RE: auto reload not working

2001-04-25 Thread Iain Lowe

You need to provide some more details. Please include relevant portions of
your config files, describe the classes that are not getting reloaded
(servlet/non-servlet), what platform you are running on, what version of
tomcat you are running, what JDK you are using, etc. It is very difficult to
guess these things.


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: auto reload not working

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:41:57 -0500 Joel Regen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why do I need to restart Tomcat to see changes in class files take effect?
 I am running an application with default configuration of which autoreload
 is supposed to be 'true'.

I posted this message about 1 week ago and got nothing but 1 message saying
that it does it for me as well. Not one answer or offer for help.


RE: starting tomcat as a service

2001-04-23 Thread Iain Lowe

I've found that the service for Tomcat (I'm not sure which one you are using
or even if there are more than one) doesn't shut down properly. Be careful
if you need (like I did) ContextListeners to do things when it shuts down.
They don't get called (or at least not by the service I have).

Other than that, it worked fine for me.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Mynsted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: starting tomcat as a service

Sounds like it can't find a class definition.  Check the classpath you
assigned when you started the JVM as a service.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/23/2001 8:07:29 AM 

I'm using Tomcat 3.2 on Windows 2000. It works fine when I start and stop it
manually (with the scripts in /bin, I mean), but it doens't work as a
I install the service, and just after I start it, stops again writting
on /logs/jvm.stderr the following message:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de
Exception in thread main

Any idea what my problem could be?

Thanks beforehand and best regards,
Iñaki Sáinz de Murieta

This message was sent using Endymion MailMan.

RE: ArrayList vs. Vector

2001-04-23 Thread Iain Lowe

I ran some test code (see attachment) and noticed that if you are adding
small numbers of objects to the list (Vector or ArrayList) then the Vector
is faster than the synched ArrayList. As the number of objects to insert
increases, so does the ArrayLists performance. I ran two tests, one with
iterations set to 10K (create 1 objects and add them to the list) and
one with it set to 100K. In the first test, the Vector was faster but the
List won out in the long run.

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Kilbride [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: ArrayList vs. Vector

I recently re-wrote some older java code (jdk 1.1 based) and one of my goals
was to use the new collection classes. I moved all of my Hashtables/Vectors
that didn't need to be thread safe to HashMaps/ArrayLists. No problems under

I still use Vectors/Hashtables when I need thread safety, though. Does
anyone know if it's faster/better to wrap one of the new collection classes
in a Collections.synchronized* class instead? It just seems easier to me to
use Vectors/Hashtables, since they're already internally synchronized.


- Original Message -
From: Hunter Hillegas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: ArrayList vs. Vector

 I use Vectors in some parts of my Web app and I'm thinking about using
 ArrayLists instead...

 Any caveats to using them in a Web app environment?


RE: Accessing HTML files in the apache root from servlets

2001-04-22 Thread Iain Lowe

You could try

FileReader in = new

or something along those lines.

Hope this helps :)

-Original Message-
From: Matthias Hupp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 8:45 PM
Subject: Accessing HTML files in the apache root from servlets

Greetings everyone,
I am going mad over this: I have a servlet directory structure in my apache
virtual host document root. Servlets can be reached by typing
"www.../servlet/ServletName. I am trying to access a html file from that
servlet as input data, it could be  just any type of text file. Its name is
passed to the servlet in the URL:
www.../servlet/ServletName?search=inputfile.html. I would like to place that
file somewhere in the apache document root, ideally in the same directory as
the classes.
But tomcat (or the JRE from the Sun JDK, not sure) looks for that file in
the server system root if I do not specify the correct (system) path  -
/usr/local/... - in the URL. First, this path is very very long, and second,
users shouldn't be bothered with the directory structure of my system (it is
really ugly).
BTW, the software versions of the tomcat engine and the JDK are, AFAIR, the
latest respective releases.
So, could anybody tell me how to tell tomcat (or the JRE) to consider the
web-documents directory as their root? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thx in advance, Matthias