Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread D. Stimits
Mark Miesfeld wrote:
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 17:46:24 -0700, D. Stimits wrote:
: Jacob Kjome wrote:
: >
: > I think you have to set validating to true in server.xml.  Otherwise, the 
: > is parsed in a non-validating fashion.  Sorry, don't remember exactly where 
: > set this, but I do seem to recall something like this.  It's probably on the
: >  tag, but I'm not sure.  Check the docs.
: This might be the case, but so far I've been unable to find any
: documentation about this as a feature of tomcat 5. Possibly it is just
: undocumented on the jakarta web site docs. The server.xml file itself
: isn't really XML, so there is no DTD to refer to either.
From the docs at:
I'm using 5.0, not 5.5. Are the configurations for 5.5 and 5.0 identical?
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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-29 Thread D. Stimits
Jacob Kjome wrote:
Quoting "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Peter Crowther wrote:
From: D. Stimits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to debug something, and the individual
webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file seems to be a bit of an
enigma to me.

I went to the DTD's to see what was
written there. Initially I used this DTD:";>
...shock and surprise...resource-env-ref is not even in the

Incidentally, this tag is properly described in

Which version of Tomcat are you using, and how did you choose the DTD
against which to validate?  Different versions implement different
revisions of the servlet spec, and it's very likely that you're using a
sufficiently recent version of Tomcat that the 2.3 or 2.4 specs are
Tomcat is version 5.0.30, originally I just copied from a blank struts
app set of files, which used the 2.2 DTD.
Regardless of which DTD's tomcat supports under 5.0, it seems to be a
bug that it ignores the stated DTD and gives no error or warning that a
tag is being used that the DTD does not know anything about. Now if a
DTD version stated in the web.xml file is not supported by tomcat, I'd
expect an error be generated there as well.

I think you have to set validating to true in server.xml.  Otherwise, the file
is parsed in a non-validating fashion.  Sorry, don't remember exactly where you
set this, but I do seem to recall something like this.  It's probably on the
 tag, but I'm not sure.  Check the docs.
This might be the case, but so far I've been unable to find any 
documentation about this as a feature of tomcat 5. Possibly it is just 
undocumented on the jakarta web site docs. The server.xml file itself 
isn't really XML, so there is no DTD to refer to either.

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Re: web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-28 Thread D. Stimits
Peter Crowther wrote:
From: D. Stimits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I'm trying to debug something, and the individual 
webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file seems to be a bit of an 
enigma to me. 
I went to the DTD's to see what was 
written there. Initially I used this DTD:

 PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

...shock and surprise...resource-env-ref is not even in the 
Incidentally, this tag is properly described in

Which version of Tomcat are you using, and how did you choose the DTD
against which to validate?  Different versions implement different
revisions of the servlet spec, and it's very likely that you're using a
sufficiently recent version of Tomcat that the 2.3 or 2.4 specs are
Tomcat is version 5.0.30, originally I just copied from a blank struts 
app set of files, which used the 2.2 DTD.

Regardless of which DTD's tomcat supports under 5.0, it seems to be a 
bug that it ignores the stated DTD and gives no error or warning that a 
tag is being used that the DTD does not know anything about. Now if a 
DTD version stated in the web.xml file is not supported by tomcat, I'd 
expect an error be generated there as well.

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web.xml uses non-validating xml?

2004-12-26 Thread D. Stimits
I'm trying to debug something, and the individual 
webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file seems to be a bit of an enigma to me. 
 I've been using something like this:

Test value
stub value

It wasn't working how I expected, so I went to the DTD's to see what was 
written there. Initially I used this DTD:

 PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

...shock and surprise...resource-env-ref is not even in the DTD. Yet the 
application starts and runs without a single error or warning. Even so, 
I've found that resource-env-ref still has some functionality. Is this a 
bug, or is this just the result of non-validated file read?

Incidentally, this tag is properly described in

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JNDI context question

2004-12-16 Thread D. Stimits
I'm using tomcat 5.0.30, and trying to learn a bit more about JNDI. The 
sample config comes with a "simpleValue" variable set to 30, using an 
Environment tag in conf/server.xml. According to the docs I've found, 
this should make it available to all web apps via 
InitialContext().listBindings("bindpath"). What I am wondering is what 
"bindpath" is used to see  tag values? I've tried various 
things from sample docs, and "java:comp" exists, but I have yet to 
figure out any bindpath which does not result in a "not bound in this 
Context" error.

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Re: set an environement variable under fedora core3

2004-12-14 Thread D. Stimits
FRANCOIS Dufour wrote:
hi to all
im used to work on windows im actualy tring  to find were to set these 
variable under linux
sombody could give mee  an hint  ?
Other answers already were given, this is an alternative that *might* 
help if it is startup environment variables you are interested in. If 
you add a file to TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ and call that file "" it 
will run this file and set environment variables in it. I had to do this 
on fedora core 2, I found adding to individual files plus other ones 
already mentioned always left something broken. Add file 
TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ with these contents fixed everything for me:

export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk1.5.0"
export CATALINA_HOME="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30"
You can use an editor to create this file, then "chmod u+x" to 
make sure it is executable (linux can use filenames as hints but really 
has no defined name for type of file, chmod makes it executable).

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correct behavior TagSupport: pageContext.getRequest().getLocalAddr() ?

2004-12-09 Thread D. Stimits
I'm trying to create a custom tag with tomcat 5.0.30 and JSP2 (jdk is 
1.5.0). I'm new to this and finding no definite answer on this: When in 
my custom class I use pageContext.getRequest().getLocalAddr(), it always 
answers localhost address of "", but the request and response 
are going to an outside machine on a private 192.x.x.x address. 
Shouldn't this answer the 192.x.x.x address and not since the 
ethernet interface in question was not If this is correct 
behavior, then is there some means to get the server's local per the used ethernet interface and not just "localhost"? 
Or is this a failure of getLocalAddr()?

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taglib-application config

2004-12-08 Thread D. Stimits
It appears that the application taglib docs are out of date, and I'm 
trying to configure this taglib. One example of it being out of date is 
that it refers to application.tld, which currently is 
taglibs-application, not application. Even the example fails to load. 
Maybe this is because I'm using version 5.0.30 of tomcat, or 1.5.0 jdk, 
which might be incompatible. Is the application taglib no longer developed?

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tag reference advice

2004-12-07 Thread D. Stimits
I'm pretty new to using taglibs, struts, so on. I see various 
alphabetical lists of tags after selecting various libraries from the web site, so if I already know the tag name and the 
library it is in I can easily look it up. What I'm looking for is some 
sort of browsing reference that has all of the libraries listed together 
or something with a functional search...e.g., something to tell me where 
to look for tags that do IP address stuff, or various utilities, without 
necessarily knowing the library name ahead of time. Is there any kind of 
centralized tag description site that might at least describe all of the 
various tag libraries in general without knowing their names ahead of time?

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Re: FactoryConfigurationError: Couldn't find SAXParserImpl

2004-12-06 Thread D. Stimits
Williams, Allen wrote:
I get an error similar to this everytime I try to start Tomcat, and it won't
start.  Does anyone have any idea why this is?  To the best of my knowledge, the
jar file are correctly in the path and there is a SAXParserImpl in one of them.
How does Tomcat try to find these?  Could it be some sort of versioning problem?
I had a heck of a time on linux setting up rc init scripts, due to 
something similar to this. My discovery (and unlikely this works on 
windows) was that in the bin/ directory the shell scripts search for, which by default doesn't exist. By bin/ for tomcat 
5.0.30 it suddenly worked, whereas manually adding JAVA_HOME and 
CATALINA_HOME to individual startup files always left something broken. 
Here is what I added, see if an adjusted version of this works:

export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk1.5.0"
export CATALINA_HOME="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30"
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Re: minor glitch struts-config.xml tomcat 5.0.30

2004-12-03 Thread D. Stimits
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
I posted this a couple of days ago:
Yes, I had seen this, but I made a 1 character mistake when editing to 
put that in. The partial edit made the admin app work, but what I had 
failed to do was to edit the first line to have "1.2//EN" instead of URL was then correct to the dtd but not the line before. So the 
error I had was from missing 1 character edit.

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Re: minor glitch struts-config.xml tomcat 5.0.30

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
The default server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml on tomcat 
5.0.30 uses DOCTYPE that is incorrect. The DOCTYPE should use:

The config_1_0.dtd results in catalina.out:
Dec 2, 2004 8:32:27 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 1063 column 63: Element type 
"message-resources" must be declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "message-resources" must 
be declared.

Using struts-config_1_2.dtd removes the catalina.out log message.

I take it back, apparently this does not fix it. Somehow I removed this 
error and in putting it back to get the log message for the email 
report, it broke again...but changing the dtd back to 1_2.dtd again did 
not fix it this time.
I went back and double and triple checked the URL to the 
struts-config_1_2.dtd is correct, and downloading the dtd, the 
message-resources tag IS declared in the 1_2 dtd but not in the 1_0 dtd. 
So I began to think maybe there was a temp file that still had the old 
dtd listed, or there was a typo when I edited it again. I don't see it 
though. Why am I getting the
"message-resources" must be declared

error in catalina.out if I am using the 1_2 dtd and the URL is right and 
the network has full access to this file?

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Re: minor glitch struts-config.xml tomcat 5.0.30

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
D. Stimits wrote:
Just posting a note for people doing google searches.
The default server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml on tomcat 
5.0.30 uses DOCTYPE that is incorrect. The DOCTYPE should use:

The config_1_0.dtd results in catalina.out:
Dec 2, 2004 8:32:27 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 1063 column 63: Element type 
"message-resources" must be declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "message-resources" must be 

Using struts-config_1_2.dtd removes the catalina.out log message.

I take it back, apparently this does not fix it. Somehow I removed this 
error and in putting it back to get the log message for the email 
report, it broke again...but changing the dtd back to 1_2.dtd again did 
not fix it this time.

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minor glitch struts-config.xml tomcat 5.0.30

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
Just posting a note for people doing google searches.
The default server/webapps/admin/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml on tomcat 
5.0.30 uses DOCTYPE that is incorrect. The DOCTYPE should use:

The config_1_0.dtd results in catalina.out:
Dec 2, 2004 8:32:27 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error
SEVERE: Parse Error at line 1063 column 63: Element type 
"message-resources" must be declared.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element type "message-resources" must be 

Using struts-config_1_2.dtd removes the catalina.out log message.
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Re: common image practice?

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
Rhino wrote:
It sounds to me like you've hit on something that lots of people would use.
Why not put this forward as a feature request? Perhaps the good folks at
Apache will add some kind of shared image directory to Tomcat. It won't help
you today but this sounds like something that could be added fairly easily
if it doesn't violate the architecture of Tomcat in some important way.
I probably will, but I'd look kind of silly if there were already a 
solution (I'm new to tomcat) :P

I'm looking for a "good" or "best" practice to deal with site-wide
logo type files...things that will never change, and that every app
will want access to. This is on linux, but enabling sym links just
seems to be an admin/backup complexity, and duplicating logos in every
project also seems wrong. I see the shared directory looks ideal, but
apparently this is only for classes or libraries. Perhaps a simple
logo loader class in the shared folder would be most convenient, but I
have to wonder if loading something as simple as a small logo should
have to use the overhead of going through a class.
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Re: common image practice?

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
QM wrote:
On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 12:51:21AM -0700, D. Stimits wrote:
: I'm looking for a "good" or "best" practice to deal with site-wide logo 
: type files...things that will never change, and that every app will want 
: access to. This is on linux, but enabling sym links just seems to be an 
: admin/backup complexity,

: and duplicating logos in every project also 
: seems wrong.

Why so? If you come from a strong C, C++, or systems management
background, it may be a little tough to swallow at first.  Those are
venues in which file-level sharing and reuse are helpful.  (Sort of.
Trying to get apps to share libraries works just fine until version skew
rears its ugly head.  You'll eventually reach the same impasse trying to
get webapps to share static content.)
I do come from that background, and I understand what you are saying 
about version skew. What I'm looking at though are logos and for example 
"valid xhtml" png file that w3c provides if you pass their validator. 
They have no logic to them, and will never change. Also a logo, and even 
CSS stylesheets, are something I would really hate to duplicate...doing 
so means that if it changes I can't forget to update all of them at the 
same time. Building a single integrated app would fix this, but then it 
just gets to be bloated.

Java webapps are different: each one is supposed to be a self-contained
package that can be dropped into a container for execution.  Even the
use of {tomcat}/shared/lib is discouraged, as it places a webapp
dependency outside of the webapp itself.
Unfortunately, this shared directory doesn't seem to work for anything 
but classes. Image files have no way of being deposited here. I totally 
agree on the use of that directory for logic/classes, but I'd love to 
see a search path for image files and maybe CSS files where it first 
searches inside the app context, and then in the shared/ directory. 
Doesn't seem possible.

You could address your problem at build time instead of runtime: have
Ant (or whatever) pull the common data into the webapp before it
packages the WAR file.  If you mix this with your version control
system, different apps could have different versions of these files as
their needs diverge.
Having it update at runtime makes theme changes easier, though not much. 
The other concern here is file space from duplication of resources. 
Although I currently do not foresee CSS and theme images as being too 
large to do this, it can easily end up that way in the future. Right now 
I'm leaning towards adding the images to each app, but I'm not 
completely comfortable with this.

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Re: common image practice?

2004-12-02 Thread D. Stimits
Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
D. Stimits wrote:
I'm looking for a "good" or "best" practice to deal with site-wide 
logo type files...things that will never change, and that every app 
will want access to. This is on linux, but enabling sym links just 
seems to be an admin/backup complexity, and duplicating logos in every 
project also seems wrong. I see the shared directory looks ideal, but 
apparently this is only for classes or libraries. Perhaps a simple 
logo loader class in the shared folder would be most convenient, but I 
have to wonder if loading something as simple as a small logo should 
have to use the overhead of going through a class.

You could place logos and such common stuff in a separate "globa" path, 
otside all webapps (like in  the webserver ROOT). This is totally 
I'd like to do this, but I was under the impression that a 
webapps// was the context of one application and that file paths 
outside of this context would not be allowed (I'm thinking in terms of 
JSP's right now).

A slight imprvement is to have a set of common classes that know what 
that "global" path is, could be configurable. That would make you 
This seems to be an easy alternative, but then it requires what is 
probably a lot of overhead relative to just loading a small logo type 
file directly.

A completely self contained solution is hard to achieve, if not 
impossible. How can anything OUTSIDE your webapp be a part of 
self-contained module. I mean, it's outside...
I was hoping that the "global" solution above would be possible with 
some sort of tomcat configuration. The existing shared/ subdirectory 
would be ideal, except that it only searches for classes there.

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common image practice?

2004-12-01 Thread D. Stimits
I'm looking for a "good" or "best" practice to deal with site-wide logo 
type files...things that will never change, and that every app will want 
access to. This is on linux, but enabling sym links just seems to be an 
admin/backup complexity, and duplicating logos in every project also 
seems wrong. I see the shared directory looks ideal, but apparently this 
is only for classes or libraries. Perhaps a simple logo loader class in 
the shared folder would be most convenient, but I have to wonder if 
loading something as simple as a small logo should have to use the 
overhead of going through a class.

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SOLUTION Re: can't find javac tomcat 5.0.30 jdk1.5.0

2004-11-30 Thread D. Stimits
D. Stimits wrote:
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Try to set JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME explicitly in your
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ file, to see if that makes a difference.

This was one of the first things I tried. I explicitly set JAVA_HOME and 
CATALINA_HOME as a test. It is looking for javac in 
/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac, and failing to find it, so it is looking in the 
right place (maybe with eyes closed).
I found a solution...though I still am not sure of why it failed before. 
Instead of hard coding CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME into the various 
shell scripts, I added bin/ and used export JAVA_HOME and 
export CATALINA_HOME there. Combined with "classic" compiler setting (I 
was trying this before it didn't help without the it now 
works. In reality it currently has the settings in all of the .sh files, 
I have not tested after removing it from those, but the magic seems to 
be, it seems it propagates the environment in some way that 
the same export statements fail to do from the other files:

export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk1.5.0"
export CATALINA_HOME="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30"
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Re: can't find javac tomcat 5.0.30 jdk1.5.0

2004-11-30 Thread D. Stimits
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Try to set JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME explicitly in your
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ file, to see if that makes a difference.
This was one of the first things I tried. I explicitly set JAVA_HOME and 
CATALINA_HOME as a test. It is looking for javac in 
/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac, and failing to find it, so it is looking in the 
right place (maybe with eyes closed).

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Re: can't find javac tomcat 5.0.30 jdk1.5.0

2004-11-30 Thread D. Stimits
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
The 5.0.30 fix is simple and should not have to do with this problem.
I'm compiling JSPs fine using 5.0.30 on Solaris 8, with both JDK 1.4.2
and 5.0.  Where is your JAVA_HOME set?
The logs say it cannot find (linux fedora core 2, jdk1.5.0) in 
/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac. JAVA_HOME is set to /opt/jdk1.5.0. Unless I 
read this wrong, will check for this when tomcat5 
starts, and tomcat5 starts just fine. Only during runtime recompile of 
the ROOT JSP does it fail, and the logs say there is no 
/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac, yet there is clearly such a file and it is 
executable and readable by all (I can use this from other users and 
everyone can use it just fine).

FYI this is the ROOT sample app where I've altered a few words to test 
JSP compile. The web.xml was updated to tell it to not point at the 
static classes, maybe that is what I'm doing wrong. In 
webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml I commented out the following configuration 
on JSPC servlet mappings (doing this does result in the manager app 
seeing changes to display-name and description, with those lines active 
no changes seem to be allowed at all):



Perhaps I should rephrase...which /opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac is it looking 
for? Is it chrooting? Is it something that the JVM of the main tomcat5 
can't see due to some security setting? What would cause a JSP recompile 
to complain that there is no /opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac when there is?

D. Stimits, stimits AT comcast DOT net
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Re: can't find javac tomcat 5.0.30 jdk1.5.0

2004-11-30 Thread D. Stimits
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
The 5.0.30 fix is simple and should not have to do with this problem.
I'm compiling JSPs fine using 5.0.30 on Solaris 8, with both JDK 1.4.2
and 5.0.  Where is your JAVA_HOME set?
The jdk is in /opt/jdk1.5.0/, and the JAVA_HOME is set to /opt/jdk1.5.0. 
All other java applications I have use this same setting and work great 
(just standalone things not tomcat things) by any user. I don't know why 
it is telling me that /opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac does not exist, it quite 
clearly does.

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can't find javac tomcat 5.0.30 jdk1.5.0

2004-11-29 Thread D. Stimits
I've found several clues that suggest this is a common problem, but no 
fixes. I have jdk installed on linux at /opt/jdk-1.5.0/, it works 
properly for all users, and in all cases JAVA_HOME is set here. Any 
attempt to recompile a JSP (I have it set to check for page out of date 
each hit) results in this:
Compiler Adapter '/opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/javac' can't be found.

The compiler is there and clearly useable, it seems that some sort of 
jvm chroot is going on, but my server startup is NOT doing this. All 
temp and permanent directory locations are completely accessible as 
read/write. Clues include some interesting notes in the 5.0.30 
changelog, see:

In the changelog for Jasper it says it fixed a default compiler target 
VM setting to 1.3 so compilation with J2SE 5.0 works out of the box. So 
on the tomcat 5.0.29, the following hints show up:
-- Using bin/catalina.xml with build.compiler set to any of jikes, 
classic, or modern, there is no change;
-- Using tomcat.fork of false results in still not finding javac;
-- Using tomcat.fork of true results in finding javac but fails for all 
kinds of other reasons.

Since this was reported as fixed in 5.0.30 beta, I removed 5.0.29 (and I 
have in many tests completely started from scratch and reinstalled over 
and over) and installed 5.0.30 beta. Now regardless of what I do it can 
never find javac at all. What do I need to do to get JSP compiles to 
find javac? Is some sort of chroot going on, or is it just hopeless with 
jdk1.5.0? Is 5.0.30 beta actually a fix for this?

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Re: tomcat 5 directory layout Q.

2004-11-26 Thread D. Stimits
D. Stimits wrote:
I've been digging around on the tomcat web pages, and it appears that 
the version 4 docs are still in use under version 5 tomcat. I'm new to 
tomcat 5 and have only used tomcat 4 to a small extent, never had to 
administrate it before. I'm trying to make sense of the subdirectories 
"shared" and "common", it appears that they are almost the same thing 
but initialized in different order. In particular, I'm interested in 
learning batik and struts, and not really sure where to put the various 
files since the directories used in the docs do not really correspond to 
version 5. Can anyone direct me to a specific document on directory 
layout for tomcat 5? Or at least suggest where to place/deploy struts 
and batik under this newer layout to make the most general use of them?

Forgot to mention, I'm using 5.0.29 on Linux Fedora Core 2, with tarball 
installed in /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.29/.

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tomcat 5 directory layout Q.

2004-11-26 Thread D. Stimits
I've been digging around on the tomcat web pages, and it appears that 
the version 4 docs are still in use under version 5 tomcat. I'm new to 
tomcat 5 and have only used tomcat 4 to a small extent, never had to 
administrate it before. I'm trying to make sense of the subdirectories 
"shared" and "common", it appears that they are almost the same thing 
but initialized in different order. In particular, I'm interested in 
learning batik and struts, and not really sure where to put the various 
files since the directories used in the docs do not really correspond to 
version 5. Can anyone direct me to a specific document on directory 
layout for tomcat 5? Or at least suggest where to place/deploy struts 
and batik under this newer layout to make the most general use of them?

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