[Trisquel-users] Just a friendly reminder that Trisquel 7.0 is not outdated

2016-12-07 Thread albertoefg

Hello :)

I know most of you are really excited about Trisquel 8.0 and so happy with  
the new Alfa (I am really happy too).

But it seems important to me to remind you that  Free Software is not about  
technology or progress (something I've heard Richard Stallman say several  

Free Software is about ethics and respect freedom of the user. Free Software  
is more important than convenience or shiny.

Sadly a few users seem to have forgotten this, and have decided to stop using  
Trisquel because they seem to care more about how new and shiny the software  
is, more than the ethics on the software.

This is really surprising considering that Trisquel 7 is only 2 years old.  
"Yeah", some say, "that is really old".

Well if we consider the majority of people that have a computer, then  
Trisquel 7 is not outdated at all:

Windows 10 is already 1 year old, and is not the most used OS, it is windows  
7 which is -wait for it- 7 years old. I know right?? Mind blow!!!. Most  
people on earth have a computer with a 7 years old OS!!!.

So if people who use one of the worsts operating systems can live with a 7  
years old, maybe we can be a little patient and wait a few months.

1.- "But Ubuntu 16.04 is already a few months old".

As I already say Trisquel cares more about freedom, than it does about new  
technology. Remember, we are here because of freedom not progress.

I think we all know that Trisquel comes out months after the curruent LTS of  
Ubuntu. So no reason to be desperate.

2.- "But there are little news about Trisquel"
This does not have effect on how good or bad is Trisquel, neither on freedom,  
neither makes it outdated.
I agree it would be nice to have more news about development, but is not  
necessary either.

3.- "But the Free Software Foundation should care more about Trisquel!"
The Free Software Foundation already does as much as it can with the little  
resources it has.

Please stop asking the Free Software Foundation to do more and start helping  
it to do more.

Do not ask what Trisquel can do for you, ask what can you do for Trisquel.

Anyway most of you are really cool and already know all this, but most of us  
(yeah me included) have to remember this from time to time :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installation shortcuts in Trisquel 8 instead of pre-installed apps?

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
I've written before on this forum about how confusing the Add/Remove  
Applications user experience is. It is *not* limited only to user-friendly,  
mature apps. It's not even limited to only graphical applications. It's just  
a GUI for every piece of randomware that happens to be under a license that  
makes it suitable for inclusion in the repos. Many of the apps that can be  
installed from Add/ Remove programs are not endorsed by *anyone*, many are  
not even usable, and many are not even in active development.

You significantly misunderstand my proposal if you think that...

>> What you suggest basically is to make a menu from the current "Add/Remove  
Applications" (or whatever it is called), where a choice already exists (only  
graphical applications) and where applications already are categorized. >  
showing all possible options in the main menu 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Desktop Environment.

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
AFAIK the decision has been made to use Mate. I think this is a good  
decision, and I might start recommending Trisquel 8 to new users switching  
from Windows/MacOSX (I currently recommend Mint as a stepping stone from  
proprietary OS to fully libre GNU/Linux).

GNOME 3 is great, but in most metrics I've seen it's the third most  
resource-hungry DE after Unity and KDE. Even in Fallback, it probably still  
uses more resources than XFCE, and definitely uses much more resources than  
Mate. There's a good blog piece from 2013 on memory usage of DEs here,  
complete with a bar graph:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread mcz

meet.jit.si is OK, but unreliable:
It worked fine once, and not at all another one.
That was a fine way to make free software unattractive to the person I was  
trying to reach. The first time made an impression though, but the second  
impression was more impactful.

As for Jitsi itself, when it works, it's great.
The problem is, at first you have to dig through the multiple choice window  
and figure out you need an xmpp account after a long while (There's the  
possibility of SIP, Facebook and some other stuff... It's great to have  
options, but it's better to keep it simple and make one option more obvious  
than others. (And explaining the process should be done there, it takes only  
one line of text).

Even creating account isn't an easy task.
I recently tried to create two adresses (I think it was on the Jappix  
website: one worked, the other didn't. Great...

But it's not supposed to be stable yet (I think).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Desktop Environment.

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
I'm not into telling anyone what to do or not to do, but I think it's worth  
asking you to consider what impression that picture and SuperTramp83's  
comment would give a women browsing these forums to see if she was welcome  
and respected in the Trisquel community. Not judging, just inviting  
reflection and awareness.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread mcz
I see that the functionality is listed in the specs, but even after  
installing unar (an extra step one has to be aware of?), I can't make it work  

I'll look further into it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Desktop Environment.

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
>> Then in the process of changing distros (I'm a distro hopper) I  
accidentally deleted the configuration file. I didn't have the heart to go  
back and go through the process of getting it back the way I wanted it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread infinityfallen
I largely agree with the point you aim to make, Onpon, but there are a few  
claims you have made above with which I beg to differ.

Firstly, although I'm not a fortune teller, there do seem to be several  
'work' applications for VR, some of which are already emerging. I recall  
reading about its use in training for employees in some occupation  
(medicine?), acting as a kind of simulator. It could also be a major frontier  
in 'blind testing' for hiring employees, allowing the concept to be expanded  
to professions where a document/image/etc. isn't enough to allow skill to be  

Secondly, although I have no doubts you have never seen a video call done  
with a phone, it does happen reasonably often. At least among teenagers in my  
corner of the world, many individuals use Apple's "FaceTime" software to do  
exactly that, though using an iPad is admittedly more common  
(understandably). I doubt any similar practice will be possible in the  
free-software world for a long time (why anybody would want to use small  
screens and keys anyway still eludes me), but it does happen.

Just as a point of note, too, I believe I read in the same article as the  
'use in occupation' statement came from that there were plans to develop some  
sort of 'OpenGL-like thing for VR'. Not sure if it's true/likely/etc., but  
that should at least provide a foot in the door for free software. That's  
assuming, of course, that VR takes off, climate change is managed, resource  
production stabilises, and that nobody decides nuclear warfare is a good  
idea. If all that happens, I suspect free software will be valued more as an  
ideal inherently.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
> flatscreens don't offer anything significantly more useful than CRTs for  
desktops and TVs

This is completely untrue. There are two major reasons LCD screens became the  
norm rather than CRTs: they're much more power-efficient, and they're much  
more lightweight. In fact, CRT screens are better than LCD screens in terms  
of how the picture looks (LCDs look worse if you look at them from the wrong  
angle), but we collectively decided that the added weight and power usage  
wasn't worth that benefit, and that the cost of plasma displays wasn't worth  
that benefit either.

> touchscreens are gradually replacing non-touch flatscreens on laptops, and  
will eventually do the same on desktops (assuming they continue to exist at  

Touchscreens are useful because they're cheap and versatile. That makes them  
a perfect choice on a small phone if you want to cut down the cost. They are  
also marginally useful on laptops because the traditional alternative (the  
touchpad) is unweildly, and you don't always have space for a real mouse. If  
they ever start getting made for desktop computers, I would expect this to be  
as an afterthought. I doubt this or extinction is where desktop computers are  
going; it seems to me more likely that they will become media centers  
attached to a TV and mostly controlled by a remote, game controller, or  
wireless keyboard.

> Another example, even though there are still plenty of uses for cheap 1-2GB  
USB drives, the smallest size you can buy continues to go up.

This is a quantitative improvement. Higher amounts of RAM are not novel,  
they're just better.

> Eventually, it will seem as silly to buy a flatscreen (touch or otherwise)  
as it is now to buy a CRT.

This is nonsense. There are plenty of applications where you would want more  
than one person looking at a screen, or where you would want to be able to  
see things other than the screen. There are very few applications (i.e. VR  
games) where you would want the opposite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "fork" trisquel

2016-12-07 Thread jason
I think it's mostly a lack of volunteers. Beyond that making it work like a  
wiki where where anyone can come along and do anything is an absolutely  
horrible and dangerous idea. No distro works like that. Not even Debian does.  
It's not as if, in Debianland, absolutely anyone can walk up upload anything  
they want into the Debian repos. They have a process established. You have to  
work with them for a while. Prove that you are trustworthy. Have other  
already-existing Debian developer(s) advocate for you. etc.  
https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer There is a whole process. An example  
in Trisquelland might be people sending in patches for Helpers to the mailing  
list of making pull requests through the GitLab instance. Let that go on for  
a while. Other people should absolutely have to review things done by other  
people. Especially so if that person has a new account. Trust is earned, not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
> I remember being told in the 90s that because those were "specialized  
equipment that not everyone has", I was wasting my time with teaching  
activists to use websites and email lists.

There's a big difference between something that is only useful for particular  
kinds of games and something that is useful for real work. The Internet is  
and always has been a long-distance communication system with real-world  
applications. It also wasn't novel in any sense until the dot-com boom, which  
happened long after its establishment.

PCs were also always useful for real work. Traditionally that work was typing  
up and printing documents. This wasn't exciting or novel, either; it was just  
a better, albeit more expensive tool than e.g. a typewriter.

> Dance Dance Revolution, SingStar, GuitarHero, implemented in VR

I don't think you understand how difficult it would be to program any of  
these. Just using buttons is far easier, and the VR version is not so much  
better that the extra effort is worth it (if it's even better at all; how  
would Guitar Hero benefit from VR?).

> Everyone else I know uses them *lots*.

I have never seen anyone take out their phone and hold it out in front of  
their face to video call someone. I have seen lots of people take out their  
phone and do a plain old phone call. You seem to be missing the point:  
science fiction writers imagined that video calls would replace audio calls  
because they make it more like talking to someone in person, but they  
haven't, and for good reason: they're more inconvenient than they're worth in  
most situations. People use Skype at their computers while doing things like  
playing multiplayer games, or for video hangouts, or other occasions like  
that. Standard phone calls are still used for everything else.

Heck, a lot of people don't even stream video when they do Skype calls. They  
just use it like a traditional phone in those cases.

> I see no reason to think VR conferencing will be any different

I see a reason: there isn't a demand to "conference" with a bunch of cartoon  
avatars that move. If you want to see the people you're talking to, you want  
to see the actual people. VR can't do that any better than plain old video  

> a group of people using VR could play any tabletop game together over the  

Surely you must be joking. That doesn't require VR at all; there are plenty  
of examples of computer board game programs with net connectivity. VR would  
just make the programming substantially more difficult.

Also, this is first-person, as is the painting example you described. The  
character is you, controlling the board game pieces. To say that it's not  
first-person because the first-person view and virtual reality experience is  
an entirely pointless layer on top of the actual game you're playing is kind  
of silly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
One more point; flatscreens don't offer anything significantly more useful  
than CRTs for desktops and TVs, but who still uses a CRT? Similarly,  
touchscreens are gradually replacing non-touch flatscreens on laptops, and  
will eventually do the same on desktops (assuming they continue to exist at  
all). Another example, even though there are still plenty of uses for cheap  
1-2GB USB drives, the smallest size you can buy continues to go up.

The reason is economies of scale; once enough units of the newer technology  
are being produced, the cost of producing them is lowered to the point where  
it's the same or even cheaper than producing the old technology, at which  
point there's no reason to keep producing the older technology if the newer  
one does the same things and more.

Initially, only early adopters will buy VR headsets. As a wider range of  
applications are developed for them, making them more and more general  
purpose, more hardware startups will try to bootstrap themselves using this  
new market, and the technology will become smaller and cheaper. Eventually,  
it will seem as silly to buy a flatscreen (touch or otherwise) as it is now  
to buy a CRT.

Of course, all of this assumes of course that we solve the energy crisis  
precipitated by peak oil, mitigate climate change sufficiently to prevent  
human extinction (or at least the end of technological civilization), and  
learn to recycle electronics efficiently enough to make them sustainable at  
all. But if we don't do these things, software freedom will become irrelevant  
anyway, because there will be no computers to run software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
Not only do I disagree with your interpretations, we don't even seem to be  
looking at the same reality. I'm not sure where in the world you live, and I  
can only based my comments on what I observe going on here in Aotearoa, which  
tends to be a weird mix of the stubbornly backwards and the techno-utopian.

>> plus it requires specialized equipment that not everyone has. > Exactly  
the same as the Wii, in other words.  they aren't generally more useful than  
simple audio calls  Right now, we're at the height of the popularity of VR.  
It, too, will end. Heck, I wouldn't put it past VR to end with a big market  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could a Lutris fork be used to create a libre replacement for SteamOS?

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
> You turn your head to the left and see whatever is to your left in the VR  
environment without having to do it with your hands.

Yes, and this is not generally useful for game design. It's a novelty, and  
it's much more complex than the more traditional alternatives, plus it  
requires specialized equipment that not everyone has. Exactly the same as the  
Wii, in other words.

> immersive gaming experience that was only recently the stuff of sci fi  
(think HoloDeck). Of course they are more useful for game design! I honestly  
don't understand why you would say that they are not.

Another thing that was the stuff of science fiction was video phone calls. We  
don't do those very much even though we easily could, because they aren't  
generally more useful than simple audio calls. Just because something is cool  
doesn't mean it's going to really be useful enough for people to keep doing  
it when it becomes possible.

Immersion is really not that useful for games as a general rule, beyond a  
certain point. Games are by their very nature escapist, and the more you  
immerse the player into the game, the more you make their human limitations  
factor into the game experience. Additionally, VR can only be used for  
first-person games, by its very nature, or it's not VR anymore. So there  
aren't anywhere near as many different kinds of VR games you can develop as  
non-VR games.

> light guns and motion control aren't really good examples of the point you  
are trying to make. Current consoles support equivalents of both

Sure, they still exist, but today they're just gimmicks that no one really  
cares about. The most common controls today (excluding touchscreen-based  
games, which are a different market) are still keyboard and mouse, and a  
dual-analog gamepad. The height of the popularity of light guns ended decades  
ago, and the height of the popularity of motion controls ended years ago.  
Consoles still push them to some extent because they're obsolete and have  
been for over a decade; they need gimmicks to stay relevant.

Right now, we're at the height of the popularity of VR. It, too, will end.  
Heck, I wouldn't put it past VR to end with a big market crash.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
File-Roller supports using unar now and has for quite some time. I don't know  
about Engrampa, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Multimedia

2016-12-07 Thread davidpgil


Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4

That was a response to Magic Banana, not you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4

> There's got to be an alternative to closed-source Skype and WhatsApp.

Yes... it's called Jitsi. Or you can use Pidgin. Either through any XMPP  
server, or in the case of Jitsi, through meet.jit.si (I gather that the  
latter is easier, but haven't tried it yet).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread mcz

I do have one, with one line being "Retirer le volume sans risque".

Oh, wait, not on a file, but on the disk name in the sidebar on the left. My  

Well, It does unmount, but doesn't go all the way (the disk is still on),  
because I'm " not authorized to perform operation"...
Well, keep in mind that I messed with my install a whole lot, So it's to be  

But I'm pretty sure It goes fine on my Debian netinstall (fairly untweaked).  
And since I don't install the dependencies by default, I shouldn't have  
nautilus-wipe either, though I'll have to confirm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread mcz
The option of opening a .rar without the CLI would be nice indeed. Some other  
options (didn't try any of these):  

By the way, it's getting hard to read. Is there a way to make an online poll  

I enjoy it nonetheless, I'm discovering tons of cool programs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Desktop Environment.

2016-12-07 Thread calmstorm

This sounds like microsoft in a nutshell...

A screaming kicking spoiled child. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] gnuzilla filters down

2016-12-07 Thread calmstorm

Yep I noticed this as well...

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-07 Thread calmstorm
Hibernate sometimes doesn't work but suspend works on trisquel 7 so i don't  
see why it would be a problem...

I really hope it doesn't have to come to that with hibernate, as for suspend  
it shouldn't need to happen at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-07 Thread agullo
I have used Banshee in the past, and use Rhythmbox at present by way of not  
bothering to try something different.  So after reading your messages I  
installed both Banshee and Exaile, and I found that I had to rule out Exaile  
because of these two things:

-Intelligent library classification: Banshee and Rhythmbox classify the  
library by tracks.  Exaile classifies the library by albums.  So if I got an  
compilation album such as "Songs for Japan" with 37 tracks, each one by  
somebody different, in Banshee and Rhythmbox the 37 performers will show up  
in the library whereas in Exaile the 37 tracks will be attributed to a single  
one performer, 36 of then mistakenly, whilst the other 36 performers will be  

-"Playback error encountered! no suitable plugins found".  Exaile can't play  
my music collection.

Amongst Banshee and Rhythmbox I found that both allow for internet radio and  
Last.fm, but Banshee interface is visually better.  So in spite of having  
said in the thread "Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by  
category : Multimedia" that "I have beek OK so far with Rhythmbox.", Banshee  
is the one that I like the most and will be using from now on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread agullo
Your comment has made me to open it and search throughtout the menus of  
gThumb viewer... nothing.  Then, I noticed two icons at the right, that  
opened additional menus with tools, and sure, Red Eye Removal is there.

So, I agree on gThumb over Shotwell or F-Spot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread agullo

We have a small disagreement I think is worth a bit of discussion...:
-Ekiga: since, like, 2009, everytime I install a new system I look for Ekiga,  
install it if absent, and try to make it work... and fail.  Still, I am  
willing to give it more chances.  There's got to be an alternative to  
closed-source Skype and WhatsApp.
-I suppose not much people use FileZilla, so it might not need to be present  
in the beginners' set.
-An email client is the only way I know of getting guaranteed  
encrypted-e-mail extreme-to-extreme (now I have run out of hyphens).  Yes,  
very few of my correspondants use encryption, and most of my mail goes  
unencrypted, but I want to keep the door open for that to change, and that  
door is offering everybody Icedove+Enigmail so they can start using  
encryption any moment they feel like doing it.
-I take advantage of this post to say that any of Abrowser/IceCat are good  
for me, I forgot to mention them on my original post.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread mtlben
Are you sure about that?  I was a gThumb user a couple of years ago and  
remember the red eyes fix feature very well, as it was very easy to use and  
worked like a charm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread agullo
I forgot about PeaZip - I had it in Ubuntu, but lost in when I moved in to  
Trisquel because it is not in the Trisquel repositories.  I really like  
PeaZip.  It may not open as many formats as File Roller (or Archive Manager)  
can, but I think that its cleanliness of interface make it better for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread tegskywalker
We all know its a fork, so there is no need to have Caja and Nautilus  
installed when only Caja is needed for desktop rendering and file management.  
It is the default file manager for MATE and the Ubuntu MATE distro after all.  
If you haven't been aware of the Nautilus project the past few years, people  
actually like Caja and Nemo better as newer Nautilus releases have removed  
features. Caja and Nemo have retained the previous features and added some of  
their own.

You can even install the newest Nemo (v3) from  
for Ubuntu 16.04/Trisquel 8. I can see a point in using this if you are using  
Nautilus on Ubuntu, but MATE's Caja is more than enough.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Accessories

2016-12-07 Thread agullo
I already mentioned Evince, Okular and Cups in the Office section.  Agree on  
Pfd Shuffler, and like Scribus too though get too idea it is of big size and  
don't know how widely it is used.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread agullo
Yes, of course Inkscape and GIMP are excellent, though I don't how widely  
used they are.

I agree gThumb is good, as a matter of fact I have it installed.  Hoever,  
gThumb lacks a feature which I find essential in a photo manager - red eyes  
fix.  Both Shotwell and F-Spot have it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread greatgnu
I wasn't recommending it as the archive manager, I was just answering this  
part, as I like it for dem rars and for other few features. Peazip is great.

>Unless it has changed since Trisquel, 'unrar-free' only supports old  
versions of RAR, whereas 'unar' supports later versions.  

[Trisquel-users] Full list of Trisquel ISO (image) mirrors/servers

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp
I've recently found http://jenkins.trisquel.info/makeiso/iso/ from OMG Ubuntu  

I was staring eyes on http://mirror.fsf.org/trisquel-images/ for possible  
aplha,beta version of Trisquel 8.0, though I can understand that only final  
version can be found there.

I've visited https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/mirroring-trisquel but haven't  
find mentioned mirror in the list.

So, Can I've full list of mirrors where Trisquel ISO images including  
development (alpha,beta) versions can be found?

[Trisquel-users] gnuzilla filters down

2016-12-07 Thread no-email

It had been many days that the gnuzilla filters are down, what's wrong?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
I don't see a graphical archive manager there. Perhaps you misunderstand what  
p7zip-full is? Archive managers such as File-Roller use this to open  
encrypted 7z archives.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread onpon4
The only thing I've seen of Peazip is that it isn't able to open the ReTux  
archives because it forbids including "|" as part of an entered password. I  
have nothing against Peazip, but I don't see why you would exchange a more  
capable archive manager for a less capable one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread greatgnu
Peazip is great and supports everything AFAIK, but AFAIK it is not in the  
Bunnunntu repo.


Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-07 Thread greatgnu

>Anything over Rhythmbox, which is notoriously buggy. I quite like Banshee,

You may want to try Exaile.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Installation shortcuts in Trisquel 8 instead of pre-installed apps?

2016-12-07 Thread lcerf
What you suggest basically is to make a menu from the current "Add/Remove  
Applications" (or whatever it is called), where a choice already exists (only  
graphical applications) and where applications already are categorized.

In my opinion, showing all possible options in the main menu would be  
overwhelming.  Some users would immediately give up on Trisquel (many users  
barely install anything by fear of wrong doing).  Other users would start  
installing many applications (newbies have neither heard of Abrowser nor of  
IceCat, etc.), some of the randomly installed applications would not be  
user-friendly at all, many dependencies would get installed (e.g., GNOME  
libraries + KDE libraries + Mono + ...) and the system will end up being  
quite a mess: no integration between the different applications as in  
Trisquel 7 (between the different system tools, between the file manager and  
the archive manager and the backup system and ...), graphically different  
interfaces (Frankenstein monster's syndrome) and, of course, the system would  
not be minimal at all (including heavier on Trisquel's server: more updates  
to download).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread lcerf
Unless it has changed since Trisquel, 'unrar-free' only supports old versions  
of RAR, whereas 'unar' supports later versions.  Also, I see no need to  
substitute GNOME's archive manager, FileRoller.  It is good.

[Trisquel-users] My five cents to the "Trisquel 8 Software Proposal" matter..

2016-12-07 Thread someone


these are my software proposal for Trisquel 8


I'm far too lazy to divide my suggestions between all the topics already  
opened that's why I put them all in one post.

I don't use the same groups all the topics already opened use.
I refer to Debian's package name (exception made for Abrowser) but I am  
confident you are able to find Ubuntu one  by yourself :-)

BASIC SET (to keep the iso as small as possible)


Group "System Tools"
Group "Network Tools"
Group "Peripherals Tools"
Group "Multimedia -> Players/Viewers
Group "Office"
Group "Internet"


Group "Home"
Group "Internet"
Group "Multimedia -> Collections"
Group "Multimedia -> Dvd Authoring"
Group "Multimedia -> Editors"
Group "Multimedia -> Rippers"
Group "Multimedia -> Tools"
Group "Software Development"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread tirifto
For the photo manager, I'd like to mention gThumb. I only used it briefly a  
long while back, but I remember it being pretty nice and working with images  
in already existing directory structure. It also seems to be more actively  
developed than F-spot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread tirifto
From my experience, it doesn't. MyPaint is a painting program aimed at  
graphic tablet users, resembling a traditional drawing experience in many  
ways. While it does offer advanced functions, it's image manipulation  
abilities are very limited from what I can remember. I don't think a  
selection tool is even present.

I don't think the average user would utilize MyPaint a lot. GIMP is aimed at  
image manipulation and while complex, I don't remember seeing any program  
that would be notably simpler yet offer advanced enough features.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Please contritube to Trisquel 8!

2016-12-07 Thread pinmaritim
Can some of you please help Salman (who is working on the installer) & update  
the page with users proposals


I personnaly have no time actually ( i just spent 6 month working on the  
french wiki) and it's no longer possible for me to spend x hours per day on  
this project..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp

**GIMP** AND **ImageMagic**

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Accessories

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp
Evince, qpdfview or Okular, Pdf Chain or Pdf Shuffler 

[Trisquel-users] Installation shortcuts in Trisquel 8 instead of pre-installed apps?

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
It just occurs to me that there might be a way to completely sidestep the  
debates about the default application set in Trisquel 8. What if we don't  
install any apps by default that aren't essential to the running of the base  
OS and the desktop environment? Instead, we fill the application menu with  
installation shortcuts to all the mature GNU/Linux apps we think people might  
want to use. This might require a second layer of categories. For example,  
when I mouse-over 'internet' it brings up a list of application *types*, eg  
browser, email, download manager. When I mouse-over 'browser', it brings up a  
list of browsers, eg ABrowser, IceCat etc

When a user clicks on the shortcut, the app installs from the repos. Once  
it's installed, it either replaces the secondary category altogether (eg when  
I install IceCat it replaces 'web browser' in the 'Internet' menu), or there  
is a visual change in it's menu item to indicate that it's installed and  
ready to use. The second option might be better, as it allows people to test  
multiple apps in the same subcategory to see which they prefer.

* the default installation is super-minimal
* we don't have to haggle over mutually exclusive options
* we can offer users trivially easy access to a wide range of user apps  
without having to install them all by default
* users aren't installing a set of apps they may never use with their OS,  
just because there are other users that do use them
* users migrating from Windows or MacOSX are likely to see cross-platform  
apps they are familar with, and can choose to use those without having to  
learn how to install non-default apps from repos using existing methods  
(Synaptic, Apt-get etc). This will help them feel more at home on Trisquel.

* good chance of confusing people who are used to the traditional approach of  
a default app set

* there are probably others but I can't think of them right now

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : System Tools

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp

Sybaptic, Hardinfo, Modem Manager GUI.

Packages: randr, gworldclock, cups-pdf, dpkg-dev, gksu, libnotify-bin,  
p7zip-full, unrar-free, wmctr, xdotool

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp


Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
* Ekiga? I vote no. I've never managed to get it to work, and WebRTC systems  
like Meet.jit.si and Palava.tv make a local app for voice/ video chat  
obselete. Put Ekiga in the repos for anyone who knows how to use it and wants  
* I vote for Transmission. It's always worked fine for me and it's  
cross-platform, which means there's a better chance someone migrating to  
Trisquel from Windows or MacOSX will have used it. Does anyone even use eMule  
* Filezilla? I vote no. I haven't used an FTP client for at least a decade,  
CMS have made them mostly obselete. Put it in the repos for those who want to  
use it.
* I abstain on the question of email client. I mostly use webmail, but I can  
see an argument for encouraging people to keep their own mail on their local  
drive, managed via a local client. If I had to choose I would prefer IceDove  
to Evolution.
* Does anyone other than ubergeeks like us actually use RSS? Confession: I  
don't :P
* Does anyone use local IM clients? If we need it, Pidgin is a good choice,  
as it's cross-platform (see my point on Transmission).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Multimedia

2016-12-07 Thread pandyadeepp


Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Office

2016-12-07 Thread dooleyn

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Internet

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
I know very few people who use offline email clients at all. IceDove would be  
a better choice than Thunderbird, and also provides support XMPP and IRC. A  
client for GNU Social and other free code social media apps would be great,  
but I can't suggest one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Office

2016-12-07 Thread strypey

Document editor: LibreOffice - yes!
Dictionary: Mate Dictionary - ok.
PDF viewer?
Text Editor: MousePad or LeafPad? I know this is usually in Accessories but I  
think it would be easier for new users to find under Office. I often want to  
quickly tap out some text without risking a web-based text field losing my  
work, and without loading the bulk of a full document editor just to type  
plain text.

User-friendly support for printers/ faxes/ scanners would be great too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Office

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
I'm not sure how necessary a desktop email client is these days, but an  
address book and a calendar are definitely useful things to have, as contact  
and information information is sensitive, and should be stored on and  
accessed from a local drive with a local app, even if there is some secure  
integration with online apps. I like the way I can pop up a month view from  
the desktop toolbar, but it would be even better if whatever backend program  
supports this could also support other calendar functions like adding events/  
appointments, synchronizing with online calendar apps (eg CozyCloud,  
NextCloud, Hubzilla) etc. It would be great if I could access my local  
address book from a webmail client like RoundCube (used by RiseUp and  
OpenMailBox), with appropriate authentication. Does Zimbra do these sorts of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-12-07 Thread strypey
Thanks so much to Reuben and everyone else who has worked on this alpha  
release. I look forward to testing whatever is the latest test version when I  
get back home after summer.