Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-17 Thread garym

pgeorges wrote: 
> Could you precise why tinyLMS should be avoided so much ? I use it with
> USB keys or SD cards of 32 GB and it seems CPU use of tinyLMS is low on
> the SBT.

Toby10 lays out the reasons very well. And as he notes, your use with
just a few USB keys or SD cards with not too many files is probably the
optimum situation for using the tinyLMS.  And my brother has a USB drive
plugged in with about 50,000 mp3 files and this works very well for him.
But he never adds files, never edits tags, never unplugs the USB drive,
uses no plugins, and controls the touch with the IR remote.  That is, he
is a very "basic" user. For him, TinyLMS is perfect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-17 Thread toby10

For small libraries the Touch's USB/SD is fine.  But there are numerous
issues with using this vs the full LMS server on a computer.
-  Touch must rescan entire contents on every device swap or Touch power
-  while scanning Touch can become sluggish (sometimes not even usable)
until scan completes
-  larger USB drives must be self powered
-  far less configurable & customizable
-  no transcoding
-  no web UI
-  no plugins
-  USB/SD compatibility issues
-  etc...

Such limitations may or may not not affect your use of the Touch's

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-17 Thread pgeorges

garym wrote: 
> And you should really avoid the tinyLMS option if at all possible. 

Could you precise why tinyLMS should be avoided so much ? I use it with
USB keys or SD cards of 32 GB and it seems CPU use of tinyLMS is low on
the SBT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-13 Thread JohnSwenson

Too many questions here to reply to each separately.

When using one of the software players on a computer on your network
(hardwired or wifi) it connects to the server just like any other SB
player. IF you are using the tinyLMS on the Touch it can actually serve
music  to a software player on a laptop, but just beware of the
limitations. LMS on a real computer can handle many players at once. 

In my house we actually use all three of the software players mentioned.
My wife has an older SB3 in  her sewing room so she likes to use
SoftSqueeze on here laptop since the interface is the same as the SB3. I
use the Touch in a couple lacations in the House so I use SqueezePlay on
my laptop which gives the same display as the Touch. The computer is the
office has both SoftSqueeze and SqueezePlay, my wife uses SoftSqueeze
when she is in there and I use SqueezePlay whenI am in there. I also
have SqueezeSlave running on al old  fanless EPIA board running linux
connected to a USB DAC in one of the rooms. (I generally use an Android
app to control this system)

Aaack! my computer just went crazy, I need to send this before I shut it
down, I'll respond more later.

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread aubuti

Jumping in on some questions you asked me, and more that you asked John

jeromeharris wrote: 
> Does allow players to receive music from a local
> server's storage, as well as from Internet sources? Not that I foresee
> my wanting to do that...
No, doesn't see your local storage at all.
jeromeharris wrote: 
> For that, the laptop must have some server software like LMS running on
> it, or be able to access a "server in the cloud", right? Just testing my
> understanding here. BTW, could you list names of some of these software
> players, so I can look them up, out of curiosity? (Hmm: now that I think
> about it, iTunes and Windows Media Player--which also include server
> functions-- are in this category, right? Do any of the others have
> notable pluses or minuses over the player in the SBT? 
iTunes and WMP don't playback music from LMS, or at least not very
conveniently. The Squeezebox software players are SqueezePlay,
SoftSqueeze, and squeezeslave. Squeezeplay has the same interface as the
SBT, and can be used to control the SBT (or any SB) and/or turn your pc
into a SB. It is perpetual-beta software freely available from SoftSqueeze is Java-based
software that has the look of "virtual" older SB devices (SB Classic,
Transporter, Boom), but the functionality is more or less the same as
SqueezePlay when it comes to playing streams on your pc. squeezeslave is
a "headless" software player, ie, it has no GUI, but can be controlled
by the LMS web ui or other remote devices like iPeng, Squeezepad, etc.

jeromeharris wrote: 
> you know if there exists an alarm-clock app for the SBT? If so,
> that could be a nifty use for a second SBT, as part of a small "zoned
> music" setup.
The SBT has a built-in alarm function. Very customizable in terms of
multiple alarms, streams to play, days of week, etc.

jeromeharris wrote: 
> -- Does the LMS software have to re-scan the library drive when the
> server wakes up (assuming no files on it have been changed, added or
> deleted)?;
> -- Would a dedicated server computer (I'm currently favoring a fit-PC,
> or perhaps a SheevaPlug) be less picky about what type of hard drive is
> plugged into it than the SBT is? If so, that clinches the value of going
> that route. I've tested several USB hard drives and thumb drives with my
> Touch; so far, some hard drives are recognized and work, but some don't
> (none of my thumb drives work);
> -- If I choose to use a dedicated server computer, are there advantages
> or disadvantages to using a USB hard drive versus an NAS hard drive with
> it?;
> -- Re adding newly purchased files and ripping new CDs to a library
> drive, is there any particular reason to have the ripping and tagging
> software running on the dedicated server computer, versus doing those
> jobs on another machine and copying the folders and files to the library
> drive (either over the network, or plugging the library drive into the
> other computer)? Doing it on the server would require connecting an
> optical drive, monitor and keyboard to it for ripping/tagging--its
> location might make that inconvenient.
-- no
-- yes (ie, a pc is less picky than the Touch)
-- Only minor. For example, having the library on a NAS but LMS on your
pc means that scanning will be slower because it's being done over the
network. A USB-drive or internal drive on your pc would be quicker for
scanning, but there is no practical difference when it comes to
-- nope, no advantages to ripping and tagging on a server computer. I've
never had an optical drive on my server computers/NASs -- I just copy
over the network.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread guidof

Welcome to the Squeezebox world!

As an alternative to running Ethernet cables through the house, I've had
excellent results with a D-Link Extreme N Duo Wireless Access Point
Bridge into which I plugged the Touch via a short run of Ethernet cable.
No drop offs or rebuffering. Plus you can also plug other devices into
this gizmo. Maybe worth a try in your setup.

Guido F.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread garym

And I rip and tag with dbpoweramp on a windows laptop and then move
files over my network to my dedicated music server ( a vortexbox
appliance). Also, a FitPC is head and shoulders above a sheevaplug in
terms of performance (thus its higher price). But if you don't need
small size or silent computer you can go with any old cheap computer.
Remember, the server does not need to be anywhere near your listening
room. That's one of the key advantages of the SB/LMS system.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread garym

A quick one:  essentially any USB drive can work connected to a computer
running LMS. It is only when connecting to the touch itself to use
tinyLMS that you have to be picky because of potential drive issues. And
you should really avoid the tinyLMS option if at all possible. 

P.s. power line ethernet option can work very well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread jeromeharris

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> You asked for it! 

Indeed, and you delivered big time! Very helpful infomation--thanks so
much. I have a few questions (please pardon my lack of knowledge)...

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> is  implemented by big server computers located in
> various locations around the world implementing MANY MANY instances of s
> special server. This server serves two primary purposes, it allows
> players to receive music when you don't have a local LMS server (or 
> it's turned off) and it is the gateway to  internet based "music
> services" (Pandora, Rhapsody etc) 

Does allow players to receive music from a local
server's storage, as well as from Internet sources? Not that I foresee
my wanting to do that...

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> There are several software players, so you can listen to the music on
> your laptop etc. 

For that, the laptop must have some server software like LMS running on
it, or be able to access a "server in the cloud", right? Just testing my
understanding here. BTW, could you list names of some of these software
players, so I can look them up, out of curiosity? (Hmm: now that I think
about it, iTunes and Windows Media Player--which also include server
functions-- are in this category, right? Do any of the others have
notable pluses or minuses over the player in the SBT? 

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> The parts in the hardware devices are not dedicated to each other,
> although  they usually work that way. For example you can use the
> controller in the Touch to control the player in another SB and use your
> phone to control the player in the Touch. You can  have the Player  in
> the Touch connected to while  the server in the Touch
> is sending music to a software player on a laptop. you know if there exists an alarm-clock app for the SBT? If so,
that could be a nifty use for a second SBT, as part of a small "zoned
music" setup.

JohnSwenson wrote: 
>  It sounds like from your post you are NOT a person who would relish the
> task of getting TinyLMS to do what you want. This is not to say it's
> useless, some people manage to use  it just fine, but others are
> constantly fighting it. My impression  here  is that you would probably
> be better off with a server on a separate computer. 

Yes, I'm not interested in fighting with TinyLMS--I'd rather spend a
little money and have a more stable and robust setup--especially if
doing so would confer certain other benefits (see questions below). 

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> You can use an already existing computer, but when that computer is
> turned off, you can't get any music out of  it. If a computer has WOL
> (Wake On Lan) the  server can be sleeping when not playing music and the
> Touch can tell it to wake up when  you want to listen to music. 

A couple of questions:

-- Does the LMS software have to re-scan the library drive when the
server wakes up (assuming no files on it have been changed, added or

-- Would a dedicated server computer (I'm currently favoring a fit-PC,
or perhaps a SheevaPlug) be less picky about what type of hard drive is
plugged into it than the SBT is? If so, that clinches the value of going
that route. I've tested several USB hard drives and thumb drives with my
Touch; so far, some hard drives are recognized and work, but some don't
(none of my thumb drives work);

-- If I choose to use a dedicated server computer, are there advantages
or disadvantages to using a USB hard drive versus an NAS hard drive with

-- Re adding newly purchased files and ripping new CDs to a library
drive, is there any particular reason to have the ripping and tagging
software running on the dedicated server computer, versus doing those
jobs on another machine and copying the folders and files to the library
drive (either over the network, or plugging the library drive into the
other computer)? Doing it on the server would require connecting an
optical drive, monitor and keyboard to it for ripping/tagging--its
location might make that inconvenient.

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I hope you get the impression the SqueezeBox universe is rather flexible

I'll say! I had no idea. I'm glad to be entering this universe--it
seemed like it could provide the highest sound quality for the lowest
cost (having access to 24/192 files through Triode's EDO software was
the factor that finally pulled me to buy an SBT), plus not having to
shell out money for a complete system all at once is great, given my
"artist-class" musician's cash flow.

Thanks again for your very helpful information--much appreciated.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-12 Thread jeromeharris

aubuti wrote: 
> First, just because the wifi in your listening room is iffy doesn't mean
> you have to go with the Touch's built-in server (I'll call it TinyLMS)
> and a directly-attached USB drive. The TinyLMS+USB drive approach works
> for some and fails for others, but overall it has to be the most
> unreliable aspect of the whole SB system. 

That's been a notable concern for me; I've tried several USB drives
plugged directly into my Touch (hard drives and thumb drives)--some
work, some don't. When I buy a hard drive for my music library, I want
to know that it will work (connected to my network; it would be nice if
it also worked directly connected to the Touch, but I'm moving away from
seeing that as a must-have).

aubuti wrote: 
> Is there a way to run ethernet (cat5e or cat6) cable to your listening
> room? If not, what about homeplug adapters, which carry wired network
> traffic over your home's electrical wiring? Or adding a wifi access
> point in or near the listening room?  In the end, improving the
> connectivity of your listening room to avoid dropouts is likely to be
> more satisfying than using TinyLMS plus an external drive.

That makes sense to me. I wish that I could easily run Ethernet cable
into my listening room, but that would involve messing up parts of a
recent kitchen renovation (had I only thought further ahead...sigh. Part
of that renovation work worsened the WiFi connectivity in our living
room area)--that's not feasible right now. I'll look into the Homeplug
option; meanwhile, we moved an Airport Express box that we're using as a
signal extender for that area; connectivity seems better (I must test it
a bit more for audio use).  

aubuti wrote: 
>  there is a paid subscription service on called
> MP3Tunes that allows you to upload your tracks (MP3 versions only) to an
> online storage site, and then play them back from there.

I probably won't bother with that-- for home listening, I don't want to
convert anything to MP3 format and lose audio quality.

aubuti wrote: 
> But usually (or for lazy typists like me) is
> used for streaming from the internet: internet radio and services such
> as Pandora, Slacker, Rhapsody, Spotify, MOG,, and others. You
> can also access all of those online services when your SB is connected
> to LMS on your home network -- you only ever _need_ to connect
> explicitly to if you want to turn your local server off.

Wow; that's useful to know--more incentive for properly understanding
and implementing a stable instance of LMS on my system. 

aubuti wrote: 
> Btw, it probably also helps to know that slimserver, SqueezeCenter (SC),
> Squeezebox Server (SBS), and Logitech Media Server (LMS) are all
> different names for the same thing, namely the server software that runs
> on a pc, NAS, or Touch (in a stripped-down version on the Touch).
> Apparently when they get bored at Logitech they rename things fairly
> indiscriminately.

Hah! Thanks *very* much for that info--I had no idea!

aubuti wrote: 
> As for the pluses and minuses of Vortexbox Appliance, squeezeplug, or
> FitPC, my advice is that there is no hurry.

Perhaps, but if using such a device  would mean that I don't have to
research and pick a specific brand and model of hard drive to know that
the drive will work, I could go ahead and buy a drive and start ripping
CDs; that would be a real plus (along with the benefits of running the
full version of LMS on it). Is that the case--that a "host computer"
like those mentioned would be drive-agnostic--less picky than the Touch?

Also, if the FitPC-connected library drive is powered down or goes into
sleep mode, does LMS have to re-scan it when the drive is re-powered or
awakened (assuming no files have been added, deleted or edited)? That
too would be a plus for me.

aubuti wrote: 
> Presumably you have a computer at present. Can you run LMS on that? If
> so, I would get started with that while you sort out more critical
> issues such as the wifi in your listening room and ripping your CDs.
> It's always easy to upgrade/change your LMS server hardware later. 

I have installed LMS on one of my laptops, as a test; my Touch found it,
scanned its drive, and plays its music files with no problem. I'll soon
try connecting a USB hard drive to it--one that my Touch couldn't
recognize--and see if the Touch finds it and can access it.

aubuti wrote: 
> Hope this helps at least a little.

It sure does--much thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-09 Thread JohnSwenson

jeromeharris wrote: 
> Has anyone posted a function-oriented description of the various
> hardware and software elements of the SBT--sort of a "system
> architecture" portrait?

You asked for it! 

I'll describe the architecture for the newer devices such as the SBT,
it's slightly different for the older devices.

The squeeze box system architecture consists of three logical parts:
servers, players and controllers connected by a network. These do NOT
have to be separate boxes.

The server is the brains of the operation. Servers send audio data to
players, the players can only play what they get sent by a server. There
are two basic categories of server: local server (currently called LMS)
and the server in the cloud: LMS manages a collection
of music files, it keeps a database of information about each of these
files, name, artist, album, year etc. In most cases this  information is
stored in tags embedded in the files. (It  can come from other sources,
but thats another discussion). The server allows the user to search 
through this information  in various ways  to choose what music to
listen to. After the user chooses a selection of files to listen to it
reads the files and streams the audio data to one or more players over 
the  network. There are several different stream formats supported, the
user can choose which to use. LMS can also connect to music streams over
the internet  (internet radio) and stream this to the  players. is  implemented by big server computers located in
various locations around the world implementing MANY MANY instances of s
special server. This server serves two primary purposes, it allows
players to receive music when you don't have a local LMS server (or 
it's turned off) and it is the gateway to  internet based "music
services" (Pandora, Rhapsody etc) 

The logical player is a black box, audio data comes in over the network
and audio of some form comes out. Note there is NO user  interface on
this logical construct. The user interface exists in the controller

The controller is the  user interface for the system. It  talks to a
SERVER, NOT a player. It  tells the  server to start sending  audio to a
specific player. It  sends queries to the server (to find music by
different criteria), displays the results and send the user's slection
back to the server. Most of the servers actually contain a controller in
the form of a web page as well

These different logical parts of the system can come in  different
combinations in actual hardware. For example the Touch  has all three.
The Duet comes with a separte black box player and separate hand  held
controller. There are several software players, so you can listen to the
music on your laptop etc. Some have controlers, some do not. There are
controller programs that run  on all kinds of computers, and controller
apps for iPhones, iPads and android devices. You can also get player
apps for  these as well so you can plug a headphone into the phone and
listen to  the music as well as using it to control  the hardware

The parts in the hardware devices are not dedicated to each other,
although  they usually work that way. For example you can use the
controller in the Touch to control the player in another SB and use your
phone to control the player in the Touch. You can  have the Player  in
the Touch connected to while  the server in the Touch
is sending music to a software player on a laptop. 

It's an incredibly flexible system. 

The server in the Touch is "special", it's called TinyLMS, it's the same
server but it has a lot of stuff turned off so it will fit in the small
amount of memory in the Touch hardware. It's not exactly what you would
call "rock solid, plug and play", it's trying to do a lot on very
limited resources and if you are not careful it can become a very
frustrating experience. It sounds like from your post you are NOT a
person who would relish the task of getting TinyLMS to do what you want.
This is not to say it's useless, some people manage to use  it just
fine, but others are constantly fighting it. My impression  here  is
that you would probably be better off with a server on a separate

This does NOT have to be a full blown expensive computer, it can be a
something like  a SheevaPlug (which looks like a wall wart power supply,
but is actually a computer) which costs $100. You plug your USB drive
into it and plug the ethernet into the network or directly into the 
Touch. There are MANY choices for a server and how you can hookup a

You can use an already existing computer, but when that computer is
turned off, you can't get any music out of  it. If a computer has WOL
(Wake On Lan) the  server can be sleeping when not playing music and the
Touch can tell it to wake up when  you want to listen to music. Many of
us hard core SqueezBox users  have dedicated music servers, because the 
music goes over the network you can st

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-09 Thread aubuti

Welcome to the Squeezebox (SB) world. You've got a whole lot of
questions in your first post, mixed in with some correct observations
and some apparent misperceptions. I don't think I can address all of
them, but I'll try to get to the key ones.

First, just because the wifi in your listening room is iffy doesn't mean
you have to go with the Touch's built-in server (I'll call it TinyLMS)
and a directly-attached USB drive. The TinyLMS+USB drive approach works
for some and fails for others, but overall it has to be the most
unreliable aspect of the whole SB system. Is there a way to run ethernet
(cat5e or cat6) cable to your listening room? If not, what about
homeplug adapters, which carry wired network traffic over your home's
electrical wiring? Or adding a wifi access point in or near the
listening room?  In the end, improving the connectivity of your
listening room to avoid dropouts is likely to be more satisfying than
using TinyLMS plus an external drive.

Second, as for system architecture, you correctly surmise that it's a
client/server system. However, the Touch is primarily a client, and its
server function is a distant second. The Touch, like all Squeezebox
models, has to be connected to a server. That server could be LMS
running on a computer (or on a NAS, or TinyLMS on an SB Touch) on your
local network, or it could be, which is "the server in
the cloud."  For playing back your ripped CDs, you usually need to have
a local LMS/TinyLMS running. I say "usually" because there is a paid
subscription service on called MP3Tunes that allows you
to upload your tracks (MP3 versions only) to an online storage site, and
then play them back from there.  But usually (or for lazy typists like me) is used for streaming from the
internet: internet radio and services such as Pandora, Slacker,
Rhapsody, Spotify, MOG,, and others.

Btw, it probably also helps to know that slimserver, SqueezeCenter (SC),
Squeezebox Server (SBS), and Logitech Media Server (LMS) are all
different names for the same thing, namely the server software that runs
on a pc, NAS, or Touch (in a stripped-down version on the Touch).
Apparently when they get bored at Logitech they rename things fairly

As for the pluses and minuses of Vortexbox Appliance, squeezeplug, or
FitPC, my advice is that there is no hurry. Presumably you have a
computer at present. Can you run LMS on that? If so, I would get started
with that while you sort out issues such as the wifi in your listening
room and ripping your CDs. It's always easy to upgrade/change your LMS
server hardware later. My particular route started from an old surplus
Dell desktop running Ubuntu to a hacked LinkStation NAS to a different
hacked LinkStation NAS to my current headless Atom-based "nettop" that I
assembled using largely the same hardware as a Vortexbox Appliance.  And
I still do all my ripping on my Windows laptop.

Hope this helps at least a little.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-09 Thread garym

To get you started read a bunch of this material. Somewhat outdated with
terms (squeezenetwork is now my and squeezecenter is
LMS). But still very useful.

Also, much more active group at

I'll post more, but for now id say avoid tinyLMS built into touch.
Otherwise, great system. I have about 70,000 FLAC files and play them
with no issues, controlling my whole house system from laptop, iPhone,
or iPad.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Seeking SBT Hard- & Software "Architecture" Description

2012-08-09 Thread jeromeharris

I am a new owner of a Squeezebox Touch. I've been happily using it for
listening to Internet "radio" streams, and I've been reading various
posts on this forum seeking information that will help me assemble a
SBT-based setup that meets my other listening interests and priorities.

Has anyone posted a function-oriented description of the various
hardware and software elements of the SBT--sort of a "system
architecture" portrait? I've been gleaning some of that type of info
from forum posts, but I don't have a full and accurate understanding of
how the software (Squeezebox Server, Logitech Media Server,
"TinySB")--whether in the SBT or sitting elsewhere--works with the SBT
and ancillary gear (while having been a computer user since DOS days,
I'm rather ignorant about client/server stuff; obviously the SBT is to
some degree a specialized server device). Such understanding seems
essential for making decisions about what I would need for what I want a
system to do.

My interests and priorities (beyond accessing streams):
I intend to move the data from all of my CDs (numbering over 2000, and
slowly growing) onto a hard drive, along with some number of purchased
files. I hate dropouts while listening; since I'm not yet sure that the
WiFi in my main listening room is stable enough to avoid them, I have to
decide whether my library drive will be plugged directly into my SBT, or
into my WiFi router (currently an Apple Airport Extreme). 

Given the long process of ripping and tagging that many discs, I want to
know that a drive I buy for my music library will actually work--I'd
hate to buy one only to have to spend time and effort returning it. I've
tried plugging three USB hard drives into my SBT, with and without
external power supplies, with and without a powered hub; one drive has
never been recognized (nor have any USB thumb drives I've tried). At
some point I'll swap enclosures with a drive that is recognized, but my
time for such experimenting is limited--I'm into all of this more for
the music than for the hobbyist adventure). I'd like to determine in
advance whether a particular USB or NAS hard drive will work.

Since I certainly will be adding music to my library, convenient system
or network access to an optical drive, ripping/tagging software and WiFi
makes sense, right? Given that, along with my concerns about finding a
good library hard drive, I want to assess the pluses and minuses of
using the SBT with a Vortexbox Appliance, SqueezePlug or fit-PC.

Once I get this system up and running well, I intend to check out the
sound of high bit depth/high sample rate files, and also consider
measures for improving the general sound of the system (external DAC;
improved power supply), funds permitting. For now, the sound quality of
the SBT is more than sufficient for me.

I'm sure I will have further questions for the forum members as I
continue along this path, but for now I'll ask: would someone please
point me to--or post--a "system architecture" description of the SBT
software and hardware?

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