RE: serving static content

2004-07-09 Thread CAGALLOM
PLaese no send emailthank you

-Mensaje original-
De: Matthew Hixson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Viernes 9 de Julio de 2004 15:54
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: serving static content

I'm trying to serve images from /usr/local/watermarks.  The URL should 
be  I've tried adding a Context to 
server.xml, but every time I try to access I get a 404 message:

The requested resource (/watermarks/) is not available.

This is with Tomcat 5.0.26 embedded in JBoss 3.2.4.  There are not any 
error messages in any logfiles.

On Jul 9, 2004, at 1:41 PM, Mike Curwen wrote:

> Tomcat will serve static content, pretty much "out of the box".  What 
> is
> the problem you're experiencing ?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Matthew Hixson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 3:27 PM
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: serving static content
>> Does there exist a howto on serving static content with Tomcat?  Even
>> better would be one that shows how to do this with Tomcat+JBoss.
>> Searching Google seems to turn up lots of hits that say
>> basically, "Use
>> Apache instead of Tomcat to serve static content."  I really need to
>> get this working in Tomcat without Apache.
>>  -M@
>> -
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RE: Problems migrating from 4.1.x to 5.0.25

2004-07-09 Thread CAGALLOM
no send email thank

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: Viernes 9 de Julio de 2004 08:13
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: Problems migrating from 4.1.x to 5.0.25

On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 09:58:35PM -0700, Dhruva B. Reddy wrote:
: I have deployed one of our (Struts 1.1 based) applications on 5.0.25
: (it currently runs on 4.1.27).  When I try to go to the default page, I
: get the stack trace below (displayed in the browser).  Can anyone tell
: me if there is anything obvious that I may be missing or should look
: for?
: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

Silly question: did you recompile your app against the new JARs from
Tomcat 5?



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RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen

2004-07-08 Thread CAGALLOM

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: Jueves 8 de Julio de 2004 16:37
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen 

Trolling is when you make outrageous postings with the intention of agitating the 
subscriers.  Stuff like saying Java sucks, or C++ is 100% gauruntee that you will have 
memory leaks, etc, etc.  I actually wrote all types of C++ applications.  You don't 
really know what I have written in my career now do you?  600MB of executable?  That's 
a problem.  Yes, you are correct, I have never written a C++ application (or system 
for that matter) with a 600MB executable -- I see something essentially wrong with 

And C++ executables comapred to C executables... I don't think I really ever saw a 
difference over 50% in size.  Your statements are very black and white and close 
minded and also attacking to the ideas and methodologies of hundreds of thousands of 
IT professionals -- hence, "trolling"

Anyway, good luck to you

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 3:44 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto ever happen 

What the hell are you talking about?   I am all for java.  Java is my #1 language.

> Oh for crying out loud Ivan!  You challanged my assertion that Java is the
> "number one language" asking for the source of the stats and I give them
> to you but you just go on whining.  Please take your trolling somewhere
> else.  Get A LIFE.  and as to C++?
My trolling?  I don't even know what that means.  And I do have a life.

> > Huge file sizes
> I wonder what compiler, and linking options are you using?  I do not have
> a problem with my executables being "huge" at all.  Then again, I don't
> use frameworks that are inefficeint hogs.  Sounds like the programmer.

Huge file sizes was said about C++ COMPARATIVELY to C.  Any program in C++ 
will be much bigger than exactly same program in C.

> > 100% guaranteed memory leaks
> Sounds like the programmer.  My code doesn't have memory leaks!  Then
> again, I know how to write disciplined code, something that quick and
> dirty programmers can't understand.  I also know how to use tools that
> track memory leaks.

Looks like you've never written a 600MB program.  

> And lo The Heavenly Father doth rest.  And whilst He rest, His hand
> accidentally brushed the keyboard and somehow keyed in the following code.
> Troller ivan = new Troller();
> ivan.setIrrational(true);
> ivan.setOverEmotional(true);
> ivan.setLife(null);
> ivan.setClue(null);
> ivan.setThinkingStyle(Psychosis.THINKING_STYLE_BLACK_AND_WHITE);
> ivan.setDailyRoutine(new Runnable() {
> public void run() {
> while(ivan.awake()) {
> Forum target = web.surfForUnsuspectingVictims();
> if(target != null) {
> Iterator i = target.getMessages();
> while(i.hasNext()) {
> ForumPosting intelligentPosting = (Posting);
> ForumPostingReplyFactory replyFactory =
> ivan.getPsychoticReponseGenerator();
> Reply reply = replyFactory.createResponse();
> while(reply.makesSense()) {
> reply.rant();
> reply.bitch();
> reply.whine();
> reply.moan();
> reply.saySomethingIrrational();
> }
> ivan.setIQ(ivan.getIQ() - 1);
> }
> }
> }
> ivan.slapSelf(Slap.HARD);
> throw new IdiotTrollerException();
> }
> });

Hahahah :)  That was a good one.  You telling me to get a life and you have 
time to do that?  BTW

> Iterator i = target.getMessages();
> while(i.hasNext()) {

I really like how 1.5 has the for( Element e : collection ) loop.   Don't you agree?

> -Original Message-
> From: Ivan Jouikov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:29 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: I've officially decided that JSTL is one of the worstthingsto
> ever happen
> Ok let's settle this argument simple.
> Tonight, I'll ask my Christian Science friend to talk to Jesus, and ask
> him the following:
> "Jesus, if EL really DOES decrease performance significantly, and should
> not be used at all, please give me absolutely NO sign.  However, if EL is
> a great thing and should be used by everyone, please give me a sign".
> I'll report to you in the morning and let you know what was God's opinion
> on that.
> > -Original Message-
> > From:

RE: UnsatisfiedLinkError - JNI

2004-07-07 Thread CAGALLOM
no email please

-Mensaje original-
De: Tim Penhey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles 7 de Julio de 2004 14:33
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: UnsatisfiedLinkError - JNI

Josef Henryson wrote:

> Hi!
> I get an UnsatisfiedLinkError when trying to System.loadLibrary("foo") 
> from a class instantiated within a Servlet. The library libFoo.jnilib 
> is in a folder within java.library.path and the class loading it is 
> inside a JAR in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib. Beside the JNI library is a 
> native library libBar.dylib.
> I'm running Tomcat 5.0.25 on Mac OS X 10.3.4
> Here's the exception:
> UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
> /Users/henryson/Library/Java/Extensions/libFoo.jnilib:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 
> /Users/henryson/Library/Java/Extensions/libFoo.jnilib:
> at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
> at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
> at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
> I have tried loading the library from a small Java application outside 
> the Tomcat server and it works fine when all classes/libraries are 
> within the same folder.
> Of course I have searched for a solution on Google and I have also 
> search old entries on this list (in an archive on a website) but there 
> just don't seem to be a solution available out there... =(
> Anyone that have a clue? I would be VERY thankful =)
> Regards,
> Josef Henryson
Well given the fact that the JNI library works fine when in a stand 
alone environment, it sounds like a load path problem.  I'm not sure 
what OS X uses, but on unix it is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or on Windows the 
PATH.  Try and get the code to output the environment before it does the 
load library call and make sure that the locations for all the dependant 
libraries are there.

Hope that helps,

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