expanding scheme.

An HP 5065A would be your best bet to add to your stable!

Between a good cherry picked Quartz and the 5065A you could cover most
bases easily!



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[time-nuts] Neat looking DMTD unit on eBay

2019-04-22 Thread cdelect

A friend directed me to this listing. Nice looking DMTD unit.
Low power and compact!
Has anyone played with one of these yet?




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[time-nuts] Passive Hydrogen Maser

2019-04-13 Thread cdelect

What you describe sounds promising however more info would be needed to
Not sure what monitoring provisions the CH1-76 has, I think there are a
couple time-nuts with that unit that could comment.
There are a lot if causes for a loss of IF in an active Maser and a few
extra thrown in with a passive Maser! 
Good Luck!

Corby Dawson

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[time-nuts] GPS week rollover

2019-03-28 Thread cdelect
Are we expecting any week rollover problems with the receivers we time
nuts like to play with???



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[time-nuts] Help needed with Tracor 308A Rubidium Frequency Standard

2019-02-20 Thread cdelect

The relay you hear "clicking" is the relay that generates the HV start
pulse for the lamp. Once the lamp starts and is detected by the preamp
circuit the relay stops cycling.

You can pull the OMU and leave it connected up.

Pull the covers off the lamp end of the OMU and the metal rectangular
cover screwed onto the lamp module.

You will see a cylindrical HV pulse transformer.

Lay an insulated screwdriver touching the lamp module case so that it
comes very close to the HV stud of the TX.

You should see a spark every time the relay clicks. Forcing this spark
sometimes will sometimes start the lamp for you.

No spark troubleshoot the circuit that generates the pulse into the TX.



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[time-nuts] HP5065A on eBay WARNING

2019-02-03 Thread cdelect

Wanted to warn about the 5065A that has now sold twice on eBay. (Jan 18
and Feb 2) When it first listed I contacted the seller and told him the
optical unit was missing (A12) and he should not call it "fully
functional" Anyway he sold it for his asking price and now it looks like
he just sold it again. If he has it returned and lists it again just be
aware its not all there! Not really worth the price with no A12!



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[time-nuts] PPS clock module

2019-01-28 Thread cdelect

The clock modules from the 5061A and 5065A take a 1PPS input!

I have several I can sell.

However they are not suitable for a portable app as they are power hogs!

Although they do have a circuit that kills the display if the standard is
on battery power, you can then push the button on the front to
momentarily read the time.



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[time-nuts] RF Isolation Amplifier ...

2018-10-15 Thread cdelect
Thanks for the inputs.

Attached is the blurb from the manual on the 5Mhz isolation amps.

I don't want to redesign as the 3 amps are matched for delay and temp and
run at 45 degrees C.

I'll check the output of the amp with a spec-A and select the capacitor
as appropriate.


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[time-nuts] RF isolation amplifier question

2018-10-14 Thread cdelect

I removed this amp from the EFOS2 Maser as it was intermittent.

Of course now I can't get it to fail on the bench!

I have fabricated a new PC board to replace it and have the components on

Note the 12pfd cap on the collector .

Some notes I have indicate is select at test and that is it a glass

The as built unit has a johansen 50pf that looks to be an early version
of surface mount with leads soldered on.

How do I determine what value to install on the new amplifier?


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[time-nuts] HP5065A Step Recovery Diode, what part#?

2018-08-28 Thread cdelect

I'll throw my two bits in!

Diodes from Efratom FRS, FRK, and M100 are made for 60Mhz drive and
probably would be a good fit.

I'll take a look and see if I have any junkers.

All diodes used in Rubidiums are inside the cell oven so operate at a
high temp anyway.

I agree with Ed, swapping A3 modules requires retuning. One tidbit, make
sure the two trim caps are actually rotating! The top rotor can get stuck
and if you force it the screw connection will break. Then you have a 
fixed capacitor, not a variable anymore. If you check ahead of time you
can break the rotor free by levering a tool against it laterally.



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[time-nuts] HP 5065A fault

2018-08-21 Thread cdelect

I have repaired several with this problem.

If you want I'll contact you off list with the details and PIX.

Very basically:

Dig out potting (don't start until I send details!)
remove oven cylinder
rewind oven coil
add new thermistor if needed
install and wire new oven
measure temp and select matching value for the A11 resistor



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[time-nuts] EFOS2 Maser acting up :(

2018-08-18 Thread cdelect
Well finally caught it while it was acting up again!

Had to add an audible alarm to help me catch it.

The 1st L.O. (1440Mhz)  dies completely and also the 20Mhz TTL front
panel output dies.

Both the 1440Mhz and 20Mhz are derived from the 180Mhz signal.

So now need to see if the 5Mhz input to 180Mhz multiplier  is OK during a

That should point me to the correct subassy.



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[time-nuts] EFOS2 Maser acting up :(

2018-08-14 Thread cdelect
Forgot to mention that with the problem occurring, and at the same time I

observed the good  cavity output on the spec-A, feeding a signal from an
synthesizer into the LNA showed a zero IF level also. So it's downstream
from there.


I have found that "watchful waiting" before jumping in to troubleshoot is

the BEST advice. This problem however after a week or so was not
The EFOS2 Maser does not servo the IF level to the Hydrogen pressure. You

set the pressure you want and it does servo the Palladium leak to
that pressure. I do have a log of readings and when the problem is
they all (30 parameters) read nominal! This included the requested
pressure value and the measured Hydrogen pressure value.

Ole, Yes the 5.7Khz I.F. amplitude monitor. As I mentioned above feeding
an external signal also gave a zero I.F. amplitude reading.

Of course now that I'm set up to monitor the L.O. it's not messing up!
A watched Maser never fails???



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[time-nuts] HP 5065A HP5061A clock module on ebay

2018-07-21 Thread cdelect




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[time-nuts] FTS 1000A-100 on Ebay

2018-07-19 Thread cdelect

I just listed an FTS 1000A-100 oscillator on eBay.

Fully tested, see plot in listing.

Also will be listing some 10811 (various types) and some FE405B soon.



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[time-nuts] Phase combined HP 5065As!!!

2018-07-18 Thread cdelect
Well I'm trying this out again.

I have two "enhanced" NOT "Super" HP 5065As I'm working on and decided to
ensemble them together, if that's applicable to only two units?

Attached is a plot against my FTS 1200 and Maser.

Pretty neat.

I'm working on an easy way to lock them together for such work.

Now if I only had that 8607 option 8 or the Rakon HSO14 option 8 for my
lower Tau (< 32 Sec.)


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[time-nuts] Need help machining an Aluminum cylinder

2018-07-12 Thread cdelect

I remember a few that had machine shops volunteering to help with
machining last year but can't remember who!
I have a 2 and 3/8" diameter cylinder 1.45" long.
It needs nine  1/6" deep X 1/16" wide grooves machined in the
circumference and adding some length to a slot already existing running
down the side.
This is to try another way to rebuild the HP 5065A Lamp oven.

Can anyone help?



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[time-nuts] HP 5065A A1 replacement with DDS

2018-06-25 Thread cdelect

Yes the 5062C also used the same synthesizer style as the 5065A and



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[time-nuts] HP 5065A A1 replacement with DDS

2018-06-25 Thread cdelect

My purpose was to provide an inexpensive (<$30.00) and simple way to
replace a defective A1 without degrading the performance the original A1
The Chinese DDS allows this without having to solder all those tiny pins!
Both styles actually performed better than the original, and the same in
a "super" mod unit.
I was not claiming "theoretical" perfect performance and rejected more
complex schemes on purpose.
Also the current drawn by the A1 is part of the current budget for the
TED so an A1 replacements current draw should be between 100 and 150 mA!



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[time-nuts] Want info on Bliley NV26T992 oscillator

2018-06-22 Thread cdelect

Anyone have hookup info for the Bliley NV26T992


Looks to be a cute cleanup oscillator but I can't find any seller that
has pinout info. and power hookup.


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[time-nuts] HP cesium beam tube life

2018-06-20 Thread cdelect
The "shelf life" referred to is only related to tube vacuum without
pumping occasionally.

It was derived from an estimate of how badly a worst case tube would

Most tubes have an almost perfect vacuum seal and this "shelf life" is

Leaving a 5061A/B on and in the Cs-off mode keeps the ion pump on. 

The actual life of a continuously working tube is conservatively
estimated by the warranty lengths HP assigned to the various tube styles.



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