RE: Apache/Tomcat Integration problems (Syntax error at line 4)

2002-05-29 Thread t . riteshmenon

I had faced the same problem earlier  would eagerly like to know
the solution.


-Original Message-
From: Suresh Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: Apache/Tomcat Integration problems (Syntax error at line 4)

This is what I have:

System: Windows XP
Apache: 2.0.36
Tomcat: 3.3.1

I downloaded the puglin (mod_jk.dll) and added it to
the modules directory of Apache and made changes to
the httpd.conf file like:


mod_jk.conf was auto generated by tomcat. When I start
Apache.exe this is the error I get:

Syntax error on line 4 of
Cannot load
C:/Work/Software/Apache2/modules/mod_jk.dll into
server: The specifi
ed module could not be found.

Any help would be appreciated.


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RE: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:16 message

2002-05-17 Thread t . riteshmenon

What is the meaning of sending such blank
messages - are you testing ur exchange server???

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 3:49 PM
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Subject: Receipt of 16/05/102 17:16 message

Re:Re: I'm getting no responses to my requests for help on t...

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RE: Enabling SSL in tomcat

2002-05-16 Thread t . riteshmenon


I think you can specify a certain keystore like

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore somekeystore 

 instruct tomcat to look up for this particular keystore by
modifying the server.xml(dont remember the syntax exactly)

If you do not provide the keystore parameter, it automatically creates
under your home dir. Also if u login on the NT workstation with 
someone elses credentials, it might still crib. I was curious to check
it out, but somehow missed it.

Hope it helps


-Original Message-
From: Ajay Chauhan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 12:39 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Enabling SSL in tomcat

I am facing one problem while enabling SSL in Tomcat on windows NT server. I
have created the keystore using the following command:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA

using changeit password. It has created .keystore file in user.home
directory. Say if my login is ajay then the files is created in :
C:\WINNT\Profiles\ajay directory, which is the value of

However when I start the Tomcat server, the jvm.stderr log files show the
following error and tomcat does not start: C:\WINNT\Profiles\Default User\.keystore (The
system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.execute(
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat.main(

This problem does not appear in Windows NT Workstation. In the workstation
the user.home property is the same as required by the Tomcat server at run

If anyone face the same problem earlier and have the solution please reply


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RE: SSL certificate help!

2002-05-07 Thread t . riteshmenon

Hi Raj,

thanks for your detailed mail which was very helpful. I had followed the
but i had another question. The certificate from verisign has been placed
as instructed , but how do i enable the client i.e browser in my case for
same . does anything specific has to be done?

prior to doing this, i was using a self-signed certificate, which the
browser still
reads. how to make the browser know abt the verisign cert? hope u got
the point. 
thanx in advance


-Original Message-
From: Raja Sekhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 5:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: SSL certificate help!


Follow these steps to configure your digital id

1. generate a local certificate:
   keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore myfile where
myfile is the name of the desired keystore-file

2. generate the CSR (you need it to request your (demo)certificate)
   keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.pem
   now you have a file called certreq.pem. Send this to your

Note : You can skip steps 1  2 becoz u said, u already got a verisign
certificate. But make sure that u have done these steps only to send your
demo cert. to verisign.

3. Goto verisign  download TrustedCA Root Certificate which they give for
the browser. The downloaded file name would be getcacert. Now use the
following command to import that into trust store

keytool -import -alias root -keystore myfile -trustcacerts -file

4. Now import your verisign certificate with this command

keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore myfile -trustcacerts -file

With the above 4 steps, u r ready with your keystore. Now goto server.xml 
search for Http10Connector  port=8443 secure=true /

Uncomment the above line  add the following changes

 Http10Connector  port=8443 secure=true 
  keystoreFile = path of your keystore
  keypass = if u give anything other than changeit
  socketFactory =

I think this should solve your problem. All the best.



On Mon, 6 May 2002 15:57:03t.riteshmenon wrote:
Hello all,

I have got a  Trial SSL Server Digital ID from Verisign . I would like to
know how to configure it with tomcat(3.2.1) . i'm trying to enable ssl
with tomcat. 
any help in this regard would be most welcome.

thanks in advance
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2002-05-07 Thread t . riteshmenon

Hi Steve,   

   I had included the security constraint in web.xml, but still
the request goes thru without ssl. what mistake am i making?

what is the login-config? do i have to include that too.
i was also not clear abt the redirectPort bit - where cud i get
more help?


-Original Message-
From: Steve D George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: TOMCAT  SSL !!!

Hi, have a look for postings titled 'How to enforce SSL' that were posted
over the last few days. Assuming you have gone through the How-to-SSL
document in the tomcat docs and set up a certificate, to enforce SSL for a
certain directory in your context, you need something like this in your

!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --
  web-resource-nameEntire Application/web-resource-name

  !-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --
realm-nameLocation Tracker Application/realm-name

The important piece is the user-data-constraint and the
transport-guarantee. This tells tomcat that all requests to the url pattern
(in my case it is the whole of my context) should be sent over HTTPS. If a
request is received over HTTP, tomcat will redirect the request at whatever
port is defined in server.xml as the 'redirectPort' for the HTTP connector.
This is probably 8443. You then need to make sure that you have an SSL only
connector on that port but I guess you should already have that if you've
got the SSL working already.




  t.riteshmenon@iflexso  To:

  30/04/2002 11:10 Subject:  TOMCAT  SSL
  Please respond to

  Tomcat Users List



Hi All,

My application requires that certain pages on the site are accessed via
there a way in tomcat to reject the connection of http to a specific page
(ie securePage.jsp) but still allow http access to other pages (ie.

Also i'm using cookies - so i wanted to know whether these cookies will
be visible in both the http  https contexts.

Thanks in advance,


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2002-05-07 Thread t . riteshmenon


I was looking for the postigs under  How to enforce SSL - if
anybody cud throw some light, as iwas unable to locate it.


-Original Message-
From: Steve D George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: TOMCAT  SSL !!!

Hi, have a look for postings titled 'How to enforce SSL' that were posted
over the last few days. Assuming you have gone through the How-to-SSL
document in the tomcat docs and set up a certificate, to enforce SSL for a
certain directory in your context, you need something like this in your

!-- Define a Security Constraint on this Application --
  web-resource-nameEntire Application/web-resource-name

  !-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application --
realm-nameLocation Tracker Application/realm-name

The important piece is the user-data-constraint and the
transport-guarantee. This tells tomcat that all requests to the url pattern
(in my case it is the whole of my context) should be sent over HTTPS. If a
request is received over HTTP, tomcat will redirect the request at whatever
port is defined in server.xml as the 'redirectPort' for the HTTP connector.
This is probably 8443. You then need to make sure that you have an SSL only
connector on that port but I guess you should already have that if you've
got the SSL working already.




  t.riteshmenon@iflexso  To:

  30/04/2002 11:10 Subject:  TOMCAT  SSL
  Please respond to

  Tomcat Users List



Hi All,

My application requires that certain pages on the site are accessed via
there a way in tomcat to reject the connection of http to a specific page
(ie securePage.jsp) but still allow http access to other pages (ie.

Also i'm using cookies - so i wanted to know whether these cookies will
be visible in both the http  https contexts.

Thanks in advance,


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SSL certificate help!

2002-05-06 Thread t . riteshmenon

Hello all,

I have got a  Trial SSL Server Digital ID from Verisign . I would like to
know how to configure it with tomcat(3.2.1) . i'm trying to enable ssl
with tomcat. 
any help in this regard would be most welcome.

thanks in advance

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RE: IE 5.5 and keytool names?

2002-05-04 Thread t . riteshmenon

Hi David,

  I was also facing a similar problem. However, as suggested by
you, giving localhost
  while generating the certificate helped. But i get the same
message if i try to access 
  from another machine. So how do i overcome this?
  I also wanted to know where shud the certificate be placed on
the server(tomcat).
  I've generated a self-signed certificate  would like to know
how to configure it with
  the server.

  Any help in thsis regard wud be welcome.


-Original Message-
From: David Farb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 8:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: IE 5.5 and keytool names?

Never mind, it is apparently supposed to be the domain name when keytool
asks for your first and last name, as well as your organizational unit:

CN=domain name
OU=domain name

seems to work.


- Original Message -
From: David Farb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: IE 5.5 and keytool names?

 This is probably a dumb question, but I don't have the time to research

 I am using Tomcat 4.0.3 and have generated an SSL keystore and it all
 fine. But when I access the site from Internet Explorer 5.5 it keeps
 complaining that The name on the security certificate does not match the
 name of the site.

 Ok, which names have to match? The full login name is
 https://localhost:8443/HomeFix/login.jsp, where in keytool do you specify
 this name?

 David Farb

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2002-04-30 Thread t . riteshmenon

Hi All,

My application requires that certain pages on the site are accessed via SSL,
there a way in tomcat to reject the connection of http to a specific page
(ie securePage.jsp) but still allow http access to other pages (ie.

Also i'm using cookies - so i wanted to know whether these cookies will
be visible in both the http  https contexts.

Thanks in advance,


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