Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Samuel Murray (Groenkloof)
G'day everyone

I'm reusing the subject line :-)

It is a pity that Pootle can't go directly from the login page to the 
user options page.  The user first goes to his /home/ page, where there 
is a single link called "Change options" which must first the clicked 
before he sees his account settings.  Well, I suppose we have to live 
with it, but then I think we should make the /home/ page appear a little 
more interesting, with more clickable links to give new users an idea of 
what can be done from that page.

1. It would never have occurred to me that the "Change options" link is 
meant for making changes to the user account settings, and even if it 
did occur to me, I still might not have visited it because as a new user 
I have no idea what kinds of options can be set.

By "new" users I also mean a user who doesn't use a particular part of 
the site very often.

I suggest that the various items on the /options.html page be given 's, and then we could link to each one separately from the /home/ 
page.  This will give users an idea of what options can be changed.

The /home/ page can also contain the user's current settings.  For 
example, on the /home/ page it would say the user's name, his e-mail 
address, his GUI language, which projects he selected, and which 
languages he selected.  At each item is a link "Join languages" or "Join 
projects" (even if technically a user can also use the link to leave 
languages and leave projects).

2. There are three "Save changes" buttons on the options.html page.  It 
is not clear (to me) that each button pertains only to the stuff above 
it.  I would have expected each button to save all changes, or... at 
least the bottom button would save all changes.

Also think of a situation where a user changes various options, gets to 
the bottom of the page, and clicks "Save changes".  Only his last 
changes will be saved.  I think the three sets of options should be 
better boxed and separated, so that users realise what they're looking 
at is actually three options pages on a single page.

2.1 There is a "Save changes" button underneath "My languages" but not 
underneath "My projects", yet the layout suggests that the languages and 
projects are separate sets of settings.  Better boxing (framing, 
bordering, etc) will help clarify which "Save" button belongs to which 
set of options.

3. On the options.html page, there are words "Option" and "Current 
value".  Well, these words are pretty meaningless.  From a programmer's 
point of view, the "Name" and "Password" are called 'options' and the 
user's real name is called a 'value', but these terms meaning nothing to 
ordinary users.  In fact... it is *obvious* what the label "Name" means 
and that the person's name is written in the little field next to it.

4. On the /home/ page there are two lines of text -- on my screen it says:

Quick Links

...which gives me the impression that there are two links (another 
reason why links should look like links!), but in reality "Quick Links" 
is simply a heading.

What is the purpose of "Quick links" anyway?  I suspect the idea is that 
users who log out, can see the quick links when they log in again.  Well 
in my opinion it makes more sense to put these quick links on every 
page, then... and the names of the links should be a little clearer, eg: 
"Afrikaans mainpage" instead of just "Afrikaans".

In fact, the fact that "Afrikaans" is bolded on the options.html page 
also made me think for a moment (until I moused over it) that 
"Afrikaans" is not a link but simply a heading.

Pootle is guilty of a specific type of mystery meat navigation, in that 
users are forced to hover their mouse over the various text elements to 
determine what they are (links, headings, etc).


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Samuel Murray (Groenkloof)

G'day everyone

And here are some more ideas.


I think it's great that the title of pages change depending on the page 
itself, but I think it can be improved.  At present, the title of this page:

is this:

Pootle 1.1.0: Project Art of Illusion, Language Arabic

...and I have two comments on it:

1. The words "Project" and "Language" are not necessary
2. Put language first, so that it mimicks the bread crumbs on the page 
3. I understand that "Pootle 1.1.0" is taken from the site's main title, 
but I think it should be customisable separately, so that an admin can 
have just "Pootle" in the page title even though his site's title is 
"Pootle 1.1.0" or whatever.


Pootle: Arabic > Art of Illusion


Currently, the title of this page:

is this:

Pootle 1.1.0: translating Art of Illusion into Arabic:

But I think it should be simply this:

Pootle: Arabic > Art of Illusion > (string #3)



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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Samuel Murray (Groenkloof)

Julen wrote:

> Although my browser opens new windows in new tabs, personally I hate
> this behaviour. In my opinion the user should control the way he/she
> navigates pages, not the other way round.

I agree, but we also have to think of users who are less computer savvy 
and who may not know that you can open multiple windows (or don't know 
how to do it) and who don't know how to use the Back button to get back 
to Pootle after they've read the user manual page.

Unfortunately one has to take a middle ground that is unliked by the 
least number of people.  My point with using target="_new" in standard 
HTML is that this is the least intrusive way of opening a new tab or a 
new window.

Also, AFAIK the HTML method isn't blocked by most pop-up blockers, and 
it seems that many modern browsers have some sort of pop-up blocker 
pre-installed.  In fact, I find it funny how web sites using pop-ups go 
to great length to educate their users on how to recognise a blocked 
pop-up and how to unblock it :-)

> It would be fancy to have popups like those displayed in a location on
> Google Maps, for example.

> We could make use of the "title" attribute of the anchor tag. Hey,
> that's quite useful and nobody uses it! That would display a little
> explanatory string for the current link.

The "title" attribute is already used in some places.  Check out and hover your mouse over the 
project names.  The problem with this method is that you have to hover 
for quite a few seconds before anything is displayed (at least in my 
browser, Opera).  So the fact that links have "titles" is likely to be 
discovered only by accident.

The cute tooltip/popups used on some blogging sites are more useful 
because they pop up almost immediate when you put your mouse on the 
link, but they can also be annoying because they tend to be large and 
they obscure the text behind them.

 > Also, adding [?] could overload the links and flood the page with
 > question marks, don't you think so?

Well, that's why I think it should be possible to turn them off.  In 
fact, a Pootle admin should be able to turn them off by default (then 
users have to turn them on in their account settings).  The way I 
thought about displaying them was using superscript:

Link here[?]

... with the pseudoclass a:link "nonU" defined as 50% font size and not 

The advantage of this is that a question mark is nearly (?) universally 
understood, and it will be visible yet unobtrusive.

> I don't know which wording would be the best but I'd change its
> position to the top-right edge of the page, and put it between "logged
> in as %s" and "Log out". Also, I'd replace "logged in as %s" with
> "%s", it's shorter and keeps its meaning.

I have no objection to "Logged in as" but I agree that the place for the 
profile settings link is often in the top-right corner along with 
similar details.  If the "Logged in as" is removed, then perhaps the 
username can be replaced with "Guest" if the person is not logged in.


Another thing I'd like to see is to have the login, password and GUI 
language fields on every page, in the top-right corner, if the user is 
not logged in.  This will help establish the idea with visitors that 
Pootle is ideally meant to be used with a user account, and it will be a 
visual reminder for returning users that they need to log in first.

So, when not logged in:

Login: [field]
Password: [field]
Change language
Not registered?  Join now!

To save on bandwidth, the option to change the GUI language should not 
be a dropdown list but instead should be a link called "Change language" 
that leads to a page where the user can change the GUI language.  The 
"Join now!" is also a link.


One can also use the top-right box to teach users other things, for 
example that they should select languages and projects in their 
profiles.  So, when a user is logged in, the box could have this:

Logged in as: (User name)
Languages: (list of target languages indicated in their profile)
Projects: (list of projects indicated in their profile)

...but if the user hasn't selected any, the box would have:

Logged in as: (User name)
Languages: No languages selected in your account settings
Projects: No projects selected in your account settings



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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Julen
Hi all,

Although I'm joining the discussion a little bit late, I see it very
interesting and it has raised some concerns I've thought of since I'm
a Pootle user. More comments below.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof)
> Clytie Siddall wrote:


>>> 10.  Little question marks :-)  To help people learn Pootle easier, each
>>> link should be followed by a small [?] link that opens a user manual
>>> page that describes the purpose of that link.  Users who want to, could
>>> then disable those links via their account settings.
>> This is basic HIG (Human Interface Guidelines), so we should definitely
>> do this. Pop-up frames to display the Help items.
> I agree that the help pages should open in new windows, but my
> preference would be that they are normal windows, not the JavaScript
> type of resized pop-up window.

Although my browser opens new windows in new tabs, personally I hate
this behaviour. In my opinion the user should control the way he/she
navigates pages, not the other way round.

It would be fancy to have popups like those displayed in a location on
Google Maps, for example. But does this break standard interaction
techniques? I think the use of JavaScript should be limited to the
cases where it's really necessary.

Look at some common design mistakes:

Also, adding [?] could overload the links and flood the page with
question marks, don't you think so?

We could make use of the "title" attribute of the anchor tag. Hey,
that's quite useful and nobody uses it! That would display a little
explanatory string for the current link.


>>> 17. I wonder if we shouldn't move away from the use of the term
>>> "account" and use the more modern term "profile".
>> Many websites use this link to identify you more strongly with the
>> product. How about "My Pootle"?
> I have no objection -- and you're quite right about the brand awareness
> it creates.  But the "My {Product}" is usually used on static web sites
> where the rest of the site offers little or no interaction;  Pootle
> works different, because the entire site is interactive and the "My
> {Product}" section is simply a place where you change your account
> settings, but do nothing else.  But that's just my opinion.

I don't know which wording would be the best but I'd change its
position to the top-right edge of the page, and put it between "logged
in as %s" and "Log out". Also, I'd replace "logged in as %s" with
"%s", it's shorter and keeps its meaning.


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Samuel Murray (Groenkloof)
Clytie Siddall wrote:

> Also, the difference between "statistics" and "checks" is unclear. Error 
> checks are a type of statistic.

I disagree.  Yes, there are numbers indicated on the Checks page, but 
that's just added value.  The primary function of the Statistics page is 
  to show numbers and cute little graphs -- but the Checks page show 
numbers in addition to the other stuff.

> Show Errors
> Show Summary
> The Summary page can then contain other useful info. After all, the 
> other views also contain the stats, they just don't show them graphically.

Are you suggesting that the Statistics page be renamed "Summary"?

My problem is that there are both Show and Hide links for Checks, Goals 
and Assigns -- but for Editing and Statistics, there is only "Show" 
links, and they are mutually exclusive.

You can have Checks shown or hidden, Goals shown or hidden, and Assigns 
shown or hidden, all at the same time, without affecting each other. 
But if you "show" Statistics, you automatically "hide" Editing.  So it 
makes sense to me that Editing and Statistics should be made somehow 
related to each other, hence "Show Editing" and "Hide Editing".

That's just my opinion.

>> Hence, rename "Show Statistics" to "Hide Editing", so the list would be:
>> Show Editing x Hide Editing
>> Show Checks x Hide Checks
>> Show Goals x Hide Goals
>> Show Assigns x Hide Assigns

> Yes, and the Show and Hide links would be alternative: you only see one, 
> not both.

That is the way it is currently also.

>> Afrikaans -> WordPress -> admin_edit.po

> Works well like this:
> Afrikaans > WordPress > admin_edit.po
> No need for the hyphen.

Absolutely.  I meant that there should be some kind of arrow symbol. 
The bloke over at says he uses no graphics on his site except 
for arrow graphics, which he uses in the bread crumbs.

>> So you would have:
>> Home | All projects | All languages | Docs & help | About this Pootle 
>> server

> or more briefly, just
> This Pootle

I thought about this again and I now think that having "About this 
Pootle server" (or similar) at the bottom of the page can also be 
useful.  If there is a horizontal line above it, it acts as a visual cue 
to the user where the page ends.

I realise there is a contact page, but I think that a "Contact us" or 
"Contact the administrator" link can be placed next to the "About this 
Pootle server" link at the bottom of the page.  That link can be either 
an e-mail address or a link to a page with just the relevant contact 
details on it.

The link name "This Pootle" doesn't say anything to me.  It would imply 
that "pootle" is a common noun, and it would have to be written "This 
pootle" anyway.

A problem I think the locamotion Pootle server has, is that it doesn't 
have any branding that distinguishes it from other Pootle servers.  I 
wonder if the head section of the page shouldn't be redesigned so that 
the particular site's own branding is more prominent and the Pootle 
brand is smaller (though still present).

>> 356 items (137 translated, 156 blank, 63 fuzzy)

> Much better, but "strings" instead of "items".

The word "string" is a very geeky localisation kind of term.  The normal 
meaning of "string" would be "a line of characters joined together".  I 
use the word myself, but I wonder if there might be better, alternative 

The word "sentence" is not an option, obviously.  What about "segment"? 
  Or not, perhaps folks from outside the professional translation world 
won't know that "segment" is a chunk of translatable text.  Other 
options are "units" (or "translation units") and "items".  In the 
Gettext world they speak of "messages" but that is also jargon, IMO.

That said, I'm not against "strings".

> This is basic HIG (Human Interface Guidelines), so we should definitely 
> do this. Pop-up frames to display the Help items.

I agree that the help pages should open in new windows, but my 
preference would be that they are normal windows, not the JavaScript 
type of resized pop-up window.

> How about we do the same thing with the translation commands, and thus 
> save space and be clearer by displaying...

> View strings: Mine | My new/fuzzy | Suggested | New/fuzzy | All
> Download this file as: PO | XLF | TS | CSV

Well, I can't offer any good reason why not to, but I can dream up some 
excuses. :-)  My preference is that the "view" links are all verbed so 
that they form self-contained units even though they are related to each 
other, but that the "download" links use the intro-text as I had 
suggested.  But that's just my personal feeling -- I can offer no good 

>> 17. I wonder if we shouldn't move away from the use of the term
>> "account" and use the more modern term "profile".

> Many websites use this link to identify you more strongly with the 
> product. How about "My Pootle"?

I have no objection -- and you're quite right about the brand awareness 
it creates.  But the "My {Product}" is usu

Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle and community needs (was: Re: [Localization] Euro contributions Re: More translations needed?

2008-06-19 Thread Clytie Siddall

Thanks for your reply, Friedel. :)

On 17/06/2008, at 11:09 PM, F Wolff wrote:

On Di, 2008-06-17 at 16:08 +0930, Clytie Siddall wrote:

Context: we do now have support for developer comments, but we need
msgctxt support. How far off is that?

We have supported msgctxt and KDE msgid comments in Pootle for some  

now. If programmers put it in, it will be displayed.

It looks like we need to publicize it more, then. I haven't seen  
anyone use it yet.

Find where you left off: I put in a feature request for this quite
some time back (Last-Used link in Quick Links).

I know you have been working on base-level changes, but we really  

to start responding to these user-level requests, to keep up with the
real-life situations where Pootle can be of use.

Start responding? Obviously we haven't gotten to nearly all the
requests, but I'd like to think that we have improved by responding to
several requests.

Maybe I'm thinking of my own requests. ;)

I know you do have very limited resources, but I would advise making  
some of the long-requested intuitive-use or convenience changes to the  
Pootle UI. Then the users _see_ the changes.

I'm keen to support Pootle on project lists, but it's difficult when  
users repeat complaints or requests which have often been made before,  
to come up with anything positive to say. Suggestions welcome. :)

I was really taken aback to hear Yama say Pootle wasn't appropriate
for the OLPC community work. AFAIK, this is exactly the kind of job
for which Pootle was first designed. Are we losing our disadvantaged-
community roots?

We need to listen to our community users, and respond to their needs.
Pootle does not have the world's most user-friendly interface: it
needs updating. Is any of this likely to occur soon?

if so, I can reassure projects that their needs will be met. If  
not, I

think we are going to lose the kind of users we really should be

It is easy to think of things where Pootle can improve (I do it all  
time :-)  However, it is obviously more constructive if the  
community of

people with interest in seeing Pootle improve, actually help to get
these things happening. We have improved quite a bit in the areas  

people have helped to make it happen. For example, Julen recently
announced the support for displaying an additional language during
translation. It happened when somebody (Sayamindu+Julen) put in some
effort to make it a reality.

Why would anybody want to make a more user-friendly UI rather than  

improving the existing one? Have we been unwelcoming to new
contributors? Please say where we can improve on this front. Obviously
we want things to improve.

By "making a more user-friendly UI", I didn't mean "replace the  
existing one". I meant, "make it more user-friendly", because that is  

If people have suggestions, and they have the ability to help with  
coding, that is the obvious way to make things happen. However, the  
majority of translators don't have those skills, and they are your  
user base. To help the people for whom Pootle was originally designed,  
you want to listen to user feedback. I don't have any suggestions as  
to how you can deal with the shortage of resources: if there were any  
way I could help with that, I would. That's why I bring you the  
feedback in the first place, and do my best to address it positively  
in the original project.

Judging by the user-reactions I'm encountering, and by my own  
experience with Pootle, I think it would be a good move to improve the  
UI. Some of the changes requested are largely cosmetic: improving link  
names, improving the crumb trail, the CSS to show visited links. Small  
changes like this are highly visible, and will show the users that you  
are listening to what they say.

I don't think you have been unwelcoming, but most users don't even  
know your project exists. To encourage feedback, you could include a  
Bugs and Feedback link on the Pootle homepage (or wherever else you  
think appropriate). A quick input frame to send a message to this list  
(with an acceptance filter) would also encourage more communication.

To raise awareness of Pootle's features, you could also have a Tip of  
the Month, or tip for each version, e.g. "Pootle can display [msgctxt]  
contextual information: add this information to your PO files to see  
more accurate translations."

[Link to info on msgctxt, preferably not in the gettext manual since  
that is a much more effective cure for insomnia than confusion.]

I hope this is useful. I just about bang my head on my keyboard in  
frustration, thinking of how I could have contributed requested  
features if I still had half my brain left, but what is gone, is gone.  
I'll have to rely on email and my sense of humour. ;)

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

Description: This is a digitally signe

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Clytie Siddall
Samuel, this is great! I have put in some interface suggestions in the  
past, but your email covers a lot of issues much better. :)

I agree that the page could be laid out in a more standards-supporting  
and intuitive way. Renaming the links is an easy and effective change.  
Grouping them according to function also helps a lot.

I have used Pootle often for a long time, and I still have to remind  
myself what some of the links mean, and what to do at different  
junctions. The interface should be much easier to use than that.

On 18/06/2008, at 8:15 PM, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof) wrote:

Clytie Siddall wrote:

For example "Quick Translate" doesn't explain what it does. How about
"Translate blank/fuzzy"? Then it would be obvious to the most
doc-allergic user. (To make it briefer, if necessary, "Edit blank/ 

I have a few more ideas for link renaming, etc.  Please tell me what  

think.  Some of my ideas are easier to implement than others.

1. In an effort to save space, the links in the blue box at the top of
Pootle are from different functions all mixed into one box.  This is
confusing because the user can't deduce the various functions  

to him by looking at the way the links are classified.

At the moment, the links bar looks like this:

Show Statistics | Show Checks | Show Goals | Hide Assigns |  
Translate My

Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions | Quick
Translate | Translate All | ZIP of folder

I think these should be split into separate lines, and the different
lines should have different colour backgrounds so the user would know
they are separate groups of functions:

* Show Statistics | Show Checks | Show Goals | Hide Assigns
* Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View  
Suggestions |

Quick Translate | Translate All
* ZIP of folder

Also, the difference between "statistics" and "checks" is unclear.  
Error checks are a type of statistic.

Show Errors
Show Summary

The Summary page can then contain other useful info. After all, the  
other views also contain the stats, they just don't show them  

Elsewhere, the following occurs, all on one line:

Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions |
Quick Translate | Translate All | PO file | XLIFF file | Qt .ts file |
CSV file

If split by category, they would be:

* Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View  
Suggestions |

Quick Translate | Translate All
* PO file | XLIFF file | Qt .ts file | CSV file

But I also think some of those links need to be renamed, and I'll
explain in points below.

2.  The options "Show Editing Functions" and "Show Statistics" are
actually two states of the same mode, namely editing functions enabled
and editing functions disabled.  I think it would be more consistent  

users if the toggle-able states all have the same naming scheme.

Hence, rename "Show Statistics" to "Hide Editing", so the list would  

Show Editing x Hide Editing
Show Checks x Hide Checks
Show Goals x Hide Goals
Show Assigns x Hide Assigns

Yes, and the Show and Hide links would be alternative: you only see  
one, not both.

3. The bread crumbs on Pootle does not look like bread crumbs to  
me.  In

Pootle you'll see this:

[ Afrikaans ] [ WordPress ]

...but that is not the way bread crumbs are usually displayed.  It  

almost like those two links are two independent links, not a hierarchy
of links.  So I think it should be "renamed" to display as follows:

Afrikaans -> WordPress

Them something like this:

[ Afrikaans ] [ WordPress ] admin_edit.po

would become this:

Afrikaans -> WordPress -> admin_edit.po

Works well like this:

Afrikaans > WordPress > admin_edit.po

No need for the hyphen.

4. The link "About this Pootle server" is visually too close to the
"Start | Previous 10 | Items 1 to 10 of 356 | Next 10 | End" set of
links.  There should be a separator above it, or *ideally* it should  

placed at the top of the page next to "Docs & help".

So you would have:

Home | All projects | All languages | Docs & help | About this  
Pootle server

or more briefly, just

This Pootle

5. I have a problem with the line "Start | Previous 10 | Items 11 to  

of 356 | Next 10 | End".  The two items on either side are links, but
the text in the middle looks like it could be a link, even though it
isn't a link.

Actually I think there too many words there.  There is a convention on
the web to use arrow-quote characters for 'next/previous page' and
'first/last page'.  That entire line can be reduced to this:

<< | < | > | >>

This is much better graphically, and the string numbers you suggest  
give us the positioning info anyway.

6.  (Related to #5) I agree that user should know where they are in  
file, but a better way to do that would be to put string numbers  
next to
each string.  I mean, there would be three columns -- one for the  

number, one for the source text and one for the ta

Re: [translate-pootle] Users and speed

2008-06-19 Thread Dwayne Bailey
Thanks Clytie and Samuel.  Great feedback, sometimes things are just so

I think this is another strong candidate for the bug day as we can
easily get a Pootle server going that shows the suggested changes and if
there is a group of user who can give input then certainly the low
hanging fruit is quite easy.

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 12:45 +0200, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof) wrote:
> Clytie Siddall wrote:
> > For example "Quick Translate" doesn't explain what it does. How about 
> > "Translate blank/fuzzy"? Then it would be obvious to the most 
> > doc-allergic user. (To make it briefer, if necessary, "Edit blank/fuzzy"?)
> I have a few more ideas for link renaming, etc.  Please tell me what you 
> think.  Some of my ideas are easier to implement than others.
> 1. In an effort to save space, the links in the blue box at the top of 
> Pootle are from different functions all mixed into one box.  This is 
> confusing because the user can't deduce the various functions available 
> to him by looking at the way the links are classified.
> At the moment, the links bar looks like this:
> Show Statistics | Show Checks | Show Goals | Hide Assigns | Translate My 
> Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions | Quick 
> Translate | Translate All | ZIP of folder
> I think these should be split into separate lines, and the different 
> lines should have different colour backgrounds so the user would know 
> they are separate groups of functions:
> * Show Statistics | Show Checks | Show Goals | Hide Assigns
> * Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions | 
> Quick Translate | Translate All
> * ZIP of folder
> Elsewhere, the following occurs, all on one line:
> Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions | 
> Quick Translate | Translate All | PO file | XLIFF file | Qt .ts file | 
> CSV file
> If split by category, they would be:
> * Translate My Strings | Quick Translate My Strings | View Suggestions | 
> Quick Translate | Translate All
> * PO file | XLIFF file | Qt .ts file | CSV file
> But I also think some of those links need to be renamed, and I'll 
> explain in points below.
> 2.  The options "Show Editing Functions" and "Show Statistics" are 
> actually two states of the same mode, namely editing functions enabled 
> and editing functions disabled.  I think it would be more consistent for 
> users if the toggle-able states all have the same naming scheme.
> Hence, rename "Show Statistics" to "Hide Editing", so the list would be:
> Show Editing x Hide Editing
> Show Checks x Hide Checks
> Show Goals x Hide Goals
> Show Assigns x Hide Assigns
> 3. The bread crumbs on Pootle does not look like bread crumbs to me.  In 
> Pootle you'll see this:
> [ Afrikaans ] [ WordPress ]
> ...but that is not the way bread crumbs are usually displayed.  It looks 
> almost like those two links are two independent links, not a hierarchy 
> of links.  So I think it should be "renamed" to display as follows:
> Afrikaans -> WordPress
> Them something like this:
> [ Afrikaans ] [ WordPress ] admin_edit.po
> would become this:
> Afrikaans -> WordPress -> admin_edit.po
> 4. The link "About this Pootle server" is visually too close to the 
> "Start | Previous 10 | Items 1 to 10 of 356 | Next 10 | End" set of 
> links.  There should be a separator above it, or *ideally* it should be 
> placed at the top of the page next to "Docs & help".
> So you would have:
> Home | All projects | All languages | Docs & help | About this Pootle server
> 5. I have a problem with the line "Start | Previous 10 | Items 11 to 20 
> of 356 | Next 10 | End".  The two items on either side are links, but 
> the text in the middle looks like it could be a link, even though it 
> isn't a link.
> Actually I think there too many words there.  There is a convention on 
> the web to use arrow-quote characters for 'next/previous page' and 
> 'first/last page'.  That entire line can be reduced to this:
> << | < | > | >>
> 6.  (Related to #5) I agree that user should know where they are in the 
> file, but a better way to do that would be to put string numbers next to 
> each string.  I mean, there would be three columns -- one for the string 
> number, one for the source text and one for the target text.
> This would also make it easier for people to discuss specific strings on 
> a forum, eg "Look at item 312" instead of "Look at the fourth item from 
> the top on this/that page".  The total number of items are already 
> displayed in the blue box.
> 7. The text in brackets in the following line could create the wrong 
> impression:
> 137/356 translated (156 blank, 63 fuzzy)
> Text in brackets usually say something more about that which precedes 
> the brackets.  This might make people think that "blank" and "fuzzy" are 
> types of "translated".  One suggestion would be:
> * 219/356 untranslated (156 blank,

Re: [translate-pootle] [Translate-devel] Bugday Friday 20 June 2008

2008-06-19 Thread Dwayne Bailey
All other information about the bug day is here:

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 18:14 +0200, F Wolff wrote:
> (Please circulate to people who might be interested. My apologies if you
> receive multiple copies.)
> Hallo everybody
> The Translate project will be having a bug day on Friday 20 June. We
> want to invite people to join us in testing, fixing, documenting, and
> enjoying our tools and discussing some ideas.
> How does it work:
> For most of the day interested people will gather in #pootle on
> and try to tackle a bug, improve some piece of
> documentation or just be helpful to anybody else trying to do something
> with Pootle or the Translate Toolkit.
> Many of us are in timezones similar to European timezones, so that might
> determine when most activity can be expected - but feel free to pop in
> at any time.
> For more information about our project, please check the website with
> information for users and developers:
> Specifically, bugs are reported here:
> Keep well
> Friedel Wolff
> Developer for the Translate project
> -
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> ___
> Translate-devel mailing list
Dwayne Bailey

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