Re: [Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-02 Thread masonhock
I attempted to liberate the CHIP (which is only $9) a while back. I got stuck  
due to my lack of knowledge of compiling a kernel, but maybe you can get  
further with that than I did. You’ll need

- the CHIP
- a USB WiFi adapter
- a paperclip

(1) Replace the CHIP’s default OS with vanilla Debian. I can confirm that  
the Ubuntu instructions work for Trisquel 7, so you don’t need to use the  
evil Chrome thing they recommend.

(2) Build open-ath9k-htc-firmware so that your USB WiFi adapter will work.

(3) Replace NextThingCo’s kernel. I was able to deblob it using FSFLA’s  
linux-libre scripts
but I could not figure out how to compile it for armhf and get it working on  
the CHIP. If you can manage that, all you’ll need to do next is

(4) remove the non-free WiFi firmware, GPU firmware, and kernel via $ sudo  
apt-get remove chip-mali-modules-4.4.13-ntc-mlc chip-mali-userspace  
rtl8723bs-bt rtl8723bs-bt-mp-driver-common  
rtl8723bs-mp-driver-modules-4.4.13-ntc-mlc linux-image-4.4.13-ntc-mlc The  
other packages from NTC’s repository that are installed by default are all  
GPL or another libre license. I didn’t investigate the ones that aren’t  
installed by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-11-02 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I think there is something missing in your profile --- generally
"${HOME}/.profile", although some people prefer to edit "/etc/profile"
or also "${HOME}/.bashrc".

Here is my recommendations, in this order:

1. Remove the symlinks;

2. Open a text editor;

3. Open a terminal;

4. In the terminal, type:

   echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS

5. Use the text editor to copy the result of the last command;

6. Make sure that your "profile" has at least some lines similar to these:

---cut here---start--
source "${HOME}/.guix-profile/etc/profile"
export GUIX_LOCPATH="${HOME}/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
export SSL_CERT_DIR="${HOME}/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs"
export SSL_CERT_FILE="${HOME}/.guix-profile/ca-certificates.crt"
---cut here---end

7. Now, in the next line after "export GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=...",
   make sure to type something like this:

---cut here---start--
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${HOME}/.guix-profile/share:[original $XDG_DATA_DIRS]"
---cut here---end

   In my case, I have this:

---cut here---start--
---cut here---end

8. Now log out and back in (no need to reboot). The applications should
   be in the menus now, and the software installed through GNU Guix
   should have icons if you already have at least "adwaita-icon-theme"
   installed through GNU Guix. "hicolor-icon-theme" might also be

If for some reason, during a package upgrade/install/removal using GNU
Guix, the applications disappear from the menus, everything will still
work as usual (including the icons inside the software). If you do want
the applications to appear again in the menus, you can simply log out
and back in. writes:

> Packages installed with Guix still don't feel "native", and they look funny.
> The theme does not match the system theme.
> Programs do not show up in menus without some symlinking, and even
> then, the icons are blank.
> The desktop doesn't recognize Guix programs in "Open with..." and Alt+F2.
> Borders to some elements can be missing, so tooltips will be lone text
> with no border or background.  Buttons in windows are similar.
> Some programs don't run at all, like youtube-dl and Gajim.
> Fcitx, the tool for typing foreign languages, does not change keyboard
> layouts and conflicts with already-running ibus.

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-11-02 Thread csh

Packages installed with Guix still don't feel "native", and they look funny.

The theme does not match the system theme.

Programs do not show up in menus without some symlinking, and even then, the  
icons are blank.

The desktop doesn't recognize Guix programs in "Open with..." and Alt+F2.

Borders to some elements can be missing, so tooltips will be lone text with  
no border or background.  Buttons in windows are similar.

Some programs don't run at all, like youtube-dl and Gajim.

Fcitx, the tool for typing foreign languages, does not change keyboard  
layouts and conflicts with already-running ibus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-02 Thread svhaab

What about olimex and banana pi?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which browser should one use if one is after stability and support for existing features?

2017-11-02 Thread alonivtsan
ALSA is part of Linux, the kernel, so it is probably more common than the  
optional sound server PulseAudio. 

[Trisquel-users] Re : any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-02 Thread lcerf
The Libre Tea Computer Card (65$) plus the Micro Desktop Housing (55$, which  
you will not have to pay again when updating the card) is more expensive that  
what you are looking for but it is more powerful too (in particular twice  
more RAM) and includes 8 GB NAND for storage:

[Trisquel-users] any FOSS alternatives to raspberry pi?

2017-11-02 Thread sora
I am currently using a raspberry pi but it is non-free hardware and  
firmware(bootcode) the software has binary blobs and the RPI foundation seems  
to include licensed wolfram and java as default installed. Although there are  
projects on reverse engineering bootcode to make it FLOSS but it appears to  
take lonng. I bought it since it is the only thing available that can be  
easily bought at a low price ($48). I am looking for alternatives that is  
free open source software and hardware that is low cost too.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Which browser should one use if one is after stability and support for existing features?

2017-11-02 Thread lcerf
As far as I understand, Mozilla's main point is how these technologies  
prevent Firefox's core from easily evolving, especially performance-wise.

An exception was made for Flash but it is easier to maintain NPAPI working  
for Flash than for any plugin.  That said, I had rather see Flash support  
dropped today (the same holds for EME, of course).  Flash support will be  
dropped soon since Adobe "will stop updating and distributing the Flash  
Player at the end of 2020":

As for "add-on developers who will switch to other browsers", they would  
switch to Chrome/Chromium, which unfortunately dominates the market:

In fact, I believe most add-ons for Firefox exist for Chrome.  Their  
developers love the API change.  Since it is that of Chrome, they have far  
less porting work.  For those only developing for Firefox or Chrome, they  
will probably start supporting the other browser (again, it is little work)  
and I see little reason to stop supporting the browser they come from.

Old unmaintained add-ons will indeed break.  But it looks like a reasonable  
price to pay for improved performance.  After all, if nobody wants to  
maintain the add-on, it is probably not that useful.

The reasons you report to drop sound support on GNU/Linux without PulseAudio  
("requires more work to support than Pulseaudio", "focus on other features in  
the browser"), combined with the overwhelming dominance of PulseAudio in  
modern GNU/Linux distributions, make a good argument, don't they?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-11-02 Thread pinmaritim

No need to be sorry, i do the same..;-)
I presume it has to do that there is actually less people demanding for  
tecnical help due to the fact that most Trisquel user's have had their T7  
system up and running for a while and have solved their issues, so we tend to  
have general discussions instead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-11-02 Thread pinmaritim

--> @Strypey

This thread is very good, Doolio, Adfeno,  made some interesting comments on  
Guix, (with the Uruk script the install is cared for by the script.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-11-02 Thread strypey
I still dont understand *what* Guix is, or *why* I would want to use it.  
Until I understand these things, I have no motivation to struggle my way  
through technical manuals. Please. Explain. Like. I'm. 5.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-11-02 Thread strypey

Sorry Mangy Dog, my bad. I'll do my best best to follow your suggestion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which browser should one use if one is after stability and support for existing features?

2017-11-02 Thread alonivtsan
NPAPI "plugins are a source of performance problems, crashes, and security  

Mozilla didn't remove the entire NPAPI code base. They still support Adobe  
Flash. If the stability and security bothered them so much, they would have  
removed the entire NPAPI code base. You can watch videos in the browser using  
HTML5 and Flash alternatives like Gnash (if they work) but you cannot use VLC  
or mpv. The reason Mozilla supports HTML5 and Flash is not due to security  
but rather in order not to break websites which require these technologies so  
that users will not leave them. If they cared so much about NPAPI security,  
they could have improved the security of the relevant code in their browser  
(and worked with free software NPAPI add-ons as well so that they would be  
secure as well). They removed partial support for NPAPI because they didn't  
want to support it anymore (and because only a minority of users use NPAPI  
plugins which aren't Flash) and because other browsers did it as well. It's  
the same reason why they added H264 and DRM to the browser - other browsers  
did it and they were afraid users would leave them if these features weren't  

WebExtensions' API does not expose Firefox's internals as much as XUL/XPCOM,  
eases developers' life (almost no work to port from Chrome to Firefox) and,  
as a consequence, will get us more add-ons.

Removing web extensions is more likely to alienate existing add-on developers  
who will switch to other browsers and not bother to create new addons (which  
might not even be possible). Mozilla doesn't lack add-ons, so it doesn't need  
add-on developers to port add-ons from other browsers. The chances are that  
for most users several existing add-ons will break, and they will simply  
switch to other browsers such as Google's browser, which will reduce  
Mozilla's browser's market share even further.

I can imagine users refusing to install Mozilla's browser if they do not wish  
to use PulseAudio, since it is the only main browser not to support ALSA.  
GNU/Linux users already lost sound when they upgraded Mozilla's browser (you  
can read about it here:  
) and chances are they simply switched browsers if they couldn't be bothered  
to (or refused to) install PulseAudio. The reason Mozilla dropped support for  
ALSA was because it requires more work to support than Pulseaudio (and  
because much more work is required to support sound as Mozilla added support  
to new audio and video formats in recent years), so they preferred to drop  
support so they could focus on other features in the browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU Ada lamguage: A good reference for our GNU system commerce?

2017-11-02 Thread strypey
Hi GD_Scania, I'm guessing from this post, as well as your comments on other  
threads, that English is not your first language. Good on your for making the  
effort to learn it so you can communicate with more people. However, I really  
have no idea what this post is about. Can you repost with more context,  
links, and clearer explanations of what you want us to understand?

>> I have proudly announced an GNU OS and build system project for commerce  
>... our GNU wiki has told that GNU Ada language is a beneficial free  
software commerce, they dnt sell sources or binaries but sell LTS contracts.  
> But my business model is, the only rolling system and build service are  
sources-based only and gratis, like the Ada language offering sources and  
binaries by gratis. > But 2 editions of LTS systems are, sources-based  
edition not needing payments and worries of hardware architectures, but  
needing knowledge to handle sources. > Finally there is a paid and  
binaries-based edition of my LTS system, specific for embedded hardware  
systems, like the Ada language selling LTS contracts. > For EVERY editions  
you dnt need to worry for licenses which every nonfreeware are needed to be  
excluded, for what we are required to be an GNU system. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum Moderation Idea

2017-11-02 Thread strypey
This has been discussed before, and I'm aware that the people maintaining  
this website and its forums probably have more pressing things to do with  
their time (eg work on Trisquel 8 ;). However, for the record, I think it  
would be good to have at least three forum areas:
* Trisquel help: a place for people to seek help with installing and using  
Trisquel (eg GRUB problems), fixing common problems (eg replacing GEdit with  
a text editor that works properly like MousePad or Leafpad), and with using  
the default applications that come with any versions of Trisquel still being  
* Free apps/ services help: a place for people to seek help with installing  
and using free code applications and web services that are not part of  
Trisquel, but fit with its software freedom mission. Eg discussions about  
what to use instead of Skype, federated social media apps, freedom respecting  
email hosts etc.
* Community discussion: a place for any discussions relevant to the software  
freedom movement, that don't fit into either of the first two categories.  
Discussions about the pros and cons of other distros, free hardware designs  
and obtaining hardware built from them, business models that support software  
freedom etc etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mint Cindy (LMDE 3) not yet removes nonfree

2017-11-02 Thread strypey
In my considerable experience installing GNU-Linux for beginners migrating  
off Windows, Mint is by far the best choice. It just works, on every piece of  
hardware I've thrown it at. When a newbie has that kind of first experience -  
a computer that works better when GNU-Linux is installed and not worse - they  
are more likely to make a successful transition to being a committed  
GNU-Linux user. Then, as they start to understand the deeper issues of  
software freedom, they can use the skills they've gained installing and using  
Mint to try out a FSF-endorsed distros like Trisquel, with the confidence to  
troubleshoot any issues that come up.

If someone is already passionately committed to software freedom principles,  
but lacks install experience, then of course I'd recommend Trisquel from the  
get-go, because I know they wouldn't be put off by the inconveniences of  
non-working hardware, websites that behave strangely etc. I was that kind of  
user, and I wish someone had recommended Trisquel to me when it first came  
out, so I could have skipped all my frustrating years of Ubuntu with Unity.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-02 Thread strypey
Keep your hair on Calher. There may be good reasons someone wants to start a  
new project rather than join an existing one. A friendly suggestion to help  
with an existing distro is fine. But it's just mean to tell people their  
efforts to help free software are "harmful and helps nobody", or "a waste of  
labor", and nobody should ever, *ever*, be told to "be ashamed" for any kind  
of work on free software.