Re: War File Deployment Problem in Windows

2005-06-08 Thread Matt Tucker


Yeah, I had the same problem earlier this week when I upgraded. I got no 
response from this list because I'm sure the question has been posted a 
thousand times. But I will have mercy on you because I feel your pain. 
It's a problem with file locking on Windows. In my case, some of the 
JARs in my WEB-INF/lib directory were being locked so when the WAR was 
undeployed by tomcat, it wasn't able to delete them and my redeploy 
failed. In any case, check out this FAQ:

Matt Tucker

cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

Marquez, Omar wrote:


I'm using tomcat 5.5.9 in Linux and Windows . For some reason when I
redeploy a war file to the Windows Tomcat instance I need to restart tomcat
and then deploy again before being able to access the new version of the war
file app. I don't have this problem with the Linux version, the server
configurations are the same as far as I can see

Any idea why windows is giving me this trouble???



incomplete WAR expansion on redeployment

2005-06-07 Thread Matt Tucker


I have a WAR that I'm deploying via the tomcat ant deployer:

deploy url=${manager.url} username=${manager.username} 

   path=/ war=${build.webstore.dir}/webstore.war update=true /

The first time it's deployed, everything works fine. On subsequent 
redeploys, the expanded WAR file is incomplete and, therefore, my app 
won't run. Has anyone run into a problem like this?

Right now, my only lead is that I'm getting the following exception on 

SEVERE: ClassNotFoundException while loading persisted sessions: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.thoughtbot.webstore.form.CartForm

First of all, am I getting this Exception because CartForm is not 
serializable or is it a ClassLoader problem? Secondly, would this type 
of error on redeploy cause the behavior I'm seeing? Thanks a lot, any 
help would be greatly appreciated.

PS I've encountered the same problem copying the war to the webapps 
directory by hand so I don't think it has anything do with the ant task.

Matt Tucker

cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

tomcat hangs

2004-06-09 Thread Matt Tucker
I know I've seen this issue discussed in a lot of places but I've yet to 
see a definitive solution. Here's our problem: we are running three 
instances of tomcat on our server. Two of them are running live webapps 
for two clients and one is for development. One app has been running for 
about a month and has been hanging (not accepting requests) more and 
more frequently (it's happening at least once a day). The second app has 
been running for a couple weeks and did not hang at first but has 
started to hang once in awhile and it appears to be happening more 
frequently. This does not seem to be related to usage as neither app is 
getting a lot of traffic when they go down. Here's our setup:

Red Hat Linux 9
Apache 2.0.49
Tomcat 5.0.19
Java 1.4.2
we are using mod_proxy to forward requests from apache to tomcat.
It went down this morning and we did a thread dump as was suggested 
elsewhere and couldn't find anything that was suspect. There is nothing 
in catalina.out to indicate why this is happening.

Someone here suggested that perhaps it has something to do with writing 
to catalina.out. This is legacy code and catalina.out is used for 
logging. The previous developers are logging every single SQL statement 
to catalina.out. This file is getting very, very large. Could this have 
anything to do with it?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as our customers are 
getting more and more annoyed. Thanks.

Matt Tucker
cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780
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System.out logging

2004-06-01 Thread Matt Tucker
Is there a way to have tomcat log all System.out printing to a daily log 
rather than have them constantly piling up in catalina.out? Can this be 
done using SystemOutLogger? The documentation on it seems pretty sparse. 
This is what it looks like in my server.xml:

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.SystemOutLogger
prefix=standardOut_log. suffix=.log
Thanks in advance.
Matt Tucker
cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780
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the requested resource is unavailable

2004-05-07 Thread Matt Tucker
Ok, this is driving me nuts...

I have a webapp running on tomcat 5.0.19. In the web.xml file, I have 
servlet mappings for all my servlets. All my servlets behave properly 
except for a new one i just deployed. Here's it's web.xml entry:


The jave class file itself is deployed correctly at 

However, when I point my browser to 
http://myhost/webapp_root/RequestMobileID, i get a requested resource 
unavailable 404 error. what gives? could tomcat be somehow caching my 
old web.xml before i added this entry or something? any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

Matt Tucker
cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

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Re: the requested resource is unavailable

2004-05-07 Thread Matt Tucker
aandthat's my problem. thanks fellas for making me see the 
depths of my own stupidity.

Matt Tucker
cell: 617 775 0742
office: 617 876 4780

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