RE: IIS 5.0 + Jk2 + Tomcat 4.1 + Windows 2000 + Upload = Problem

2004-02-24 Thread Robert Biernat
Where did you get this patch from? 

Can you send me the link

I'm having the same problems but if I could rebuild the ISAPI filter so it
worked that would be great.

-Original Message-
From: Jorge González Martín [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 2:21 AM
Subject: IIS 5.0 + Jk2 + Tomcat 4.1 + Windows 2000 + Upload = Problem

Hi all,
after reading a lot of posts i found a patch and i used it to build a dll
that solves the stream ended unexpectedly problem.

Thanks to Joakim Ström for his help.
I can upload (jeje) the dll somewhere...


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Addition of roles in CoyotePrincipal similiar to GenericPrincipal

2003-10-29 Thread Robert Biernat

I'm not sure wether this has been discussed before, but I'm wondering wether
theres any reason why the CoyotePrincipal class couldnt be extended to
maintain a list of roles, similiar to what is now done with the
GenericPrincipal in the catalina realm package.

I have a scenario at the moment where I'm using tomcat with IIS/Apache
sitting in front of it so that I can take advantage of integrated windows
authentication (For Apache I use mod_auth_sspi). This works fine for simple
apps that only have a default application role. 

In the case where I need to use role based security with the roles being
equal to nt domain groups,  I was lucky in that ActiveDirectory is used to
authenticate the network logons with meant all I had todo was extend the
existing JNDIRealm and override the hasRole method so it read the role
information from ActiveDirectory. My realm is only used for role info only,
not authentication (As the web server has already done that) so in
overridden hasRole method, the passed in Principal is of type
CoyotePrincipal. I can read my role information fine but the issue I'm
having is that since the CoyotePrincipal cannot hold roles, I have two

1. Everytime the hasRole method is invoked by the container, reread the
roles from Active Directory.
2. Using the SessionManager which is available via the Realms manager,
iterate through each active session and find the one this principal is for.
The principal is not associated with a session (only a request), so how can
i determine the current session for the current principal? One way I have
gotten around this is to create a custom valve implementation which
intercepts the request, and takes the username from the request and places
into a session attribute so i can match sessions and principals but this is
a hack.

If the CoyotePrincipal has a way to hold onto role information like the
other principals then this would solve the problems I currently have. 

If anyone has some other ideas please let me know.



getRemoteUser() broken in 4.1.18 using Coyote AJP13 Connector and IIS 5.0/JK2 ISAPI Redirect 1.2.2

2003-03-06 Thread Robert Biernat

Currently using Tomcat 4.1.12/Coyote AJP 13 connector with IIS 5.0 and the
1.2.2 JK2 ISAPI redirector. Have recently upgradeded to Tomcat 4.1.18, and
it appears the call to request.getRemoteUser is no longer functioning
correctly. It is returining a null or empty value, whereas in 4.1.12, it
would return the username IIS authenticated. Is this a known issue when
moving to 4.1.18, or is it simply a misconfiguration of the CoyoteConnector.
I have looked around and havent been able to find any option that may turn
this feature back on. 

I remember in the older AJP connectors (Non Coyote), there was an option
tomcatAuthentication, which had to be set to false. I tried this option on
the CoyoteConnector but it appears to not have any affect.

