Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread mail
You wouldn't want to just say "GNU" like "Trisquel GNU", because that doesn't  
give the Linux kernel the credit it deserves.

"GNU/Linux" is the best we can do, for now.
The best option is to get the Hurd running well so we can damn this naming  
problem forever. :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread taiji_tao
MagicYou are so right...arrgghhh, one of these days, I will get that  
Linux habit out of my head and only say GNU/Linuxor better yet just GNU.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread taiji_tao
Well this might be good news for the Crunchbang communityIt appears Blag  
21K ( will use Openbox as their default WM.  Various  
DE's will be available during install (XFCE, LXDE, Mate, Gnome), however, if  
the DE is left unchecked then it will install an optimized Openbox session by  

This could be a good replacement for Crunchbang.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube Ditches Flash, and it Hardly Matters: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv

So EME's a de facto standard and nothing's stopping that? Bloody hell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What do you see as the improvement here?

2015-02-07 Thread Andrew Roffey
> What do you consider to be the one net step forward? The EFF 
> describes the situation as substituting one non-Free (not their 
> framing, mine) program for another -- the proprietary software used 
> to implement W3C-endorsed DRM instead of Adobe Flash. This instead of
> Google using their own WebM in an HTML5 video element.

Because at least JavaScript can be run reliably with free software,
whereas ActionScript cannot (Gnash is somewhat unreliable).

But you are correct that the JavaScript is still proprietary just as the
SWF-embedded ActionScript is.


Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread adel . afzal

Thank you MB

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread gramex

How can that be set?

[Trisquel-users] What do you see as the improvement here?

2015-02-07 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

Two steps forward, one step back. I can see why people celebrated this
move but it was only a big victory if you ignored the fact that DRM is
still present.

What do you consider to be the one net step forward? The EFF describes 
the situation as substituting one non-Free (not their framing, mine) 
program for another -- the proprietary software used to implement 
W3C-endorsed DRM instead of Adobe Flash. This instead of Google using 
their own WebM in an HTML5 video element.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am looking to build my first computer.

2015-02-07 Thread chrisandmelissa31643
I hope not.  But I will hang around a little longer to be sure on the forums  
to be sure.

[Trisquel-users] Re : I am looking to build my first computer.

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf

I do not think there is any compatibility issues with motherboards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube Ditches Flash, and it Hardly Matters: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

2015-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Two steps forward, one step back. I can see why people celebrated this move  
but it was only a big victory if you ignored the fact that DRM is still  

[Trisquel-users] I am looking to build my first computer.

2015-02-07 Thread chrisandmelissa31643
I am looking to build my first computer.  I am concerned about freedom and I  
want to run trisquel on it.  I want to use an Intel i7 processer and I want  
32 gb of ram (will have some virtual machines).  I am concerned about the  
motherboard and whether it is compatible with Trisquel or not.  The  
motherboard I am looking at is here:  
 Anybody know anything about this motherboard?  If not can anyone recommend  
one.  On the asus website it says this motherboard only supports windows 7,  
8, and 8.1.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread jabjabs
I have no major issues with Java script but it is a case of - if a simple  
task like an up vote can be done server side then it might as well be done  
like that. It is not a case of freedom here just a case of simplifying the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325
It's hard to tell what the problem is. What I have experienced is some  
software looping and creating tremendous amounts of logs, but it could be a  
script gone wild, for example. You should really tells us what your partition  
scheme is like or include the output of df -h so we can target where all that  
disk space is going to. You should follow Magic Banana's advice and clean the  
unnecessary ".deb" files so you can have a bit more room without the system  
going unstable.

[Trisquel-users] Youtube Ditches Flash, and it Hardly Matters: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

2015-02-07 Thread maestro

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

> bookmark

HTML anchor

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I find it MUCH easier to use the corner of the touchpad as middle button  
rather than the simultaneous buttons click. And I agree real mice for the  
win. (Except when table top space is very limited or when it's important to  
be as silent as possible...)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What circumstances suggest the need for a BIOS update ?

2015-02-07 Thread amenex
My continuing troubles with 5-1/4 inch floppies prompted me to see if an  
updated BIOS would activate another floppy driver on the motherboard ...  
which was in vain ... but Intel's website does provide a reasonable if  
non-free method of creating a 3-1/2 inch bootable floppy with all the  
wherewithall to upload that BIOS.  I actually did that with two identical  
Intel D865GLC motherboards, which still work fine afterwards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread gramex
I sometimes press my laptop mouse buttons at slightly different times, so it  
registers as a left click (opening in the same window instead of a new one,)  
so I gave that sequence out of habit. Yes, that works too, though more  
reliably with a real mouse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread cromozon

This is possible without javascript.
each post could have a bookmark and the up/downvote could redirect to that  
after reloading the page.

[Trisquel-users] Re : An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf

I right-click-->Open link in new tab

A middle click does that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

this is a list of the non-free programs i use:
mircrosoft office:

You can use LibreOffice as recommended by others. If you need more 
powerful publishing options, try Scribus or learn TeX.


You can use Thunderbird or any Thunderbird derivative such as IceDove. 
You'll probably also want to learn about encryption and perhaps your son 
can help you with hosting your own email so your email provider isn't 
indexing your email server-side and distributing information about you 
based on your email.

adobe flash:

This is too vague -- what do you use Flash to do? If you browse YouTube, 
try using the "youtube-dl" program instead. youtube-dl will let you 
download videos from a variety of video sites (not just YouTube) and 
then you can use a Free Software video player (like VideoLAN Client) to 
play them. There are also Free Software browser plugins that work with 
Firefox or Free Software derivatives (such as Abrowser and IceCat) which 
do this same job -- "unplug", for instance.

If you need gratis file hosting (including audio/video hosting) where 
everyone on the Internet can download what you upload, use 
instead of Google. Playing media inline on a website (where the user 
gets a simple play button to begin playing the media) is easily 
accomplished by using WebM and HTML5.

i need acsess to takeing and saving photos and videos on my phone(iphone):

I'm sure there are digital cameras you can get that will take photos and 
videos and let you save them without tracking your movements or 
reporting your presence to cell towers, Apple, Google, Microsoft, or 
their world government friends. Regardless of what digital camera you 
use, it would be worth your while to look into the metadata stored with 
photos and videos to see if they reveal the time and location the 
photo/video was taken. There are important privacy implications to 
consider in carrying a tracker (a more accurate name for the device also 
known as a cell phone or mobile phone) everywhere you go and the 
convenience of being able to make a call is not worth losing your privacy.

numbers a spreadsheet app(iphone):

Try Calc (part of LibreOffice) or Gnumeric.

weather app:

There are plenty of websites from which one can get weather forecasts. 
No need to let some weather forecaster know what's on your tracker just 
so you can find out the weather.

tesco app:

I don't really know what Tesco is or what this app does but from what I 
gather Tesco is a grocery store. Thus this suggests to me that this 
Tesco program lets you know what's on sale at Tesco or lets you get a 
discount by allowing Tesco to more easily track your purchases and 
movements, and possibly snoop on other data stored on your tracker. 
Maybe you should do without this app.

plus loads of other apps

This is also too vague -- if we don't know what you need a computer to 
do we can't recommend specific approaches to doing that task in freedom.

Perhaps you'd be better off describing the task to be completed rather 
than the specific program you currently use to do that task. That way we 
can recommend other approaches implementable with Free Software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread maestro
this one I tried 2 months ago - didn't work. voice stuttering (less then  
using hello but not good at all) and no video.

will give it a try again - maybe they solved some bugs

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread gramex
I right-click-->Open link in new tab on the upvote/downvote button, then  
close the new tab after it loads. It's not ideal, but it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread maestro
get rid of that disgraceful, shameful, ghastly OS! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
It didn't solved the problem with hplip Itself, but I can print and choose  
the correct driver from the gnome printer settings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is Trisquel 7 equivalent of libusb-0.1.12 ?

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv

Wow, that's a pretty old floppy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv
Will installing system-config-printer-gnome solve the problem you opened the  
thread with?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread franparpe

Thank you, I'm on it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is Trisquel 7 equivalent of libusb-0.1.12 ?

2015-02-07 Thread amenex


Turns out it's usblib-dev; at least, that's what worked for me.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf

Thank you a lot for the info, you showed me that I must learn git.

You can read (under the Creative Commons Attribution  
Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license).

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv

I assume the top 4 are Desktop/Laptop programmes.

mircrosoft office: LibreOffice
email: Thunderbird (note: It's got  
a few issues freedom-wise but almost none of it is in the default programme  
itself. A freer version exists in the form of Icedove but it's almost  
identical to Thunderbird)
internet: Firefox (similar note to Thunderbird, except that it supports a  
non-free mechanism removed in Libre copies like Trisquel's Abrowser or  
Debian's Iceweasel)
adobe flash: The only feasible option, sadly, for me, is to avoid it. One can  
actually live without it, though (and still browse YouTube, Vimeo, etc). It  
does work on GNU/Linux, but it's not free.

I assume the bottom 4 are iPhone programmes...

I think the iPhone needs to be replaced (I didn't say it's illegal to do so,  
mind:), so you should probably keep that in mind when you're looking for a  
new phone. A problem is that freeing the software used on smartpones is as of  
now more difficult that doing so with PCs. You can get a phone that's got  
Android (and only use iPhone for iMessege, and start phasing that out?) and  
only use free apps, and still have a phone that functions as a smart phone  
(you can browser the web, watch videos, take pictures, etc), but you'd still  
be left with non-free software on it needed for the camera, 3G, Wi-Fi, etc.  
One thing's for sure, though, an Android phone is freer than an iPhone, but I  
won't call it fully free.

There's a fully free smartphone product, but it's out of stock (And ugly  
based on the pictures I've seen).

P.S. I've said on a post above:
(But I think it's best if you just Download the OS (which comes in an ISO  
file) and burn it to a CD, or follow  
. You can then try it without removing anything from, or otherwise harming,  
your Mac. Having said that I don't think the OS should be called Linux - long  
story short it's like naming a Crown Victoria based on the tyres it's on)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari
Very interesting! I'll give all of them a chance as soon as I can... thank  
you very much!

[Trisquel-users] Re : A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf
I believe you are correct. My point is that there is more GNU than Linux in  
CrunchBang (as in most operating systems with the Linux kernel, Android being  
a significant exception); not that there is no proprietary software in  
CrunchBang. There is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread franparpe

Thank you a lot for the info, you showed me that I must learn git.
And the example was very helpful.

Thank you everyone.

[Trisquel-users] Re : A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf
The FSF does not fund Rúben's work. The donations the Trisquel project  
receives come from us through the membership program ( ) and from one-time donations ( ). Becoming a member is preferred because it  
makes the funds far more predictable what looks essential if a salary is to  
to paid. There are "alternative payment methods" to PayPal: wire transfer and  
bitcoin. describes both.

There currently are 135 members:
$ wget -qO - |  
sed -n '/Associate Members/,/Registered Users/p' | fgrep -c 'tr class'


Here are the total amounts given through one-time donations since that  
possibility was offered for the first time (about four years ago):
$ wget -qO - | tr 'donated/ { donations[$2]  
+= $3 } END { for (currency in donations) print currency, donations[currency]  

CAD 351
SEK 490
€ 3359.51
NZD 50
MXN 1324
CZK 250
BRL 25
PLN 170
SGD 15
DKK 50
CHF 340
£ 384
AUD 167
$ 9973.93
NOK 100

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread davidvargas1

Magic Banana

I believe you got ME a bit confuse, Please follow me on this, and If I'm  
wrong feel free to comment.

crunchBang is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of  
speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager, it is  
highly customisable and provides a modern, full-featured GNU/Linux system  
without sacrificing performance.

The primary aim of the CrunchBang project is to produce a stable distribution  
offering the best possible out-of-the-box Openbox experience. To achieve this  
goal, CrunchBang pulls many base packages directly from Debian's  
repositories, which are well-known for providing stable and secure software.  
Packages from CrunchBang's own repositories are then customised and pinned to  
the system to produce what is known as the CrunchBang distro.

Crunchbang is a Debian GNU/Linux with proprietary drivers not sponsor by FSF

Do I stand corrected.?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf
Where is that partition mounted? At the root? If so, start with that command  
to remove the .deb packages (not the installed programs):

$ sudo apt-get clean

Then, remove the older kernels. From the Synaptic package manager for  
instance (assuming 'sudo apt-get clean' was enough to make it properly work),  
you can search for the installed packages named "linux-" followed by a string  
including some version number ("3.13.0-45" for instance) and remove all those  
not having the highest version number.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread adel . afzal

Whoever wrote the FAQ did a great job:

 I notice this website refers to Trisquel as a distribution of "GNU/Linux"  
and not "Linux". Why?

There is a long-standing naming controversy. Most people who use the system  
today don't know that what they're actually using is the GNU system combined  
with the kernel Linux. For many years, the media and the user community  
itself has given undue weight to the contributions that come from Linus  
Torvalds' camp and fostered a skewed account of the operating system's  
history, while barely acknowledging the existence of the GNU project at all.  
The GNU project was started in 1984 by Richard Stallman to develop a complete  
free operating system, because none existed at the time. Its design closely  
followed that of Unix because Unix was highly machine-portable and (at that  
time) pervasive. Linus Torvalds did not write a whole operating system, he  
only wrote the last missing piece, a kernel, and he only did that in the  
first place because development of Hurd, the GNU project's own kernel, was  
lagging behind (and has not been completed to this day). Torvalds didn't  
write the kernel because of a belief in "open source", a term that wasn't  
even coined until 1998 and misses the point of free software, and he  
originally released it in 1991 under a proprietary license until he was  
persuaded to relicense it under the GPL the next year. Saying "GNU/Linux"  
instead of "Linux" is fairer and more accurate. Without the irreplaceable  
software contributed by the GNU project − and even more importantly, the  
founding ideas of freedom − the system most mistakenly call "Linux" would  
not exist. It's that simple.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread adel . afzal
I watched his recent interview.  Does the FSF fund his work?  He said that  
the donations are not enough to cover a salary ... that's not really fair.

It's easy to say that it's because the proprietaries have locked potential  
users into formats and protocols, and therefore people cannot choose freely  
which software engineers they want to support financially.  But that doesn't  
address the more immediate issue.  Is there anything more that we can do?

Also, is there a way to donate by cheque/mail?  Or is that unsafe (or even  
not allowed in some places for tax/etc reasons?)

[Trisquel-users] Installation of floppy controller card runs into gtk-configure problem

2015-02-07 Thread amenex
Device Side Data makes a 5-1/4 inch floppy controller card (FC5025) that  
requires that I compile the driver from the supplied sourcecode, freely  
available here:

I managed to proceed through several compiling stages OK until I got to  

When I tried to compile xdib (the graphical interface to the floppy) I got to  
this impasse:

sudo make

> [sudo] password for george:
> cc -o OBJ.linux/xdib.o `gtk-config --cflags` -I../backend -c xdib.c
> /bin/sh: 1: gtk-config: not found
> xdib.c:4:21: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
> #include
>  ^
> compilation terminated.
> make: *** [OBJ.linux/xdib.o] Error 1

Is there a GTK-2.x application available ? That might work better.

Otherwise, gtk-config is a mystery that stops me dead in the water.

I'm running Trisquel 7 on an Intel D865GLC motherboard. The floppy drive is a  
TEAC FD-55GFR, 7193-U.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread mdtycho
With regards to the problem with synaptic,it doesn't load indefinitely it  
just starts loading and stops running by itself for some reason.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread mdtycho
Looks like you were right trisquelian,I ran 'df -h' as suggested and one of  
the partitions was 100% full,how can I fix this without deleting something  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread mdtycho
My internal hard drive has two partitions:one running windows(which I hardly  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get 24-hour time in panel

2015-02-07 Thread hi
I'm able to bring back the Date into indicator-datetime Trisquel 7.0 using  

Set your own preference at com >> canonical >> indicator >> datetime.

Command line:

gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime time-format "'custom'"
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime custom-time-format "'%A, %d %B  
%Y, %I:%M:%S'"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
07-02-2015 15:05:30
> I agree, Fredoom is great! What's the "pratical" difference 
between Odamex
> and Prboom?

I think Odamex (odamex) has a console even in singleplayer, 
and also network support.

PrBoom (prboom) doesn't have a console, and doesn't have 
multiplayer support.

PrBoom+ (prboom-plus) doesn't have a console also, but 
has multiplayer support.

There's also Vavoom (vavoom), but I couldn't get it to run.

I also tried Doomsday Engine (doomsday-engine), it has 
improved OpenGL support, but yet uses less resources, but 
the latest stable version requires the original Doom 2 as 
IWAD (main game file) if you're trying to play Freedoom 2, 
and the majority of levels get normal players stuck (unless 
you use the noclip mode). If I recall correctly, the version in 
Trisquel's repositories works with Freedoom 2 as IWAD 
(main game), with no need for the original Doom 2, but you 
can't respawn in multiplayer matches.

Respectfully, Adonay.
Have a nice day.

Assinatura automática – português brasileiro:
– Site pessoal:
– Favor não enviar-me documentos do Microsoft Office ou 
iWork. Ao invés disso, envie documentos em 
– Se eu não te desejar um bom dia em meus e-mails, minhas 
postagens, ou meus comentários; isto significa que estes 
enviados por terceiros.

Automatic signature – North American English:
– Personal website:
– Please do not send me Microsoft Office or Apple iWork 
documents. Instead, send OpenDocument documents!
– If I don't wish you a nice day in my emails, my posts, or 
comments; this means that these were sent by third parties.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari

Thanks! :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread akfoss
1. Clone this repo.  
(Belenos is the default branch)

2. CREATE A NEW BRANCH in your cloned repo.
3. Do your modifications
This is a file with commits of two:

4. Merge request.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4
"Email" and "Internet" aren't non-free programs. Do you mean your email  
client and Web browser?

Flash doesn't have a good libre replacement. Even if it did, most Flash  
content requires embedded, typically proprietary ActionScript code, anyway.  
But depending on what you use Flash for, chances are you don't really need  

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread Binh-Khoi Nguyen


You will be able to connect on the internet with a free operating system 
and send emails. If you want to check, Mac and Windows also have 
Thunderbird, a free version of an email client that is used on Trisquel.

LibreOffice should cover the needs of most people (again, there's a 
Win/Mac version you can try before making the switch). Are you British?  
The British government switched to LibreOffice formats.

Let's be honest, Flash is a bit tricky. You have some software like 
youtube-dl which can download videos from a lot of websites, 
livestreamer that deals very well with streams, etc. It's less 
convenient sometimes, but works really well nonetheless.

As a former iPhone user (I feel like I have to say it was offered to me 
;)), maybe I can advise you on this. I know use a samsung galaxy s22 
using replicant (not totally free but I think it's the freest phone for 
my needs and my budget).

iMessage is crap, personnally, I've always thought it was a 
Man-in-the-Middle attack. A private company shouldn't divert text 
messages to its servers without your explicit consent. You have free 
equivalents, but then your co-workers or the people you're texting must 
have Android/Replicant. Apple deliberately close their applications to 
their platform, and censor lots of apps, so it's always a bit 
complicated to communicate with Apple devices... Of course, texting 
works fine.

Let me know if this helps

On Sat, Feb 07, 2015 at 04:39:54PM +0100, wrote:

thank you for your replys

this is a list of the non-free programs i use:
mircrosoft office:
adobe flash:

i need acsess to takeing and saving photos and videos on my phone(iphone):
numbers a spreadsheet app(iphone):
weather app:
tesco app:
plus loads of other apps

Binh-Khoi NGUYEN
GPG Key:

[Trisquel-users] Re : A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread lcerf
CrunchBang is not a "Linux distro". It is a "GNU/Linux distro":

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread gary02121993
I read in a TL;DR way, hopefully what I said made sense haha! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread gary02121993
For video call on PC, I really recommend this one. Every time I use it, it  
always has been the best video call experience:
The project's aim is to be free of cost forever too, AFAIK. You don't need to  
set up an account, every Tox user gets a Tox ID and that ID is what you give  
to the person you want to talk to do video call with (using Tox). Your choice  
how you'll give your ID to your chat mate, but of course avoid as much as  
possible nonfree programs, such as the one you already use. Tox itself by the  
way isn't the program, it is the core of the program. Clients are what you  
use to actually do the chatting. The first ones in the downloads section of  
Tox are the stable ones and they probably should work out of the box. Though,  
my experience with the uTox client (I use Trisquel 7) and my chate mate  
(Windows 7 Professional?) hasn't been so smooth. We have to use ear phones to  
cancel the echo, it's really annoying. I'm sure the folks her can tell you  
more about Tox.

Seriously, use it! ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread e702649

thank you for your replys

this is a list of the non-free programs i use:
mircrosoft office:
adobe flash:

i need acsess to takeing and saving photos and videos on my phone(iphone):
numbers a spreadsheet app(iphone):
weather app:
tesco app:
plus loads of other apps

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21

now that needs a little appreciation :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] A one person Linux distro departs

2015-02-07 Thread maestro

the first time I up voted something

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21
I have not tried it because I don't video chat. I mentioned it because I saw  
a few people recommended it. Isn't the video quality adjustable?

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread maestro
Does it really work for you? I tried it with a couple of friends like a month  
ago and the video was horrible (static picture that would change to another  
static one every 10 secs) and the audio even worse. Barely audible and  
stuttering - didn't understand a word of what the dude on the other side was  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread maestro
you are right david. I saw he registered today so I assumed he's on a fresh  
install of Trikel :)

Didn't pay much attention to that "no space left" :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread abhijithb21

You can use firefox hello from Abrowser for video chat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Updates: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) version 42 etc.

2015-02-07 Thread maestro

for those wondering what is yugo:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv

The no space left part looks a tad scarier than that, though

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4
Actually, PrBoom+ supports looking up and down, though it doesn't support  
manual vertical aiming.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread maestro

no, seriously - this happened to me on afresh install (synaptic loading  
indefinitely) and I just rebooted and it was ok ever since..  

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv

--"get rid of the mac and buy a pc"

I don't see any need for that, especially if it's a new enough Mac (I think a  
6-year-old one will be enough by a year or two), though if you're on a  
Macbook and want to connect to Wi-Fi you'd probably need a USB adapter. A  
sure-fire one with libre software would be  
, but anything with an Atheros chip (as SuperTramp98 said) will probably  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4

Odamex is more advanced and supports multiplayer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread franparpe
Basically compatibility with other wads: since doom engine got GPL, there  
where many forks with different features and developers decided to take  
advantage of the new functionalities provided. As a result, a some wads are  
compatible only with the engine it was designed for. For instance, Hacx is  
not compatible with odamex and does not work well with prboom but works very  
well with eternity engine.

There are more differences like being able to look upwards in Odamex.

I would recommend doomsday but I couldn't make the latest stable version  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread tomlukeywood

i have just been playing it
rely fun on nightmare mode

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread maestro
get rid of the mac and buy a pc with integrated intel graphics and an atheros  
wifi card. h-node website can give you a pretty good idea of what is  
compatible with a 100% free OS. Or simply scroll down on the page and buy one  
of the pc Chris sells (thinkpenguin).
Keep your iphone and use it only for business. Get another more "libre" phone  
for all that is not business related.

This is what I'm thinking of:

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread davesamcdxv
Regarding video calls: A not-too-prefect way of going about this without  
having anybody else install anything would be to get a new enough version of  
Firefox or the ports (copies, if you will) faithful enough to it (Debian's  
Iceweasel, Trisquel's Abrowser, FSF's Icecat, etc.though I doubt you'll  
see such things on a Mac), the minimum version being 34 if memory serves me.

iMessage is a tad more difficult, I think. More so on the iPhone than  

Anyway, as Trisquellian said, it'd be great if we can see a list of what you  
use, at least on the Mac, and we can perhaps find alternatives that you can  
start trying, perhaps on the Mac to begin with to see if it serves you well.

Anyway, since there's a pretty decent chance that you use an Office suite  
(i.e. MS Office):

LibreOffice as Office suite: (both "Fresh" and  
"Still" versions work. Fresh is fresher, and "Still" ain't old at all, but  
both versions are useable and stable).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread fabio . pitari
I agree, Fredoom is great! What's the "pratical" difference between Odamex  
and Prboom?

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4
email is based on standard protocols, and phone and text messaging are also  
completely standard things. You don't need to worry about problems with those  
unless Google starts using "embrace, extend, extinguish" with Gmail, like it  
did with Google Talk and XMPP (but that's probably not going to happen  
anytime soon).

Video calls are a little harder, because the popular proprietary VoIP program  
Skype deliberately doesn't support any open protocols in most circumstances.  
Similarly, as far as I'm aware, no libre IM client is able to work with  
iMessage. So you would have to deal with not being able to communicate with  
people using these methods. On the other hand, you might possibly be able to  
convince some of them to use libre replacements. There are several XMPP  
servers and client programs, which you can use for instant messaging. Video  
calling is a little tougher, but I think Jitsi is the one people usually  
recommend (I'm not quite sure, since I don't use this kind of thing myself).

By the way, you might want to ease your transition by installing the libre  
replacements for proprietary programs on your Apple systems first, and then  
make a switch to a libre OS like Trisquel or Replicant when you're  
comfortable with them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4
I like that it works without JavaScript. Reddit, I can't stand, because  
nothing there works without gratuitous JavaScript. It's not as bad as  
Diaspora, but still.

The only way I am going to accept JavaScript-based extensions that aren't  
being sent from a machine I have control over is if a libre browser exists  
which allows the user to specify exactly what scripts to install, and  
installs those scripts permanently. See my essay for more information (I  
updated it recently):

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

You have a smart son and you would do good listening to him! :)

You can pretty easily try Trisquel to see what works, what might need some  
tinkering and what might not work at all. Probably most things will work just  
fine. You can make a live CD/DVD/USB to get an idea how things work.

And should you not be entirely satisfied, there's a full money back  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Sorry for my misleading reply, I got the impression from here, which link I  
should've included with my reply

(I though the blob was needed for any operation, not just scanning...)

Glad you got it sorted with the help of these nice guys.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedoom is awesome

2015-02-07 Thread onpon4
Some AAA games are complete crap. But honestly, if we're going to talk about  
high-quality games, I think I'd reference games like Xonotic, Armagetron  
Advanced, and Freeciv rather than Freedoom. Freedoom is really fun and a  
great project, but it's still in alpha and doesn't have an ending (it just  
starts repeating the same non-level fillers over and over again after a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread b-lenos

I believe you can send a mensage here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
Great! Changing the model allowed me to change even the driver used, hplip  
still not works, but I can print through gnome printers settings.

Thank you all guys so much.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325
Do want advice on replacing the function of the software you are currently  
using? In that case it would probably help if you listed the software you use  
or be descriptive about what you use the software for and what you want it to  
do in the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with synaptic and apt-get update

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325

Include the output of:
df -h
Probably /var is full if you made a separate partition. If not then it's the  
root partition or the whole system, which you should solve quickly as it can  
cause the system to be unstable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread e702649

sorry for my typing i meant propperly not probbley
at the end!

also i meant our not are!

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread sachin

check the shots

[Trisquel-users] advice moving to free software

2015-02-07 Thread e702649

my son is very interested in libre software
and keeps asking me why i dont get rid of my
mac and iphone much as i like the idea of libre
software in reailty its extreamly hard to make the change
as i run a bussines use imesssage, video, email, text, phone
constantly and many of are staff have iphones
so i fear compatiblility issues?

also i worry that certain programs will not run probbley
without non-free software

advice please?

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325
Here is an update. I was discussing this issue with vixxio on IRC and we  
still have not figured out a solution.

The printer is being connected by USB and it was listed when the command  
"lsusb" was used, both prior and post reboot.

Initially, this was the method being followed to install the printer  

We have gone through the relevant hplip troubleshooting steps on HPLIP's  
webstie (

Trisquel is not among the distributions supported by the HPLIP automatic  
installer (hp-setup), but it might not be an exhaustive listing  

The printer is compatible with the current version of HPLIP from Trisquel's  

HPLIP says that the printer requires non-free binaries for scanning according  
to this listing ( Whether  
or not that would not allow the printer to be installed and used for printing  
only is unknown.

The printer worked with GNOME's printing utility (uses CUPS as a backend),  
but printing would stop after each printed page.

One of the utilities provided by HPLIP, hp-check, did not find any printers  
when the printer was configured with GNOME's printing utility (it did find  
the print queue). Here is the output (

I recommended vixxo to remove the printer from GNOME's utility as it could be  
taking ownership of the printer making the HPLIP tool unable to see it.

Upon reboot there was an error: "HPLIP STATUS SERVICE: "No system tray  
detected on this systemUnable to start, exiting.""

Using hp-check again gave the same output (  
without the print queue that was removed. (

Lastly, I recommended him to increase the logging, when running hp-setup with  
"--logging=debug". (

There are few relevant lines in here:
hp-setup[5493]: debug: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 03f0:4f17 Hewlett-Packard Color  
LaserJet CM1312 MFP

hp-setup[5493]: debug: Product['HP Color LaserJet CM1312nfi  

hp-setup[5493]: debug: No Smart Install Device found
hp-setup[5493]: debug: Probing bus: usb
error: No devices found on bus: usb

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread tomlukeywood

i disagree even if the software is libre
its run normally without the users permission
automatically people should always be-able to use
a website without java-script

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread lloyd
There's nothing wrong with browser-based scripting if the software is free.  
If the appropriate tags can be added to allow LibreJS compatibility, then I  
agree that this should be switched to Javascript.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using proprietary softwares through wine

2015-02-07 Thread lloyd
Thanks for this - it answers a question lots of people have about what the  
difference is between Debian's kernel and linux-libre.

[Trisquel-users] Questions about being a developer of Trisquel.

2015-02-07 Thread franparpe

Greetings ladies and gentlemen:

I've been playing around with my system and I detected an error on one of  
Trisquel's programs: compton-launcher.

When someone try to create a compton.conf in .config compton won't start  
because "parse_config(): Failed to read configuration file  
"~/.config/compton.conf".". The good part is that I know how to repair it and  
I would like to modify the script myself.

I know that Ruben is the original writer of the script so if I modify his  
program is he who will decide if what I did should be summited? If it is  
summited, should I put my email address and my name at the header of the  
script alongside Ruben's?

To be able to make changes in Trisquel's code (have an account in gitlab), do  
I have to subscribe to Trisquel-devel?

It will be the first time I contribute in a free software project through  
code so I'm a little nervous; that is why I'm asking before doing.

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread jabjabs
There has been a bit of dislike about the whole voting system in general but  
that is more about the concept rather than the technology. About the only  
reason I can think that it working the way that it does is due to a reduced  
need on browser based scripting. Every time you do a vote it will reload the  
entire page, not ideal but it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
It's exatcly what I mean, It's just the scan part that requires proprietary  
binaries and there is the possibility on hplip NOT to install that scanning  
binaries, my problem is about make hplip find the printer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
It's exatcly what I mean, It's just the scan part that requires proprietary  
binaries and there is the possibility on hplip NOT to install that scanning  
binaries, my problem is about make hplip find the printer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325

Device	 Plugin  (Required/Optional) Min.  
Plugin Version	Reason(s)
HP Color LaserJet cm1312nfi Multifunction Printer	Required	2.8.10	Scanning  

From, this has the complete  
listing of printers that require binary non-free plugins.

I wrote it up on the wiki here:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
The question is: if It requires proprietary drivers, why If I plug It on  
Gnome, It is correctly identified and configured ?

Maybe It's just the scan part that requires proprietary drivers ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread tempaccount325

HP Color LaserJet cm1312nfi Multifunction Printer HPLIP Support
Here is the doccumentation:

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
According to the HP documentation it does. I don't quite understand the  
latter question.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Updates: Opensource/Free FPS standalone mod of Xonotic (ChaosEsque) version 42 etc.

2015-02-07 Thread chaosesqueteam

New version 50.

Added AKS-74u and Tokarev pistol.

Worked on LOD2 models alot.

Now all the WW1 biplanes / triplanes have LOD2 models (ie the thrid level of  
detail model) aswell as the yugo.

Also new option in advanced menu to switch teamspawns and switch team bases.

This can be useful when using CTF maps from, say, UrbanTerror as the things  
seem to be switched.

Those LOD2 models took along time to do, it seems to give improvement (alot)  
on my machine.

Also worked on making them used more, only when you get right up close do the  
lod1 and then lod0 (normal) model are used.



Direct Download of version50:

Info Page:

Re: [Trisquel-users] What can I use to have a desktop background that plays a slide show of pictures?

2015-02-07 Thread gary02121993


Re: [Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread gary02121993
Please don't hate me, I'm just being honest. :D I'm not angry towards the  
Trisquel devs lol. 

[Trisquel-users] An annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums.

2015-02-07 Thread gary02121993
You know when you upvote a post here in the forums, you are being navigated  
to the top? It's annoying isn't it? I honestly think it should be like  
reddit, wherein when you upvote, it does not bring you to the top or the  
start of a thread. Please do something about it? The same should go for  
downvote. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] HPLIP issue

2015-02-07 Thread vfvs
Are you sure that this model requires It ? Why so trisquel make It works by  
default with gnome printer utils ?

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