Re: Updated Docs for Tomcat 4

2001-09-10 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Connection-pooling based on the Tyrex stuff is straightforward.  If you do
the Tyrex install and resource setup as
indicated in the new doc, you already have everything needed to do basic
connection pooling. Below is the code
from the new doc, modified:

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/EmployeeDB);

Connection conn;

if ( dataSrc instanceof ConnectionPoolDataSource )
 ConnectionPoolDataSource poolDataSrc
= (ConnectionPoolDataSource)dataSrc;
 PooledConnection pc = poolDataSrc.getPooledConnection();

 conn = pc.getConnection();
 conn = ds.getConnection();

... use this connection to access the database ...

Again, in the default Tyrex config, the DataSource you get will have the
concrete class tyrex.jdbc.xa.XADataSourceImpl,
which implements ConnectionPoolDataSource.

I suggest you do all this in an init(), and use a static or singleton to
manage the data-source retrieved via JNDI --
don't do the JNDI lookup every time you need a connection.

When you use Tyrex like this, a background thread is created that will
close unused connections every 10 secs or so.
The pool therefore stays close to the minimum required size at all times,
but if your DB takes a long time to
establish connections, you'll experience delays when there is a spike in
activity.  If you want more control over how the
pool is managed, I suggest you look into, for example, Poolman

- Fernando


Rick Mann  

rmann@latency   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED], tomcat user 
 cc: (bcc: Fernando Salazar/CAM/Lotus) 

09/09/2001   Subject: Re: Updated Docs for Tomcat 4

09:50 PM   

Please respond 

to tomcat-dev  



on 9/5/01 9:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Things still on the TODO list:

 * Configuration instructions for populating the JNDI context that
 is provided to web applications (such as connection pools).

Erg...ack...grr! I looked at the latest docs up close! I really
want to know how to make connection pools!

Anyway, keep it up. It's coming together.


Roderick Mann   rmann @

Re: Cookie name is a reserved token

2001-08-07 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Does your cookie have a name that corresponds to a Java language token, or
is one of the following:

if (!isToken(name)
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Comment)  // rfc2019
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Discard)  // 2019++
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Domain)
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Expires)  // (old cookies)
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Max-Age)  // rfc2019
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Path)
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Secure)
  || name.equalsIgnoreCase(Version)

If so, you are supposed to be getting this exception -- the fix is to use a
different name.

- Fernando

||  Gareth Coltman  |
||  gareth_coltman@majorb|
||  08/07/2001 11:03 AM   |
||  Please respond to |
||  tomcat-user   |
  |  cc: (bcc: Fernando Salazar/CAM/Lotus) 
  |  Subject: Cookie name is a reserved token  

I am  getting the following error trying to load test my app.

I am looked at the bug database:

and it claims this bug is fixed in Tomcat 3.3

I am using tomcat 3.3/mod_jk with the pooled tcp connector,and I still get

I have no idea why? Could be it be a threading issue? The server seems to
have enough free resources...

Please help

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cookie name
Path is a reserved token
at javax.servlet.http.Cookie.init(




Mike Scott
Head of Technology Operations
Tel: 020 7821 9661  Mobile: 07941 576326  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Application to Servlet communication

2001-07-11 Thread Fernando_Salazar

A number of folks recently posted similar questions ...
I think things work better when you specify
application/x-java-serialized-object as
the content type of the data you are writing.  In the code below, you're
application/x-www-form-urlencoded, which definitely would not help.

- Fernando

Hi all!

I'm trying to do some application/applet to servlet communication where I
want to send an object to servlet.
My application code:
 URL testServlet = new
 URLConnection servletConnection = testServlet.openConnection

 // inform the connection that we will send output and accept

 // Don't use a cached version of URL connection.

 // Specify the content type that we will send binary data

 // send the student object to the servlet using serialization
 ObjectOutputStream outputToServlet = new

 // serialize the object
 outputToServlet.writeObject(new HelloObject(message));


results in
Http10Interceptor: SocketException reading request, ignored
message on tomcat 3.3m4.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?

Any help will be appreciated.

Best regards,

RE: problem with getPort()

2001-07-10 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Hmm ... you may need to file a bug, or do some Tomcat debugging.  One thing
to try, use:

reponse.sendRedirect(; );

I bet that would work ... looks like the code that processes sendRedirect()
first tries to
make an Url out of the specified location, and if that doesn't work, it
makes the request
URL and formulates the new location relative to that.

- Fernando

Unfortuantly I did get something like that.

HTTP/1.1 302
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 20:56:22 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_jk
Content-Length: 179
Connection: close

This sounds odd, but what if I swiched to ajp13?  Could that hopefully
change anything?



RE: problem with getPort()

2001-07-09 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Try using telnet to connect to your servlet 1 and then see what is
You would enter something like this:

telnet 8765[ENTER]
GET /servlet/Servlet1 HTTP/1.0[ENTER]

You should see the HTTP response from the servlet written to the console,

HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 17:39:13 GMT
Location: /servlet/Servlet2

If you don't see something like this, there may be a clue as to what's not

- Fernando

I removed all the out.writes from Servlet1.  Infact all servlet1 does
now is a response.sendReditect(/servlet/Servlet2);

I've still gottn the error.  Actually I did get an
IlleagalStateException at first.  I had my redirect after I closded the
outputstream, thats why I moved the redirect before the close.

However now as I mentioned earlier All servlet1 does is

I'm still convinced that I have something configured wrong.


On 09 Jul 2001 09:57:57 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your source shows that you write HTML to the outputstream before you send
 the redirect.
 I'm surprised an exception -- like IllegalStateException -- isn't thrown.
 Take out the
 out.println() calls from servlet 1 and it should work.

 - Fernando

 Joseph D

 Toussaint   To:

 jdtoussa@caribocc: (bcc: Fernando
Salazar/CAM/Lotus)  Subject: RE: problem with

 07/09/2001 08:57


 Please respond

 to tomcat-user

 Ok now I'm convinced that I have something misconfigured.  I wrote 2
 simple servlets

 As you can see from the attached source all Servlet1 does is call
 Servlet2.  I'm going to browse though some of the tomcat docs and see if
 I can find what is mis-configured.


 On 09 Jul 2001 07:34:28 -0400, Randy Layman wrote:
That is strange, I use response.sendRedirect(otherPage.jsp)
  frequently.  The only thing that I have found strange about this method
  that you need to put a return on the next line - sending a redirect
  stop the JSPs processing.
   -Original Message-
   From: Joseph D Toussaint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 8:24 AM
   Subject: RE: problem with getPort()
   Believe me I agree with you about JRun (hence why were moving
   to tomcat)
   The more I think about this I think this is a tomcat configuration
   problem.  After playing around some more I simply tried a
   This brought me to a page that said This page has moved to here.
   you click on here it goes to port 0 on my host.
   I think my next step is going to be to create 2 simple
   servlets and try
   and move between them.  Because that is where the error is occuring.
   From a static HTML page I get to my first servlet fine but when that
   servlet tries to move on to the next servlet I have problems.
   On 09 Jul 2001 07:00:37 -0400, Randy Layman wrote:
  JRun is just about the last place I would look to
   find the correct
implementation of any method.
  Tomcat implements the specification exactly (maybe
   only with minor
variances that we haven't found yet).  Since Tomcat is the
implementation, there isn't really any choice in the
   implantation, unlike
JRun and the other servlet engines, which can choose what
   they want to do.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph D Toussaint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 6:03 PM
 Subject: RE: problem with getPort()

 I'm trying to create a new URL to go to.  If I wanted to use the
 request.getPort() method I'd have to also call getHostName() and
 manually construct the URL.  It was my understanding that the
 getRequestURL method did that for you.

 This code ran under JRun 3.x but for some reason wont  run
 under tomcat.



 On 03 Jul 2001 16:27:54 -0400, Randy Layman wrote:
Is there a reason that you aren't using request.getPort
   -Original Message-
   From: Joseph D Toussaint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:38 PM
   Subject: problem with getPort()
   I'm trying to get the port off of a request object and it
 is returning
   port 0.
   Here is how I'm getting the URL I came from.
   StringBuffer came_from =

Re: Preventing Proxy Servers From Hitting JSP Pages?

2001-06-29 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Try creating a file named robots.txt at your web-server root.  Put lines in
the file like so:

user-agent: *
disallow: /webapp

where webapp is the path to your web application.

Spiders and similar clients should read this file and follow the directives
Look here: for more info.

- Fernando


David M.  


dave@recommecc: (bcc: Fernando Salazar/CAM/Lotus)   Subject: Preventing Proxy Servers From 
Hitting JSP Pages? 


02:44 PM   


respond to 




Hi All,

Every day I get hundreds of hits on my JSP pages from proxy servers who are

trying to determine if the links are still good. This is great for my
static pages, but on pages with forms and processing logic it causes havoc.

For example, if I have 3 pages of forms and the final page adds something
to my database, hitting just the second page throws errors.

I know that there is a pragma directive I need to add to each page, but
isn't there also something that can be added to the HTTP header each time.
And if so, what is the easiest way to add this to every outgoing header?


David M Rosner

Re: Socket problems under heavy load on Win2K

2001-06-29 Thread Fernando_Salazar

I think 61 is connection refused.  My guess is that the accept() queue
length is too small.  Looking through
Tomcat 4 source, it looks like the default accept backlog is 10.  Possibly
there's a way to increase it?
You could always rebuild with a larger default.  But if you are throwing a
lot of simultaneous connections
at Tomcat, you may overflow the accept backlog.

The other possibility is you're running out of file descriptors.  Not sure
how you increase the number per process
allowed in Win2K ...

The CLOSE_WAIT sockets may or may not be a problem ... one end of the
connection has been closed, and now
you're waiting for the other end to finish and close.  If someone is not
closing their end, these sockets would hang
around in that state a long time.

Hope this helps ...

- Fernando

Hi all,

we have the following configuration:
- Windows 2000 (Service Pack 1) (2, 4 and 8 processors)
- Apache 1.3.19 with mod_ssl 2.8.3
- Tomcat 3.2.2 (Apache and Tomcat are talking AJP13)
- We have a loadbalancer configured with 3 Tomcat workers
- Our load generating test clients are implemented using HttpUnit 1.2.4 +
JSSE 1.0.2

On heavy load (starting from 50 concurrent requests up to 200 concurrent
requests) we observe non-deterministic TCP/socket problems.
It seems that in almost every case, the only place where we can see some
kind of exception is the mod_jk log file:

[jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 61
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (173)]: In jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed
errno = 61
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (584)]: Error connecting to the Tomcat process.
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (203)]: connection_tcp_get_message: Error -
jk_tcp_socket_recvfull failed
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (619)]: Error reading request
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (271)]: read_into_msg_buff: Error -
read_fully_from_server failed
[jk_lb_worker.c (349)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, none recoverable

Analysing the exceptions that are thrown from HttpUnit, it looks like that
sometimes the socket cannot connect at all and sometimes the response
could not be retrieved completely. Most errors occur in the early startup
phase of our load test.
Using netstat we can observe a *lot* of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state
connected to the AJP13 port.
The settings we use in our Apache configuration are as follows:

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 500
KeepAliveTimeout 300
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
ThreadsPerChild 500

I would appreciate, if there is anyone who has gone through the same kind
of problems or if there is some kind of solution that may help to solve
these problems. Perhaps, if there is someone with an equivalent
Linux-Setup, i would appreciate, if she/he could tell us some of her/his

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards,
Norbert Klose

Re: SERVLET : transform XSL+XML -OUTPUT = blank page

2001-06-27 Thread Fernando_Salazar



have to be

- fs

||  Pedro Salazar|
||  pedro-b-salazar@ptin|
||   |
||   |
||  06/27/2001 10:34 AM  |
||  Please respond to|
||  tomcat-user  |
||   |
  |   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  |   cc: (bcc: Fernando Salazar/CAM/Lotus)
  |   Subject: SERVLET : transform XSL+XML -OUTPUT = blank page   


I made a servlet where I try to produce a result to output stream of the
response object that came from a transformation of XML + XSL. But, I
just get a blank page in output...!?

I put the same piece of code that exists in doGet() of my servlet in a
isolated test class [but redirecting the output to a file]. I ran it and
it works ok... Why my servlet doesn't give nothing to my client??

I put my code below. My servlet runs in the root / of my context.
In my servlet, if I put a println of a string, i will saw the string,
but just the string...

Pedro Salazar

Source xmlSource = null;
Source xslSource = null;

xmlSource = new;
xslSource = new;
TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(xslSource);
transformer.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(new;
Source xmlSource = null;
Source xslSource = null;
PrintWriter out = null;

xmlSource = new StreamSource (
xslSource = new (

Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(xslSource);
response.setContentType(text/html; charset=UTF-8);
out = response.getWriter();
transformer.transform(xmlSource, new StreamResult(out));

Re: Tomcat not putting session objects into JSP page context? (repost...)

2001-06-25 Thread Fernando_Salazar

I think the problem is, you're using:

 Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute(loginBean);

The JSP spec defines this as returning an object that occurs at *page*
scope.  Try instead:

 Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute(loginBean,
 pageContext.SESSION_SCOPE );

This should work.  As to why the current stuff gives you the result you
want in JRun or iPlanet, can't say --
I have heard that JRun is more forgiving -- ie, provides extra behaviours
beyond the spec -- and
maybe this is a case of that.

- Fernando

Hi all- I'm sorry for the repost but this is still stumping me.  I'm using
Tomcat 3.2.2 natively (over port 8080).
 - Original Message -
 From: Richard Sand
 Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 3:19 PM
 Subject: Tomcat not putting session objects into JSP page context?

 Hi all- I've got a JSP/Javabean application that works fine under JRun and
 iPlanet Web Server.  However, when I use Tomcat, it does not seem to be
 instantiating new session variables if they don't already exist.  In the
 top of my JSP page, I have:

 jsp:useBean id=loginBean class=LoginBean scope=session/

 And further down in the page I do (actually inside a TagLib, but I tried
 it in the page as well as a test):

   Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute(loginBean);

 But obj comes back as null.  If I try:

  LoginBean tlb = (LoginBean) session.getAttribute(loginBean);

 then I get the bean!  Why is my call to pageContext failing to get
 loginBean, especially considering that this works on other Java
 application servers?

 Thanks for any help!

 Best regards,


Re: Servlet HTTP path

2001-06-25 Thread Fernando_Salazar

You need to setup a servlet-mapping entry to map the servlet to a
specific URL path.

- Fernando


Id like to specify a specific sub folder path for a servlet however I am
not having any luck doing so. I have defined the servlet in the web.xml
file as

Used for exchanging data between the web page and
the servlet
and access this as http:\\foo:8080\bar\servlet\accountingxmlservlet. This
works but what I would like to do is to define the servlet as

Used for exchanging data between the web page and
the servlet
and access it as http:\\foo:8080\bar\servlet\accounting\xmlservlet but this
doesnt work. Is there something Im missing or is this not possible ? any
suggestion or help would be appreciated...

My setup is Tomcat 3.2 , WinNT SP6 IIS 5


Re: start up tomcat from a virtual terminal

2001-06-20 Thread Fernando_Salazar

Look up man page for nohup.  This will start a process that continues
executing after the console
that created it is killed.  You'll need a command line that looks like:

nohup ./startup 

- Fernando


Mario Vera   

mario.vera@infomTo: TOMCAT 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc: (bcc: Fernando Salazar/CAM/Lotus) 

 Subject: start up tomcat  from a 
virtual terminal 
06/20/2001 02:18   


Please respond to  





I have installed Tomcat 3.2 on SUN1 SERVER (O.S. Solaris 2.7),I start
Tomcat from a remote machine using a virtual terminal, if I close the
terminal window, TOMCAT shut down too.

I have tried to use Telnet to start up TOMCAT, but this way the X SERVER
cannot started

Any idea will be appreciated.

Thank you