Re: Request to Fix Tomcat Standalone 302 redirect Issue

2003-02-17 Thread Donald Ball
Tim Funk wrote:

A patch (which I didn't look at yet) could introduce the following:
- Bypassing a security contraints, eg:index.jsp is protected but / isn't
- Vulnerabilities - Through a wacky optimizations, other pages might 
get accidently exposed 

Just curious... I assume the patch uses RequestDispatcher.forward to 
handle the request, right? But these checks should already be done by 
the RequestDispatcher, otherwise _anything_ that uses rd.forward could 
break security. So if we trust rd, what's the issue? If we don't, um, 
why _not_?

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2003-01-02 Thread Donald Ball
On 12/23/2002 at 9:40 AM Costin Manolache wrote:

It is on my todo list ( I also need this to work, at least for 500 ).
Do you have a patch ?

I have attached an erstwhile patch to the bug in bugzilla. It assumes the
content type of the error-page resource to be text/html and uses rd.include
instead of rd.forward to get the content body. I have a feeling that
someone more well-versed with catalina's internals could write a better
patch that gets both the http status code _and_ the content type correct,
but I am not that person.

Nonetheless, I think the patched behavior is much more correct than the
current behavior and should be applied to cvs.

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2003-01-02 Thread Donald Ball
On 1/2/2003 at 9:23 AM Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 Nonetheless, I think the patched behavior is much more correct than the
 current behavior and should be applied to cvs.

(Sorry for being out of touch earlier -- holidays and busyness and such).

I do not agree with the assertion that the current behavior is broken.


I read and understand that you can map error-page handlers to locations
which in fact respond with the original status codes. Nonetheless, it still
seems to me that the behavior is incorrect wrt the servlet spec, not to
mention http and common sense. Again, I quote:

Hmm. Digging around in the 2.3 spec more deeply, I note the description of
HttpServletResponse.sendError reads:

Sends an error response to the client using the specified status clearing
the buffer. The server defaults to creating the response to look like an
HTML-formatted server error page containing the specified message, setting
the content type to text/html, leaving cookies and other headers
unmodified. If an error-page declaration has been made for the web
application corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served
back in preference to the suggested msg parameter.

The first sentence clearly states that the response sent to the client must
use the specified status code, regardless of whether the content body is
generated by the server automatically or is read from an error-page

It still seems to me that the status code of the error-page should be the
status code of the response. Not only is that the behavior implied by the
spec, but it also prevents naive web developers from writing webapps that
return pretty error response pages tagged with status 200. The default
behavior should be to preserve the http conversation, not to censor it. You
argue that I should do extra work to preserve the status code. I argue that
(if one really wanted to for some arcane reason) one should do extra work
to hide it.

Regardless of what you/we decide here for tomcat, should this be brought to
the servlet expert group for clarification in a forthcoming servlet spec?

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2003-01-02 Thread Donald Ball
The key issue is that declaring an error-page handler ***replaces*** the
standard container behavior; it doesn't ***augment*** it.

Consider, for example, a webapp that want to implement something like what
the Redirect configuration parameter does for Apache (so that old URLs
still work).  In today's world, you can write such a thing by mapping 404
errors to a servlet that redirects to the desired resource (which
ultimately returns a 200) for the URLs it knows about, and just returns
the original 404 for everything else.

With your proposed change, it would not be possible to implement this
functionality.  That would be bad.

Sure it would be possible. You could handle that case by mapping /* to a
servlet and having it do the logic - map old URLs to new URLs (with a
proper 301, not a silent internal redirect and a 200, ideally), return 404s
for everything else. I can't say if it's easier or harder than the solution
you proposed, but it definitely looks possible.

For that matter - for the solution that you propose, by a strict reading of
the servlet spec, why wouldn't you get into an infinite loop if the
location for a 404 error-page returns a 404 status code? or bounce back and
forth between 404 and 301, say? I see that tomcat avoids the first problem,
at least, but I don't see where in the servlet spec it says that it's
supposed to...

 Regardless of what you/we decide here for tomcat, should this be brought
 the servlet expert group for clarification in a forthcoming servlet

You're certainly welcome to send them mail:


and it's timely, since Servlet 2.4 is in Proposed Final Draft state, and
still subject to correction if needed.  (And I'm going to make the above
argument if it's brought up for discussion -- to say nothing of the fact
that this would break backwards compatibility for loads of existing
applications ;-).

That's certainly something to consider. Since tomcat is the reference
implementation, ambiguities in the spec are resolved by looking at its
(buggy :)) behavior, yes? I guess I really wonder what webapps rely on this
behavior and why - it seems to me that fixing tomcat to work the way I
expect would fix more webapps than it would break. However, I guess I'd be
happy if the servlet spec simply explicitly declared what's supposed to
happen so web developers who care about http, rest, etc. realize they need
to explicitly give status codes to their pretty error pages. I'll write
something in.

Thanks for your patience with this pedantic problem.

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2002-12-27 Thread Donald Ball
On 12/23/2002 at 9:40 AM Costin Manolache wrote:

It is on my todo list ( I also need this to work, at least for 500 ).
Do you have a patch ?

not yet, but i'll be happy to work on one for 4.1.x. thanks for taking the
time to respond.

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2002-12-23 Thread Donald Ball
Are any tomcat developers going to express any interest in this issue? I
frankly consider being completely ignored to be quite rude and a poor way
to interact with the at-large developer community.

- donald

On 12/19/2002 at 12:13 PM Donald Ball wrote:

On 12/19/2002 at 4:02 PM Martin Algesten wrote:

The problem with this bug is that there are people here who don't agree
it is a bug... which is just plain ignorant and stupid... THIS IS A

Thank you - now I at least know that other people have observed this
behavior and I'm not merely on crack. Now it remains to show that the
behavior is incorrect. The 2.3 servlet specification doesn't explicitly
state that the status code attached to a response handled by an error-page
element should be the original status code... (Perhaps I should write to
the servlet spec group working on 2.4 to suggest making this explicit?)
However, common sense and the HTTP specification both suggest that it
be the right thing to do. If you send a 200 instead of a 404 status code
along with an html page which says the given resource was not found,
engines, proxy servers, et. al. will not understand that the resource is

Hmm. Digging around in the 2.3 spec more deeply, I note the description of
HttpServletResponse.sendError reads:

Sends an error response to the client using the specified status clearing
the buffer. The server defaults to creating the response to look like an
HTML-formatted server error page containing the specified message, setting
the content type to text/html, leaving cookies and other headers
unmodified. If an error-page declaration has been made for the web
application corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served
back in preference to the suggested msg parameter.

The first sentence clearly states that the response sent to the client
use the specified status code, regardless of whether the content body is
generated by the server automatically or is read from an error-page

I've tried get this one sorted as well... however, either someone will
tell you they don't agree it is a bug and/or they will just ignore you
until you go away.

I can't accept that. If it's a bug, if it doesn't implement the servlet or
HTTP specifications properly, it should be fixed. Apache software has
always been about correctness, security, and speed, in that order.

- donald

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Fwd: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2002-12-19 Thread Donald Ball
What does one have to do to get a response to a bug report around here? I
submitted it to bugzilla, I followed up here. If it's a bug, I'm happy to
help patch. If I'm an idiot, I'd appreciate being told so.

- donald

On 12/18/2002 at 1:00 PM Donald Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I submitted this bug report a few days ago:

It seems to me that tomcat is doing the wrong thing when it tags the error
page contents with status code 200 instead of the actual error status
If this is the case, is anyone interested in fixing tomcat? If this is not
the case, can someone try to explain why tomcat's behavior is correct?

- donald

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RE: error-page status codes broken, no response to bugzilla report

2002-12-19 Thread Donald Ball
On 12/19/2002 at 4:02 PM Martin Algesten wrote:

The problem with this bug is that there are people here who don't agree
it is a bug... which is just plain ignorant and stupid... THIS IS A

Thank you - now I at least know that other people have observed this
behavior and I'm not merely on crack. Now it remains to show that the
behavior is incorrect. The 2.3 servlet specification doesn't explicitly
state that the status code attached to a response handled by an error-page
element should be the original status code... (Perhaps I should write to
the servlet spec group working on 2.4 to suggest making this explicit?)
However, common sense and the HTTP specification both suggest that it would
be the right thing to do. If you send a 200 instead of a 404 status code
along with an html page which says the given resource was not found, search
engines, proxy servers, et. al. will not understand that the resource is

Hmm. Digging around in the 2.3 spec more deeply, I note the description of
HttpServletResponse.sendError reads:

Sends an error response to the client using the specified status clearing
the buffer. The server defaults to creating the response to look like an
HTML-formatted server error page containing the specified message, setting
the content type to text/html, leaving cookies and other headers
unmodified. If an error-page declaration has been made for the web
application corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served
back in preference to the suggested msg parameter.

The first sentence clearly states that the response sent to the client must
use the specified status code, regardless of whether the content body is
generated by the server automatically or is read from an error-page

I've tried get this one sorted as well... however, either someone will
tell you they don't agree it is a bug and/or they will just ignore you
until you go away.

I can't accept that. If it's a bug, if it doesn't implement the servlet or
HTTP specifications properly, it should be fixed. Apache software has
always been about correctness, security, and speed, in that order.

- donald

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Fwd: bug found and fixed in jasper in 4.x cvs

2002-11-14 Thread Donald Ball
Is anyone interested in my (or, indeed, any) patch for this bug? I hate to
have to maintain a locally bugfixed version of a (meritocratic?) open
source project.

- donald


On 11/12/2002 at 3:51 PM Donald Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently had the occasion to try and make jasper's JspC work for my
webapp. Unfortunately, it was did not work out of the box. Fortunately, I
was able to patch it to make it work. The problem is that my directory
structure looks something like this:


JspC complained that foo was both a package name and a class name and that
that was not allowed (java.util.Map.Entry not withstanding, I guess). Note
that when catalina invokes jasper via the JspServlet, the class names are
mangled with a $jsp suffix, so this problem does not occur; no idea why
the algorithm is different when operating in JspC mode. In any case, I
patched JspC to tack on a $jsp suffix to the ctctxt class name (when one
has not been manually specified on the command line, that is). I'd be
to submit a patch if someone can tell me the preferred mechanism these

I also have a patch for JDBCRealm that generalizes it to allow the user to
specify arbitrary SQL queries for getting user and role data. I posted a
note about it a month or so ago to deafening silence, perhaps I'll have
better luck this time?

- donald

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Re: JSPC refactoring/documentation

2002-11-13 Thread Donald Ball
On 11/12/2002 at 4:03 PM Costin Manolache wrote:

Fredrik Westermarck wrote:

 The problem that I and others have experienced is that proposals and/or
 patches, by non-committers, don't get discussed or voted about.

You have to keep pushing. If you send patches and proposals you can
become a committer - and then you'll start ignoring patches and proposals


I know you mean that in jest, but I have two big problems with what you

1. Simply sending patches and proposals is enough to become a committer? On
the other apache projects on which I've worked, several months of
consistent quality patches and involvement on the lists is necessary to
achieve committer status.

2. Committers ignore patches and proposals from non-committers - though
said with smilies, does seem to be the status quo, from my personal
experience and that of others. Do you not see this as a problem?

Not every guy who finds (and patches!) a bug in tomcat has the time or
interest to become a committer (nor should they), and I don't think you
should require that before their patches have a chance to get in. I know
that no one ever has enough time to do everything, and staying on top of
patch submissions can be a chore, yes. With enough committers, and tomcat
certainly seems to have enough, you can manage - make it a rotating chore
to scan the developers list, tell patchers that they should contact the
module authors directly, use bugzilla to manage the patch queue, etc.,
etc., etc.

I'm sorry - but everyone is very short on time. If you have a real
in tomcat the best solution is to send patches, insist on getting them
accepted and become a committer. I think many people here will tell you
it's not that hard.

Therein lies the rub. Not every joe that comes up with a patch for tomcat
should get committer access, in my eyes. Nor should the tomcat developers
ignore contributed patches. There's got to be a better way.

- donald

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bug found and fixed in jasper in 4.x cvs

2002-11-12 Thread Donald Ball
I recently had the occasion to try and make jasper's JspC work for my
webapp. Unfortunately, it was did not work out of the box. Fortunately, I
was able to patch it to make it work. The problem is that my directory
structure looks something like this:


JspC complained that foo was both a package name and a class name and that
that was not allowed (java.util.Map.Entry not withstanding, I guess). Note
that when catalina invokes jasper via the JspServlet, the class names are
mangled with a $jsp suffix, so this problem does not occur; no idea why
the algorithm is different when operating in JspC mode. In any case, I
patched JspC to tack on a $jsp suffix to the ctctxt class name (when one
has not been manually specified on the command line, that is). I'd be happy
to submit a patch if someone can tell me the preferred mechanism these

I also have a patch for JDBCRealm that generalizes it to allow the user to
specify arbitrary SQL queries for getting user and role data. I posted a
note about it a month or so ago to deafening silence, perhaps I'll have
better luck this time?

- donald

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Re: please read -- need to specify current working directory

2001-07-08 Thread Donald Ball

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Victor Wynnytsky wrote:

 It is very common for an XSL page to include another XSL page.
 An XSL page called orderDetail.xsl might begin like this...

   xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;
   xsl:import href=nav.xsl/
   xsl:import href=grid.xsl/
   xsl:template match=/

 The focus of my problem is on the xsl:import tag.  I'm using a *web*
 path there, and I'm sure everyone using Xalan is using an *file* path.
 The above sample XSL shows orderDetail.xsl trying to refer to nav.xsl
 in the same folder (ie: web path).

you should check out the javax.xml.transform.URIResolver interface. you
can have trax transformers call one of your methods to resolve uris.

- donald

problem with redirects when using tomcat-4.0b5 and mod_jk (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Donald Ball

i've seen no responses to this issue. does anyone have any suggestions?

- donald

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 22:37:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Donald Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: problem with redirects when using tomcat-4.0b5 and mod_jk

hey guys. i'm getting a problem with redirects when i use tomcat-4.0b5 and
mod_jk with the ajp13 connector. my stacktrace is as follows:

Error creating the
tables/trouble_ticket_table/query?clause=activeclause=for-employee at

the url is, in fact, valid, and it works great with tomcat-4.0b5 with the
http connector. note i'm using mod_jk built from the jtc cvs repository
from about a week ago since the current cvs won't build. does anyone have
any suggestions?

- donald

Re: problem with redirects when using tomcat-4.0b5 and mod_jk (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Donald Ball

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Donald Ball wrote:

 i've seen no responses to this issue. does anyone have any suggestions?

 - donald

i thought i'd go ahead and take a gander at helping myself. after futilely
trying to get catalina running in a debugger on linux (can anyone else do
this?), i resorted to good ol' System.err and patched HttpResponseBase:

private String toAbsolute(String location) {
if (location == null)
return (location);
// Construct a new absolute URL if possible (cribbed from
// the DefaultErrorPage servlet)
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL(location);
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
HttpServletRequest hreq =
(HttpServletRequest) request.getRequest();
String requrl = HttpUtils.getRequestURL(hreq).toString();
System.err.println(REQURL: +requrl);
try {
url = new URL(new URL(requrl), location);
} catch (MalformedURLException e2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(location);
return (url.toString());


and i found the the request url that it's having trouble with is:

apparantly, can't parse this because it doesn't recognize
https as a protocol! i've got a couple of workarounds in mind, but before
i kludge together a patch, is there anything else i can do to fix this?
adding the jsse library doesn't seem to help, but maybe the https protocol
handler needs to be registered?

- donald

Re: Question on HTTPConnector.

2001-07-07 Thread Donald Ball

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 Well yes, it's bad, but so will any other reaction.  What choices are
 there in handling it?

 (1) Current behavior of closing the connection and go back to
 accepting new connections (causes a client-side protocol error)

 (2) Pause and try again in a bit (but in the mean time, this
 thread cannot accept any new connections, so they stack up
 inside the server socket up to acceptCount and then start
 getting refused)

 (3) Ignore the maxProcessors parameter and create a new processor (and
 its associated thread) anyway (can lead to denial of service attacks)

 Have you a suggestion on how we might deal with this more effectively?

shouldn't this event be logged? it would be nice if this happened too
frequently for a warning to be sent to the server's administrator.

- donald

RE: problems compling mod_jk for apache-1.3 on linux

2001-07-06 Thread Donald Ball

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

 What about using my RPM ?

i could do, but i wanted to try to get the latest cvs working. as it
stands now, it doesn't build. is that to be expected?

- donald

problems compling mod_jk for apache-1.3 on linux

2001-07-05 Thread Donald Ball

i'm getting these errors with the latest cvs:

[root@benjamin apache-1.3]# ./
Compiling mod_jk
-I../lib/expat-lite -fpic -DSHARED_CORE -DSHARED_MODULE
-I/usr/local/apache/include -I../common -I/usr/local/java/include
-I/usr/local/java/include/linux  -c mod_jk.c
In file included from ../common/jk_global.h:68,
 from mod_jk.c:94:
../common/jk_version.h:93: parse error before `'
In file included from ../common/jk_global.h:92,
 from mod_jk.c:94:
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:84: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:85: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:86: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:87: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:88: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:89: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:90: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:91: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:92: parse error before `:'
/usr/include/netinet/tcp.h:109: parse error before `}'
apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=65536
Installing into /usr/local/apache/libexec
cp: No such file or directory
Done. Install by running ./

the parse error in jk_global.h looks to be a problem in j-t-c repository.
the parse error in tcp.h looks to be a problem with my glibc installation,
although any clues are welcome as i've never had a problem compiling
anything that used tcp before. also, the build script is erroneously
trying to install, which it shouldn't do even if the build was
successful, but absolutely shouldn't do if the build is unsuccessful. :)
finally, the ./ script doesn't exist.

fwiw, i'm using glibc-2.1.3-21 on a linux-2.2.19 box with apache-1.3.12.

- donald

problem with redirects when using tomcat-4.0b5 and mod_jk

2001-07-05 Thread Donald Ball

hey guys. i'm getting a problem with redirects when i use tomcat-4.0b5 and
mod_jk with the ajp13 connector. my stacktrace is as follows:

Error creating the
tables/trouble_ticket_table/query?clause=activeclause=for-employee at

the url is, in fact, valid, and it works great with tomcat-4.0b5 with the
http connector. note i'm using mod_jk built from the jtc cvs repository
from about a week ago since the current cvs won't build. does anyone have
any suggestions?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-07-01 Thread Donald Ball

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, kevin seguin wrote:

 jeez... it's been a while since i've used ajp13 with tomcat 4 :)

 if memory serves...  you want to add an ajp13 connector as a child of a
 service, e.g.:

   Service name=Tomcat-Standalone
  Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
port=8009 acceptCount=10 debug=0/

thanks, that works like a charm. for some reason, it did _not_ work when i
duplicated the existing Service and changed the Connector to be this
instead (!) but when i added this Connector to the existing
Tomcat-Standalone Service, everything's coming up roses now. yeah!

so is there still interest in a patch for the mod_webapp docs or has focus
been shifted over to mod_jk?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-29 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
port=8009 acceptCount=10 debug=0/
  and i built and put it in my libexec directory, but i don't know
  how to configure mod_jk in apache's httpd.conf for tomcat-catalina. do you
  have some configuration advice for this situation?

 The server side configuration for Ajp13 should be identical for tomcat3
 and tomcat4. To get started ( and if you don't have too many static
 files) you can map the whole context.

okay, i've got apache talking to tomcat, but i always get this message:

Tomcat Error Report

HTTP Status 500 - No Host matches server name

my server.xml contains this service:

  Service name=Tomcat-Apache
  port=8008 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
  enableLookups=true acceptCount=10 debug=0/
Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
  port=8009 acceptCount=10 debug=0/

Engine className=org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpEngine
  name=Apache debug=0
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
prefix=apache_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /

i tried putting a Host element underneath the Engine but it didn't like
that at all. i think this must be wrong since i'm trying to associate an
Ajp13Connector with a WarpEngine. how should this be configured? sorry,
i've not been able to find any docs for this configuration.

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-29 Thread Donald Ball

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Donald Ball wrote:

 okay, i've got apache talking to tomcat, but i always get this message:

 Tomcat Error Report

 HTTP Status 500 - No Host matches server name

never mind, i fixed this problem. i have a new problem, but i started a
thread on tomcat-user about it so as to not clog up the dev list with conf
questions - although if catalina configuration discussions should be held
here, lemme know.

- donald

RE: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-29 Thread Donald Ball

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

 i tried putting a Host element underneath the Engine but it didn't like
 that at all. i think this must be wrong since i'm trying to
 associate an
 Ajp13Connector with a WarpEngine. how should this be configured? sorry,
 i've not been able to find any docs for this configuration.

 Hi Donald,

 Your best friend here is Kevin Seguin who does the AJP13 port to
 TC 4.0 :)

well, heck, i took this over to tomcat-user, but what the hell. kevin, i'm
getting this error now:

2001-06-29 14:25:00 StandardHost[]: Installing web
application at context path /intranet from URL
2001-06-29 14:25:00 StandardManager[/intranet]: Seeding random number
generator class
2001-06-29 14:25:00 StandardManager[/intranet]: Seeding of random number
generator has been completed
2001-06-29 14:25:01 ContextConfig[/intranet]: Added certificates -
request attribute Valve
2001-06-29 14:25:01 StandardContext[/intranet]: Error initializing naming
context for context /intranet
2001-06-29 14:25:01 StandardContext[/intranet]: Context startup failed due
to previous errors

my server.xml has this service:

  Service name=Tomcat-Apache
Connector className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector
  port=8009 acceptCount=10 debug=0/
Engine name=Apache debug=0
  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
prefix=apache_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /
  Host debug=0 appBase=webapps
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger
  directory=logs  prefix=localhost_apache_log. suffix=.txt

what have i done wrong now? *sigh*. oh yeah, the http error is:

HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-29 Thread Donald Ball

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:

  well, it seems mod_jk supports
  the same 'autoconfig' mode as mod_webapp - and it did that since the

 Sometimes I just wish to quit this whole shit and go working for Starbucks
 (or Microsoft)... Thank you so much for pointing out what an idiot I am all
 the times...

okay, so what's the upshot for connecting catalina to apache-1.3?

- donald

problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

hey guys. i'm trying to get the latest mod_webapp from cvs to work with
the latest apr from cvs and apache-1.3.12. i'm getting this error when i
try to test the configuration:

[root@chngw lib]# apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 41 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server:
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: pthread_create

any idea what's going on? it's a redhat-6.2 box with kernel-2.2.18 and
glibc-2.1.3-22. apr built cleanly with no errors or warnings.

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, kevin seguin wrote:

 use a non-threaded apr with apache 1.3.

thanks. i built apr with --disable-threads and now i get this:

[root@chngw apr]# apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 41 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server:
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: mm_create

any additional helpful suggestions?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 You need to link against MM (static) to your compilation.  See
 apr/shmem/unix/mm/.libs/libmm.a.  mod_webapp should be taking
 advantage of APRVARS (which has this information).  It doesn't
 seem to be doing so.  -- justin

pardon my ignorance, what should be statically linked?
libwebapp.a? do you have a sample apxs or gcc invokation that i could

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 04:52:01PM -0400, Donald Ball wrote:
  On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
   You need to link against MM (static) to your compilation.  See
   apr/shmem/unix/mm/.libs/libmm.a.  mod_webapp should be taking
   advantage of APRVARS (which has this information).  It doesn't
   seem to be doing so.  -- justin
  pardon my ignorance, what should be statically linked?
  libwebapp.a? do you have a sample apxs or gcc invokation that i could

 You should be able to add

 -L/path/to/apr/shmem/unix/mm/.libs -lmm

 to your apxs -c command line (after mod_webapp.c, if I recall the
 link order correctly).  This tells the compiler to include the MM
 library - which you aren't including.  -- justin

strange, libapr seems to include libmm, but i went ahead and built and
installed libmm seperately in /usr/local/lib. okay, geez, now i get this

[root@chngw apache]# apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 42 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot add module via name 'webapp_module': not in list of loaded modules

httpd.conf contains:

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule webapp_module

any more suggestions?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

  LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
  AddModule webapp_module

 AddModule mod_webapp.c

suggest that y'all fix /webapp/docs/apache-1.3.html if that's the proper
line - which it appears it is - i now get this:

[root@chngw apache]# apachectl configtest
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (pr_info.c:66) INFO provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (pr_warp.c:492) WARP provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (wa_main.c:98) WebApp Library initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (wa_config.c:163) Created connection
myConnection (Prov: warp Param: localhost:8008)
Syntax OK
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (pr_info.c:77) INFO provider destroyed
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (pr_warp.c:536) WARP provider destroyed
[Thu Jun 28 21:15:52 2001] 15330 (wa_main.c:127) WebApp Library destroyed

with this in my httpd.conf:

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection myConnection warp localhost:8008

but when i add this line:

WebAppDeploy intranet myConnection /intranet/

i get this error:

[root@chngw apache]# apachectl configtest
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (pr_info.c:66) INFO provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (pr_warp.c:492) WARP provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (wa_main.c:98) WebApp Library initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (wa_config.c:163) Created connection
myConnection (Prov: warp Param: localhost:8008)
Syntax error on line 1012 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid virtual host name

what's up with that?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp (fwd)

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

hate to be plaintive, but i'd really appreciate any suggestions y'all
would have to offer on this. so close, and yet...

- donald

-- Forwarded message --
with this in my httpd.conf:

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection myConnection warp localhost:8008

but when i add this line:

WebAppDeploy intranet myConnection /intranet/

i get this error:

[root@chngw apache]# apachectl configtest
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (pr_info.c:66) INFO provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (pr_warp.c:492) WARP provider initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (wa_main.c:98) WebApp Library initialized
[Thu Jun 28 21:18:07 2001] 15337 (wa_config.c:163) Created connection
myConnection (Prov: warp Param: localhost:8008)
Syntax error on line 1012 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid virtual host name

what's up with that?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:

 Oh, I believe you specified your WebAppDeploy _before_ your ServerName
 directive... If you switch them it should be fine...

aha! voila! WebAppInfo now works great, but WebAppDeploy still fails, i
now get timeouts when i try to hit urls assigned to my webapp. apache's
error_log says:

[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:459) Host has ID 0
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=0 TYP=2
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:478) Application intranet
under /intranet/ has ID 6
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:522) WARP provider started
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (wa_main.c:108) WebApp Library started
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=0 TYP=4
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=16
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=17
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=18
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=19
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:03 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=1 TYP=20
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:04 2001] 16037 (pr_info.c:72) INFO provider started
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:04 2001] 16037 (pr_warp.c:439) Configuring application
intranet for
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:04 2001] 16037 (pr_warp.c:324) Sent packet CID=0 TYP=0
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:59 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:744) Status1 HTTP/1.1
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:59 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:746) Status2 OK
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:59 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:753) Header Content-Type:
[Thu Jun 28 22:41:59 2001] 16006 (pr_warp.c:412) SHORT len=2048 siz=4096

and catalina.out says:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: addChild:  Child name
'' is not unique

but oddly enough, i just tried again and it's working (!) with one caveat
- the connection to my web browser is never closed, or else is closed a
long while after all of the data has been sent (the icon keeps spinning
after the page is downloaded, in other words).

are these expected bugs or should i try to isolate them and report on

in general, are tomcat developers comfortable with mod_webapp's stability?
or is it still very much a work in progress?

- donald

Re: problem with mod_webapp (fwd)

2001-06-28 Thread Donald Ball

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

  hate to be plaintive, but i'd really appreciate any suggestions y'all
  would have to offer on this. so close, and yet...

 As Pier said, just add ServerName.

 Be nice if you took all of this info and submitted a patch for the docs.
 I'd bet someone would commit it.  I know Aaron Bannert submitted a patch
 for j-t-c to help installation, but no one committed it.  -- justin

you're damn skippy i will. good to prod me though.

- donald

small bug in catalina docs

2001-04-16 Thread Donald Ball

in /catalina/docs/JDBCRealm-howto.html, the documentation states:

h2Using digested passwords/h2
pTo use digested password you need to store them digested.
To achieve this, you will  need to use the same digest strategies that
JDBCrealm uses to store the passwords, inside JDBCRealm there is a static
method with signature codefinal public static String Digest(String
password,String algorithm)/code this method is provided as a tool to be
used outside JDBCRealm by an application that want to store passwords
readable by JDBCRealm./p

there is no such method.

- donald

[catalina] small patch for HexUtils

2001-04-16 Thread Donald Ball

i managed to make tomcat barf an exception when trying to use the
JDBCRealm class. turns out that i needed to patch

[balld@localhost util]$ cvs diff
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -3 -p -r1.1
---   2000/10/21 01:26:19 1.1
+++   2001/04/17 00:25:55
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public final class HexUtils {
  * The string manager for this package.
 private static StringManager sm =
-   StringManager.getManager("org.apache.tomcat.resources");
+   StringManager.getManager("org.apache.catalina.util");


- donald