Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-12-10 Thread Roger Kennedy

Great to hear lots of people on the band last night, and Conditions were
pretty good !

The only strange thing was that Propagation seemed a bit one-way - I was
getting some amazing Reports, whereas most signals with me were weaker. (and
this wasn't just ME - I noticed the same with other EU stations giving and
receiving Reports)

I spent a couple of hours on the band, and worked 24 NA stations, including
across to Colorado, Arizona and the Virgin Islands.

Many thanks to everyone who made the effort to come on 160 !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good valve homebrew rig

2020-12-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

Hi Annas

Having built several Transmitters and Receivers, Valve ones are SO much
simpler (less stages required) . . . and they usually work straight away !
(unlike Transistor ones, where there's often issues to sort out). Plus no
PCBs needed, all the components just hang off the Valve bases, mounted on a

A valve CW Transmitter for 160m is VERY simple . . . the VFO is on the
signal frequency, and just two valves will give you ten watts - ECF80
VFO/Buffer, 5763 PA. Add a 6146 or 807 and you will have 100 watts input (80
watts output, as Class C)

If you want to make Transceiver, then you will have to have a VFO on a
different frequency and Mix (so the Receiver is a Superhet) . . . but the
advantage with 160m is that you can have Single Conversion from 455 kHz, so
it's easy to make a stable VFO around 2.3 MHz.

You'd just need to find a nice cheap second-hand 455 kHz CW Filter . . .
copy some of the Receiver stages circuitry from any Valve Rx (R4B, FR400,
etc) . . . so something like a 6BW6 RF stage, 6BE6 Mixer, a couple of 6BA6
IF amps, and an ECL86 Audio Preamp/Output valve. Plus a 12AT7 as a Carrier
Osc and VFO.

On Tx you simply use most of the same circuits in reverse, with a similar
output stage as outlined for the Tx above.

I built a few SSB Transceivers in the 70s using that kind of circuitry . . .
but a CW one is simpler as you don't need a Mic Amp or Balanced Modulator,
and you don't lose any Tx signal through the Crystal Filter (as you'd bypass

73 Roger G3YRO 

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-12-08 Thread Roger Kennedy

A reminder once again . . .

There's been quite a few stations on 160 on Wednesdays the last few weeks
(from both sides of the pond).

So as Top Band conditions continue to be pretty good, hope there will be
lots of CW activity again tomorrow night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: DXE Thunderbolt

2020-12-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well some telescopic fibreglass masts will fit over an alloy Scaffold Pole,
so you just slide it over and fit a Jubilee Clip a couple of feet down.

Otherwise, it's down to buying some tubing to act as a joining sleeve . . .
where the inside diameters are different I have known people use a length of
hardwood, and shave each half to the correct inside diameter of the metal
and fibreglass poles.

73 Roger G3YRO


Further to that scheme, is there a sound way to join a Spider pole to a
scaffold pole? The cost change from 18m Spider to the next sizes up is quite
a jump, but I've often thought an alloy scaffold pole at the base would be
worth the effort if I had a decent way to join them. I can raise the 18m
Spider pole using a falling derrick on my own and a rigid extension
underneath looks doable with help.  

David G3UNA/G6CP

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ARRL 160m

2020-12-06 Thread Roger Kennedy

I thought conditions were fairly good, especially on Friday Night.  The big
NA signals were peaking over S9 here in NorthEast England.

I spent about 3 hours in total on the band, and managed to work around 70
North American stations, including across to Florida, Virgin Islands,
Colorado and Texas.

I heard dozens more NA stations . . . but couldn't call them as they were
working other NA stations on their frequency.

Generally I was pretty pleased how well I was being received through the
local QRM. I think every station I called bar one came back to me.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: DXE Thunderbolt

2020-12-06 Thread Roger Kennedy

David I'm inclined to agree with the other Gs . . . you could do this MUCH
more cheaply yourself (maybe a tenth of the cost) . . . and probably make a
stronger and more efficient antenna.

21ft thick-walled alloy scaffold aren't that expensive, yet are extremely
strong . . . and if you see a scaffold van parked, ask the driver how much
he could let you have a couple for (I think you'd be surprised!)

Clamp 2 together, and add another 21ft normal thickness pole on top
(obtainable from any TV aerial company).

Then increase the length with a horizontal wire section, to get it resonant.

Personally, I wouldn't even use the poles as the radiator . . . easier to
just run a thick wire from the top to a couple of feet out from the bottom .
. . if you want to increase efficiency use 6 wires in a cage.  

And if you do that, you could use a fibreglass top section - old Windsurfing
masts are cheap as chips on eBay and VERY strong ! (I still Windsurf, so
have several of these)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-12-03 Thread Roger Kennedy

Good to hear so many DXers on 160m last night working each other . . .

I came on for an hour and a half, and worked 24 NA stations, so was quite
happy with that.

Here's to another good night next Wednesday !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Suggested Frequency

2020-12-03 Thread Roger Kennedy

Bear in mind that if you want to work Europe, there are loads of wide
Beacons down the bottom of the band. These work like the old HiFix Beacons
(so are quite wide), and are located in the Baltic and used by Fishing
Trawlers for navigation. They pretty much wipe out 1800 to 1815 kHz over
here, only strong stations can be heard over them.  (but they do sometimes
turn them off)

SO . . . I would suggest a centre frequency of around 1825 kHz.

Here in England we used to have Coast Stations all around the coastline, to
provide communication and Phone Patch to ships at sea.  Although the Ships
transmitted above 2182 kHz, the Coast Stations all transmitted within Top
Band. (that's why we had a low power limit of 10 watts input, so we didn't
interfere with them).

They nearly all had Quarter Wave verticals, right next to the sea, and
running just 1kW they were big signals !

Well, about 15 years ago most of them shut down . . . and the local one to
me, Cullercoats Radio, had a big tower and a small building right next to
the beach. The whole lot was for sale . . . wish I had had the money to but
it, would have been fantastic for Top Band !  (whoever bought it took down
the tower, of course)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-12-01 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just another reminder . . .

Hope to see lots of you on 160m again tomorrow night.

(I've actually often worked a lot more DX on these Wednesdays than in the
various Contests!)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CQWW a bust this year

2020-12-01 Thread Roger Kennedy

I didn't think conditions were particularly bad over the weekend.

The problem for me was that I heard lots of NA stations, but most were
calling other stations . . . so I obviously couldn't call them !

Whenever I popped on the band there were very few NA stations calling CQ . .
. but I did manage to work about 15.

(I obviously didn't want to start calling CQ myself, as I didn't want
hundreds of Europeans calling me!)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-24 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just another reminder . . .

We had plenty of stations on CW from both sides of the pond last week, so
hope to see lots of 160 DXers on again tomorrow night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: RFI Down Under

2020-11-24 Thread Roger Kennedy

As you say Phil, it's crazy that they omit the filtering components that
there is space for on the PCB, just to save a few pence. (they often do the
same in small chargers too - but not on the better ones)

Personally, I would have accepted the offer of a replacement PSU, as
filtering it on the Mains input is not the best way to do it if it's noisy
to start with.

When the PSU packed up in one of my 5 PCs I have here, I went to a local
shop who sold them for £10 (crazy price!) . . . but I asked to open it up to
make sure the filtering components were there  . . . they were, so I bought

The biggest problem with Top Band Noise here in Britain is NOT noisy
switch-mode PSUs . . . it's the fact that 90% of the Internet Broadband is
delivered via overhead copper telephone wires. These radiate the hash for
miles, as I'm sure you can imagine.

I'm luckier than most, in that the phone wires in my street are underground
(being a new street). So I don't have an S9 +10dB noise level like most
locals. However, there are dozens of overhead phone cables at the end of my
street, just 300 feet away.

So apologies if I have trouble hearing weak signals calling me . . . I do
the best I can in an ordinary suburban location !

73 Roger G3YRO
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-19 Thread Roger Kennedy

Once again, lots of stations on the band last night from both sides of the
pond . . . good have such a nice turnout.

However, quite deep QSB on most signals, and propagation didn't seem as good
as the night before (when I worked several stations right across to the West

Thanks once again to all that made the effort to come on 160 to have a few
QSOs . . . let's hope we can keep the DX CW activity going again next

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-17 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well DX conditions have been pretty good the last few evenings . . .
although not that many stations on the band having QSOs.

Hopefully we'll see plenty of activity tomorrow night !  

(there were at least 60 stations on CW working DX last Wednesday, it was
really good)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-12 Thread Roger Kennedy

Great to hear so many stations on last night !  And conditions were pretty
good too . . .

I came on around 0100Z for a couple of hours, and worked 36 North American
stations, so was very pleased with that. Many thanks to all of you that took
the trouble to give me a call.

There were a lot of other European stations on too, from several different

Maybe we'll have even more people on next Wednesday !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-10 Thread Roger Kennedy

Hope to see some of you on the band again tomorrow night, as 160M DX
conditions continue to be pretty good.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: John ON4UN silent key

2020-11-10 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes, sadly we have lost another Top Band Legend . . .

R.I.P. John

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: VE6WZ mid season report

2020-11-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

The SM stations are pretty strong here . . . but I would say there is more
DX activity on CW from G stations.

I think it must just be a better path to you Steve.

As I mentioned to you in a direct e-mail, I heard some guys working you the
other night, but I couldn't hear a trace from you !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-03 Thread Roger Kennedy

Conditions have been pretty good recently . . . had several calls from
pretty far west USA, as well as South America.

So hope to work some of you on the band tomorrow night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-29 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I'm pleased to say that DX Conditions on 160 seemed to be back to
normal last night.

Thank you to everyone who made the effort to come on the band . . . 

I came on for just over an hour from 01.00 and worked about 15 NA station .
. . there were quite a few other Europeans on too.

Here's to even more stations coming on next week !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-27 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just the usual reminder !

It seems that conditions are starting to get back to normal . . .

So hope to work some of you tomorrow night on CW.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m Conditions for the CQ WW SSB

2020-10-26 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I was hoping to have some SSB DX contacts on 160m, but conditions were
really poor from this side over the weekend . . .

Only managed to hear & work a couple of NA stations.

Even most Europeans weren't very strong at all !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ARRL 160M and 1830-1835 change

2020-10-23 Thread Roger Kennedy

I actually think that a Window during Contests to work DX stations is a good
idea . . . 

It can be quite difficult to work NA stations in a Contest if they are being
repeatedly called by other strong NA stations !

One of the other issues is that many of us come on the various Top Band
contests not to enter, but just to work DX stations.  SO I am reluctant to
call CQ, as I will get called by hundreds of Europeans (which I haven't got
up in the middle of the night to work!)

I often hear lots of DX stations, but I can't call them as they are just
calling other people on their frequency . . . it's quite frustrating.
(perhaps they don't want to put out a CQ for the same reason that I don't?)

To try and get round this, I sometimes put out a CQ DX call in a Contest . .
. do you think that's acceptable?

Of course on SSB it's much easier . . . you can actually say that you're
listening for NA or DX . . . hopefully some of the NA stations on 160 in the
Contest this weekend will occasionally listen for Europe !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-22 Thread Roger Kennedy

Good to see quite a lot of stations on last night, from both sides of the

Conditions were reasonable, and I certainly worked every NA station I heard.

Thanks to all those that made the effort to come on, and hopefully we'll
have even more next Wednesday night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-20 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just another reminder . . . 

Hope to work some of you on 160 tomorrow night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Conditions for Stew Perry Contest

2020-10-18 Thread Roger Kennedy

I came on for a couple of hours last night in the Contest, but conditions
were strange.

>From 00.30Z all signals were quite weak, including Europeans.  Then from
around 03.00Z signals started to pick up . . . although not fantastic.
Popped on again at 05.30Z but signals had virtually disappeared !

Surprised that a lot of the Big Gun stations didn't seem to be on . . .
however, I did manage to work 35 NA stations.

Roger G3YRO
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-15 Thread Roger Kennedy

Hi Dave

Well for the 50 years that I've been DX-ing on Top Band, Saturday night
(Sunday morning over here) has always been the main time to come on the band
to work DX.

However . . . there are a lot of people who are busy with their families
over the weekend . . . so they just come on looking for DX at random times
during the week.

All I have tried to do is focus activity onto ONE Weekday night . . .
Wednesday seemed best, as it's in the middle of the week.

In terms of people going to work the next day . . . well to work EU
stations, the band is open from your Sunset, so it's not like you have to
stay up late. (it's us Europeans that have to stay up late or get up early
to work across the pond !)

By the way, I meant to apologise in my previous post . . . I heard several
weak stations calling me last night . . . but heavy rain was giving me a
high noise level from the 400kV Power lines a couple of miles away.

73 Roger G3YRO

-Original Message-


I am curious, why Wednesday night ( when many have to get up and go to work
the next morning?) instead of Friday or Saturday?

Was on.. on and off  the only station on CW early in the evening was
OX/OZ1AHJ.. and then a "G"  a bit later but was who ever it was in and
out of the QSB couldn't pull it out. It is still early here in the season.
We are about as far south as you can get in the USA (FL) so we don't get the
propagation like the fellows up in New England do.

JA's were in strong this morning at sunrise

We are an equal opportunity operator and there were a couple of Russians on
FT8 not much else heard here on that mode either


On 10/15/2020 7:05 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
> Great to work so many NA stations last night . . . and good to hear so 
> many other EU stations on the band.
> Conditions were pretty good too . . . always nice to receive some S9 
> reports !
> Look forward to working many of you on Saturday in The Stew Perry Contest.
> 73 Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband 
> Reflector


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-15 Thread Roger Kennedy

Great to work so many NA stations last night . . . and good to hear so many
other EU stations on the band.

Conditions were pretty good too . . . always nice to receive some S9 reports

Look forward to working many of you on Saturday in The Stew Perry Contest.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-13 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well several people have emailed me, saying this is a good idea . . . and to
keep reminding people . . . 

So that's what I'm doing !

Hope to work some of you guys on Top Band tonight.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

2020-10-10 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well first of all, it has never been my intention to upset or annoy anyone
with my posts on here . . . all I have ever tried to do is encourage more
people to come on Top Band on CW . . . to tell people that there ARE
stations on to work, and that DX conditions are often good, even if there is
little activity.

And there were certainly lots of stations on last night, and it was great to
great to work so many old and new friends across the pond !

Although the weekend has traditionally been the time when stations come on
160m looking for DX, I realise that these days a lot of people are busy with
their families at the weekend. That's why I started suggesting a regular
mid-week night to come on the band, to focus activity, so that at least
there are lots of stations to work, all on the same night.

Thank you to all the guys who have sent me private e-mails, agreeing with
this idea, and thanking me for trying to encourage more DX CW activity on
Top Band. There are clearly lots of others who, like me, still get a buzz
out of EVERY CW DX QSO on 160m, no matter how many times you may have worked
the same station before !

So at the risk of annoying one or two people, I will continue trying to
promote the Wednesday Activity Night.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

2020-10-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

At no point in these posts have I criticised people who want to use FT8  . .
. each to their own as far as I'm concerned.

But this topic was aimed at people (like me) who have no desire to use such
computer-based modes, to point out that there ARE quite a few stations
regularly on CW looking for DX contacts on 160m.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

2020-10-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

I don't consider it whining . . . I'm just trying to encourage more people
to come on the band.

If that happens, then there WILL be more CW activity !

I just figure that there may be people who read this Reflector that aren't
aware that there are many of us on the band, staying up late most nights,
looking for DX contacts.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

2020-10-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

The irony is that if more of the people that complain about activity only
being on FT8 these days actually came on the band on CW, there would be more
activity !

What amazes me most is that so many of you guys in the USA have invested in
fantastic setups for 160m . . . huge towers, full-sized radial fields,
amazing receive antennas (like proper beverages or phased vertical arrays) -
things that most of us here in Britain (like me) with our tiny gardens could
only dream of . . . and yet those stations rarely seem to make an appearance
on Top Band !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

2020-10-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

It's such a shame that 160m Conditions for DX have been pretty good over the
past week or two . . . 

Yet there are so few CW stations coming on the band !

I hear lots of us Europeans putting out endless CQ DX calls . . . but often
getting no replies, despite good RBN Reports confirming the band is open.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-10-06 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well propagation seems to have been fairly good over the past week . . . but
sadly there doesn't seem to have been much activity from NA stations.

Is it still very noisy over there for you guys?

Anyway, perhaps we'll see some stations on tomorrow night.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-09-29 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I've been off 160m for the past few days, as I had a problem with my
coax feeder . . .

And a jammed halyard meant I had to lower my mast to sort it out, so quite a
headache! Anyway, I've replaced the whole coax run on my Topband antenna, so
back on the air now.

Hopefully we'll see a few stations on the band tomorrow night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-09-24 Thread Roger Kennedy

As DL8LAS said, conditions were pretty good last night . . . good signals
and low noise level.

However, there were lots of EU stations on calling CQ, but getting very few

I managed to work 8 NA stations . . . but there seemed to be very little
activity from over there.

I was on between 01.15 and 02.15Z . . . and again just before our Sunrise
from 05.00 to 05.30Z.

Maybe we'll get more stations on next Wednesday night.

Oh and I agree with what you say Tree about contacts when there's lots of
QSB (as is often the case on Top Band) . . . you imagine that's what ANYONE
would do . . . but clearly some inexperienced operators DON'T !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-09-22 Thread Roger Kennedy

As several others have posted, Topband has been open for DX propagation most
nights over the past week . . . 

So I'm still plugging the idea of trying to get lots of stations on the band
all on the same night. (it seemed to work quite well last season.)

Hope to work you this Wednesday night !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW Activity Night

2020-09-17 Thread Roger Kennedy

Thanks to all of you who made the effort to come on last night . . .
conditions were pretty good.

Hopefully we will get even more on next Wednesday.

By the way, I noticed quite a few other Gs didn't come on til around 05.30 Z
(our Sunrise) . . . but most of the NA stations had gone by then !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday CW Activity Night

2020-09-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

There were several of us Europeans on calling CQ DX last night . . . but I
didn't hear anyone get any replies!

RBN reports from North America were quite good . . . so is it that
Propagation was just one way (as sometimes happens on 160) . . . or were
there just no NA stations on the band?

Well anyway . . . I'm suggesting re-starting the Wednesday CW Activity Night
. . . so that if anyone is going to come on 160 to work DX just one night
during the week, maybe we can all come on the same night?

(by the way, Sunrise here in England is currently around 05.30 Z)

Hope to work some of you tonight!

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity Last Night

2020-09-13 Thread Roger Kennedy

There were several of us Europeans on calling CQ DX last night . . . 

But despite RBN Reports being reasonable from NA Stations, I didn't hear
anyone get any replies.

I'll certainly be popping on again tonight, in the hope of some contacts.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Conditions Last Night

2020-09-12 Thread Roger Kennedy

Came on for about an hour last night . . worked a few NA stations, including
across to Texas.

Conditions seemed fairly good, but not many stations on.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m CW Activity

2020-09-11 Thread Roger Kennedy

Good to hear that more stations are coming back on the band !

I'll be popping on at various times during the night tonight and over the
rest of the weekend, so will hopefully work some of you.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity

2020-09-05 Thread Roger Kennedy

Had a lot of direct replies, saying most of you in North America still have
a lot of thunderstorms, so it's usually still very noisy on 160m.

We hardly have any thunderstorms, even in Summer over here . . . so now
we're heading into Autumn there's no QRN whatsoever !

I shall come on the band around 0200 GMT tonight to see if anyone's around.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity

2020-09-04 Thread Roger Kennedy

So do you guys still have a lot of QRN over there?

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m CW Activity

2020-08-29 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well DX Conditions have been pretty good lately . . .

So I shall be on tonight and tomorrow night from about 0200 GMT, seeing if
there are any of my NA friends to work.

73 Roger G3YRO
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Summer Stew Perry

2020-06-21 Thread Roger Kennedy

Good to work a few of you in the Contest last night . . .

Shame there weren't more stations on !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: FT8 clutter on the DX Cluster

2020-05-12 Thread Roger Kennedy
Mike the DX Cluster I use only shows 160m spots anyway !
Roger G3YRO


From: Michael Walker [] 

Because they can.  The DX cluster is like bragging on Twitter.   :)

May I suggest that you run some filters that are related to your cluster
login that only allow spots for those bands you are interested in.

Mike va3mw
 On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 7:58 PM Roger Kennedy

Why oh why do some people post on the DX Cluster every FT8 station they have

One GM station this evening posted 21 stations . . . none of them were even
DX !

I don't even see why you would post ANY on the DX Cluster . . . I thought
the whole point of FT8 is that you leave your computer listening on the same
frequency, so surely any stations will just come up on the screen?

Whereas posting the frequency of a CW or SSB DX station on the Cluster is
really useful to help people find those stations, and attempt a QSO.

Also . . . as others have said, DX propagation is still pretty good on 160m
most nights . . . but despite lots of CQ calls by myself and other EU
stations, we're often getting no replies!  (despite RBN reports being good)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: FT8 clutter on the DX Cluster

2020-05-12 Thread Roger Kennedy

Why oh why do some people post on the DX Cluster every FT8 station they have

One GM station this evening posted 21 stations . . . none of them were even
DX !

I don't even see why you would post ANY on the DX Cluster . . . I thought
the whole point of FT8 is that you leave your computer listening on the same
frequency, so surely any stations will just come up on the screen?

Whereas posting the frequency of a CW or SSB DX station on the Cluster is
really useful to help people find those stations, and attempt a QSO.

Also . . . as others have said, DX propagation is still pretty good on 160m
most nights . . . but despite lots of CQ calls by myself and other EU
stations, we're often getting no replies!  (despite RBN reports being good)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Winter season 2019-20 conditions

2020-05-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

Steve VE6WZ's post prompted me to tot up how many DX QSOs I've had this
Season (quite tedious, as I just use a paper Log Book!)

I haven't been as active as Steve, but managed to work a total of 1,014 DX
Stations on Top Band.

I obviously haven't included any Europe contacts, or even any Russians (even
though several of these could be considered DX, so the total should be
higher - but I couldn't be bothered to work out which ones!)

Nearly all of these were on CW, apart from 42 SSB QSOs.

My reason for posting is the same as Steve's - to point out that there is
still a lot of DX Activity on CW on Top Band. 

But it still saddens me that there are hundreds of stations that pop on the
band hardly ever - you just hear them calling a DX-pedition, or maybe during
a Contest . . . but the rest of the time, they never come on !  I really
don't get that . . . given the amount of effort it takes to have a decent
160m station, it seems such a waste to only come on a handful of times a

Some people complain there is no CW activity . . . but if more stations make
the effort to come on and put out some calls, there WILL be a lot more
activity ! (some of my Wednesday Activity Nights have proved that - I have
sometimes had over 40 DX QSOs)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Special VE Day Station GB4VE

2020-05-06 Thread Roger Kennedy

As many of you may know, this Friday (May 8th) is the 75th Anniversary of VE
Day . . .

So to commemorate the ending of WW2 in Europe, I shall be operating the
special station GB4VE.

(both my late parents served in the Royal Navy during WW2, so I thought this
would be a nice tribute)

I shall be on the air on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on 1850kHz on SSB and
1828kHz on CW.

(so that will be from Thursday evening in the USA, from Z)

DX conditions have been quite good the last few nights, so hope to work some
of you guys !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Herbert Schoenbohm, KV4FZ: Silent Key

2020-04-30 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just seen this . . . and so sad to hear the news.

As others have said, Herb was one of the real stalwarts of Top Band DX . .
and consistently one of the big signals here in Europe.
I think I first worked him back in 1970, a few months after I was licensed.
I just looked back in my (paper) Log Book, and my last QSO with him was in

Herb you will be sadly missed on 160m . . . . Rest In Peace.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: BCB Filter - final selection

2020-04-17 Thread Roger Kennedy
$180 for a receiver filter?   That's absurd ! 

I also wouldn't want one that attenuates 160m too.

Is the station you are having problems with actually above 1.6MHz ? If not,
you don't need a filter that starts attenuating within Top Band, like that
one does.

And you might need hardly any attenuation to stop the cross-mod you are

Personally, if it's just from one station, I would just put a simple
parallel tuned ciruit in series, tuned to that frequency . . . that would
probably cure the problem. And that would just cost you less than $1 !

(By the way, if you now have stations broadcasting between 1.6 and 1.7 MHz,
how does anyone pick them up?  I don't know any broadcast radios that go
above 1.6 !)

Roger G3YRO

Thank you all for your recommendations. Leaning towards this filter below.
Any objections before I pull the trigger?


Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m CW Activity

2020-04-16 Thread Roger Kennedy
Hi Don
Yes, maybe the band was only open to the East Coast last night . . . or
perhaps I didn't actually stay on long enough for it to be dark much further
West (although I did work one station in Alabama)
I'm not sure how you tell WHERE each RBN site is . . .
Sure, you can tell where the MAIN station is . . . but some people have as
many as 6 RBN sites . . . presumably at different remote sites . . . so are
they all in the same State?  (that seems pointless to me)
The trouble is that if I end up staying up til 0300Z  (4am local time) I
find it hard to get out of bed again a couple of hours later at our Sunrise
73 Roger G3YRO


Hi Roger,

I believe your having a big 40 dB S/N report from NH on the RBN is not as
telling as what the RBN did not show for you.  If you look at the last 100
RBN spots of you last night which was from 0107 UTC until 0317 UTC you were
only picked up in the US by the RBN's in NH, and then one time by an RBN in
very eastern PA (all very close to the Ocean).  You were not heard anywhere
else in the US on the RBN network during the 0107 to 0317 UTC time slot even
though the noise floor in most of the US was likely very low based on the
lack of lightning activity (only lightning I saw over the US was over
Florida).  The noise floor was very low at my location in the Midwest
 I was not on when you were on, but I was on slightly later from 0345 until
0515 UTC and conditions were very poor into Europe from the Midwest US which
is why I suspect I don't see any RBN reports of you during the above 0107
UTC to 0317 UTC time slot into any areas except the very most Eastern part
of the US (NH and Eastern PA).

I heard EU stations ON7PQ and F6FYA when I was on slightly later than you
and they were just barely above my noise floor which was very low last
night.  F6FYA peaked about 2 db above my very low noise floor and Pat ON7PQ
was always in the mud (right at my noise floor) which is unusual for him.
The only other EU station I heard was John G3PQA when he answered my CQ
right at his sunrise (I only run 100 watts), and he was right at my noise
floor when he called but peaked 1 minute later to about 4 to 6 dB (most
likely due to brief sunrise enhancement).

I also called CQ numerous times but was not heard by any EU RBN stations,
but that's not unusual for my 100 watts.

P.S. there was a CWT (CW ops test) from 0300 to 0400 UTC which overlaps when
you were on last night and I heard numerous stations in the US on 160 meters
taking part in the CWT and if you were not hearing many of them that's
another indication that conditions were not very good from the Midwest US
into Europe.

Keep pounding away, and we will keep listening.
Don (wd8dsb)

On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 5:48 AM Roger Kennedy

Yes, conditions seemed good last night (had several 35 - 40dB S/N reports
from NA stations on RBN) 
During the night there were several EU stations calling CQ . . . but very
few NA stations on the band ! (I know a lot of you guys over there have much
lightning and resultant static crashes now) 
I did have a few QSOs . . . and a nice email from John N1PGA.
I guess I'm still surprised there isn't MORE activity, given that we're all
supposed to be staying home !
Hope you're all staying well in these crazy times . . . 
Best 73 
Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m CW Activity

2020-04-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes, conditions seemed good last night (had several 35 - 40dB S/N reports
from NA stations on RBN) 
During the night there were several EU stations calling CQ . . . but very
few NA stations on the band ! (I know a lot of you guys over there have much
lightning and resultant static crashes now) 
I did have a few QSOs . . . and a nice email from John N1PGA.
I guess I'm still surprised there isn't MORE activity, given that we're all
supposed to be staying home !
Hope you're all staying well in these crazy times . . . 
Best 73 
Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity

2020-04-08 Thread Roger Kennedy
Hi Rick 

I did try a Loop on the Ground a couple of years ago, and by the time I
brought signals up to the same levels as my Tx antenna, the noise level was
actually worse !

That's when I built my resonant Multi-turn Loop up in my loft. At least with
that I was able to rotate it to null the noise as much as possible - and
fortunately that ends up  with it pointing East-West, which is the best
direction for most DX from Britain.

Most of the current high noise levels here in Britain are coming from the
fact that the Internet is sent to most houses over existing copper phone
wires . . . so the wires go up a 30ft wooden pole, and then fan out to the
eaves of 8 or more houses . . . so there's one of these poles typically
every 200 feet along each street.

Those act as wonderful antennas, radiating the wideband hash from the
Internet signals !

Fortunately, the phone wires in my street are underground (which is why I
don't have an S9+ noise level, like most people in the city) . . . but at
the end of my street there are dozens of phone wires, within one wavelength
on 160m !

At least nearly all our mains cables in Britain are underground . . . 

73 Roger G3YRO

-Original Message-
From: Rick Kunath [] 
Sent: 08 April 2020 13:40
To: Roger Kennedy;
Subject: Re: Topband: CW Activity


Have you tried a LoG (Loop on Ground) receiving antenna? I have one here and
it works wonders.

Info at this site:

I built mine a bit larger but it's non-critical in construction. It worked
wonders for me. It's also essentially invisible too.

I wanted to try this so I got my hands on a 500 foot roll of twisted pair
doorbell wire cheaply. I paralleled the wires for the loop and wound up
using the twisted pair as a feedline to the shack. I have a 9:1 balun at the
shack end. All the wire is on the ground even the feedline. 
It was just a quick lash up, but it worked amazingly well. I refined the
install after that, and experimented with different sizes too. My loop is
about double the size mentioned in the article.

I was going to switch to coax buried feed and relocate the balun to the
antenna end of the feedline, but it's been working so well I never got
around to it.

It might be worth a try. There is a Facebook group on the antenna too.

Rick K9AO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity

2020-04-07 Thread Roger Kennedy
To Steve & Don

Sadly I live in the city, so not only have quite a high noise level, but no
room for low noise Beverage receiving antennas, like many other DX-ers use.
So I'm sorry I couldn't copy you calling me last night.

I do have a Receiving Loop I made a couple of years ago . . . but it's only
about 6dB quieter than my Tx antenna at best.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CW Activity

2020-04-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well there are quite a few EU stations on CW, calling CQ DX every night . .
. but getting very few replies.

I had about a dozen NA QSOs on Saturday night . . . but I've been on every
night since, and no calls whatsoever! (although RBN reports were quite good,
so the band IS open)

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Lack of NA activity

2020-04-04 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well 160m conditions have sometimes been really good lately . . .

In fact during the WPX SSB Contest, some NA stations on 160m were as strong
as 20dB over 9 (like they used to  be years ago) . . but there weren't many

And coming on the band on CW several times since then, conditions have often
been good . . but usually very few NA stations on the band. (despite several
Europeans as well as myself).

Is it that you guys over there have a lot of Thunderstorms already? (It's
still very quiet over here, and will be until July)

Anyway, hopefully there will be a few stations on tonight.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-03-25 Thread Roger Kennedy

Just to remind you that if you're going to come on 160M CW one night this
week, TONIGHT'S the night when we try and get lots of people on at the same

Conditions have been pretty good the past couple of nights . . . so hope to
see you on the band !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-03-19 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I personally had a dozen NA QSOs last night.

But the band went very quiet after 01.00Z . . . (I popped on again at 03.00,
but no calls)

Thank you to those that made the effort to come on . . . maybe we'll have
more next Wednesday !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CQ...CQ...CQ

2020-03-18 Thread Roger Kennedy

I couldn't agree more Steve . . .

That has been the whole idea of my suggesting Wednesday for a CW DX night on
160m, to at least get everyone on the band on the same evening (rather than
a few people spread out on different nights).

It seemed to work LAST season . . . I would often work over 30 NA stations .
. . but there has been far less activity this winter.

In fact my experience has been that there are often EU stations calling CQ
DX, but very few NA stations on (which is surprising, as I believe there are
far more stations in NA that put out a decent signal on Top Band!)

Conditions were really good over the weekend, so maybe we'll get some
activity tonight . . . 

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-03-18 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I'm still trying to promote this, for all the people who say there's
very little CW activity these days !

Conditions have been pretty good lately . . . so I wonder if we'll get many
NA stations on the band tonight?

(I keep hearing EU stations calling CQ DX, but getting no replies, even
though the band is open !)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Slightly OT - amplifier noise

2020-03-18 Thread Roger Kennedy

Hi Mike

As I said in my previous post, as the 1025 uses the same PCB as the 1026, I
effectively modified my 1025 to become a 1026, using MFJ's circuit, built on
to the empty slots on the PCB.

And as I only paid £40 for my 1025, this was quite a cheap way to get a

I actually rarely use it as a Noise Canceller . . . I use it as a Preamp and
Tx switcher for my 160m Loop up in the loft . . . so it's very easy to
switch between the two antennas on Receive by turning the box on and off.
(I also built the Varicap Tuning Pot for the Loop into the box as well, so
it's very neat)

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Slightly OT - amplifier noise

2020-03-17 Thread Roger Kennedy

Having just read some of these posts, I just did a few tests on my MFJ-1025.
(bought mine second-hand very cheap - a lot of people buy these thinking
they will get rid of any noise!)

I modified it to become a 1026 . . . you definitely need the extra pre-amp
for the "Noise Antenna", especially on 160m - fortunately they use the same
PCB for both versions, so you can easily add their extra preamp circuit
design on the PCB.

I normally only use mine on 160m . . . but just did a test on 15m & 10m . .
. it adds no noticeable noise whatsoever ! 

So I think the OP's must be faulty . . perhaps powering it by a noisy PSU?

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Stew Perry Contest

2020-03-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes, great to see conditions being good this weekend for the Contest.  The
big NA signals were peaking S9 +10 to 15dB over here (which what they always
used to be, but I haven't seen for a while)

I came on for a couple of hours on Saturday night, and managed to work 45 NA
stations, including several Caribbeans.

It's just a shame that you never hear most of these stations on 160 the rest
of the time !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: NVIS Antenna

2020-03-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I've said it dozens of times before . . . but I have used a horizontal
halfwave Dipole (at about 50ft)
for working DX on 160m for the past 50 years !  (and that's at 6 different

Not only do I work all over the world, but I know my signal often compares
pretty well with other Gs using good verticals . . . and I have no problem
getting through the pile-ups working the various DX-peditions.

How is this possible?   Well in my opinion it's because DX propagation on
160m ISN'T like 80m (where it IS nearly all low angle, so you MUST have a
good vertical to work DX effectively)

Based on the hundreds of comparison QSOs I've had over the decades, I figure
that on 160m, propagation MUST be fairly high angle a lot of the time,
presumably because of inter-layer reflections or ducting.

Most of the "experts" who have written books about Low-band DX-ing have made
the assumption that 160m is just like 80m . . . which in my experience it
clearly isn't !

The only other factor I DO think is that if you have a low dipole on 160m
but DON'T have any radials or anything underneath it, it probably radiates
more low angle than computer-modelling software would suggest. I believe the
errors occur on 160m because it can't properly forecast the effect of the
REAL WORLD ground when the antenna is a fraction of a wavelength above it.

Roger G3YRO
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-03-11 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well conditions were pretty good last night . . . but not many NA stations
active on CW . . .

Maybe we'll get more people on tonight.

(I personally usually pop on around 00.30Z . . . and again around 03.00Z)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: RBN and cluster spots

2020-03-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

Steve, I agree about getting response only when you've been spotted on the
DX Cluster (which is why I sometimes resort to spotting myself after endless
CQ DX calls - then suddenly I get lots of calls !)

But I only use RBN to check my OWN signals . . . how do you use it to check
ANY DX signals on 160 ?

I can't even see how you configure RBN to only show signals from certain
areas (like NA), so I have to put up with all the EU spots on RBN (which I'm
not interested in)

I guess you'll tell me there IS a way of doing it . . . but presumably the
reason you only get responses when you've been spotted on the DX Cluster is
because others are the same as me !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: No NA Activity

2020-03-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

I guess I should have been more specific in the title . . . 

I mean no CW activity from NA stations ! (not interested in FT8 or any other
computer modes)

Despite conditions being poor, came on for a while last night and managed to
work about 10 NA stations in the SSB Contest . . . will try again tonight.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: No NA Activity

2020-03-05 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I came on for a few hours last night . . . 

Conditions were good, as my RBN reports with NA sites were between 20 and 35
dB over the noise.

But I only worked a handful of NA stations !  (there were several other
European and Russian stations on too)

It's a real shame there's so little CW activity . . . this Season will be
over soon !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-03-04 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I wonder if we'll get many guys making an effort to get on Top Band

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: About AA0RS

2020-02-27 Thread Roger Kennedy
Dave was originally G3SZA . . . he lived just two miles from me when I first
was an SWL, aged 12.

He was already working DX on 160m back then (1967), as was another local/old
friend of mine, Mike G3SED.  They both helped and inspired me, and are the
reason I became interested in DX-ing on 160m as soon as I got my full
licence 2 years later, when I was old enough (14).

Dave was so strong at my QTH back then that not only could I hear him
underneath myself (monitoring on my muted receiver), he even moved my SWR
bridge with the voltage he put in my antenna ! (thank goodness I had an
all-valve receiver that suffered no blocking or intermod problems)

He was a rising star with IBM here in Britain, and they persuaded him to
move to the USA. He later worked for (or ran?) Alpha Amplifiers before

Dave really is a great guy, still passionate about Top Band . . his 160m
setup as AA0RS in Colorado is fantastic, and I have regularly worked him on
160m over the years from there.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-02-27 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well I came on a couple of times last night, but gave up after an hour each

The band was certainly open as my RBN reports were good. 

There were other Europeans on Calling CQ too . . . but very few NA stations
on. I only worked a handful, and reports were good both ways.

It saddens me the lack of CW activity on 160 !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160m Propagation

2020-02-25 Thread Roger Kennedy

Interesting reading some of the comments on this topic.

I have been working DX on 160m for 50 years (I started young LOL!) . . . 

The one thing I have ALWAYS noticed over the years is that the propagation
is OFTEN very selective on 160m. I will be hearing other EU stations working
people that I can barely hear . . . but also vice versa.

Years ago, when conditions were much better, I often had SSB QSOs with North
American stations . . . there would be 2 or 3 of us here in Europe, and
several stations in different parts of the USA. Being in a multi-station
phone QSO made it much easier to compare signals (than on CW) . . . and what
very often happened was that the path between just TWO of the stations would
be good, but poor between the others.

To me, this is all because the Propagation on 160m is very different to even
80m. I believe that much of the time the contacts are via ducting -
inter-layer bouncing of the signals. Getting access in and out of the duct
varies a lot, depending on exactly where you are located.  Sometimes there
may a physically small opening, others times it is very wide.

One of the reasons I also believe that most long-distance QSOs on Top Band
are via ducting is the fact that I have ALWAYS used a high angle antenna
(low dipole) for working DX, yet had consistently good reports. If the
propagation was like on 80m - where you nearly always need a good low-angle
antenna to put out a decent DX signal - then that wouldn't be the case.  

I believe that getting into the duct occurs at fairly high angles (maybe 45
degrees), and that's the reason I have always done pretty well working DX
with my high angle antennas.

Since I have had a separate vertically-polarised receiving Loop for 160m
(the past 2 years) it has been interesting to compare DX signals on that, as
against my Dipole.  There is no doubt that when my signals in NA are at
their strongest (as seen on RBN sites as well as received QSO reports),
received signals are better on my Dipole than the Loop. To me, that
indicates when I have a really good duct opening, as the high angle antenna
is actually better on receive.

Just how and when the ducting occurs on 160m I obviously have no idea, but I
suspect it is sometimes tied in with the effect of daylight on the layers,
and why SOMETIMES grey-line propagation is good (but not always)

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-02-24 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes, as Dave K1WHS noted, very few NA stations on the band last Wednesday
(think I only heard/worked 4), but there were loads of EU stations calling
CQ DX.  (I find that very sad, considering how many NA stations there are
that put out a decent signal on 160m!)

Maybe we'll get a load more people coming on this Wednesday Night (/Thursday
morning) !

To Bob W7RH and Wes N7WS . . . really sorry I couldn't copy you calling me.
Please bear in mind that I live in an ordinary street in the city suburbs,
so sometimes have a fairly high noise level.

Regarding the CQ SSB contest last weekend, conditions were quite poor from
NA . . . could only copy the really big signals, and they were at least 10dB
down on normal (I did at least work everyone I heard, about 15 stations)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ARRL CW Contest

2020-02-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

I had forgotten it was a multiband contest, so I now appreciate that's why
less NA stations are on calling CQ.

Well I came on for a total of about 4 hours over the weekend . . . managed
to work a total of 128 NA stations, so was pretty pleased with that.

Apologies to any of you I couldn't copy . . . but bear in mind that - like
many British stations - I only live in an ordinary street in a City, with a
normal size garden (yard), with many houses within one wavelength.  So I
have a high noise level, and no room for Beverages or anything (just my
homebrew Receiving Loop in the loft.)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: ARRL CW Contest

2020-02-15 Thread Roger Kennedy

Very curious . . . 

I came on 160m last night to see what NA stations I could work in the
contest . . . spent half an hour tuning around and only heard 12 stations
calling CQ, all of which I worked.

I then figured it might be worth calling CQ, as hopefully Europeans wouldn't
call me, as they only get points for working NA stations (unlike the CQ WW)

And in just over half an hour I was called by 50 stations !  (I stopped when
signals started dropping out after our sunrise)

I was just surprised that there weren't more big NA signals on 160 calling
CQ, like there is in the CQ WW - is there a reason for this?

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Cheating etc

2020-02-14 Thread Roger Kennedy

Personally, I don't really care what anyone else does !

I achieved DXCC on 160m many years ago . . . and stopped even counting new
countries once I had worked over 200.  (it used to be really hard, as so few
Countries were licensed for Top Band, but these days almost everyone is)

I KNOW I worked those stations . . . but never bothered collecting QSL cards
or applying for some piece of paper to put on the wall. To me it's about the
SATISFACTION of having achieved something.  

In fact - as I've stated before on here - I'm really not bothered about
working somebody in a rare country . . . it's working ANY distant station on
Top Band that gives me a buzz . . . and regardless of how many times I've
worked that station before.

The same goes for Contests . . . decades ago I used to actually enter Top
Band contests . . . but it really holds no interest for me having hundreds
of quite easy contacts hour after hour . . . I now just come on to try and
pick out the DX stations in-between all the strong Europeans (again, a
unique problem on 160m, as there is no Skip) - THAT to me is an achievement.

Again, I am not bothered about the people using their Computer to have
contacts . . . it would never interest me in a million years, as I feel
there is no operator or equipment skill involved, so zero satisfaction.  But
hey, if it floats some people's boats, that's up to them.

The only thing that DOES bother me is when people stop coming on Human-based
modes on 160m because they think the only activity is on the Computer modes

If more people make an effort to come on the band (instead of complaining)
there WILL be more CW & SSB DX activity on Top Band !

Anyway . . . hope to work some of you in the Contest this weekend. (Had to
put my antenna back up yesterday, as it came down in the Gales we had over
here !)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Very little NA Activity

2020-02-09 Thread Roger Kennedy
Well, I've personally never really understood this desire (or obsession?) to
only want to work new Countries . . .

After all, it's more of an achievement to have a contact on Top Band with
someone 4,000 miles away in a big country, than it is to work someone 2,000
miles away on some little island!

I did start totting up countries worked on 160m back in the 70s . . . but
gave up actually counting once I had reached 100. (these days I'm pretty
sure my total must be over 300)

Roger G3YRO

-Original Message-
From: uy0zg [] 

Nothing to do about

Many want to become famous - they only need new countries .. :

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Very little NA Activity

2020-02-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes but 15 QSOs in over 3 hours isn't very satisfying !

Last Winter when I was started trying to encourage more people to come on
the band each Wednesday night, I often worked over 30 stations in just over
an hour on the band.

73 Roger G3YRO 

-Original Message-
From: uy0zg [] 
Sent: 09 February 2020 15:31
To: Roger Kennedy
Cc:; Topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Very little NA Activity


Not everything is sad, Roger.

On the night and morning of February 7th,( 00:30 - 04:00 UTc) I had 15 CW

Of course, I wanted more.

But still life is beautiful :-))

Nick, UY0ZG

Roger Kennedy ? 2020-02-09 15:58:
> Despite the band being open (as shown by RBN Reports) there sadly 
> seems to have been very little activity from North American stations 
> over the past week. (apart from a couple of good old stalwarts)
> I've heard lots of Europeans calling endless CQ DX calls, and getting 
> very few replies.
> It won't be long before this season will be over !
> Roger G3YRO
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband 
> Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Very little NA Activity

2020-02-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

Despite the band being open (as shown by RBN Reports) there sadly seems to
have been very little activity from North American stations over the past
week. (apart from a couple of good old stalwarts)

I've heard lots of Europeans calling endless CQ DX calls, and getting very
few replies.

It won't be long before this season will be over !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-02-05 Thread Roger Kennedy
Hi Jim

NO !   Wednesday NIGHT . . . so 0300 on Wednesday night is technically
Thursday morning over here . . . but colloquially it's still Wednesday

And in North America it's definitely Wednesday night.  (i.e. this Activity
Night is tonight)

Actually I WAS on Top Band calling endless CQ DXs last night . . . the band
WAS open, as RBN reports were good . . . but no replies !

Hopefully there will be more activity tonight . . .

73 Roger G3YRO

-Original Message-
From: James Wolf [] 
Sent: 04 February 2020 14:25
To: 'Roger Kennedy'
Subject: RE: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night


I'm constantly confused.  
I assume that you are saying Wednesday 0300 etc. Zulu time which is our late
Tuesday - early morning Wednesday.


Jim Wolf,  KR9U
2415 Union Chapel Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46845

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On
Behalf Of Roger Kennedy
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 5:59 PM
Subject: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

Conditions have been fairly good the past few nights . . . but again, often
little CW activity from North America.

So I'm still trying to promote the idea of trying to at least get everyone
on the band on the same evening !

Personally, I shall be on 160 for about an hour from around Z . . .
again around 0300Z . . . and again around 0700Z.

Hope to see you on the band !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-02-04 Thread Roger Kennedy

Conditions have been fairly good the past few nights . . . but again, often
little CW activity from North America.

So I'm still trying to promote the idea of trying to at least get everyone
on the band on the same evening !

Personally, I shall be on 160 for about an hour from around Z . . .
again around 0300Z . . . and again around 0700Z.

Hope to see you on the band !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CQ WW Contest

2020-01-29 Thread Roger Kennedy
Hi Ken
Well this has been voiced before !
I appreciate that many stations are only interested in working new or rare
prefixes on 160m . . .
However, personally I get a big buzz out of EVERY QSO with a station on Top
Band over 2000 miles away, as it is an achievement . . . regardless of how
many times I may have worked that station before.
And I have never really got any real satisfaction working DX on the higher
bands, as even on 80m it's so much easier.
I can't help feeling - given the amount of effort it takes to have a decent
station for 160m, especially in terms of decent Antennas - that it seems
crazy to just come on the band once a month to work a DX-pedition, or for a
Contest !
However, I know there are many people who feel like you . . . but there are
also a lot of Top Band DX-ers who feel like ME. I guess I'm simply trying to
encourage THOSE people to come on the band more often.  Especially as it's
often those same people that complain about all the activity on FT8 and the
lack of DX CW activity !
73 Roger G3YRO

From: Kenneth Grimm [] 
Sent: 29 January 2020 12:26
While this is just my opinion, I look at 160 as a challenge.  If I want to
rag-chew or just rack up QSOs, I either go up to SSB or switch to 80 or 40
CW.  When I'm on 160, I'm looking for a new country or even better, a new
zone.  I have a feeling that this is how a good many 160 ops look at the
band.  It's not as though we don't want to talk to G3YRO, it's because we
are looking for JT5DX at the moment or 9M2AX or XV1X or whatever else we
need on the band.  There are lots of ears in use on 160 when we are in
darkness.  Keyers, not so much.



Ken - K4XL
BoatAnchor Manual Archive
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CQ WW Contest

2020-01-29 Thread Roger Kennedy
Hi Guy
Yes, I'm talking about last weekend !
I'm glad you did so well in the Contest . . . but my comment on Conditions
are always based on the STRENGTH of signals.
When Conditions are GOOD, the Big Signals from NA are always well over S9.
(and back in the 70s, 80s and 90s that was nearly always the case)
However, last weekend very few stations were over S7 here.  Of course,
Propagation on 160m can often be very localised - someone else messaged me
to say that other Europeans were much stronger than British stations last
I think another thing to bear in mind from YOUR side is that these days
there are a LOT more Europeans that come on 160m (mainly just for contests).
That is partly because they were never previously allowed on Top Band, but
also because more commercial Amplifiers cover 160m.
Anyway - good to work you in the Contest.
I just wish there was more Activity from NA on 160m generally.  There must
be at least ten times more 160m DXers over there than there are here in
Britain . . . but almost every night there are several of us on the band
calling CQ DX and getting very few replies ! (yet RBN reports confirm that
the band is open)
73 Roger G3YRO


From: Guy Olinger K2AV 

Hi Roger,

Just want to be sure we are both talking about the weekend of 25, 26
January, 2020, the weekend of the 2020 CQ 160 CW contest. If so, I must
register my decidedly firm impression that was the best 160 meter weekend of
my lifetime, what has to be a counterpoint of the amazing 1958 sunspot

In the contest I worked 1349 stations including 339 10 pointers (almost all
the 10 pointers were European), let's just say 300+ European stations. In
all of that I worked a 160 meter worked all states (48 CONUS + AK & HI),
plus 9 Canadian provinces, 78 countries ("country" per the contest rules).
That was a claimed score from the southeast USA (decidedly not the
EU-advantaged northeast US) of 752,780.

It was, by an enormous margin, my personal lifetime best for any 160 meter
contest. The antenna did work very well, but, seriously, could not possibly
have accounted for that bump up, nor for sure could my personal operating

Just think we need to leave room for the idea that maybe the band was a bit
better than "open". 

Station here K3 + KPA1500, Inverted L over FCP, no RX antennas (working on
that), NOT a superstation.

Wowser, I wonder if we'll get that again before the sunspots start in again.
I can hope.

73, Guy K2AV

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 3:27 PM Roger Kennedy

Well conditions were reasonable over the weekend . . .

I spent a total of about 3 hours on the band, and managed to work 48 NA
stations through all the European QRM.

I'm sure I would have worked a lot more, as I heard many others calling
stations that were calling CQ . . . but I'm reluctant to put out a CQ call
in a contest, as I don't want to work hundreds of Europeans (I'm up in the
middle of the night to work some DX !)

As I say, I wouldn't say conditions were particularly good, but the band was

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: CQ WW Contest

2020-01-28 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well conditions were reasonable over the weekend . . .

I spent a total of about 3 hours on the band, and managed to work 48 NA
stations through all the European QRM.

I'm sure I would have worked a lot more, as I heard many others calling
stations that were calling CQ . . . but I'm reluctant to put out a CQ call
in a contest, as I don't want to work hundreds of Europeans (I'm up in the
middle of the night to work some DX !)

As I say, I wouldn't say conditions were particularly good, but the band was

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-01-16 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well sadly conditions seemed very poor last night . . . 

My own signals were 20 to 30dB down on what I would normally see on NA RBN

I managed just 4 NA QSOs . . . but heard several other people calling me
that were way down in the noise.

Not sure how many stations were on across the pond, but heard lots of other
EU stations calling CQ, but getting few replies.

Thanks to all those that made the effort to come on the band . . . let's
hope conditions are better next Wednesday !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-01-15 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well this is for all of us that complain about all the FT8 activity, but
very few CW stations on the band . . . 

Hope we can get lots of people on Top Band tonight so everyone can have lots
of QSOs !

I personally will be on from around 23.30 GMT . . . again at 03.00 . . . and
again at 07.30.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Topband resource

2020-01-14 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well, people who work me regularly know I put out a pretty decent signal on
160m with my dipole. And I get good reports all over the world, not just
right across America.

I also have a vertically polarised receiving antenna, so can compare signals
on receive . . . DX signals are very rarely stronger on the vertical.
(although I can see big differences on European signals)

And there's definitely no radiation from the feeder !  The dipole is fed
with good quality coax, there's a properly constructed 160m choke balun at
the feedpoint . . . and anyway, most of the feeder isn't even vertical, as
it runs horizontally along my loft !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Topband resource

2020-01-14 Thread Roger Kennedy

"However, 160 needs vertical polarization for consistent long DX."

So how is it that I consistently work all over the world on 160m with my
horizontal dipole at 50ft?!  (and my signals seem to often be pretty
comparable with other Brits using verticals}

You certainly need a Vertical to work DX on 80m . . . but in my experience
160m propagation is very different . . . I'm guessing it's often quite high
angle due to multi-hop or ducting.

Also, I don't understand why on the Web page they are talking about NA
stations coming on Top Band at 1730 UTC to work Europe . . . I don't find
the band opens to NA until at least 2200 . . . and for me signals are always
much better after midnight.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: New Modes, Systems, etc

2020-01-11 Thread Roger Kennedy

It's easy to appreciate why many people - who are passionate about the hobby
- get upset about some of the things they see as being very negative to the

Here in Britain there were LOTS of well-respected Amateurs who were actively
involved in Jamming the VHF Repeaters when they first came on the air in the
1970s. I would never have done such a thing, but I appreciated why those
people were concerned about it having a negative effect on the hobby.
People could now not bother to put up a decent antenna for 2m, yet work
stations 50 miles away.  

However, most new amateurs that did that very quickly got bored with the
hobby, as there was no sense of achievement, no reason to self-improve . . .
and disappeared off the air.  Those that got the satisfaction of working
stations further away through their own efforts were usually the ones that
sustained interest in the hobby.

(It's interesting that there is almost NO activity on the various Repeaters
here in Britain these days . . . which kind of confirms my point!)

I think it's the same logic that many of us apply to the computer-based
modes/protocols . . . that there is no skill involved, and so no real sense
of achievement, like there is when puling a really weak DX station out of
the noise . . . with the result that those people will very soon lose
interest in the hobby.

So those of you who are so keen on them, please at least understand our
motives . . . it's because of our passion for the hobby that we are against
these computer-based modes . . . in the same way as I personally am against
VHF Repeaters or accessing remote Transmitting or even Receiving sites.

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-01-09 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well sadly conditions were rather poor last night . . .

Also I wasn't sure how many stations made it on the band, as I had
torrential rain all night, and with the 400kV power lines a mile away that
caused a high noise level, so could only copy stations above S7.

Oh well . . . perhaps it will be better next Wednesday !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-01-08 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well for those of us who get a buzz out of working ANY station a long way
away (no matter how many times we've worked them before), let's hope we get
lots of stations on the band tonight !

And if you see somebody calling CQ, do try and Spot them on the DX Cluster,
as that helps others to find them.  (maybe we can end up with a lot more CW
Spots than the FT8 boys!)

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Musings on multiple 160m QSOs

2020-01-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well you know I have said this several times before Steve . . so thanks for

Like you, EVERY DX contact is a thrill to me (even after 50 years on the
band), no matter how many times I may have worked that station before.

I actually think that MOST 160m DX-ers agree. After all, it takes a LOT of
effort to put up a decent 160m antenna (for Tx AND Rx) . . . if you only
used that to work NEW stations, you might only come on the band a handful of
times each year !

Hopefully people WON'T now be afraid to call and work stations they have
worked many times before on 160 !

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

2020-01-07 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well now that we have the Holiday season out the way, hope we can re-start
this each week.

Remember, this is for all the people who complain about FT8 and the lack of
activity on CW . . . there will only be activity if people make the effort
to come on the band and have a few QSOs !

Conditions continue to be good, I was getting several S9+ reports from NA
last night . . . and even had a few SSB QSOs too.

I personally will be on around Z . . . again at 0300Z . . . and before
our Sunrise, from around 0700Z.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, little NA Activity

2020-01-05 Thread Roger Kennedy

Hi Ian

Well what gives ME a buzz is EVERY DX contact on Top Band, i.e. any station
more than a couple of thousand miles away . . . it doesn't bother me how
many times I have worked that station before.  And it doesn't bother me
whether they are in a big country or on a tiny island.  It's the fact I'm
doing things the hard way, having long distance contacts on a frequency that
isn't really designed for it.  It's been my main interest in this hobby for
the past 50 years !

If I come on Top Band during a Contest, I only want to spend a couple of
hours on the band, so am just looking to try and work as many DX stations in
that time as possible . . . I don't want to waste time working hundreds of
Europeans that I could work any time!  So that's why I wouldn't put out a CQ

73 Roger G3YRO

-Original Message-


I think that Mike makes a very good case.  A good number of us who enjoy
topband do not tend to use it for working the same stations over and over
again and definitely not for ragchewing.  I enjoy a good CW ragchew, but
would not consider 160m for such a QSO.  I know that I could come on 160m on
Wednesday evenings.  But I have worked over 1000 different US stations on
160m over the years.  My main interest in 160m these days is in working new
DXCC and contesting.  

Incidentally, in one of your posts, you said that you did not call CQ in the
recent Stew Perry for fear (sic) of being called by loads of EU stations.
That struck me as being  rather selective about the type of activity that
you are prepared to tolerate in your log.  Just saying...


Ian G4iiY

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, little NA Activity

2020-01-05 Thread Roger Kennedy
Regarding your comments, Mike VE9AA . . .

I appreciate I may not be one of the biggest signals on the band (although I
did get several S9+ reports from NA over this weekend). . . but the point I
was making was that there were several of the big EU stations on the band
too, and they were getting very few replies, even though conditions were
pretty good !

And secondly, if anything, last winter a lot MORE North American stations
were coming on for my suggested Wednesday CW Activity Night than on a
typical weekend. (hence my suggesting it . . . as I say, I figured people
might be busy with family at the weekend)

In the recent Stew Perry contest, I worked dozens of NA stations that you
never normally hear on the band. These stations obviously put out a good
enough signal to get through the very strong EU contest QRM, so must have a
pretty decent 160m setup . . . yet most of the time they are pretty

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Good Conditions, little NA Activity

2020-01-05 Thread Roger Kennedy

Yes conditions have been good the last few days on 160m (not Great . . . but
what I would always have considered Normal, which they haven't been for

I myself have received some amazing reports from Stations I have worked, as
well as strong RBN reports. However . . . there seems to have been a
distinct lack of activity from North American stations. 

I've been on and off the band for half an hour or so during the past 2
nights (Friday and Saturday) typically around , 0200, 0400 . . . but
along with several other Europeans, calling CQ DX but getting very few
replies. Yet the few stations I DID work gave me very good reports, and RBN
reports were always good too.

I also popped on the band at the end of both nights (around 07.30) . . . but
I didn't even bother putting out a call. Why?  Well many of the regular EU
DX-ers were on the band, calling endless CQs . . . but barely getting any
replies !

Even though Saturday Night/Sunday Morning always used to be the MAIN time to
come and work across the pond on 160m, maybe people have family commitments
at the weekend these days . . . 

So I'm going to keep plugging the idea of a Wednesday CW DX Night on Top
Band . . . it certainly worked last winter, as I would often work as many as
50 NA stations who made the effort to come on the band.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Stew Perry

2019-12-30 Thread Roger Kennedy

Something else I meant to say . . . 

I heard several other NA stations, but they were calling other people.  

I didn't get to work them, as I wasn't going to waste time calling CQ myself
- as with all these Contests, I would have ended up wasting time being
called by dozens of Europeans !

Roger G3YRO

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