Re: Protecting mysql access (was: re: mySQL again)

2001-03-01 Thread Rick Herrick

On our server, we basically grant NO remote access privileges to ANY users, 
including root.  This means that any access to the database has to be done 
from the localhost.  So instead of doing the two normal grants you might 
do, like this:


The first allows access from the localhost.  The second allows remote 
access.  Just don't do the second.  Then someone has to hack in and get 
local access to the database somehow and if they can do that, then you've 
got other security problems besides MySql!

At 08:01 AM 3/1/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Slightly off topic, but important!
>Having seen way too much in terms of hacking and system compromises, might 
>I suggest you create another, and far less privileged user than root, for 
>accessing mysql.  Unless you've gone into the grant tables and creatd a 
>different mysql superuser and reduced root's priv, then the root login to 
>mysql is like root on unix, superuser, God, etc.  If multiple users have 
>shell access to the tomcat host system, and those same users are not 
>authorized as mysql root, than I know of no way to keep unauthorized eyes 
>from looking at the server.xml file other than by making it sysroot 
>protected. But to do that, you need to run tomcat under root.
>If anyone has a good mechanism for securing the server's and/or servlet's 
>credential for db access, I'd certainly love to hear it. That issue has 
>been my one and only thorn in the side since I began switching for 
>perl/cgi (where the solution to that issue is a no-brainer) to using tomcat.
>-- Rob
>--On Thursday, March 01, 2001 10:19:13 AM +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>My connectionURL in server.xml now looks like this:
>>>and tomcat doesn't start up (although there is no error msg or
>>>anything) and when i execute tomcat stop i get the following
>>>org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Next character must be ";" terminating
>>>reference to entity "password" and a stack trace follows...
>>>why is that?
>>I guess you should escape the "&" character in your connectionURL by
>>replacing it with "&", as the XML parser will parse entities like
>>"<" or ""e;" or things like that...
>>instead, that should work...
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>    /\/_/__\/_/ __/\/_//\/_/  PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
>   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_//\/_/
>  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_//\/_/ (Whatever is said in Latin
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>  Rob Tanner
>  McMinnville, Oregon
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Rick Herrick
Nothing is amusing in zero gravity...

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Calling within and across webapp contexts

2001-02-28 Thread Rick Herrick

I asked the question earlier and never received a response, so I'll try again!

We have a JSP app that's currently running in JRun 2.3.3 (JSP 1.0 
compliant).  When we refer to different directories within the app, we 
always preface with the "context" name, or really the top-level virtual 
directory.  So if you want a common file, you do this:

The problem is that, testing under Tomcat, this doesn't work.  It tries to 
prepend the context name onto the path, so that this becomes 

My questions are:

* Is this part of the JSP 1.1 spec?  It flies in the face of conventional 
usage of path names across the board, i.e. anything that starts with '/' 
means you go to the top-level of the server hierarchy.  What's the rationale?

* Is there anyway to change this and make Tomcat do the "right" thing, i.e. 
see '/' as the server root?

* Does this also mean that you can't call across contexts?  That is, we 
produce our tools as separate items, since customers may install some 
pieces and not others.  But if two tools are installed, they can work 
together and then would need to call across contexts.  I can think of no 
good reason why this shouldn't be permitted, but based on this behavior, it 
does look as if it would.

Thanks in advance for any feedback!  Getting this worked out will help save 
me a TON of time porting over our apps!

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Question about context paths

2001-02-12 Thread Rick Herrick

First, config info.  This is using Tomcat 3.2.1 with its own built-in Web 
server on W2K.  I've looked through the FAQ and mailing list archives and 
can't find an answer to this question (I can't find the question, either, 
which I think is kinda weird, but there you are...).

I have a web application set up in its own top-level context, let's say 
/myapp.  So I can refer to pages within that context with 
http://myserver/myapp/page.jsp.  That works fine as a URL provided in an 
HREF.  The problem comes when I forward to files within that context.  I 
use some static members stored in a bean to provide configurable mapping to 
components within that app.  So I'll have this:

public class MyBean
public static StringkstrMyRootDir   = "/myapp";
public static StringkstrMyComp1 = kstrMyRootDir + "/comp1";
public static StringkstrMyComp2 = kstrMyRootDir + "/comp2";
public static StringkstrMyComp3 = kstrMyRootDir + "/comp3";

Then I can do stuff like:

This works fine using JRun 2.3.3.  This directive would forward the page to 
/myapp/comp1/page.jsp.  Now I'm trying to move this app to work on Tomcat 
and I don't get the same behavior.  Instead, the above directive tries to 
forward to /myapp/myapp/comp1/page.jsp.  This is bad.

So obviously Tomcat appends the context name onto forward directives.  This 
includes when I tear the call down and do it directly in code like this:

pageContext.forward (kstrMyComp1 + "/page.jsp");

The string arithmetic gives me the proper page and path, i.e. 
/myapp/comp1/page.jsp, so this happens somewhere that I can't directly 
affect through code.  Now, this seems stupid to me, since the fact that the 
path begins with '/' indicates that it should go to the server root, NOT 
the context root.  So:

* Is there a good explanation as to why this is done this way?  I know 
there's some restriction about switching from context to context, i.e. 
/app1 to /app2.  Is this an upshot of that restriction?

* Regardless of the explanation, good or not, is there any way to make this 
go away?  I don't want to have to retool my code to work with this if I can 
help it.  There will be a lot of forwards to fix and I expect that includes 
work the same way, although I haven't tested it yet.

Thanks for any info you may have on this!  It's driving me up a wall!
Rick Herrick
Nothing is amusing in zero gravity...

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