Dropped response

2005-08-31 Thread Rob Hunt

I saw this interesting request show up in my log file:

2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: REQUEST URI   
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   authType=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:  characterEncoding=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:  contentLength=-1
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:contentType=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:contextPath=
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: header=accept=*/*
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
header=user-agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: locale=en_US
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: method=GET
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   pathInfo=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   protocol=HTTP/1.1
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:queryString=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: remoteUser=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: requestedSessionId=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: scheme=http
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: serverPort=80
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   isSecure=false

And then there's nothing noting what the response was, which should have been a 
404 since I've no such host defined.  I've got a valve defined that will 
intercept requests for a host not defined in server.xml and send back a 404 
response instead of allowing the request to flow to the default host for the 

Under what conditions will Tomcat (5.0.19) not send (or log) any response?

When would TC (5.0.19) not send back (or even log) a response?

2005-08-28 Thread Rob Hunt
I saw this interesting request show up in my log file:

2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: REQUEST URI   
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   authType=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:  characterEncoding=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:  contentLength=-1
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:contentType=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:contextPath=
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: header=accept=*/*
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
header=user-agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: locale=en_US
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: method=GET
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   pathInfo=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   protocol=HTTP/1.1
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:queryString=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: remoteUser=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: requestedSessionId=null
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: scheme=http
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: 
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]: serverPort=80
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:
2005-08-28 20:11:08 RequestDumperValve[catalina]:   isSecure=false

And then there's nothing noting what the response was, which should have been a 
404 since I've no such host defined.  I've got a valve defined that will 
intercept requests for a host not defined in server.xml and send back a 404 
response instead of allowing the request to flow to the default host for the 

Under what conditions will Tomcat (5.0.19) not send (or log) any response?

Re: Tomcat and the HttpServletRequest Object

2005-08-13 Thread Rob Hunt

You still haven't given a rationale why you *need* the parameters presented in 
a specific order (even though the brower's supposed to produce that result).   
I've worked with a set of generic form processing servlets and never had the 
desperate need to know the order upon receipt; if I'm manually 
inspecting/debugging a submission, I'm doing a SELECT...ORDER BY... from a 
database anyway.

My suggestion, if you really, really, really need to know the order of 
appearance in the originating form (and you don't want to preface each input 
name with an indexing numeric value as suggested earlier):
  a.. write some (client-side) JScript to traverse the document's DOM (starting 
from the form node) just PRIOR TO SUBMISSION, 
  b.. create a delimeted string of parameter names for each input node 
  c.. stuff that delimeted string value into a input type=hidden 
  d.. form.submit();
On the TC/servlet side, 
  a.. get the value of the formInputOrder parameter
  b.. pull all the names from the enumeration of param names provided by the 
  c.. sort that list based on a Comparator implementation that compares the 
relative positions of each comparee within the formInputOrder value  (Note 
that it's always good to wrap both comparees with the delimeter used by the 
formInputOrder value.)

This suggestion assumes a fairly distinct set of input names.  If your form has 
multiple inputs with the same name (or a select that allows multiple 
options), then, obviously, the above has some weaknesses.

Re: How force Tomcat 5.5.4 to always use URL Rewriting

2005-08-13 Thread Rob Hunt
Set the cookies attribute for the given (server.xml) context/ node to 
false.  This will force Tomcat to rely only on URL rewriting.

Linking/forwarding GET requests using Default servlet or other Tomcat feature

2005-07-27 Thread Rob Hunt
I'm running a stand-alone (no Apache front-end) TC 5.0.19 server on a WinXP 
box.  I have a webapp that has a /teams directory that contains gameScores.htm, 
teamStandings.htm and scoreForm.htm.  I also have a /playoffs directory (can 
you tell this is a sports-related site?) directory that has the **exact same 

Now, I'd like to keep a single copy of the 3 files in one directory and have 
some servlet-mappings  in web.xml that would forward the request from 
/playoffs to /teams **WITHOUT** the HTTP client being aware of a 'redirect.'  
That is, I don't want to issue an HTTP redirect, and WinXP doesn't have file 
linking like Unix.  Is there some hook in the Default servlet (or other 
TC-supplied class) that would allow one to do something like the following:

servlet-class...DefaultServlet (or whatever)/servlet-class

The idea is I'm being very lazy and hoping that there is a feature in the 
default servlet (or other TC-supplied filter/class) that will allow this 
without me having to write same.  (Of, if someone has some code they'd like to 


Re: Linking/forwarding GET requests using Default servlet or other Tomcat feature

2005-07-27 Thread Rob Hunt
Yes, I know you can make many mappings to a given servlet/jsp, but that's not 
what I'm asking for.

When an HTTP client requests /playoffs/gameScores.htm, I'm hoping there's some 
slight-of-hand trick/feature that will cause Tomcat to serve 
/teams/gameScores.htm WITHOUT a redirect so that it appears to the client that 
they're getting /playoffs/gameScores.htm.

Re: Linking/forwarding GET requests using Default servlet or other Tomcat feature

2005-07-27 Thread Rob Hunt
Yes, I know that an internal forward would work.  I just didn't want to 
code/test/debug it.  Yes, I'm being very lazy here; but I hate to reinvent the 
feature if it already exists and it just seems to me that this is something 
that probably should already exist (since it can be done in Apache).

RE: [Way off topic] Getting MSOutlook calendar to interface with Tomcat-served data

2005-04-03 Thread Rob Hunt
Synchronize as in one-way import/upload from the web server.  

Synchronize as in not duplicating entries.

Synchronize as in not generating additional entries from events that had been 
event A originally scheduled for 10:00am is moved to 2:00pm -- ultimate result, 
a single event scheduled at 2:00, not one at 10:00am and a second at 2:00pm.

Sycnhronize as in deleting entries that have been marked as such

Synchronize as in what could be done manually to insure the above conditions:
-- Tomcat server generates a feed in iCal/vCal format;
   each event is tagged with a category (let's say 
   to distinguish the source
-- Outlook user imports the file/feed
  some period passes and schedules are changed at 

-- user, having created a specialized view in Outlook, deletes all
   calendar entries with category = www.cal-site.com/calendar

-- user visits the site and downloads another feed for import

I'd be interested in some details about the COM add-in and what would be 
necessary on the Tomcat side.


[Way off topic] Getting MSOutlook calendar to interface with Tomcat-served data

2005-04-02 Thread Rob Hunt
I'd like to serve calendar/event info to the calendar in MS Outlook (or is that 
LookOUT!?).  I know that it's possible to create output that can be 
statically imported, but I'd like to make it as easy as possible to 
periodically/on-demand synchronize Outlook with a Tomcat server.

Re: Wild Card Hosting

2005-03-24 Thread Rob Hunt
There are some domain-name-registrars/DNS-providers that allow you to set up a 
wildcard host where their domain name servers will dynamically redirect HTTP 
requests.  For example:


could be redirected to something like 


where %SERVER_NAME% would take on the whatever host was originally used in 
the HTTP request.  It's then a simple task of using a wildcard url-pattern/ 
servlet mapping (/* in this example) to direct the request accordingly.

This obviates the need to customize Tomcat code.  However, you'll probably need 
a nominal monetary outlay to use the services of said DDNS provider.

Read more:  http://www.changeip.com/

Re: Mime-mapping to trigger e-mail client

2005-03-07 Thread Rob Hunt
So, I tried setting the servlet response content type to message/rfc822.

With Netscape Nav 7.2, it prompts me to open the default application 
(suggesting MS Outlook Express, which is my default e-mail app).  I click OK 
and get the e-mail content in all its glory.

With IE 6, it simply displays the (rich text) content.  This is fine.  However, 
if I want to view any attachments, I have to Save target as... and then open 
the saved file to access the attachments.  Does anyone know of the appropriate 
response headers to force IE to trigger the e-mail client?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 9:50 AM
Subject: Mime-mapping to trigger e-mail client

I've got RFC822 e-mail messages stored in a database.  I'd prefer *not* to 
write (or rely on) an email-to-HTML converter.  Instead, I'd like to serve the 
content as-is and have the client's browser recognize the mime type and trigger 
an e-mail client.  My question is, what mime-mapping will produce this behavior?


Mime-mapping to trigger e-mail client

2005-03-06 Thread Rob Hunt
I've got RFC822 e-mail messages stored in a database.  I'd prefer *not* to 
write (or rely on) an email-to-HTML converter.  Instead, I'd like to serve the 
content as-is and have the client's browser recognize the mime type and trigger 
an e-mail client.  My question is, what mime-mapping will produce this behavior?
